RNS Number:4372D
06 September 2007

Chairman's statement

The Group profit before tax, biological asset and hyperinflation adjustments in
the half year to 30th June 2007 was #1,863,000, compared with #1,449,000 in the
half year to June 2006.

We have continued the disclosure we introduced at the year end of displaying the
biological asset and Zimbabwe hyperinflation adjustments as a separate column in
the profit and loss account. For the reasons I gave in my Chairman's statement
for 2006, shareholders are again urged to view these adjustments with caution
when assessing the Group's financial performance. Including these adjustments,
the Group profit before tax was #2,878,000 (half year to June 2006 #2,882,000).

A major reduction in Group borrowings was made last year when all of the #7.5
million of loan stock was converted into ordinary shares. This considerably
reduced the net interest cost, which was down to #246,000 in the half year to
June 2007 from #763,000 in the comparable period in 2006.

Profits for the Food group were down 6%. Tea production was stable, though a
combination of lower tea prices and cost inflation has squeezed margins.

The perishable businesses in Zambia recorded strong improvements. The rose
company, Khal Amazi, shipped 67 million stems in the first six months, a 45%
increase on the same period in 2006. The vegetable business has concentrated on
increasing pea production to satisfy the strong seasonal demand in Europe.

The Malawi macadamia cracking factory has operated for the first time, and
performance has been in line with expectation. With our maturing nut orchards,
we expect this to be an increasing contributor to profits.

Eastern Highlands, in Zimbabwe, is still facing difficult conditions. Although
it maintained its tea production, quality was adversely affected by innumerable
interruptions to the power supplies. Inflation and movements in the market
exchange rate have soared so much that it is impossible to track the true
financial performance of this business.

Following Jensen's successful raising of a new fund (Jensen Group I Limited
Partnership 'JGILP') in July 2006, I am pleased to report that it has now
effectively allocated the entire fund to investments in and around St Petersburg
. These investments have been made in four projects, three of which are detailed
in the Review of Activities for 2006. The fourth and final investment, made in
July 2007, was the acquisition of a portfolio of 12 properties in central St
Petersburg. The current leases of the properties are less than one year. The
intention is to restructure the leases and refinance the investment with medium/
long term bank loans. We are now considering the launch of a new fund.

The Food group businesses are seasonal, so predicting the Group's results for
the year before the new season begins is always difficult. Nevertheless, based
on the assumption that crops, prices and inflation/exchange rate movements
continue at current levels, we anticipate a satisfactory outcome for the full

The Board will consider making a dividend payment when the full year's results
are available.

Rupert Pennant-Rea


6 September 2007

PGI Group Plc

Interim condensed consolidated income statement

for the six months ended 30 June 2007

                                                              Six months ended 30 June

                                             2007                                             2006

                               Result before     Biological   Total    Result before     Biological     Total
                                  biological     assets and               biological     assets and  (restated)
                                  assets and hyperinflation               assets and hyperinflation
                              hyperinflation    adjustments           hyperinflation    adjustments
                                 adjustments                             adjustments       
---------------------   -----       --------        -------   -------        -------        -------      ------
operations             Notes          #000           #000      #000           #000           #000        #000
Revenue                   3         11,206           (416)   10,790         10,367             46      10,413
Cost of sales                       (5,077)           125    (4,952)        (4,522)           (24)     (4,546)
---------------------   -----       --------        -------   -------        -------        -------      ------
Gross profit                         6,129           (291)    5,838          5,845             22       5,867
---------------------   -----       --------        -------   -------        -------        -------      ------
Distribution costs                  (1,148)             -    (1,148)          (938)            (2)       (940)
Administrative expenses             (2,985)            64    (2,921)        (2,761)          (107)     (2,868)
Other operating
income                                 102             (3)       99             67              3          70
---------------------   -----       --------        -------   -------        -------        -------      ------
                                    (4,031)            61    (3,970)        (3,632)          (106)     (3,738)
---------------------   -----       --------        -------   -------        -------        -------      ------
Profit/(loss) from
operations                           2,098           (230)    1,868          2,213            (84)      2,129
Share of associate's
results                                 11              -        11              -              -           -
Fair value adjustment 
to biological
assets                                   -          1,197     1,197              -          1,421       1,421
---------------------   -----       --------        -------   -------        -------        -------      ------
                                     2,109            967     3,076          2,213          1,337       3,550
---------------------   -----       --------        -------   -------        -------        -------      ------
Finance revenue                         50              -        50            141              -         141
Finance costs                         (296)             -      (296)          (905)             1        (904)
---------------------   -----       --------        -------   -------        -------        -------      ------
Net finance costs                     (246)             -      (246)          (764)             1        (763)
---------------------   -----       --------        -------   -------        -------        -------      ------
Profit after net 
finance costs                         1,863            967     2,830          1,449          1,338       2,787
---------------------   -----       --------        -------   -------        -------        -------      ------
Monetary working
adjustments                               -            48        48               -            95          95
---------------------   -----       --------        -------   -------        -------        -------      ------
Profit before
taxation                             1,863          1,015     2,878          1,449          1,433       2,882
Taxation                  4           (490)          (261)     (751)          (570)          (331)       (901)
---------------------   -----       --------        -------   -------        -------        -------      ------
Profit for period 
from continuing
operations                3          1,373            754     2,127            879          1,102       1,981
---------------------   -----       --------        -------   -------        -------        -------      ------
Loss after
taxation from
operations                5              -              -         -            (87)             -         (87)
---------------------   -----       --------        -------   -------        -------        -------      ------
Profit for the
period                               1,373            754     2,127            792          1,102       1,894
---------------------   -----       --------        -------   -------        -------        -------      ------

