RNS Number : 0488F

Lewis(John) PLC

05 March 2020

John Lewis plc announces the unaudited results for 52 weeks ended 25 January 2020 for John Lewis Partnership plc

John Lewis Partnership plc is the ultimate holding company of John Lewis plc

Thursday 5 March 2020


Note: A glossary of financial and non-financial terms is included at the end of this document.


Dear Partner,

I am writing to you today as a fellow co-owner of the John Lewis Partnership to share our financial results for 2019/20.

We are the largest employee-owned business in the UK and amongst the largest in the world. We are to all intents and purposes a social enterprise; the profits that we make are reinvested into the business - for our customers and our Partners.

Our constitution requires us to make sufficient profit to keep the Partnership going, not the highest amount possible, and to put our customers and our Partners ahead of profit.

Throughout 2019 Partners right across the business have shown incredible passion for and commitment to our customers, and continue to do so. I have seen this first hand in all the visits I have made since I became Chairman - from our contact centre in Hamilton to our textile mill at Herbert Parkinson; from our distribution centre at Magna Park to our Waitrose store in Mill Hill.


With the hard work of Partners, we made GBP123m of profit [1] in 2019/20, which is 23% less than we made in 2018/19. This is a weaker performance than we had hoped for, driven by significantly reduced profitability in John Lewis. Despite a solid performance in Waitrose, it is our third year of declining profit across the Partnership as a whole. This year we saw a one-off reduction in the value of our John Lewis shops of GBP123m, principally as a result of shops playing less of a role in driving online purchases.

Profits in 2019/20 were at the lower end of what we had forecast. We are, therefore, awarding a bonus this year of 2%. I believe this is prudent and affordable and it recognises the contribution made by Partners working in the business today without creating risk for our future sustainability. The result is that we are able to continue to invest in our customers and pay down more of our debt - this year our total net debts has fallen as a ratio of cash flow from 4.3 to 3.9 times.

The Partnership's strengths

We have considerable strengths as a business:

   --    We have passionate and committed Partners who have huge creativity and innovation. 

-- We have two of the best loved brands among UK customers. Waitrose is the Which? supermarket of the year [2] and John Lewis recently topped a YouGov poll [3] for the high street's most recommended brand.

-- We are a 'purpose-led' business that aims to put people and the planet before profit. We do not make out to be perfect but we do seek to take an ethical approach to business and help our customers to shop more sustainably.

   --    Our co-ownership model means we can invest for the long-term benefit of our customers. 

Looking back on the last year, I am particularly proud of the investment we make each year in community and environmental projects. Examples include our 'Unpacked' trial that reduces the amount of plastics used for fresh food and staples in our Waitrose shops, which we will be extending this year, and our partnership with the charity Fareshare that gave festive meals to more than 1,500 people who might otherwise have gone without.

Priorities for the year ahead

There are areas of the business where we know we need to serve customers better. In John Lewis we will be refreshing our home offering, introducing more inspirational and contemporary ranges with improved pricing and delivery. We will also be making improvements to John Lewis online to make it easier to shop.

We will be investing significantly in Waitrose.com, ahead of our partnership with Ocado ending in September. Sales growth through Waitrose.com was 13% up in 2019/20. We are also recruiting 2,400 new Partners and building a new fulfilment centre in Enfield to meet increased demand for Waitrose products online.

All of us are aware of the challenges in retail. New technology means that shoppers have never had so much choice, value and convenience. That is to be celebrated. And there is great opportunity for retailers who have an intimate understanding of their customers to respond to them in an agile fashion. Every Partner can make a difference this year by focusing relentlessly on service - wherever they are in the business. If we get it right, customers will return to shop with us and we'll earn their lifelong loyalty.

Future Partnership will slim down our head office functions and promote closer working between Partners in Waitrose and John Lewis. It will cut costs and over time make it easier for customers to shop across the two brands. As we restructure, we will take care not to lose the distinctive nature of the two brands.

Strategic review

We need to reverse our profit decline and return to growth so that we can invest more in our customers and in our Partners. This will require a transformation in how we operate as a Partnership and could take three to five years to show results. We are stepping into a vital new phase for the Partnership and I have no doubt we will come through it stronger.

Last month I spoke at Partnership Council about the Strategic Review of the Partnership that we are now launching. The review is being led by the executive team but all Partners - those of us who are active in the democracy and those who are not - will have the chance to contribute and shape our future. Further details will follow.

