RNS No 9790u
11 May 1999

                  MEIKLES AFRICA LIMITED
   Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 March 1999
Meikles  Africa Limited ('Meikles Africa')  the  Zimbabwe-
based hotel and retail group which floated on the Zimbabwe
and  London Stock Exchanges in 1996, announces preliminary
results for the year ended 31 March 1999

*    Group turnover of Z$4,193m (1998: Z$2,826m), up 48%

*    Operating profit of Z$517m (1998: Z$250m), up 107%

*    Attributable profit of Z$1,498m (1998: Z$533m), up

*    Headline earnings per share of 992 cents (1998: 350
     cents), up 183%

*    Operating cash flow of Z$751 million (1998: Z$189m),
     up 297%

*    Operating cash flow per share 491 cents (1998: 123

*    Final dividend 100 cents (interim 40 cents)

John Moxon, Chairman, commented:

'We are delighted to report an outstanding performance and
high  levels  of  growth  in our  businesses  despite  the
unfavourable  economic  environment in Zimbabwe.   With  a
strong  balance  sheet, we are actively pursuing  regional
investment   opportunities  and  are  strategically   well
positioned to continue to grow our existing businesses.'

                                               11 May 1999


Meikles Africa                     Tel: (+263 4) 730 611/6
John Moxon, Executive Chairman

College Hill                       Tel: (+44 171) 457 2020
Nicholas Williams
Corinna Dorward

Chairman's statement

Dear Shareholders,

Towards the end of March 1999, as it was apparent that the
Group  was about to complete an exceptional year,  it  was
felt appropriate to advise shareholders to that effect.  I
am  pleased  to  report  that our expectations  have  been

Financial Results

Turnover  was 48% up on 1998 and operating profit exceeded
last   year   by   107%.   Net  profit   attributable   to
shareholders  increased  from  Z$533  million  to  Z$1,498
million  and headline earnings improved by 178% to Z$1,516
million.  Trading has been strong in all divisions.

An  interim  dividend  of Z$0,40 per  share  was  paid  in
December  1998 and the Board is now recommending  a  final
dividend  of Z$1.00 per share bringing the total  dividend
for  the  year  to Z$1.40, compared to Z$0.65  last  year.
These  total dividends reflect a 10% increase relative  to
the previous year, expressed in U.S. dollar terms.

Income  earned from finance activities amounted to Z$1,212
million  and includes the increase in the market value  of
the  Group's investments and in the value of our US$ funds
deposited with the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe.

I  should draw your attention to the changes we have  made
to the accounting policies in respect of deferred taxation
and  quoted investments so as to comply with two more  new
International Accounting Standards which have resulted  in
a restatement of the prior years' results; these are fully
explained in the notes to the accounts.


Our  results are particularly pleasing as they arose in  a
poor  economic  environment during 1998.   Gross  domestic
product  grew in the region of 1%, with growth subdued  in
all  main  sectors  of  the  economy.   Difficult  trading
conditions   prevailed  with  high  interest   rates   and
significant   depreciation   of   the   Zimbabwe   dollar.
Inflation  during  the  year  was  approximately  37%  and
reached 52% in March 1999.  Delays in the disbursement  of
financial support from the IMF and concerns about the land
reform  programme all contributed to a lack of  confidence
and diminished investment.

Our  strategy in Zimbabwe is to concentrate on  businesses
in our areas of competence that contribute meaningfully to
the  Group.   On  the  strength of  our  results  we  will
continue  to  expand  our  present  businesses  which   we
consider to be the best in their fields.  In this  way  we
will   continue  to  attract  the  best  people,   thereby
maintaining our position and enhancing shareholder value.

