4 years ago
Meganet is focused on the development of data security solutions for enterprise, large organizations and corporations around the globe, including the U.S. Department of Defense, Military Intelligence and the Federal Government. The Company?s data security solutions include a patented encryption algorithm which enhances security exponentially. The Company out-sources the manufacture of its counter-IED products, including bomb jammers, dismounted backpack portable jammers and facility jammers. The Company also develops and sells cell phone, satellite and wireless interceptors. Other data security solutions include encrypted cell phones, land lines, fax, PDA, radio, and satellites. Intelligence and counter-intelligence solutions include the development of SPY and RAT phones and devices for intelligence gathering. Counter-intelligence solutions include bugs, bug detectors, bomb sniffers, miniature cameras and digital video recorders. The Company maintains technology development, executive and sales offices in Las Vegas, Nevada.
2510 E. Sunset Rd,
Unit 5-777
Las Vegas, NV 89120
(702) 987-0087
7 years ago
$MGNT: Uranus Intercepts Encrypted Chats & EMAILS
URANUS intercepts off the air cell phone conversations, text messages, emails, pictures, videos, Location & Encrypted Chats
Meganet Corporation is a USA DOD & Federal Government Contractor providing the USA, NATO & Allies Forces with technologies to fight the global terror organizations. Meganet Trading Symbol is MGNT.
Meganet Corporation
Oct 18, 2016, 12:00 ET
LAS VEGAS, Oct. 18, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- #Meganet (OTC: MGNT) introduces to law enforcements worldwide the URANUS global interceptor. It can intercept any cell phone anywhere in the world without any virus or poison link, and enable law enforcement to monitor the phone 24 hours a day, listen to any conversation, read all texts and emails, download pictures and videos, operate the camera to monitor the suspect environment, get a GPS location reading, know the other side ID and phone number and more.
A breakthrough technology unlike any other in the world. This is not a software virus. It takes advantage of an undisclosed vulnerability in the global cell phone network system and injects the spy application into the BIOS of the phone where it can't be detected or removed or overwritten.
It allows law enforcement a global reach regardless of which phone the target uses, which country they're in, what network they use or their whereabouts. They are always under surveillance 24 hours a day. Even swapping the SIM and refreshing the phone will not remove the application.
URANUS has capabilities unmatched by any intelligence organization capabilities in the world bar none.
The product can be customized and configured for the specific phones and networks of the designated target area.
Prices Range from $50,000,000 (Fifty Million) USD up to $200,000,000 (Two Hundred Million) USD for a full global configuration.
URANUS is part of the CHAOS GLOBAL DOMINATION collection of law enforcement and intelligence product line that includes:
Dominator 4G – a Cell Phone Interceptor that can intercept off the air cell phone conversations and text messages on GSM, CDMA, 3G, 4G & Satellite completely transparent.
CRONUS – an off the air global cell phone interceptor that can intercept cell phone communications from any phone anywhere in the world from anywhere else in the world and identify the location of the caller and his counterpart.
VME Locator – Breakthrough Big Data Technology Identifies Terrorists, Terror Organizations, Ticking Bombs and Prevents Terror Attacks.
Product is intended for lawful law enforcement use only and requires an end user certificate. Inquiries will be accepted only from official government and law enforcement email addresses. Inquiries: sales@meganet.com
Meganet Corporation is a USA DOD & Federal Government Contractor providing the USA, NATO & Allies Forces with technologies to fight the global terror organizations. Meganet Trading Symbol is MGNT.
Logo - photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20161017/429530LOGO
SOURCE Meganet Corporation
7 years ago
$MGNT: Must be close to announcing sale of UAV-Drone-Jammers
Meganet Corporation is a one-of-a-kind global data security company that has acquired several major achievements worldwide.
