RNS No 2086e
23rd September 1997


Hodder Headline announces more than doubled pre-tax profits and
earnings per share in its interim results for the six months to
30th June 1997.

The key points are:

*    Pre-tax profits up 154% to #1.3 million (1996, #0.5

*    Sales #38.0 million (1996, #40.3 million)

*    Operating profits up 67% to #1.6 million (1996, #0.9

*    Earnings per share up 127% to 2.5 pence (1996, 1.1 pence)

*    Net borrowing reduced by 21% to #7.3 million (1996, #9.2

*    Gearing reduced to 22% (1996, 30%)

*    Interim dividend raised by 10% to 2.2 pence net per share
     (1996, 2.0 pence net per

*    Trading in July and August 1997 shows continued progress

Tim Hely Hutchinson, Group Chief Executive, commented on the
results and prospects:

"I am delighted that Hodder Headline continued to perform
strongly in the first half of the year.

The second half has also started well and publishing sales to
the end of August were 5% ahead of sales in the same eight
month period of 1996 on a like-for-like basis.  We look forward
to a successful full year in 1997.

The retail book market in the UK has stabilised and shows some
promise of renewed growth, however the Australian market has
been weak this year.  Overall, improved results are being
achieved in market conditions that remain challenging.

Our central strategy of investment in  premium long-term
copyrights, for both consumer and educational titles, is
proving very effective in enabling us to improve profitability
despite this background, and has established the foundation for
a bright future.

Margin improvement continues to be a significant factor in the
Group's 1997 performance.  For the future, we are continuing to
strive for quality sales growth, margin enhancement and the
highest standards of excellence in every area of the business."

Attached is a copy of the Group's 1997 Interim Report.

For further information, please contact:

Tim Hely Hutchinson,        0171 404 5959 on 23rd September
Group Chief Executive       Otherwise, 0171 873 6000

Mark Opzoomer               As above
Deputy Chief Executive

Richard Adam                As above
Group Finance Director

John Sunnucks               0171 404 5959
Brunswick Public Relations

23rd September 1997

Chairman's Interim Statement

We are pleased to report continuing progress in the first half
of 1997.  Pre-tax profits and earnings per share were more than
doubled compared to the same period in 1996, and net debt at
the period end was reduced compared to 30th June 1996.

The retail book market in the UK has stabilised and is showing
some promise of renewed growth.  However, the Group's second
largest market, Australia, has been weak this year.  Overall,
improved results are being achieved in market conditions that
remain challenging.

Our central strategy of investment in premium long-term
copyrights, for both consumer and educational titles, is
proving very effective in enabling us to improve profitability
despite this background and has established the foundation for
a bright future.

Results and Dividends

Pre-tax profits for the six months ended 30th June rose to
#1.3m (1996, #0.5m).

Total sales in the first half of 1997 were #38.0m (1996,
#40.3m).  As we stated in our 1996 Annual Report, this year's
reported sales figures will be affected by our having
discontinued low margin agency and door-to-door business
overseas.  The continuing strength of sterling also limited
reported sales growth in the period, although it has not had
any material impact on earnings.

Our policy of concentrating on higher margin business at home
and overseas is succeeding.  Gross margins increased from 46%
to 49%.  Other operating income grew by 55% to #1.6m due to the
contribution of the New Zealand-originated Anne Geddes
publishing joint venture.  Net interest charges were lower at
#0.3m (1996, #0.4m) because of lower borrowing levels
throughout the period.

Taxation has been provided for at 33% (1996, 30%) as we fully
utilised the tax losses available for reinstatement by Hodder &
Stoughton during 1996.  The estimated 1997 rate includes
recognition of the reduction in UK corporation tax rates from
33% to 31% announced in July.

Earnings per share for the period rose to 2.5 pence (1996, 1.1
pence).  The Board has decided to increase the interim dividend
to 2.2 pence net per share (1996, 2.0 pence net per share).  
This will be paid on 12th November 1997 to shareholders on the 
register at 17th October 1997.

