RNS Number : 9799O

Aberdeen Frontier Mkts Inv Co Ltd

11 November 2016

Aberdeen Frontier Markets Investment Company Limited

Publication of Tender Offer circular

11 November 2016

Aberdeen Frontier Markets Investment Company Limited (the "Company") has today published a circular (the "Circular") in connection with a Tender Offer to purchase up to 100 per cent. of the Company's Ordinary Shares in issue and provide for any or all of such Ordinary Shares tendered to be sold by Numis to Incoming Investors. Shareholders should note however that they are not obliged to tender any Ordinary Shares.


As was first announced in December 2012 the Board intends to provide Shareholders with an opportunity to realise their investment in the Company at prevailing NAV less costs should they wish to do so. The purpose of the Circular is to set out details of that opportunity.

When the liquidity opportunity was first announced the discount to NAV at which the Ordinary Shares traded was significantly wider than the current discount. The Board believes that the prospect of a liquidity opportunity has successfully contributed to a meaningful reduction in the discount since 2012 and it will continue to support the Company's rating over the coming years. Should Shareholders pass the Resolution at the Extraordinary General Meeting and the Tender Offer proceeds, the Board intends to offer Shareholders a similar liquidity opportunity in 2021 and every five years thereafter.

As noted below, the Board and the Investment Manager believe that long term prospects for Frontier Markets are compelling and members of the Board that own Ordinary Shares do not intend to tender them under the Tender Offer.

Shareholders are not obliged to tender any Ordinary Shares and if they do not wish to participate in the Tender Offer, they should not complete or return a Tender Form or submit a TTE Instruction in CREST.

The Circular contains, inter alia, the formal terms of the Tender Offer, together with details of how Shareholders can tender Ordinary Shares, if they wish to do so. The implementation of the Tender Offer is conditional, among other things, on Shareholder approval to be obtained at the Extraordinary General Meeting to be held on 12 December 2016, notice of which is set out at the end of the Circular.

Shareholders are reminded that the Company is, and intends to remain, a closed-ended collective investment scheme. The Tender Offer should not be seen as affording or implying that any Shareholder will be offered an opportunity to routinely exit by this means or otherwise.


The Circular contains details of arrangements which, in summary:

-- provide for a tender offer for up to 100 per cent. of the Company's issued Ordinary Share capital (excluding treasury shares, if any) as at the Record Date; and

-- provide for any or all of such Ordinary Shares tendered to be sold by Numis to Incoming Investors.

Under the Companies Law, the Tender Offer requires Shareholder approval by way of an ordinary resolution of Shareholders which will be sought at the Extraordinary General Meeting to be held on 12 December 2016.

Shareholder approval will be sought at the Extraordinary General Meeting to grant the Directors authority to repurchase up to 100 per cent. of the Company's issued Ordinary Shares (excluding treasury shares, if any) provided that at least one Ordinary Share remains held by a person other than the Company.


3.1 An increasingly relevant asset class

The rationale for investing in Frontier Markets today is little changed from when the Company was launched in 2007. Strong economic growth continues to be driven by long term trends in demographics and consumption, creating a favourable environment for many companies operating in frontier countries. Most of the major Frontier Markets have experienced significant real economic growth, measured in US dollar terms, in the years since the Company's launch.

Despite positive fundamentals, frontier equity markets remain under-represented in global indices relative to their economic significance. Frontier Markets are, in aggregate, home to 31 per cent. of the World's population and account for 9 per cent. of global GDP but have a market capitalisation that is equivalent to just 0.2 per cent. of the global total. From such a low base, the Directors and the Manager believe there is scope for the asset class to grow significantly over the long term. Until this happens, Frontier Markets will remain an under-researched asset class, providing opportunities for active stock pickers to identify mispriced companies.

3.2 Attractive valuations

Frontier Markets are lowly valued. As at the end of June 2016, the Company's portfolio (on a look through basis) traded on median trailing valuations of 11.8x Price to Earnings, 1.4x Price to Book, with a 3.4 per cent. dividend yield and return on equity of 14.0 per cent. Such metrics are broadly consistent with those prevailing on the MSCI Frontier Markets Index. The trend in the Price to Earnings valuation ratio of that index over the long term shows very clearly the significant discount at which Frontier Markets presently trade relative to both Emerging Markets and Developed Markets.

