Octopus Titan VCT 4 plc 
   Final Results 
   28 January 2014 
   Octopus Titan VCT 4 plc ("Titan"), managed by Octopus Investments 
Limited ("Octopus"), today announces the final results for the year 
ended 31 October 2013. 
   These results were approved by the Board of Directors on 28 January 
   You may, in due course, view the Annual Report in full at 
   Octopus Titan VCT 4 plc 
   Annual Report & Accounts for the year ended 31 October 2013 
   Octopus Titan VCT 4 plc is a venture capital trust which aims to provide 
shareholders with attractive tax-free dividends and long-term capital 
growth by investing in a diverse portfolio of predominately unquoted 
companies and is managed by Octopus Investments Limited. 
   Financial Summary 
                                                 As at             As at 
                                             31 October 2013   31 October 2012 
Net assets (GBP'000s)                                 29,231            21,023 
Return on ordinary activities after tax 
 (GBP'000s)                                            3,935             (296) 
Net asset value (NAV) per share                        100.7             87.7p 
Dividends paid                                          1.0p                 - 
Total Return (NAV plus Dividends paid)                101.7p             87.7p 
Dividends declared                                      2.0p                 - 
   Key Dates 
   Final dividend payment date                                                           4 April 2014 
   Annual General Meeting 
1 April 2014 (2.15 pm at 20 Old Bailey,      London EC4M 7AN) 
   Half-yearly results to 30 April 2014 published                   June 
   Annual results to 31 October 2014 announced                February 2015 
   Annual Report and financial statements published          February/March 
   Chairman's Statement 
   I am pleased to present the Annual Report of Octopus Titan VCT 4 plc for 
the year ended 31 October 2013. The Company, which commenced investment 
in 2010, has seen a significant uplift in value of 16.0% during the year 
due to the strong performance of the portfolio. I am delighted that the 
Company is following its predecessors in the Titan family of VCTs of 
achieving a significant uplift in value as the portfolio matures, within 
a relatively short period 
   During the year the Total Return, being the Net Asset Value (NAV) of the 
Company plus cumulative dividends, has increased from 87.7 pence per 
share to 101.7 pence per share as shown in the below table. This 
increase is attributable to the unquoted company portfolio which has 
performed strongly. 
                                Pence per Ordinary share 
NAV as at 1 November 2012                           87.7 
16.0% uplift in NAV                                 14.0 
Total Return as at 31 October                      101.7 
Less dividends paid                                (1.0) 
NAV as at 31 October 2013                          100.7 
   During the year the Company continued to invest in a broad range of 
unquoted smaller UK companies with the potential to generate significant 
capital growth and to strengthen the current portfolio. 
   Dividend and Dividend Policy 
   It is your Board's objective to maintain a regular dividend whilst 
retaining the appropriate level of liquidity in the Company. In light of 
this, your Board recommends a final dividend of 2 pence per share 
bringing total dividends declared in respect of the year to 3 pence per 
   The final dividend will be paid on 4 April 2014 to those shareholders 
who are on the register on 7 March 2014. 
   Investment Portfolio 
   The portfolio had a net uplift in fair value of GBP4,031,000, largely 
attributable to Secret Escapes and TouchType with significant increases 
in fair value of GBP5,239,000 and GBP464,000 respectively. 
   The Company made eleven follow-on investments in existing portfolio 
companies during the year totalling GBP4,340,000 and six new investments 
amounting to GBP1,880,000enhancing further a diverse portfolio which now 
has twenty-eight investment companies across a range of sectors. The 
Investment Manager's Review describes the portfolio in greater detail on 
pages X to X. 
   Given the nature and vulnerability of small companies, there were a 
number in the portfolio which did not meet their targets and resulted in 
decreases in fair value in keeping with our prudent approach to 
valuation. However, as the portfolio matures an increasing number of 
companies are expected to strengthen and grow. 
   At 31 October 2013, the net assets of the Company comprised 81.0% in 
unquoted investments, 9.6% in Octopus Open Ended Investment Companies 
(OEICs) and 9.4% in cash or cash equivalents. Cash is invested in a 
range of conservatively run money market funds that conform with the 
Board's policy of preserving capital pending its deployment in 
Qualifying Investments. 
   Funds Raised and Buy-backs 
   As mentioned in my interim report, the Company successfully raised 
GBP4,580,000, net of costs, in February 2013. The majority of these 
funds are being used to support existing portfolio companies where the 
Investment Manager sees the opportunity for building further value. Your 
Investment Manager also continues to see and analyse many new investment 
   Following the success of the February 2013 fundraising, your Board 
announced in September a further opportunity to invest in the Titan VCTs 
through a linked share offer. The first allotment of GBP3,137,000 net of 
costs, was made in December. 
   For further details of the Offer and a copy of the Prospectus please 
contact Octopus using the details provided on page X of this report or 
visit the Octopus website at www.octopusinvestments.com. 
