RNS Number:6504J
Chemetall PLC
11 March 2005

Chemetall PLC
Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 December 2004

Chairman's report

Despite the continued challenging trading conditions in the UK manufacturing
sector, Chemetall PLC was able to grow its third party sales by 5% during 2004.
Particularly pleasing was the growth in new automotive component and aerospace
business which more than offset a further decline in general manufacturing
industry sales. The Middle East markets achieved their ambitious sales plan and
new business in the rail sector gives cause for optimism.

Results and dividends

During the year the Group generated a profit on ordinary activities before
taxation of #1.9 million (fifteen months ended 31 December 2003: #3.2 million)
with a turnover of #13.9 million (fifteen months ended 31 December 2003: #16.8
million). The result for the fifteen month period to 31 December 2003 included
exchange gains of #1.2 million on loans held with other Chemetall GmbH group
companies denominated in foreign currencies which were converted into sterling
prior to the current period.

On 30 November 2004 we acquired the aircraft sealant surface treatment business
of Chemetall Speciality Chemicals Ltd for #0.8 million. The fair value of net
assets acquired was #0.5 million.

The Group's loan assets, including any exchange movements and interest accrued
thereon, totalled #82.3 million at 31 December 2004 (31 December 2003: #80.9

Preference dividends continue to be paid on the normal due dates.

Ultimate parent undertaking

On 1 August 2004 our ultimate holding company, mg technologies ag ('mg') sold
its chemical business, which includes Chemetall PLC, to the Rockwood Specialties
Group Inc., a US-based speciality chemicals company.

The change in ownership enabled the Chemetall Surface Treatment Division as a
whole to review its core business strategy and to set in place firm growth plans
for the future. Funds are available for future strategic acquisition and
technology additions, which should in turn ensure that the business as a whole
continues to deliver a strong performance going forward.

Pension Scheme

Due to the sale of the Chemetall business it was legally necessary to change the
pension arrangements of certain employees. During the period these employees
transferred from the mg technologies UK pension scheme to the Chemetall UK
scheme. This has resulted in the Company incurring a charge of #0.8 million to
maintain these employees' pension entitlements.


There have been a few changes in the board during the year. Thomas Klatt
resigned as non-executive Director in April and Ernst-Joachim Molter resigned as
Chief Executive Director in September following the sale of the Chemetall group
to Rockwood in August. I would like to thank them both for their efforts.

In August Matthias Wilhelm Stoermer of Chemetall Frankfurt was appointed to the


On behalf of the board I would like to thank our employees for their continuing
commitment to our business. Chemetall PLC continues to invest in both internal
and external training and development of all employees. The company has
maintained its Investors in People registration.


We are confident that the third party sales growth trend will continue through
to 2005 with significant new business opportunities, particularly in the
automotive and aluminium sectors. Price increases will be necessary to maintain
profit margins that have come under pressure as the company suffers the impact
of significant key raw material price increases.

Alec Daly CBE

Operating and financial review

Divisional analysis

The Aerospace Division ended the year at 8.2% over plan. Demand for aircraft
sealant and corrosion protective compounds at Airbus was particularly strong. We
maintained our position as the first tier supplier to Rolls Royce Aerospace
Engines. Overall demand in the airframe overhaul, repair and maintenance sector
was very strong.

The Automotive Division finished the year on plan with sales slightly ahead of
the prior year and expect that new business recently won will result in a growth
in sales during 2005. However, raw material price increases may adversely affect
revenues from this sector where price improvements are difficult to implement.

In our Advanced Technologies Division, the automotive components business unit
finished the year strongly at 8.4% above plan thanks mainly to some significant
new business gains. In contrast, general industries business unit sales suffered
following the closure of six key customers. New business is expected for the
Group's new chrome free aluminium technologies especially in the architectural
aluminium sector where industry standards have now been met. Significant
progress was made in the steel industry throughout the year. Chemetall PLC has
been successful in winning a significant new contract for the supply of cleaning

The Performance Products Division (PPD) continued to enjoy slow but steady
growth. Sales of maintenance chemicals to airport authorities, traffic film
remover to the road transport sector and front-end cleaners to the rail sector
provide cause for optimism during 2005.

Chemetall PLC was accredited to the new automotive industry standard TS169/40
during 2004. This accreditation was difficult to attain and helps to win us a
competitive edge over many of our competitors.


On 30 November 2004 the aircraft sealant surface treatment business of Chemetall
Speciality Chemicals Ltd was acquired. Details of this transaction are given in
note 6. During the period the business contributed turnover of #0.1 million and
broke even at operating profit level.

Profit performance and analysis

Turnover for the year to 31 December 2004 was #13.9 million (fifteen month
period to 31 December 2003: #16.8 million) with profit on ordinary activities
before taxation being #1.9 million (fifteen month period to 31 December 2003:
#3.2 million). The prior period result includes the effect of a #1.2 million
favourable exchange movement on a loan held by Chemetall PLC with Chemetall GmbH
which was converted to Sterling during that period.

At 31 December 2004 the Group held loans, including interest accrued thereon,
totalling #82.3 million (31 December 2003: #80.9 million). Interest earned on
these loans during 2004 totalled #2.9 million (fifteen months ended 31 December
2003: #3.3 million).

The Group incurred a charge of #0.8 million to transfer the pensions
arrangements of certain employees from the Metallgesellschaft Group Pension
Scheme to the Chemetall UK Scheme following the change in ownership of the group
in the year.

Cash flow and financing

The net cash inflow from operating activities before exceptional cash items was
#1.5 million (fifteen months ended 31 December 2003: #0.8 million). Exceptional
cash items of #0.8 million relate to the transfer of certain employees pension
arrangements following the change in the Group's ultimate holding company.
Payments of interest totalling #1.3 million on loans were received from
Chemetall GmbH during the year.

The funds received on payment of loan interest have been used to eliminate bank
overdrafts; any surpluses are remitted to our holding company Chemetall GmbH. At
the year-end, the Group had net cash balances of #0.3 million (fifteen months
ended 31 December 2003: #0.2 million).

During the year the Group joined a cash-pooling arrangement with other Rockwood
companies in the UK.


The Group's tax charge on profit is #0.4 million, representing an effective rate
of 22.3%. The effective rate is lower than the UK corporation tax rate of 30%
mainly due to adjustments and deductions relating to prior years. #2.2 million
of tax credits associated with prior year's tax losses continue to not be

Treasury Policies

The Group's treasury policies, which are approved by the board, seek to
eliminate risk from currency movements affecting sales and purchases denominated
in foreign currencies. We use instruments such as forward currency sale or
purchase contracts where practical and cost effective.

Where appropriate, the Group's financial systems are able to transact business
denominated in foreign currencies.

Accounting changes

The Company will be required to adopt International Financial Reporting
Standards ('IFRS') with effect from 1 January 2005. An initial assessment of the
impact on the Group's financial statements and processes has been made.
Accordingly the Group's interim results to 30 June 2005 will be prepared in
accordance with IFRS.

Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
for the year ended 31 December 2004

                         Note      Year ended 31       15 months ended
                                        December           31 December
                                            2004                  2003
                                            #000                  #000

Group turnover              2             13,885                16,820
Cost of sales                             (7,710)               (8,492)

Gross profit                               6,175                 8,328

Selling and distribution
costs                                     (5,397)               (6,325)

Administrative expenses                   (1,905)               (3,530)

Other operating income                       108                   125
---------------------  --------         --------              --------
Operating loss
before exceptional
operating items                             (219)                 (552) 

operating items
- litigation costs                             -                  (850)
- pension costs                             (800)                    -
---------------------  --------         --------              --------

Operating loss                            (1,019)               (1,402)

Profit on sale of 
properties held for 
resale                                         -                     6

Loss on ordinary
activities before 
interest                                  (1,019)               (1,396)

Net interest 
receivable and
similar income              4              2,948                 4,568

Profit on ordinary
before taxation             3              1,929                 3,172

Taxation on profit 
on ordinary
activities                                  (430)                 (628)

Profit for the
financial period                           1,499                 2,544

Dividends on equity 
and non-equity
shares                      5             (1,080)               (1,350)

Retained profit for 
the period                                   419                 1,194

The results for the current and preceding financial period are derived from
continuing operations.

Consolidated Balance Sheet
at 31 December 2004

                              Note      31 December       31 December
                                          2004              2003
                                       #000     #000     #000     #000

Fixed assets
Intangible assets                              2,890             2,906
Tangible assets                                1,297             1,443

                                               4,187             4,349

Current assets
Stocks                                1,124             1,082
Debtors                              86,397            85,500
Cash at bank and in hand                300               203

                                     87,821            86,785

Creditors: amounts falling           (4,284)           (3,838)
within one year

Net current assets                            83,537            82,947

Total assets less current
liabilities                                   87,724            87,296

Provisions for liabilities
and                                             (629)             (667)

Net assets                                    87,095            86,629

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                       18,889            18,889
Share premium account                         29,757            29,757
Profit and loss account                       38,449            37,983

Shareholders' funds              7            87,095            86,629

Equity                                        75,095            74,629
Non-equity                                    12,000            12,000

                                              87,095            86,629

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
for the year ended 31 December 2004

             Note   Year ended 31 December 2004    15 months ended 31 December
                            #000           #000           #000           #000

Net cash
operating       8                           671                           (22)

Returns on
servicing of

received                   1,282                         2,056

Interest                      (2)                          (73)

Dividends                 (1,080)                       (1,080)

Net cash
inflow from
returns on
servicing                                   200                           903
of finance

Taxation                                   (610)                         (434)


Purchase of
fixed                       (164)                         (118)

Purchase of
fixed assets                   -                            (6)

Sale of
for                            -                            46

Net cash
outflow from
expenditure                                (164)                          (78)

Increase in
cash in the
period         10                            97                           369

Consolidated Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses
for the year ended 31 December 2004

                                  Year ended 31          15 months ended
                                     December                31 December
                                         2004                     2003
                                         #000                     #000   

Profit for the
financial period                        1,499                    2,544

difference on the
retranslation of
net investments
and related
borrowings                                 47                    4,623

Total gains
recognised since
last annual report                      1,546                    7,167

Notes to the Preliminary Statement

1.Accounting policies

Basis of preparation
The unaudited preliminary results for the year ended 31 December 2004
have been prepared in accordance with UK generally accepted accounting
principles. The accounting policies applied are those set out in the
Group's Annual Report and Accounts for the fifteen months ended 31
December 2003. The Group has followed the transitional arrangements of
FRS 17 "Retirement Benefits" in these financial statements.

Basis of consolidation

The consolidated financial statements include the financial statements
of the Company and its subsidiary undertakings made up to 31 December
2004. The acquisition method of accounting has been adopted. Under this
method the results of subsidiary undertakings acquired or sold during
the year are included in the consolidated profit and loss account from
or to their respective dates of acquisition or disposal. Where
appropriate, the financial statements of overseas subsidiary
undertakings are adjusted to conform to the Group's accounting policies.

2. Turnover

All activities are derived from the development, manufacture and
marketing of specialised industrial chemicals.

3. Profit on ordinary activities before taxation

Profit on ordinary activities before taxation is stated after charging
#800,000 to transfer the pension arrangements of certain employees from
the Metallgesellschaft Group Pension Scheme to the Chemetall UK Scheme
following the change in ownership of the group in the year.

