RNS Number:4410A
Cambridge Antibody Tech Group PLC
28 August 2002



07.00 BST 02.00 EST Wednesday 28 August 2002
For further information contact:

Cambridge Antibody Technology               Weber Shandwick Square Mile (Europe)
Tel: +44 (0) 1763 263 233                   Tel: +44 (0) 20 7950 2800

Peter Chambre, Chief Executive Officer      Kevin Smith

John Aston, Chief Financial Officer         Graham Herring

Rowena Gardner, Director of Corporate
                                            BMC Communications/The Trout Group

                                            Tel: +1 212 477 9007

                                            Brad Miles, ext. 17 (media)

                                            Brandon Lewis, ext. 15 (investors)

                       THE NINE MONTHS ENDED 30 JUNE 2002

Melbourn, UK ... Cambridge Antibody Technology Group plc (LSE: CAT; NASDAQ:
CATG) today reports financial results for the nine months ended 30 June 2002 and
an update on business for the period since the Interim Report in May 2002.

Business Update

CAT-213, a human anti-eotaxin1 monoclonal antibody, has completed a single dose
Phase I/II allergic rhinitis allergen challenge trial. Preliminary results of
this trial show a significant positive effect of CAT-213 upon nasal patency, and
reductions in tissue eosinophils and mast cells. CAT-213 by nasal aerosol
generally produced greater effects than intravenous injection. It is expected
that the data will be submitted for presentation at a major allergy congress.
These results are consistent with CAT-213 being developed further for the
treatment of allergic disorders. Accordingly, the next stage in the development
of CAT-213 will be a challenge study in allergic eye disease.

Overall, the timetable for future product licence applications of CAT-152
(lerdelimumab) remains on track. Recruitment to the first Phase II/III clinical
trial of CAT-152, a human anti-TGFb 2 monoclonal antibody being developed as
treatment to prevent post-operative scarring in patients undergoing surgery for
glaucoma (trabeculectomy), continues but has progressed at a slower rate than
previously expected which means that completion of enrollment is expected in the
first half of 2003. Recruitment to a further Phase II/III trial in Europe and
South Africa is expected to start shortly. Discussions with the United States
(US) Food & Drug Administration (FDA) regarding US trials for CAT-152 are

Patient enrollment is continuing in the Phase I/II clinical trial of CAT-192, a
human anti-TGFb 1 monoclonal antibody being developed with Genzyme (NASDAQ:GENZ)
as a potential treatment for diffuse systemic sclerosis. An IND has been granted
for clinical trials in the US, and the recruitment of patients has started at
several leading scleroderma centres.

In August 2002, Human Genome Sciences, Inc (NASDAQ: HGSI) granted Takeda
Chemical Industries an option to develop and commercialise the TRAIL Receptor 1
human monoclonal antibody (TRAIL-R1 mAb) in Japan. TRAIL-R1 mAb was developed in
a collaboration between CAT and HGSI and is currently being evaluated, by HGSI,
as an anti-cancer drug in Phase I clinical trials.

In June 2002, CAT granted Wyeth Research (the pharmaceutical research arm of
Wyeth, NYSE: WYE) an exclusive product licence to a human monoclonal antibody
identified by CAT against a target supplied by Wyeth Research. Under the terms
of the agreement, CAT receives a licence fee and will potentially receive
clinical milestone and royalties associated with product sales.

In August 2002, CAT and Xerion Pharmaceuticals AG announced the expansion of
their existing business relationship into a research collaboration for target
characterisation and drug discovery. CAT and Xerion will explore and evaluate
the therapeutic potential of a cell surface protein known to play a role in
allergic reactions in man. CAT and Xerion will jointly own the results

Financial Results

CAT made a loss after taxation for the nine months ended 30 June 2002 of #21.5
million (nine months ended 30 June 2001: #8.2 million; year ended 30 September
2001: #11.8 million). This figure is stated after costs of #7.9 million related
to the buy out of its future royalty obligations from and offer for Drug Royalty
Corporation Inc. of Canada (DRC). Excluding this one-time cost, the loss would
have been #13.6 million. Net cash outflow before management of liquid resources
and financing for the period was #20.1 million (nine months ended 30 June 2001:
#9.6 million; year ended 30 September 2001: #14.3 million). Cash and liquid
resources at 30 June 2002 amounted to #137.9 million (30 June 2001: #162.5
million; 30 September 2001: #156.8 million).

Turnover in the period was #6.9 million (nine months ended 30 June 2001: #4.3
million; year ended 30 September 2001: #7.1 million). Milestone payments of #1.4
million were received during the nine month period, including a payment in the
third quarter from HGSI with the initiation of Phase I clinical trials of

Turnover of #3.4 million was generated under ongoing collaborations for research
and development services. Turnover included #0.7 million (principally licence
fees) released from deferred income brought forward at 1 October 2001. In
addition, #0.6 million of deferred revenue was recognised during the third
quarter as a result of CAT opting to buy out its future royalty rights
obligations to DRC.