Balance Sheet

The Group's  balance sheet continues to strengthen compared to
the same period in 1996 and key ratios in the business have
been improved.  Net debt at 30th June was reduced by 21% to
#7.3m (1996, #9.2m).  Shareholders' funds grew to #33.1m (1996,
#30.7m).  Gearing was reduced to 22% (1996, 30%).  Stock as a
percentage of annual sales reduced to 21.5% (1996, 22.5%) as
stock levels decreased to #19.5m (1996, #20.4m).

At the same time we have continued to invest substantially in
our forward publishing programme, and this is reflected in an
increase in the authors' royalty advances component of debtors.

Current Trading and Prospects

Publishing sales to the end of August were 5% ahead of sales in
the same eight month period of 1996 on a like-for-like basis.
Margin improvement continues to be a significant factor in the
Group's 1997 performance.

UK Consumer Publishing highlights for the second half include
bestselling crime writer Elizabeth George's first novel for
Hodder & Stoughton, Deception on His Mind, bestselling thriller
writer James Patterson's first novel for Headline, Cat and
Mouse, Dean Koontz's new novel, Fear Nothing, legendary cricket
umpire Dickie Bird's autobiography and the fourth instalment in
Stephen King's Dark Tower series, Wizard and Glass.  These are
in addition to strong children's, religious and audiobook
lists.  We are publishing slightly fewer new consumer titles in
the UK, particularly within Headline, but we are on average
selling more copies of each title.  This policy is underpinning
the continued margin improvement.

Hodder & Stoughton Educational has just published its
innovative thirteen-volume Teach Yourself Revision Guides
series with plans to extend the series in 1998.  Arnold will
publish its ground-breaking new edition of Topley & Wilson's
Microbiology and Microbial Infections in six-volume book form
and as a CD Rom in November.

Overseas, we continue to build our locally-originated
publishing programmes, including the highly successful Anne
Geddes range of photographic gift books.

Bookpoint has successfully introduced its next day service for
UK retailers and its financial performance also continues to

The Group's progress so far this year is encouraging and we
look forward to a successful full year in 1997.  For the
future, we are continuing to strive for good quality sales
growth, margin enhancement and the highest standards of
excellence in every area of the business.

Management and Staff

Lord Donoughmore retired as Chairman at the Annual General
Meeting in May.  All of us have very much appreciated his great
qualities as Chairman, which have contributed so much to the
Company's successful development.  We extend our best wishes
for his retirement.  I would also like to take this opportunity
to thank all the Group's staff for their dedication to building
today's Hodder Headline, a business where many individual
contributions are adding up to a strong performance.

Christopher Weston
23rd September 1997

Unaudited Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
For the six months ended 30th June

                                   Note  1997    1996    1996
                                         #000    #000    #000
---------------------------------  ---  ------  ------  ------

Turnover - continuing operations   2    38,011   40,250   92,830
Cost of sales                          (19,339) (21,731) (50,568)
---------------------------------  ---  ------  ------  ------

Gross profit                            18,672  18,519   42,262
Distribution costs                      (4,426)  (4,396) (9,582)
Administrative expenses                (14,308) (14,229)(27,854)
Other operating income                   1,619   1,042   2,598
---------------------------------  ---  ------  ------  ------
Operating profit - before                1,557   936     7,424
interests in associated
Income from interests in                    19      9       53
associated undertakings
---------------------------------  ---  ------  ------  ------

Operating profit - continuing      2     1,576   945     7,477
Interest receivable and similar             58   151       207
Profit on ordinary activities            1,317   519     6,605
before taxation
Tax on profit on ordinary          3      (435) (156)   (1,948)
---------------------------------  ---  ------  ------  ------
Profit on ordinary activities              882   363     4,657
after taxation
Equity minority interests                 (14)     9       15
---------------------------------  ---  ------  ------  ------
Profit for the financial period           868    372    4,672
Dividends                          4     (776)  (705)  (2,292)
---------------------------------  ---  ------  ------  ------

Retained profit / (loss) for the                        
financial period transferred to            92   (333)   2,380
---------------------------------  ---  ------  ------  ------
Earnings per share                 5        2.5p 1.1p    13.3p
---------------------------------  ---  ------  ------  ------