3.3 Positive performance since launch

Since the Company was launched in June 2007 the Net Asset Value has risen by 42.1 per cent. in sterling terms (net of all fees to 31 October 2016) and the share price has risen by 31.7 per cent. While the Company's stated objective is to achieve long term capital growth, rather than targeting outperformance of an index, it is worthy of note that the NAV gains achieved by the Manager have been comfortably ahead of those of the MSCI Frontier Markets Net Total Return Index (this index having risen by 21.0 per cent. over the same period). The Company's NAV performance has been achieved at a materially lower level of risk, with the volatility of monthly returns being 11.9 per cent., compared to 16.0 per cent. for the MSCI Frontier Markets Index.

3.4 Recent Developments

At the end of 2015 Aberdeen Asset Management acquired 100 per cent. ownership of the Company's previous investment manager, Advance Emerging Capital Limited. The Board was supportive of this transaction as it was felt that it would bring benefits to investors. These included the increased resources that would be at the disposal of the Manager, particularly with regard to investment management, marketing, compliance and administration. The Board is satisfied that these benefits are being delivered.

In April 2016, Shareholders approved the change of the Company's name to Aberdeen Frontier Markets Investment Company Limited, a measure that the Board believes will assist in the ongoing marketing of the Company to a wider audience. In addition, the Company now participates in Aberdeen's direct marketing activities with investors being afforded a low cost route to investing in the Company through Aberdeen's Share Plan, Investment Trust ISA and Investment Plan for Children.

3.5 Initiation of a dividend

An attractive dividend yield has been a consistent feature of the asset class over time and the Board considers that dividends are an increasingly important part of the rationale for investing in the Frontier Markets asset class. In June 2016 the Company announced the introduction of a semi-annual dividend. On an annualised basis the maiden dividend, payable in December 2016, equates to a c 3.0 per cent. yield based upon the last available share price.

3.6 Strong corporate governance has reduced the discount to Net Asset Value

The Board remains of the opinion that a closed-ended vehicle is the ideal structure through which to pursue an investment strategy such as that employed by the Manager in an asset class where liquidity is constrained.

The discount to NAV at which the Ordinary Shares trade was 4.3 per cent. on 31 October 2016. That level is narrower than that associated with the majority of other closed-ended funds focused on emerging and Frontier Markets. The liquidity opportunity to which the Circular relates was announced in December 2012 when the Ordinary Shares traded on a significantly wider discount.

The Board believes that this policy has successfully contributed to a meaningful reduction in the discount since 2012 and that it, combined with increased marketing and the recently introduced dividend policy, will support the Company's rating over the coming years. Shareholders should also bear in mind that a similar liquidity opportunity will be offered to investors in advance of the Annual General Meeting to be held in 2021. The Board believes that a period of five years is an appropriate period over which both the Manager and the underlying asset class can be measured and reviewed, with liquidity offered for those investors that desire it.

3.7 Conclusion

The Company provides access to an attractive asset class, through an appropriate structure and with a Manager and strategy that has delivered attractive risk adjusted returns since the Company's inception. Recent changes to the management arrangements and structure bode well for the future of the Company and, alongside existing measures, should help to maintain the rating of the Ordinary Shares. This combination of factors should enable the Company to continue to deliver attractive risk adjusted returns over the coming years to those Shareholders who wish to remain invested in the Company.


