Washington, D.C. 20549
Report of Foreign Private Issuer
Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16
of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
Date of Report: May 25, 2021
Commission File No.: 000-29992
(Translation of registrant’s name into English)

8 Hamenofim Street
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Attached hereto and incorporated by way of reference herein is a report issued by the Registrant and entitled "Optibase Monitoring Report May 2021 by Midroog"
Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized. 

(the “Registrant”)
By: /s/ Amir Philips
Amir Philips
Chief Executive Officer
Date: May 25, 2021

Optibase Ltd.
Monitoring Report | May 2021
This credit rating report is a translation of a report that was written in Hebrew for a debt issued in Israel. The
binding version is the one in the origin language.

Hay Riany, CPA
Team Leader – Primary Rating Analyst
Shiran Fima, CPA
Analyst – Secondary Rating Analyst
Ran Goldstein, VP
Head of Real Estate Finance


Optibase Ltd.
Series rating
Rating outlook: Stable
Midroog affirms the rating with stable outlook for bonds (Series A) issued by Optibase Ltd. (hereinafter: "the Company").
Outstanding bonds rated by Midroog:

Bond series
Series A
December 31, 2021
Summary of rating rationale

The Company's activity is focused on rental property (office and commercial) in the USA and in Switzerland, which contributes to stability of the operating environment. These countries are rated Aaa with a Stable outlook by Moody's investors service and have strong, stable economies.

The Company's business profile is supported by total assets balance that is expected to continue being appropriate for the rating but is negatively affected by weak asset diversification and by relatively short contract duration, with the average weighted contract duration for the Company being shorter than 3 years.

Leverage ratios are favorable for the rating and support the Company's financial profile. As of December 31, 2020, the ratio of net debt to net CAP (after adjustments by Midroog) was 54%. Note that this ratio is supported, inter alia, by completing the sale of a property portfolio in Germany in 2020. Midroog believes that this ratio should be slightly higher due, inter alia, to potential investments by the company and should range between 60%-64% over the short to medium term which is still a strong ratio for the rating.

The Company's total FFO sum is low for the rating, but fast coverage ratios are supportive of the financial profile. Midroog believes that the Company's FFO over the medium to long term should range between USD 9-11 million only, and the coverage ratio of net debt to FFO will be fast for the rating, ranging between 22-24 years.

In absence of unencumbered properties, the Company's financial flexibility is limited, and relies primarily on properties with LTV ration that would allow, if needed, for re-financing to achieve increased liquidity. As of December 31, 2020, the Company's ratio of secured debt to investment property was 59%. According to Midroog's basecase scenario, which includes, inter alia, potential erosion in valuation of Company assets, this ratio should range between 59%-61% which is appropriate for the rating.
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The Company has sufficient liquid balances for bond service. As of December 31, 2020, the Company's (consolidated) liquid balances amounted to USD 29 million. The balance of Company bonds (Series A) as of said date amounted to only USD 3.1 million, expected to be fully redeemed in December 2021.

The Company's rating is negatively affected by limited scope of asset diversification and weak operational diversification of the Company, along with lower holding stakes in some properties.
Midroog's basecase scenario includes, inter alia, repayment of bank loans and bonds in conformity with the Company's repayment schedule, CapEx investments in properties, payment to tenant LEM, in accordance with a settlement agreement as reported by the Company on October 20, 2020, as well as potential investment in new properties, in accordance with Midroog's scenario. The basecase scenario also includes current receipts and payments from Company properties.
As part of the basecase scenario, Midroog has prepared various sensitivity scenarios including, inter alia, potential erosion of valuation of Company properties, potential erosion of USD/NIS exchange rate, as well as various sensitivity scenarios regarding timing and the Company's revenues and expenses.
Accordingly, the Company's ratio of net debt to net CAP over the short to medium term should range between 60%-64% which is a strong ratio for the rating; the Company's FFO total sum over the medium to long term should range between USD 9-11 million only, which is negative for the rating; but the coverage ratio of net debt to FFO should be fast for the rating, ranging between 22-24 years.
Midroog's adjustments applied to the financial ratios (hereinafter: "Midroog adjustments") include, inter alia, adjustment of valuation of Company properties in lieu of their presentation at depreciated cost on the Company's financial statements, which are compiled in conformity with US GAAP, by excluding accumulated depreciation and/or including the fair value and adding the Company's share of debt and results of equity-accounted investees.
Rating outlook
The Stable rating outlook reflects our assessment that the Company will maintain a stable cash flow from its properties, as well as sufficient liquid balances for bond service.
Factors That Could Lead to a Rating Upgrade:
Significant growth in operations and improved property diversification
Significant increase in FFO sum
Significant improvement in financial flexibility, with emphasis on scope of un-pledged assets
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Factors That Could Lead to a Rating Downgrade:
Significant decrease to Company's liquidity
Significant erosion of leverage ratios and/or coverage ratios of the Company beyond Midroog's forecasts
Material investments associated with higher risk compared to Company's activity
Optibase Ltd. – Key data, USD in millions
December 31,
December 31,
December 31,
December 31,
Financial debt
Net financial debt
Net debt to net CAP
Net debt to FFO
Un-pledged assets to total assets

The benchmarks presented in this table are after adjustments by Midroog and may not be identical to those presented by the Company.