Unaudited Consolidated Balance Sheet
At 30th June
                                   Note  1997    1996    1996
                                         #000    #000    #000
----------- ---------------------  -----  ------  ------  ------
Fixed assets                                            
Intangible assets                         514     527     536
Tangible assets                         3,670   4,443   3,900
Investments                               192     149     178
---------------------------------  ---  ------  ------  ------
                                        4,376   5,119   4,614
---------------------------------  ---  ------  ------  ------

Current assets                                          
Stocks                                  19,488  20,423  18,144
Debtors                                 41,552  37,130  43,171
Cash at bank and in hand                 2,059   646     1,341
---------------------------------  ---  ------  ------  ------

                                        63,099  58,199  62,656
Creditors: amounts falling due 
within one year                         
---------------------------------  ---  ------  ------  ------

Net current assets                      38,630  28,265  30,627
---------------------------------  ---  ------  ------  ------

Total assets less current               43,006  33,384  35,241
Creditors: amounts falling due          (8,945)  (1,340)  (921)
after more than one year                 
Provisions for liabilities and            (999) (1,352) (1,271)
---------------------------------  ---  ------  ------  ------

Net assets                         2    33,062  30,692  33,049
---------------------------------  ---  ------  ------  ------

Capital and reserves                                    
Called up share capital                 3,527   3,525   3,527
Share premium account                  17,253  17,234  17,248
Merger reserve                          3,171   3,171   3,171
Profit and loss account                 9,068   6,723   9,075
---------------------------------  ---  ------  ------  ------

Equity shareholders' funds         6   33,019  30,653  33,021
Equity minority interests                  43      39      28
---------------------------------  ---  ------  ------  ------

Shareholders' funds                    33,062  30,692  33,049
---------------------------------  ---  ------  ------  ------

Unaudited Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
For the six months ended 30th June
                                     Note 1997    1996    1996
                                          #000    #000    #000
-----------------------------------  --- ------  ------  ------

Net cash (outflow) / inflow from                         
operating activities
Net cash (outflow) / inflow from         (704)   1,713   9,202
continuing operating activities
Cash outflow in respect of prior                         
year acquisition and                     (380)   (348)   (757)
reorganisation provisions
-----------------------------------  --- ------  ------  ------

                                     7  (1,084)  1,365   8,445
-----------------------------------  --- ------  ------  ------

Returns on investment and servicing                      
of finance
Interest paid                            (268)   (572)  (1,077)
Interest received                          62     149      207
Net cash outflow from returns on                         
investment and servicing of finance      (206)   (423)    (870)
UK corporation tax paid                  (105)   (146)    (519)
Overseas tax paid                         (41)    (11)    (129)

Tax paid                                 (146)   (157)    (648)
-----------------------------------  --- ------  ------  ------

Capital expenditure and financial                        
Purchase of tangible fixed assets        (451)   (432)    (769)
Purchase of intangible fixed assets        -       -       (30)
Proceeds from sale of tangible             30      48       94
fixed assets
-----------------------------------  --- ------  ------  ------

Net cash outflow from capital                            
expenditure and financial                (421)   (384)    (705)
-----------------------------------  --- ------  ------  ------

Net cash outflow from the                                
acquisition of subsidiary                -       (220)    (206)
-----------------------------------  --- ------  ------  ------

Equity dividends paid                   (1,587) (1,586) (2,291)
-----------------------------------  --- ------  ------  ------
Net cash (outflow) / inflow before      (3,444) (1,405)  3,725
-----------------------------------  --- ------  ------  ------

Issue of ordinary share capital              5       7      23
Proceeds from new borrowings             8,125      -       -
Repayment of loans                        (142) (3,458)  (3,858)
Capital element of finance lease         (245)    (258)    (461)
Receipts from new finance leases            -       -        25
-----------------------------------  --- ------  ------  ------

Net cash inflow / (outflow) from         7,743   (3,709)  (4,271)
-----------------------------------  --- ------  ------  ------

Increase / (decrease) in cash            4,299   (5,1140)  (546)
-----------------------------------  --- ------  ------  ------