Research and development expenses for the period amounted to #21.0 million (nine
months ended 30 June 2001: #15.0 million; year ended 30 September 2001: #21.4
million). This results from increasing spend on clinical trials to support the
Company's proprietary product development and increasing levels of research and
development activity across the Company.

General and administration expenses for the period were #13.2 million (nine
months ended 30 June 2001: #4.4 million; year ended 30 September 2001: #6.4
million). These include #7.9 million of costs relating to DRC (comparative
periods - none), comprising professional fees of #1.8 million in connection with
CAT's offer for DRC and #6.1 million (settled through the issue of CAT ordinary
shares) for the buy-back of CAT's royalty obligation. During the period the cost
of patent litigation, including patent oppositions, was #0.8 million (nine
months ended 30 June 2001: #1.7 million; year ended 30 September 2001: #2.0

The Group accrued interest receivable on its cash deposits of #5.0 million (nine
months ended 30 June 2001: #7.1 million; year ended 30 September 2001: #9.3
million), reflecting the reduced level of cash and liquid resources held in
interest bearing securities and the lower interest rates available over the

Additions to tangible fixed assets for the period were #4.7 million (nine months
ended 30 June 2001: #2.8 million; year ended 30 September 2001: #3.8 million),
with the purchase of a significant amount of laboratory equipment and costs
associated with the construction of CAT's new premises at Granta Park. The
addition to intangible fixed assets represents the Incyte LifeSeq licence that
was capitalised as an intangible asset in the first quarter and for which the
first of two payments has been made.

                                             Proforma      Nine Nine months   Year ended
                                                         months    ended 30 30 September
                                                 nine  ended 30                     2001
                                               months June 2002   June 2001
                                             ended 30
                                            June 2002
                                           US$'000    #'000     #'000       #'000

Turnover                                   10,478     6,873     4,294       7,121

Direct costs                               (98)       (64)      (254)       (351)

Gross profit                               10,380     6,809     4,040       6,770

Research and development expenses          (31,966)   (20,968)  (14,963)    (21,393)

Drug Royalty Corporation                   (12,063)   (7,913)     -       -
transaction costs

Other general and administration           (8,062)    (5,288)     (4,395) (6,443)

General and administration expenses        (20,125)   (13,201)  (4,395)     (6,443)

Operating loss                             (41,711)   (27,360)  (15,318)    (21,066)

Interest receivable (net)                  7,562      4,960     7,077       9,295

Loss on ordinary activities before         (34,149)   (22,400)  (8,241)     (11,771)

Taxation on loss on ordinary activities    1,403      920       -           -

Loss for the financial period              (32,746)   (21,480)  (8,241)     (11,771)

Loss per share - basic and diluted (pence)            60.2p     23.4p       33.3p

                                             Proforma      Nine Nine months   Year ended
                                                         months    ended 30 30 September
                                                 nine  ended 30   June 2001         2001
                                               months June 2002
                                             ended 30
                                            June 2002
                                           US$'000    #'000     #'000       #'000

Loss for the financial period              (32,746)   (21,480)  (8,241)     (11,771)

Gain on foreign exchange translation       99         65        -           1

Total recognised loss                      (32,647)   (21,415)  (8,241)     (11,770)

Prior year adjustment                                                       (6,594)

Total recognised losses since last Annual                                   (18,364)
Report and financial statements

This financial information has been prepared in accordance with UK GAAP. The
dollar translations are solely for the convenience of the reader.


                                          Proforma    As at 30   As at 30    As at 30
                                                     June 2002              September
                                          as at 30              June 2001        2001
                                         June 2002
                                       US$'000     #'000       #'000      #'000

Fixed Assets

Intangible assets                      12,580      8,252       4,168      4,075

Tangible fixed assets                  13,923      9,133       6,127      6,642

Investments                            328         215         -          -

                                       26,831      17,600      10,295     10,717

Current Assets

Debtors                                7,270       4,769       4,345      4,940

Investment in liquid resources         206,675     135,569     161,776    156,228

Cash at bank and in hand               3,560       2,335       710        585

                                       217,505     142,673     166,831    161,753


Amounts falling due within one year    (14,499)    (9,511)     (10,027)   (8,335)

Net current assets                     203,006     133,162     156,804    153,418

Total assets less current liabilities  229,837     150,762     167,099    164,135


Amounts falling due after more than    (12,699)    (8,330)     (7,804)    (8,085)
one year

Net Assets                             217,138     142,432     159,295    156,050

Capital and Reserves

Called-up share capital                5,520       3,621       3,540      3,546

Share premium account                  308,719     202,505     194,739    195,017

Other reserve                          20,514      13,456      13,451     13,451

Profit and loss account                (117,615)   (77,150)    (52,435)   (55,964)

Shareholders' funds - all equity       217,138     142,432     159,295    156,050

This financial information has been prepared in accordance with UK GAAP. The
dollar translations are solely for the convenience of the reader.


