RNS Number:0883Z
Goldshield Group PLC
27 June 2007


                              Goldshield Group plc

Goldshield Group plc ("Goldshield"), the marketing-led Pharmaceutical Company, 
today announces its preliminary results for the twelve months to 31 March 2007.

* Revenue of #74.3 million (2006: #80.0 million) 
* Profit before tax at  #0.6 million (2006: #6.8million) 

* Pre-exceptional earnings before tax, amortisation and impairment losses (EBTA)
  #14.7 million (2006: #17.3 million) 

* Net cash #23.3 million (2006: #15.9 million)

* Dividend of 5.1p to be paid on 20 August 2007 (2006: 5.1p)

* Strategic review completed

* Department of Health (DoH) settlement #4.0 million

* Six new products set for launch in 2007

Commenting on the results, Rakesh Patel, Finance Director, said;

"Our Strategic Review has highlighted the potential for our Pharmaceutical and 
Healthcare divisions. 

We are to concentrate our efforts on maintaining and growing our core businesses
and maximising value for our shareholders."


Date: 27 June 2007
For further information contact:

Goldshield Group PLC                         City Profile Group
Dr. Keith Hellawell QPM, Chairman            Jonathan Gillen
Rakesh Patel, Finance Director               William Attwell
020-8649-8500                                020-7448-3244

Chairman's Overview

The threat of legal action against the Company and two of its Directors for 
alleged conspiracy to defraud arising out of the sale of warfarin in the late 
1990's has had a detrimental effect on the share price. A substantial amount of 
Directors time and millions of pounds in legal fees have been soaked up as a 
result. However, the major clients and shareholders have continued to support 
the business and the management team which is to their great credit. 

Since my appointment we have addressed the problems the Company faces in order 
to establish more certainty for the future. In this regard, on the 22 June 2007, 
without admission of liability, we reached a #4.0 million full and final 
settlement with the Department of Health (DoH). We are also pursuing through the 
Court of Appeal our belief that the "crime" the Company is charged with, which 
we do not believe we committed, is not in fact a criminal offence. The Company 
is also seeking clarification as to its potential liability in the event that 
that argument is not successful.

In April 2007, we announced we were undertaking a strategic review of our 
business. Our conclusions were that we focus once again on our core 
Pharmaceutical and Healthcare operations which I expand on below.

A consequence of the litigation is that our CEO, and founder of the Company, 
Ajit Patel decided to step down from the Board in order to have more time to 
prepare his defence. 

The other founding member of the Company Kirti Patel, has also handed his 
resignation to the Board in order to have more flexibility in preparing for his 
upcoming trial. However, we are pleased he has agreed to work his notice period. 
His expertise and contacts will be of considerable help as we re-energise this 

The Board wish them both well and thank them wholeheartedly for their vision in 
setting up the business and their personal commitment and dedication to its 

We are delighted to announce that Rakesh Patel, our Finance Director has been 
appointed CEO. He has 15 years experience within Goldshield, is well respected 
by the staff and known within the city. I feel sure he will make a huge 
contribution to the Company's growth over the coming years. We are looking to 
make an early appointment of a new Finance Director to replace him.

Strategy review

The review of our activities demonstrated the considerable potential of the 
Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare divisions. We have two strong activities which 
need management time and commitment to ensure that they deliver on their 
potential. This "focus" will be an important aspect of the development of our 

Within Pharmaceuticals, the major drug companies are selling off the products as 
their patent expires. Over a number of years we have developed considerable 
experience of acquiring and developing these products. Indeed, it is interesting 
to note that in the period since 2003 the performance of our existing portfolio 
of products has only marginally declined. Yet this has been a period of no new 
product acquisitions and when management time has been focused on other parts of 
the Company. I would add that the relocation of some of our administrative 
activities to India has helped Goldshield to maintain margins in a highly 
competitive environment. We believe that this efficiency will be of value to 
Goldshield as we focus on growth.

In Healthcare, there is change within the UK and European regulatory environment. 
These new changes place regulatory requirements on all UK and European 
organisations which will require them to have access to medical and regulatory 
infrastructure which Goldshield already has in place in its Pharmaceutical 
division. The Directors believe that this will be beneficial to Goldshield. In 
addition, some of our new products such as LIPObind, a Medicines and Healthcare 
products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) approved medical device, have attractive 
growth prospects. 