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Detailed rating considerations
Company operations in the rental property market in the USA and in Switzerland support the stability of the Company's operating environment
The Company has rental properties located in the USA and Switzerland, which is supportive of a stable operating environment.
The USA is rated Aaa with a Stable outlook by Moody's investors service and has a strong, stable economy. Unemployment in the USA increased significantly in the first half of 2020, due to the Corona Virus, after being at historical lows in recent years, and has peaked at double-digit levels. However, since the second half of last year, the unemployment rate has recovered and as of April 2021, the unemployment rate in the USA was at 6.1%, and is expected to decrease further, down to 4.3% in 20231.
In the US office space market, occupancy rates in the first quarter of 2021 decreased to 84% (from 87.7% in the corresponding period last year), with a decrease in Philadelphia (86.9%) as well as Chicago (82.4%), where the Company does business, inter alia2. Let it be noted that while occupancy rates in Philadelphia and in Chicago have been relatively volatile over the years, these areas have seen a consistent upward trend in rent fees.
Switzerland, which is also rated Aaa with a Stable outlook by Moody's investors service, has a strong, stable economy. The unemployment rate in Switzerland is very low, and only increased slightly in 2020 (remaining below 4%). As of April 2021, the unemployment rate was only 3.3%, and is expected to decrease to 2.8% in 20233.
The office market in Geneva, Switzerland – where the Company's material property (CTN) is located – has seen constantly growing supply in recent years, which somewhat impacted occupancy rates and rent. This being said, occupancy rates remained high compared to other markets, at 94% in 20204.
The Company has total assets appropriate for the rating, but the weak operational diversification and short contract duration negatively affect its business profile
In conformity with Midroog's basecase scenario, the Company's total assets (after Midroog adjustments) should continue to be appropriate for the rating.
However, the Company has but a small number of properties, and in 2020 the top property accounted for 45% of the Company's NOI. In Midroog's scenario, if the Company will acquire more properties in the short to medium term, after completing the sale of the property portfolio in Germany in 2020, the acquisition may contribute to the Company's property diversification.

Source: Trading economics
Source: CBRE
Source: Trading economics
Source: JLL

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Chart 1: Property diversification based on Company share of NOI, as of December 31, 2020
Moreover, the business profile is negatively impacted by relatively short lease durations, which as of December 31, 2020 are on average shorter than 3 years, and by exposure to a material tenant accounting for 10% of Company revenues (excluding a 4% holding in commercial properties in Texas). Due to a settlement agreement signed by the Company and the tenant, following a legal proceeding, this tenant is expected to depart from the property by 2023. Let it be noted that departure of this material tenant, without prior preparation for occupancy of the areas to be vacated, may negatively impact both the Company's business profile and financial profile.
The Company's financial profile is supported by leverage and coverage ratios that are favorable for the rating, despite the relatively low FFO sum
As of December 31, 2020, the ratio of net debt to net CAP for the Company (after adjustments by Midroog) was 54%.  According to Midroog's basecase scenario, this ratio should be somewhat eroded due, inter alia, to investment in new properties, and due to potential erosion in valuations of Company properties because of the continued Corona Virus crisis, and therefore in the short to medium term should range between 60%-64% which is favorable for the rating.
Conversely, the Company has low FFO sum   for the rating, amounting to only USD 12.6 million in 2020. In conformity with Midroog's basecase scenario, this ration should range between USD 9-11 million over the medium term and which is low for the rating. However, the coverage ratio of net debt to FFO should range between 22-24 years and which is favorable for the rating.
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Absence of unencumbered properties has negative implications for the Company's financial flexibility. Conversely, liquid balances are sufficient for bonds service

