1 year ago
Elon Musk's X fails to block California's content moderation law
By: Investing | December 29, 2023
(Reuters) - Elon Musk's X on Thursday failed to block a California state law that requires social media companies to publicly disclose how they moderate certain content on their platforms.
X, formerly known as Twitter, in September sued California to undo the content moderation law, saying the law violated its free speech rights under the U.S. Constitution's First Amendment and California's state constitution.
The law requires social media companies with a sizable gross annual revenue to issue semiannual reports that describe their content moderation practices, and provide data on the number of objectionable posts and how they were addressed.
U.S. District Judge William Shubb in an eight-page decision dismissed the social media company's request.
"While the reporting requirement does appear to place a substantial compliance burden on social medial companies, it does not appear that the requirement is unjustified or unduly burdensome within the context of First Amendment law," Shubb wrote.
X did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Shubb will meet with the lawyers in the case on Feb. 26 for a scheduling conference.
Shubb held "terms of service" requirements of the law to be integral and said their presence could be a major deciding factor for users.
X has been under fire regarding its content moderation rules, with many companies pausing advertising on the platform. Since Musk took over X in October 2022, its monthly U.S. ad revenue declined at least 55% year-over-year each month, according to third-party data provided to Reuters in October.
The social media platform also faces scrutiny in Europe. The European Union earlier this month said it was investigating X over suspected breaches of obligations, partly relating to posts following Hamas' attacks on Israel, its first probe under the Digital Services Act (DSA).
Following Hamas' Oct. 7 attacks on Israel, X and other social media companies were flooded with fake images and misleading information.
X said it remains committed to complying with the DSA and is cooperating with the regulatory process.
The case is X Corp v Bonta, U.S. District Court, Eastern District of California, No. 2:23-cv--01939.
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1 year ago
Twitter violated contract by failing to pay millions in bonuses, US judge rules
By: Investing | December 23, 2023
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Twitter violated contracts by failing to pay millions of dollars in bonuses that the social media company, now called X Corp, had promised its employees, a federal judge ruled on Friday.
Mark Schobinger, who was Twitter's senior director of compensation before leaving Elon Musk's company in May, sued Twitter in June, claiming breach of contract.
Schobinger's suit alleged that before and after billionaire Musk bought Twitter last year, it promised employees 50% of their 2022 target bonuses but never made those payments.
In denying Twitter's motion to dismiss the case, U.S. District Judge Vince Chhabria ruled that Schobinger plausibly stated a breach of contract claim under California law and he was covered by a bonus plan.
"Once Schobinger did what Twitter asked, Twitter's offer to pay him a bonus in return became a binding contract under California law. And by allegedly refusing to pay Schobinger his promised bonus, Twitter violated that contract," the judge wrote.
X no longer has a media relations office. The company did not immediately respond to a request for comment to its X account outside business hours.
Twitter's lawyers argued that the company made only an oral promise that was not a contract, and that Texas law should govern the case, according to Courthouse News, which first reported the ruling. The judge ruled that California law governed the case and that "Twitter's contrary arguments all fail."
X has been hit with numerous lawsuits by former employees and executives since Musk bought the company and culled more than half of its workforce.
The lawsuits make a range of claims, including that X discriminated against older employees, women and workers with disabilities, and failed to give advance notice of mass layoffs. The company denies wrongdoing.
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1 year ago
“Beginning on August 8 and 9, wildfires ignited on Maui and Hawaii islands and spread quickly due to strong winds.”
White House Down (2013 movie):
“Capitol police officer John Cale (Channing Tatum) has just been denied his dream job of protecting President James Sawyer (Jamie Foxx) as a member of the Secret Service. Not wanting to disappoint his young daughter with the bad news, Cale takes her on a tour of the White House. While he and his daughter are there, a heavily armed paramilitary group attacks and seizes control. As the nation's government dissolves in chaos, only Cale can save his daughter, the president and the country.”
Olympus Has Fallen (2013 movie):
“The unthinkable happens when heavily armed and highly trained terrorists launch a bold daytime attack on the White House. The building is overrun, and President Benjamin Asher (Aaron Eckhart) and his staff are taken hostage. Luckily for Asher, former presidential security officer Mike Banning (Gerard Butler) is on the scene. With time running out, it's up to Banning to locate Asher's son before the extremists do and rescue the president before his captors unleash their ultimate plan.“
WHD 23 8 4
The big WHD…ding.
1 year ago
Chinas military will exploit that which a society does not want to accept, Americans did not want to accept that Americans assisted to create 9/11, Americans do not want to accept that Michelle Obama is a man, Americans don’t want to accept that Biden is Chinas puppet, that he is helping Iran, that Atoms is a deceiver, admitting these things would admit to be fooled, to feel guilt.
1 year ago
Read Eric Atoms’ words carefully :
The quoted words below are designed to sound Iike a condemnation of Hamas, but in actuality it could and should be interpreted as just a nothing burger, as a strongly stated observation of the obvious:
“"We are not all right when we see young girls pulled from their home and dragged through the streets," Adams said to a crowd of thousands who had gathered to express solidarity with Israel.