                                        Proforma  Nine months  Nine months Year ended
                                                     ended 30     ended 30         30
                                            nine    June 2002               September
                                          months                 June 2001       2001
                                        ended 30
                                       June 2002
                                      US$'000    #'000        #'000        #'000

Net cash outflow from operations      (30,737)   (20,162)     (13,257)     (19,150)

Returns on investments and servicing of finance

Interest received                     9,658      6,335        6,357        8,322

Taxation                              -          -            -            -

Capital expenditure and financial investment

Purchase of fixed assets              (9,629)    (6,316)      (2,695)      (3,485)

Sale of fixed assets                  -          -            -            4

                                      (9,629)    (6,316)      (2,695)      (3,481)

Net cash outflow before management of (30,708)   (20,143)     (9,595)      (14,309)
liquid resources and financing

Management of liquid resources        31,495     20,659       (5,274)      274


Issue of ordinary shares              2,163      1,419        15,096       15,380

Increase in cash                      2,950      1,935        227          1,345

This financial information has been prepared in accordance with UK GAAP. The
dollar translations are solely for the convenience of the reader.

Basis of preparation

These interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the
policies set out in the statutory financial statements for the year ended 30
September 2001 with the exception that the Company has adopted FRS19 "Deferred
Tax" in order to comply with the latest UK accounting standards. This has no
effect on either the current period or prior periods. The Group did not make any
announcement of results for the nine months ended 30 June 2001 during the prior
financial year and therefore the comparative figures for that period in these
statements are being presented for the first time.

These interim financial statements do not constitute statutory financial
statements within the meaning of section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. Results
for the nine month periods ended 30 June 2001 and 30 June 2002 have not been
audited. The results for the year ended 30 September 2001 have been extracted
from the statutory financial statements, which have been filed with the
Registrar of Companies and upon which the auditors reported without
qualification and did not contain statements under s237(2) or (3) Companies Act

Convenience translation

The consolidated financial statements are presented in pounds sterling. The
consolidated financial statements as of and for the period ended 30 June 2002
are also presented in United States Dollars as proforma financial information.
The Dollar amounts are presented solely for the convenience of the reader and
have been calculated using an exchange rate of #1: US$1.5245, the noon buying
rate as of 28 June 2002. No representation is made that the amounts could have
been or could be converted into United States Dollars at this or any other rate.

Drug Royalty Corporation transaction costs

General and administration costs expenses include #7.9 million of costs incurred
in the nine months ended 30 June 2002 relating to the two transactions entered
into with Drug Royalty Corporation Inc. of Canada (DRC) during the period
(comparative periods: none). In January 2002, CAT announced a recommended offer
for the whole of DRC. A competing offer was made by Inwest Investments Ltd of
Canada which was accepted in April. The professional fees incurred in CAT's bid
were #1.8 million. Under an agreement with DRC, the Group received a payment of
#1.5 million in 1994 in return for rights to a percentage of revenues (and
certain other payments) received by the Group over a period terminating in 2009.
The #1.5 million was deferred and recognised over the period for which the
rights were purchased. On 2 May 2002, CAT bought out this royalty obligation to
DRC for #6.1 million (C$14 million) with the issue of 463,818 CAT shares to DRC.
The remaining balance of #0.6 million of deferred income has all been released
in the period.

Prior year adjustment

The Group policy for recognising turnover was changed during the year ended 30
September 2001 in accordance with emerging best practice in the UK. Under the
revised policy, where contractual performance is incomplete despite the Group
having received non-refundable payments, revenue is only recognised to the
extent that the Group has performed its obligations and such performance has
resulted in benefits accruing to the customer.

Loss per share

The loss per ordinary share and fully diluted loss per share are equal because
share options are only included in the calculation of diluted earnings per share
if their issue would decrease the net profit per share or increase the net loss
per share. The calculation is based on the following: for the nine months ended
30 June 2002, the nine months ended 30 June 2001 and the year ended 30 September
2001 respectively. Losses of #21,480,000, #8,241,000, and #11,771,000. Weighted
average number of shares in issue of 35,699,076, 35,143,318 and 35,313,260. The
Company has 36,206,224 ordinary shares in issue and a total of 1,531,787
ordinary shares under option as of 30 June 2002.