In absence of un-encumbered properties, the Company's financial flexibility is limited, primarily due to properties with LTV ration that in Midroog's scenario would allow, if needed, for re-financing to generate excess cash flow. As of December 31, 2020, the Company's ratio of secured debt to investment property was 57%, and Midroog believes it may be slightly eroded due, inter alia, to re-financing of the property in Philadelphia and to potential erosion in valuation of Company properties because of the continued Corona Virus crisis and should range between 57%-60% over the short to medium term, which is appropriate for the rating.
As of December 31, 2020, the Company had liquid balances and credit facilities amounting in total to USD 36 million (consolidated), where the balance of Company bonds (Series A) amounted to only USD 3.1 million. This balance should be fully redeemed in December 2021. Midroog believes that the Company's liquid balances, and credit facilities should continue to be satisfactory for debt service of the bonds.
Let it be noted that Midroog included in this ratio representative annual liquid balances and credit facilities for debt service of un-secured debt principal which includes, inter alia, amortization with respect to debt secured by properties in Miami, as these do not generate current cash flow to cover debt service.
Chart 2: Repayment schedule of bonds (Series A) as of December 31, 2020, USD in millions
Other rating considerations
The Company's actual rating of is one notch lower than the rating based on the rating scorecard of, due to small scale of operations and weak property diversification of the Company, along with small holding stakes in some properties, which negatively impacts the Company's business profile and financial flexibility beyond what is reflected by the rating scorecard. Moreover, the Company's exposure to a material tenant, expected to depart in the next two years, may negatively impact the Company's business profile and financial profile, as noted above.
The scope of Company operations, and in particular the weak property diversification in some properties, negatively impact its business profile. FFO sum that is low for the rating, which may be more sensitive to fluctuations in properties and to volatility in certain rent agreement of the Company.

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Moreover, small holding stakes in some properties negatively impact its credit repayment capacity. Thus, as of December 31, 2020, the Company's weighted average holding stake was 41% (excluding a 4% holding stake in commercial properties in Texas). Let it be noted that this rate was impacted, inter alia, after completing the sale of a property portfolio in Germany, which was 100% owned by the Company. The small holding stakes in properties negatively impact the Company's access to liquidity from these properties due, inter alia, to inability to decide on actions such as realization, re-financing and/or dividend distributions.


As of December 31,
Midroog outlook
Area of Activity and Economic
Business Profile
Total assets
(USD in millions)
Asset Quality, Asset and Tenant
Financial profile
Net Financial Debt to Net CAP
(USD in millions)
Net Financial Debt to FFO LTM
Unencumbered Assets to Total
Secured Debt to Investment
Liquidity and Credit Line Balances
to Unsecured Debt Principal
Service for Representative Two-
Year Period
Derived rating
Actual rating

The ratios presented in this table are after Midroog's adjustments and may not be identical to those presented by the Company. Midroog's forecast includes Midroog assessments with regard to the issuer, in conformity with Midroog's base scenario, rather than the issuer's assessments.
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Company profile
Advanced Systems (1990) Ltd. In 1993, the Company was renamed Optibase Ltd. The Company was previously engaged in digital video technologies, and since 2009 has been engaged in the fixed income real estate business. Currently, the Company is engaged in purchase, holding and management of rental properties of various types in Switzerland and the USA. The Company is a public company with shares listed on NASDAQ. As of the rating report date, the controlling shareholder of the Company is the Capri Family Foundation.
Rating history
Related reports
Optibase Ltd. – Related Reports
Rating of Rental Property Companies – Methodology Report, May 2020
Adjustments to financial statements and presentation of key financial benchmarks for corporate ratings – Methodology Report, May 2020
Effect of Corona Virus outbreak on real estate market – Special Report – Sector Note, November 2020
Table of affinities and holdings
Midroog's rating scales and definitions
These reports are available on the Midroog website at
General information
Rating report date:
May 25, 2021
Most recent rating revision date:
June 1, 2020
Initial rating issue date:
May 6, 2015
Rating initiated by:
Optibase Ltd.
Rating paid for by:
Optibase Ltd.
Information from the issuer
In its ratings, Midroog relies, inter alia, on information received from competent organs of the issuer.

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Long-Term Rating Scale
Issuers or issues rated are those that, in Midroog scenario, have highest creditworthiness relative to other local issuers.
Issuers or issues rated are those that, in Midroog scenario, have very strong creditworthiness relative to other local issuers.
Issuers or issues rated are those that, in Midroog scenario, have relatively high creditworthiness relative to other local issuers.
Issuers or issues rated are those that, in Midroog scenario, have relatively moderate credit risk relative to other local issuers, and could involve certain speculative characteristics.
Issuers or issues rated are those that, in Midroog scenario, have relatively weak creditworthiness relative to other local issuers, and involve speculative characteristics.
Issuers or issues rated are those that, in Midroog scenario, have relatively very weak creditworthiness relative to other local issuers, and involve significant speculative characteristics.
Issuers or issues rated are those that, in Midroog scenario, have extremely weak creditworthiness relative to other local issuers, and involve very significant speculative characteristics.
Issuers or issues rated are those that, in Midroog scenario, have extremely weak creditworthiness and very near default, with some prospect of recovery of principal and interest.
Issuers or issues rated C are those that, in Midroog scenario, have the weakest creditworthiness and are usually in a situation of default, with little prospect of recovery of principal and interest.
Note: Midroog appends numeric modifiers 1, 2, and 3 to each rating category from to The modifier '1' indicates that the obligation ranks in the higher end of its rating category, which is denoted by letters. The modifier '2' indicates that it ranks in the middle of its rating category and the modifier '3' indicates that the obligation ranks in the lower end of that category, denoted by letters.