   During the year to 31(st) October, the Company repurchased 20,453 shares 
at a price of 86.0p per share a 5% discount to the then NAV. Further 
details can be found in Note 14 of the accounts. 
   Open Ended Investment Companies ("OEICs") 
   The Octopus UK Micro Cap Growth Fund performed well during the year with 
an uplift in fair value of GBP627,000 which represents an uplift of 
28.9%. The mandate of the Foundation Fund, as amended last year, was not 
in line with the Company's strategy and the Fund was therefore sold, 
realising an overall gain of GBP45,000. 
   The Board believes it remains a sensible strategy to maintain part of 
our non-qualifying portfolio in OEICs due to their liquid status and 
potential to achieve greater returns compared with cash deposits. 
Further details of these investments, including monthly factsheets, may 
be found at www.octopusinvestments.com. 
   Investment Strategy 
   Your Board will continue to review its investment strategy on a regular 
basis, including the purchase of cash funds and non-qualifying 
investments pending investment in qualifying holdings.  As envisaged in 
the Company's prospectus, between 15% and 25% of the assets of the 
Company will be retained for liquidity and follow-on investments. As our 
existing portfolio of unquoted companies matures, many will require 
further rounds of investment for growth and development.  A minority of 
these investments may be non-qualifying for VCT purposes as there will 
continue to be circumstances in which it will be in our shareholders' 
interests to hold them, subject always to maintenance of the qualifying 
level of 70%. 
   VCT Qualifying Status 
   PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP provides the Board and Investment Manager 
with advice concerning ongoing compliance with HMRC rules and 
regulations concerning VCTs.  The Board has been advised that the 
Company is fully compliant with the conditions laid down by HMRC for 
maintaining VCT status. 
   A key requirement now is to maintain the 70% qualifying investment 
level.  As at 31 October 2013, over 97% of the portfolio, as measured by 
HMRC rules, was invested in VCT qualifying investments. 
   Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD) 
   AIFMD was introduced under EU Legislation to bring consistency of 
reporting across all fund types.  In accordance with this legislation, 
the Company has applied to the Financial Conduct Authority to register 
as its own Alternative Investment Fund Manager (AIFM).  I expect this 
authority to be granted by 22 July 2014 after which the Company will be 
required to make an annual report, which will include investments made, 
principal exposures, liquidity and risk management. 
   Annual General Meeting 
   I look forward to meeting shareholders at the Annual General Meeting 
("AGM") on 1 April 2014 to be held at the offices of Octopus Investments 
Limited, 20 Old Bailey, London, EC4M 7AN. The AGM will start at 10.45 
   There is a sense of improving business confidence in the UK with 
broadly-based evidence that the economy has resumed growth at an 
acceptable level after the strictures of the past few years.  There 
remain challenges, however, for small companies, so it is pleasing to 
see the value of our portfolio grow significantly during the year. 
   During the past three years the Company has successfully built its 
investment portfolio and your Board looks forward with confidence to its 
further development and expansion in 2014 and beyond. The growing 
maturity of our portfolio and the cash-resources available to us provide 
a sound platform for your Manager to continue the investment process 
that has successfully generated growth for this and other Titan VCTs. 
   Gregor Michie 
   28 January 2014 
   Investment Manager's Review 
   Personal Service 
   At Octopus, we focus on both managing your investments and keeping you 
informed throughout the investment process. We are committed to 
providing our investors with regular and open communication. Our updates 
are designed to keep you informed about the progress of your investment. 
   Octopus was established in 2000 and has a strong commitment to both 
smaller companies and to VCTs. We currently manage 13 VCTs, including 
this VCT, and manage over GBP340 million in the VCT sector. Octopus has 
over 250 employees and was voted 'Best VCT Provider of the Year' by the 
financial adviser community in 2006 to 2010. 
   Investment Strategy Implementation 
   The companies we look to invest in are those that we believe have great 
potential but need some financial support to realise it. Each company 
that we target will have the potential to create a large business by 
taking a relatively modest market share. We are particularly interested 
in businesses that address current market trends and aim to create a 
balanced investment portfolio spanning multiple industries and business 
   Having now reached the level of invested funds required by HMRC, our 
focus will shift to managing the portfolio and developing capital 
growth. The current portfolio of holdings built by the Company now 
encompasses investments in 28 unquoted companies in a range of sectors. 
   As Investment Manager, we typically purchase a significant minority 
equity stake in qualifying companies, providing financial capital to 
each business to build and grow its operations with the objective to 
sell to an acquirer at some point in the future. These entrepreneurial 
early stage businesses frequently face challenges as they seek to 
establish themselves in their markets. The amount of capital we 
initially deploy is intended to be only the first investment that we 
will make into a business, prior to seeing if the company meets or 
exceeds its initial objectives. 