During its development, Goldshield has established an extensive distributor base. 
We now have distribution channels in over sixty countries with access to doctors, 
pharmacies and hospitals. We need to exploit this potential with the acquisition 
of more products and more marketing commitment. It is a good opportunity for the 

It has been decided that we will dispose of certain of our non-core Indian 
business and assets and we have entered into an agreement with Ajit Patel 
for him to acquire these operations. A circular with full details of these 
disposals is being sent to shareholders. 

Both the Wellbeing villages and the resort in Goa offer long term potential. As 
soon as planning permissions have been obtained, we will consider co-developing 
the land under a joint venture. We will therefore commit no further significant 
resources to these operations.

In addition to the changes at executive Director level, two important 
retirements mean further changes. Peter Brown, the former Chairman of the Board 
and Ken Pelton, the longest serving non-executive Director, have each decided 
not to seek re-election at the next AGM. They have provided an invaluable 
service to the Group, for which I would like to offer my sincerest thanks.

We are delighted to announce the appointment of one new non-executive Director. 
Nick Woollacott, a main board member of Latice Group plc (now merged with the 
National Grid) and until recently the senior independent Director of Enterprise 
plc, is expected to join the Board in August, 2007. He brings with him a wealth 
of experience and a history of success which will contribute to our progress. We 
are also interviewing other candidates for non-executive Director positions.


The last few years have been demanding for shareholders. The DoH and SFO charges 
together with the development of new activities in India have all been 
distractions away from the core business. Yet, it has continued to perform well. 
I am confident that the combination of the decisions outlined above together 
with re-focused attention on the Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare divisions will 
lead to a return to growth.

Commentary on the results for the Group are contained in the Report of the 
Directors, pages 11 to 16.

Dr. Keith Hellawell QPM
26 June 2007

Chief Executive Officer's Operating Review

It is my pleasure to report on the year ended 31 March 2007. We have made some 
good progress despite facing difficulties over the past 12 months. I would add 
that the settlement with the Department of Health (DoH) comes at a very 
important time.  

Despite the challenges the Group has experienced over the past 12 months, we 
have continued to make progress. The Group reported sales for the year of #74.3 
million, which is lower than the previous year of #80.0 million. We have 
announced a profit before tax for the year of #0.6 million (2006: #6.8 million). 
Pre-exceptional earnings before tax, amortisation and impairment losses (EBTA) 
were below last year at #14.7 million (2006: #17.3 million). We have been 
impacted by exceptional costs for the year primarily relating to legal costs of 
#5.6 million (2006: #1.7 million). However, the business has continued to 
generate cash and at the year end the net cash position had improved to #23.3 
million (2006: #15.9 million).

Given the confidence in the potential of the underlying business and the strong 
cash position, the Board is recommending a dividend of 5.1 pence. The total 
dividend paid during the year has risen to 6.8 pence. This is an increase of 0.6 
pence from 2006.

The Group continues to deal with the ongoing Serious Fraud Office investigation, 
which began in April 2002. Going forward, we expect the next 18 months to be 
more demanding on myself, Kirti Patel and other Directors as we prepare our 
defences which are expected to come to trial in 2008/9.

As shareholders will have seen, the strategic review has highlighted the Group's 
potential. We have concluded that we should focus on our core business of 
marketing and selling Pharmaceutical and Healthcare products. We are proposing 
to divest ourselves of most of our service businesses with the exception of the 
Wellbeing Clinics in India. Whilst the Indian Wellbeing villages and resort no 
longer form part of the core strategy of the Company, the Directors believe that 
shareholder value can be delivered by developing the Care village and resort 
sites in Goa by entering into a joint venture development agreement. 

In order to concentrate on my legal case and to focus on developing a more 
service-oriented business, I will be stepping down as the Group CEO and leave 
the Board on 2 July 2007.