Attributable to:
Equity holders
of the parent                        1,116            739     1,855            598          1,121       1,719
interests                              257             15       272            194            (19)        175
---------------------   -----       --------        -------   -------        -------        -------      ------
                                     1,373            754     2,127            792          1,102       1,894
---------------------   -----       --------        -------   -------        -------        -------      ------
                                     Pence                    Pence          Pence                       Pence
---------------------   -----       --------        -------   -------        -------        -------      ------
Earnings per
ordinary share            6
From continuing and
       - basic                         0.9                      1.4            0.6                        1.8
       - diluted                       0.9                      1.4            0.6                        1.7
From continuing
       - basic and
         diluted                       0.9                      1.4            0.7                        1.8
---------------------   -----       --------        -------   -------        -------        -------      ------
Dividend per
ordinary share            7                                    0.25                                 -
---------------------   -----       --------        -------   -------        -------        -------      ------

PGI Group Plc

Interim condensed consolidated balance sheet

at 30 June 2007

                                     30 June 2007                     31 December 2006
                                  Excluding      Including           Excluding      Including
                             hyperinflation hyperinflation      hyperinflation hyperinflation
                                adjustments   adjustments*         adjustments   adjustments*
                                     #000           #000                #000           #000
--------------------   -----       -------        -------             -------        -------
Non-current assets
Goodwill                            1,880          1,880               1,901          1,901
Biological assets                  12,436         12,436              12,665         12,665
                                   -------        -------             -------        -------
Property, plant 
and equipment                       9,824          9,824               9,372          9,372
adjustment                              -            155                   -            642
                                   -------        -------             -------        -------
                                    9,824          9,979               9,372         10,014
Investment properties               1,281          1,281               1,313          1,313
- associate                           197            197                 200            200
- other                                41             41                  43             43
--------------------   -----       -------        -------             -------        -------
                                   25,659         25,814              25,494         26,136
--------------------   -----       -------        -------             -------        -------
Current assets
                                   -------        -------             -------        -------
Inventories                         1,709          1,709               2,061          2,061
adjustment                              -             42                   -             42
                                   -------        -------             -------        -------
                                    1,709          1,751               2,061          2,103
Trade and other
receivables                         3,392          3,392               1,759          1,759
Cash and cash
equivalents                         1,702          1,702               2,840          2,840
--------------------   -----       -------        -------             -------        -------
                                    6,803          6,845               6,660          6,702
--------------------   -----       -------        -------             -------        -------
Total assets                       32,462         32,659              32,154         32,838
--------------------   -----       -------        -------             -------        -------
Equity attributable 
to equity holders of
the parent company
Share capital                      32,365         32,365              32,326         32,326
Share premium
account                               425            425                 420            420
Capital redemption
reserve                               250            250                 250            250
Revaluation reserve                   691            691                 700            700
Retained earnings                 (15,843)       (15,679)            (17,041)       (16,528)
--------------------   -----       -------        -------             -------        -------
                                   17,888         18,052              16,655         17,168
Minority interests                  2,807          2,807               2,690          2,690
--------------------   -----       -------        -------             -------        -------
Total equity                       20,695         20,859              19,345         19,858
--------------------   -----       -------        -------             -------        -------
bearing loans
and borrowings                      1,294          1,294               1,383          1,383
Other payables                        184            184                 275            275
                                   -------        -------             -------        -------
Provision for
deferred tax
liabilities                         2,172          2,172               2,016          2,016
adjustment                              -             33                   -            171
                                   -------        -------             -------        -------
                                    2,172          2,205               2,016          2,187
Defined pension plan
deficit                             2,439          2,439               3,764          3,764
--------------------   -----       -------        -------             -------        -------
                                    6,089          6,122               7,438          7,609
--------------------   -----       -------        -------             -------        -------
Current liabilities
Interest bearing loans
and borrowings                      2,342          2,342               2,755          2,755
Trade and
other payables                      2,813          2,813               2,102          2,102
Current tax
liabilities                           523            523                 514            514
--------------------   -----       -------        -------             -------        -------
                                    5,678          5,678               5,371          5,371
--------------------   -----       -------        -------             -------        -------
Total liabilities                  11,767         11,800              12,809         12,980
--------------------   -----       -------        -------             -------        -------
Total equity and
liabilities                        32,462         32,659              32,154         32,838
--------------------   -----       -------        -------             -------        -------