"We are not all right when we see grandmothers being pulled away from their homes, and children shot in front of their families. We are not all right when right here in the City of New York you have those who celebrate at the same time when the devastation is taking place in our city," he continued.”
Atoms is simply stating the obvious in a strong tone, which is leftist code for supporting the action but having to publicly “condemn” the action at the same time. That language tactic is how US officials who support eradication of Israel play both sides, internally they love Hamas but externally they make it appear to an assuming public that they condemn Hamas. Atoms, like O’Biden (O’Brien, 1984), knows the public will give him the benefit of the doubt, they can get away with anything because currently the public does not want to accept that it’s leaders are compromised by China, the public simply cannot handle that painful truth. The Democratic Party exists intellectually in that void of acceptance, in that void of realization, the Democratic Party’s location is hidden, within the collective shock the American people, the shock they are experiencing due to their government being inverted and manipulated by China’s control of if and by their major corporations selling out the country socially to China. The shock of defeating the rapist (2016 election) and thinking everything was ok (2018) only to go back into the nIghtmare once more (2020), seemingly with no escape this time (2022- )…
When there are depopulation cultists in charge do you think they care about hostages ? You think the Democrats who won’t even mention Hawaii give a damn if Israel or NYC is blown off the map. They care zero about humanity, only about themselves. When the Democratic Party controlled by Kenyan Obama is in charge the US government is like a plane that is flying directly towards the ground with the pilot, Obama’s staffers, believing that is the best course of action. Of course someone who hates America would think that was the best course of action, that giving Iran billions would result in peace. The O’Biden is a domestic terrorist organization.
1 year ago
Lying is muscle memory for Biden, it is inherent, to his intellect it is practiced and perfected, he is a pathological liar, he cannot even question himself about his own lies most times, he takes advantage of the good the naive nature of the good, Jac.
10/13 = J AC
Biden’s favorite word to use is “Jack”, pretending like he is Clint Eastwood in a western, like Marty Mcfly did also. Today is Jac = 10 13 the day of global jihad, coincidence?
Americans have become non-confrontational, when being confrontational is required to root out a liar, to root out lies. Biden the deceiver, the Devil, Satan, Biden, to Bid farewell, to Place a bet, to gamble, to Bide, to wait till the end. The FBI stood by and let a pathological liar being the world to the brink of world war 3, their stand down in the face of Biden, a monster, and his leftists loyal to China and their own bank accounts, should not be forgotten by history.
Biden to Iran: Be Careful. Don’t.
Inversion Translation: Please take care with the Donut:
Biden on Hawaii: No comment
Inversion translation: Nuke’m en T(ehran)
Haw 8/1/23 Hawaii Fire
Jew 10/5/23 Israel Attack
Low 12/15/23 ????
1 year ago
Biden relies on people giving him the benefit of the doubt, for example:
“US President Joe Biden said on Wednesday that he had "made it clear to the Iranians: Be careful".
At first glance a person might quickly assume Joe Biden was threatening the Iranians, but at second glance, he wasn’t. He was telling Iran to be careful the way a loving mother would warn her children before they cross the street, with love and hope that they succeed in doing so. Biden’s statement is the equivalent of “please take care” rather than the incorrect assumption of most people that he means “Don’t you dare, Iran, or else.” If Biden meant Do t you dare he would have said that phrase instead. Every sentence uttered by Biden is a straight faced admission of treason but Americans don't want to believe it. If Americans admitted Biden was compromised they may have to take responsibility for voting for him, hence the benefit of the doubt perpetually. Biden also said “Don’t”, so couple “Donut with be careful” and Biden is admitting that a nuclear weapon is being transferred and he wants the handlers of the nuke to be careful in transportation of the weapon. It’s tough to decipher Biden because every sentence he speaks is an inversion reliant on your assumptions that he is not as compromised as you fear he is.. Joker Biden can’t believe more people haven’t figured this out yet, Biden can’t believe people give him the benefit of the doubt more than anybody ever, many are afraid to challenge Biden on his scheme because Biden won’t admit wrongdoing the same way people were afraid toQuestionHitler.
1 year ago
Decoding October: 10/5/23 = JEW, attack on Israel two days later on 50th anniversary of Yom Kippur War, where are all the highly paid Intel agents?
Decoding November:
KIRBY 11/18/2023 KRB_W
Protect RFK: anniversary of 11/23/63 assassination of JFK is on 11/23/23.
Think outside the box not about your pronouns or being offended by something CIA etc.
1 year ago
Kirby’s dream land
“A senior White House official on Wednesday defended the Biden administration's response to Iran, while admitting Tehran's "broad complicity" in Hamas' attack on Israel.
John Kirby, the National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications, also said there was no intelligence to date suggesting Iran was directly linked to Saturday's attack.”
“This your last chance. After this there is no turning back. You take the blue pill, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Remember, all I'm offering is the truth. Nothing more.”
