RNS Number : 9460Q 
ACMH Limited 
22 April 2009 

ACMH Limited ("ACMH" or the "Company") 
Cancellation of admission of Ordinary Shares to trading on AIM 
Tender offer to 
purchase Ordinary Shares 
Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting 
1.    Introduction 
Following the events of September 2007 which detrimentally affected the 
Company's business and the unprecedented market conditions in our industry in 
2008 and 2009, the Board has concluded that there is no longer any advantage to 
the Company in maintaining a quotation on AIM. Accordingly, the Board is 
proposing to convene an Extraordinary General Meeting on 21 May 2009 to put to 
Shareholders a special resolution to cancel admission of the Company's Ordinary 
Shares to trading on AIM. In addition to AIM, the Company's Ordinary Shares are 
traded on various other stock exchanges. Where necessary, the Company will apply 
to such exchanges to cancel any such trading facilities in its Ordinary Shares. 
It is expected that such cancellations will become effective by 1 June 2009. 
In order that Shareholders who are unable or unwilling to hold shares in an 
unquoted company have the opportunity to sell their shares while the Company's 
shares remain quoted, it is proposed that the Company will make a tender offer 
to buy its shares at a price of 2.5 pence per Ordinary Share, being 
approximately the average closing mid-market price of an Ordinary Share for the 
30 previous trading days prior to 21 April 2009. The Tender Offer affords Tender 
Offer Shareholders the opportunity to sell all of their Ordinary Shares should 
they so wish. The Company has received irrevocable commitments from certain 
Shareholders representing approximately 32.2 per cent. of the current issued 
share capital not to participate in the Tender Offer. 
In addition to the special resolution to cancel admission of the Ordinary Shares 
to trading on AIM, the Board is proposing two further special resolutions for 
consideration at the EGM. Special resolution No. 2 is to amend the Company's 
Articles of Association to authorise the Company to make payment in respect of a 
redemption or purchase of its own shares otherwise than out of the profits of 
the Company or the proceeds of a fresh issue of shares, and special resolution 
No. 3 is to authorise the Company's repurchase of shares under the Tender Offer. 
The Company has received irrevocable commitments from Shareholders representing 
approximately 32.2 per cent. of the issued share capital to vote in favour of 
the three resolutions to be proposed at the EGM. Assuming that Shareholders pass 
the resolution to cancel the admission of the Ordinary Shares to trading on AIM, 
it is proposed that the Delisting would take place on 1 June 2009. 
2. Background and current trading and strategy 
The Company's business was adversely affected by the sudden resignation of its 
former Chief Investment Officer Florian Homm, in September 2007, and the 
subsequent discovery that several of the Absolute Funds had a level of illiquid 
assets which could not be sold for their carrying values against a background of 
a high level of redemption requests. In response, the Company proposed a 
restructuring of four of the Absolute Funds to implement side pocket provisions 
and a one year lock-in. The restructuring proposals were approved at 
extraordinary general meetings of shareholders of the relevant Absolute Funds on 
27 October 2007. 
In January 2008 the Company closed the Absolute India Fund Limited, which, 
despite excellent performance, suffered from high levels of redemptions 
following the events of September 2007 and became too small to be viable. 
The lock-in on four of the Absolute Funds' A class (liquid) portfolios expired 
on 3 November 2008. Redemption levels on the Absolute Funds at the expiry of the 
lock-up period ranged from 65 per cent. on the Absolute Return Europe Fund to 85 
per cent. on the Absolute East West Fund. As a result, the Company took the 
decision to close the A class (non-side pocket) portfolios of the Absolute 
Octane Fund, the Absolute East West Fund and the Absolute Activist Value Fund, 
effective 3 November 2008. The aggregate assets under management of the Absolute 
Large Cap Fund, Absolute Germany Fund, Absolute Return Europe (A class) and 
Absolute European Catalyst Fund (A class) was EUR58.8 million at 31 December 2008. 
