RNS Number:9351G
Gippsland Limited
31 July 2006

31 July 2006

Gippsland Limited ("Gippsland" or the "Company")

Please refer to the ANNOUNCEMENTS section of the Gippsland website
www.gippslandltd.com to view colour geological graphics associated with this





* IFC A$2.7 million equity investment in Gippsland

* IFC US$3 million equity investment option in Gippsland approved by

* Optimisation testwork and final flowsheet nearing completion


* 4,490 RC drilling completed

* Seiga mineralised zone > 800m in length & up to 75 metres wide

* Shashoba mineralised zone potential strike length of 2.2km & up to 50 metres




During the quarter Gippsland (ASX & AIM: GIP) announced that the International
Finance Corporation ("IFC"), a member of the World Bank Group, has been mandated
("Mandate") as Lead Debt Arranger for Gippsland's 40 million tonne Abu Dabbab
Tantalum-Tin Project ("Abu Dabbab") in Egypt.

Pursuant to the Mandate conditions, the IFC has exercised an option to subscribe
for US$2M of new fully paid ordinary share equity capital in Gippsland by way of
the issue of 25 million new fully paid ordinary Gippsland shares at a price of
US$0.08 (approx. A$0.108 / UK#0.046) per share to raise US$2 million (approx.
A$2.69 / UK#1.14 million) cash for Gippsland.

The 25 million shares issued to the IFC each have an attaching free unlisted
option having an exercise price of A$0.135 (approx. UK#0.057) and a life of six
(6) years. Gippsland may require the IFC to exercise 12.5 million of these
options in the event that Gippsland shares trade at a weighted average price
equal to or greater than A$0.20 (approx. UK#0.085) for a period of 20 trading
days, or relinquish the 12.5 million options.

The issue of the 25 million shares and 25 million options to the IFC was
approval by Gippsland shareholders at an Extraordinary General Meeting held on
16 May 2006.


Pursuant to the Mandate, Gippsland also granted to the IFC a first right of
participation to invest an additional US$3 million at the time of and on the
same terms as are offered by Gippsland when raising the equity component of the
Abu Dabbab project capital cost. IFC will have 30 days within which to exercise
this pre-emptive right.

The issue of these shares to the IFC was also approved at the Extraordinary
General Meeting of Gippsland shareholders held on 16 May 2006.


During the quarter Gippsland completed metallurgical testwork as requested by
the IFC. The testwork, which was designed to ensure minimal over-grinding of the
tantalite in the primary mill, was completed following considerable delay due to
the non-availability of process design engineers. The design of the flowsheet is
presently being adjusted to incorporate the additional gravity equipment in the
milling circuit. It is anticipated that this detail will be presented to the IFC
during August in finalisation of the flowsheet.


During the quarter the company completed a programme of reverse circulation (RC)
drill holes on the Haimur, Seiga, Shashoba and Tiur prospects in the Wadi Allaqi
project located in Southern Egypt. A total of 121 holes were completed for a
total of 4,490m. The drilling represents a major advance in the exploration of
the Wadi Allaqi region as it is the first drilling work to be completed for gold
exploration in Southern Egypt.

Table 1 Summary of drilling completed during the quarter

Prospect                    Number of holes              Metres drilled
------------------       --------------------          -----------------
Seiga                              45                        1,725
Haimur                             31                          898
Shashoba                           40                        1,636
Tiur                                5                          231
------------------       --------------------          -----------------
Total                             121                        4,490
------------------       --------------------          -----------------

The 4m composite samples were analysed by Genalysis Laboratory Services in Perth
by Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (AAS). Samples containing greater than 1g/t Au
were re-analysed by Fire Assay (FA).


During the quarter a total of 45 RC holes were completed for a total of 1,725m.
The drilling tested ancient workings and the along strike extensions of these

Significant results were obtained from a number of the drill holes from beneath
the old workings confirming the high-grade gold results obtained during previous
surface sampling work as well as the shear zone along strike from these
workings. The best results include the following:

Hole CRC004    8m @ 1.73g/t Au
Hole CRC006   12m @ 1.22g/t Au
Hole CRC012   28m @ 4.18g/t Au
Hole CRC013   24m @ 5.21g/t Au
Hole CRC015   12m @ 1.32g/t Au
Hole CRC028    3m @ 1.32g/t Au
Hole CRC029    6m @ 2.15g/t Au
Hole CRC033   12m @ 1.80g/t Au
Hole CRC040   28m @ 1.14g/t Au
Hole CRC041   22m @ 1.74g/t Au