On  1 August 1998 the Group acquired a 50% interest in the
business  of  The  Victoria Falls Hotel which  is  a  hard
currency  earning business which has performed  well.   It
has achieved the distinction of being voted the third best
foreign  hotel  in  the  world by  readers  of  the  Daily
Telegraph in the United Kingdom.  Its excellence  will  be
further  enhanced by the ongoing ISO9002 Quality Assurance
Programme.  The Meikles Hotel was voted fourth in the same
category.   Meikles Hotel turnover increased by  64%  over
the  previous year and our share of the Harare market  was

The  Group's two hotels complement each other in that both
operations   attract  the  top  strata  of   international
travellers  in the corporate and tourist market  segments.
The  opportunity now exists to promote and package the two
hotels through their membership of the 'Leading Hotels  of
the World'.

The  TM  Supermarket Division had a good year  with  sales
growth  of 42%.  In common with the Retail Division  sales
accelerated with inflation in the second half of the  year
recording  real  growth  for the full  year.   Efforts  to
acquire   new  sites  were  frustrated  by  a  diminishing
appetite  from financial institutions for the  funding  of
new   developments.   Certain  local  authorities  delayed
approval  for  projects  which would  have  benefited  the
community  as well as provided employment.   As  a  result
only  three  new  sites were opened  which  is  less  than
anticipated at the beginning of the year.  The decision to
proceed  with  our  own house-brand label  has  been  very
successful and the range of products in this category  has
expanded substantially.

The  Retail Division came in with a 40% sales growth  over
the previous year.  The Department Stores finished 32%  up
while the Clicks/Diskom chain achieved growth of 97%.   As
a  result of our keener focus it became evident during the
year  that  The  Food Franchise Chain was  not  playing  a
meaningful role and a decision was taken to exit from  the
business.  Elements will be sold while in-store units have
been absorbed into the department store operations.  It is
anticipated  that  no significant closure  costs  will  be


Good  rains  materialised  in the  northern  half  of  the
country and it is hoped that quality cash crops have  been
produced,  as  well as sufficient maize to carry  Zimbabwe
through  the  dry season.  A further round of wage  awards
and  the demutualisation of the Old Mutual, should  create
more  disposable  income in the hands of the  consumer  to
enable  us  to expect substantial growth in sales  in  the
Supermarkets  and  Retail  divisions.   As  the   economic
situation  improves  business and  tourist  arrivals  will
benefit the Hotels Division.  Both Hotels operate  on  US$
based   rates  and  therefore  maintain  a  hedge  against
currency depreciation.

In   the   local  environment,  we  will  actively  pursue
opportunities  for both organic and acquisitive  expansion
in   our  Supermarkets  and  Retail  Divisions.   We  will
continue   to  fund  any  local  initiatives  with   local
resources.   Together with strategic  partners,  we  shall
continue  to  seek an appropriate opening  into  financial
services  which  will  enable us to develop  the  customer
services  which  have  proved to be successful  in  retail
organisations  internationally.   We  shall  continue   to
negotiate for the acquisition of the Victoria Falls  Hotel

The    Group   has   been   actively   pursuing   regional
opportunities to invest its US$45 million.  In conjunction
with  strategic  partners we are  seeking  investments  in
activities  with a similar focus to ours that can  benefit
our  Zimbabwe  operations  and which  have  potential  for
significant capital growth in US dollar terms.

It  remains for me to congratulate management and staff on
a  successful year and to record my appreciation for their
efforts throughout the year.

                                                John Moxon
                                        Executive Chairman
                                    Meikles Africa Limited
                                                7 May 1999

On  7 May 1999, the Board approved a final dividend number
59 of 100 cents per share on 152,895,305 shares payable to
members  registered  in the books of the  Company  at  the
close  of  business on Friday 2 July 1999.   The  Transfer
Books and Register of Members will be closed from 3 to  18
July   1999.     Dividend  cheques  will  be   mailed   to
shareholders  on  or  about 19 July 1999.   The  dividends
payable  to  non-resident shareholders  will  be  paid  in
accordance     with    Exchange    Control    Regulations.
Shareholders'  withholding  tax  will  be  deducted  where

The Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held  in
Harare on 4 August 1999, details of which will be provided
in the Annual Report

By order of the Board

Company Secretary

7 May 1999

Consolidated Income Statement
for the year ended 31 March 1999

The  audited  results  of  the  Meikles  Africa  Group  of
Companies in respect of the year ended 31 March  1999  are
as follows:

                                      Notes       1999        1998
                                                 Z$000       Z$000
Turnover                                     4,193,467   2,826,344
Gross profit                                 1,171,718     682,631
Other income                                   161,668      84,979
Operating expenses                            (816,092)   (517,436)
Operating Profit                               517,294     250,174
Finance income                         (2)   1,211,666     388,887
Profit before taxation                       1,728,960     639,061
Taxation                                      (193,440)    (83,041)
Profit after taxation                        1,535,520     556,020
Minority interest                              (37,860)    (23,001)
Net profit for the year attributable         1,497,660     533,019
to shareholders                              
Dividends                                     (214,053)    (99,382)
Transferred to retained earnings             1,283,607     433,637
Earnings per share - basic (cents)     (3)         980         349
IIMR   Headline  earnings  per  share  (3)         992         350

Balance Sheets
at 31 March 1999
                                        1999         1998
                                       Z$000        Z$000
Non-current assets                                       
Property,   plant    and             671,311      543,485
Investments                          560,551      232,853
Goodwill                             417,779       60,534
Long term debtors                    144,895      115,112
                                   1,794,536      951,984
Current assets
Stocks                               513,622      403,417
Debtors and prepayments              441,575      241,592
Cash and cash equivalents          1,962,236      821,257
                                   2,917,433    1,466,266
Total assets                       4,711,969    2,418,250
Capital and reserves                                     
Equity capital                        15,289       15,289
Non-distributable                  1,048,368    1,048,368
Retained earnings                  1,753,639      470,032
                                   2,817,296    1,533,689
Minority interest                     19,961       10,496
Non-current liabilities
Interest bearing borrowings          574,260      133,935
Deferred tax                         297,574      166,691
Other financial liabilities             7,331       6,051
                                      879,165     306,677
Current liabilities
Creditors                            720,239      439,162
Interest bearing borrowings           62,705       39,225
Proposed final dividend              152,895       53,513
Other financial liabilities           59,708       35,488
                                     995,547      567,388
Total equity and liabilities       4,711,969    2,418,250

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
for the year ended 31 March 1999

                                             1999        1998
                                            Z$000       Z$000
Cash flows from operating activities                         
Profit before taxation                  1,728,960     639,061
Adjustment for:                                     
     non-operating cash flow             (884,292)   (234,829)
     non-cash items                      (253,428)   (111,181)
Operating cash flow before working        591,240     293,051
capital changes
Generated from/(used in) working          159,962    (104,324)
capital changes
Operating cash flow                       751,202     188,727
Income tax paid                           (47,135)    (24,511)
Net cash generated from operating         704,067     164,216
Net cash used in investing               (658,912)   (194,072)
Net cash generated from/(used in)         126,773    (139,678)
financing activities
Net effect of exchange rate changes                 
on cash and cash equivalents              969,051     203,841
Net increase in cash and cash           1,140,979      34,307
Cash and cash equivalents at 31           821,257     786,950
March 1998
Cash and cash equivalents at 31         1,962,236     821,257
March 1999                         


1. Accounting policies

The  accounting policies are the same as those used in the
31  March 1998 Financial Statements, except in relation to
quoted  investments and deferred taxation which have  been
changed  with  effect  from  1  April  1998.   Comparative
figures have been restated to reflect these changes.