   If the business is unsuccessful in meeting these first objectives we 
strive to minimise the financial exposure the Company faces without 
committing further money to the investment. Other businesses which meet 
some of their objectives, but not necessarily all, will require more 
time to prove their concept and these businesses will typically be 
reduced in value prior to our making an additional investment to fund 
their further progress. Finally, there are those that meet and exceed 
the expectations originally set. It is these businesses in which we wish 
to increase our investment exposure as they remain on course to create a 
large business. 
   Liquidity in the Company is maintained to ensure adequate resources are 
available to support further portfolio funding needs as they arise. This 
will be assisted by the Top-up as described in the Chairman's Statement 
and is an important feature of our model in delivering returns to 
   Portfolio Review 
   The Total Return (being Net Asset Value plus dividends paid) rose by 
16.0% during the year to 101.7p per share as at 31 October 2013 from 
87.7p as at 31 October 2012. This increase was largely due to the strong 
performance of the portfolio and in particular, Secret Escapes. 
   Investment highlights 
   The top three performing portfolio companies are detailed below: 
Fixed asset      Original    Investment cost as at 31    Fair value as at 31 October   Total uplift in   % uplift 
investments    investment     October 2013 (GBP'000)           2013 (GBP'000)          value (GBP'000)   on cost 
 Limited       April 2011                         1,467                        8,080              6,613    450.8% 
 Limited      August 2010                         1,226                        2,233              1,007     82.1% 
 (YPlan)        July 2012                           715                        1,066                351     49.1% 
   The above three companies are the main contributors to the uplift in 
value in the portfolio with Secret Escapes in particular seeing 
significant growth with an uplift on cost of 450.8% since original 
   A number of companies, however, struggled to meet expectations and as a 
result experienced downward revaluations in fair value. 
   Follow-on investments 
   As Investment Manager, it is our continued intention to take those 
businesses in which we have invested a small amount of money as a first 
investment, and invest further as they meet or exceed the initial 
milestone objectives we agreed with them. This approach can be 
demonstrated through 11 follow on investments being made, totalling 
GBP4,340,000 as shown below: 
Fixed asset investments          Sector                          Cost, GBP'000 
TouchType Limited                Telecommunications                        841 
Aframe Media Group Limited       Media                                     762 
                                 Consumer lifestyle and well 
The Faction Collective SA         being                                    618 
                                 Consumer lifestyle and well 
Leanworks Limited (YPlan)         being                                    565 
Artesian Solutions Limited       Technology                                436 
UltraSoC Technologies Limited    Technology                                323 
Applied Superconductor Limited   Environmental                             273 
Vega-Chi Limited                 Technology                                224 
Certivox Limited                 Technology                                188 
Bowman Power Limited             Environmental                             109 
Amplience Limited                Technology                                  1 
Total follow-on investments                                              4,340 
   New investments 
   There were seven new investments during the year in order to diversify 
the portfolio amounting to GBP1,880,000. 
Fixed asset investments   Sector                              Cost, GBP'000 
Conversocial Limited      Technology                                    500 
Affectv Limited           Media                                         500 
TrialReach Limited        Consumer lifestyle and well being             350 
Shopa Limited             Media                                         175 
Sourceable Limited        Consumer lifestyle and well being             149 
Uniplaces Limited         Consumer lifestyle and well being             106 
Zynstra Limited           Technology                                    100 
Total new Investments                                                 1,880 
   Post year end 
   Since the balance sheet date a number of new and follow-on investments 
have been made. For more information please see Note 17. 
   The Fund has continued the pattern shown by earlier Titan VCTs by seeing 
a significant rise in NAV at this stage of maturity. We are confident 
that Titan 4 is building a strong and diverse portfolio which is well 
positioned to take advantage of the improving economic climate. As the 
fund continues to mature we believe there is further capital growth 
   We continue to see a large number of potential businesses, and with the 
successful fund raise during the year and post year end, we will deploy 
finance into companies where we believe there is potential for strong 
capital growth. We are also working hard alongside those companies that 
have fallen behind expectations to stabilise them. 
   If you have any questions on any aspect of your investment, please call 
one of the team on 0800 316 2295. 