Six of the holes tested the ancient Seiga workings with the best results
obtained in holes CRC012 & CRC013. Hole CRC012 was drilled below the centre of
the ancient workings and intersected 28m at 4.18g/t Au between 28-56m. Hole
CRC006 which was drilled from the opposite direction and slightly to the north
intersected the mineralisation yielding 12m at 1.22g/t Au between 60-72m. Hole
CRC013 drilled at the northern end of the ancient workings intersected 24m at
5.21g/t Au between 48-72m. This zone is thought to correspond with the high
grade mineralisation recorded in earlier surface sampling. Hole CRC011 which was
drilled 20m to the south of CRC012 intersected a zone of low grade
mineralisation (12m at 0.48g/t Au) with associated cavities that may represent
old stopes. Hole CRC004 drilled from the opposite direction intersected 4m at
4.34g/t Au from 68m and 8m at 1.73g/t Au from 84m in the expected position of
the mineralisation.

Drilling of the shear zone along strike from the ancient workings intersected
significant (greater than 0.5g/t Au over 4m) mineralisation at six locations.

CRC015 intersected 12m at 1.32g/t Au 230m along strike to the north of the old
workings. Three surface samples from some shallow pits located between CRC015
and the old workings assayed 0.98, 1.21 & 2.22g/t Au.

Five holes intersected significant gold mineralisation within the shear zone to
the south of the old workings with the best results being 28m at 1.14g/t Au
(CRC040) and 22m at 1.74g/t Au (CRC041) in adjacent holes. Many of the holes
containing significant intersections ended in mineralisation indicating that the
intersection widths are minimum widths that will require additional testing.
Hole CRC040 located 450m along strike to the south-east of the ancient workings
intersected 28m at 1.14g/t Au between 0 to 28m. Hole CRC041 which was drilled
15m to the west of CRC040 intersected 22m at 1.74g/t Au from 8m to the end of
the hole with the last 4m of the hole containing 2.54g/t Au. Hole CRC033 located
300m along strike to the south-east of the ancient workings intersected 12m at
1.80g/t Au from 48m to the bottom of the hole at 60m. Hole CRC028 located 200m
along strike to the south-east of the ancient workings intersected 1.32g/t Au in
the last 3m of the hole at 21m. Hole CRC029 located 15m to the west of CRC028
intersected 6m at 2.15g/t Au at the bottom of the hole at 30m.

Of particular significance are the wide intersections recorded in holes CRC040
and 041 as these two holes are adjacent to each other and indicate a mineralised
zone of at least 25m horizontal width at an average grade of 1.4g/t Au. This
area is located 450m along strike to the south-east of the ancient Seiga

Significant gold mineralisation has now been confirmed over a strike length of
800m of the Seiga shear. Considerable potential exists beyond the zone tested to
date as significant mineralisation occurs at both ends of the shear. Further
drilling will be required to the north-west and south-east to determine the full
extent of the mineralisation. Drill pads to test a further 700m of the shear to
the north-west have been prepared. Similarly drill pads have been prepared to
test 400m of the shear to the south-east.


The Shashoba prospect is located 6.8km to the east of Seiga. A total of 40 RC
drill holes were completed for a total of 1,636m. The drilling tested old
workings and some gold geochemical targets detected during previous exploration
work by the company. The historical workings are located along the margins of a
250m wide, northerly trending shear zone.

The drilling at Shashoba returned significant gold intersections in a number of
holes. These included:

Hole SRC006    32m @ 2.2g/t Au including 16m @ 4.4g/t Au
Hole SRC007    48m @ 1.93g/t Au
Hole SRC008     4m @ 1.33g/t Au

The best results were recorded from the south side of a hill adjacent to
historical workings located on the eastern side of the shear zone. Hole SRC006
intersected 32m at 2.2g/t Au from 16m. The intersection included 16m at 4.4g/t
from 16m. Hole SRC007 drilled 30m to the southwest intersected a 48m wide zone
of mineralisation at 1.93g/t from 12m. Hole SRC008, located 25m southwest of
hole SRC007, intersected 4m at 1.33g/t Au. The three holes intersected a zone of
mineralisation (>0.5g/t Au) approximately 50m wide which has yet to be tested to
the north.

A line of widely spaced shallow holes located 75m to the southeast of holes
SRC006 & 7 tested an area of colluvium overlying a hard silcrete layer. The best
intersections included 8m at 1.06g/t from 4m in SRC017 and 12m at 0.46g/t from
4m in hole SRC018. These intersections are particularly significant as they
confirm the presence of mineralisation to the south of the historical workings
in an area devoid of any previous workings. The drilling results correspond with
a geochemical anomaly identified during a previous regolith survey by the
Company that extends for a further 300m to the south.