* These are the Group's balance sheets for the six months ended 30 June 2007 and
for the year ended 31 December 2006.

PGI Group Plc

Interim condensed consolidated cash flow statement

for the six months ended 30 June 2007

                                                 Six months ended 30 June
                                                       2007               2006
                                                    Including         (restated)
                                               hyperinflation          Including
                                                  adjustments     hyperinflation
                                                       #000               #000
------------------------------------------           --------          ---------
Cash flow from operating activities
Profit/(loss) from operations 
                - Continuing operations               1,868              2,129
                - Discontinued operations                 -                (57)
------------------------------------------           --------          ---------
                                                      1,868              2,072
Adjustment for:
Depreciation of property, plant and
equipment                                               408                564
Disposal of property, plant and
equipment                                               (18)               (11)
Additional retirement benefit costs                      49               (100)
Oversea tax paid                                       (375)               (92)
Hyperinflation indexation adjustment                    221                (34)
------------------------------------------           --------          ---------
Operating profit before changes in
working capital                                       2,153              2,399
Decrease in inventories                                 483                549
Increase in trade and other
receivables                                          (1,633)            (1,527)
Increase in trade and other payables                    622                669
Exchange difference on working capital                 (529)              (247)
------------------------------------------           --------          ---------
Cash generated from operations                        1,096              1,843
------------------------------------------           --------          ---------
Cash flows from investing activities
Capital expenditure                                   (1,290)            (1,448)
Disposal of property, plant and
equipment                                                25                 11
Additions to investments (net)                            9                  -
------------------------------------------           --------          ---------
Net cash from investing activities                   (1,256)            (1,437)
------------------------------------------           --------          ---------
Cash flows from financing activities
Issue of shares (net of expenses)                        44                 92
Payment of loans and finance lease
liabilities                                            (200)              (332)
Finance costs, net of bank interest
received                                               (307)              (709)
Dividend paid                                          (323)                 -
Dividends and other payments to minority
interests (net)                                         (53)                62
Distribution from property fund (net)                    (8)               (12)
------------------------------------------           --------          ---------
Net cash from financing activities                     (847)              (899)
------------------------------------------           --------          ---------
Net (decrease) in cash and cash
equivalents                                          (1,007)              (493)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of
period                                                  959              3,328
Effects of exchange rate changes on
cash and cash equivalents                               109                211
------------------------------------------           --------          ---------
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period               61              3,046
------------------------------------------           --------          ---------
Cash and cash equivalents comprise:
Cash                                                  1,702              3,623
Overdrafts                                           (1,641)              (577)
------------------------------------------           --------          ---------
Cash and cash equivalents                                61              3,046
------------------------------------------           --------          ---------
Interest bearing loans and borrowings
due within one year                                  (2,342)            (9,253)
Less: short term debt                                   701              8,676
------------------------------------------           --------          ---------
Overdrafts                                           (1,641)              (577)
------------------------------------------           --------          ---------