   Alex Macpherson 
   Octopus Investments Limited 
   28 January 2014 
   Investment Portfolio 
                                                  Movement                                                                           % equity 
                                                   in fair     Fair                                                                  held by 
                                      Investment  value to   value as                                                                  all 
                                      cost as at     31        at 31                                                       % voting   funds 
                                      31 October   October    October                                                       rights   managed 
Fixed asset                              2013       2013       2013     Movement in fair value in year to 31 October 2013  held by      by 
investments      Sector               (GBP'000)   (GBP'000)  (GBP'000)                      (GBP'000)                      Titan 4   Octopus 
Secret Escapes   Consumer lifestyle 
 Limited          and well being           1,467      6,613      8,080                                              5,239    10.98%    18.00% 
 Limited         Telecommunications        1,226      1,007      2,233                                                464     5.53%    18.52% 
 Limited         Technology                1,277         87      1,364                                                 87    21.38%    55.11% 
 Limited         Technology                1,175       (15)      1,160                                                245    12.75%    30.74% 
Aframe Media 
 Group Limited   Media                     1,262      (185)      1,077                                                 64    13.72%    33.19% 
 Limited         Consumer lifestyle 
 (Yplan)          and well being             715        351      1,066                                                352     6.02%     9.78% 
 Limited         Technology                1,801      (820)        981                                              (841)    22.44%    38.90% 
 Limited         Technology                  936          -        936                                                  -     9.91%    20.02% 
 Limited         Technology                  864         50        914                                                345     8.70%    14.10% 
Rangespan        Consumer lifestyle 
 Limited          and well being           1,125      (250)        875                                              (250)     6.27%    10.59% 
The Faction      Consumer lifestyle 
 Collective SA    and well being             785         33        818                                                 33    14.22%    23.99% 
Iovox Limited    Telecommunications          750          -        750                                                  -     9.35%    13.62% 
 Limited         Telecommunications          756      (180)        576                                              (180)     3.56%    24.70% 
 Limited         Technology                  500          -        500                                                  -     4.39%     8.11% 
Affectv Limited  Media                       500          -        500                                                  -     7.62%    15.29% 
Bowman Power 
 Limited         Environmental               421       (42)        379                                                  -     2.70%    10.70% 
TrialReach       Consumer lifestyle 
 Limited          and well being             350          -        350                                                  -     5.44%    10.00% 
 Channel Europe 
 Limited         Media                       641      (326)        315                                              (385)     7.12%    25.14% 
 Diagnostics     Consumer lifestyle 
 Limited          and well being             650      (391)        259                                               (66)     7.62%    20.50% 
Shopa Limited    Media                       175          -        175                                                  -     5.29%     9.85% 
Sourceable       Consumer lifestyle 
 Limited          and well being             149          -        149                                                  -     7.26%    11.95% 
Uniplaces        Consumer lifestyle 
 Limited          and well being             106          -        106                                                  -     3.47%    16.47% 
Zynstra Limited  Technology                  100          -        100                                                  -     1.23%     8.12% 
 Limited         Environmental               765      (765)          -                                              (396)     8.30%    13.82% 
Lifebook         Consumer lifestyle 
 Limited          and well being             556      (556)          -                                              (556)    11.34%    18.23% 
PrismaStar Inc.  Media                       424      (424)          -                                              (124)     2.58%    10.30% 
Diverse Energy 
 Limited         Environmental               414      (414)          -                                                  -     5.47%    29.76% 
Elonics Limited  Technology                  305      (305)          -                                                  -     3.11%    19.54% 
Total fixed asset investments             20,195      3,468     23,663                                              4,031 
Money market securities                    2,279                 2,279                                                  - 
Open ended investment companies            1,581      1,222      2,803                                                627 
Cash at bank                                 281                   281                                                  - 
Total investments                         24,336      4,690     29,026                                              4,658 
Debtors less creditors                                             205 
Total net assets                                                29,231 
   Valuation Methodology 
   Initial measurement 
   Financial assets are measured at fair value. The initial best estimate 
of fair value of a financial asset that is either quoted or not quoted 
in an active market is the transaction price (i.e. cost). 
   Subsequent measurement 
   Further funding rounds are a good indicator of fair value and this 
measure is used where appropriate.  Subsequent adjustment to the fair 
value of unquoted investments can be made using sector multiples based 
on information as at 31 October 2013, where applicable. In some cases 
the multiples can be compared to equivalent companies, especially where 
a particular sector multiple does not appear appropriate. It is 
currently industry norm to discount the quoted earnings multiple to 
reflect the lack of liquidity in the investment. Typically the discount 
is between 20 and 30% but this can be increased where the relevant 
multiple appears too high. A lower discount would also be possible if an 
investment was close to an exit event. 
   In accordance with the IPEVC valuation guidelines investments made 
within 12 months are usually kept at cost unless performance indicates 
that fair value has changed. 
   If you would like to find out more regarding the IPEVC valuation 
guidelines, please visit their website at: 
   Review of Investments 
   During the year, the Company made seven new investments and eleven 
follow on investments amounting to GBP8,298,000. The unquoted 
investments are in Ordinary shares with full voting rights as well as 
loan note securities. 
   Unquoted investments are valued in accordance with the accounting policy 
set out in accounting note 1, which takes account of current industry 
guidelines for the valuation of venture capital portfolios and is 
compliant with IPEVC valuation guidelines and current financial 
reporting standards. 
   Listed below are details of the Company's 10 largest investments by 
   Secret Escapes Limited 
   Launched in February 2011, Secret Escapes is an online travel club that 
offers its members exclusive discounts of up to 70 per cent on luxury 
hotels and holidays. Offers are usually available for between three and 
seven days. The founders are aiming for Secret Escapes to become the 
leading luxury holiday deal provider in the UK. 