Hole SRC012 drilled 100m to the north of holes SRC006 & 7 intersected 24m at
0.26g/t Au. The results represent footwall mineralisation as the hole did not
extend to sufficient depth to intersect the old workings. Hole SRC014 tested
some isolated old workings 500m to the northeast and intersected 20m at 0.94g/t
from 8m with a best intersection of 4m at 3.07g/t Au.

Geological mapping has located historical workings over a distance of 1.9km to
the north which combined with the 300m geochemical anomaly to the south gives a
total strike length of 2.2km of potentially mineralised shear which is open at
each end.

Additional drilling is planned to test a number of high priority targets
identified as a result of the recent drilling programme. While the evaluation of
Shashoba is at an early stage, the area clearly has considerable potential.


Five RC holes were completed for a total of 231m to test old workings. Four of
the holes tested the shear zone to the south of the main historical workings
with three of the holes intersecting a thin graphitic zone that represents the
mineralised horizon but did not contain significant gold values. A hole designed
to test the zone directly below the old workings did not reach the target depth
due to drilling difficulties caused by unstable ground around the drill collar.


The Haimur prospect is situated 180km to the southeast of Aswan. Some 31 RC
holes for a total of 898m have been drilled to date. The total number of holes
to be drilled at the prospect during the current campaign is 46.

The drilling tested some historical workings and a number of geochemical
anomalies identified during a previous geochemical survey and mechanical
trenching. The assays for this work are still being completed.


During the quarter the Company appointed Mr Paul R Sims (aged 44) as the
Company's Chief Financial Officer.

Mr Sims has an established senior management background in financial and
commercial functions within the resources sector and has held both operational
and strategic roles in major international resource companies. Gippsland
Directors recognise that his strengths in relation to project finance plus the
development and implementation of financial and commercial systems will
contribute significantly to the development of the Company's growth.

Mr Sims forms part of the expanding Gippsland management team being set in place
for the development of the Company's Abu Dabbab tantalum project.


The Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders held on 16 May 2006 passed all four
resolutions by a show of hands.

RJ (Jack) Telford
Executive Chairman

For further information please contact:

Jack Telford
Gippsland Limited
Tel: +61 (0)8 93898611

Laurence Read / Leesa Peters
Conduit PR
Tel: +44 (0)20 7429 6605

Les Polden / Luke Cairns
Hoodless Brennan Plc
Tel: +44 (0)20 7538 1166

Note: In accordance with Listing Rule 5.6 of the Australian Stock Exchange
Limited and Part two of the AIM Guidance Notes for Mining, Oil and Gas
Companies, the geological information in this report that relates to Exploration
Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves is based on data compiled by Dr John
Chisholm, a Fellow of The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Dr
Chisholm who is an Executive Director of Gippsland Limited with over 25 years
experience in the mineral industry including the evaluation of exploration data,
mineral resources and ore reserves, has consented to the issue of the
information in this report in the form and context in which it appears


Collar locations of the drilling completed during the quarter

Hole          Easting      Northing   Azimuth (deg)    Dip (m)     Depth (m)

----------   ----------   ----------   ----------    ----------   ----------

CRC001           616049      2493997            60          -60           36
CRC002           616036      2493989            60          -60           36
CRC003           616019      2493983            60          -60           30
CRC004           616061      2494004            60          -60          102
CRC005           616011      2493970            60          -57           30
CRC006           616038      2494037            60          -58          101
CRC007           616033      2494043            40          -59           84
CRC008           616024      2494032            60          -58           30
CRC009           616009      2494030            60          -58           30
CRC010           615992      2494031            65          -58           30
CRC011           616124      2494046           240          -58           83
CRC012           616105      2494056           240          -58           69
CRC013           616091      2494101           240          -55           90
CRC014           615929      2494277            60          -55           30
CRC015           615915      2494269            60          -58           30
CRC016           615901      2494261            60          -58           30
CRC017           616120      2493962            60          -57           30
CRC018           616108      2493954            60          -57           30
CRC019           616098      2493945            60          -62           30
CRC020           616089      2493932            60          -60           30
CRC021           616199      2493916            60          -55           20
CRC022           616184      2493909            60          -58           30
CRC023           616171      2493900            60          -58           30
CRC024           616159      2493894            60          -56           30
CRC025           616145      2493888            60          -58           30
CRC026           616135      2493881            60          -58           27
CRC027           616120      2493873            60          -58           30
CRC028           616234      2493864            60          -58           21
CRC029           616220      2493857            60          -59           30
CRC030           616202      2493851            60          -59           30
CRC031           616188      2493843            60          -58           30
CRC032           616175      2493839            60          -59           30
CRC033           616250      2493768            60          -60           60
CRC034           616238      2493760            60          -60           30
CRC035           616223      2493751            60          -60           30
CRC036           616211      2493743            60          -60           30
CRC037           616301      2493668            60          -60           30
CRC038           616286      2493654            60          -60           30
CRC039           616263      2493643            60          -60           30
CRC040           616343      2493641            60          -60           36
CRC041           616336      2493641            60          -60           30
CRC042           616323      2493633            60          -60           30
CRC043           616549      2493487            60          -60           30
CRC044           616534      2493478            60          -60           30
CRC045           616517      2493468            60          -60           30

