2 weeks ago
Yep, it was mainly caps and exclamation points envisioning you fellating him and the gallons of ....
I just check in occasionally, to see possible movement, also what you and Jammaster might have to say. Basically snowed in the past weeks, unaligned with pop culture, too old to chase [desirable] women, so it passes the time. Cheers
2 weeks ago
Yeah. For whatever reason, he had a real "hard on" for me. Might have been just following LastOne's cue because not all of my comments regarding the company and stock were "pie in the sky" positive stuff. I mean, after 7 or 8 years of "dollarland any day now" talk from the usual suspects, the company high-tailing it to Singapore, tons of delays in commercialization of the products, basically zero revenues, and a share price that hovers under 1ยข, why would I stay excited?
Anyway, Scratch is/was a gutless phony. No way he had squat invested in this company, and he had a real big mouth. Thought he could intimidate me with his potty mouth. Like I worry about little phonies with big mouths 😂
3 weeks ago
I'm looking at getting into options trading. Think I can make some money. Got a friend that's into options and he's doing well (so he says). Figured I'd take a few bucks and give it a whirl. He's been trading pretty heavy on Nvidia, which is a great stock to do options with since it fluctuates in a pretty tight and predictable band. I own Nvidia (long) and it's done well for me, but he's really cashing in on it.
I've lived around the US but now live in WI where I'm from originally. Thinking about moving to FL at some point. The weather here sucks, but we have family in the area. One son and his family live about 15 miles from us, and the other is an attorney in Chicago - so he's close.
You're right money & wealth. In the final analysis, doesn't mean shit. It's family and friends that mean anything.
3 weeks ago
Agree 100%, good advice, brother!! Besides AI and other possible tech happenings, this may be the last best chance to make a real killing for a generation or more. The last best chance, same as with Trump, Musk, RFK and the gang taking control. Mohammed Ali, President Trump and Elon Musk are the three Great American Heroes of my lifetime, both of the latter two having brought us back from the brink of Dystopia. Trump twice....
3 weeks ago
Similar here. My first foray into stocks, penny or otherwise, was the weed market since I'm among the walking wounded from the 60s. Tons o' fun, plus hard not to make money in it at the time. So much so in fact, that I mistakenly thought I knew what I was doing and took about $100K out of my actually lovely steadily growing Index Funds and dove into the the big boy mkts. Of course, I and my picks went right into the toilet. My next smooth move was moving all my investments into CDs etc when I was convinced Trump was going to win in 2016 and the [world?] economy would nosedive. I missed out on the 30% growth of the Funds, altho' I did put $500 on [God bless] President Trump to win at 5 to 1 [smile]. It was a pathetic fiscal compensation for my hubris (stupidity!!), but the joy was world's above anything monetary.
I quit trading years ago but still sit on a few in trust for my kid, waiting for the future to unfold. At 78 I've concluded the only thing in which to invest is gold Maple Leafs. I turned over a couple handfuls to her when I moved in September, average cost I paid was $1400/oz, so I did okay there but otherwise I figure I lost about a hundred grand 'in the mkt'. And I wasn't old enough to blame it on senility, like I admitted to a few months when I purchased a few coins from Provident Metals, a great online vendor, but didn't use my new address and couple days later got a FedEx delivery photo of them sitting on the front porch of my old home in Tucson. Gotta love it!! After riding the inflation train for 20 years I made so much money off the escapees from broken California that bought it, I told them to consider it a tip and keep it, no biggie really, just 20 Silver Eagles.
In West Virginia now, close to my kid in Pittsburgh, where I was born and raised, without crossing the 'woke border' into PA. Don't know where you or any of the folks here live, but it's a little chilly here in 'almost heaven' and I'm already looking for a place on the Redneck Riviera to end my days. Don't know if it'll help any, but from my perspective it's become perfectly clear that money/wealth is ablolutely worthless in the final analysis, honest to god, no shit, really. It's clear to me now that attitude, how one actually feels at any given moment, is the only thing of any importance. Hang tough, youngsters. Cheers!!