4.1 Key Points of the Tender Offer

The key points of the Tender Offer are as follows:

-- the Tender Offer is for up to 100 per cent. of the Company's issued Ordinary Share capital (excluding treasury shares, if any) as at the Record Date (30 September 2016) provided that at least one Ordinary Share remains held by a person other than the Company;

-- Shareholders (other than Restricted Shareholders) will be able to decide whether to tender none, some or all of their Ordinary Shares;

-- Incoming Investors will be sought to acquire Ordinary Shares which have been tendered by Shareholders, through Numis at the Investment Price;

-- after accounting for the sale of the On-sale Shares and the realisation of the Tender Pool, Tendering Shareholders shall receive the Tender Price in cash in consideration of the purchase of Ordinary Shares tendered by them; and

-- the Tender Price shall be the Final Tender Offer Asset Value of the Tender Pool divided by the total number of Exit Shares expressed in sterling and in pence, rounded down to two decimal places. Shareholders should note that the Tender Price will not be known and will not be paid until realisation of all the assets in the Tender Pool.

If the number of Ordinary Shares tendered is such that the Board is of the view that the continuance of the Company is not in the best interests of the continuing Shareholders, it reserves the right to terminate the Tender Offer and in such circumstances the Tender Offer will not proceed and instead the Company will put forward further proposals to the Shareholders. If the Tender Offer is terminated, the Company will make an announcement through an RIS that such is the case.

Shareholders (other than Restricted Shareholders) on the Register on the Record Date will be invited to tender for sale some or all of their Ordinary Shares held on the Record Date to Numis who will, as principal, purchase at the Tender Price the Ordinary Shares validly tendered. Numis may seek to sell some or all of such tendered Ordinary Shares to Incoming Investors at the Investment Price. The aggregate Investment Price for such number of Ordinary Shares as Incoming Investors agree to acquire will be deemed to form part of the Tender Pool and will be paid to Tendering Shareholders for their Exit Shares once the Tender Price has been determined.

Any Ordinary Shares not sold by Numis to Incoming Investors will be repurchased by the Company. Tendering Shareholders will receive the full Tender Price in cash for the Exit Shares (including the On-sale Shares) only once all of the assets in the Tender Pool have been fully realised. However, if and when an interim distribution from the Tender Pool is made the amount received by Tendering Shareholders will include an amount in respect of their pro rata proportion of any On-sale Shares.

The Tender Offer is subject to certain conditions and may be terminated in certain circumstances as set out in paragraph 7 of Part 3 of the Circular.

The Tender Offer is not conditional on Ordinary Shares trading at a discount to the Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share as at the Calculation Date (i.e. the share price per Ordinary Share being less than the Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share). In the event that Ordinary Shares are trading at a premium to the Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share as at the Calculation Date (i.e. the share price per Ordinary Share is higher than the Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share), Shareholders who tender Ordinary Shares may receive less than they could otherwise be able to realise in the market.

Shareholders' (other than Restricted Shareholders) attention is drawn to the letter from Numis set out in Part 1 of the Circular and to Part 3 of the Circular which, in the case of certificated Ordinary Shares, together with the Tender Form or the Savings Schemes Tender Form, where applicable, constitute the terms and conditions of the Tender Offer. Details of how Shareholders will be able to tender Ordinary Shares can be found in paragraph 3 of Part 3 of the Circular.

Shareholders should note that, once tendered, Ordinary Shares may not be sold, transferred, charged or otherwise disposed of other than in accordance with the Tender Offer.

Shareholders who are in any doubt as to the contents of the Circular or as to the action to be taken should immediately consult a suitably qualified independent financial adviser authorised under the FSMA if in the United Kingdom, or from another appropriately authorised independent financial adviser if in a territory outside of the United Kingdom.

4.2 Restricted Shareholders and Other Overseas Shareholders

The Tender Offer is not being made to Shareholders who are resident in, or citizens of, Restricted Territories. Restricted Shareholders are being excluded from the Tender Offer in order to avoid offending applicable local laws relating to the implementation of the Tender Offer. It is the responsibility of all Overseas Shareholders to satisfy themselves as to the observance of any legal requirements in their jurisdiction, including, without limitation, any relevant requirements in relation to the ability of such holders to participate in the Tender Offer.

4.3 Tender Pool

Save as set out below, all of the Company's assets and liabilities will, following valuation on the Calculation Date, be allocated between the Continuing Pool and the Tender Pool on the basis set out under paragraph 10 of Part 1 of the Circular. The net value of the assets and liabilities allocated to the Tender Pool on its establishment will equal the Tender Offer FAV (calculated in accordance with paragraph 8 of Part 1 of the Circular). The Tender Pool assets (other than cash) will be realised and the liabilities settled and the net cash proceeds paid in sterling to Shareholders who successfully tendered their Ordinary Shares in satisfaction of the Tender Price.