The Strategic Review will focus on how we strengthen our core retail business and develop new services outside retail. As part of this we will also look at 'right sizing' our store estate across both brands, through a combination of new formats and new locations; repurposing and space reductions of existing stores; and closures, where necessary. Over the last few years we have reviewed Waitrose stores that were no longer viable and today we are announcing three Waitrose stores that will close later this year at Helensburgh, Four Oaks and Waterlooville. These decisions are never taken lightly and every Partner who wishes to stay in the Partnership will be actively supported to do so.

At the outset of the Strategic Review I want to make clear that we will:

   --    Continue to be an employee-owned Partnership. 
   --    Retain our two brands - John Lewis and Waitrose. 

-- Put exceptional customer service at the heart of what we do - whether in store, online or in customers' homes.

-- Focus on quality and value, with Partners empowered to offer products and services that are more local.

   --    Put even greater emphasis on sustainability. 

The Strategic Review will be completed by the autumn and we will give a further update with our half year results. At the end of the review every Partner will be clear on the concrete plan and what the future means for their area and for the Partnership.

These are the most challenging but exciting times in retail for a generation. Together we have the opportunity to secure the Partnership not just for the next five years but for the next 100.

Best wishes


Partner & Chairman


                                            2019/20  2018/19   Change 
                                               GBPm     GBPm        % 
=========================================   =======  =======  ======= 
Gross sales                                  11,545   11,724   (1.5)% 
Profit before PB, tax, exceptional items 
 and IFRS 16                                    123      160  (23.1)% 
Adjusted cash flow                              621      618     0.5% 
Total net debts                               2,451    2,682   (8.6)% 
Revenue                                      10,151   10,317   (1.6)% 
Profit before tax                               146      117    24.8% 
Cash generated from operations before 
 PB                                             713      611    16.7% 
==========================================  =======  =======  ======= 

Throughout this document, alternative performance measures related to profit for 2019/20 are presented before IFRS 16 adjustments related to depreciation expenses on right-of-use assets and, where relevant, interest charges on lease liabilities, and before the removal of operating lease rental expenses. This is to provide a more meaningful comparison to 2018/19. A glossary of financial and non-financial terms is included at the end of this document.

Our Partnership profit before Bonus, tax, exceptionals and IFRS 16 was GBP123m, a weaker performance than we had hoped for, driven by significant operating profit decline in John Lewis, which was partly offset by operating profit growth in Waitrose, and lower net Group costs and finance costs.

John Lewis operating profits before exceptionals and IFRS 16 were down GBP75m to GBP40m, driven by weaker sales in Home and Electricals, IT investment to enable accelerated development of our customer proposition, and growth in non-management Partner pay well ahead of inflation, which was only partly offset by productivity improvements.

Waitrose operating profits before exceptionals and IFRS 16 grew by GBP10m to GBP213m. After excluding property profits of GBP16m (2018/19: GBPnil), it was down GBP6m, with the improvement in gross margins and a strong operational performance being offset by cost inflation, including investment in non-management Partner pay.

This year we adopted IFRS 16, the new accounting standard for leases, using the modified retrospective approach on transition. Our last year results are therefore not restated. Whilst IFRS 16 has decreased our reported Profit before tax by GBP53m, primarily due to the length of our lease portfolio, it does not change the underlying economics of our business and it has no impact on cash flows. Further details of the impact of IFRS 16 were included in our half-year results statement issued in September 2019.

After including exceptional income of GBP107m (2018/19: GBP2m), Partnership Bonus and the charge for adopting IFRS 16, our Profit before tax was GBP146m, up GBP29m or 25% on last year. Further details of exceptional items are included in Additional Financial Information, below.

Continued cash generation alongside our decision to close our final salary defined benefit pension scheme, enabled us to reduce total net debts by more than GBP230m. Our Debt Ratio improved to 3.9 times and we remain on track to reduce it to around three times cash flow within four years. We have also maintained a strong liquidity position at over GBP1.4bn, despite repaying our GBP275m bond in April 2019.


We are confident that our new products and services and focus on outstanding customer service will reinforce the strength of our brands. We are planning for the market to remain volatile, but expect continued cash generation, allowing us to further strengthen our balance sheet and maintain our level of investment.


