By Josie Cox 

Kazakhstan is preparing to tap the international bond market for the first time in more than a decade, building on a rush of risky government borrowers that have issued debt in recent months to satisfy investors' thirst for high returns.

The republic Thursday said that it had mandated three banks to arrange a five-day series of meetings with investors, with plans to issue a dollar-denominated bond.

The transaction would be the first such bond from the oil-rich Russian neighbor since April 2000, when it sold $350 million of debt that matured in 2007, according to Dealogic.

Michael Gomez, managing director and head of emerging market portfolio management at Pacific Investment Management Co. in Newport Beach, California, said investors would likely bite, if the price is right.

"We expect the offering to be well received, assuming pricing is appropriate," he said. "Given the turmoil in the region, geopolitics will be a big part of the discussion and it is quite sensible that they are doing a roadshow to make sure the market is properly informed," he added. Mr. Gomez declined to comment on whether Pimco, which had $1.97 trillion of assets under management at the end of the second quarter, would be taking part in the deal.

Other investors said they were drawn by the rarity of this transaction.

"It is a very rare opportunity and the Kazakhstan story is very appealing. Of course we are cognizant of political risks, but generally we're excited about this," said Alex Kozhemiakin, head of emerging market debt at Standish Mellon Asset Management with $162 billion of assets under management.

He said that it was likely that Kazakhstan would target a 10-year maturity with the deal. For that tenor, he said, the country would probably have to offer investors a yield in the region of a little over 4%, based on where debt issued by some state-owned corporates in the region is trading.

Plans for the country to return to the bond market surfaced last year, when finance minister Bolat Zhamishev said that Kazakhstan was aiming to borrow up to $1 billion and asked banks to apply for mandates.

In a June report, ratings firm Standard & Poor's Corp. said it remains cautious. "The economy is vulnerable to external shocks, and little progress has been made in achieving sustainable and inclusive non-oil growth," credit analyst Ana Jelenkovic wrote, revising the outlook on the country's BBB+ credit rating to negative.

But starved of yields on bonds issued by major economies, investors have proven eager to snap up slightly riskier sovereign bonds in recent months, helping a string of so-called frontier markets, considered shakier bets than emerging markets, to sell bonds at cheap rates. The window of opportunity for borrowers is likely to close relatively soon; interest rates are expected to start rising in the U.S. in the first half of next year, pumping up borrowing costs for all types of debt.

In June, Ecuador sold a larger-than-anticipated $2 billion 10-year bond, which printed with a lower yield than bankers had expected, even though the country defaulted on its debt just six years earlier. Rwanda, Ghana, Zambia and Kenya have also issued bonds.

"Investors are certainly looking for ways to diversify," said Souhail Mahjour, a debt syndicate manager at HSBC Holdings PLC, one of the banks mandated to run the Kazakh deal.

Kazakhstan, which is an oil producer as well as a major exporter of industrial metals, uranium and grain, has a Baa2 credit rating with Moody's Investors Service Inc. and a BBB+ rating with Fitch Ratings, in line with S&P's. HSBC, Citigroup and J.P. Morgan have been mandated to sell the planned bond.

Investor meetings are due to kick off Sept. 29 in London before moving to New York, Boston and San Francisco and concluding in Los Angeles on Oct. 3, according to a person familiar with the matter. A transaction is likely hit the market early the following week.

Emese Bartha in Frankfurt contributed to this item.

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