In  prior years, quoted investments were carried  at  cost
with the market value shown by way of note.  In conformity
with   the  new  International  Accounting  Standards   on
Financial  Instruments: Disclosure and  Presentation  (IAS
32)  and  Recognition and Measurement (IAS 39) the Group's
quoted  investments are now included in the balance  sheet
at  fair  value  with the corresponding  change  in  value
reported  in  the income statement.  The  effect  of  this
change is to increase investments and retained earnings at
1  April  1998  by  Z$219,147,000  and  1  April  1997  by

In  prior periods, deferred income tax was provided for on
a  partial  basis but the Group now provides for  deferred
income  and capital gains tax on a comprehensive basis  in
conformity  with IAS 12 (revised).  The  effect   of  this
change   is   to  increase  non-current   liabilities   by
Z$166,691,000  and Z$133,772,000 at 1  April  1998  and  1
April  1997 respectively.  Retained earnings and  minority
interest   at   1   April  1998  have  been   reduced   by
Z$161,115,000  and  Z$5,576,000 and at  1  April  1997  by
Z$128,513,000 and Z$5,259,000 respectively.

As  regards  deferred  income tax the principal  temporary
differences arise from depreciation and capital allowances
on  property, plant and equipment, and tax losses  carried
forward while the deferred capital gains tax is in respect
of  the  revaluation  of  externally  quoted  investments.
Deferred  tax  assets  relating to the  carry  forward  of
unused tax losses are recognised to the extent that it  is
probable  that  future taxable profit  will  be  available
against which unused tax losses can be utilised.

2. Finance Income

                                        1999        1998
                                       Z$000       Z$000
Interest receivable:                            
Related parties                            -       3,783
Third parties                        114,077      60,361
                                     114,077      64,144
Net exchange gains                   973,936     203,841
Increase in value of quoted          327,698     158,005
Interest payable:
Long term borrowings                (195,459)    (34,243)
Overdrafts and short term             (5,586)     (1,256)
Related parties                       (3,000)     (1,604)
                                    (204,045)    (37,103)
                                   1,211,666     388,887

3. Earnings per share

Basic earnings per share
Basic  earnings per share have been calculated by dividing
the  net  profit for the year attributable to shareholders
by   the   number  of  shares  in  issue  of   152,895,305

A  calculation of diluted earnings per share has not  been
shown  as  the difference to basic earnings per  share  is
IIMR Headline earnings per share                 (Restated)
                                        1999          1998
                                       Z$000         Z$000
Net profit for the year            1,497,660       533,019
attributable to shareholders
Amortisation of goodwill              16,107         3,272
Loss/(profit) on disposal of           2,528          (719)
fixed assets
                                   1,516,295       535,572
Number of shares in issue        152,895,305   152,895,305

Basic  and headline earnings per share for 1998 have  been
restated to take into account the effect of the changes in
accounting policies.

4. Segmental Analysis

Year ended 31 March  Hotels Supermarkets  Retail  Corporate     Group
Turnover            449,951    2,937,224 806,292         -   4,193,46
Operating profit    210,284      187,261 127,412    (7,663)   517,294
Finance income                                              1,211,666
Taxation                                                     (193,440)
Minority interest                                             (37,860)
Attributable profit                                         1,497,660
Segment assets      950,073     648,589  876,664  2,336,643  4,711,969
Segment             278,569     568,235  356,102    671,806  1,874,712
expenditure and     428,382      72,572   45,834     20,432    567,220
Depreciation and                                               
amortisation         25,352      17,822   24,023      4,545     71,742

Year ended 31 March  Hotels Supermarkets  Retail   Corporate     Group        
Turnover            188,264    2,063,262 574,818           -   2,826,3
Operating profit     74,558      119,732  62,102      (6,218)  250,174
Finance income                                                 388,887
Taxation                                                       (83,041)
Minority interest                                              (23,001)
Attributable                                                   533,019
Segment assets      355,214     401,712 725,404     935,920  2,418,250
Segment             104,856     331,525 160,512     277,172    874,065
expenditure and      54,149      62,906  51,921         244    169,220
Depreciation and                                              
amortisation          9,123      14,531  19,282       4,607     47,543



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