Reconciliation of operating loss to operating cash outflow

                                         Proforma  Nine months Nine months Year ended
                                                      ended 30    ended 30         30
                                             nine    June 2002              September
                                           months                June 2001       2001
                                         ended 30
                                        June 2002
                                       US$'000    #'000        #'000       #'000

Operating loss                         (41,711)   (27,360)     (15,318)    (21,066)

Depreciation in the period             3,761      2,467        1,576       2,146

Amortisation of intangible assets      428        281          280         373

Loss on disposal of fixed assets       -          -            -           1

Shares issued to buy out DRC royalty   9,374      6,149

Increase in debtors                    (439)      (288)        (173)       (515)

(Decrease) / increase in creditors     (2,150)    (1,411)      378         (89)

Net cash outflow from operations       (30,737)   (20,162)     (13,257)    (19,150)

Quarterly financial information

                                                           Three     Three      Three
                                                        ended 30    months     months
                                                       June 2002
                                                                  ended 31   ended 31
                                                                     March   December
                                                                      2002       2001
                                                      #'000      #'000     #'000

Consolidated profit and loss account

Turnover                                              2,021      2,974     1,878

Direct costs                                          -          20        (84)

Gross profit                                          2,021      2,994     1,794

Research and development expenses                     (7,206)    (7,652)   (6,110)

Drug Royalty Corporation                              (6,678)     (1,235) -
transaction costs

Other general and administration                      (2,005)     (1,726) (1,557)

General and administration expenses                   (8,683)    (2,961)   (1,557)

Operating loss                                        (13,868)   (7,619)   (5,873)

Interest receivable (net)                             1,536      1,564     1,860

Loss on ordinary activities before taxation           (12,332)   (6,055)   (4,013)

Taxation on loss on ordinary activities               -          920       -

Loss for the financial period                         (12,332)   (5,135)   (4,013)

Consolidated cash flow statement

Net cash outflow from operations                 (9,296)      (6,569)      (4,297)

Returns on investments and servicing of finance

Interest received                                2,254        1,688        2,393

Taxation                                         -            -            -

Capital expenditure and financial investment

Purchase of fixed assets                         (2,384)      (3,021)      (911)

Net cash outflow before management of            (9,426)      (7,902)      (2,815)
liquid resources and financing

Management of liquid resources                   8,653        6,551        5,455


Issue of ordinary shares                         51           583          785

(Decrease) / increase in cash                    (722)        (768)        3,425

Notes to Editors:

Cambridge Antibody Technology (CAT)

  * CAT is a leader in the discovery and development of human therapeutic
    antibodies and has an advanced proprietary platform technology for rapidly
    isolating human monoclonal antibodies using phage display systems. CAT has
    extensive phage antibody libraries, currently incorporating more than 100
    billion distinct antibodies. These libraries form the basis for the
    Company's strategy to develop a portfolio of antibody-based drugs.

  * CAT is a UK biotechnology company based near Cambridge, England. CAT
    currently employs around 280 people.

  * Six CAT-derived human therapeutic antibodies are at various stages of
    clinical trials, with a seventh CAT-derived antibody, D2E7, having been
    submitted for regulatory review by Abbott (responsible for development and
    marketing) following the completion of Phase III trials.

  * CAT has alliances with a large number of pharmaceutical and biotechnology
    companies to discover, develop and commercialise human monoclonal
    antibody-based products. CAT has also licensed its proprietary human phage
    antibody libraries to several companies for target validation and drug
    discovery. CAT's collaborators include: Abbott, Amrad, Elan, Genzyme, Human
    Genome Sciences, Immunex, Merck & Co, Pharmacia and Wyeth Research.

  * CAT is listed on the London Stock Exchange and on NASDAQ since June 2001.
    CAT raised #41m in its IPO in March 1997 and #93m in a secondary offering in
    March 2000.


  * Negative regulator: Controls by inhibiting normal biological function

  * Superfamily of proteins: A large group of proteins with similar structure
    and function derived from a common evolutionary ancestor.

  * Nasal patency: The openness, or lack of blockages, in the airways of the

  * Potent: The measure of the effectiveness of a drug related to its

  * Eosinophil: A type of white blood cell particularly involved in allergic

  * Mast cells: Granular cells found in connective tissue. They release
    substances such as histamine and heparin in response to allergic or immune

  * IND (Investigational NewDrug): Licence granted by the US Food and Drug
    Administration (FDA) to allow testing of a new drug in humans.

Application of the Safe Harbor of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act
of 1995: This press release contains statements about CAT that are forward
looking statements. All statements other than statements of historical facts
included in this press release may be forward looking statements within the
meaning of Section 21E of the US Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

These forward looking statements are based on numerous assumptions regarding
CAT's present and future business strategies and the environment in which CAT
will operate in the future. Certain factors that could cause CAT's actual
results, performance or achievements to differ materially from those in the
forward looking statements include: market conditions, CAT's ability to enter
into and maintain collaborative arrangements, success of product candidates in
clinical trials, regulatory developments and competition.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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