PGI Group Plc

Interim condensed consolidated statement of changes in equity

                  Attributable to equity holders of the Company

Six months ended     Share Share premium & Revaluation  Retained  Total     Minority  Total equity
30 June 2007       capital         capital     reserve  earnings           interests
                                 redemption      #000      #000     #000       #000          #000
                    #000            #000
---------------   -------         -------    --------   -------   ------     ------        ------
Balance at 1
January 2007      32,326             670         700   (16,528)  17,168      2,690        19,858
---------------   -------         -------    --------   -------   ------     ------        ------
Changes in equity
movement               -               -           -       343      343          -           343
differences on
of net oversea
- before
indexation             -               -          (4)   (1,779)  (1,783)       (83)       (1,866)
- hyperinflation
movement               -               -           -      (511)    (511)         -          (511)
Actuarial gain
(net) of defined
pension plan           -               -           -     1,313    1,313          -         1,313
Deferred tax on
and fair value
- before
indexation             -               -          (5)      (49)     (54)       (12)          (66)
- hyperinflation
movement               -               -           -         1        1          -             1
---------------   -------         -------    --------   -------   ------     ------        ------
Net income/
directly in
equity                 -               -          (9)     (682)    (691)       (95)         (786)
Profit for the
six months             -               -           -     1,855    1,855        272         2,127
---------------   -------         -------    --------   -------   ------     ------        ------
Total recognised       -               -           -
income and
(expense)              -               -          (9)    1,173    1,164        177         1,341
---------------   -------         -------    --------   -------   ------     ------        ------
Issue of new
ordinary shares
exercise of
share options         39               5           -         -       44          -            44
Dividend paid          -               -           -      (323)    (323)         -          (323)
from property
fund (net)             -               -           -        (1)      (1)        (7)           (8)
Repayment of
advances from
minority               -               -           -         -        -         (53)          (53)
---------------   -------         -------    --------   -------   ------     ------        ------
Balance at 30
June 2007         32,365             675         691   (15,679)  18,052      2,807        20,859
---------------   -------         -------    --------   -------   ------     ------        ------

PGI Group Plc

Interim condensed consolidated statement of changes in equity continued

                  Attributable to equity holders of the Company

Six months ended     Share Share premium & Revaluation  Retained  Total     Minority  Total equity
30 June 2006       capital         capital     reserve  earnings           interests
                                 redemption      #000      #000     #000       #000          #000
                    #000            #000
---------------   -------         -------    --------   -------   ------     ------        ------
Balance at 1
January 2006      24,429          10,955         639   (22,550)  13,473      1,147        14,620
---------------   -------         -------    --------   -------   ------     ------        ------
Prior year
adjustment to
inventories to
lower of cost or
realisable value,
less tax effect
of #14,000             -               -           -       (52)     (52)         -           (52)
Prior year
adjustment to
biological assets
at fair value,
tax effect of
#421,000               -               -           -    (1,771)  (1,771)     1,350          (421)
Prior year
adjustment to
indexation, less
tax effect of
#244,000               -               -           -       803      803          -            803
Prior year
adjustment to
deferred tax on
revaluations           -               -           -      (217)    (217)         -          (217)
---------------   -------         -------    --------   -------   ------     ------      --------
balance           24,429          10,955         639   (23,787)  12,236      2,497        14,733
---------------   -------         -------    --------   -------   ------     ------      --------
Changes in equity
movement               -               -           -       501      501          -           501
difference on
of net oversea
- before
indexation             -               -         (32)   (3,005)  (3,037)      (183)       (3,220)
- hyperinflation
movement               -               -           -      (136)    (136)         -          (136)
Actuarial gain
(net) of
pension plan           -               -           -       490      490          -           490
Deferred tax on
and fair value
- before
indexation             -               -           -       (55)     (55)         -            (55)
- hyperinflation
movement               -               -           -       (91)     (91)         -            (91)
Transfer               -             (25)          -        25        -          -              -
---------------   -------         -------    --------   -------   ------     ------      --------
Net income/
directly in
equity                 -             (25)        (32)   (2,271)  (2,328)      (183)       (2,511)
Profit for the
six months             -               -           -     1,719    1,719        175         1,894
---------------   -------         -------    --------   -------   ------     ------      --------
income and
(expense)              -             (25)        (32)     (552)    (609)        (8)         (617)
---------------   -------         -------    --------   -------   ------     ------      --------
Issue of new
ordinary shares
exercise of
share options         74              18           -         -       92          -            92
Dividends paid
to minority                  
interests              -               -           -         -        -         (7)           (7)
from property
fund (net)             -               -           -        (3)      (3)        (9)          (12)
Advances from
Interests (net)        -               -           -         -        -         57            57
---------------   -------         -------    --------   -------   ------     ------      --------
Balance at 30
June 2006         24,503          10,948         607   (24,342)  11,716      2,530        14,246
-----------------   ------         -------    --------   -------   ------     ------     --------

PGI Group Plc

Notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements

1.             Corporate information
PGI Group Plc is a public limited company incorporated and domiciled in the
United Kingdom, whose shares are publicly traded. The principal activities of
the Company and its subsidiaries ('the Group') are described in Note 3.