Unaudited Reconciliation of Net Cash Flow to Movement in Net
For the six months ended 30th June
                                    Note  1997    1996    1996
                                          #000    #000    #000
----------------------------------  ---  ------  ------  ------

Increase / (decrease) in cash in         4,299   (5,114) (546)
the period                                   
Cash (inflow) / outflow from                             
(increase) / decrease in debt and       (7,738)   3,716  4,294
leasing finance                          
----------------------------------  ---  ------  ------  ------

Change in debt resulting from cash      (3,439)  (1,398)  3,748
Other finance lease movements              (38)      -       11
Currency translation differences            49     (249)     (4)
----------------------------------  ---  ------  ------  ------

Movement in net debt in the period       (3,428  (1,647)  3,755
Net debt at start of period             (3,837)  (7,592)  (7,592)
----------------------------------  ---  ------  ------  ------
Net debt at end of period           8   (7,265)  (9,239)  (3,837)
----------------------------------  ---  ------  ------  ------

Notes to the Interim Financial Statements

1    Basis of Preparation
     The Interim Financial Statements have been prepared on the
     basis of the accounting policies set out in Hodder
     Headline PLC's financial statements for the year ended
     31st December 1996.  The Interim Financial Statements are
     unaudited but have been reviewed by the Auditors and their
     report to the Company is set out on the inside back cover
     of this Interim Report.

     The Interim Financial Statements do not comprise statutory
     accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of the
     companies Act 1985.

     The comparative figures for the year ended 31st December
     1996 are taken from the statutory accounts filed with the
     Registrar of Companies.  The Auditors' report on the
     statutory accounts was unqualified and did not contain a
     statement under Section 237 of the Companies Act 1985.

2    Segmental Analysis
     For the six months ended 30th June

                                     1997   1996    1996
                                     #000   #000    #000
-----------------------------------  ------ -----   -------

Turnover - continuing operations                    
UK Consumer Publishing               22,206 21,605   48,959
UK Educational, Academic &            7,600  7,105   18,930
Professional Publishing
Overseas Operations                   7,212  10,253  22,320
UK Distribution                         993    1,287   2,621
-----------------------------------  ------ -----   -------

                                     38,011 40,250   92,830
-----------------------------------  ------ -----   -------

UK Consumer Publishing                1,902  1,558    3,946
UK Educational, Academic &              168    371    2,452
Professional Publishing
Overseas Operations                    (72)   (378)   1,625
UK Distribution                       (422)   (606)    (546)
-----------------------------------  ------ -----   -------
Operating profit - continuing         1,576    945    7,477
Net interest payable                  (259)   (426)    (872)
-----------------------------------  ------ -----   -------

Profit before taxation                1,317    519    6,605
-----------------------------------  ------ -----   -------

Net assets                                          
UK Consumer Publishing               28,264 26,051   24,124
UK Educational, Academic &            4,973  4,600   4,762
Professional Publishing
Overseas Operations                   5,779  7,631   6,646
UK Distribution                       1,311  1,649   1,354
-----------------------------------  ------ -----   -------

Net operating assets                 40,327 39,931  36,886
Net borrowings                       (7,265)(9,239) (3,837)
-----------------------------------  ------ -----   -------

                                     33,062 30,692   33,049
-----------------------------------  ------ -----   -------

3    Taxation
     The taxation charge for the period is based on the
     estimated effective rate of   33% for the year ending 31st
     December 1997.

4    Dividends
     An interim dividend of 2.2 pence net per share will be
     paid on 12th November 1997 to shareholders on the register
     at the close of business on 17th October 1997. The
     ordinary shares will be marked ex dividend on 13th October

5    Earnings per Share
     Earnings per share have been calculated using the weighted
     average number of shares in issue during the period, which
     for the six months to 30th June 1997 was   35,265,566
     and for the six months to 30th June 1996 was 35,247,069.