On 3 February 2009, the Company announced the completion of a reorganisation of 
its continuing funds and a rebranding of its asset management business by 
combining the Absolute Large Cap Fund with the remaining A class assets of the 
Absolute European Catalyst Fund and the Absolute Return Europe Fund. The new 
combined fund began trading on that date under the name Xanthus European Fund 
("XEF") with opening AUM of EUR42.9 million. The reorganisation also entailed the 
transfer of the Absolute Germany Fund's portfolio assets to the Xanthus Germany 
Fund ("XGF"), a newly formed fund to take over the Absolute Germany Fund's 
investment mandate. Both the XEF and the XGF are managed by a newly formed 
subsidiary of the Company, Xanthus Asset Management Limited, incorporated in the 
Cayman Islands. On a combined basis, the Xanthus Funds had EUR55.9 million in AUM 
as at 1 January 2009. 
Despite their predecessor funds having generated commendable performance in 2008 
(the Absolute Germany Fund returned 21 .35 per cent., and the Absolute Large Cap 
Fund 8.61 per cent.), the Xanthus Funds continue to receive significant 
redemption requests. The Xanthus Funds' AUM declined to EUR45.7 million as at 31 
March 2009. Management fee revenue has declined with the decrease in AUM. At 
1/12th of 2 per cent. of AUM, the Company will earn monthly fee revenue of 
approximately EUR77,000 based on the Xanthus Funds' AUM as at 31 March 2009. The 
Company's monthly payroll and general overheads total approximately EUR225,000, 
leaving a projected monthly loss from operations of approximately EUR150,000. With 
the Xanthus Funds below their high watermarks, the Company does not expect to 
earn performance fee income in the immediate future. Asset raising has proven 
extremely challenging since September 2007, with minimal new subscriptions 
having been received by the predecessor Absolute Funds or the new Xanthus Funds 
since that date. The Company believes that the near term prospects of raising 
new assets for the Xanthus Funds are poor, due in large part to poor and 
deteriorating global economic conditions and in particular the deleveraging 
affecting the hedge fund industry as a whole. 
As at 1 May 2009, the aggregate AUM of the Xanthus Funds will decline to EUR38.2 
million due to pending redemption requests, plus or minus the funds' performance 
for the month of April 2009. 
As at 31 December 2008, the Company had an unaudited net cash balance of 
approximately EUR4.9 million, having taken into account receivables and payables. 
Since that date the Company has made material unaudited losses of around 
EUR650,000 and expects to incur additional non-recurring expenditure following the 
events of September 2007. 
The Company's strategy for the immediate future is to seek to dispose of the 
Xanthus business, as the Xanthus Funds are now too small to generate sufficient 
fee revenue to cover the business's overheads and infrastructure. The Company is 
currently in discussions with several parties regarding a sale of the Xanthus 
business, and expects that should such discussions result in a successful 
disposal, the Company will realise no more than EUR1 million in proceeds. Through 
its subsidiary ACM Equity Limited, the Company will continue to manage the 
Absolute Funds with a view to completing the orderly winding down of their B 
class (side pocket) portfolios by mid­year. 
In this regard, Glenn Kennedy has informed the Company of his intention to 
resign as Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Kennedy's resignation will take effect by 
the end of June 2009. Thereafter, Mr. Kennedy has agreed to remain available to 
the Company as a legal advisor to manage and oversee the Company's pending 
litigation, the completion of the winding down of the Absolute Funds' portfolios 
and to pursue value recovery strategies concerning the Absolute Funds. 
3.    Delisting 
Reasons for the Delisting 
The Board feels that, with the Company's much reduced size and revenues, the 
ongoing costs and regulatory requirements of a quotation on AIM can no longer be 
justified, and that greater shareholder value will ultimately be derived by 
operating the Company's business without these burdens. Additionally it is 
unlikely that the Company could raise money through a new share issue, removing 
one of the key attractions of maintaining a quotation on AIM. The Board has 
accordingly concluded that it is in the best interests of Shareholders as a 
whole that the Delisting be approved. 
Under the AIM Rules for Companies, the Delisting can only be effected by the 
Company after securing 75 per cent. of votes cast by its shareholders given in 
general meeting, and the expiration of a period of twenty business days from the 
date on which notice of the Delisting is given. In addition, a period of at 
least five business days following Shareholder approval of the Delisting is 
required before the Delisting may be effective. 