   Initial investment date:                                                        April 2011 
   Cost:                                                                                      GBP1,467,000 
   Valuation:                                                                              GBP8,080,000 
   Voting rights held by Fund:                                                               10.98% 
   Equity held by all funds managed by Octopus:              18.00% 
   Last submitted audited accounts:                                    31 
December 2012 (abbreviated) 
   Turnover                :                                                                               not disclosed 
   Loss before tax:                                                                   not disclosed 
   Net assets:                                                                            GBP2,725,025 
   TouchType Limited 
   TouchType is a leader in the development of artificial intelligence and 
machine learning technologies, encapsulated in its Fluency prediction 
engine, a patent pending set of software algorithms. Its first product, 
SwiftKey(TM), a text prediction technology designed to significantly 
boost the accuracy, fluency and speed of text entry on mobile and 
computing devices, resulting in users having to make less than half the 
number of keystrokes compared to a standard QWERTY keyboard. 
SwiftKey(TM) has enjoyed tremendous success as both an Android App, with 
over 10 million downloads to date, and as the installed text prediction 
technology on a increasing range of smartphones and tablets. It has won 
several high profile industry awards, including a prestigious Global 
Mobile Award for the "Most Innovative App" and the Guardian Digital 
Innovation Award for the "Best Startup Business". 
   Initial investment date:                                                        August 2010 
   Cost:                                                                                      GBP1,226,000 
   Valuation:                                                                              GBP2,233,000 
   Voting rights held by Fund:                                                               5.53% 
   Equity held by all funds managed by Octopus:              18.52% 
   Last submitted group accounts:                                       31 
December 2012 (abbreviated) 
   Turnover                                                                                                not disclosed 
   Loss before tax:                                                                   not disclosed 
   Net assets:                                                                            (GBP635,793) 
   UltraSoC Technologies Limited 
   UltraSoC Technologies Ltd develops advanced debugging technology for the 
embedded electronic systems used in products, from cars to mobile 
phones. UltraSoC Technologies is developing next-generation, silicon 
Intellectual Property (IP) that addresses the challenges of debugging 
the application software which provides the functionality and 
performance in modern electronic products. 
   Initial investment date:                                                        September 2011 
   Cost:                                                                                      GBP1,277,000 
   Valuation:                                                                              GBP1,364,000 
   Voting rights held by Fund:                                                               21.38% 
   Equity held by all funds managed by Octopus:              55.11% 
   Last submitted audited group accounts:                         31 
December 2012 (abbreviated) 
   Turnover                                                                                                not disclosed 
   Loss before tax:                                                                   not disclosed 
   Net assets:                                                                            GBP605,100 
   Amplience Limited 
   Amplience is a leading Commerce Content Management platform for global 
brands and retailers. The platform enables retailers to deliver engaging 
retail experiences across multi-digital channels, including smartphones 
and tablets. It makes it quicker and cheaper for retailers to update 
content on websites, while also demonstrably increasing the amount their 
customers spend. 
   Initial investment date:                                                        December 2010 
   Cost:                                                                                      GBP1,175,000 
   Valuation:                                                                              GBP1,160,000 
   Voting rights held by Fund:                                                               12.75% 
   Equity held by all funds managed by Octopus:              30.74% 
   Last submitted audited accounts:                                    31 
December 2012 
   Turnover                                                                                                GBP1,009,048 
   Loss before tax:                                                                   (GBP2,161,394) 
   Net assets:                                                                            GBP325,141 
   Aframe Media Group Limited 
   Aframe Media Services Limited is the first Software as a Service (SaaS) 
offering that eliminates many of the issues associated with traditional 
video production methods. Aframe is a video storage and end-to-end 
production platform that allows its users to collaborate on productions 
with colleagues based anywhere in the world. It enables them to organise 
and share footage, edit that footage in a professional system of their 
choice and then use Aframe for delivering it. It offers its service on a 
monthly basis, with a range of packages to suit different user types. 
Its customers include the BBC, BT and CPL. 
   Initial investment date:                                                        March 2012 
   Cost:                                                                                      GBP1,262,000 
   Valuation:                                                                              GBP1,077,000 
   Voting rights held by Fund:                                                               13.72% 
   Equity held by all funds managed by Octopus:              33.19% 
   Last submitted audited group accounts:                         31 
December 2012 (abbreviated) 
   Turnover                                                                                                not disclosed 
   Loss before tax:                                                                   not disclosed 
   Net assets:                                                                            GBP3,975,719 
   Leanworks Limited (YPlan) 
   Leanworks is an early-stage business that develops YPlan, a mobile and 
online ticketing platform. It allows users to discover and purchase 
tickets for events that are taking place in the vicinity, from the 
convenience of their smartphone. 