                                  Waitrose                 John Lewis 
------------------------  ========================  ========================= 
                          2019/20  2018/19  Change  2019/20  2018/19   Change 
                             GBPm     GBPm       %     GBPm     GBPm        % 
========================  =======  =======  ======  =======  =======  ======= 
Gross sales               6,760.1  6,835.0  (1.1)%  4,784.7  4,889.1   (2.1)% 
LFL sales(i)               (0.2)%                    (1.8)% 
Revenue                   6,369.7  6,429.5  (0.9)%  3,781.6  3,887.2   (2.7)% 
Operating profit/(loss) 
 before PB, exceptional 
 items and IFRS 16          212.7    203.2    4.7%     39.5    114.7  (65.6)% 
Operating profit/(loss) 
 before PB(ii)              211.9    199.2    6.4%   (37.0)     92.6      n/m 
========================  =======  =======  ======  =======  =======  ======= 
   Note   (i) Waitrose like-for-like sales excludes fuel 

(ii) Operating profit/(loss) before PB is after including exceptional items and the adjustment for IFRS 16


Exceptional income totalled GBP107.4m (2018/19: GBP2.1m) with GBP30.6m charge in Waitrose (2018/19: GBP4.0m), GBP101.0m charge in John Lewis (2018/19: GBP22.1m) and GBP239.0m income in Group (2018/19: GBP28.2m). Further detail is included in the following table:

                                         2019/20  2018/19 
                                            GBPm     GBPm 
=======================================  =======  ======= 
Strategic restructuring and redundancy 
 programmes (a) 
      Head office reviews                 (35.6)   (19.3) 
      Physical estate                     (27.4)    (5.1) 
      Shop operations                      (0.7)    (6.7) 
                                         =======  ======= 
                                          (63.7)   (31.1) 
Branch impairments - Waitrose (b)           13.3        - 
Branch impairments - John Lewis (c)      (110.3)   (12.6) 
John Lewis supply chain (d)                  9.1      0.5 
Pay provision (e)                              -     30.3 
Defined benefit pension closure (f)        249.0        - 
Legal settlement (g)                        10.0     15.0 
                                           107.4      2.1 
=======================================  =======  ======= 

(a) Net charge of GBP63.7m (2018/19: GBP31.1m) for redundancy costs, project costs, onerous contract, asset impairments, accelerated depreciation and closure costs in relation to either the transformation of pan-Partnership functions and other head office operations, the programme of optimising our existing estate, or the review of our shop operating models.

(b) In 2017/18 a charge of GBP35.7m was recognised for branch impairments in Waitrose. A credit of GBP13.3m has been released as a result of improved branch performance.

(c) Net charge of GBP110.3m in relation to a GBP122.9m charge for branch impairments in John Lewis, principally reflecting a reassessment of the role that shops play in driving online purchases, and a credit of GBP12.6m for the release of an impairment charge previously recognised in 2018/19.

(d) Net income of GBP9.1m principally in relation to the disposal of a property as part of the John Lewis supply chain restructure.

(e) In 2018/19 there was a release of GBP30.3m following rectification payments and discussions with HMRC, from a provision recorded in 2016/17 to cover the potential costs of complying with the National Minimum Wage Regulations.

(f) Income of GBP249.0m for the reduction in pension obligations following the decision to close the defined benefit pension scheme. This removed the future link with final salary and instead increases in future pensions up to retirement will be in line with inflation.

(g) Income of GBP10.0m (2018/19: GBP15.0m) following the Partnership reaching a settlement in relation to an ongoing legal dispute.

Further disclosure of exceptional items will be included in the Annual Report and Accounts 2020 which will be published in April.


Net finance costs increased by GBP94.6m to GBP161.6m, principally due to the interest charge on outstanding lease liabilities following the adoption of IFRS 16 this year. Excluding the impact of IFRS 16, net finance costs reduced by GBP8.9m to GBP58.1m. This reduction is principally driven by reduced interest costs on borrowings following the repayment of financial debt and reduced pension finance costs due to a lower pension accounting deficit at the beginning of the year compared to the beginning of the previous year, partly offset by higher long leave finance costs arising from volatility in market driven assumptions.