Effect of Delisting 
The principal effect of the Delisting is that Shareholders will no longer be 
able to buy and sell shares in the Company through a public stock market; that 
is liquidity in the Company's shares will be very limited. Following the 
Delisting, the Board will consider setting up and maintaining a matched bargain 
settlement facility. More details concerning such a facility may be given if 
The Company intends to continue to keep Shareholders informed of all 
material developments through its website and will continue to produce annual 
Extraordinary General Meeting 
Shareholders holding 24,809,734 Ordinary Shares, representing approximately 32.2 
per cent. of the current issued share capital of the Company have irrevocably 
undertaken to vote in favour of the Delisting and the other Resolutions. 
Assuming that Shareholders approve the resolution in respect of the Delisting, 
it is proposed that the Delisting would take place on 1 June 2009. Shareholders 
should note that neither Resolution 1 (relating to the Delisting) nor Resolution 
2 (amendment of Articles to make payment in respect of a redemption or purchase 
of its own shares otherwise than out of the profits of the Company or the 
proceeds of a fresh issue of share) is conditional upon Shareholder approval of 
Resolution 3. Resolution 3 (relating to the Tender Offer) is conditional upon 
Shareholder approval of Resolutions 1 and 2. 
4. Tender Offer 
The Board recognises that not all Shareholders will be able or willing to 
continue to own shares in the Company following the Delisting. The Board is 
therefore providing Tender Offer Shareholders with the opportunity to sell part 
or their entire holding of Ordinary Shares held at the Record Date under the 
Tender Offer. The terms of the Tender Offer are set out in Part 2 of the 
circular posted to Shareholders today. 
The number of Tender Offer Shares subject to the Tender Offer is the total 
number of Ordinary Shares in issue as at the Record Date. There are currently 
76,931,620 Ordinary Shares in issue. Tender Offer Shareholders will be able to 
tender any number of Ordinary Shares, up to their entire holding. Subject to the 
Tender Offer becoming unconditional, all valid tenders will be accepted. 
Ordinary Shares purchased pursuant to the Tender Offer will be acquired with 
full title guarantee, free of all liens, charges, restrictions, claims, 
equitable interests and encumbrances and together with all rights attaching to 
The Company has received irrevocable undertakings from Shareholders holding 
24,806,509 Ordinary Shares, representing approximately 32.2 per cent. of the 
current issued ordinary share capital of the Company, that they will not accept 
or procure the acceptance of the Tender Offer in respect of their holdings of 
Ordinary Shares. 
The price to be paid for each Ordinary Share subject to the Tender Offer shall 
be 2.5 pence, being approximately the average closing mid-market price of an 
Ordinary Share for the 30 previous trading days prior to 21 April 2009. 
5.    Directors' Shareholdings 
The interests (all of which are beneficial) of the Directors and persons 
connected with them in the issued share capital of the Company as at today's 
date and immediately following the Tender Offer are as set out below: 
|                            |                |           | Shareholding |                                 %       | 
|                            |                |           |              |                                 share   | 
|                            |                |           |              |                                 capital | 
|                            |        Current | % current |    following |                               following | 
|          Name5             |   Shareholding |     share |       Tender |                                  Tender | 
|                            |                |   capital |    Offer1, 2 |                                  Offer2 | 
|          Jonathan Treacher |          3,225 |      <0.1 |            0 |                                       0 | 
|          Andreas Rialas    |        470,833 |       0.6 |      470,833 |                                     1.9 | 
|          Farkland Ventures |     15,567,313 |      20.2 |   15,567,313 |                                    62.8 | 
|          Inc.3             |                |           |              |                                         | 
|          Wisynco           |      8,768,363 |     11 .4 |    8,768,363 |                                    35.3 | 
|          Investments Inc.4 |                |           |              |                                         | 
  1.  Each of Andreas Rialas, Farkland Ventures and Wisynco Investments have 
  irrevocably undertaken not to accept or procure the acceptance of the Tender 
  Offer in respect of their holdings of Ordinary Shares. Jonathan Treacher intends 
  to accept the Tender Offer in respect of his holding of Ordinary Shares. 
