By Loretta Chao, Lorraine Luk and Aaron Back 

China Unicom (Hong Kong) Ltd. (CHU) announced a deal with Apple Inc. (AAPL) to sell iPhones in China starting later this year, bringing the popular device to the world's largest mobile market for the first time.

The highly anticipated release of the iPhone in China - which has 687 million wireless subscribers, more than twice the population of the U.S. - is expected to be a boost for both Apple and Unicom, one of three Chinese state-owned telecommunications carriers. Still, the two companies face challenges to realizing the iPhone's potential in China, including competition from similar devices, and the companies left several key questions about pricing and other details unanswered Friday.

Under the three-year deal, iPhones will start to be sold in China in the fourth quarter of this year. Unicom won't share revenue with Apple, as some operators do, and it will purchase the handsets from Apple on a wholesale basis and resell them to consumers, the Chinese company said. Unicom will offer a subsidy to customers to lower the iPhone's price, Chairman and Chief Executive Chang Xiaobing said at a news briefing, but he didn't elaborate on how much the subsidy would be. An Apple spokesman confirmed the Unicom deal, but declined to give further details.

The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday that the iPhone's launch in China was forthcoming. As reported, the Chinese version of the iPhone, at least initially, will be stripped of its Wi-Fi wireless Internet capability to comply with government regulations.

Unicom, which had 141 million wireless users at the end of July, hopes the iPhone will attract high-spending customers, who will boost its earnings, and give it a leg up on dominant carrier China Mobile Ltd. (CHL), which has more than triple Unicom's subscriber base. The iPhone deal comes alongside Unicom's rollout of a "third-generation," or 3G, network that will enable functions such as wireless video and high-speed surfing. Unicom's 3G network is the only one among three in China that is currently technologically compatible with the iPhone.

Chang said official launch of the network will come Sept. 28, and will cover 335 cities by the end of this year. Unicom President Lu Yimin said the company aims to take more than one-third of China's 3G mobile market next year, with 3G users expected to make up 20% of China's mobile market in 2010.

Unicom's iPhones are likely to face plenty of competition - not least from iPhones sold elsewhere that don't lack Wi-Fi. Research firm BDA China Ltd. estimates there are as many as 1.5 million iPhones already in use in China that have been bought overseas or through the country's robust gray market, which is unlikely to disappear.

Meanwhile, several devices running Google Inc.'s (GOOG) Android operating system are also expected to hit the market by the end of the year, including at least one by Taiwanese phone maker HTC Corp. China Mobile has announced plans to release 3G phones with international partners such as Nokia Corp. (NOK) and Samsung Electronics Co. (SSNHY). In addition, China Telecom Ltd. (CHA), the country's third wireless carrier, is in talks with Research In Motion Ltd. (RIMM)to offer its Blackberry handsets in China, and with Palm Inc. (PALM), maker of the Palm Pre handset.

By the end of this year, China "will be a very different competitive environment than [Apple] would have faced a year ago, or even six months ago," said David Wolf, chief executive of Wolf Group Asia, a Beijing-based marketing strategy firm.

Still, Chinese users greeted Friday's announcement with enthusiasm. "I have been thinking of buying an iPhone since early this year," said Wei Wei, a 27-year-old brand manager at a technology company in Beijing. "There are so many great applications in the [Apple] App Store, and more Chinese IT [information-technology] companies are working on iPhone apps as well." Wei said the disabled Wi-Fi function greatly reduces the phone's appeal, but she would still prefer getting one through Unicom because it's "genuine."

Analysts said the Unicom iPhone's success will hinge largely on offerings in the App Store, where users can download software applications for the device. Updating the iPhone software is currently inconvenient, and very few of the applications available now are tailored to the Chinese market.

Pricing will also be an issue. Imported iPhones currently sell on the gray market for as little $680, and those have Wi-Fi. Unicom's challenge will be to price the iPhone at a level that is competitive but still doesn't hurt its average revenue-per-user, which fell to 41.7 yuan in the six months ended June from 43.6 yuan a year earlier. Unicom said Friday its net profit in the first half of 2009 plunged 45% from the same period last year to 6.62 billion yuan ($970.4 million), dragged down by weakness in its fixed-line business and tougher competition.

"The iPhone is not going to be a slam-dunk hit for Unicom," said Wolf. "But if Unicom and Apple can work together to put together an experience that is so much better than the cracked iPhones, they'll do great over time."

-By Loretta Chao, The Wall Street Journal;

-By Lorraine Luk, Dow Jones Newswires;

-By Aaron Back, Dow Jones Newswires;