Final Results for the year to 30 June 2010 
The following comprises extracts from the Company's Annual Report and Accounts 
for the year to 30 June 2010. The full Annual Report and Accounts is available 
to be viewed on or downloaded from the Company's website at http:// 
www.gartmoregrowthopps.co.uk . Copies will be mailed to shareholders shortly. 
                                                           Annual Report Page 3 
Chairman's Statement 
In the year to 30 June 2010 your Company's net asset value per ordinary share 
(NAV) increased 19.8% from 410.88p to 492.15p, a good result despite falling 
back a little from the half year. This compares with an increase in the 
Company's benchmark, the FTSE SmallCap (ex investment companies) Index, of 
16.6%. The Company's share price increased by 23.0% from 379.75p to 467.00p, 
reflecting a return of the discount to NAV to a generally narrow range after 
widening during the earlier months of 2009. 
Our continuing focus on the smaller end of the small-cap universe worked 
against us in the second half of the year, with the prices of larger mid-cap 
companies holding up better in the volatile conditions, but we continue to be 
positioned in this smaller-cap area, where our Manager believes that 
opportunities remain compelling. 
The Company's dealing subsidiary, Gartmore GO Dealing Limited, had a strong 
year capitalising on short-term opportunities and contributed significantly to 
the consolidated return with a profit of GBP1,227,000. 
Discounting last year's one-off receipts of refunded VAT from HMRC and interest 
thereon, revenue has held-up. The Board decided earlier in the year, as 
announced in December, to allocate 75% of management fees and finance costs to 
capital with 25% being allocated to the revenue account, instead of 100% being 
allocated to revenue as previously. This change has not affected the total 
return for shareholders, but had the effect of increasing the revenue earnings 
and of reducing the capital return for each Ordinary share in issue at the 
year-end by approximately 3.3p. The Directors have declared a dividend of 
5.375p per Ordinary share for the year, up 25% from last year's ordinary 
dividend of 4.3p. The dividend will be paid on 30 September. 
One of our aims this year was to refresh the Board. Accordingly, two new 
Directors, Ian Dighé and Allan Jenkins were appointed in April. Ian and Allan 
will add new perspective and experience to the Board's deliberations. Peter 
Derby, who had been a Director since the launch of the Company in 1991, retired 
when Ian and Allan were appointed. David Peters, who had been Chairman since 
launch, had intended to retire after this year's Annual General Meeting, but 
sadly died in May. We, as the Board and on behalf of the Shareholders, would 
like to acknowledge the significant contributions to the Company of both David 
Peters and Peter Derby over the years. 
On 1 September 2010 the Board was informed that Gervais Williams, lead manager 
of the Company's portfolio, had resigned and would be leaving Gartmore shortly. 
The portfolio will continue to be actively managed in the same manner as it has 
been by the Gartmore UK smaller companies team. The Board is considering the 
longer-term management arrangements of the Company. An announcement will be 
made on this in due course. In the meantime, as a precaution and in order to 
protect shareholders interests, we have served 12 months protective notice to 
terminate our agreement with Gartmore. 
The latter half of the financial year has made it clear that, although the 
global economy has improved markedly, a smooth recovery is by no means assured 
and may be at risk. This has been reflected in equity markets, with the 
exuberance of the second and third quarters of 2009 giving way to more volatile 
markets and mixed fortunes since, particularly amongst smaller companies. 
Looking forward, although it seems likely that we will experience intermittent 
increases in market volatility and perhaps fluctuating performance in the near 
term, our universe is still a source of many opportunities. Valuations are 
still attractive and with the capital raising activity that has taken place 
many companies are now in a stronger position than they were a year ago and 
positioned to pursue opportunities of their own. Likewise, the trend for 
takeovers seems set to persist, if not increase, for the foreseeable future. 
Robert Ware 
8 September 2010 
                                                           Annual Report Page 5 
Manager's Review 
Our Objective 
In simple terms, our job is to generate a good return for shareholders by 
investing in a portfolio of quoted smaller businesses. To do this we seek to 
capitalise on the difference between the market perceptions and the underlying 
reality of the businesses we invest in. 
Occasionally we anticipate turning points in longer-term market trends and seek 
to take advantage of these on behalf of shareholders. The last time this 
occurred was late in 2005 and early in 2006 when we anticipated that a credit 
crisis was coming up and we "insured" the value of the investment portfolio 
from March 2006 onwards using put options on the FTSE100 Index. Events 
subsequently unfolded as we feared, and very substantial profits were taken on 
the options in October 2008 and the sizable cash profits were invested into 
additional portfolio holdings ready for the market to recover in 2009. 
We now have another strong view on future trends in the equity market and have 
positioned the portfolio to take advantage of this if and when these trends 
Our View On Future Market Trends 
Since 1985 the world economy has grown rapidly. Those who borrowed early and 
invested have benefited tremendously from extraordinary rises in asset prices 
since that time. And as others have seen this effect, more and more individuals 
have been willing to borrow in greater and greater scale. The most obvious 
example has been housing, but this trend has been evident in all sorts of 
assets including exchange traded funds (ETFs), commercial property, commodity 
funds and equities. 
This has fostered the perception that capital gains on investments are the main 
driver of total return. In stock market terms this is seen in debates about 
which specific group of equities are likely to perform strongly next; will it, 
for instance, be those associated with China or with Gold? The aim of market 
participants has been to anticipate the right areas at the right time, invest 
for the capital gains, and then for the "hot money" to move on to another 
area with similar short-term potential. 
Income generation, principally in the form of dividends, has received 
relatively little attention for many years, since frequently these returns have 
been modest relative to the capital gains. For example, in 2009 the FTSE 
All-Share price index rose 25% whereas the dividend yield over the year of the 
shares in the index was only 3.2%. 
It is our firm view that this pattern is now changing. 
Governments are now being forced to adopt austerity measures, since they need 
to bring Government spend back into line with tax revenues. It is widely 
expected that, partly because of this and partly by a general reduction in 
credit, future economic growth will be very slow in many countries and regions. 
Without good economic growth most larger businesses will struggle to grow 
earnings. The implication is that the world is going "ex-growth" and that 
stock market indices will not deliver much capital gain in the coming years. 
Within this context, the prospect of receiving a reliable dividend each year 
becomes much more important. In particular the power of compounding dividends 
year after year is often overlooked by investors. We believe that by taking 
full advantage of this trend over the coming years we will have scope to 
deliver returns that may be well above those available from other market 
sectors. We have an ambition to invest in a portfolio of stocks that have the 
scope to deliver good and growing yields over the coming years. 
                                                           Annual Report Page 6 
If we are successful then we would expect two outcomes: 
* The first, is that we might be one of a very limited number of funds that 
actually deliver significant dividend growth over coming years. There is plenty 
of scope for smaller companies to increase dividends as currently many choose 
not to pay dividends in spite of the fact that they can afford to do so. Should 
these companies elect to pay or increase dividends we expect there would be an 
associated boost in the valuation of their underlying businesses too; and 
* secondly, the larger income funds, struggling to sustain income from larger 
quoted businesses, are likely to increasingly allocate a portion of their 
investment capital down the size bands to smaller companies that generate 
strong yields and this would also boost the valuations of these small-cap 
Positioning The Portfolio For These Trends 
How can we position the Company's portfolio to take full advantage of these 
In the coming years we believe that investing in companies with scope to 
generate sizable amounts of cash will generate some of the best returns. In a 
world where credit may be constrained, those businesses with strong market 
positions will be in a hugely advantageous position. They will be able to pay 
out good and growing dividends to differentiate themselves from a majority of 
other quoted businesses. 
And those paying good and growing dividends should have access to the limited 
amount of available investment capital to buy distressed assets, at a time when 
few others can compete. The valuations of such acquisitions might be the 
cheapest in a generation! This is the real advantage of having a public 
We have differentiated ourselves from most of our competitor funds. Over the 
last ten years, the mid-cap stocks have performed well ahead of the FTSE 
All-Share Index. They have done particularly well as a result of enhancing 
their returns by borrowing money in the corporate bond market as asset prices 
rose. Management teams of mid-cap companies that were unwilling to gear up were 
often acquired by Private Equity so that sizable debt could be introduced 
thereafter to enhance short-term returns. Almost all of the Smaller Companies 
investment trusts still have a sizable portion of their assets invested in 
mid-cap stocks. Our view is that the cash flow in many of these businesses will 
be used to repay debt. 
The question arises as to how many small and micro-cap companies have had 
access to financial instruments as their funding mechanism, never mind built 
their business model on this basis? Well, small-cap and micro-cap stocks were 
generally too small to have access to the corporate bond markets and banks have 
generally sought not to lend to these companies as they were "too fiddly" 
when compared with large loans for the Private Equity businesses. For this 
reason many small-cap and micro-cap businesses have remarkably few borrowings. 
Indeed, a very large number of these companies have no borrowings at all and 
have surplus cash on their balance sheets. Also, these companies have often 
been advised that investors are principally looking for capital gain, so that 
cash generated by the company should be reinvested in the business rather than 
paid out as dividends. If the forthcoming change in trend unfolds as we expect, 
many of these businesses will be able and may be inclined to redirect their 
excess cash flow to paying good and growing dividends. 
                                                           Annual Report Page 7 
For this reason, whilst there are some larger companies that fit our criteria 
and investment in these is not ruled out, we have focused our attention on 
these small and micro-cap stocks. Their valuations appear to be low as this 
sector has suffered from the regular withdrawal of investment capital year 
after year during the period when gearing and more gearing was fashionable and 
more recently from a perception that larger companies offer more protection in 
volatile times. Equally, we anticipate that many have strong market positions 
in areas that can continue to expand, even in spite of slow economic growth. 
And finally, we have an expectation that many will be in a position to pay good 
and growing dividends in the coming years. 
Key Drivers Of Performance During The Last Year 
Over the past twelve months the Company's NAV has increased 19.8%, while the 
Company's benchmark, the FTSE SmallCap (excluding investment companies) Index 
rose 16.6%. We benefited from our exposure to AIM-listed companies, with the 
FTSE AIM All-Share outperforming the FTSE SmallCap (excluding investment 
companies) Index with a return of 24.9%. Returns of this magnitude are 
considerably above those that should be anticipated in a low inflation world. 
How have they been achieved? 
There was considerable divergence between sectors and companies during the 
year, with chemicals and electronics delivering the highest returns within the 
benchmark index. The largest contributions to index returns overall, factoring 
in sector size, came from the sharp recovery of some of the larger sectors such 
as real estate, support services and financial services. Within the index 
particular weakness was found in pharmaceuticals, although much of this came 
down to Antisoma, which fell by more than 75% in March alone after reporting 
that one of its biggest hopes for commercial development, a lung cancer drug, 
had failed to perform in late-stage clinical trials. We did not have a holding 
in Antisoma at the time and on the whole our pharmaceutical holdings performed 
well. Retailers were also weak, with concerns about consumer demand in the 
medium term. 
Technology company Morse was the top contributor to the growth in NAV over the 
past year. Morse started off strongly with a positive earnings update last July 
and confirmation that a preliminary approach to buy the company at 25p per 
share had been made. This offer was rejected but positive news continued to 
flow and during October it reported a return to operating profitability over 
the third quarter despite lower revenues. Towards the end of the financial year 
Morse was acquired by 2e2 for a substantial premium over our original 
investment. The offer from 2e2 was at 51p (double the offer of 25p rejected 
last year) and at a 24% premium to the closing price before the news broke. 