The interim condensed consolidated financial statements of the Group for the six
months ended 30 June 2007 were authorised for issue in accordance with a
resolution of the directors on 6 September 2007.

2.             Basis of preparation and accounting policies
The interim condensed consolidated financial statements for the six months ended
30 June 2007 and 2006 are unaudited. They have been prepared in accordance with
International Accounting Standard (IAS) 34, 'Interim Financial Reporting'. The
accounting policies adopted are consistent with those followed in the
preparation of the Group's financial statements for the year ended 31 December

The interim condensed consolidated financial statements do not include all the
information and disclosures required in the annual financial statements, and
should be read in conjunction with the Group's audited financial statements for
the year ended 31 December 2006. The information for the year ended 31 December
2006 does not constitute the Group's statutory accounts for 2006 as defined in
Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. Statutory accounts for 2006 have been
delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The Auditors' report on those accounts
was unqualified and did not contain statements under Sections 237(2) or (3) of
the Companies Act 1985.

In the current financial year, the Group will adopt International Financial
Reporting Standard (IFRS) 7, 'Financial Instruments: Disclosures', for the first
time. As IFRS7 is a disclosure standard, there is no impact of a change in
accounting policy on these interim financial statements. Full details of the
change will be disclosed in the Group's financial statements for the year ending
31 December 2007.

At the end of 2006 the Group restated and changed its accounting policy within
the financial statements for the following:


* To value agricultural produce after harvest at the lower of cost or net
realisable value, previously fair value less estimated point-of-sale costs.

* To record on the income statement a fair value adjustment to biological
assets, previously shown as an exchange difference movement in retained

Change in accounting policy

*  To incorporate the effects of the impact of hyperinflation on the Group's
subsidiaries based in Zimbabwe, previously partially accounted for by recording
the monetary working capital hyperinflation adjustment.

These restatements and change in accounting policy have been accounted for
retrospectively and recognised in the consolidated statement of changes in
equity at 1 January 2006. The comparative statements for the six months ended 30
June 2006 have been restated to reflect these changes and the effect of the
above changes on the previously reported profit after taxation for the six
months ended 30 June 2006 is as follows:

                           Continuing Discontinued     Effect on Effect on basic
                           operations   operations                   and diluted
                                                                    earnings per
                                                                   share 30 June
                               #000         #000    30 June 2006           Pence
----------------------       -------     --------       -------       ---------
Profit/(loss) after
As previously reported          987          (87)          900
Change to inventories
due to revised valuation        (48)           -           (48)              -
Biological assets fair
value adjustment              1,125            -         1,125             1.1
Change in accounting
adjustment                      (83)           -           (83)
                             -------     --------       -------
As restated                   1,981          (87)        1,894
                             -------     --------       -------

In addition to the above changes, some reclassifications were made between the
income statement categories for the six months ended 30 June 2006, which had no
effect on the Group's result for the period.

PGI Group Plc

Notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements


3.             Segmental reporting

The Group's primary reporting segments are the following business sectors:
Food group - Tea, roses, macadamia nuts and vegetables.
Investment property management - Properties in St. Petersburg, Russia.

The manufacturing segment has been classified as a discontinued operation for
the six months ended 30 June 2006 (Note 5).