For further information please contact:

John Lewis Partnership

Clayton Hirst, Partner & Head of Corporate and Public Affairs, 020 7592 6199

Debt investors

Lynn Lochhead, Partner & Head of Treasury and Corporate Finance, 0207 798 3443


This glossary gives an explanation of financial and non-financial terms included in the results statement

 TERM                         DEFINITION 
 Above market                 These are Partner benefits which are higher than 
  reward                       those typically paid by our competitors, as a result 
                               of the Partnership model. Above market reward principally 
                               includes pensions, long leave, Partner discount 
                               and costs of our democracy. This measure is important 
                               for adjusting our financial Key Performance Indicators 
                               (KPIs) to be able to assess them against our competitors. 
===========================  ============================================================================================= 
 Adjusted cash                Operating profit before PB, exceptional items, depreciation 
  flow                         and amortisation, but after IFRS 16, interest and 
                               tax. 2018/19 definition, which is before IFRS 16, 
                               is operating profit before PB, exceptional items, 
                               depreciation, amortisation and average one year 
                               lease payments, but after lease adjusted interest 
                               and tax. 
                               This measure is important to assess our Debt Ratio. 
                                                                   2019/20   2018/19 
                                                                      GBPm      GBPm 
                                Operating profit before PB 
                                 and exceptional items               231.5     227.0 
                                add back: 
                                Depreciation, amortisation 
                                 and write-offs                      552.7     414.4 
                                Average one year lease payments          -     190.7 
                                Lease adjusted interest            (145.1)   (175.1) 
                                Tax                                 (18.1)    (39.2) 
                                                                  --------  -------- 
                                Adjusted cash flow                   621.0     617.8 
                                                                  --------  -------- 
===========================  ============================================================================================= 
 Average NMP hourly           Average non-management Partner hourly pay for Partners 
  rate of pay                  on permanent contracts and aged 18 years old and 
===========================  ============================================================================================= 
 Capital investment           Cash outflows in relation to additions to tangible 
                               fixed assets (property, plant, and equipment), and 
                               intangible assets (IT software) recognised on the 
                               balance sheet. 
===========================  ============================================================================================= 
 Debt Ratio                   Comparison of our Total net debts to Adjusted cash 
                               flow. This measure is important as it provides an 
                               indication of our ability to repay our debts. 
                                                      2019/20   2018/19 
                                                         GBPm      GBPm 
                                Total net debts       2,451.2   2,682.2 
                                Adjusted cash flow      621.0     617.8 
                                Debt ratio                3.9       4.3 
===========================  ============================================================================================= 
 Exceptional items            Items of income and/or expense which are significant 
                               by virtue of their size and nature are presented 
                               as exceptional items. The separate reporting of 
                               exceptional items helps to provide an indication 
                               of the Partnership's underlying business performance. 
===========================  ============================================================================================= 
 Full-time equivalent         The hours worked by one Partner on a full time basis. 
  (FTE)                        The concept converts the hours worked by several 
                               part-time Partners into the hours worked by full-time 
                               Partners to enable like-for-like comparisons of 
===========================  ============================================================================================= 
 Gross sales                  Total sales of goods and services including sale 
                               or return sales and VAT, net of Partnership discount. 
                                                          2019/20     2018/19 
                                                             GBPm        GBPm 
                                Gross sales              11,544.8    11,724.1 
                                Sale or return sales      (275.6)     (259.0) 
                                Value added tax         (1,117.9)   (1,148.4) 
                                                       ----------  ---------- 
                                Revenue                  10,151.3    10,316.7 
                                                       ----------  ---------- 
===========================  ============================================================================================= 
 IFRS 16 adjustments          The 2019/20 year end is the first year in which 
                               the Partnership has adopted the new accounting standard 
                               IFRS 16 - Leases. The adjustments required to reflect 
                               the pre-IFRS 16 profit measures are set out below. 
                               The Partnership adopted the modified retrospective 
                               approach on transition to IFRS 16 and therefore 
                               the 2018/19 year end measures have not been restated. 
                                                                2019/20     2018/19 
                                                                   GBPm        GBPm 
                                Add back of operating lease       185.5           - 
                                 rental expenses 
                                IFRS 16 depreciation expenses   (134.7)           - 
                                IFRS 16 operating adjustment       50.8           - 
                                                               --------    -------- 
                                IFRS 16 interest charges        (103.5)           - 
                                                               --------    -------- 
                                IFRS 16 adjustment               (52.7)           - 
                                                               --------    -------- 