Another strong performer was Nestor Healthcare, which provides staffing 
solutions to the health and social care market. We have held an interest in 
Nestor for some time, with our original purchase triggered by a very sharp fall 
(over 50%) in its share price in November 2007 after a profits warning. This 
caused it to drop out of the FTSE All-Share Index, which led to substantial 
index fund selling. This decline left the company's shares severely undervalued 
and offered active investors the opportunity to purchase it in size at a price 
that offered the prospect of substantial reward, whilst putting only a small 
amount of capital at risk. Since the end of 2007 Nestor has substantially 
outperformed the FTSE SmallCap (ex investment companies) Index. In early 2008 
the shares performed particularly well after the company confirmed it had 
received indications of takeover interest. Most recently, despite Nestor 
reporting a drop in full-year profits in March, the positive outlook for 2010 
boosted the share price and significant director acquisitions lent additional 
                                                           Annual Report Page 8 
The portfolio's performance relative to the index also benefited from our lack 
of exposure to many of its weakest performers. The most significant of these 
were Southern Cross Healthcare and UK Coal, neither of which were in the 
However, there was weakness among several of our larger positions too, which 
weighed on returns: One of the largest detractors was Pace, the share price of 
which has fallen in the absence of an earnings upgrade. We made considerable 
investment gains from this holding in the financial year to June 2009 when it 
was one of the best performers in the portfolio and we continue to believe that 
the investment case remains strong - Pace is still an attractive company with a 
compelling valuation. We sold a little of the holding around its peak price in 
September in order to reinvest some of the gains into new ideas, but still 
retain a significant position. BATM Advanced Communications, in which the 
portfolio is overweight relative to the benchmark, performed well over the 
first half of the financial year, but then dropped back considerably. The 
decline stemmed from a drop in profits, which was expected, accompanied by 
small downgrades. Its difficulties are, however, confined to the telecoms 
division and its medical division is prospering. With half of its market 
capital in cash, the valuation is extreme so we retain a position, cognisant 
that the anticipated return has been deferred. Another detractor was Penna 
Consulting. The share price of Penna Consulting, which provides career 
transition when large numbers of employees are made redundant, slipped over the 
past six months, although we believe prospects for their services remains 
strong. Penna is a good example of a company that is well placed to generate 
sizable amounts of cash from its operations, especially in adverse economic 
times, and has been exemplary in paying good and growing dividends in recent 
We are somewhat conservative in our outlook at the moment, as we wait for the 
impact of the new government's austerity changes. However, we believe the 
companies in the portfolio are well placed to deliver sizable cash flows in the 
coming years and that these may be paid out in good and growing dividends. We 
also hold a limited number of companies where there is potential for an event 
that could transform their prospects and where 
Gartmore Growth Opportunities plc's shareholders would be rewarded with a 
sizable appreciation of the share price. 
Gartmore Growth Opportunities plc is different from most other Smaller Company 
investment trusts in that the portfolio holds a large number of small-cap and 
micro-cap stocks and less exposure to mid-caps. We anticipate that the 
portfolio can deliver particularly attractive returns in the coming years. In 
the last ten years the FTSE SmallCap (excluding investment companies) Index has 
underperformed the FTSE250 Index (representing mid-cap shares) by a sizable 
amount. If the very long-term trend is re- established as we anticipate, then, 
in general, the smaller the market capitalisation, the better the total return. 
We anticipate that our portfolio can deliver premium returns for a number of 
years in this scenario. 
Gartmore Investment Limited 
8 September 2010 
                                                           Annual Report Page 9 
Financial Statistics 
                                             At 30 June  At 30 June     Change 
                                                   2010        2009          % 
Shareholders' Funds: 
Net Assets (GBP'000)                               54,500      48,094      +13.3 
Net Asset Value per Ordinary share              492.15p     410.88p      +19.8 
Share Price: 
Market Capitalisation (Ordinary shares GBP         51,715      44,450      +16.3 
Mid-Market Price                                467.00p     379.75p      +23.0 
(Discount)                                         (5%)        (8%) 
631,176 Ordinary shares were redeemed during the year, at a cost of GBP3,304,000. 
(2009: 2,726,129 Ordinary shares were redeemed at a cost of GBP8,796,000). 
Benchmark Index: 
FTSE SmallCap (excluding investment             2205.40     1891.40      +16.6 
companies) Index 
Gearing (expressed as a percentage of Net 
Potential Gearing                                 11.2%       13.3% 
Actual Gearing                                     0.0%        2.5% 
Potential gearing is the maximum level of gearing that would be achieved if all 
existing loan facilities were fully drawn. 
Total Return per Ordinary Share:* 
Revenue                                          16.84p       7.75p 
Capital                                          73.47p      40.57p 
Total Return per Ordinary Share                  90.31p      48.32p 
*Based on weighted average of 11,568,620 (2009: 12,959,428) Ordinary shares in 
issue during the year. 
Total Expense Ratio                                 1.5%        1.7% 
Dividend per Ordinary share for year              5.375p       4.30p 
                                                          Annual Report Page 10 
Principal Investments 
                                                        Valuation at Percentage 
                            Sector                      30 June 2010         Of 
Company                     Classification                     GBP'000  Portfolio 
Management Consulting Group Support Services                   1,343        2.8 
Pace                        Technology Hardware &              1,299        2.7 
Nestor Healthcare           Health Care Equipment &            1,240        2.6 
BATM Advanced               Technology Hardware &              1,194        2.5 
Communications              Equipment 
Juridica Investments        Financial Services                 1,136        2.4 
Penna Consulting            Support Services                   1,083        2.3 
Innovation Group            Software & Computer                1,074        2.3 
Oakley Capital Investments  Financial Services                   894        1.9 
Renovo Group                Pharmaceuticals & Biotech.           876        1.8 
MWB 9.75% 9/12              Corporate Bonds                      865        1.8 
MBL Group |                 Media                                711        1.5 
Menzies (John)              Support Services                     709        1.5 
Assetco |                   Support Services                     685        1.4 
Cathay International        Real Estate & Investment             682        1.4 
Sandvine |                  Health Care Equipment &              678        1.4 
MDM Engineering Group |     Industrial Engineering               670        1.4 
Allocate Software |         Software & Computer                  579        1.2 
Northgate                   Support Services                     570        1.2 
NXT                         Leisure Goods                        531        1.1 
Iomart Group |              Software & Computer                  528        1.1 
Norcon                      Support Services                     522        1.1 
Powerflute                  Forestry & Paper                     511        1.1 
Stadium Group |             Electronic & Electrical              497        1.0 
Elementis                   Chemicals                            496        1.0 
Collins Stewart             Financial Services                   492        1.0 
Lavendon Group              Support Services                     481        1.0 
Nanoco Group |              Technology Hardware &                479        1.0 
Brammer                     Support Services                     462        1.0 
Communisis                  Support Services                     457        1.0 
Innovision Research &       Technology Hardware &                451        0.9 
Technology |                Equipment 
Renold                      Industrial Engineering               449        0.9 
Sportingbet                 Travel & Leisure                     441        0.9 
REA 9% Pref                 Food Producers                       429        0.9 
KBC Advanced Technologies | Oil Equipment & Services             423        0.9 
Acal                        Support Services                     422        0.9 
Sportech                    Travel & Leisure                     417        0.9 
McBride                     Household Goods                      407        0.9 
eServGlobal |               Software & Computer                  399        0.8 
Origin Enterprise |         Food Producers                       399        0.8 
Sinclair (William) Holdings Household Goods                      397        0.8 
Conygar Investment |        Real Estate & Investment             386        0.8 
Paragon Group               Financial Services                   377        0.8 
ORA Capital Partners |      Financial Services                   368        0.8 
Regenersis |                Support Services                     366        0.8 
Sepura                      Technology Hardware &                363        0.8 
Trifast                     Industrial Engineering               360        0.8 
Acta |                      Electronic & Electrical              339        0.7 
E-Therapeutics |            Pharmaceuticals & Biotech.           338        0.7 
Zotefoams                   Chemicals                            328        0.7 
Vitec                       Leisure Goods                        322        0.7 
Fifty Largest Investments                                     29,925       62.7 
The value of the portfolio of investments on which the table is based was GBP 
The total number of investments at 30 June 2010 was 172. 
| Alternative Investment Market. 
                                                          Annual Report Page 11 
Sector Classification and Weightings of Equity Investments 
                                                       Portfolio         Index* 
                                                 at 30 June 2010     At 30 June 
Sector                                        GBP'000           %               % 
Oil & Gas 
Oil & Gas Producers                             457         1.0             1.7 
Oil Equipment & Services                        891         1.9               - 
Alternative Energy                              384         0.8             0.5 
                                              1,732         3.7             2.2 
Basic Materials 
Chemicals                                     1,644         3.4             2.6 
Forestry & Paper                                660         1.4               - 
Industrial Metals                                 -           -             0.5 
Mining                                          426         0.9             2.1 
                                              2,730         5.7             5.2 
Aerospace & Defence                               -           -             1.6 
Construction & Materials                        531         1.1             4.4 
Electronic & Electrical Equipment             1,192         2.5             3.0 
General Industrials                             405         0.8             1.4 
Industrial Engineering                        2,479         5.2             2.9 
Industrial Transportation                        83         0.2             3.9 
Support Services                              9,229        19.4            15.8 
                                             13,919        29.2            33.0 
Consumer Goods 
Automobile & Parts                                -           -               - 
Beverages                                         -           -               - 
Food Producers                                1,191         2.5             3.8 
Household Goods                               1,041         2.2             1.2 
Leisure Goods                                   852         1.8             0.6 
Personal Goods                                    -           -               - 
Tobacco                                           -           -               - 
                                              3,084         6.5             5.6 
Health Care 
Health Care Equipment & Services              1,664         3.5             1.1 
Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology               2,388         5.0             3.4 
                                              4,052         8.5             4.5 
Consumer Services 
Food & Drug Retailers                            71         0.1             0.9 
General Retailers                               110         0.2             4.9 
Media                                         2,459         5.2             5.8 
Travel & Leisure                              1,727         3.6             4.3 
                                              4,367         9.1            15.9 
Fixed Line Telecommunications                     -           -             1.9 
Mobile Telecommunications                         -           -               - 
                                                  -           -             1.9 
Electricity                                     525         1.1               - 
Gas, Water & Multiutilities                       -           -               - 
                                                525         1.1               - 
Banks                                             -           -               - 
Equity Investment Instruments                    94         0.2             2.7 
General Financial                             5,805        12.2             6.4 
Life Insurance                                    -           -             1.6 
Non-life insurance                              448         0.9             2.7 
Real Estate                                   2,090         4.4            10.3 
                                              8,437        17.7            23.7 
Software & Computer Services                  4,077         8.5             5.9 
Technology Hardware & Equipment               4,778        10.0             2.1 
                                              8,855        18.5             8.0 
TOTAL                                        47,701       100.0           100.0 
* FTSE SmallCap (excluding investment companies) Index 
                                                          Annual Report Page 12 
Analysis of Net Assets and Shareholders Funds 
                           Valuation at          Net  Appreciation/   Valuation at 
                           30 June 2009 Transactions (Depreciation)   30 June 2010 
                           GBP'000      %        GBP'000          GBP'000   GBP'000      % 
Oil & Gas                  3,794    7.9      (3,778)          1,716   1,732    3.2 
Basic Materials            3,291    6.8      (1,302)            741   2,730    5.0 
Industrials               13,436   27.9      (1,578)          2,061  13,919   25.5 
Consumer Goods             2,070    4.3          834            180   3,084    5.7 
Health Care                4,487    9.3      (2,377)          1,942   4,052    7.4 
Consumer Services          3,399    7.1          859            109   4,367    8.0 
Telecommunications           407    0.9        (657)            250       -      - 
Utilities                    455    0.9          184          (114)     525    1.0 
Financials                 3,949    8.2        3,069            475   7,493   13.8 
Technology                11,286   23.5      (4,432)          1,945   8,799   16.1 
                          46,574   96.8      (9,178)          9,305  46,701   85.7 
Convertibles/Corporate     1,036    2.2           55           (91)   1,000    1.8 
                          47,610   99.0      (9,123)          9,214  47,701   87.5 
Current Assets             2,280    4.7        4,733              -   7,013   12.9 
including cash 
Total Assets              49,890  103.7      (4,390)          9,214  54,714  100.4 
Liabilities              (1,796)  (3.7)        1,518             64   (214)  (0.4) 
Net Assets                48,094  100.0      (2,872)          9,278  54,500  100.0 
Attributable to           48,094  100.0     (4,041)*        10,447|  54,500  100.0 
Ordinary shareholders 
* Represents GBP3,304,000 paid in respect of shares redeemed and equity dividends 
paid of GBP737,000. 
| Total return for the year. 