6    Reconciliation of Movement in Equity Shareholders' Funds
      For the six months ended 30th June
                                     1997    1996    1996
                                     #000    #000    #000
Profit attributable to members of    868     372     4,672
the Company
Dividends                           (776)   (705)   (2,292)
                                      92    (333)    2,380
Capital Subscribed                     5       7        23
Exchange rate differences            (99)    144      (217)
Net movement in equity                (2)   (182)    2,186
shareholders' funds
Opening equity shareholders' funds 33,021  30,835   30,835
Closing equity shareholders' funds 33,019  30,653   33,021

7    Reconciliation of Operating Profit to Net Cash Flow from
     Operating Activities
     For the six months ended 30th June
                                     1997    1996    1996
                                     #000    #000    #000
Operating profit - before interests  1,557   936     7,424
in associated undertakings
Adjustments to operating profit:                     
  Depreciation and amortisation        688   686     1,393
  Loss on sale of tangible fixed         7     1        32
(Increase) / decrease in working                     
  Proceeds from sale of property        182    3,458     3,458
held for sale
  Stocks                             (1,432)  (1,737)      117
  Debtors                             1,341     (543)   (6,771)
  Creditors                          (3,155)  (1,088)    3,455
Increase in reorganisation              108      -          94
Net cash (outflow) / inflow from       (704)   1,713     9,202
continuing operations
Cash outflow in respect of prior                    
year acquisition and reorganisation    (380)    (348)    (757)
Net cash (outflow) / inflow from     (1,084)    1,365    8,445
operating activities                

8    Analysis of Changes in Net Debt during the Period
     For the six months ended 30th June
                    At       Net    Other   Effect   At     At
                    1st      cash   changes of       30th   30th
                    January  flow           foreign  June   June
                    1997                    exchange 1997   1996
                    #000     #000   #000    #000     #000   #000                
Cash at bank and   1,341      681    -        37    2,059    646
in hand
Bank overdrafts   (3,620)   3,618    -         2      -   (7,665)
                  (2,279)   4,299    -        39    2,059 (7,019)
Borrowings due      (142)     142    -         -      -     (542)
within one year
Borrowings due      -      (8,125)   -         -   (8,125)    -
after one year                       
Finance Leases    (1,416)     245   (38)      10   (1,199)(1,678)
                  (1,558)  (7,738)  (38)      10   (9,324)(2,220)
Net debt          (3,837)  (3,439)  (38)      49   (7,265)(9,239)
9    Company Information
     Copies of this statement are being sent to all
     shareholders and are also available from the Company's
     Registered Office : 338 Euston Road, London, NW1 3BH; telephone
     0171 873 6000, fax 0171 873 6024.

10   Financial Calendar

     Dates               Events
     13th October 1997   1997 Interim Dividend Ex Dividend
     17th October 1997   1997 Interim Dividend Record Date
     12th November 1997  1997 Interim Dividend Payment
     March 1998          1997 Preliminary Results Announcement
     April 1998          1997 Annual Report & Accounts
     May 1998            Annual General Meeting
     May 1998            1997 Final Dividend Payment

Review Report by the Auditors to Hodder Headline PLC

We have reviewed the interim financial information for the six
months ended 30th June 1997 set out on pages 3 to 9 which is
the responsibility of, and has been approved by, the Directors.
Our responsibility is to report on the results of our review.
Our review was not performed for any purpose connected with any
specific transaction and should not be relied upon for any such

Our review was carried out having regard to the Bulletin
"Review of Interim Financial Information" issued by the
Auditing Practices Board.  This review consisted principally of
applying analytical procedures to the underlying financial
data, assessing whether accounting policies have been
consistently applied, and making enquiries of Group management
responsible for financial and accounting matters.  The review
excluded any audit procedures such as tests of controls and
verification of assets and liabilities, and was therefore
substantially less in scope than an audit performed in
accordance with Auditing Standards.  Accordingly we do not
express an audit opinion on the interim financial information.

On the basis of our review:

*    in our opinion the interim financial information has been
 prepared using accounting policies consistent with those
 adopted by Hodder Headline PLC in its financial statements for
 the year ended 31st December 1996 and

*    we are not aware of any material modifications that should
 be made to the interim financial information as presented.

Deloitte & Touche
Chartered Accountants and Registered Auditors
Hill House
1 Little New Street



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