Over the last five years we have developed a strong management team and I am 
very happy to leave the Group in the hands of Rakesh Patel, our Finance Director 
who will become Chief Executive. Rakesh has worked for the Group since 1992 and 
he has an excellent understanding of our business. I am confident that he will 
drive the Group forward.

Ajit R Patel
Chief Executive Officer
26  June 2007

Report of the Directors

The Directors present their report together with the financial statements for 
the year ended 31 March 2007.

Principal activities

The quoted Company is parent undertaking and did not trade with third parties 
during the year. The Group is engaged in the development, marketing and 
distribution of pharmaceutical and healthcare products.

Results and dividends

The profit before tax on ordinary activities of the Group was #0.6 million. The 
Directors propose a dividend of 5.1 pence per Ordinary Share expected to be paid 
on 20 August 2007 to those members on the register at the close of business on 
27 July 2007. The dividend payments during 2007 amounted to 6.8 pence per 
Ordinary Share comprising of an interim dividend of 1.7 pence per Ordinary Share 
paid on 9 January 2007 and a dividend of 5.1 pence per Ordinary Share paid on 18 
August 2006.

Operating review and future developments

Revenue for the year was #74.3 million compared to #80.0 million in the previous 
year. Pre-exceptional profit before tax reduced from #11.5 million in the 
previous year to #10.0 million in the current year representing 13.5 % of 

Emphasis during the year has been on maintaining the current business, building 
cash reserves and evaluating our options for future growth. 

Pharmaceuticals division

The Pharmaceutical divisions achieved total sales of #54.6 million (2006: #56.5 
million). Our European retail brand business achieved sales of #31.3 million 
(2006: #32.3 million). The decrease is attributable to a number of factors; 
product supply, delays in regulatory approvals and the re-importation of export 
sales back into the UK by parallel importers. The parallel import issue has now 
been addressed and we expect to see an improvement during the second quarter of 
the next financial year.

We have continued to build our analgesic brand Codipar (Co-codomol) where sales 
have increased to #2.9 million (2006: #1.8 million). Also, a major opportunity 
for the forthcoming year comes from the PCT (Primary Care Trust) portfolio 
strategy. An initial start has been made on this project from January and 
results, so far, are very encouraging.

Our Hospitals business in Europe recorded sales which were slightly ahead at 
#11.3 million (2006: #11.1 million), despite the loss of certain NHS supply 
contracts due to the pricing strategies of competitors. The European business 
has doubled its sales volumes since the previous year despite product supply 

Two new products, Flexinozzles and Cophenylcaine were introduced into the 
Anaesthesia market. We have a strong pipeline of new products scheduled for 
launch in the coming months. Zapain, an adult paracetamol solution, has recently 
achieved UK registration and this will give us entry into the Palliative Care 
sector. Our Autodetect epidural syringe has contributed to increased sales in UK 
and Europe. Our range of differentiated bupivacaine epidural infusions have 
received DoH and National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA) endorsement resulting in 
a large number of NHS trusts preparing to switch to our infusions. Bufecaine 
infusion bags are planned to be introduced in the coming months, which should 
also lead to increased sales.

The Group's Retail Generics business recorded sales of #7.4 million (2006: #9.5 
million). The generic market remains price competitive. The focus has been to 
recover losses and to minimise expenditure on loss making products.

Sales in our Country Distributor business were #4.7 million (2006: #3.7 million).
This growth came primarily from expanding the business with existing partners in 
South Africa, Australia and Saudi Arabia. The performance of this business 
should improve with the establishment of new product registrations and improved 
product supply.

Healthcare division

Sales for the direct to consumer units in Europe for the period were lower at 
#11.5 million (2006: #14.1 million). Sales for the North American units for the 
period were also lower at #5.8 million (2006: #6.9 million). The shortfall in 
sales in this area is a direct result of the increased competition from generics 
and pressure on margins over the last three years. As a result, the Company has 
been pursuing a more branded approach in these businesses. There are already 
some encouraging results which should yield a more positive outlook.

Recruitment of new customers at an acceptable cost continues to present the 
greatest challenge to the division. A key strategy will be to build an extensive 
customer database with detailed profiles across all regions. We plan to adopt an 
extensive personalised marketing approach focusing on customer relationships. 
This will enable the increase of customer lifetime values and the number of 
annual transactions being made across a wider portfolio of products. Strategies 
will be put in place that focus on customer retention and loyalty.