                                                          Annual Report Page 15 
Report of the Directors 
The Directors submit their Report and the Accounts for the year ended 30 June 
2010. The Corporate Governance Statement on pages 25 to 31 forms part of the 
Report of the Directors. 
Business Review 
The Business Review has been prepared in accordance with the Companies Act 2006 
and should be read in conjunction with the Chairman's Statement on page 3, the 
Managers Review on pages 5 to 8 and the analyses on pages 9 to 12. 
Nature and Status 
The Company is an investment trust company and a member of The Association of 
Investment Companies. It is registered as a public limited company 
(Registration number 2600028 England and Wales) and is an investment company as 
defined by section 833 of the Companies Act 2006. 
The Company has a wholly-owned subsidiary, Gartmore GO Dealing Limited, which 
trades in shares and securities. 
The Company was last approved by HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) as an investment 
trust under Section 1158 of the Corporation Tax Act 2010 in respect of the year 
ended 30 June 2009. This approval is subject to there being no subsequent 
enquiry under corporation tax self-assessment. The Company has been approved as 
an investment trust for all previous years. Since 30 June 2009, the Company has 
directed its affairs so as to be able to continue to qualify for approval by 
HMRC as an investment trust for tax purposes. 
The close company provisions of the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988 do 
not apply to the Company. 
Investment Objective 
The Company seeks capital appreciation from investment primarily in the shares 
of quoted UK smaller companies and aims to be one of the leading investment 
trusts in its sector. 
Investment Policy 
Asset Allocation: 
The Company mainly invests in UK smaller companies, with a wide range of market 
capitalisations, targeting sustained returns even in difficult markets. A 
number of the UK smaller companies within the portfolio may therefore be 
outside the universe of the benchmark index when it is believed this will 
increase shareholder value. Whilst the majority of investments are equities, 
other instruments such as warrants and convertible and non-convertible 
securities (including preference shares and loan stocks) may be used. Cash and 
derivative instruments (such as futures and options) may also be utilised for 
efficient portfolio management and as part of investment strategy, not only as 
a short-term measure. In addition, the Company's trading subsidiary targets 
absolute returns in order to enhance shareholder returns under a broader range 
of market conditions and to offer further downside protection to the portfolio 
as a whole. 
Risk Diversification: 
Portfolio risk is mitigated by investing in a diversified spread of 
investments. In compliance with section 1159 Corporation Tax Act 2010 
investments in any one company, other than holdings in another investment 
company, shall not, on acquisition, exceed 15% of the portfolio value. 
The Company will make use of borrowings when it is considered that gearing will 
enhance total returns. The Company has bank borrowing facilities in place and 
the Board currently has a policy that gearing shall not exceed 20% of the value 
of Net Assets. 
                                                          Annual Report Page 16 
Benchmark Index 
Performance is measured against the FTSE SmallCap (excluding investment 
companies) Index. The Company sources index and price data from Thomson Reuters 
Please refer to the Manager's Review on pages 5 to 8 for an overview of the 
Company's investment activities in the year and to the analyses on pages 9 to 
12. These, together with this Business Review, illustrate how the Group's 
assets have been invested with a view to spreading investment risk in 
accordance with the Group's published investment policy. 
The Directors consider that the key indicator of the Group's performance is the 
movement of the net asset value per Ordinary share compared with the movement 
of the Benchmark Index. Net asset value per share increased 19.8% in the year 
under review (2009: 16.1% increase) compared with a rise in the Index of 16.6% 
(2009: decrease of 24.2%). The mid-market price of the Company's Ordinary 
shares rose 23.0% (2009: 15.1% rise). 
As regards the principal contributors to the year's performance, in common with 
the Company's benchmark, holdings in the chemicals and electronics sectors 
delivered particularly strong returns, as did our support services holdings, 
although here we were underweight and consequently underperformed relative to 
the benchmark. Technology related sectors and Health Care also contributed 
strongly to our returns, and in these we were overweight relative to the index 
and consequently made relatively better returns. At the stock level, Morse and 
Nestor Healthcare stand out amongst a number of strong performers and relative 
to the benchmark we benefitted from not holding some constituents that 
performed poorly, such as Antisoma. 
Since investment in an investment trust company is generally considered to be 
for longer-term returns it is also relevant to consider performance over a 
longer period. Over the last three, five and ten years the Net asset value per 
share increased, respectively, by 10.8%, 56.6% and 78.5% compared with 
decreases in the index for those periods of -43.0%, -23.4% and -33.5%. The 
mid-market price of the Company's Ordinary shares increased 7.6%, 60.2% and 
116.2% over the same periods. 
Financial Position and Finance 
Net Assets at 30 June 2010 amounted to GBP54,500,000, compared with GBP48,094,000 
at 30 June 2009. In the financial year 631,176 Ordinary shares, being 5.4% of 
the shares in issue at 30 June 2009, were redeemed, with matching buyers having 
been found for a further 845,440 shares that had been submitted for redemption. 
The Company's equity share capital at the year-end comprised 11,073,864 fully 
paid up Ordinary shares of 0.025p (2009: 11,705,040 Ordinary shares). 
The Company also has 50,000 Management shares of GBP1 in issue which are paid up 
to 25p each and are treated as long-term debt on the balance sheet. 
All of the Company's investments are listed on recognised exchanges and are 
realisable within a relatively short period. 
At 30 June 2010 the Group had no outstanding bank loans (2009: short-term bank 
borrowing of GBP900,000). The most stringent covenant applying to gearing is a 
requirement that the Group's indebtedness should not exceed 25% of Net Assets. 
If the whole of the borrowing facilities had been drawn at 30 June 2010 Group 
indebtedness would have been approximately 11% of Net Assets. 
                                                          Annual Report Page 17 
The Group made a net revenue profit in the year, after expenses and taxation, 
of GBP1,948,000, compared with a profit of GBP1,004,000 for the previous year. The 
strong result of the Company's trading subsidiary, Gartmore GO Dealing Limited, 
contributed a profit of GBP1,227,000 to this Group result (2009: GBP92,000 profit). 
Dividend income was similar to last year, with last year's result having been 
bolstered by a substantial refund of VAT and associated interest. The Company's 
ratio of annual expenses to average year-end net assets (TER) for the year was 
1.5% (2009: 1.7%). The following costs are excluded from the annual expenses 
used to calculate the TER: transaction costs of GBP284,000 (2009: GBP267,000); 
interest on borrowings of GBP49,000 (2009: GBP67,000); and tax. 
The Directors have declared an increased dividend of 5.375p for the year, 
(2009: 4.3p) which will be paid on 30 September 2010. 
The Managers are authorised to borrow money to make additional investments on 
top of shareholders' funds (gearing) and flexible borrowing facilities are 
available for that purpose. These comprise a committed facility of up to GBP3 
million and an uncommitted facility for a further GBP3 million, each provided by 
The Bank of New York Mellon. These facilities were used to varying degrees 
during the course of the year. At the year-end there were no drawings on these 
facilities (2009: GBP900,000 drawn on the committed facility). The Directors 
currently have a policy that gearing under these facilities shall not exceed 
20% of the value of Net Assets. Additionally, the Company has a GBP100,000 Royal 
Bank of Scotland overdraft facility which can be used for normal business 
purposes and short-term settlement mismatches. 
Socially Responsible Investment 
The Company has delegated responsibility for making and holding investments to 
the Manager, Gartmore lnvestment Limited, on the basis that, subject to an 
overriding requirement to pursue the best economic interests of the Company and 
its shareholders, the Manager should take account of social, environmental and 
ethical factors. 
Future Trends 
Although we are cautious on a short-term view with continuing sovereign debt 
concerns and uncertainty as to the impact of the new government's austerity 
changes, longer-term prospects for many smaller companies continue to be 
positive. This is reflected in rising corporate activity and our Manager 
continues to find attractive opportunities to invest. 
Principal Risks and Uncertainties 
The Board's policy on risk management has not changed from last year. As 
expanded on pages 30 and 31 the Directors have put in place processes to 
identify and manage significant risks to the company, including internal 
controls to minimise operational risks. The main areas of risk, in the opinion 
of the Board, are summarised below and are further discussed in Note 26 to the 
Accounts on pages 56 to 59: 
Market Risk 
Since the Company is an investment company its performance is dependent on the 
performance of the companies and market sectors in which it invests. Investment 
risk is spread by holding a diversified portfolio that normally comprises 
around 200 holdings, however a significant proportion of these holdings may not 
be represented in the benchmark index. At their regular meetings, the Directors 
and the Manager review the Company's activities and performance, and determine 
investment strategy. 
                                                          Annual Report Page 18 
With its current credit facilities the Company has the ability to gear up to 
around 11% of the Group's net assets. Gearing will magnify portfolio returns 
per share, be they positive or negative. The potential for bank gearing to have 
a negative impact is limited by the short-term revolving (usually weekly) 
nature of drawings on the bank loan facilities combined with the reasonable 
level of liquidity of the investments in the portfolio. 
Other Financial Risks 
The Company minimises the risk of a counter party failing to deliver securities 
or cash by dealing through organisations that have undergone rigorous due 
diligence by the Manager. 
The Group holds its liquid funds almost entirely in UK interest bearing bank 
accounts or on short term deposit and has arranged flexible borrowing 
facilities to accommodate foreseeable liquidity requirements. This, together 
with the portfolio being invested in quoted securities, mitigates the Company's 
exposure to liquidity risk. 
Internal Control 
As expanded on pages 30 and 31 the Board keeps under review the risks facing 
the Company and minimises operational risks through its arrangements with 
service providers, whose services and internal controls it regularly reviews. 
Discount Management 
The Company's capital structure was altered in June 2005 to provide 
shareholders with a quarterly opportunity to request redemption of their 
shares. Redemption is subject to certain limitations and the Directors 
exercising their discretion. The redemption value, which is termed the Dealing 
Value, is close to net asset value, being based upon the realisation value of 
the portfolio, less costs and an exit charge of 2% that is retained by the 
Company. As a result, the shares tend to trade at a narrow discount during 
normal market conditions. The financial year to June 2009 saw extreme 
volatility and the Company's discount widened in the unsettled conditions. In 
the last year the discount mostly kept within the narrow range that has been 
more typical since the capital was restructured. The average discount to net 
asset value for the year to 30 June 2010 was 2% (2009: 10%) compared with the 
sector average discount of 16% (2009: 17%). 
                                                Annual Report Page 24 (extract) 
Each of the Directors, who are listed on page 14 of this Report, confirm to the 
best of their knowledge that: 
(a) the Accounts, which have been prepared in accordance with applicable 
accounting standards, give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, 
financial position and profit or loss of the Company and the subsidiary 
undertaking included in the consolidation taken as a whole; and 
(b) the Annual Report includes a fair review of the development and performance 
of the business and the position of the Company and the subsidiary undertaking 
included in the consolidation taken as a whole, together with a description of 
the principal risks and uncertainties that they face. 
Robert Ware 
8 September 2010 
                                                          Annual Report Page 36 
Group Statement of Comprehensive Income 
for the year to 30 June 2010 
                                                       Year to 30 June 2010 
                                                     Revenue   Capital    Total 
                                                      Return    Return   Return 
                                              Notes    GBP'000     GBP'000    GBP'000 
Income and Capital Profits 
Dividends and other income                        2    1,302         5    1,307 
Gains on investments held at fair value           3    1,267     9,214   10,481 
Currency gains                                             -         -        - 
Total Income                                           2,569     9,219   11,788 
Management fees                                   4    (112)     (335)    (447) 
Other fees and expenses                           5    (441)     (284)    (725) 
Operating expenses before Finance Costs and            (553)     (619)  (1,172) 
Net Profit before Finance Costs and Taxation           2,016     8,600   10,616 
Finance Costs 
Interest payable                                  6     (12)      (37)     (49) 
Movement in fair value of Loan Stock             14        -      (64)     (64) 
Total Finance Costs                                     (12)     (101)    (113) 
Net Profit before Taxation                             2,004     8,499   10,503 
Taxation                                          7     (56)         -     (56) 
Profit for the year and Total Comprehensive            1,948     8,499   10,447 
Earnings per Ordinary share                       9   16.84p    73.47p   90.31p 
The total column of this statement represents the Group's Statement of 
Comprehensive Income, prepared in accordance with IFRS, as adopted by the 
European Union. 
The revenue return and capital return columns are supplementary disclosures 
provided in accordance with guidance issued by The Association of Investment 
All items derive from continuing operations. 
The Notes on pages 42 to 60 form part of these Accounts. 
                                                          Annual Report Page 37 
Group Statement of Comprehensive Income 
for the year to 30 June 2009 
                                                       Year to 30 June 2009 
                                                     Revenue   Capital    Total 
                                                      Return    Return   Return 
                                              Notes    GBP'000     GBP'000    GBP'000 
Income and Capital Profits 
Dividends and other income                        2    1,778        32    1,810 
(Losses)/gains on investments held at fair        3     (51)     5,387    5,336 
Currency gains                                             -         5        5 
Total Income                                           1,727     5,424    7,151 
Management fees                                   4    (228)         -    (228) 
Other fees and expenses                           5    (418)     (267)    (685) 
Operating expenses before Finance Costs and            (646)     (267)    (913) 
Net Profit before Finance Costs and Taxation           1,081     5,157    6,238 
Finance Costs 
Interest payable                                  6     (67)         -     (67) 
Movement in fair value of Loan Stock             14        -       101      101 
Total Finance Costs                                     (67)       101       34 
Net Profit before Taxation                             1,014     5,258    6,272 
Taxation                                          7     (10)         -     (10) 
Profit for the year and Total Comprehensive            1,004     5,258    6,262 
Earnings per Ordinary share                       9    7.75p    40.57p   48.32p 
The total column of this statement represents the Group's Statement of 
Comprehensive Income, prepared in accordance with IFRS, as adopted by the 
European Union. 
The revenue return and capital return columns are supplementary disclosures 
provided in accordance with guidance issued by The Association of Investment 
All items derive from continuing operations. 
The Notes on pages 42 to 60 form part of these Accounts. 
                                                          Annual Report Page 36 
Group Balance Sheet 
at 30 June 2010                                                  At          At 
                                                            30 June     30 June 
                                                               2010        2009 
                                                  Notes       GBP'000       GBP'000 
Non-Current Assets 
Investments held at fair value through profit or     10      47,701      47,610 
Current Assets 
Investments held for trading                         11         311       1,168 
Balances due from brokers                                     1,072         680 
Other receivables                                    13         219         216 
Cash and cash equivalents                                     5,411         216 
                                                              7,013       2,280 
Total Assets                                                 54,714      49,890 
Current Liabilities 
Equity-Linked Unsecured Loan Stock 2004/09           14           -       (299) 
Balances due to brokers                                           -       (435) 
Bank loan                                            15           -       (900) 
Other payables                                       16       (201)       (149) 
                                                              (201)     (1,783) 
Total Assets less Current Liabilities                        54,513      48,107 
Non-Current Liabilities 
Non-equity management shares                         17        (13)        (13) 
Net Assets                                                   54,500      48,094 
Equity Attributable to Equity Shareholders 
Called-up share capital                              18           3           3 
Special distributable reserve                        19      51,523      51,523 
Capital redemption reserve                           20           1           1 
Retained earnings:                                   21 
Capital reserve                                               (837)     (6,032) 
Revenue reserve                                               3,810       2,599 
Total Equity                                                 54,500      48,094 
Net Asset Value per Ordinary share                   22     492.15p     410.88p 
                                      Approved by the Board on 8 September 2010 
Robert Ware 
Registered No. 2600028 England and Wales 
The Notes on pages 42 to 60 form part of these Accounts. 
                                                          Annual Report Page 39 
Company Balance Sheet 
at 30 June 2010                                                  At          At 
                                                            30 June     30 June 
                                                               2010        2009 
                                                  Notes       GBP'000       GBP'000 
Non-Current Assets 
Investments held at fair value through profit or     10      47,701      47,610 
Investment in subsidiary                             12       2,264       1,037 
                                                             49,965      48,647 
Current Assets 
Balances due from brokers                                     1,072         493 
Due from subsidiary                                               -         324 
Other receivables                                    13         219         215 
Cash and cash equivalents                                     5,286          61 
                                                              6,577       1,093 
Total Assets                                                 56,542      49,740 
Current Liabilities 
Equity-Linked Unsecured Loan Stock 2004/09           14           -       (299) 
Balances due to brokers                                           -       (285) 
Due to subsidiary                                           (1,871)           - 
Bank loan                                            15           -       (900) 
Other payables                                       16       (158)       (149) 
                                                            (2,029)     (1,633) 
Total Assets less Current Liabilities                        54,513      48,107 
Non-Current Liabilities 
Non-equity management shares                         17        (13)        (13) 
Net Assets                                                   54,500      48,094 
Equity Attributable to Equity Shareholders 
Called-up share capital                              18           3           3 
Special distributable reserve                        19      51,523      51,523 
Capital redemption reserve                           20           1           1 
Retained earnings:                                   21 
Capital reserve                                               1,427     (4,995) 
Revenue reserve                                               1,546       1,562 
Total Equity                                                 54,500      48,094 
Net Asset Value per Ordinary share                   22     492.15p     410.88p 
                                      Approved by the Board on 8 September 2010 
Robert Ware 
Registered No. 2600028 England and Wales 
The Notes on pages 42 to 60 form part of these Accounts. 
                                                          Annual Report Page 40 
Statement of Changes in Equity 
for the year to 30 June 2010 
                                Called-up       Special    Capital 
                                    share Distributable Redemption Retained 
                                  capital       reserve    reserve earnings   Total 
Group and Company         Notes     GBP'000         GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000 
At 1 July 2009                          3        51,523          1  (3,433)  48,094 
Total Comprehensive 
Net profit for the year                 -             -          -   10,447  10,447 
to 30 June 2010 
Transactions with owners, 
recorded directly to 
Equity dividends paid on      8         -             -          -    (737)   (737) 
Ordinary shares 
Redemption of Ordinary       18         -             -          -  (3,304) (3,304) 
At 30 June 2010                         3        51,523          1    2,973  54,500 
At 1 July 2008                          4        51,523          -    (435)  51,092 
Total Comprehensive 
Net profit for the year                 -             -          -    6,262   6,262 
to 30 June 2009 
Transactions with owners, 
recorded directly to 
Equity dividends paid on      8         -             -          -    (464)   (464) 
Ordinary shares 
Redemption of Ordinary                (1)             -          1  (8,796) (8,796) 
At 30 June 2009                         3        51,523          1  (3,433)  48,094 
The Notes on pages 42 to 60 form part of these Accounts. 
                                                          Annual Report Page 41 
Cash Flow Statement 
for the year to 30 June 2010 
                                               Group  Company    Group Company 
                                             Year to  Year to  Year to Year to 
                                             30 June  30 June  30 June 30 June 
                                                2010     2010     2009    2009 
                                       Notes   GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000 
Cash Flows from Operating Activities 
Net Profit before taxation                    10,503   10,503    6,272   6,272 
Adjustments for: 
Increase/(decrease) in investments               766  (1,361)    1,327   2,146 
(Increase)/decrease in receivables             (395)    (259)      730     558 
(Decrease)/increase in payables                (423)    1,598       63   (723) 
Finance costs                                    113      113     (34)    (34) 
Net Cash Flows from Operating                 10,564   10,594    8,358   8,219 
Activities before taxation 
Taxation paid                                   (13)     (13)     (10)    (10) 
Net Cash Flows from Operating             23  10,551   10,581    8,348   8,209 
Cash Flows from Financing Activities 
Redemption of Ordinary shares                (3,304)  (3,304)  (8,796) (8,796) 
Redemption of Equity-linked loan               (363)    (363)     (11)    (11) 
stock units 
Bank loans (repaid)/drawn down                 (900)    (900)      900     900 
Loan interest paid                              (52)     (52)     (68)    (68) 
Equity dividends paid on Ordinary              (737)    (737)    (464)   (464) 
Net Cash Flows used in Financing             (5,356)  (5,356)  (8,439) (8,439) 
Net Increase/(Decrease) in Cash and            5,195    5,225     (91)   (230) 
Cash Equivalents 
Cash and Cash Equivalents at 1 July              216       61      307     291 
Cash and Cash Equivalents at 30 June           5,411    5,286      216      61 
The Notes on pages 42 to 60 form part of these Accounts. 
                                                          Annual Report Page 42 
Notes to the Accounts 
1. Accounting Policies 
The Group comprises Gartmore Growth Opportunities plc (the "Company") and its 
wholly owned subsidiary, Gartmore GO Dealing Limited. 
The nature of the Group's operations and its principal activities are set out 
in the Report of the Directors on page 15. 
Group and Company accounts have been prepared in accordance with International 
Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), which comprise standards and 
interpretations approved by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) 
and International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC), as adopted by the 
European Union (EU). 
The principal accounting policies followed are set out below: 
Basis of Preparation 
The Group and Company accounts have been prepared on a going concern basis 
under the historical cost convention, as modified by the revaluation of 
investments at fair value. 
Where presentational guidance set out in the Statement of Recommended Practice 
(SORP) for investment trusts issued by The Association of Investment Companies 
(AIC) in January 2009 is consistent with the requirements of IFRS, the 
Directors have sought to prepare the accounts on a basis compliant with the 
recommendations of the SORP. 
Basis of Consolidation 
The Group accounts comprise the audited Accounts of the Company and its 
subsidiary drawn up to the Balance Sheet date. The Statement of Comprehensive 
Income is only presented in consolidated form, as provided by Section 408 of 
the Companies Act 2006. 
Presentation of Statement of Comprehensive Income 
In order to better reflect the activities of an investment trust company and in 
accordance with the guidance issued by the AIC, supplementary information which 
analyses the Statement of Comprehensive Income between items of a revenue and 
capital nature has been presented alongside the Statement of Comprehensive 
In accordance with the Company's status as a UK investment company under 
section 833 of the Companies Act 2006, net capital returns may not be 
distributed by way of dividend. Additionally, the net profit after taxation in 
the revenue column is the measure the Directors believe to be appropriate in 
assessing the Group's compliance with certain requirements set out in section 
1159 Corporation Tax Act 2010. 
Dividends from investments are recognised on the ex-dividend date and credited 
to revenue, with the exception of dividends of a capital nature, which are 
credited to the capital column of the Statement of Comprehensive Income. 
Where the Group has elected to receive its dividends in the form of additional 
shares rather than cash, the amount of cash dividend foregone is recognised as 
income in the revenue column of the Statement of Comprehensive Income. Any 
excess in the value of shares received over the amount of cash dividend 
foregone is recognised as a gain in the capital column of the Statement of 
Comprehensive Income. 
Income on fixed income securities, deposit and other interest receivable is 
recognised under the effective interest rate method. This method discounts the 
estimated future cash flows, including any discount, premium or costs incurred, 
in respect of the financial instrument through its expected life, or through an 
appropriate shorter period. 
Underwriting commission is recognised as revenue in so far as it relates to 
shares the Company is not required to take up. Where the Company is required to 
take up a proportion of the shares underwritten, an equal proportion of the 
commission received is offset against the cost of the shares taken up. 
Management fees and administrative expenses are accounted for on an accruals 
Expenses are split and presented partly as capital items where a connection 
with the maintenance or enhancement of the value of the investments held can be 
demonstrated, and accordingly, management fees are allocated 25% to revenue and 
75% to capital, in order to reflect the directors' expected long-term view of 
the nature of the investment returns of the Group. 
Expenses that are incidental to the acquisition and disposal of investments are 
disclosed as expenses in the capital column of the Statement of Comprehensive 
                                                          Annual Report Page 43 
1. Accounting Policies (continued) 
Finance Costs 
Interest payable is calculated using the effective interest rate method and is 
allocated 25% to revenue and 75% to capital, in accordance with the Board's 
expected long-term view of the nature of the investment returns of the Group. 
This method discounts the estimated future cash flows, including any discount, 
premium or costs incurred, in respect of the financial instrument through its 
expected life, or through an appropriate shorter period. Any fair value 
movement is allocated to capital. 
The tax expense comprises the sum of current tax and deferred tax. 
Current tax is based on taxable profit for the year. Taxable profit differs 
from profit before tax as reported in the Statement of Comprehensive Income 
because it excludes items of income or expense that are taxable or deductible 
in other years and it further excludes items that are never taxable or 
deductible. The Group's liability for current tax is calculated using tax rates 
that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the balance sheet date. 
In line with recommendations of the SORP, the allocation method used to 
calculate tax relief on expenses presented in the capital column of the 
Statement of Comprehensive Income is the marginal basis. Under this basis, if 
taxable income is capable of being offset entirely by expenses presented in the 
revenue column of the Statement of Comprehensive Income, then no tax relief is 
transferred to the capital column. 
Deferred Taxation 
Deferred tax is the tax expected to be payable or recoverable on differences 
between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities in the financial 
statements and the corresponding tax bases used in the computation of taxable 
profit, and is accounted for using the balance sheet liability method. Deferred 
tax liabilities are recognised for all taxable temporary differences and 
deferred tax assets are recognised to the extent that it is probable that tax 
profits will be available against which deductible temporary differences can be 
No provision for taxation is required in respect of any realised or unrealised 
appreciation of the Company's investments as the Company expects to continue to 
qualify as an investment trust for tax purposes. 
Investment trust companies which have approval under section 1158 Corporation 
Tax Act 2010 are not liable for taxation on capital gains. 
The carrying amount of deferred tax assets is reviewed at each balance sheet 
date and reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable that sufficient 
taxable profits will be available to allow all or part of the asset to be 
Deferred tax is calculated at the tax rates that are expected to apply in the 
period when the liability is settled or the asset is realised and charged or 
credited in the Statement of Comprehensive Income. 
Non-Current Asset Investments Held at Fair Value 
Purchases and sales are normally transacted with contractual terms that require 
delivery within a fixed timeframe according to the relevant market. The 
investments concerned are recognised or derecognised on the trade date. On 
initial recognition all non-current asset investments are designated as held at 
fair value through profit or loss as defined by IFRS, as adopted by the EU. 
They are further categorised into the following fair value hierarchy: 
Level 1: Quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or 
Level 2: Having inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that 
are observable for the asset or liability, either directly (ie as prices) or 
indirectly (ie derived from prices). 
Level 3: Having inputs for the asset or liability that are not based on 
observable market data. 
Non-current asset investments including derivative instruments are measured at 
fair value with gains and losses arising from changes in their fair value being 
included in net profit or loss for the year as a capital item. 
                                                          Annual Report Page 44 
1. Accounting Policies (continued) 
Non-Current Asset Investments Held at Fair Value (continued) 
The fair value of listed investments and derivative instruments is based on 
their quoted bid market price at the close of business on the balance sheet 
date without any deduction for estimated future selling costs. 
Where there is not an active market in a stock the fair value is established 
using alternative methods and may be based on recent arms length market 
transactions, stockbrokers valuations, net asset values or other relevant 
information. Such valuations are approved by a Pricing Committee constituted of 
senior executives of the Manager. Stocks valued in this way are not expected to 
form a material proportion of the portfolio. 
In accordance with the Articles of Association of the Company, any gains and 
losses realised on disposal are recognised in the capital column of the 
Statement of Comprehensive Income, and are not distributable by way of 
Current Asset Investments Held for Trading 
Current asset investments held for trading are measured at fair value with 
gains and losses arising from changes in their fair value being included in the 
Statement of Comprehensive Income as a revenue item. 
Investment in Subsidiary 
The parent company's investment in its subsidiary company, Gartmore GO Dealing 
Limited, is valued at fair value in the Company's balance sheet. Fair value is 
considered to be the net asset value of the subsidiary. 
Loan to Subsidiary 
Intercompany loans are free of charges and are recognised at their nominal 
value, which is considered to be their fair value, both initially and 
subsequently. Such loans are disclosed as a component of the investment in the 
Other Receivables 
Other receivables do not carry any right to interest and are short-term in 
nature. Accordingly they are stated at their nominal value reduced by 
appropriate allowances for estimated irrecoverable amounts. 
Cash and Cash Equivalents 
Cash comprises cash on hand and demand deposits. Cash equivalents are 
short-term, highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to known 
amounts of cash. 
Equity-Linked Unsecured Loan Stock 2004/09 
The Equity-Linked Unsecured Loan Stock 2004/09 was redeemed during the year. 
On initial recognition it was designated as held at fair value through profit 
or loss which meant that its performance was evaluated on a similar basis to 
the investment portfolio. 
The movement in the fair value has been treated as a finance cost recorded in 
the capital column of the Statement of Comprehensive Income. 
Short-Term Borrowings 
Short-term borrowings under bank credit facilities are stated as the net 
proceeds of the drawing plus related accrued finance costs at the balance sheet 
date. The finance costs of servicing such borrowings are calculated using the 
effective interest rate method and allocated 25% to the revenue column and 75% 
to the capital column of the Statement of Comprehensive Income. 
Other Payables 
Other payables are not interest-bearing and are stated at their nominal amount. 
(i) Special Distributable Reserve: The Special Distributable Reserve was 
created by the cancellation of the Capital Redemption Reserve as at 5 May 2005 
as part of the Company's reorganisation at that time to make the Ordinary 
shares redeemable. It can be used to finance the redemption and/or repurchase 
of shares in issue. 
(ii) Capital Redemption Reserve: The Capital Redemption Reserve, which is 
non-distributable, holds the amount by which the nominal value of the Company's 
issued share capital is diminished when shares are redeemed or purchased out of 
the Company's profits. 
                                                          Annual Report Page 45 
1. Accounting Policies (continued) 
Reserves (continued) 
(iii) Capital Reserve: The Capital Reserve comprises both gains and losses on 
disposals of investments and investment holding gains and losses. Under the 
terms of the Company's Articles of Association, sums standing to the credit of 
the capital reserve are available for distribution only by way of redemption or 
purchase of any issue of the Company's own shares. The Company may only 
distribute in this way "realised" profits, which comprise net gains less 
losses on the realisation of investments together with changes in the fair 
value of investments that are considered to be readily convertible into cash 
without accepting adverse terms. 
(iv) Revenue Reserve: The Revenue Reserve comprises accumulated undistributed 
revenue profits available for distribution as dividends. 
Rates of Exchange 
Transactions in foreign currencies are translated into sterling at the rate of 
exchange ruling on the date of each transaction. Foreign currency assets or 
liabilities at the balance sheet date are translated into sterling at the rates 
of exchange ruling on that date. Realised profits or losses on exchange, 
together with differences arising on the translation of foreign currency assets 
or liabilities, are taken to the capital column of the Statement of 
Comprehensive Income. 
These accounts are presented in pounds sterling, as this is the principal 
currency in which the Group's transactions are undertaken and is therefore 
considered to be the functional currency of the Group. 
Derivative Financial Instruments 
The Group's activities expose it primarily to the financial risks of changes in 
market prices and interest rates. The Company and its subsidiary may enter into 
derivative transactions including futures, swaps, quoted options on shares held 
within the portfolio, or on indices, for the purpose of providing protection 
against falls in the capital values of holdings. The Group does not use 
derivative contracts for speculative purposes. 
The use of financial derivatives is subject to the Group's investment policy as 
approved by shareholders. 
The Manager consults with the Board on derivative investment strategies and 
their implementation is closely monitored. 
A derivative instrument is considered to be used for hedging purposes when it 
alters the market risk profile of an existing underlying exposure of the Group. 
The use of financial derivatives by the Group does not qualify for hedge 
accounting. Derivatives are held at fair value and changes in the fair value of 
derivative instruments are recognised in the Statement of Comprehensive Income 
as they arise. If capital in nature, the associated change in value is 
presented in the capital column of the Statement of Comprehensive Income. 
Segmental Reporting 
The Group has adopted IFRS 8, `Operating Segments' for the first time, 
replacing the previous reporting under IAS 14, `Segment Reporting'. Under IFRS 
8, operating segments are considered to be components of an entity about which 
separate financial information is available that is evaluated regularly by the 
chief operating decision maker (the Manager, with oversight from the Board) in 
deciding how to allocate resources and in assessing performance. The Directors 
are of the opinion that the Group has two operating segments, details of which 
are disclosed in note 25. 
The Group primarily invests in equity and debt related securities, issued by 
companies operating and generating revenue in a single region, the United 
Kingdom, therefore no geographical segmental analysis is provided. 
                                                          Annual Report Page 46 
1. Accounting Policies (continued) 
Accounting Standards 
(a) Standards, amendments and interpretations becoming effective in the year to 
30 June 2010: 
- IAS 1 (Revised), `Presentation of Financial Statements'. Requires the 
separate presentation of changes in equity attributable to the owners (equity 
shareholders) and other non-owner changes. Non-owner changes are required to be 
shown in a performance statement, which can either comprise a statement of 
comprehensive income or an income statement together with a statement of 
comprehensive income. The Group has applied IAS 1 (revised) from 1 July 2009 
and has elected to present solely a statement of comprehensive income. Where an 
entity restates or reclassifies comparative information, they are also required 
to present a restated balance sheet as at the beginning of the comparative 
period. The adoption of this revised standard has not resulted in a significant 
change to the presentation of the Group's performance statement, as the Group 
has no elements of comprehensive income not previously included in its Income 
- IFRS 7 (Amendment), `Financial Instruments: Disclosures'. Introduces new 
disclosure requirements, whereby financial instruments must be categorised 
under a three-level fair value hierarchy. A reconciliation is also required for 
any investments categorised as Level 3. The additional disclosures resulting 
from this amendment have been included in Notes 10 and 11 on pages 51 and 52. 
- IFRS 8, `Operating Segments'. Replaces IAS 14 and aligns segment reporting 
with the requirements of the US standard SFAS 131. The new standard requires a 
`management approach' under which segment information is presented on the same 
basis as that used for internal reporting purposes. The adoption of this 
standard has not had a significant effect. 
- IAS 23 (Amendment), `Borrowing Costs'. Requires an entity to capitalise 
borrowing costs directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or 
production of a qualifying asset. Not currently relevant to the Group, which 
has no qualifying assets. 
- IAS 27 (revised), `Consolidated and separate financial statements'. 
Introduces changes to the accounting for transactions with non-controlling 
interests (minority interests), the accounting for a loss of control and the 
presentation of non-controlling interests in consolidated financial statements. 
Adoption did not have any impact on the Group's financial statements. 
- IAS 32 (amendment), `Financial Instruments: Presentation' and IAS 1 
(amendment), `Presentation of financial statements - Puttable financial 
instruments and obligations arising on liquidation'. Provides exemptions from 
financial liability classification for (a) puttable financial instruments that 
meet certain conditions; and (b) certain instruments, or components of 
instruments, that impose on the entity an obligation to deliver to another 
party a pro rata share of the net assets of the entity only on liquidation. 
Adoption did not have any impact on the Group's financial statements. 
- IAS 39 (Amendment), `Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement'. 
Permits an entity to reclassify particular financial assets in some 
circumstances and the definition of financial asset or liability at fair value 
through profit or loss as it relates to items that are held for trading was 
amended. Adoption did not have a significant impact on the Group's financial 
(b) Standards, amendments and interpretations to existing standards that become 
effective in future accounting periods and have not been adopted early by the 
Group or Company: 
- IAS 24 (revised), `Related Party Disclosures' (effective for financial 
periods beginning on or after 1 January 2011, subject to EU endorsement). 
Revises the definition of related parties. Unlikely to have a significant 
- Improvements to IFRS' were issued in May 2008 and April 2009 and comprise 
numerous amendments to IFRS that result in accounting changes for presentation, 
recognition or measurement purposes as well as terminology or editorial 
amendments related to a variety of individual standards. Most of the amendments 
are effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 July 2009 and 1 July 
2010 with earlier application permitted. No material changes to accounting 
policies are expected as a result of these amendments. 
                                                          Annual Report Page 47 
1. Accounting Policies (continued) 
Accounting Standards (continued) 
(c) The following standards, amendments and interpretations to existing 
standards become effective in future accounting periods, but are not relevant 
for the Group's operations: 
- IFRS 1 (amendment), `First-time Adoption of International Financial Reporting 
Standards' and `Additional exemptions for first-time adopters' (effective from 
1 January 2010). 
- IFRS 2 (amendment), `Group cash-settled share-based payment transactions' 
(effective from 1 January 2010). 
- IFRS 5 (amendment), `Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued 
- IAS 17 (amendment), Leases. 
- IAS 32 (amendment), `Financial Instruments: Presentation' - Amendments 
relating to classification of rights issues.. 
2. Dividends and Other Income 
                                                             30June      30June 
                                                               2010        2009 
                                                              GBP'000       GBP'000 
Income from investments held at fair value through 
profit or loss: 
UK dividends                                                    868       1,035 
Overseas dividends                                              233         223 
Stock dividends                                                  25           - 
Interest on debt securities                                     110         112 
                                                              1,236       1,370 
Other income: 
Interest on deposits                                              -          31 
VAT reclaim interest received                                     -         296 
Underwriting commission                                          66          81 
                                                              1,302       1,778 
Special dividends allocated to capital                            5          32 
                                                              1,307       1,810 
3. Gains/(Losses) on Investments held at Fair Value 
                                                             30June      30June 
                                                               2010        2009 
                                                              GBP'000       GBP'000 
Gains on non-current asset investments                        9,214       5,387 
Gains/(losses) on investments held for trading (see           1,267        (51) 
note 11) 
                                                             10,481       5,336 
4. Management Fees 
                                                             30June      30June 
                                                               2010        2009 
                                                              GBP'000       GBP'000 
Management fees                                                 447         325 
Value-added tax recovered                                         -        (97) 
                                                                447         228 
Revenue                                                         112         228 
Capital                                                         335           - 
                                                                447         228 
With effect from 1 July 2009 management fees have been allocated 75% to capital 
and 25% to revenue. Prior to 1 July 2009 all such costs were allocated to 
                                                          Annual Report Page 48 
5. Other Fees and Expenses 
                                                             30June      30June 
                                                               2010        2009 
                                                              GBP'000       GBP'000 
Secretarial fees                                                 60          60 
Directors' fees                                                  99          93 
Auditors' fees: 
For audit of the annual accounts                                 23          21 
For other services*                                               9          11 
General expenses                                                212         200 
Value-added tax                                                  38          33 
                                                                441         418 
* Paid to the auditors for quarterly certification of the calculation of 
interest in respect of the Equity-Linked loan stock and quarterly certification 
of the Ordinary share redemption calculation. 
Purchase transaction costs on non-current asset                 179         203 
Sales transaction costs on non-current asset                    105          64 
                                                                284         267 
6. Interest Payable 
                                                             30June      30June 
                                                               2010        2009 
                                                              GBP'000       GBP'000 
Short-term borrowing facility                                    43          51 
Equity-Linked Unsecured Loan Stock 2004/09                        6          16 
                                                                 49          67 
Revenue                                                          12          67 
Capital                                                          37           - 
                                                                 49          67 
With effect from 1 July 2009 interest charged on borrowings has been allocated 
75% to capital and 25% to revenue. Prior to 1 July 2009 all such costs were 
allocated to revenue. 
The loan stock was redeemed on 18 December 2009. 
7. Taxation 
                                                             30June      30June 
                                                               2010        2009 
                                                              GBP'000       GBP'000 
(a) Analysis of tax charge for the year: 
Overseas tax                                                     13          10 
Corporation tax                                                  43           - 
                                                                 56          10 
                                                          Annual Report Page 49 
7. Taxation (continued) 
                                                             30June      30June 
                                                               2010        2009 
                                                              GBP'000       GBP'000 
(b) Factors affecting current tax charge for the year: 
The charge for the year can be reconciled to the 
profit per the Statement of Comprehensive Income as 
Net profit before taxation                                   10,503       6,272 
Tax at the UK corporation tax rate of 28% (2009: 28%)         2,941       1,756 
Effects of: 
Income not subject to corporation tax                         (296)       (284) 
Gains and losses on investments that are not taxable        (2,580)     (1,508) 
Expenses and finance costs not deductible for tax                83          76 
Utilisation of losses brought forward                          (92)        (40) 
Overseas tax                                                     13          10 
Tax relief on overseas tax suffered                             (3)           - 
Marginal tax relief available for subsidiary                   (10)           - 
Total tax for the year                                           56          10 
(c) There is an unrecognised deferred tax asset 
Unutilised management expenses                                2,252       2,261 
Non-trading loan relationship deficits                        1,005         993 
Trading losses                                                    -          87 
                                                              3,257       3,341 
It is unlikely that the Company will generate sufficient taxable profits in the 
future to utilise these expenses and deficits and therefore no deferred tax 
asset has been recognised. 
Due to the Company's status as an investment trust and the intention to 
continue meeting the conditions required to obtain approval of such status in 
the foreseeable future, the Company has not provided tax on any capital gains 
arising on the revaluation or disposal of investments. 
8. Dividends on Ordinary shares 
                                                             30June      30June 
                                                               2010        2009 
                                                              GBP'000       GBP'000 
Amounts recognised in these Accounts as distributions           503         209 
equity holders in the year: 
Interim dividend declared in respect of the year to 30 
June 2009 of 4.30p 
per share paid on 2 October 2009 on 11,705,040 shares 
(2009: 1.50p paid 
on 17 October 2008 on 13,913,120 shares). 
Special dividend of 2.00p paid on 2 October 2009 on             234         255 
shares (2009: 2.00p paid on 31 March 2009 on 
                                                                737         464 
The declared interim dividend in respect of the year to 30 June 2010, which is 
in lieu of a final dividend, has not been included as a liability in these 
                                                          Annual Report Page 50 
8. Dividends on Ordinary shares (continued) 
The total dividends payable in the respect of the financial year, which is the 
basis on which the requirements of Section 1159 Corporation Tax Act 2010 are 
considered, is set out below: 
                                                             30June      30June 
                                                               2010        2009 
                                                              GBP'000       GBP'000 
Interim dividend of 5.375p (2009: 4.30p) per share              595         503 
payable on 
30 September 2010 on 11,073,040 (2009: 11,705,040) 
Special dividend of 2.00p per share paid on 2 October             -         234 
2009 on 11,705,040 
                                                                595         737 
9. Earnings per Ordinary Share 
(i) The Total profit per Ordinary share of 90.31p (2009: 48.32p) is calculated 
on the profit to equity shareholders of GBP10,447,000 (2009: GBP6,262,000) and 
11,568,620 (2009: 12,959,428) Ordinary shares, being the weighted average 
number of shares in issue during the year. 
(ii) The Revenue profit of 16.84p (2009: 7.75p) per Ordinary share is 
calculated on the revenue profit to equity shareholders of GBP1,948,000 (2009: GBP 
1,004,000,000) and the weighted average number of shares in issue during the 
year as per (i) above. 
(iii) The Capital profit of 73.47p (2009: 40.57p) per Ordinary share is 
calculated on the capital profit to equity shareholders of GBP8,499,000 (2009: GBP 
5,258,000) and the weighted average number of shares in issue during the year 
as per (i) above. 
10. Non-Current Asset Investments Held at Fair Value 
                                                             30June      30June 
                                                               2010        2009 
                                                          Group and   Group and 
                                                            Company     Company 
                                                              GBP'000       GBP'000 
(i) Summary of Movements: 
Opening valuation 
Opening book cost                                            59,123      61,575 
Opening fair value adjustment                              (11,513)    (11,728) 
                                                             47,610      49,847 
Movements in the year: 
Acquisitions at cost                                         33,789      34,500 
Proceeds of disposals                                      (42,912)    (42,124) 
Net profit realised on disposals                              7,076       5,172 
Increase in fair value adjustment                             2,138         215 
Closing valuation                                            47,701      47,610 
Closing book cost                                            57,076      59,123 
Closing fair value adjustment                               (9,375)    (11,513) 
Closing valuation                                            47,701      47,610 
With the exception of a small number of suspended or delisted (Level 3) 
investments all of the Group's investments are either listed or are quoted on 
the Alternative Investment Market in the UK. All investments are included in 
the balance sheet at fair value. The Group's equity investments are registered 
in the name of nominees of, and held to the order of, The Bank of New York 
Mellon, as custodians to the Company. 
                                                          Annual Report Page 51 
10. Non-Current Asset Investments Held at Fair Value (continued) 
(ii) Classification under fair 
value hierarchy 
                                         Total    Level 1    Level 2    Level 3 
                                         GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000 
Equity investments                      46,730     46,652          -         78 
Fixed interest investments                 971        921          -         50 
                                        47,701     47,573          -        128 
Categorisation within the hierarchy has been determined on the basis of the 
lowest level of input that is significant to the fair value measurement of the 
relevant asset as follows: 
Level 1 - valued using quoted prices in active markets for identical assets. 
Level 2 - valued by reference to valuation techniques using observable inputs 
other than quoted prices included within Level 1. 
Level 3 - valued by reference to valuation techniques using inputs that are not 
based on observable market data as explained in the accounting policies note on 
page 44. 
There are not considered to be other reasonably possible valuations. 
There have been no transfers during the year between Levels 1 and 2. A 
reconciliation of fair value measurements in Level 3 is set out below. 
(iii) Level 3 investments at fair value through profit                    Total 
or loss 
Opening balance                                                             226 
Acquisitions                                                                 55 
Disposal proceeds                                                          (50) 
Transfers into Level 3 (from Level 1)                                       785 
Transfers out of Level 3                                                      - 
Total gains/(losses) included in the Statement of 
Comprehensive Income 
- on assets sold                                                          (907) 
- on assets held at the year end                                             19 
Closing balance                                                             128 
11. Current Asset Investments Held for Trading 
                                                             30June      30June 
                                                               2010        2009 
                                                              Group       Group 
                                                              GBP'000       GBP'000 
(i) Summary of Movements: 
Quoted Equity Investments: 
Opening valuation 
Opening book cost                                             1,422         829 
Opening fair value adjustment                                 (254)       (205) 
                                                              1,168         624 
Movements in the year: 
Acquisitions at cost                                          6,132      10,370 
Proceeds of disposals                                       (8,256)     (9,892) 
Net profit realised on disposals                              1,093         115 
Increase/(decrease) in fair value adjustment                    174        (49) 
Closing valuation                                               311       1,168 
Closing book cost                                               391       1,422 
Closing fair value adjustment                                  (80)       (254) 
Closing valuation                                               311       1,168 
                                                          Annual Report Page 52 
11. Current Asset Investments Held for Trading (continued) 
                                                             30June      30June 
                                                               2010        2009 
                                                              GBP'000       GBP'000 
Gains/(losses) on investments held for trading: 
On equity investments: 
Net profit realised on disposals                              1,093         115 
Increase/(decrease) in fair value adjustment                    174        (49) 
On derivative positions: 
Realised loss on closed positions                                 -       (117) 
Total gain/loss on investments held for trading               1,267        (51) 
The investments held by the dealing subsidiary (Gartmore GO Dealing Limited) 
have been designated as held for trading and valued at fair value through 
profit or loss. 
(ii) Classification under fair 
value hierarchy 
                                         Total    Level 1    Level 2    Level 3 
                                         GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000 
Equity investments                         301        301          -          - 
Fixed interest investments                  10          -          -         10 
                                           311        301          -         10 
There have been no transfers during the year between Levels 1 and 2. A 
reconciliation of fair value measurements in Level 3 is set out below. 
(iii) Level 3 investments at fair value through profit                    Total 
or loss 
Opening balance                                                              13 
Acquisitions                                                                  - 
Disposal proceeds                                                           (3) 
Transfers into Level 3 (from Level 1)                                         - 
Transfers out of Level 3                                                      - 
Total gains/(losses) included in the Statement of 
Comprehensive Income 
- on assets sold                                                            (4) 
- on assets held at the year end                                              4 
Closing balance                                                              10 
12. Investment in Subsidiary 
Gartmore GO Dealing Limited 
The Company owns the whole of the issued share capital (GBP2) of Gartmore GO 
Dealing Limited, a dealing company registered in England and Wales. 
                                                             30June      30June 
                                                               2010        2009 
                                                              GBP'000       GBP'000 
Balance brought forward at 1 July                             1,037         945 
Profit of subsidiary for the year                             1,227          92 
Balance carried forward at 30 June                            2,264       1,037 
                                                          Annual Report Page 53 
13. Other Receivables 
                                       30 June    30 June    30 June    30 June 
                                          2010       2010       2009       2009 
                                         Group    Company      Group    Company 
                                         GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000 
Accrued income                             198        198        203        202 
Prepaid expenses                            17         17         11         11 
Recoverable overseas tax                     4          4          2          2 
                                           219        219        216        215 
The carrying amounts of other receivables approximate their fair value. None of 
the other receivables are past due or impaired. 
14. Equity-Linked Unsecured Loan Stock 2004/09 
                                                             30June      30June 
                                                               2010        2009 
                                                              GBP'000       GBP'000 
Balance brought forward at 1 July                               299         411 
Cost of loan stock repurchased                                (363)        (11) 
Change in fair value                                             64       (101) 
Balance carried forward at 30 June                                -         299 
15. Bank Loan 
                                       30 June    30 June    30 June    30 June 
                                          2010       2010       2009       2009 
                                         Group    Company      Group    Company 
                                         GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000 
Due within one week                          -          -        900        900 
The Company has a committed facility to GBP3 million and an uncommitted facility 
to GBP3 million, both provided by The Bank of New York Mellon. Interest is 
charged at the prevailing interbank market rates, plus a contractually agreed 
margin. The Company also has an overdraft facility of GBP100,000 with Royal Bank 
of Scotland plc. Interest on any overdraft is charged at 1.5% over the base 
rate set by the Bank of England. 
16. Other Payables 
                                       30 June    30 June    30 June    30 June 
                                          2010       2010       2009       2009 
                                         Group    Company      Group    Company 
                                         GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000 
Accrued expenses                           158        158        149        149 
Corporation tax payable                     43          -          -          - 
                                           201        158        149        149 
The carrying amounts of other payables approximate their fair value. 
17. Non-Current Liabilities 
                                                             30June      30June 
                                                               2010        2009 
                                                              GBP'000       GBP'000 
Non-Equity Management Shares Authorised and Issued 
50,000 Management shares of GBP1                                   50          50 
Paid up 
50,000 Management shares of GBP1, one quarter paid                 13          13 
Management shares are entitled to receive a fixed cumulative dividend equal to 
0.00001p per annum, payable annually in arrears on 30 June. 
The Management shares confer the right to be paid out of the assets of the 
Company available for distribution the capital paid up on such shares, without 
any right to participate in any surplus remaining following payment of such 
                                                          Annual Report Page 54 
18. Share Capital 
                                                         Allotted, Called-up, 
                                                        Issued and Fully-paid 
                                                             30June     30 June 
                                                               2010        2009 
                                                              GBP'000       GBP'000 
11,073,864 (2009: 11,705,040) Ordinary shares of                  3           3 
Shareholders can request the redemption of Ordinary shares on a quarterly 
basis, subject to certain limitations and the Directors exercising their 
discretion. All movements in share capital are presented in the Statement of 
Changes in Equity. 
In respect of the four quarterly share redemption opportunities provided to 
shareholders in the financial year, the Directors agreed to the following 
15 July 2009 843,012 Ordinary shares 
14 October 2009 2,428 Ordinary shares 
20 January 2010 14,200 Ordinary shares 
14 April 2010 616,976 Ordinary shares 
The redemptions in July and October were matched with buyers. The remaining 
631,176 shares were redeemed at a cost of GBP3,304,000. 
19. Special Distributable Reserve 
                                                             30June      30June 
                                                               2010        2009 
                                                              GBP'000       GBP'000 
Balance brought forward carried forward                      51,523      51,523 
20. Capital redemption Reserve 
                                                             30June     30 June 
                                                               2010        2009 
                                                              GBP'000       GBP'000 
Balance brought forward at 1 July                                 1           - 
Redemption of 631,176 (2009: 2,726,129) Ordinary                  -           1 
Balance carried forward at 30 June                                1           1 
21. Retained Earnings 
                                               Capital      Revenue    Retained 
                                               reserve      reserve    earnings 
                                                 GBP'000        GBP'000       GBP'000 
At 1 July 2008                                 (2,494)        2,059       (435) 
Redemption of Ordinary shares                  (8,796)            -     (8,796) 
Profit for the year to 30 June 2009              5,258        1,004       6,262 
Equity dividends paid on Ordinary shares             -        (464)       (464) 
At 30 June 2009                                (6,032)        2,599     (3,433) 
Redemption of Ordinary shares                  (3,304)            -     (3,304) 
Profit for the year to 30 June 2010              8,499        1,948      10,447 
Equity dividends paid on Ordinary shares             -        (737)       (737) 
At 30 June 2010                                  (837)        3,810       2,973 
At 1 July 2008                                 (1,549)        1,114       (435) 
Redemption of Ordinary shares                  (8,796)            -     (8,796) 
Profit for the year to 30 June 2009              5,350          912       6,262 
Equity dividends paid on Ordinary shares             -        (464)       (464) 
At 30 June 2009                                (4,995)        1,562     (3,433) 
Redemption of Ordinary shares                  (3,304)            -     (3,304) 
Profit for the year to 30 June 2010              9,726          721      10,447 
Equity dividends paid on Ordinary shares             -        (737)       (737) 
At 30 June 2010                                  1,427        1,546       2,973 
                                                          Annual Report Page 55 
21. Retained Earnings (continued) 
At the year-end 40% (2009: 40%) of the portfolio was considered to be 
sufficiently liquid to be regarded as readily convertible into cash. 
Accordingly, the split of capital reserve in order to determine distributable 
realised profits is as follows: 
                                       30 June    30 June    30 June    30 June 
                                          2010       2010       2009       2009 
                                         Group    Company      Group    Company 
                                         GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000 
Capital reserve - distributable 
in respect of investments sold           8,618     10,802      5,731      6,518 
in respect of investments held         (3,750)    (3,750)    (4,605)    (4,605) 
Capital reserve -                      (5,705)    (5,625)    (7,158)    (6,908) 
                                         (837)      1,427    (6,032)    (4,995) 
22. Net Asset Value per Ordinary share 
The Net Asset Value per Ordinary share is calculated on attributable assets of 
GBP54,500,000 (2009: GBP48,094,000) and 11,073,864 (2009: 11,705,040) Ordinary 
shares in issue at the year-end. 
23. Notes to the Cash Flow Statement 
Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash at bank and other short-term highly 
liquid investments with an original maturity of three months or less. 
Purchases and sales of investments are considered to be operating activities of 
the Company, given its purpose, rather than investing activities. However, the 
cash flows associated with these activities are presented below: 
                                       30 June    30 June    30 June    30 June 
                                          2010       2010       2009       2009 
                                         Group    Company      Group    Company 
                                         GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000 
Proceeds on disposal of fair            50,671     42,228     52,049     42,344 
through profit or loss 
Purchases of fair value through         40,535     34,253     44,972     34,752 
or loss investments 
24. Related Party Transactions 
The investment manager, Gartmore Investment Limited (GIL), is regarded as a 
related party of the Company. 
During the year, total management fees of GBP447,000 (2009: GBP325,000) and 
secretarial fees of GBP70,000 (2009: GBP70,000), including value-added tax, were 
payable to GIL for the provision of investment management and secretarial 
services to the Company. 
The basis of management fees charged is disclosed in the Directors' Report. 
At the balance sheet date, management and secretarial fees totalling GBP69,000 
(2009: GBP61,000) and GBP12,000 (2009: GBP12,000) respectively, were accrued. 
The Company has also financed and been financed by the trading activity of its 
subsidiary, Gartmore GO Dealing Limited, during the years to 30 June 2010 and 
2009. In addition, the Company has provided group relief from tax of GBP740,000 
(2009: GBPnil) to the subsidiary and has also borne audit fees amounting to GBP500 
(2009: GBP500). At 30 June 2010, there was an outstanding balance of GBP1,871,000 
due to (2009: GBP324,000 due from) the subsidiary. 
The compensation payable to key management personnel comprised GBP99,058 (2009: GBP 
92,500) paid by the Company to the Directors in respect of services to the 
Company as shown in the Directors' Remuneration Report on page 33. 
                                                          Annual Report Page 56 
25. Operating Segments 
The directors consider that the Group has two operating segments, being the 
parent Company, Gartmore Growth Opportunities plc, which invests in shares and 
securities for capital appreciation in accordance with the Company's published 
investment objective, and its wholly owned subsidiary, Gartmore GO Dealing 
Limited, which trades in securities to enhance Group returns. Discrete 
financial information for these sectors is reviewed regularly by the Manager 
and the Board who allocate resources and assess performance. 
Segment financial information                                30June      30June 
                                                               2010        2009 
                                                              GBP'000       GBP'000 
External Revenues: 
Parent Company                                               10,518       7,059 
Subsidiary                                                    1,270          92 
Total Income                                                 11,788       7,151 
Net Profit: 
Parent Company                                                9,220       6,170 
Subsidiary                                                    1,227          92 
Total Comprehensive Income                                   10,447       6,262 
Total Assets: 
Parent Company                                               56,542      49,740 
Subsidiary                                                    2,307       1,511 
Consolidation adjustments                                   (4,135)     (1,361) 
Group Total Assets                                           54,714      49,890 
26. Financial Instruments: Risk Management 
The Directors manage investment risk principally through setting an investment 
policy (see page 15) (that is approved by shareholders), by contracting 
management of the Group's investments to an investment manager under a contract 
which incorporates appropriate duties and restrictions and by monitoring 
performance in relation to these. The Board's relationship with the investment 
manager is discussed on pages 27 and 28 of this Report. Internal control and 
the Board's approach to risk is discussed on pages 30 and 31. There have been 
no material changes to the management or nature of the Group's investment risks 
from the prior year. 
The main risks arising from the Group's pursuit of its investment objective 
(see page 17) are market risk, credit risk and liquidity risk. The effects of 
these can also be increased by gearing. 
Market risk 
Market risk comprises three types of risk: market price risk, interest rate 
risk and currency risk. 
Market price risk: 
The Company is an investment company and as such its performance is dependent 
on the valuation of its investments. Consequently market price risk is the most 
significant risk that the Group is exposed to. The fair value of the 
investments in the portfolio is normally their bid-market price. Market price 
of investee companies' shares is subject to their performance, supply and 
demand for the shares and investor sentiment regarding the companies, or their 
industry sectors. 
The Company's investment objective and policy require that it invests primarily 
in the shares of quoted UK smaller companies. The prices of shares of smaller 
companies as a whole tend to be more volatile than those of larger companies. 
The Company normally holds around 200 stocks which significantly spreads the 
risk of individual investments performing poorly. The largest individual stock 
at the year-end represented just 2.8% of the value of the portfolio. 
                                                          Annual Report Page 57 
26. Financial Instruments: Risk Management (continued) 
The level of risk, relative to the benchmark, is increased by holding stocks 
not represented in the benchmark index and by over or underweighting industry 
sectors relative to the benchmark, which tends to concentrate risk in those 
over and underweighted areas. At the year-end approximately 58% by value of 
stocks held were not represented in the benchmark index. These stocks were 
listed stocks that were too small to be included in the index, bonds or were 
AIM quoted stocks. As can be seen from the chart on page 11 the largest 
industry sector weighting variances were in the Financials, Consumer Services 
(underweighted), Technology and Health Care (overweighted) sectors. 
Although the net movement in the benchmark index over the 10 years to 30 June 
2010 was a drop of 33.5%, the annual movement over that period averaged 18.3%. 
This illustrates the volatility of this sector and indicates that it could move 
by a similar amount in the forthcoming financial year. Accordingly, to 
illustrate the Group's sensitivity to market prices, an 18.3% change to the 
market value of the equity portfolio at 30 June 2010 would generate a 
corresponding increase or decrease in the net asset value per share of around 
15.7% and because of the effect on the management fee, would have a converse 
effect on annual earnings per share of around 0.1p. The effect on capital 
return would be materially the same as the effect on net assets. 
The Company's trading subsidiary, Gartmore GO Dealing Limited, has similar 
risks to its parent in respect of equity holdings in its trading portfolio 
which are also valued at bid-market prices. Gartmore GO Dealing seeks to make 
returns from short-term positions and the exposure to market price risk is 
limited by this short-term nature of the holdings and because the trading 
subsidiary portfolio is limited to 15% of Group Total Assets. 
Both the Company and the trading subsidiary can also invest in derivatives, 
although none were held during the year. 
At the year-end the Group's assets exposed to market price risk were as 
                                       30 June    30 June    30 June    30 June 
                                          2010       2010       2009       2009 
                                         Group    Company      Group    Company 
                                         GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000 
Non-current asset investments at        47,701     47,701     47,610     47,610 
value through profit or loss 
Current asset investments held             311          -      1,168          - 
for trading 
                                        48,012     47,701     48,778     47,610 
The level of assets exposed to market price risk reduced by approximately 1.4% 
during the year, through a combination of changes in the market prices of 
investments held, reductions in loan stock and bank gearing and increases in 
short term deposits. 
Interest rate risk 
The Group can draw on flexible loan facilities, the interest rates for which 
are set at the time of drawing. Since cash positions are constantly monitored 
and drawings on the loan facilities are normally for short rolling periods the 
risk of exposure to excessive interest costs is limited. 
The maximum level of drawings on the flexible bank loan facilities in the year 
was GBP6.0 million (2009: GBP5.1 million). 
No hedging of the interest rates paid on the Group's financial liabilities is 
The Group also earns interest on its cash and short-term deposits. Fixed 
deposits are normally placed on a one week rolling basis. 
                                                          Annual Report Page 58 
26. Financial Instruments: Risk Management (continued) 
At the year-end financial assets and liabilities exposed to interest rates were 
as follows: 
                                       30 June    30 June    30 June    30 June 
                                          2010       2010       2009       2009 
                                         Group    Company      Group    Company 
                                         GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000 
Financial Assets: 
Cash balances                            2,411      2,286        216         61 
Short term deposits                      3,000      3,000          -          - 
Financial Liabilities: 
Equity-Linked Unsecured Loan                 -          -      (299)      (299) 
Stock 2004/09 (redeemed) 
Bank loans                                   -          -      (900)      (900) 
The weighted average rate of interest paid on the loan stock in the year was 
3.3% (2009: 5.9%) and on bank loans under the Company's flexible loan 
facilities was 1.6% (2009: 3.1%). 
The weighted average rate of interest earned on short-term deposits during the 
year was 0.5% (2009: nil). 
Although there were no drawings on bank loan facilities at the year-end this 
may not be representative of the exposure to interest rates in the year ahead 
since the level of borrowings and/or cash held during the year will be affected 
by the strategy being followed in response to the Board's and Manager's 
perception of market prospects and the investment opportunities available at 
any particular time. During the year the level of financial assets exposed to 
interest obligations fluctuated between zero and GBP3 million. The cost of 
borrowing compared with the anticipated returns from investment is considered 
as part of the investment management process. To illustrate the potential 
sensitivity to changes in interest rates, if the bank loan facilities were 
fully extended to their GBP6 million limit a change of 0.5% in the rate of 
interest charged would, over the course of a year, amount to GBP30,000, less than 
0.1% of year-end net assets. 
Currency risk: 
The Group is not subject to a material level of currency risk since, with very 
occasional exceptions, all of its investments are denominated in sterling. 
Credit risk 
Credit risk is the exposure to loss from the failure of a counterparty to 
deliver securities or cash for acquisitions or disposals of investments or to 
repay deposits. The Company and its subsidiary manage credit risk by using 
brokers from a database of approved brokers who are subject to independent 
review of key criteria by the Manager's Counterparty Management Committee and 
by dealing through Gartmore Investment Limited with banks approved by the 
Financial Services Authority. During the year all deposits placed by the 
Company were with banks that had ratings of A or higher. The subsidiary does 
not normally hold material levels of cash. 
The maximum exposure to credit risk at 30 June 2010 was as follows: 
                                       30 June    30 June    30 June    30 June 
                                          2010       2010       2009       2009 
                                         Group    Company      Group    Company 
                                         GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000 
Balances due from brokers                1,072      1,072        680        493 
Due from subsidiary                          -          -          -        324 
Other debtors                               21         21         13         13 
Accrued income                             198        198        203        202 
Cash and short term deposits             5,411      5,286        216         61 
                                         6,702      6,577      1,112      1,093 
All of the above financial assets are current, their fair values are considered 
to be the same as the values shown and the likelihood of a material credit 
default is considered to be low. 
                                                          Annual Report Page 59 
26. Financial Instruments: Risk Management (continued) 
Liquidity risk 
Liquidity risk is the possibility of failure of the Group to realise sufficient 
assets to meet its financial liabilities. The Group minimises this risk by 
investing only in listed or quoted securities and by ensuring that it has 
adequate cash and credit facilities in place to support normal operations. The 
Group's liquidity is held primarily in sterling, almost entirely on 
interest-bearing current accounts or short-term deposits in the money market. 
As noted above, deposits are rarely fixed for terms in excess of one week. In 
addition to using shareholders' funds to finance investments the Group can also 
invest funds available from the management shares and from drawings on its 
flexible loan facilities (gearing). The Group's short-term borrowing facilities 
comprise a committed loan facility of GBP3,000,000 and an uncommitted facility of 
a further GBP3,000,000 that can be drawn to meet liquidity requirements arising 
either from operations or investment strategy. Cash requirements are monitored 
constantly. Drawings on the credit facilities are normally arranged on a 
rolling weekly basis. 
At 30 June 2010 financial liabilities comprised: 
                                       30 June    30 June    30 June    30 June 
                                          2010       2010       2009       2009 
                                         Group    Company      Group    Company 
                                         GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000 
Due within 1 month: 
Balances due to brokers                      -          -        435        285 
Accrued expenses                           158        158        149        149 
Bank loan                                    -          -        900        900 
Equity-Linked Unsecured Loan                 -          -        299        299 
Stock 2004/09* 
Due after 1 month and within 1 
Due to subsidiary                            -      1,871          -          - 
Corporation tax payable                     43          -          -          - 
Due after 1 year: 
Management shares                           13         13         13         13 
The above liabilities are stated at fair value. 
Market risks can be amplified by gearing. As discussed above, in addition to 
using shareholders' funds to finance investments the Group can also invest 
funds available from the Management shares and from drawings on its loan 
facilities. See the liquidity risk section above and the Business Review on 
pages 17 and 18 for further information. Such gearing will exaggerate the 
effect on net asset value of a change in the value of the portfolio. If the 
Group's borrowing facilities were fully extended the bank gearing would amount 
to 11.2% of net assets and in those circumstances a change of 10% in the value 
of the portfolio would be expected to change the net asset value by 
approximately 9.9%. 
As noted on page 57 in the interest rate risk section, the level of borrowings 
and/or cash held during the year will be affected by the strategy being 
followed in response to the Board's and Manager's perception of market 
prospects and the investment opportunities available at any particular time. 
At the year-end there was no bank gearing (2009: GBP900,000, 1.9% of net assets). 
                                                          Annual Report Page 60 
27. Capital 
The Company's capital, or equity, is represented by its net assets which are 
managed to achieve the Groups' investment objective set out on page 15. 
The main risks to the Company's investments are shown in Note 26. Note 26 also 
explains that the company is able to gear and that gearing will amplify the 
effect on equity of changes in the value of the investment portfolio. 
The Board can also manage the capital structure directly since it has 
discretion to approve requests by shareholders to redeem their shares, 
determines dividend payments and has taken the powers, which it is seeking to 
renew, to issue and buy-back shares. 
The Company is subject to externally imposed capital requirements with respect 
to the obligation and ability to pay dividends by section 1159 Corporation Tax 
Act 2010 and by the Companies Act, respectively, and with respect to the 
availability of borrowing facilities, by the covenant imposed by The Bank of 
New York Mellon (see page 16). 
The Board regularly monitors, and has complied with, the externally imposed 
capital requirements. This is unchanged from the prior year. 
Total Equity at 30 June 2010, the composition of which is shown on the Balance 
Sheet on page 39, was GBP54,500,000 (2009: GBP48,094,000). 
28. Contingent Liabilities and Commitments 
At 30 June 2010 the Group had potential commitments of GBP250,000 in respect of 
exercise of warrants (2009: GBP183,000 re warrants and GBP150,000 in respect of a 
placing). Of these, the commitments of the Company amounted to GBP195,000 (2009: 
Gartmore Investment Limited 
Corporate Company Secretary 
8 September 2010 

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