4. Net interest receivable and similar income

                                    Year ended         15 months ended
                              31 December 2004        31 December 2003
                                          #000                    #000

        Interest receivable
        and similar

        Loans to group
        undertakings                     2,949                   3,335

        On cash
        balances                             1                      74

        Exchange gain
        on loans to
        undertakings                         -                   1,232

                                         2,950                   4,641
        Interest payable
        and similar

        Bank overdrafts                     (2)                    (73)

        Net interest
        receivable                       2,948                   4,568

5. Dividends and other appropriations

                                    Year ended         15 months ended
                              31 December 2004        31 December 2003
                                        #000                      #000

        9% redeemable
        preference shares
        Dividend paid                    540                       810
        Dividend proposed                540                       540
                                       1,080                     1,350

6. Acquisitions in the year

        On 30 November 2004 Chemetall PLC acquired the aircraft sealant surface
        treatment business of Chemetall Speciality Chemicals Ltd. The following
        table analyses the preliminary fair value of the net assets acquired:

        Stocks                                                             16
        Debtors                                                           519


        Consideration - on account with Chemetall Speciality
        Chemicals Limited                                                 785
        Goodwill                                                          250

        The goodwill arising from the above acquisition is amortised over 25

        The turnover and results of the acquired business have not been shown on
        the face of the profit and loss account as they are not considered
        material. The turnover and operating profit of the acquired entity
        included in the profit and loss account are:

       Turnover                                                      104
       Operating profit                                               5

7. Reconciliation of movements in shareholders funds

                                               31 December 31 December
                                                    2004          2003
                                                    #000          #000

        At 1 January 2004                         86,629        80,812
        Profit for the year                          419         1,194
        Other recognised gains and losses in          47         4,623
        the year (net)
        At 31 December 2004                       87,095        86,629

8. Reconciliation of operating profit to operating cash flows

                                                        15 months ended
                                      31 December 2004 31 December 2003
                                                  #000             #000
Operating loss before exceptional operating
items                                            (219)            (552)
Exceptional operating items                      (800)            (850)

Operating loss                                 (1,019)          (1,402)

Depreciation, amortisation and impairment
charges                                           576              672
(Increase)/decrease in stocks                     (42)              95
Decrease in debtors                               800            1,243
Increase/(decrease) in creditors and other
provisions                                        356             (630)

Net cash inflow/(outflow) from
operating  activities                             671              (22)

9. Analysis of net funds

                        At the    Cash flow     Exchange Other At the end of
                   beginning of                     movement        the year
                       the year
                           #000        #000       #000    #000          #000

        Cash at bank        203          97          -       -           300
        Loans to group
        undertakings     80,866      (1,503)        50   2,948        82,361
        Net funds        81,069      (1,406)        50   2,948        82,661

10. Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds

                                                           15 months ended
                                              31 December      31 December
                                                     2004             2003
                                                     #000             #000

        Increase in cash in the period                97               369

        Cash flow from movement in funds
        in the period                             (1,503)           (1,982)
        Change in net funds resulting
        from cash flows                           (1,406)           (1,613)
        Non-cash movements on loans (see           2,948             4,040

        Translation differences                       50             4,083

        Movement in net funds in the               1,592             6,510

        Net funds at beginning of the             81,069            74,559

        Net funds at the end of the               82,661            81,069

     Non-cash movements on loans consist of accrued and current interest
     being rolled up into the principal amounts on existing loan to group

11. Declaration
    The results for the year ended 31 December 2004 are unaudited. The
    results for the fifteen months ended 31 December 2003 are an extract
    from the full accounts for that period and have been delivered to the
    Registrar of Companies; the report of the auditors on those accounts was
    unqualified. The accounts for the year ended 31 December 2004 will be
    posted to all shareholders shortly. The report of the auditors on those
    accounts is expected to be unqualified. The financial information in
    this statement does not constitute full statutory accounts within the
    meaning of section 240 of the Companies Act 1985.


For further information, please contact:

Rob Rydings, Chemetall PLC    Tel: 01908 361817

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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