RNS Number : 8723G

Crosby Asset Management Inc

19 May 2011

Embargoed: 0700hrs, 19 May 2011

Crosby Asset Management Inc.

("CAM" or the "Company")

Preliminary Results for the Year Ended 31 December 2010

Crosby Asset Management Inc. (AIM:CSB.L), the natural resources focused investment company, is pleased to announce its preliminary results, for the year ended 31 December 2010.


-- Disposed of its previous operating businesses, cleaned up its balance sheet, and has been reconstituted as an investing company;

-- Adopted a new strategy to invest in natural resources opportunities with the support of major shareholders;

-- Welcomed Arkadiy Abramovich as a new substantial (circa 26 per cent) shareholder in April 2011;

-- Proposed name change to Zoltav Resources Inc.; and

-- Cash reserves bolstered by GBP2.25 million (before expenses) fundraising post year-end.

Robert Owen, Chairman, commented:

"The Company has focused its investment activities on the natural resources sector, leveraging the experience and relationships of the Board of CAM (the "Board") and the Company's strategic investors, in order to focus on creating maximum value for shareholders."

For further information please contact:

Crosby Asset Management Inc.

Trevor Wells / Peter Moss

Tel. +44 (0)20 7399 4384

Strand Hanson Limited

Stuart Faulkner / James Spinney / Rory Chichester

Tel. +44 (0) 207 409 3494

Renaissance Capital Limited

Ed Johnson / Simon Matthews

Tel. +44 (0) 20 7367-8257

M: Communications

Ben Simons / Maria Souvorov

Tel. +44 (0)20 7920 2340/2327

Chairman's and Chief Executive's Report

During the year significant steps were taken to transform the direction and strategy of the Company:

In October 2010, the Company disposed of its operating businesses, allowing the Company to use the proceeds to clear outstanding loans and to clean up its balance sheet. CAM subsequently re-designated itself as an investing company, as defined in the AIM Rules, and adopted an investment strategy to acquire holdings in the natural resources sector, which, the Board believes, are undervalued and where one or more such transactions have the potential to create value for shareholders. Under the investing strategy there is no limit to the number of projects in which the Company may invest and the Board will consider possible opportunities anywhere in the world with a particular focus on Africa, South America, Australasia and central and eastern Europe.

The Board is confident that CAM has obtained a number of influential shareholders during, and after, the period under review, who are supportive of the Company's new strategy:

-- In December 2010, ECK Partners Holdings Limited ("ECK") acquired the 89.35 per cent shareholding in the Company held by our previous parent company. ECK is an investment holding company owned as to 88.86 per cent by TW Indus Limited ("TW Indus"), a company wholly-owned by Ilyas Khan, and 11.14 per cent by CAM's Chairman, Robert Owen, at the date of the transaction.

-- In January 2011, Old Church Street Holdings Limited acquired a c.54 per cent shareholding in CAM via a strategic sale of shares to it by ECK. Old Church Street Holdings Limited is a privately owned investment holding company, which predominately invests in the natural resources sector and counts John McKeon as its primary discretionary beneficiary.

-- In April 2011, ECK and Old Church Street Holdings Limited each sold part of their stakes to ARA Capital Limited ("ARA"), a company beneficially owned by Arkadiy Abramovich, who, as a result has become the Company's largest shareholder with 25.4 per cent. Old Church Street Holdings Limited and ECK remain 24.4 per cent and 17.8 per cent shareholders today respectively.

In January and February 2011, the Company raised gross funds GBP2.25 million, in support of its new strategy, from institutional and professional investors. The Board believes that these funds have provided CAM with sufficient resources to meet its working capital requirements and pursue the investment strategy.

The Board has proposed a name change to Zoltav Resources Inc. more appropriately to reflect the new direction of the Company. The necessary resolutions to implement this name change will be proposed for shareholder approval at the upcoming general meeting of the Company to be held on 21 June 2011 at Le Meridien Beach Plaza Hotel, 22 Avenue Princesse Grace, 98000 Monte Carlo, Monaco at 2.00 p.m. (local time).


The Company is focusing its investment activities on the natural resources sector, leveraging the experience and relationships of the Board and the Company's strategic investors, in order to focus on creating maximum value for shareholders and look forward to reporting progress on these activities.