Our Healthcare division will decentralise its tactical product development 
function on a regional basis. Products will be customised to meet regional needs 
and lifestyle requirements. This will be complemented by the launch of strategic 
group brands. This will lead to a faster time to market with lower costs of 
development. The successful launch of a new product, LIPObind is testament to 
this. As a brand, it will be less exposed to low-cost competitive generic 
alternatives and the roll out across Europe. We expect the market in India to 
also provide a good contribution to sales.  

It is time to build the brands and to acquire new customers in what is, a price 
sensitive market. The growth of the Goldshield brand has been inhibited as price 
sensitive customers have moved to generic brands. Goldshield must therefore 
reposition the brands as a purveyor of quality consumer health products. Our 
products must be priced to compete with the generic market whilst allowing 
customers to follow a predetermined path to a branded solution.  

In the US, the focus will now be on maintaining market share. 

In India, the division will be split into two units: 

1.  Healthcare India Products, which will continue to make inroads into 
    the Indian market and strengthen its global presence.
2.  Wellbeing Centres which will be limited to its current two centres at Mumbai 
    and Ahmedabad. 
Future developments

The last few years have been demanding for shareholders. The DoH and SFO charges 
together with the demands of developing the new activities in India have 
distracted the management team from the core business. It has continued to 
perform well despite this. We are confident that the combination of the 
decisions outlined above together with the re-focus upon the Pharmaceuticals and 
Healthcare divisions will assist with the Group's strategy for growth.

Risk management objectives and policies 

Please refer to Note 20 in the Notes to the Financial Statements explaining the 
details on financial risk management of financial instruments. General risk 
management objectives and policies are contained in the Chairman's Overview.


The Directors who served during the year are set out below.

The beneficial interests of the Directors and their families in the shares of 
the Company at 1 April 2006 and 31 March 2007, as recorded in the register 
maintained by the Company, were as follows:

                     5p Ordinary shares
                31 March 2007 1 April 2006
Executive Directors     
Ajit R Patel              3,300,000    3,300,000
Kirti V Patel             1,388,868    1,388,868
Rakesh V Patel              549,791      549,791
Ajay M Patel                360,000      360,000 
Mike Reardon                  1,000        1,000

Non-executive Directors
Peter M Brown (Note 1)      100,000      100,000
Ken O Pelton                105,816      105,816
Dr. Keith Hellawell QPM           -            -

Note: 1. Twenty thousand of P M Brown's shares are owned by Synergy Holdings 
Limited, a company controlled by him.

As at 20 June 2007 there had been no change in Directors' shareholdings since 
31 March 2007.

Details of Directors' share options are set out in the Remuneration Report on 
page 25.

Rakesh V Patel and Ajay M Patel retire by rotation, and being eligible, offer 
themselves for re-election at the Annual General Meeting.

Peter M Brown, who is over 70 years old, retires and has expressed his desire 
not to offer for re-election at the Annual General Meeting.

Ken O Pelton who joined the Board in 1992, retires and has expressed his desire 
not to offer for re-election at the Annual General Meeting.

Ajit R Patel has submitted his resignation and will leave the company on 2 July 

Kirti V Patel has submitted his resignation and will leave the company on 31 
December 2007.

Rakesh V Patel is the new Chief Executive Officer taking over from Ajit R Patel.


At 31 March 2007 the Group employed 913 personnel of whom 90 are based in the UK, 
39 in North America, 8 in Ireland/mainland Europe and 776 in India. The Group is 
an equal opportunities employer and does not discriminate between employees on 
the grounds of race, ethnic origin, sex, age or disability. 

The success of the Group is dependent upon the quality and performance of its 
employees and the Group continues to ensure this through continuous training and 
development, facilitated by Investors in People. 

The Board acknowledges that its staff are its most important asset. It places a 
strong emphasis on the training and development of its employees through 'on the 
job' training and through staff attending courses. This is a continuous process 
of training and all staff regularly attend courses on communication, planning, 
decision-making and problem solving. In addition managers attend courses and 'on 
the job' training on staff development, motivation, recruitment, appraisals and 
team building. The Group also encourages staff to take vocational courses. 