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Copyright © All rights reserved to Midroog Ltd. (hereinafter: “Midroog”).

This document, including this paragraph, is copyrighted by Midroog, and is protected by copyright and by intellectual property law. This document may not be copied, or otherwise scanned, amended repackaged, further transmitted, transferred, disseminated, redistributed, duplicated, displayed, translated, resold, or stored for subsequent use for any such purpose, in whole or in part, in any form or manner or by any means whatsoever, by any person, without advance written consent from Midroog.
Caveat regarding the limitations of a rating and the risks of relying on a rating, and caveats and reservations in respect to the activity of Midroog Ltd. and the information appearing on its website
Ratings and/or publications issued by Midroog are or contain Midroog’s subjective opinions about the relative future credit risk of entities, credit obligations, debts and/or debt-like financial instruments, that apply on the date of their publication, and as long as Midroog has not changed the rating or withdrawn it. Midroog's publications may contain assessments based on quantitative models of credit risks, as well as related opinions. Ratings and publications by Midroog do not constitute a statement about the accuracy of the facts at the time of the publication or in general. Midroog makes use of rating scales to issue its opinions, according to definitions detailed in the scale itself. The choice of a symbol to reflect Midroog’s opinion with respect to credit risk reflects solely a relative assessment of that risk. Midroog’s ratings are issued on a national scale and, as such, are opinions of the relative creditworthiness of issuers and financial obligations within Israel. National scale ratings are not designed to be compared between countries; rather, they address relative credit risk within a given country.
Midroog defines credit risk as the risk that an entity may fail to meet its contractual financial obligations on schedule and the estimated financial loss in the event of default. Midroog's ratings do not address any other risk, such as risks relating to liquidity, market value, change in interest rates, and fluctuation in prices or any other element that influences the capital market.
The ratings and/or publications issued by Midroog do not constitute a recommendation to buy, hold, and/or sell bonds and/or other financial instruments and/or make any other investment and/or forgo any of these actions.
Nor do the ratings and/or publications issued by Midroog constitute investment advice or financial advice, nor do they address the appropriateness of any given investment for any specific investor. Midroog issues ratings on the assumption that anybody making use of the information therein and of the ratings will exercise due caution and make his own assessment (himself and/or through authorized professionals) of the merit of any investment in a financial asset that he is thinking of buying, holding or selling. Every investor should obtain professional advice in respect to his investments, to the applicable law, and/or to any other professional issue.
Midroog’s credit ratings and publications are not intended for use by retail investors and it would be reckless and inappropriate for retail investors to use Midroog’s credit ratings or publications when making an investment decision. If in doubt you should contact your financial or other professional adviser.

All the information contained in Midroog ratings and/or publications, and on which it relied (hereinafter: "the Information") was delivered to Midroog by sources (including the rated entity) that it considers credible. Midroog is not responsible for the accuracy of the Information and presents it as provided by the sources. Midroog exercises reasonable means, to the best of its understanding, so that the Information is of sufficient quality and that it originates from sources Midroog considers to be credible, including information received from independent third parties, if and when appropriate. However, Midroog does not carry out audits and cannot therefore verify or validate the Information.
The provisions of any Midroog publication other than one expressly stated as a methodology do not constitute part of any Midroog methodology. Midroog may change its position regarding the content of such publications at any time.
Subject to applicable law, Midroog, its directors, its officers, its employees and/or anybody on its behalf involved in the rating shall not be held responsible under law,  for any damage and/or loss, financial or other, direct, indirect, special, consequential, associated or related, incurred in any way or in connection with the Information or a rating or a rating process, including not issuing a rating, including if they were advised in advance of the possibility of damage or a loss as said above, including but not confined to (a) any loss of profit in present or future, including the loss of other investment opportunities; (b) any loss or damage caused consequential to holding, acquisition and/or selling of a financial instrument, whether it is a subject of a rating issued by Midroog or not; (c) any loss or damage caused consequential to the relevant financial asset, that was caused, inter alia and not exclusively, as a result of or in respect to negligence (except for fraud, a malicious action or any other action for which the law does not permit exemption from responsibility) by directors, officers, employees and/or anybody acting on Midroog's behalf, whether by action or omission.
Midroog maintains policies and procedures in respect to the independence of the rating and the rating processes.
A rating issued by Midroog may change as a result of changes in the information on which it was based and/or as a result of new information and/or for any other reason. Updates and/or changes in ratings are presented on Midroog’s website at

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Optibase (NASDAQ:OBAS)
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