The company provides a wide range of data security solutions to enterprise, large organizations and corporations around the globe. The company also provides large-scale solutions to the U.S. Department of Defense, Military Intelligence and the Federal Government. The company is holding an extensive portfolio of Intellectual Property with a multi-billion dollar market potential in the areas of:
Encryption - The Company owns multiple patents worldwide for the world's most powerful encryption algorithm and the only unbreakable encryption in existence, therefore holding the promise to change the data security market forever. The company has developed a myriad of products and solutions with this algorithm and has been hugely successful in marketing these products to commercial, government and military users worldwide and has successfully secured major sales in those markets.
Bomb Jamming - The world's most powerful and effective counter-IED products. Products include a vehicle mounted 2,500 watt bomb jammer, dismounted backpack portable jammers, facility jammers and many others used by the USA and NATO forces worldwide.
Communication Interception - Our line of cell phone interceptors includes on-the-fly real-time interception of GSM A5.1, GSM A5.2 & CDMA. Our line of Satellite interceptors includes Iridium, Inmarsat, Thuraya and Global Star. Our Wireless Interceptors includes Wi-Fi (both WEP and WPA), GPRS, UMTS and more. No other company in the world offers real-time GSM A5.1 interceptors; these are undetectable and can fit inside a small suitcase. The existing customer base includes the USA military and other agencies.
Secure Communications - The world's most extensive solutions including encrypted cell phones, encrypted land lines, encrypted fax, encrypted PDA, encrypted radios, encrypted satellite phones and more - unparalleled by any other company. These are sold to and used by the USA military and select federal agencies.
Intelligence / Counter-Intelligence - Providing the intelligence and counter-intelligence agencies with a plethora of tools to be able to perform their duties with complete success over a wide variety of fields. SPY & RAT phones and devices are the most sophisticated devices in existence providing unparalleled intelligence gathering assets to select agencies. In addition, bugs, bug detectors, bomb sniffers, miniature cameras, DVRs and many others tools of the trade are offered by Meganet to effectively fulfill the needs of different agencies.
7 years ago
MGNT massive undervalued gem..
big sales to government
100 m AS / 100 m OS
previous 10q:
Examples Illustrative of Meganet's Sales Cycle
A good way to understand Meganet's sales cycle is to see examples of past sales. Meganet obtained its product base and its business plan from a company called Meganet Corporation, a California corporation ("Meganet California"). In 2002, Meganet California made a sale to the U.S. Department of Labor. After soliciting the U.S. Department of Labor for over a year, Meganet California received a software order for $4,200,000. Development costs of the software had been expensed as they were incurred and since it was software it had no production cost. Therefore the sale was virtually 100% profit to the company at the time it was realized. However, in the 12 months leading to this sale, total sales were only $100,000.
Another example is Meganet California's sale to the U.S. Department of Transportation (the "DOT") in 2005. After pursuing a sale for only three months which would typically be just the beginning of a solicitation cycle, an internal security breach at the DOT heightened security concerns and it issued Meganet California a $10,000,000 contract immediately. In the 12 months prior to the sale, Meganet California had sales of under $1,000,000 dollars total.
A third example is a sale to the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs (the "DVA") in 2007. Meganet California had been soliciting the DVA's business for three years trying to sell a biometric USB storage device without success. One day without prior notice, Meganet California was selected as the sole source provider of biometric USB storage devices nationwide to over 5,000 facilities. Like before, sales for the prior 12 months had been under $1,000,000.
For the past two years, Meganet has been working hard toward securing some large sales which it believes will materialize in the near future. However, the financial statements included in this annual report show sales minimal sales. However, this pattern of sporadic sales is typical for this Company.
Our sporadic sales cycle is not the only reason for the lack of sales in the prior two years. The global economic crisis has made many of our customers put purchases on hold. The U.S. government in particular has had many departments put projects on hold, cancel some existing projects and in many cases simply run out of budget for new products. Also in the private sector, the economic downturn has made the purchase of products like ours not a possibility at this time.
Meganet is a company that goes from one large sale to the next with low or quiet periods in between.
8 years ago
Meganet Corporation is a USA Department of Defense & Federal Government Contractor offering a wide variety of products including Encryption, Digital Signatures, Biometric Storage Devices, Jammers, Interceptors, Weapons, UAVs and many other security products.
They have a gun shop link too