===========================  ============================================================================================= 
 Impairment                   A reduction in the value of an asset due to fall 
                               in the expected future economic benefits generated 
                               by the asset. 
===========================  ============================================================================================= 
 Like-for-like                Comparison of sales between two periods in time 
  (LFL) sales                  (e.g. this year to last year), removing the impact 
                               of branch openings and closures. Waitrose like-for-like 
                               sales excludes fuel. 
===========================  ============================================================================================= 
 Liquidity                    The cash and undrawn committed credit facilities 
                               we have available to us, which we can use to settle 
                               liabilities as they fall due. 
===========================  ============================================================================================= 
 Market comparator            John Lewis - British Retail Consortium (BRC) market. 
                               Waitrose - Kantar Worldpanel. 
===========================  ============================================================================================= 
 n/m                          Not meaningful. 
===========================  ============================================================================================= 
 Non-management               Level 9 and Level 10 Partners, excluding Assistant 
  Partners (NMP)               Section Managers in Waitrose. 
===========================  ============================================================================================= 
 Operating profit           Operating profit before PB, exceptionals and IFRS 
  before PB, exceptionals    16. This measure is important as it allows for a 
  and IFRS 16                comparison of underlying operating performance. 
                             2019/20                       Waitrose  John Lewis   Group  Partnership 
                                                               GBPm        GBPm    GBPm         GBPm 
                             Operating profit/(loss) 
                              before PB, exceptionals 
                              and IFRS 16                     212.7        39.5  (71.5)        180.7 
                                                           --------  ----------  ------  ----------- 
                             IFRS 16 operating 
                              adjustment                       29.8        24.5   (3.5)         50.8 
                                                           --------  ----------  ------  ----------- 
                             Operating profit/(loss) 
                              before PB and exceptionals      242.5        64.0  (75.0)        231.5 
                                                           --------  ----------  ------  ----------- 
                             Exceptional items               (30.6)     (101.0)   239.0        107.4 
                                                           --------  ----------  ------  ----------- 
                             Operating profit/(loss) 
                              before PB                       211.9      (37.0)   164.0        338.9 
                                                           --------  ----------  ------  ----------- 
                             2018/19                       Waitrose  John Lewis   Group  Partnership 
                                                               GBPm        GBPm    GBPm         GBPm 
                             Operating profit/(loss) 
                              before PB, exceptionals 
                              and IFRS 16                     203.2       114.7  (90.9)        227.0 
                                                           --------  ----------  ------  ----------- 
                             IFRS 16 operating                    -           -       -            - 
                                                           --------  ----------  ------  ----------- 
                             Operating profit/(loss) 
                              before PB and exceptionals      203.2       114.7  (90.9)        227.0 
                                                           --------  ----------  ------  ----------- 
                             Exceptional items                (4.0)      (22.1)    28.2          2.1 
                                                           --------  ----------  ------  ----------- 
                             Operating profit/(loss) 
                              before PB                       199.2        92.6  (62.7)        229.1 
                                                           --------  ----------  ------  ----------- 
=========================  ============================================================================================= 
 PB                         Partnership Bonus 
=========================  ============================================================================================= 
 Profit before              Profit before PB, exceptionals and IFRS 16. This 
  PB, tax, exceptional       measure is important as it allows for a comparison 
  items and IFRS             of underlying profit performance.                                        2019/20  2018/19 
  16                                                                    GBPm     GBPm 
                             Profit before PB, tax, exceptional 
                              items and IFRS 16                        122.6    160.0 
                                                                     -------  ------- 
                             IFRS 16 adjustment                       (52.7)        - 
                                                                     -------  ------- 
                             Profit before PB, tax and exceptional 
                              items                                     69.9    160.0 
                             Exceptional items                         107.4      2.1 
                             Partnership Bonus                        (30.9)   (44.7) 
                                                                     -------  ------- 
                             Profit before tax                         146.4    117.4 
                                                                     -------  ------- 
=========================  ============================================================================================= 
 Profit per average           Profit before PB and exceptional items but after 
  FTE                          IFRS 16 and tax, adjusted for above market reward, 
                               divided by the average number of full-time equivalent 
                               Partners. 2018/19 definition is before IFRS 16. 
                               This measure is important as it provides the best 
                               indication of Partner productivity. 
                                                                 2019/20   2018/19 
                                                                    GBPm      GBPm 
                                Profit before PB, tax and 
                                 exceptional items                  69.9     160.0 