                                             SEGMENT REVENUE

                 Six months ended 30 June 2007       Six months ended 30 June 2006 (Restated)
            Revenue before                            Revenue before
            hyperinflation  Hyperinflation            hyperinflation  Hyperinflation
               adjustments     adjustments   Total       adjustments     adjustments   Total
                    #000            #000      #000            #000            #000      #000
                  --------        --------  --------        --------        --------  --------
Food group        10,578            (416)   10,162          10,158              46    10,204
management           628               -       628             209               -       209
                  --------        --------  --------        --------        --------  --------
                  11,206            (416)   10,790          10,367              46    10,413
                  --------        --------  --------        --------        --------  --------

                                                 SEGMENT RESULTS

                     Six months ended 30 June 2007       Six months ended 30 June 2006 (Restated)
                 Result before                             Result before
                    biological      Biological                biological      Biological
                    assets and      assets and                assets and      assets and
                hyperinflation  hyperinflation            hyperinflation  hyperinflation
                   adjustments      adjustment   Total        adjustment      adjustment   Total
                        #000            #000      #000            #000            #000      #000
                      --------        --------  --------        --------        --------  --------
Food group             2,869             967     3,836           3,063           1,337     4,400
management                50               -        50             (82)              -       (82)
Central costs
net of sundry
income                  (810)              -      (810)           (768)              -      (768)
                      --------        --------  --------        --------        --------   --------
                       2,109             967     3,076           2,213           1,337     3,550
Net finance
costs                   (246)              -      (246)           (764)              1      (763)
adjustment                 -              48        48               -              95        95
                      --------        --------  --------        --------        --------   --------
Profit before
tax                    1,863           1,015     2,878           1,449           1,433     2,882
Taxation                (490)           (261)     (751)           (570)           (331)     (901)
                      --------        --------  --------        --------        --------   --------
Profit for the
period from
operations             1,373             754     2,127             879           1,102     1,981
                      --------        --------  --------        --------        --------   --------

PGI Group Plc

Notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements


4.             Taxation
                                                                         Six months
                                                                      ended 30 June
                                                             2007            2006
Continuing operations                                        #000            #000
-------------------------------                           ---------       ---------

Current taxation:
UK Corporation tax (after double taxation relief)                -              -
-------------------------------                           ---------       ---------
Foreign taxation:
Current taxation on income for the period                      402            534
Adjustment in respect of prior periods                           -             11
------------------------------                            ---------       ---------
                                                               402            545
-------------------------------                           ---------       ---------
Deferred taxation:
Origination and reversal of timing differences                 357            363
Adjustment in respect of prior periods                          (8)            (7)
------------------------------                             ---------      ---------
                                                               349            356
-------------------------------                           ---------       ---------
Taxation on profit from continuing operations                  751            901
------------------------------                            ----------      ---------

In March 2007, the UK Government announced that they would introduce legislation to
reduce the UK corporation tax rate to 28% with effect from 1 April 2008. This
legislation, which has been substantively enacted by 30 June 2007, has had no
impact upon these interim financial statements, nor is it expected to affect the
Group's effective tax rate in the foreseeable future.

5.             Discontinued operations

Loss after taxation from discontinued operations
                                                 Six months ended 30 June
                                                       2007               2006
                                                       #000               #000
-------------------------------                     ---------          ---------
Revenue                                                   -              2,847
Cost of sales                                             -             (2,335)
-------------------------------                     ---------          ---------
Operating profit                                          -                512
Operating expenses                                        -               (569)
-------------------------------                     ---------          ---------
Loss from operations                                      -                (57)
Finance costs                                             -                (30)
-------------------------------                     ---------          ---------
Loss before taxation                                      -                (87)
Taxation                                                  -                  -
-------------------------------                     ---------          ---------
Loss after taxation                                       -                (87)
-------------------------------                     ---------          ---------

Chillington Manufacturing, a division of P&G Industries Plc, which manufactures
wheelbarrows in the United Kingdom was sold in July 2006. The results for
Chillington Manufacturing which formed a separate business segment of the
Group's operations, have been classified as discontinued operations for the six
months ended 30 June 2006.

The net cash flows attributable to Chillington Manufacturing were as follows:

                                                 Six months ended 30 June
                                                       2007               2006
                                                       #000               #000
-------------------------------                     ---------          ---------
Operating cash flows                                      -               (214)
Investing cash flows                                      -                (48)
Financing cash flows                                      -                (40)
-------------------------------                     ---------          ---------
Net cash outflow                                          -               (302)
-------------------------------                     ---------          ---------

PGI Group Plc

Notes to the interim condensed consolidated interim financial statements


6.             Earnings per ordinary share

a.              Basic
Basic earnings per ordinary share is calculated by dividing the result
attributable to equity holders of the company by the weighted average number of
ordinary shares in issue during the period.