----------     ----------   ----------    ----------   ----------   ----------

TRC001           668428      2467347            90          -58           48
TRC002           668446      2467305            80          -72           51
TRC003           668451      2467269            70          -55           51
TRC004           668401      2467399            60          -58           30
TRC005           668446      2467254            90          -54           51

----------     ----------   ----------    ----------   ----------   ----------

SRC001           621643      2491105           270          -57           39
SRC002           621646      2491141           275          -57           39
SRC003           621638      2491067           270          -57           39
SRC004           621598      2490972           270          -57           39
SRC005           621589      2490916            50          -56           39
SRC006           621899      2491399            50          -51           60
SRC007           621876      2491383            50          -54           60
SRC008           621862      2491373            50          -55           48
SRC009           621840      2491361            50          -56           51
SRC010           621834      2491425            80          -60           60
SRC011           621834      2491454            65          -60           69
SRC012           621857      2491470            60          -60           81
SRC013           621923      2491387            40          -52           51
SRC014           621965      2491907           300          -55           60
SRC015           621801      2491276           240          -58           21
SRC016           621840      2491286           245          -57           21
SRC017           621862      2491292           245          -57           21
SRC018           621891      2491304           240          -60           21
SRC019           621916      2491313           245          -59           21
SRC020           621946      2491313           245          -59           21
SRC021           621972      2491334           245          -57           21
SRC022           621994      2491339           245          -57           21
SRC023           621606      2491410           260          -58           42
SRC024           621625      2491410           265          -58           42
SRC025           621649      2491410           270          -58           42
SRC026           621668      2491412           265          -61           39
SRC027           621688      2491412           265          -61           39
SRC028           621708      2491413           265          -62           39
SRC029           621695      2491349           260          -58           39
SRC030           621714      2491348           265          -58           39
SRC031           621723      2491347           265          -58           39
SRC032           621754      2491344           265          -58           39
SRC033           621613      2491294           265          -55           39
SRC034           621633      2491298           265          -55           37
SRC035           621655      2491300           270          -57           33
SRC036           621675      2491295           270          -57           45
SRC037           621690      2491293           270          -57           39
SRC038           621713      2491282           260          -58           39
SRC039           621241      2491252           260          -54           51
SRC040           621250      2491166           270          -57           51

----------     ----------   ----------    ----------   ----------   ----------

HRC001           530607      2502319           150          -60           31
HRC002           530318      2502967           140          -61           21
HRC003           530325      2502958           140          -60           24
HRC004           530331      2502953           140          -59           21
HRC005           530338      2502942           135          -58           21
HRC006           530758      2502749           135          -56           30
HRC007           530717      2502764           130          -57           30
HRC008           530689      2502803           130          -58           30
HRC009           530681      2502822           135          -57           30
HRC010           530887      2502800           140          -58           30
HRC011           530859      2502836           140          -56           30
HRC012           530836      2502866           135          -57           30
HRC013           530812      2502896           140          -58           30
HRC014           530787      2502927           140           58           30
HRC015           530966      2502906           130           56           30
HRC016           530960      2502958           135           58           30
HRC017           530934      2502992           140           59           30
HRC018           530916      2503025           140           58           30
HRC019           530880      2503037           135           57           30
HRC020           531038      2502959           135           57           30
HRC021           531010      2502997           135           55           30
HRC022           530989      2503023           135           57           30
HRC023           531196      2503064           135           55           30
HRC024           531163      2503090           135           57           30
HRC025           531136      2503112           135           58           30
HRC026           531106      2503141           130           58           30
HRC027           531266      2503186           160           56           30
HRC028           531241      2503209           135           57           30
HRC029           531222      2503233           135           53           30
HRC030           531301      2503181           135           57           30
HRC031           531344      2503231           135           56           30

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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