Robert Owen, Chairman

Johnny Chan, Chief Executive Officer

19 May 2011

Consolidated Income Statement

For the year ended 31 December 2010

                                                             2010         2009 
                                                  Notes   US$'000      US$'000 
 Continuing Operations 
 Other income                                                 175           17 
 Administrative expenses                                    (763)      (1,654) 
 Other operating expenses                                   (329)         (29) 
 Loss from operations                               2       (917)      (1,666) 
 Finance costs                                               (24)            - 
 Loss before taxation                                       (941)      (1,666) 
 Taxation                                           3           -            - 
    Loss for the year from continuing 
     operations                                             (941)      (1,666) 
 Discontinued Operations 
    Profit/(Loss) for the year from 
     discontinued operations                        4       2,667      (9,922) 
 Profit/(Loss) for the year                                 1,726     (11,588) 
                                                             2010         2009 
                                                  Note    US$'000      US$'000 
 Attributable to: 
 Owners of the Company 
       Loss for the year from continuing 
        operations                                          (941)      (1,666) 
       Profit/(Loss) for the year from 
        discontinued operations                             1,752      (9,275) 
                                                              811     (10,941) 
 Non-controlling interests 
       Profit/(Loss) for the year from 
        discontinued operations                               915        (647) 
                                                              915        (647) 
 Profit/(Loss) for the year                                 1,726     (11,588) 
 Dividend                                                       -            - 
-----------------------------------------------  -----  ---------  ----------- 
    Profit/(Loss) per share attributable 
     to owners of the Company during the year            US cents     US cents 
 Basic                                             5 
       Continuing operations                               (0.36)       (0.68) 
       Discontinued operations                               0.67       (3.81) 
                                                             0.31       (4.49) 
       Continuing operations                               (0.36)       (0.68) 
       Discontinued operations                               0.67       (3.81) 
                                                             0.31       (4.49) 

Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

For the year ended 31 December 2010

                                                   2010       2009 
                                                US$'000    US$'000 
 Profit/(Loss) for the year                       1,726   (11,588) 
 Other comprehensive income: 
                                               --------  --------- 
     Available-for-sale investments 
      Gain/(deficit) on revaluation 
      Recycle to income statement:                  322      (810) 
      Provision for impairment                        6      1,536 
      Upon disposal of subsidiaries               (322)        362 
    Exchange differences on translating 
     foreign operations                             175         46 
    Exchange differences recycle to income 
     statement upon disposal of subsidiaries      (743)          - 
    Share of other comprehensive income 
     of associates                                    -       (52) 
    Share of other comprehensive income 
     of jointly controlled entities                   -         11 
                                               --------  --------- 
    Other comprehensive income for the 
     year, before and net of tax                  (562)      1,093 
 Total comprehensive income for the 
  year, before and net of tax                     1,164   (10,495) 
                                               --------  --------- 
 Attributable to: 
 Owners of the Company                              249    (9,848) 
 Non-controlling interests                          915      (647) 
 Total comprehensive income for the 
  year, before and net of tax                     1,164   (10,495) 
                                               --------  --------- 

Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

As at 31 December 2010

                                                        2010      2009 
                                                     US$'000   US$'000 
 Non-current assets 
    Property, plant and equipment                         38       373 
    Interests in jointly controlled entities               -        16 
    Available-for-sale investments                         -       291 
    Note receivable                                        -       508 
    Intangible assets                                      -        21 
--------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
                                                          38     1,209 
--------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
 Current assets 
    Amounts due from parent and related companies          -         4 
    Trade and other receivables                           17     1,121 
    Tax recoverable                                        -        74 
    Financial assets at fair value through 
     profit or loss                                        -       115 
    Cash and cash equivalents                             73     6,723 
--------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
                                                          90     8,037 
 Total assets                                            128     9,246 
--------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
 Current liabilities 
    Amounts due to parent and related companies            -       (2) 
    Other payables                                     (386)   (2,425) 
    Deferred income                                        -      (26) 
    Obligations under finance leases                       -     (348) 
    Provision for liabilities                              -   (6,209) 
--------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
                                                       (386)   (9,010) 
--------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
 Non-current liabilities 
    Loan payable                                           -      (54) 
    Obligations under finance leases                       -     (144) 
--------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
                                                           -     (198) 
 Total liabilities                                     (386)   (9,208) 
--------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
    Share capital                                      3,098     2,435 
    Reserves                                         (3,356)   (3,427) 
    Capital deficiency attributable to owners 
     of the Company                                    (258)     (992) 
    Non-controlling interests                              -     1,030 
--------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
    (Capital deficiency)/Total equity                  (258)        38 
    Total equity and liabilities                         128     9,246 
--------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