The Group encourages all of its employees to participate in its growth and 
welcomes staff input at all levels. The Group is also operating a well-defined 
performance pay scheme, which is fair, equitable, transparent and acts as a 
strong motivation to its staff.

Information about the Group's activities is regularly communicated through 
notices and staff meetings.

Employee sharesave scheme

An employee sharesave scheme is open to all eligible employees. Under the terms 
of the scheme the Directors may offer options to purchase ordinary shares in the 
Company to employees who enter into an Inland Revenue approved sharesave 
contract. The price of each share option was at a discount of 20% from the 
market price at the date of granting the options. Options may normally be 
exercised during the period of six months after the completion of the sharesave 

Share options

During the year no fresh share options were granted to employees. Details of the 
options granted so far are set out in note 12 to the financial statements.

Details of the Directors' Share Options are shown in the Director's Remuneration 
Report on page 25.

Charitable and political donations

Donations to charitable organisations amounted to #81,880 (2006: #100,692).

Donations to political organisations amounted to #nil (2006: #nil).

Directors' responsibilities

The Directors' responsibilities are contained in the Statement of Directors' 

Substantial shareholders

As at 12 May 2007 the Company has been advised of the following holdings, in 
addition to those of the Directors disclosed above, of 3% or more of the nominal 
value of the Company's shares:

Name                                        Shareholding      %

Schroder Investment Management Limited           9,401,300  25.3%
Barclays Global Investors                        2,366,160   6.4%
Hermes Pension Management                        2,232,591   6.0%
Halifax Share Dealing Services                   2,148,735   5.8%
Axa Rosenberg                                    1,878,444   5.1%
Legal & General Investment Management            1,586,679   4.3%
Canada Life                                      1,288,766   3.5%

Payment policy and practice

It is the Group's policy to settle the terms of payment with suppliers when 
agreeing the terms of the transaction to ensure that suppliers are aware of 
these terms. In general the trading terms entered into are payment at the end of 
the month following the month of invoice. Trade payables due at the year end 
amount to 41 days purchases (2006: 45 days).

Research and development

Details of research and development expenditure are shown in the Report of the 
Finance Director on page 7 under research and development expenditure.


Grant Thornton UK LLP offer themselves for re-appointment as auditor in 
accordance with Section 385 of the Companies Act 1985.

Annual General Meeting

It is proposed that the next AGM be held on 8 August 2007, at 10.00 am, notice 
of which is set out on pages 59 to 61. In addition to the proposed resolutions 
to receive the Report and Accounts, declare a dividend, re-appoint Directors in 
accordance with the Company's Articles of Association, to appoint Grant Thornton 
UK LLP as Auditor and to authorise the Directors to fix the Auditor's 
remuneration; and to approve the Remuneration Report, it is proposed that the 
following business be transacted:

Directors' authority to allot securities (Resolution 7 - Ordinary resolution)

The Directors seek to renew this authority each year at the AGM. The effect of 
resolution 7 is to grant to the Directors authority to allot new securities 
limited to a maximum amount of #619,600  representing approximately one third of 
the Company's issued share capital as at 31 March 2007 (being the date of the 
Company's last Annual Accounts). This renewed authority would remain in force 
for 15 months from the passing of the resolution or, if earlier, the next AGM.

Disapplication of pre-emption rights (Resolution 8 - Special resolution)

The Directors seek to renew this authority each year at the AGM. Under the 
Companies Act 1985, shareholders have "rights of pre-emption" in relation to the 
issue of equity securities. This means that if new shares in the Company are to 
be offered for subscription for cash they must first be offered to the existing 
shareholders in proportion to their holdings at the time of such offer. The 
Companies Act requires that the Directors seek the approval of the shareholders 
if they wish to disapply these rights. The Directors are seeking authority to 
disapply pre-emption rights over 1,858,802 equity securities, representing 
approximately 5% of the issued share capital of the Company as at 31 March 2007. 
This renewed authority would remain in force for 15 months from the passing of 
the resolution or, if earlier, the next AGM.

