RNS No 2619k
7 April 1999

Oasis Stores Plc          Michael Bennett
0171 452 1000             Dominic Lavelle
Financial Dynamics        Tom Baldock
0171 831 3113
                              OASIS STORES PLC
                      Preliminary Results Announcement
                  For the 52 weeks ended 30th January, 1999
Oasis  Stores Plc, the women's fashion retailer, today announces  preliminary
results for the 52 weeks ended 30th January, 1999.
-  Turnover increased by 20% to #111.8m (1998: #92.9m)
-  Oasis like-for-like sales up by 9%
-  Operating profit up 33% to #11.7m (1998: #8.8m)
-  Profit before tax increased by 25% to #13.0m (1998: #10.4m)
-  Earnings per share up 27% to 16.71p per share (1998:13.12p)
-  Total dividend for the year up 10% to 8.25 pence (1998: 7.5 pence)
-  Total number of Oasis outlets increased from 127 to 137
-  New store look very positively received by customers; to be introduced
   across all outlets during 1999
-  Development of Coast brand progressing to plan
-  Oasis storecard launched in October

Commenting on the results, Chairman Michael Bennett said:
"The current year has started well, with Oasis like-for-like sales up 6% and
total sales up 17% for the first 8 weeks.
The style, value and quality of our product continues to attract a growing
customer base.
I am delighted with the results and I am particularly pleased to see further
growth during the first 8 weeks of the new financial year.
The new store look has been very positively received by our customers and
this is reflected in much stronger than anticipated sales in the four stores
that have the look.  I am looking forward to the company building on the
successful start we have made to the current year."
I  am  pleased  to report that the confidence I expressed last  year  in  the
strength of the Oasis brand has been justified by an improved performance for
the year to January 1999.
Overall sales growth was strong, although it was undoubtedly impacted by much-
publicised  pre-Christmas discounting among other fashion  retailers  in  the
crucial  trading  month of December. Turnover increased  by  20%  to  #111.8m
(1998:  #92.9m)  including a 17% increase in Oasis retail  sales  to  #104.0m
(1998: #88.9m). Oasis like-for-like sales increased by 9%.
Operating  profit  was  up  33% to #11.7m (1998: #8.8m)  and  pre-tax  profit
increased by 25% from #10.4m to #13.0m. Earnings per share grew by  27%  from
13.12p to 16.71p per share.
Capital  expenditure  totalled #10.2m during the period (1998:  #8.3m),  with
#1.8m  invested in Coast and #8.4m in Oasis. The new Oasis stores cost  #2.9m
and  #2.1m  was  spent  refurbishing existing stores.  Expenditure  on  major
computer systems was #1.9m (1998: #2.4m) and the cost of the extension to the
Distribution Centre at Stanton Harcourt was #1.0m.
The year-end cash position was #3.8m (1998: #7.1m). Stock levels rose in line
with our expectation to #14.9m, up on the half year position by #0.3m.
Operating Summary
We opened 12 new stores in the period and two stores were closed giving a net
addition of 10 in the number of outlets, increasing the total number to  137.
Trading  square  footage at the end of the period was 10% higher  at  175,000
(1998:  159,000  sq.ft). Average trading square footage  was  11%  higher  at
165,000. Average sales per square foot stood at #630 (1998: #600).
Gross  margins grew from 51.4% to 51.8%. Distribution costs were  #35.8m,  an
increase   on  last  year  of  17%,  in  line  with  growth  in  sales.   Net
administration costs were #6.8m, unchanged from last year.
Three  new  stores have opened since the year-end, including  2  branches  at
Bluewater  and  one  relocation. Nine other, more spacious,  new  stores  are
planned  for  the  remainder of the year, including four further  relocations
into larger trading space.
We  have  developed an improved look for our outlets that enhances  the  shop
environment  and  added  new  services to  improve  our  customers'  shopping
experience.  The  Oasis  storecard,  for  example,  has  proved  particularly
successful,  its high take up enabling us to achieve greater  penetration  of
our customer base.
We  plan  to  fully  refit 4 existing stores and all  new  outlets  with  the
enhanced look and will be introducing the new logo and design elements across
all other outlets, packaging and point of sale material throughout this year.
Research  shows that the new format is being well received by  our  customers
and initial sales confirm this.
United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland
On  a 52-week basis, UK like-for-like sales increased by 8% and overall sales
grew  by  17% to #92.3m. We opened 11 new stores, comprising 6 new  branches,
including  our  first  branch in Northern Ireland and 5 new  concessions.  We
closed one concession, resulting in a net increase in UK outlets of 10,  from
105 to 115. Ireland continued to grow strongly, with overall sales up 38%  to
#8.0m on a 52-week basis. One new store opened in the second half, increasing
the number of stores to 7.
On  a  52 week basis, overall sales to Germany grew by 42% to #3.7m.  No  new
stores  were  opened during the period. The concession in  Neuss  was  closed
early in the period, reducing the number of stores to 15.
Our  licensed  overseas operations continued to increase their  contribution.
Four  new  franchise stores were opened, including 2 in Taiwan our  first  in
Norway  and a flagship store in Kuwait, increasing the total number of stores
to  25.  Income in the period was #0.8m, including #0.2m from our mail  order
agreement.   We  have also successfully launched a sourcing  office  in  Hong
Kong,  and  feel  confident  it  will make  a  growing  contribution  to  our
This  year our first Japanese branch opens in Tokyo and an additional  branch
will open in Lisbon, Portugal.
On  16th  March, 1999, we opened a second Accessories outlet in Bluewater  to
add  to  our existing store in Manchester, and we plan to open further stores
during  this year. In addition we will be introducing the Accessories  format
within  several  of  our larger stores, each of which  will  increase  square
footage dedicated to accessories.
Mail Order
We  have  continued  our involvement with Grattan in mail order.  Sales  have
shown  encouraging growth and we are considering currently how this  side  of
the business can be developed further.
In line with our expectations, Coast produced a small operating loss on sales
of  #3.7m. When the business was acquired in April 1998 it had one branch and
28  concessions. During the period, four further stores and three concessions
were  opened and 9 concessions were closed, reducing the number of stores  to
27. One new store has already opened since the year-end, at Bluewater, and  a
further 2 openings are planned this year.
Much  hard work has gone into the brand and we are concentrating our  efforts
this year on widening the product mix, improving the quality of our portfolio
of  outlets by opening and closing outlets as appropriate, strengthening  the
team and eliminating losses.
Management  Changes
During  the year Jane Woolf, Buying Director was appointed to the main  board
in  recognition of her major contribution to Oasis' development. In addition,
we have recently appointed a Retail Director and a Marketing Director.
The  board  is proposing a final dividend of 5.6 pence per share  (1998:  5.1
pence)  which will be paid on 23rd July, 1999. This brings the total dividend
per share to 8.25 pence (1998: 7.5 pence), an increase of 10%.
The  current  year has started positively, with like-for-like  sales  in  the
first 8 weeks of the year ahead by 6% and total sales up by 17%.
The  new  store  look, branch openings, the introduction of  fragrances,  our
first licensing agreement for Oasis watches, and the further development  and
expansion  of Coast provide us with many opportunities to increase our  sales
and profitability.
Last  year's much improved performance gives me confidence that we will build
on our progress to date.
Profit and Loss Account for the 52 weeks ended 30th January, 1999
                                          1999         1998
                                          #m           #m
Turnover                                 111.8        92.9
Cost of sales                            (55.3)       (46.6)
Gross profit                             56.5         46.3
Distribution costs                       (37.6)       (30.7)
Administrative expenses                  (7.2)        (6.8)
Other operating income                   0.0          0.0
Operating profit                         11.7         8.8
Interest receivable and                               
    similar income                       1.3          1.6
Interest payable and                                  
    similar charges                      (0.0)        (0.0)
Profit on ordinary activities                         
    before taxation                      13.0         10.4
Taxation                                 (4.2)        (3.5)
Profit for the financial period          8.8          6.9
    and profit on ordinary                            
    activities after taxation                         
Dividend                                 (4.4)        (3.9)
Retained profit for the period           4.4          3.0
                                           1999         1998
                                           pence        pence
Earnings per share - basic                 16.71        13.12
Other  than  the  profit  for  the period, which was  entirely  derived  from
continuing  activities, there were no recognised gains or losses  during  the
current and previous period.
Historical cost profits are identical to those profits disclosed above.
Balance Sheet as at 30th January, 1999
                                        1999          1998
                                        #m            #m
Fixed Assets                                          
Intangible fixed assets - goodwill      0.2           -
Tangible fixed assets                   21.4          16.8
Total                                   21.6          16.8
Current assets                                        
Stocks                                  14.9          9.9
Debtors                                 5.3           4.8
Investments                             0.9           -
Short term deposits and cash            3.8           7.1
                                        24.9          21.8
Amounts falling due                                   
within one year                         (16.5)        (13.2)
Net current assets                      8.4           8.6
Total assets less                                     
current liabilities                     30.0          25.4
Amounts falling due after               (0.2)         (0.2)
more than one year                                    
Provisions for liabilities                            
and charges                             (0.5)         (0.3)
Net Assets                              29.3          24.9
Capital and reserves                                  
Called up share capital                 5.2           5.2
Profit and loss account                 24.1          19.7
Equity shareholders' funds              29.3          24.9

Cash Flow Statement
For the period ended 30th January, 1999
                                        1999          1998
                                         #m            #m
Net   cash   inflow   from   operating  13.7          9.4
Returns on investments and servicing                  
of finance
 Interest received                      1.3           1.6
 Interest paid                          (0.0)         (0.0)
Net cash inflow from returns                          
 on investments and servicing                         
 of finance                             1.3           1.6
Tax paid                                (3.5)         (5.6)
Capital   expenditure  and   financial                
 Purchase of fixed assets               (10.2)        (7.8)
 Sale of tangible fixed assets          0.4           0.2
 Purchase of current asset investment   (0.9)         -
Net cash outflow from                                 
 capital   expenditure  and  financial  (10.7)        (7.6)
Equity dividends paid in the period     (4.1)         (3.8)
Decrease in cash                        (3.3)         (6.0)
Turnover  arises  from  the sales by the Company to  third  parties,  net  of
discounts  and  value  added tax, and royalty income received  from  overseas
                                      1999        1999    1998
                                         #m         #m     #m
GEOGRAPHICAL ANALYSIS TURNOVER                           
United Kingdom                                           
- Oasis retail                        92.3               80.3
- Oasis mail order                    0.2                
- Coast retail                        3.7                
- Total                                        96.2      
Ireland - Oasis retail                         8.0       5.9
Germany - Oasis retail                         3.7       2.7
Rest of Europe, Middle                         3.9       4.0
and Far East - overseas licensing              111.8     92.9
Turnover  by country of destination is not materially different from turnover
by country of operation.  Turnover arises entirely from fashion retailing and
may also be analysed as follows:
European retailing                                   
- Oasis retail                        104.0          88.9
- Oasis mail order                    0.2            
- Coast retail                        3.7            
- Total                                      107.9   
Overseas licensing                           3.9     4.0
                                             111.8   92.9
Operating  profit before unallocated                 
net expenses:
European retailing                           18.3    15.0
Overseas licensing                           0.6     0.6
                                             18.9    15.6
Unallocated net expenses                     (7.2)   (6.8)
Operating profit                             11.7    8.8
                                  1999            1998
                                   #m              #m
RECONCILIATION OF OPERATING                        
Operating profit                   11.7            8.8
Depreciation charges               4.7             3.9
Loss on sale of fixed assets       0.3             0.1
(Increase) in stocks               (5.0)           (1.8)
(Increase) in debtors              (1.2)           (0.9)
Increase/(decrease) in creditors   3.2             (0.7)
Net  cash  inflow from  operating  13.7            9.4
The  Directors  recommend a final dividend of 5.60  pence  per  share  (1998:
5.10p) which added to the interim dividend of 2.65 pence (1998: 2.40p,  gives
a  total dividend payable for the year of 8.25 pence per share (1998: 7.50p).
The  final  dividend  will be paid on 23rd July, 1999 to  shareholders  whose
names  appear  on  the Register of Members at the close of business  on  18th
June,  1999.  The Annual General Meeting of Oasis Stores Plc will be held  at
the  offices of SG Securities (London) Ltd, Exchange House, Primrose  Street,
London EC2A 2DD on 8th June, 1999 at 11.00am.
Copies  of the Annual Report & Accounts will be sent to shareholders  in  due
course  and additional copies will be available from the Company's registered
office: 13-16 Lakeside, Stanton Harcourt, Witney, Oxon, OX8 1SL.
Earnings per share
The  calculation  of  basic earnings per share is  based  on  the  profit  on
ordinary  activities after taxation of #8,765,000 (1998:  #6,884,000)  and  a
weighted  average  of  52,457,175 ordinary shares in issue  during  the  year
(1998:  52,457,175).
Financial Statements
The financial information for the fifty-two weeks ended 30th January, 1999 is
unaudited and does not constitute full accounts within the meaning of Section
240 of the Companies act 1985.  The financial information for the fifty three
weeks ended 31st January, 1998 has been extracted from the full accounts  for
that  period which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies  and  on
which the auditors have issued an unqualified audit report.


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