   Initial investment date:                                                        July 2012 
   Cost:                                                                                      GBP715,000 
   Valuation:                                                                              GBP1,066,000 
   Voting rights held by Fund:                                                               6.02% 
   Equity held by all funds managed by Octopus:              9.78% 
   Last submitted audited group accounts:                         31 
December 2012 (abbreviated) 
   Turnover                                                                                                not disclosed 
   Loss before tax:                                                                   not disclosed 
   Net assets:                                                                            GBP567,330 
   CertiVox Limited 
   CertiVox was founded in 2009 based on the simple belief that everyone 
deserves the right to secure their online information exchanges simply 
and easily. Its leading-edge technology enables industries around the 
world - including defence, government, legal and financial services - to 
protect and control their information exchanges, whether through PCs, 
smart devices or the cloud. By combining state-of-the-art crypto 
technology with its unique on-demand encryption key management service, 
CertiVox is the only company in the global market today that can arm 
businesses and individuals with frictionless end-to-end encryption, key 
management and identity management services for the web 2.0 world. 
   Initial investment date:                                                        March 2011 
   Cost:                                                                                      GBP1,801,000 
   Valuation:                                                                              GBP981,000 
   Voting rights held by Fund:                                                               22.44% 
   Equity held by all funds managed by Octopus:              38.90% 
   Last submitted audited accounts:                                    30 
June 2012 
   Turnover                :                                                                               nil 
   Loss before Tax:                                                                  (GBP23,035) 
   Net assets:                                                                            GBP5,006,610 
   Artesian Solutions Limited 
   Artesian helps its business to business customers accelerate revenue by 
building stronger and deeper customer relationships. It provides a sales 
productivity application that automates the process of looking for sales 
and market intelligence from the web and in social media. The service is 
100% cloud-based and helps sales and marketing teams achieve better 
results by acting on key insights from customer-based information. 
   The company has developed technology that allows it to interpret and 
analyse millions of web pages. Through a combination of 
natural-language-processing and a unique heuristic ranking approach, the 
company is able to deliver accurate contextual insight about its 
clients' customers and the relevant things they are doing, enabling its 
clients to drive better customer engagement. 
   Initial investment date:                                          December 2011 
   Cost:                                                                      GBP936,000 
   Valuation:                                                                              GBP936,000 
   Voting rights held by Fund:                                                               9.91% 
   Equity held by all funds managed by Octopus:              20.02% 
   Last submitted audited accounts:                                    29 
February 2013 
   Turnover                                                                                                GBP2,756,672 
   Loss before tax:                                                                   (GBP1,537,335) 
   Net assets:                                                                            GBP563,528 
   Vega-Chi Limited 
   Vega-Chi Limited is the leading operator of electronic trading exchanges 
dedicated to high yield bonds and convertible bonds, operating three 
electronic trading platforms, two in Europe (convertible bonds, high 
yield bonds) and one in the US for high-yield bonds, launched on 24 
October 2012. Outside Vega-Chi, such securities are predominantly traded 
on telephone-based broker crossing networks in the over-the-counter 
(OTC) market. Vega-Chi is challenging the OTC structures by allowing 
institutional investors to bypass the middlemen (brokers, dealers) and 
trade directly with each other on an electronic exchange setting 
achieving better prices, anonymity, flexibility and trading efficiency. 
   Initial investment date: 
   Cost:                                                                                      GBP864,000 
   Valuation:                                                                              GBP914,000 
   Voting rights held by Fund:                                                               8.70% 
   Equity held by all funds managed by Octopus:              14.10% 
   Last submitted audited accounts:                                    28 
February 2013 
   Turnover                                                                                                GBP124,000 
   Loss before tax:                                                                   (GBP1,565,000) 
   Net assets:                                                                            GBP925,000 
   Rangespan Limited 
   Launched in 2011 by a team of ex-Amazon.com senior executives and 
engineers, Rangespan is a technology company with an automated supply 
chain service. The team has extensive experience in e-commerce best 
practice and scalable software development, as well as a fanatical focus 
on customer experience. The Rangespan service enables retailers to list 
tens of thousands of new products online without a lengthy technology 
integration project, ongoing product data management, upfront costs, or 
assuming additional inventory risk. 
   Initial investment date:                                                        November 2011 
   Cost:                                                                                      GBP1,125,000 
   Valuation:                                                                              GBP875,000 
   Voting rights held by Fund:                                                               6.27% 
   Equity held by all funds managed by Octopus:              10.59% 
   Last submitted audited accounts:                                    31 
March 2013 
   Turnover                                                                                                GBP2,529,144 
   Loss before tax:                                                                  (GBP1,749,029) 
   Net assets:                                                                            GBP369,886 
   How Octopus creates and delivers value for the shareholders of the 
   The Company focuses on providing early stage, development and expansion 
funding to predominantly unquoted companies with a typical deal size of 
GBP0.2 million to GBP2 million, in aggregate from the five Titan VCTs 
managed by Octopus.  The focus is on establishing a portfolio of 
qualifying investments in companies that have the potential to achieve a 
high level of profitability through the combination of:- 
   -- Scalability: The potential to deliver services to significant numbers 
of new customers at very low incremental cost and to generate repeat 
sales from customers. 