                                                           Six months ended 30 June
                                                                  2007          2006
                                                               Thousands     Thousands
                                                               ---------       -------
Weighted average number of
ordinary shares in issue                                       129,351        97,886
                                                               ---------       -------

                                                 Six months ended 30 June
                                                       2007        2006(Restated)
                                      Result before             Result before
                                         biological                biological
                                         assets and                assets and
                                     hyperinflation            hyperinflation
                                        adjustments   Total       adjustments  Total
                                             #000      #000            #000     #000
         --------------------------       ---------   -------        --------   ------
Profit for the year from continuing
and discontinued operations
attributable to the equity holders
of the Company                              1,116     1,855             598    1,719
--------------------------                ---------   -------        --------   ------
Profit for the year from continuing
Per consolidated income statement           1,373     2,127             879    1,981
Minority interest applicable to
continuing operations                        (257)     (272)           (194)    (175)
--------------------------                ---------   -------        --------   ------
Profit from continuing operations
to the equity holders of the
Company                                     1,116     1,855             685    1,806
--------------------------                ---------   -------        --------   ------
(Loss) from discontinued operations
to the equity holders of the
Company                                         -         -             (87)     (87)
--------------------------                ---------   -------        --------   ------

                                            pence     pence           pence    pence
--------------------------                ---------   -------        --------   ------
Basic earnings per ordinary share
- continuing and discontinued
operations                                    0.9       1.4             0.6      1.8
- continuing operations                       0.9       1.4             0.7      1.8
--------------------------                ---------   -------        --------   ------

b.              Diluted
Diluted earnings per ordinary share is calculated on a weighted average of
shares which assume the exercise of certain options.
                                                               Six months ended 30 June
                                                                    2007          2006
                                                                 Thousands     Thousands
                                                                   -------       -------
Weighted average number of
ordinary shares in issue assuming
the exercise of certain options                                  130,083        98,661
                                                                   -------       -------

                                                   Six months ended 30 June
                                                         2007        2006(Restated)
                                        Result before             Result before
                                           biological                biological
                                           assets and                assets and
                                       hyperinflation            hyperinflation
                                          adjustments   Total       adjustments  Total
                                                pence   pence             pence   pence
--------------------------                   ---------  -------        --------   ------
Diluted earnings per ordinary share
- continuing and discontinued
operations                                      0.9       1.4             0.6      1.7
- continuing operations                         0.9       1.4             0.7      1.8
--------------------------                   ---------  -------        --------   ------

c. Discontinued operations

                                              pence     pence           pence    pence
--------------------------                   ---------  -------        --------   ------
Basic and diluted loss per ordinary share
from discontinued operations                      -         -            (0.1)    (0.1)

PGI Group Plc

Notes to the interim condensed consolidated interim financial statements


7.                  Dividend paid and proposed
                                                       Six months ended 30 June
                                                              2007        2006
                                                              #000        #000
--------------------------------                            --------     -------
Declared 2006 (not recognised as a liability in 2006)
Equity dividends on ordinary shares:
Interim dividend for 2006 0.25p per share, paid 23
January 2007                                                   323           -
--------------------------------                            --------     -------

8.             Property, plant and equipment

Capital expenditure on property, plant and equipment in the six months ended 30
June 2007 amounted to #1,290,000.

9.             Related party transactions

Two Russian companies owned by a director, Mr S. W. Wayne, provide services to
subsidiary companies of Jensen Partners LLC and Jensen Limited and the property
funds they manage. Jensen Partners LLC and Jensen Limited are subsidiaries of
PGI Group Plc. The Russian companies are not designed to make profits but to
reallocate expenses between the various entities. The amounts charged to the
subsidiaries of Jensen Partners LLC and Jensen Limited and the amounts
outstanding were as follows:

                                                 Six months ended 30 June
                                                            2007          2006
                                                            #000          #000
---------------------------------                        ---------       -------
Charges for services from related parties                    188            57
Amounts owed to related parties                               69            66
---------------------------------                        ---------       -------

10.          Contingent liabilities

There has been no change to the claim made by PT Shamrock Manufacturing Corpora
('Shamrock') in the amount of approximately #14.8 million as reported in Note 29
to the audited financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2006.
Following the District Court of South Jakarta's ruling in favour of PGI Group
Plc in February 2007, Shamrock filed a formal Memorandum of Appeal against the
decision and PGI Group Plc has filed a Counter Memorandum of Appeal with the
High Court in Indonesia on 23 July, 2007.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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