For the year ended 31 December 2010

                                                                                                                                             Total Equity 
                       (Capital deficiency) / Equity attributable to owners                                        Non-controlling               (Capital 
                        of the Company                                                                                   interests            deficiency) 
                                                      share-based    Foreign    Investment     Profit 
                         Share     Share   Capital   compensation   exchange   revaluation   and loss 
                       capital   premium   reserve        reserve    reserve       reserve    account      Total 
                       US$'000   US$'000   US$'000        US$'000    US$'000       US$'000    US$'000    US$'000           US$'000                US$'000 
 At 1 January 2009       2,435     6,344    23,455          3,597         20       (1,088)   (26,579)      8,184             1,648                  9,832 
  compensation               -         -         -            672          -             -          -        672                29                    701 
 Lapse of share 
  options                    -         -         -        (1,015)          -             -      1,015          -                 -                      - 
 Transactions with 
  owners                     -         -         -          (343)          -             -      1,015        672                29                    701 
--------------------  --------  --------  --------  -------------  ---------  ------------  ---------  ---------  ----------------  --------------------- 
 Loss for the year           -         -         -              -          -             -   (10,941)   (10,941)             (647)               (11,588) 
 Other comprehensive 
  Deficit on 
  revaluation                -         -         -              -          -         (810)          -      (810)                 -                  (810) 
 Recycle to income 
 Provision for 
  impairment                 -         -         -              -          -         1,536          -      1,536                 -                  1,536 
 Upon disposal of 
  subsidiaries               -         -         -              -          -           362          -        362                 -                    362 
 Exchange difference 
  on translating 
  foreign exchange 
  operations                 -         -         -              -         46             -          -         46                 -                     46 
 Share of other 
  income of 
  associates                 -         -         -              -       (52)             -          -       (52)                 -                   (52) 
 Share of other 
  income of jointly 
  entities                   -         -         -              -         11             -          -         11                 -                     11 
 Total comprehensive 
  income for the 
  year                       -         -         -              -          5         1,088   (10,941)    (9,848)             (647)               (10,495) 
--------------------  --------  --------  --------  -------------  ---------  ------------  ---------  ---------  ----------------  --------------------- 
 At 31 December 2009     2,435     6,344    23,455          3,254         25             -   (36,505)      (992)             1,030                     38 

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

For the year ended 31 December 2010

                                                    2010         2009 
                                                 US$'000      US$'000 
 Operating activities 
 Continuing operations 
 Loss before taxation                              (941)      (1,666) 
 Adjustments for: 
 Finance costs                                        24            - 
 Employee share-based compensation                   101          276 
 Depreciation of property, plant and 
  equipment                                           22            1 
 Waiver of amounts due to former fellow 
  subsidiaries                                     (157)            - 
 Foreign exchange gains, net                         (5)         (17) 
                                                --------  ----------- 
 Operating cash flow before working 
  capital changes                                  (956)      (1,406) 
     Increase in trade and other receivables         (4)          (4) 
 Increase/(Decrease) in trade and other 
  payables                                            42        (126) 
    Increase in amounts due to parent company 
     and related company                               -        1,515 
     Net cash outflow used in operating 
      activities from continuing operations        (918)         (21) 
                                                --------  ----------- 
 Discontinued operations 
     Net cash outflow used in operating 
      activities from discontinued operations    (2,296)      (8,168) 
     Net cash outflow used in operating 
      activities                                 (3,214)      (8,189) 
                                                --------  ----------- 

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows (Continued)