The Tender Pool will bear the costs of realising the assets in the Tender Pool. Shareholders who successfully tender their Ordinary Shares will receive a pro rata share of the net proceeds of the Tender Pool (including the proceeds of sale of any On-sale Shares), less associated costs. The assets of the Tender Pool will be fully realised as soon as practicable after the commencement of the realisation of the Tender Pool such that final cash payments can be made to the Tendering Shareholders as soon as practicable thereafter. The Board may at its discretion make interim distributions from the Tender Pool. However, under the Tender Offer the Company reserves the right to defer the Tender Pool realisations and/or cash payments if the Board believes this to be in the best interests of Shareholders as a whole.

Shareholders should note that the Tender Price will only be determined finally once all the assets in the Tender Pool have been realised.

The Board retains the discretion to allocate only cash and near cash assets of the Company to the Tender Pool. In such circumstances there will be no or minimal costs of realising the assets in the Tender Pool and it is expected that payment for Ordinary Shares (including any On-sale Shares) will be made to Tendering Shareholders in the week commencing 19 December 2016. It is the Board's current intention only to exercise such discretion where the number of Ordinary Shares that the Company is required to repurchase pursuant to the Tender Offer is such that allocating only cash and near cash to the Tender Pool is considered by the Board to be in the best interests of Shareholders as a whole.

4.4 Conditions of the Tender Offer

The Tender Offer is conditional on the following (together the "Conditions"):

(a) the passing of the Resolution by not later than twenty Business Days after the date of the Extraordinary General Meeting;

(b) the Directors and Numis being satisfied that, immediately after the Tender Offer takes place, the Company is able to pass the Guernsey statutory solvency test pursuant to the Companies Law, being that the Company is able to pay its debts as they become due, the value of the Company's assets is greater than the value of its liabilities and the Company satisfies any applicable solvency requirements imposed pursuant to the Protection of Investors (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 1987 and thereby effect the purchase of all the Exit Shares (other than the On-sale Shares) pursuant to the Repurchase Agreement;

(c) the Tender Offer not having been terminated in accordance with paragraph 7 of Part 3 of the Circular prior to the fulfilment of the conditions referred to in sub-paragraphs 4.4(a) and (b) above; and

(d) Numis being satisfied, acting in good faith, that at all times up to and immediately prior to the announcement of the results of the Tender Offer, the Company has complied with its obligations and is not in breach of any of the representations and warranties given by it under the Repurchase Agreement.


Following discussions between the Company and the Takeover Panel, the Takeover Panel has confirmed that, under Rule 37.1 of the Takeover Code and the notes to that Rule, Lazard is not connected, nor acting in concert, with the Company or any of its Directors and accordingly Lazard should be treated as an "innocent bystander" in relation to any increase in its holding of Ordinary Shares as a result of the Tender Offer and therefore will not be required to make an offer under Rule 9 of the Takeover Code as a result of any increase in its holding caused by the Tender Offer.

In addition, under the Tender Offer, Numis will purchase, as principal, voting shares in the Company which could result in Numis coming to have an interest in such Ordinary Shares carrying 30 per cent. or more of the Voting Rights of the Company. Numis has unconditionally undertaken that, promptly following such purchase, it will sell all those Ordinary Shares, acquired pursuant to the Tender Offer, to Incoming Investors or to the Company for cancellation or to hold in treasury and the Company has unconditionally undertaken to buy all such Ordinary Shares to the extent not sold to Incoming Investors. Numis has undertaken that so far as it is interested in the tendered Ordinary Shares that it will not exercise any rights attached to those Ordinary Shares. Accordingly, a waiver has been obtained from the Takeover Panel in respect of the application of Rule 9 of the Takeover Code to the purchase by Numis of the Ordinary Shares under the Tender Offer.