  2.  Assuming maximum take-up of the Tender Offer by all other Shareholders. 
  3.  Farkland Ventures Inc. is a company belonging to Rialco Trust, the beneficiaries 
  of which are Andreas Rialas and his family. 
  4.  Wisynco Investments Inc. is a company, the shareholders of which comprise 
  Kyriakos Rialas and his family. 
  5.  Michael Kloter and Glenn Kennedy are not Shareholders. 
The Board expects that the Proposals will be approved by Shareholders, having 
received the irrevocable support of Shareholders holding approximately 32.2 per 
cent. of the issued Ordinary Shares. 
The Board considers the passing of the Resolutions to be in the best interests 
of the Company and its Shareholders. Accordingly, the Directors unanimously 
recommend that Shareholders vote in favour of the Resolutions as they or their 
connected parties have irrevocably undertaken to do (in respect of 24,809,734 
Ordinary Shares, representing approximately 32.2 per cent. of ACMH's existing 
issued share capital). 
The Directors recommend that all Tender Offer Shareholders consult their duly 
authorised independent advisers before they make a decision as to whether or not 
to accept the Tender Offer, in order to obtain advice relevant to their 
particular circumstances. 
Tender Offer Opens 
                                          22 April 2009 
Latest time for receipt of Forms of Instruction for the                    2:00 
p.m. (Cayman Islands time)3 
Extraordinary General Meeting 
                                on 18 May 2009 
Latest time for receipt of Forms of Proxy for the 
2:00 p.m. (Cayman Islands time) 
Extraordinary General Meeting 
                                on 19 May 2009 
Final date for receipt of Tender Forms and share certificates       2:00 p.m. 
(Cayman Islands time) 
for Certificated Shares 
                                      on 19 May 2009 
Transfer to escrow account of tendered 
Depositary Interests settled 
         2:00 p.m.(BST) on 19 May 2009 
Record Date for the Tender Offer 
  6:00 p.m. (Cayman Islands time) 
          on 19 May 2009 
Announcement of take-up level under Tender Offer 
                        20 May 2009 
Extraordinary General Meeting    2:00 p.m. (Cayman Islands time) 
           on 21 May 2009 
Announcement of results of EGM 
                                  22 May 2009 
Purchase of Tender Offer Shares under the Tender Offer1 
                   1 June 2009 
CREST Account credited with Tender Offer proceeds1 
                    1 June 2009 
Dispatch of cheques for Tender Offer proceeds1 
                          1 June 2009 
Cancellation of admission of Ordinary Shares to trading on AIM2 
                  1 June 2009 
1. Conditional on the approval of all resolutions at the Extraordinary General 
Meeting and Delisting becoming effective. 
2. Conditional on the approval of resolution 1 at the Extraordinary General 
3. Unless otherwise stated, all times and dates referred to in the circular 
posted today to Shareholders are references to the time in the Cayman Islands. 
As at today, Cayman Islands time is 6 hours behind British Summer Time. 
If any of the above times and/or dates change, the revised times and/or dates 
will be notified to Shareholders by announcement through a Regulatory 
Information Service. 
Terms used in this announcement have the same meaning as those defined in the 
circular being posted to Shareholders today. 
| Enquiries:                        |                                   | 
|                                   |                                   | 
| ACMH                              |              Tel: +41 41 560 9660 | 
| Glenn Kennedy                     |                                   | 
| Jonathan Treacher                 |                                   | 
|                                   |                                   | 
| Panmure Gordon                    |         Tel: +44 (0) 20 7459 3600 | 
| Dominic Morley                    |                                   | 
| Giles Stewart                     |                                   | 
| Callum Stewart                    |                                   | 
|                                   |                                   | 
| Cardew Group                      |        Tel: +44 (0) 020 7930 0777 | 
| Tim Robertson                     |                                   | 
| Shan Shan Willenbrock             |                                   | 
| David Roach                       |                                   | 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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