The Ma-Trix Rabbit year of the Rabbit 2023 Kirby’s dream land…
1 year ago
Twitter = 2023 9 20 Ter (Ter for Terrorism)
No one saw the 50 year anniversary of the Yom Kippur War as a possible flash point in the Middle East? Are you kidding me ? Intelligence experts? Well paid Intel experts who know anniversaries are a key to terrorism? What are these people being paid to analyze? How did that single parameter not be considered ? That should be parameter number one.
Twitter = 2023 9 20 + 20 days = October 10 2023, ER for emergency. Twitter being changed to X (24) is part of the foreknowledge.
The word Twitter only had one date associated with it, years in advance to prepare for that, yet the Intel community brushed it off as a coincidence and irrelevant even as I detailed all the codes here for the past few months, they said StockLogistics? That poster is not correct… now look at what their ambivalence caused. Intel experts? Israel’s wall between z Gaza and Israel was undefended all the censors and surveillance of it meant nothing, no army was there in an instant the wall was breached, it was a deception not a defended wall.
1 year ago
Listen to KKK Joe Biden’s speech through the lens that Biden is secretly (although obviously if you have half a brain) on the side of Hamas. First with inner glee and yet with a straight face described the brutality in graphic terms so as to spike the football on “Jews” which was the term he used. Imagine if Adolf Hitler wasn’t so overt about his hatred of Jewish people and instead was covert like Joe Biden, the Nazis realized they could get a lot more done in regards to world domination if they lied with a straight face rather than screamed their hatred at the top of their lungs. Finally Biden issued a “warning” to Hamas… “Don’t…”. If you listen to how he says don’t he says it like an elite liberal who really wants that extra glass of champagne he’s being offered at a high class party but while taking it says “don’t”, Biden says don’t like a bound sex slave on his knees would say to his master as he is being whipped and teased. Joe Biden’s speech was simply a celebration of evil cloaked in fake concern… and not even some of the most discerning republicans have figured that out because they themselves are too old and not discerning enough to read between the lines on Biden to decipher how compromised and KKK Biden really is on the inside, their wealth clouds their ability to discern evil and to call it out as I have in this post.
How many times on this board have I proven that there is something else going on in terms of codes and movies, yet have you seen anyone investigated or arrested in Hollywood? Has 9/11 been investigated for China’s involvement and Hollywood foreknowledge? Why does it matter? The same people in charge on 9/11 are in charge now, Hawaii got hit with a direct energy weapon and the administration has forgotten about Hawaii, does not mention it. Think about that. Look at the movie scenes I have mentioned and ask why no one else on the internet is telling about those scenes. 7 Billion people on earth and I am the only one posting about this on Twitter’s page in investorshub. When Luke and darth Vader have their light saber battle, what letter of the alphabet is prominent as the swords clash? X.
When Joe Biden says “don’t” he isn’t telling them “don’t” he is begging them “don’t… but really do.” Oh please master Hamas don’t but really do stick that up Joe Biden’s XXX. Joe Biden and the rest of the Democrats worship Satan because traditional religion is not an option to their voters and donors, traditional religion ruins the vibe at their orgies and parties, and yet even if you want to maintain a vibe that is fine, but these people have crossed way into the dark side, how deep they are into the dark side is manifesting itself in Hawaii and Israel and where next ? Joe Biden is a follower of the evil some think he denounced in his speech but why do people think k that? Because they give him the benefit of the doubt as an old demented man, but you shouldn’t give him the benefit of the doubt that is exactly what Biden requires to continue advancing the dark side upon humanity. Wake up.
1 year ago
Look at how subservient and mind-controlled Democrats are, they literally do anything the government says and are proud of it, it makes them feel “elite” to be injected by corrupt profit seeking pharma because “elite” is the opposite of “conspiracy theorist” in their unquestioning minds, the “elite” have money, they must have gotten it by trusting the China controlled American government rather than spending time “theorizing”:
7 out of 10 democrats want their certificate of elitism and for Joe Biden to pat them on the head, Good Dog, go get your leash.
Big Pharma and the Democrat racist sellouts raped America with the vaccines, just as China would desire them to, because America’s compromised response has been to aid China’s unconventional warfare from day one of the pandemic. America has wanted to make friends with China for decades and China laughs and steals and rapes along with the corporations helping them do so.
Do you think the Democrats will roll over and lose in 2024? No they will create crisis after crisis until they can rig the aftermath of their schemes.
1 year ago
Democrats, who with major corporations have ceded the U.S. to China-control and manipulation at their will, should be investigated by any remaining American controlled entity for their being directed by Chairman Xi to utilize natural Halloween chaos to create “American nightmare” in U.S. cities:
“We want to make sure that people come to New York City know what to expect, and they have the opportunity for a safe and dignified migration, one that can lead to the American dream; as I say over and over again, not to an American nightmare.”
Jay Zee
Empire State of Mind - Empire’s Death Star Destroyed in Star Wars: