RNS Number:2715U
VI Group PLC
03 April 2007

RNS Release

3 April 2007

                                  VI Group plc

                         ("VI Group" or "the Company")

              Preliminary results for the year ended to 31 December 2006

VI Group plc, international suppliers of CAD/CAM software, announces preliminary
results for the year to 31 December 2006, another year of revenue growth and
increased earnings.

Financial and business highlights:

   * EBITDA (earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation)
     increased by 32% to #1.3m (2005: #1.0m)

   * Revenue increased 8% to #11 million (2005: #10.2m)

   * Profit before tax rose 57% to #0.9 million (2005: #0.6m)

   * Basic and fully diluted earnings per share of 1.51p (2005: 0.99p), an
     increase of 52%

   * Successful completion of two acquisitions, including VI's largest to

   * Expanded sales and support operations in Japan, China, North America,
     France and the UK

   * Increased investment in product development, giving greater capacity to
     develop new products and improving the core software

Stephen Palframan, Chairman, commented:

"In another busy year the Company has further increased revenues and earnings
per share while following its strategy of expanding the product line. These
products will gradually be made available to the distribution network during
2007 and should provide further impetus for growth. Although 2006 was active in
terms of acquisitions it is unlikely to mark the end of our interest in
expanding yet further the distribution channels as opportunities become
available. Therefore, the Group can look forward to an exciting year of
expansion in a range of new sectors and to the consolidation of current gains."

Enquiries, please contact:

Don Babbs                                                     Mike Coe
Chief Executive                                               Blue Oar
                                                              Securities plc
VI Group plc                                                  0117 933 0020
01453 732 900
Julie Randall                                                 Neil Boom/Laura
Finance Director                                              Gresham PR Ltd.
VI Group plc                                                  020 7404 9000
01453 732 900

                              CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT

I am pleased to present VI Group's financial results for the year ended 31st
December 2006. VI has delivered further improvements in revenues and
profitability and the Group's growth strategy has continued, making two
significant acquisitions during the year.

Group turnover increased by eight percent to #11 million (2005: #10.2m), a
result of organic growth and the effect of acquisitions made during the year. We
are pleased that the growth was achieved against a background of lower exchange
rates for both the US Dollar and the Japanese Yen. A significant proportion of
sales is denominated in these currencies, therefore the changes to these
exchange rates impacted on our reported revenues. In constant currency terms
sales growth would have been 11%.

EBITDA (earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation) increased
by 32% to #1.3 million (2005: #1.0m) and profit before tax rose 57% to #0.9
million (2005: #0.6m). Earnings per share increased by 52% to 1.51p (2005:

The two acquisitions announced during 2006 have provided us with new product
ranges that complement our existing products and additional sales outlets,
notably in Japan and Italy. We are delighted that both acquisitions have already
contributed positively to this year's sales and profit figures.

The acquisition of an Italian company Plastics and Computer International Srl
was announced in June. The company develops and licenses software for the
analysis and simulation of the flow of plastic materials within injection
moulds. This sophisticated software allows its users to model accurately how
different materials will perform inside the moulds and dies. It represents a new
approach in the design process by allowing design or material problems to be
fully investigated before manufacture, providing significant time and cost
savings for the customer. As plastic injection moulding is already a significant
sales sector for our current product lines this will facilitate the provision of
both products and consulting services to the existing customer base.

Camtek Ltd, a UK based software developer, was acquired more recently in
November 2006, and is VI's largest acquisition to date. The purchase further
extends our sales to other companies embedding VI software within their own
products and gives us entry into the production sector. Camtek is located
conveniently close to the Group's current head office and provides further
opportunity to integrate a substantial number of experienced developers within
the VI teams.

Results from Asia were again strong with particularly good growth in Japan
resulting from a recovery in the manufacturing sector and from Japanese
companies being among the first of our customer base to benefit from the
technological advantages of new VI products. Elsewhere sales in North America
grew well. The SMIRTware acquisition from 2005 produced a number of new products
that were readily adopted by Ford and Daimler Chrysler as part of their
respective efficiency drives.

In Europe sales in the UK, France and Germany grew strongly for both the new
customer and existing user profiles. Italy remains our largest European market
but suffered from the prevailing economic conditions in 2006. We believe that
Eastern Europe remains a potential growth market but lacks much of the
infrastructure necessary for its dynamic development.

Staff numbers have also grown during the year and our largely stable workforce
has been behind much of the success in producing, improving, selling and
supporting the broader range of products. Their enthusiasm and loyalty remain
cornerstones of our ability to compete around the world with far larger

These results are the first to be produced using International Financial
Reporting Standards, a year ahead of the mandatory requirement for AIM listed


In another busy year the Company has further increased revenues and earnings per
share while following its strategy of expanding the product line. These new
products will gradually be made available to the distribution network during
2007 and should provide further impetus for growth. Although 2006 was active in
terms of acquisitions it is unlikely to mark the end of our interest in
expanding yet further the distribution channels as opportunities become
available. Therefore, the Group can look forward to an exciting year of
expansion in a range of new sectors and to the consolidation of current gains.

Stephen Palframan
3 April 2007


The directors set out in this section their analysis of business. We do so
voluntarily and do not seek to comply in full with the Accounting Standard
Board's Statement "Operating and Financial Review" issued in January 2003.

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)

These are the Group's first annual consolidated financial statements which have
been prepared using IFRS as adopted by the European Union and all comparatives
have been restated accordingly.


In recent years the Group has focused on improving bottom line profitability and
cash generation. This year we have been able to capitalise on this and have made
two further acquisitions. We have now made a total of eight acquisitions since
floating on AIM and are pleased to report another year of improvement with a 57%
rise in pre tax profits to #942,000. The Group reports its 18th consecutive year
of increasing revenue with an eight percent increase to #11.0 million from
#10.2m in 2005.

The Group introduced new software products during the year intended for the
footwear, large stamping dies, plastic injection, laser cutting, wire erosion,
reverse engineering, automotive and electronic sectors during 2006. All of the
products are highly specific for each application and accordingly provide
significant design and production advantages for each individual sector.

Sales and support operations in Japan, China, North America, France and the UK
were all expanded in 2006 following the Company's growth in each of these
markets. Increased development resources also reflected the Group strategy to
expand the product range and further enhance the principal software products.

Software maintenance revenues have continued to climb reflecting the quality of
customer support as well as the eagerness of customers to maintain their
productivity at the highest levels. New sales to existing customers accounted
for 63% of revenues as they expanded the VI solutions within their own

Continuing investment in our in house development and the higher profitability
in some of the newer products led to further gains in our gross margin from #9.2
million or 90% of sales in 2005 to #10.2 million or 92% of sales in 2006.


The acquisition of Plastics & Computer was completed at the start of September
2006 following an initial commercial collaboration over the previous year. The
plastic flow analysis software provided by the company over its long history has
now been integrated within the VISI-Series range of products and is being
commercialised in all countries under the brand name 'VISI-Flow'.

In November, the Company bought Camtek Ltd., based in Malvern, for #2.8 million.
The initial results have been encouraging with a contribution of #0.3 million to
revenues and nearly #0.1 million to the Group operating profit for the two month
period since it was acquired. Cutting edge products providing the leading
solutions for controlling wire erosion and multi axis laser cutting machines are
being rolled out throughout the group. The integration of Camtek products and
staff has proceeded smoothly with benefits in both product breadth and
distribution being utilised as early as possible.

New Operations

A number of new dealers and OEM customers were started in 2006 and in particular
in North America where the Group is growing in influence. VI Group will
concentrate on integrating and selling the newly acquired products through its
own distribution network in 2007 and maximising the genuine cross selling
opportunities that exist.

Operating Expenses

We remain focused on cost control. Both selling and general and administration
expenses grew at a lower rate than turnover (seven percent and five percent
respectively). This was despite the additional costs associated with the two
acquisitions this year and a full year of costs from SMIRTware which was
acquired in August 2005.

Product Development and Other Operating Income

We have made additional investment in our product development activities and the
acquisitions made during the year have provided the Group with a greater
capacity to develop new products while improving the core software offering. The
rate of delivery of new productivity gains to new and existing customers is
increasingly being recognised as the key target for the Company's software
development effort.

Product development expenditure of #603,000 has been capitalised this year
(2005: #333,000) as required by International Financial Reporting Standards.
This reflects investment in development which will be included in future
releases of our products. Further investment planned for 2007 includes specific
developments for our growing number of larger customers in the electronics and
automotive industries.

Taxation and Earnings per Share

The Company made earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation
(EBITDA) of #1.3 million, an increase of 32% on the previous year (2005: #1.0m).
It also recorded a pre-tax profit of #942,000 (2005: #601,000). The Company
incurred a tax charge of #380,000 and a post tax profit of #562,000 (2005:
#370,000). Basic and fully diluted earnings per share were 1.51p (2005: 0.99p)
an increase of 52%.

Cash Flow and Net Funds

Cash inflow from operations was #0.8 million compared to an inflow of #0.7
million in 2005. Cash balances at the year end were #1.0 million (2005: #1.1m),
with #0.6 million of short-term borrowings (2005: #0.4m), giving a net funds
figure of #0.4 million (2005: #0.7m). Net debt increased to #2.3 million from
#0.1 million largely because of the financing of the Camtek acquisition.

Don Babbs
Chief Executive
3 April 2007

                                  VI Group plc
                         Consolidated Income Statement
                      For the year ended 31 December 2006

                                                         Year ended 31 December
                                                           2006           2005
                                                          #'000          #'000
Revenue                                                  11,027         10,196
Cost of sales                                              (849)          (980)
                                                        ---------     ----------
Gross profit                                             10,178          9,216

Selling expenses                                         (5,426)        (5,115)
Administrative expenses                                  (2,012)        (1,910)
Product development                                      (1,471)        (1,268)
Net other operating income                                   75             95
                                                        ---------     ----------
Earnings before interest, tax,
depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA)                    1,344          1,018
Depreciation                                               (186)          (196)
Amortisation                                               (182)          (196)
                                                        ---------     ----------
Operating profit                                            976            626
Interest receivable and similar income                       47             25
Interest payable and similar charges                        (81)           (50)
                                                        ---------     ----------
Profit before taxation                                      942            601
Taxation                                                   (380)          (231)
                                                        ---------     ----------
Profit after taxation                                       562            370
                                                        ---------     ----------

Earnings per share - pence (basic and diluted)             1.51           0.99

                                  VI Group plc
                           Consolidated Balance Sheet
                             As at 31 December 2006

                                                            As at 31 December
                                                            2006          2005
                                                           #'000         #'000
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment                              1,074           410
Goodwill                                                   2,808         1,281
Other intangible assets                                    2,111           915
Investments                                                    1             -
                                                         ---------     ---------
                                                           5,994         2,606
                                                         ---------     ---------

Current assets
Inventories                                                   21            21
Trade and other receivables                                6,178         5,585
Current tax                                                   71            26
Deferred tax                                                 142            12
Financial assets                                             204             -
Cash and cash equivalents                                    968         1,077
                                                         ---------     ---------
                                                           7,584         6,721
                                                         ---------     ---------
Total assets                                              13,578         9,327
                                                         =========     =========

Non-current liabilities
Bank loans and borrowings                                  2,043           572
Other creditors                                              537           116
Deferred tax                                                 347            37
Provisions for other liabilities and charges                 493           415
                                                         ---------     ---------
                                                           3,420         1,140
                                                         ---------     ---------

Current liabilities
Trade and other payables                                     536           406
Current taxation                                              80           109
Bank loans and borrowings                                  1,219           641
Deferred revenue                                           1,416         1,249

Other creditors                                            1,975         1,316
                                                         ---------     ---------
                                                           5,226         3,721
                                                         ---------     ---------
Total liabilities                                          8,646         4,861
                                                         =========     =========

Issued share capital                                         186           186
Share premium                                              5,860         5,860
Other reserves                                               (61)           33
Retained earnings                                         (1,053)       (1,613)
                                                         ---------     ---------
Total equity                                               4,932         4,466
                                                         ---------     ---------
Total equity and liabilities                              13,578         9,327
                                                         =========     =========

                                  VI Group plc
                        Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
                      For the year ended 31 December 2006

                                                                 Year ended 31 December
                                                                     2006         2005
                                                                    #'000        #'000
Cash flows from operating activities
Cash generated from operations                                        772          711
Interest paid                                                         (72)         (48)
Taxes paid                                                           (400)        (258)
                                                                   --------    ---------
Net cash from operating activities                                    300          405
                                                                   --------    ---------

Cash flows from investing activities
Acquisition of subsidiaries net of cash acquired                   (1,877)        (455)
Payment of deferred consideration                                     (99)         (37)

Purchase of plant, property and equipment                            (147)        (120)
Proceeds from sale of equipment                                        58           59
Purchases of intangible assets                                        (15)         (26)
Purchase of financial asset                                          (207)           -
Loan to distributor                                                  (163)           -
Interest received                                                      53           25
                                                                   --------    ---------
Net cash used in investing activities                              (2,397)        (554)
                                                                   --------    ---------

Cash flows from financing activities
Payments of finance lease liabilities                                 (93)         (99)
Loans                                                               2,076          465
Loans repaid                                                         (136)           -
                                                                   --------    ---------
Net cash used in financing activities                               1,847          366
                                                                   --------    ---------

Net (decrease)/ increase in cash and cash
equivalents                                                          (250)         217
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year                        652          407
Exchange gains / (losses) on cash and bank
overdrafts                                                            (59)          28
                                                                   --------    ---------
Cash and cash equivalents at end of the year                          343          652
                                                                   --------    ---------

Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds/(debt)
                                                                 Year ended 31 December
                                                                     2006         2005
                                                                    #'000        #'000

(Decrease)/Increase in cash in the year                              (250)         217
Cash(outflow) from change in debt and finance
leasing                                                            (1,967)        (473)
                                                                   --------    ---------
Change in net funds in the period resulting from
cash flow                                                          (2,217)        (256)
Exchange movements                                                     59           32
Net funds/(debt) at beginning of the year                            (136)          88
                                                                   --------    ---------
Net (debt)/funds at end of the year                                (2,294)        (136)
                                                                   --------    ---------

                                  VI Group plc
                        Notes to the Preliminary Results
                      For the year ended 31 December 2006

1. Reconciliation of restated IFRS consolidated financial information to UK GAAP

Profit                                                       Year to
                                                    31 December 2005

(Loss) for the period under UK GAAP as previously
reported                                                      (154)
Reversal of amortisation of goodwill                           310
Goodwill impairment                                            (70)
Share based payments charges                                   (33)
Holiday pay accruals                                           (11)
Capitalisation of development                                  333
Amortisation of intangible assets                               (8)
Revenue Recognition                                              3
Profit for the period under IFRS                               370

Total Equity

                                                            As at 31
                                                       December 2005

Total equity under UK GAAP as previously reported            4,159
Reversal of amortisation of goodwill                           310
Goodwill impairment                                            (70)
Holiday pay accruals                                           (38)
Capitalisation of development                                  333
Amortisation of intangible assets                               (8)
Revenue Recognition                                           (220)
Total equity under IFRS                                      4,466

2. Dividend

The directors do not recommend the payment of a dividend.

3. Financial information

The figures for the year ended 31 December 2006 have been extracted from the
full unaudited accounts for the year. The figures have been prepared and
compiled in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).
The comparative figures for the year ended 31 December 2005 (as restated under
IFRS) have been taken from but do not constitute, the group's statutory accounts
for the year. Those statutory accounts have been reported on by the Group's
auditors and have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The report of
the auditors was unqualified and did not contain a statement under section 237
(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985.

The annual report will be sent to shareholders in due course. Copies of this
announcement and the full statutory accounts can be obtained, when available,
free of charge, from the Company's office at The Mill, Brimscombe Port,
Brimscombe, Stroud, Gloucestershire GL5 2QG or on the Company's website:

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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