For the year ended 31 December 2010

                                                     2010         2009 
                                                  US$'000      US$'000 
 Investing activities 
 Continuing operations 
     Net cash outflow used in investing 
      activities from continuing operations             -            - 
 Discontinued operations 
     Net cash outflow used in investing 
      activities from discontinued operations     (3,856)        (311) 
     Net cash outflow used in investing 
      activities                                  (3,856)        (311) 
                                                 --------  ----------- 
 Financing activities 
 Continuing operations 
 Loan from a related company                        1,000            - 
     Net cash inflow generated from financing 
      activities from continuing operations         1,000            - 
                                                 --------  ----------- 
 Discontinued operations 
     Net cash outflow used in financing 
      activities from discontinued operations       (564)        (319) 
     Net cash inflow generated from /(outflow) 
      used in financing activities                    436        (319) 
                                                 --------  ----------- 
   Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents      (6,634)      (8,819) 
 Cash and cash equivalents as at 1 January          6,723       15,526 
 Effect of exchange rate fluctuations                (16)           16 
 Cash and cash equivalents as at 31 
  December                                             73        6,723 
                                                 ========  =========== 
 Analysed into: 
 - Continuing operations                               73            - 
 - Discontinued operations                              -        6,723 
 Total                                                 73        6,723 
                                                 ========  =========== 

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Information

1. Basis of preparation

The Company was incorporated in the Cayman Islands, which does not prescribe the adoption of any particular accounting framework. The Board has therefore adopted International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRSs") issued by the International Accounting Standards Board. The Company's shares are listed on the AIM of London Stock Exchange.

The consolidated financial statements are prepared under historical cost convention except for financial instruments classified as available-for-sale and at fair value through profit or loss, which are measured at fair value. The measurement bases are fully described in the accounting policies detailed in the Group's 2010 annual report and consolidated financial statements.

It should be noted that accounting estimates and assumptions are used in preparation of the consolidated financial statements. Although these estimates are based on management's best knowledge and judgement of current events and actions, actual results may ultimately differ from those estimates. The areas involving a higher degree of judgement or complexity, or areas where assumptions and estimates are significant to the consolidated financial statements, are set out in the Group's 2010 annual report and consolidated financial statements.

The consolidated financial statements incorporate the financial statements of the Company and its subsidiaries(together referred to as "the Group") made up to 31 December each year. Material intra-group balances and transactions, and any unrealised gains arising from intra-group transactions, are eliminated on consolidation. Unrealised losses are also eliminated unless the transaction provides evidence of an impairment of the asset transferred.

The principal accounting policies are detailed in the Group's 2010annual report and consolidated financial statements.

2. Segmental Information

In identifying the Group's operating segments, the management generally followed the Group's service lines which represented the main service lines provided by the Group.

The Group identified the following reportable operating segments:

i) Asset Management - provision of fund management, asset management and wealth management services.

ii) Direct Investment - the remaining investments held which arose from the discontinued merchant banking segment which was disposed of in 2008 and were managed on a passive basis.

Upon the disposal of all the subsidiaries to its holding company, both the Asset Management and Direct Investment businesses have been shown as discontinued operations.

The revenues generated, losses incurred from operations and total assets by each of the Group's operating segments are summarised as follows:

                     Direct Investment       Asset Management            Total 
                              (Restated)             (Restated)             (Restated) 
                     2010        2009       2010        2009       2010        2009 
                    US$'000    US$'000     US$'000    US$'000     US$'000    US$'000 
   Revenue from 
   customers           -          -           -          -           -          - 
   revenues            -          -           -          -           -          - 
-----------------  --------  -----------  --------  -----------  --------  ----------- 
 Total revenue         -          -           -          -           -          - 
-----------------  --------  -----------  --------  -----------  --------  ----------- 
   Segment loss 
   operations          -          -           -          -           -          - 
-----------------  --------  -----------  --------  -----------  --------  ----------- 
   Revenue from 
    customers          -          -         1,630      3,505       1,630      3,505 
    revenues           -          57          -        1,139         -        1,196 
-----------------  --------  -----------  --------  -----------  --------  ----------- 
 Total revenue         -          57        1,630      4,644       1,630      4,701 
-----------------  --------  -----------  --------  -----------  --------  ----------- 
    operations       (276)     (2,085)      1,840     (5,785)      1,564     (7,870) 
-----------------  --------  -----------  --------  -----------  --------  ----------- 
  Segment total 
  assets               -          -           -          -           -          - 
-----------------  --------  -----------  --------  -----------  --------  ----------- 
 Segment total 
  assets               -         645          -        8,567         -        9,212 
-----------------  --------  -----------  --------  -----------  --------  ----------- 

Segment (loss)/profit from operations can be reconciled to consolidated loss from operations as follows:

                                        Continuing            Discontinued 
                                        operations             operations               Total 
                                             (Restated)             (Restated)             (Restated) 
                                      2010         2009      2010         2009      2010         2009 
                                   US$'000      US$'000   US$'000      US$'000   US$'000      US$'000 
 Segment (loss)/profit 
  from operations                        -            -     1,564      (7,870)     1,564      (7,870) 
 Reconciling items: 
 Other income not 
  allocated                            170           17         -            2       170           19 
  credit/(expenses)                      -            -        23      (2,622)        23      (2,622) 
 Other credit/( expenses) 
  not allocated                    (1,087)      (1,683)       (1)          523   (1,088)      (1,160) 
 Elimination of inter-segment 
  revenue/ expenses                      -            -         -           12         -           12 
                                  --------  -----------  --------  -----------  --------  ----------- 
 (Loss)/Profit from operations       (917)      (1,666)     1,586      (9,955)       669     (11,621) 
 Finance costs                        (24)            -      (65)        (112)      (89)        (112) 
 Share of losses of associates           -            -         -         (42)         -         (42) 
 Share of profits of jointly 
  controlled entities                    -            -        70          128        70          128 
                                  --------  -----------  --------  -----------  --------  ----------- 
 (Loss)/Profit before taxation       (941)      (1,666)     1,591      (9,981)       650     (11,647) 
                                  --------  -----------  --------  -----------  --------  ----------- 

Segment total assets can be reconciled to consolidated total assets as follows:

                          2010        2009 
                         US$'000    US$'000 
 Segment total assets       -        9,212 
 Other assets not 
  allocated                128         34 
                        --------  ----------- 
 Total assets              128       9,246 
                        --------  ----------- 
                          Direct investment       Asset Management            Other                  Total 
                                   (Restated)             (Restated)             (Restated)             (Restated) 
                            2010         2009      2010         2009      2010         2009      2010         2009 
                         US$'000      US$'000   US$'000      US$'000   US$'000      US$'000   US$'000      US$'000 
    Other information 
 Depreciation                  -            -         -            -        22            1        22            1 
     compensation              -            -         -            -       101          276       101          276 
 Interest income             (9)         (23)      (15)         (31)         -            -      (24)         (54) 
 Depreciation                  -            -       144          222         -            -       144          222 
   Impairment of 
    investments                -            -         6        1,536         -            -         6        1,536 
   Impairment of 
    associates                 -            -         -          389         -            -         -          389 
   Impairment of a 
    jointly controlled 
    entity                     -            -         -          128         -            -         -          128 
   Impairment of 
    other receivable           -            -         3           71         -            -         3           71 
  compensation                 -            4        76          421         -            -        76          425 

The Group definedgeographical locations with reference to those revenue producing assets and transactions that arise from customers domiciled worldwide. Due to the nature of the business, precise segregation of geographical activities would be arbitrary and therefore considered not appropriate.

3. Taxation

                                  2010      2009 
                               US$'000   US$'000 
 Current tax credit 
 United Kingdom: 
 - Over provision in prior 
  years                             35        32 
 - Under provision in prior 
  years                           (32)         - 
 - Over provision in prior 
  years                              -        27 
                                  (32)        27 
 Total                               3        59 
----------------------------  --------  -------- 
 Analysed into 
 Continuing operations      -    - 
 Discontinued operations    3   59 
 Total                      3   59 
-------------------------      --- 

United Kingdom and overseas income tax for the year have been calculated at the rates prevailing in the relevant jurisdictions.

A reconciliation of the tax credit applicable to the profit/(loss)before taxation using the statutory rates for the countries in which the Company and its subsidiaries are domiciled to the tax credit at the effective tax rates, and a reconciliation of the statutory tax rates to the effective tax rates, are as follows :

                                               2010                 2009 
                                  US$'000         %    US$'000         % 
 (Loss)/Profit before 
 Continuing operations              (941)              (1,666) 
 Discontinued operations            1,591              (9,981) 
                                      650             (11,647) 
 Less: Adjustments 
          Share of profits of 
           jointly controlled 
           entities                  (70)                (128) 
          Share of losses of 
           associates                   -                   42 
                                      580             (11,733) 
-------------------------------  --------  --------  ---------  -------- 
     Tax at the domestic 
      income tax rates                 96     16.50    (1,936)     16.50 
 Tax effect of prior 
  year's tax losses 
  utilised this year                    -         -      (136)      1.16 
 Income not subject 
  to tax                             (96)   (16.50)    (1,213)     10.34 
 Expenses not deductible 
  for tax                               -         -      2,457   (20.94) 
 Tax effect of unrecognised 
  temporary differences                 -         -      (108)      0.92 
    Tax effect of unrecognised 
     tax losses                         -         -        936    (7.98) 
 Under provision in 
  prior years                          32      5.50          -         - 
 Over provision in 
  prior years                        (35)    (6.02)       (59)      0.51 
    Tax credit for the 
     year                             (3)    (0.52)       (59)      0.51 

No recognition of potential deferred tax assets of the Group has been made as the recoverability of the potential assets is uncertain.