   -- Scope: The ability to expand into complimentary areas by leveraging 
customer and/or distributor relationships, new product development or 
brand positioning. 
   -- Pricing power: An ability to charge high and defensible prices for 
its products or services as a result of having intellectual property 
rights, a strong brand and/or a dominant position in a market niche. 
   The Investment Manager looks to identify opportunities where the people 
involved - the entrepreneur, management team, investors, advisers and 
any other significant stakeholders - have a proven record of success. 
Although the Fund has the ability to invest across a wide range of 
industries, the focus will be on several principal sectors:- 
   -- environment 
   -- technology 
   -- media 
   -- telecoms 
   -- consumer lifestyle and wellbeing 
   Investment Process 
   The Investment Manager follows a multi-stage process prior to making 
Qualifying Investments in unquoted companies. 
   Initial Screening 
   If the initial review of the business plan is positive, a meeting is 
held with the management team of the business in order to assess the 
team in terms of its ability to achieve the objectives set out in the 
business plan. The proposition is then discussed and reviewed with the 
other members of the Octopus team and a decision is taken as to whether 
to continue discussions with the company with a view to making an 
   Due Diligence 
   Prior to making an investment, due diligence is carried out on the 
potential investee company. The due diligence process includes a review 
of the investee company's technology, discussions with customers and 
suppliers, competitive analysis, assessment of the capabilities of the 
management team and financial analysis. In addition, 
   the Octopus investment team is supported by the Octopus Venture Partners 
- a group of over 100 entrepreneurs and business experts including a 
number of ex-FTSE chairmen and chief executives. The Octopus Venture 
Partners may be involved at an early stage in the investment decision 
making process, involving members with relevant industry experience as 
part of the initial due diligence and they may go on to invest alongside 
Octopus in investee companies. 
   Additionally, Octopus also draws on professional input from lawyers, 
accountants and other specialists as required in order to conduct the 
due diligence and draw up the required legal documentation in order to 
complete an investment. 
   Post-Investment Monitoring 
   Octopus usually appoints at least one representative to the board of 
each investee company. The majority of the investments are expected to 
be held for approximately five years. There may, however, be 
opportunities to exit profitably on shorter timescales. The Investment 
Manager conducts a regular review of the portfolio, during which each 
investee company is assessed in terms of its commercial and financial 
progress, its strategic positioning, requirement for further capital, 
progress towards an eventual exit and its current and prospective 
valuation. As each company matures, the exit considerations become more 
specific, with a view to establishing a definitive action plan in order 
to achieve a successful sale of the investment. Throughout the cycle of 
an investment the Investment Manager will remain proactive in 
determining the appropriate time and route to exit. It is expected that 
the majority of exits will be by means of a trade sale. 
   Income Statement 
                                                     Year to 31 October 2013 
                                                   Revenue   Capital    Total 
                                            Notes  GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 
Gain on disposal of current asset 
 investments                                              -        45       45 
Fixed asset investment holding gains            9         -     4,031    4,031 
Current asset investment holding gains                    -       627      627 
Other income                                    2        15         -       15 
Investment management fees                      3     (105)     (315)    (420) 
Other expenses                                  4     (363)         -    (363) 
Return on ordinary activities before tax              (453)     4,388    3,935 
Taxation on return on ordinary activities       6         -         -        - 
Return on ordinary activities after tax               (453)     4,388    3,935 
(Loss)/earnings per share - basic and 
 diluted                                        7    (1.7)p     16.3p    14.6p 
   -- The 'Total' column of this statement is the profit and loss account of 
      the Company; the supplementary revenue return and capital return columns 
      have been prepared under guidance published by the Association of 
      Investment Companies 
   -- All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from 
      continuing operations 
   -- The Company has only one class of business and derives its income from 
      investments made in shares and securities and from bank and money market 
   The Company has no recognised gains or losses other than the results for 
the period as set out above. 
   The accompanying notes form an integral part of the financial 
   Income Statement 
                                                     Year to 31 October 2012 
                                                   Revenue   Capital    Total 
                                            Notes  GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 
Loss on disposal of fixed asset 
 investments                                              -       (1)      (1) 
Gain on disposal of current asset 
 investments                                              -       110      110 
Fixed asset investment holding losses                     -        91       91 
Current asset investment holding gains                    -       172      172 
Other income                                    2        40         -       40 
Investment management fees                      3     (101)     (303)    (404) 
Other expenses                                  4     (304)         -    (304) 
Return on ordinary activities before tax              (365)        69    (296) 
Taxation on return on ordinary activities       6         -         -        - 
Return on ordinary activities after tax               (365)        69    (296) 
Earnings/(loss) per share - basic and 
 diluted                                        7    (1.6)p      0.3p   (1.3)p 
   -- The 'Total' column of this statement is the profit and loss account of 
      the Company; the supplementary revenue return and capital return columns 
      have been prepared under guidance published by the Association of 
      Investment Companies 
   -- All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from 
      continuing operations 
   -- The Company has only one class of business and derives its income from 
      investments made in shares and securities and from bank and money market 
   The Company had no recognised gains or losses other than the results for 
the year as set out above. 