The costs and expenses incurred in relation to the Tender Offer, including financial advice and other professional advice, are expected to be approximately GBP180,000 including any applicable VAT. Such costs will be borne by Shareholders as a whole. The costs of realising the assets in the Tender Pool will be borne by the Tendering Shareholders.

Shareholders should note that the Tender Offer FAV to be announced by the Company on

14 December 2016 may be impacted positively or negatively as the assets in the Tender Pool are realised and will be particularly exposed to foreign exchange movements as assets denominated in foreign currencies are realised and the proceeds converted into sterling in order to pay the Tender Price which is payable in sterling.


Before deciding whether or not to tender all or any Ordinary Shares, Shareholders should read the Circular in its entirety and particularly the Risk Factors set out in Part 6 of the Circular.


The Board considers that the Tender Offer is fair and reasonable and in the best interests of the Company and its Shareholders as a whole. Accordingly, the Board recommends unanimously that Shareholders vote in favour of the Resolution to be proposed at the Extraordinary General Meeting.

The Directors intend to vote in favour, or procure the vote in favour, of the Resolution at the Extraordinary General Meeting in respect of their beneficial holdings of Ordinary Shares which, in aggregate, amount to 91,000 Ordinary Shares representing approximately 0.5 per cent. of the issued Ordinary Share capital of the Company as at the date of the Circular. The Directors do not intend to tender any of their own Ordinary Shares under the Tender Offer. The Directors make no recommendation to Shareholders as to whether or not they should tender all or any of their Ordinary Shares in the Tender Offer. Whether or not Shareholders decide to tender their Ordinary Shares will depend, amongst other factors, on their view of the Company's prospects and their own individual circumstances, including their own tax position.

A timetable for the implementation of the Tender Offer is set out below.

Terms used and not defined in this announcement shall have the meaning given to them in the Circular.


Aberdeen Fund Managers Limited

(Manager to Aberdeen Frontier Markets Investment Company Limited)

Andrew Lister / Bernard Moody

Tel: +44 (0)20 7618 1440

Grant Thornton UK LLP

(Nominated Adviser)

Philip Secrett

Tel: +44 (0)20 7383 5100

Numis Securities Limited

(Nominated Broker)

David Benda

Tel: +44 (0)20 7260 1275


All references are to London time unless otherwise stated.

Dates and times are indicative only and may be subject to change. Any changes will be notified via an RIS

 Record Date for participation              5.00 p.m. on 30 
  in the Tender Offer                        September 2016 
 Posting of the Circular, Tender            11 November 2016 
  Form, Savings Schemes Tender 
  Form, Form of Proxy and Form 
  of Direction 
 Latest time and date for receipt           1.00 p.m. on 23 
  of Savings Schemes Tender Forms            November 2016 
 Tender Closing Date: latest                1.00 p.m. on 30 
  time and date for receipt of               November 2016 
  Tender Forms and TTE Instructions 
  in CREST 
 Latest time and date for receipt           3.30 p.m. on 5 
  of Forms of Direction for the              December 2016 
  Extraordinary General Meeting 
 Latest time and date for receipt           3.30 p.m. on 10 
  of Forms of Proxy for the Extraordinary    December 2016 
  General Meeting 
 Extraordinary General Meeting              3.30p.m. on 12 
                                             December 2016 
 Results of Extraordinary General           12 December 2016 
  Meeting and Tender Offer announced 
 Calculation Date                           close of business 
                                             on 12 December 
 Purchase of Exit Shares and                14 December 2016 
  Sale of On-sale Shares 
 Tender Offer FAV and number                14 December 2016 
  of On-sale Shares announced 
 Establishment of Tender Pool               14 December 2016 
  and Continuing Pool 
 Realisation of the Tender Pool             14 December 2016 
 Tender Price announced; final              as soon as practicable 
  distribution under the Tender              after the realisation 
  Offer of assets in the Tender              of the Tender Pool 
  Pool announced; cheques despatched 
  and payments through CREST 

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



(END) Dow Jones Newswires

November 11, 2016 05:00 ET (10:00 GMT)

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