2 weeks ago
It's a bunch of words on a piece of paper from 6 months ago for now, like all the rest of their PRs.
@TucsonPhil - no
Bemax Inc. will issue Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000) in Restricted Common Shares of Bemax, Inc. (OTC Pink: BMXC) to be paid to Kona Gold Beverage, Inc. (OTC Pink: KGKG) shareholders in the form of a dividend.
How do we think they might divvy up these supposed diaper shares? $200,000 worth to each of us? 60 million shares divided by the number of shareholders? Proportionally by the number of the 6.19 billion shares owned? No specificity, no timeline, no filings. Sound familiar? Hmmm...NuVibe! Wait...Hydrate D9! Surge! Merge! Pick your poison.
Guess we'll find out one day. Or not. Good that you're the optimistic type.
2 weeks ago
Really ? , Then what is this PR ?
"We are thrilled to officially welcome Kona Gold, LLC to the Bemax family," said Taiwo Aimasiko, CEO of Bemax, Inc. "This acquisition aligns perfectly with our vision to diversify and strengthen our market presence. By integrating Kona Gold's innovative product line and strong brand loyalty with Bemax's robust operational capabilities, we are well-positioned to drive significant growth and deliver enhanced value to our shareholders."
As part of the acquisition agreement, Bemax Inc. will issue Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000) in Restricted Common Shares of Bemax, Inc. (OTC Pink: BMXC) to be paid to Kona Gold Beverage, Inc. (OTC Pink: KGKG) shareholders in the form of a dividend. This arrangement reflects Bemax's commitment to providing tangible value to the shareholders of both companies, ensuring a mutually beneficial outcome from this transaction.
3 weeks ago
KGKG (Kona Gold Beverage, Inc.) sold subsidiary Kona Gold LLC, they did not sell KGKG, so there will be no diaper dividends in anyone's future unless you buy BMXC by 3/28/25.
is proud to announce the successful completion of its acquisition of Kona Gold, LLC from Kona Gold Beverage, Inc. (OTC Pink: KGKG).
3 weeks ago
The diaper company website was updated on or after 1/6/2025 when they announced a dividend.
Presumably, the "Management Team" of Bemax, Inc., Taiwo A., President & CEO, has authority, access, and responsibility to update that site. You could call or message them and ask.
Contact Us
Bemax Inc. 625 Silver Oak Drive, Dallas, GA 30132
(+1) 770 391 7250 Contact Us
Kona Gold, LLC (a subsidiary of Kona Gold Beverage Inc.) was sold to the diaper company, NOT Kona Gold Beverages, Inc. (the holding company that is supposed to become NuVibe).
There is no "Kona Gold Beverage, LLC" website because there is no "Kona Gold Beverage, LLC."
"NuVibe" does not currently exist anywhere in any form, and Kona Gold Beverages, Inc. has nothing to with the diaper company (as far as we know).after the sale of Kona Gold, LLC.
There is no mention of Kona Gold, LLC or any related products anywhere on the diaper company ( site.
The real question is who has authority, access, and responsibility to update the diaper company Kona Gold Beverage, LLC website? Is NUVIBE, inc. responsible or the diaper company?
4 weeks ago
Your statement, "And i suspect if the change actually happened we would see it reflected on the site as well as confirmed in a release." might be correct. However, there is a good possibility"Kona Gold Beverages, LLC's" website might have been sold with it. A good possibility a new website bearing name "NUVIBE,Inc" is being built.
There is no need for the company that acquired Kona Gold Beverage, LLC to publish information on another company.
Just my opinion.