4. Discontinued operations

                                                            2010         2009 
                                                 Note    US$'000      US$'000 
 Revenue                                                   1,630        3,505 
    Cost of sales                                          (291)        (451) 
    Gross profit                                           1,339        3,054 
    Profit/(Loss) on financial assets at 
     fair value through profit or loss                         3      (2,003) 
 Other income                                              3,801          600 
 Administrative expenses 
                                                        --------  ----------- 
     Restructuring credit/(expenses)              (i)         23      (2,622) 
     Other administrative expenses                       (3,353)      (5,345) 
                                                        --------  ----------- 
                                                         (3,330)      (7,967) 
 Distribution expenses                                         -          (3) 
 Impairment of available-for-sale investments                (6)      (1,536) 
 Impairment of associates                                      -        (389) 
 Impairment of a jointly controlled entity                     -        (128) 
 Other operating expenses                                  (221)      (1,583) 
 Profit/(Loss) from operations                             1,586      (9,955) 
 Finance costs                                              (65)        (112) 
 Share of losses of associates                                 -         (42) 
 Share of profits of jointly controlled 
  entities                                                    70          128 
 Profit/(Loss) before taxation                             1,591      (9,981) 
 Taxation                                                      3           59 
 Profit/(Loss) after taxation                              1,594      (9,922) 
 Gain on disposal of discontinued operations               1,073            - 
 Profit/(Loss) for the year from discontinued 
  operations                                               2,667      (9,922) 


(i) The amounts include the additional provision for onerous contract of US$106,000 (2009: US$2,685,000) representing the discounted net present value of the future property operating lease rental payments under the operating lease on the basis that no sublet of the property is achieved for the remaining term of the lease. As at 31 December 2010, the provision for the onerous contract was US$Nil (2009: US$2,963,000) following the disposal of subsidiaries.

(ii) For the purpose of presenting discontinued operations, the comparative consolidated income statement and consolidated statement of comprehensive income, the consolidated statement of cash flowsand the related notes have been re-presented as if the operations discontinued during the year had been discontinued at the beginning of the comparative period.

5. Profit/(Loss) per Share

(a) Basic

Basic profit/(loss) per share is calculated by dividing consolidated loss attributable to owners of the Company by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year.

                                  2010       2009 
                               US$'000    US$'000 
 Profit/(Loss) attributable 
  to owners of the Company 
 - Continuing operations         (941)    (1,666) 
 - Discontinued operations       1,752    (9,275) 
                                   811   (10,941) 
----------------------------  --------  --------- 
                                            2010          2009 
    Weighted average number of 
     shares for calculating basic 
     loss per share                  259,475,821   243,475,000 
                                       2010       2009 
                                   US cents   US cents 
  Basic (loss)/profit per share 
 - Continuing operations             (0.36)     (0.68) 
 - Discontinued operations             0.67     (3.81) 
                                       0.31     (4.49) 
--------------------------------  ---------  --------- 

(b) Diluted

The diluted profit per share for 2010 is the same as the basic profit per share as the outstanding share options were all exercisable at a price significantly in excess of the share price throughout 2010.

The diluted loss per share for 2009 is the same as the basic loss per share as the outstanding share options were anti-dilutive.

6. Publication

The financial information set out in this preliminary announcement does not constitute statutory accounts.

The consolidated statement of financial position at 31 December 2010 and the consolidated income statement, consolidated statement of comprehensive income, consolidated statement of changes in equity, consolidated statement of cash flows and enclosed notes for the year then ended have been extracted from the Group's 2010 statutory financial statements upon which the auditors opinion is unqualified.

7. Copies of This Announcement

Copies of this announcement are available for collection from the Company's offices at 4 Old Park Lane, London W1K 1QW.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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