STAVERT ZIGOMALA PLC                                                  
                                                  INTERIM REPORT 2002                                                  
                                                 CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT                                                  
It is with some disappointment that I now present the Company's interim figures for the 6 month period ending 30th
November 2002. It is little comfort to report that the portfolio is down less in the percentage terms than the main
Stock Market Indices.
Although over the last couple of years  the main UK Indices had dropped considerably from the peaks established in
2000, it is only in the last 6 months that this had severely dented the value of  "old economy" stocks in which the
Company is substantially invested. Bank and Pharmaceutical shares have lost considerable amounts of their values and
Insurances are in many cases only a fraction of previous values. The only pleasing area of performance has been amongst
the smaller companies in which we have been investing over the last few years.
Dividends received were much in line with last year's figures and, as the Company continues to invest in higher
yielding stock, it is hoped that shortfalls caused by reductions of dividends in larger companies will continue to be
offset. In the circumstances the Directors have decided to declare an interim dividend for the year to 31st May 2003 at
the same rate as the interim dividend in the previous year.
Profits on sale of investments were substantially down from the previous year, quite simply due to lack of activity in
Edward N. Cooper
                                       Group Profit and Loss Account (Unaudited)                                       
                                            6 months ended 6 months ended     Year ended
                                             30th November  30th November       31st May
                                                      2002           2001           2002
                                                  �              �              �       
Income from Fixed Assets Investments               81,171         76,934        176,243 
Administrative expenses                            18,446         12,754         27,630 
Operating Profit                                   62,725         64,180        148,613 
Profit on Sale of Investments                         304         71,105         44,065 
Interest Receivable (net)                           4,125         12,810         12,100 
Profit on Ordinary Activities before               67,154        148,095        204,778 
Estimated taxation on Profit on Ordinary           (7,626)       (29,619)       (10,983)
Profit attributable to Stockholders                59,528        118,476        193,795 
Dividends Proposed                                 53,762         53,762        119,762 
Retained Profit for the Period                      5,766         64,714         74,033 
Earnings per Ordinary  Stock Unit                   19.9p          39.5p          64.7p 
Earnings per Deferred  Stock Unit                   16.3p          32.7p          53.4p 
                                          STAVERT ZIGOMALA PLC AND SUBSIDIARY                                          
                                               Balance Sheet (Unaudited)                                               
                                                  �              �              �       
FIXED ASSETS                                                                            
Investments                                      3,716.252      4,206,865      4,405,399
CURRENT ASSETS                                                                          
Debtors                                              9,379         11,763         11,310
Cash at Bank                                       197,910        234,239        218,690
                                                   207,289        246,002        230,000
CREDITORS: Amount                                                                       
Falling due in one year                             68,806         83,412         80,876
NET CURRENT ASSETS                                 138,483        162,590        149,124
TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES            3,854,735      4,369,455      4,554,523
CREDITORS: AMOUNTS                                                                      
FALLING DUE AFTER                                                                       
MORE THAN ONE YEAR                                  46,295         46,295         46,295
                                                 3,808,440      4,323,160      4,508,228
PROVISIONS FOR LIABILITIES AND CURRENTS                                                 
Deferred Taxation                                  495,396        686,420        705,862
                                                 3,313,044      3,636,740      3,802,366
CAPITAL AND RESERVES                                                                    
Called-up share capital                             50,000         50,000         50,000
Revaluation reserve                              1,879,995      2,272,382      2,735,083
Other reserves                                   1,166,728      1,159,243      1,166,424
Profit and loss account                            261,321        155,115        210,859
SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS                                                                     
(including non-equity interests)                 3,313,044      3,636,740      3,802,366
                                         Group Cash Flow Statement (Unaudited)                                         
                                             6 months ended 6 months ended 6 months ended
                                              30th November  30th November       31st May
                                                       2002           2001           2002
                                                   �              �              �       
Cash inflow/(outflow) from operating                69,676         62,196        138,246 
Returns on investment and servicing of                                                   
net interest received                                4,125         12,926         12,223 
    interest paid                                 --------           (116)          (123)
    preference dividends paid                     --------           (350)          (700)
    income tax paid                                 (7,626)        (7,423)       (16,920)
Capital expenditure and financial investment                                             
    purchase of fixed assets investments           (28,094)      (236,619)      (300,211)
    Sale of fixed asset investments                  7,139         75,433         61,606 
Equity dividends paid                              (66,000)       (53,412)      (106,824)
Increase/(Reduction) in cash                       (20,780)      (147,365)      (212,643)
1.  The results for the six months ended 30th November 2002 have been prepared applying
    the accounting policies described on page 13 of the Annual Report and Accounts 2002
    and are unaudited and unreviewed.                                                  
    The comparative figures for the 12 months  ended 31st May 2002 are extracts only   
    and full accounts on which the auditors gave an unqualified report have been       
    delivered to the Registrar of Companies.                                           
2.  The dividend of 8.75p per share on �1 8 3/4% Cumulative Redeemable Preference      
    Shares, and interim dividends of 18p per Ordinary Stock Unit and 14.5p per Deferred
    Stock Unit will be paid on 4TH April 2003 to the relevant holders registered on 19 
    th March 2003                                                                      
3.  This interim report is being to posted to shareholders and copies are available    
    from the Registrars                                                                
                                Stavert Zigomala Plc - Registered in England No. 194028                                
                                   Registered Office - PO Box 233 Manchester M60 1QP                                   
                    Registrars - Hague Lambert Artillery House, 15 Byrom Street, Manchester M3 4PF