                                Tax                               (18.1)    (39.2) 
                                Above market reward                160.0     183.3 
                                                                --------  -------- 
                                                                   211.8     304.1 
                                                                --------  -------- 
                                Average FTEs                      59,700    60,800 
                                Profit per average FTE (GBPk)        3.5       5.0 
                               Profit per average FTE declined by GBP1.5k, with 
                               GBP0.9k due to the impact of the adoption of IFRS 
                               16 in 2019/20. 
===========================  ============================================================================================= 
 Return on invested                     Operating profit before PB and exceptional items, 
  capital (ROIC)                         but after IFRS 16, adjusted for above market rewards 
                                         and a notional tax charge (at the statutory marginal 
                                         tax rate for the year), as a proportion of average 
                                         operating net assets. 2018/19 definition, which 
                                         is before IFRS 16, is operating profit before PB 
                                         and exceptionals, adjusted for above market rewards, 
                                         a notional interest on leases (at a 5% interest 
                                         rate on lease liabilities) and a notional tax charge 
                                         (at the statutory marginal tax rate for the year), 
                                         as a proportion of average operating net assets, 
                                         adjusted to reflect the value of leased assets. 
                                         The measure is important as it demonstrates how 
                                         effectively we are utilising our assets. 
                                                                               2019/20   2018/19 
                                                                                  GBPm      GBPm 
                                          Operating profit before PB 
                                           and exceptional items                 231.5     227.0 
                                          Above market rewards                   160.0     183.3 
                                          Notional interest on leases                -     105.1 
                                          Notional tax                          (74.4)    (97.9) 
                                                                             ---------  -------- 
                                                                                 317.1     417.5 
                                                                             ---------  -------- 
                                          Net assets                           2,543.5   2,620.0 
                                          add back: 
                                          Borrowings and overdrafts              762.6   1,047.2 
                                          Finance lease liabilities                  -      21.1 
                                          Pension deficit (net of deferred 
                                           tax)                                  378.0     404.7 
                                          IFRS 16 lease liabilities            2,094.9         - 
                                          Present value of operating 
                                           leases                                    -   2,076.4 
                                          Operational cash                       489.0     479.8 
                                          Cash and short term investments      (915.5)   (982.2) 
                                                                             ---------  -------- 
                                          Operating net assets                 5,352.5   5,667.0 
                                                                             ---------  -------- 
                                          Average operating net assets        5,512.2*   5,684.5 
                                          ROIC                                    5.8%      7.3% 
                                         * includes increase in opening net assets of GBP4.8m 
                                         on adoption of IFRS 16 
                                         ROIC declined by 1.5%, with 0.8% due to the impact 
                                         of the adoption of IFRS 16 in 2019/20. 
===========================  ============================================================================================= 
 Revenue investment           Investment spend recognised directly in the income 
===========================  ============================================================================================= 
 Total net debts                The Partnership's borrowings and overdrafts, lease 
                                 liabilities, derivative financial instruments and 
                                 IAS 19 pension deficit (net of deferred tax), less 
                                 any liquid cash, short-term deposits and investments. 
                                 The 2018/19 figure has not been restated for IFRS 
                                 16 and instead includes the comparative figures 
                                 for finance lease liabilities and the present value 
                                 of future rentals payable under operating leases 
                                 calculated using a 5% discount rate. 
                                                                       2019/20   2018/19 
                                                                          GBPm      GBPm 
                                  Borrowings and overdrafts              762.6   1,047.2 
                                  Finance lease liabilities                  -      21.1 
                                  Derivative financial instruments        17.7       2.5 
                                  Pension deficit (after deferred 
                                   tax)                                  378.0     404.7 
                                  IFRS 16 lease liabilities            2,094.9         - 
                                  Present value of operating leases          -   2,076.4 
                                  Liquid cash, short-term deposits 
                                   and investments                     (802.0)   (869.7) 
                                                                      --------  -------- 
                                  Total net debts                      2,451.2   2,682.2 
                                                                      --------  -------- 
===========================  ============================================================================================= 

[1] Profit before Partnership Bonus, tax, exceptional items and IFRS 16

[2] Which? annual supermarket survey - Published 22 February 2020

[3] YouGov High Street Recommended Rankings - Published 19 February 2020

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

March 05, 2020 03:15 ET (08:15 GMT)

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