   The accompanying notes form an integral part of the financial 
Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds 
                              Year to 31 October 2013  Year to 31 October 2012 
                                      GBP'000                  GBP'000 
Shareholders' funds at start 
 of year                                       21,023                   20,086 
Return on ordinary 
 activities after tax                           3,935                    (296) 
Purchase of own shares                           (17)                      (9) 
Issue of equity (net of 
 expenses)                                      4,580                    1,242 
Shareholders' funds at end 
 of year                                       29,231                   21,023 
Balance Sheet 
                                         As at 31 October     As at 31 October 
                                               2013                       2012 
                                  Notes  GBP'000  GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 
Fixed asset investments*              9             23,663              13,412 
Current assets: 
Debtors                              10      250                 780 
Money market funds and other 
 deposits*                           11    5,082               6,800 
Cash at bank                                 281                  91 
                                           5,613               7,671 
Creditors: amounts falling due 
 within one year                     12     (45)                (60) 
Net current assets                                   5,568               7,611 
Net assets                                          29,231              21,023 
Called up equity share capital       13    2,904               2,398 
Share premium                        14    5,172               1,101 
Special distributable reserve        14   18,776              19,083 
Capital redemption reserve           14       12                   9 
Capital reserve - losses on 
 disposals                           14    (922)               (672) 
                         gains       14    4,689                  51 
Revenue reserve                      14  (1,400)               (947) 
Total shareholders' funds                           29,231              21,023 
Net asset value per share           8               100.7p               87.7p 
   *Held at fair value through profit or loss 
   The statements were approved by the Directors and authorised for issue 
on 28 January 2014 and are signed on their behalf by: 
   Gregor Michie 
   Company No: 07035434 
   The accompanying notes form an integral part of the financial 
Cash Flow Statement 
                              Year to 31 October 2013  Year to 31 October 2012 
                                      GBP'000                  GBP'000 
Net cash 
 inflow/(outflow) from 
 operating activities                           (253)                    (796) 
Financial investment: 
Purchase of fixed asset 
 investments               9                  (6,220)                  (8,298) 
Sale of fixed asset 
 investment                9                        -                        - 
Management of liquid 
Purchase of current 
 asset investments                            (4,852)                  (3,750) 
Sale of current asset 
 investments                                    7,242                   11,595 
Taxation                   6                        -                        - 
Dividends paid                                  (290)                        - 
Issue of shares           13                    4,580                    1,242 
Purchase of own shares    13                     (17)                      (9) 
Increase/(decrease) in 
 cash resources at bank                           190                     (16) 
   The accompanying notes form an integral part of the financial 
Reconciliation of Return before Taxation to Cash Flow 
 from Operating Activities 
                              Year to 31 October 2013  Year to 31 October 2012 
                                      GBP'000                  GBP'000 
Return on ordinary 
 activities before tax                          3,935                    (296) 
Loss on disposal of fixed 
 assets                                             -                        1 
Gain on disposal of current 
 assets                                          (45)                    (110) 
Gain on valuation of fixed 
 asset investments                            (4,031)                     (91) 
Gain on valuation of current 
 asset investments                              (627)                    (172) 
Decrease/(increase) in 
 debtors                                          530                    (120) 
Decrease in creditors                            (15)                      (8) 
Outflow from operating 
 activities                                     (253)                    (796) 
Reconciliation of Net Cash Flow to Movement in Net 
                              Year to 31 October 2013  Year to 31 October 2012 
                                      GBP'000                  GBP'000 
Increase/(decrease) in cash 
 resources at bank                                190                     (16) 
Movement in cash equivalents                  (1,718)                  (7,563) 
Opening net funds                               6,891                   14,470 
Net funds at 31 October                         5,363                    6,891 
   Net Funds at 31 October comprised: 
                          Year to 31 October 2013  Year to 31 October 2012 
                                  GBP'000                  GBP'000 
Cash at bank                                  281                       91 
Money market funds                          2,279                    3,396 
OEICs                                       2,803                    3,404 
Net Funds at 31 October                     5,363                    6,891 
   The accompanying notes form an integral part of the financial 
   This announcement is distributed by NASDAQ OMX Corporate Solutions on 
behalf of NASDAQ OMX Corporate Solutions clients. 
   The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely 
responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information 
contained therein. 
   Source: Octopus Titan VCT 4 PLC via Globenewswire 

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