This week on ADVFN’s premium newsletters you could read top tips and market analysis about the following companies and issues:
Tom Winnifrith’s Nifty Fifty newsletter looked at Petropavlovsk (LSE:POG) whose mining activities have hit a delay due to the weather and whose debt is going to be refinanced, Sanderson (LSE:SND) which has just announced its results, and InterQuest (LSE:ITQ). The Short Letter looked at Purecircle (LSE:PURE).
To read what they said about these companies, subscribe to the newsletter.
The Hot Stock Rockets team has updates on several companies it previously tipped: Optiobiotix (LSE:OPTI), Red Rock (LSE:RRR) and Obtala (LSE:OBT).
Read what they said about these companies by subscribing.
On his Contrarian Investor newsletter, Clem Chambers continues to discuss the twin shocks of Brexit and Trump, and how the markets are responding.
Find out what he thinks by subscribing to the newsletter.
The OMG blog (Opportunity 4 Material Gains) has a track of record of analysing AIM companies and recommendation ones that are going to rise. This week in the weekly review they look at WYG (LSE:WYG), Personal Group (LSE:PGH) and CML Microsystems (LSE:CML) among others. They looked in detail at Tricorn (LSE: TCN), a small UK engineering company which is benefiting from the lower pound.
Read what they have to say about these companies by subscribing to the newsletter.
On the Deep Value Shares newsletter, Professor Glen Arnold looks at company fundamentals in depth, examining all aspects of a company’s financials before deciding whether to recommend the company or not. This week he discusses why he was wrong about Havelock Europa (LSE:HVE).