Company's authority to purchase its own shares (Resolution 9 - Special resolution)

The Directors are seeking to renew the authority for the Company to purchase in 
the open market up to 10% of the issued share capital of the Company. The 
Company undertakes that it will, if the resolution is passed, only exercise such 
authority to buy back its own shares if such purchase would have the effect of 
increasing the earnings per share and if they believed that to do so would be in 
the best interests of the shareholders generally. If the resolution is passed 
the Company will be authorised to buy in one transaction or any number of 
transactions an aggregate maximum of 3,717,603 shares, representing 
approximately 10% of the issued share capital of the Company as at 20 June 2007 
(being the latest practicable date prior to publication of the Notice of AGM). 

The maximum price the Company will be permitted to pay will be equal to 5% above 
the average middle market quotations for the five business days preceding the 
transaction and the minimum price will be 5 pence (being the nominal value of 
the shares).

The total number of options to subscribe for ordinary shares outstanding as at 
20 June 2007 was 2,056,478, representing approximately 5.5% of the issued share 
capital of the Company at such date. If the authority to purchase shares were to 
be exercised in full, the total number of options to subscribe for ordinary 
shares outstanding as at 20 June 2007 would represent 2.5% of the issued share 
capital (assuming no other further ordinary shares were issued after that date).

Statement of Directors' Responsibilities

The Directors are responsible for preparing the Annual Report and the Group 
financial statements in accordance with applicable law and International 
Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union and the parent 
company financial statements in accordance with applicable law and UK generally 
accepted accounting principles.

Company law requires the Directors to prepare financial statements for each 
financial year which give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the 
Group and the Company and of the profit or loss of the Group for that period. In 
preparing those financial statements, the Directors are required to:

* select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently

* make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent

* state whether applicable accounting standards have been followed, 
  subject to any material departures disclosed and explained in the financial 

* prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is 
  inappropriate to presume that the Group will continue in the business.

The Directors are responsible for keeping proper accounting records that 
disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the 
Group and Company and enable them to ensure that the financial statements comply 
with the Companies Act 1985. They are also responsible for safeguarding the 
assets of the Group and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and 
detection of fraud and other irregularities. They are responsible for ensuring 
that the Annual Report includes information required by the Listing Rules of the 
Financial Services Authority.

A copy of the financial statements of the Group is placed on the Goldshield 

The maintenance and integrity of the website is the responsibility of the 
Directors and the work carried out by the auditor does not involve consideration 
of these matters. Legislation in the United Kingdom governing the preparation 
and dissemination of financial statements may differ from legislation in other 
jurisdictions. Accordingly, the auditor's accept no responsibility for any 
changes that may have occured to the financial statements since they were 
initially presented on the website.

In so far as the Directors are aware:

* there is no relevant audit information of which the Company's auditor's are 


* the Directors have taken all steps that they ought to have taken to make 
  themselves aware of any relevant audit information and to establish that the 
  auditor's are aware of that information.


S Venkateswaran 
26 June 2007

Consolidated Income Statement
for the year ended 31 March 2007

                                      Before                                     Before
                                  impairment                                 impairment
                                         and                                        and
                          Notes  exceptional Exceptional              Total exceptional Exceptional              Total
                                       items       items Impairment    2007       items       items Impairment    2006
                                       #'000       #'000      #'000   #'000       #'000       #'000      #'000   #'000

Revenue                       2       74,274           -          -  74,274      80,025           -          -  80,025
Cost of sales                        (26,213)          -          - (26,213)    (28,429)          -          - (28,429)
Gross profit                          48,061           -          -  48,061      51,596           -          -  51,596
Distribution costs                    (3,407)          -          -  (3,407)     (4,912)          -          -  (4,912)
Impairment losses             7            -           -     (3,800) (3,800)          -           -     (2,992) (2,992)
Exceptional legal and
professional costs                         -      (5,602)         -  (5,602)          -      (1,651)         -  (1,651)
Other administrative expenses        (35,350)          -          - (35,350)    (35,509)          -          -  35,509)
Administrative expenses              (35,350)     (5,602)    (3,800)(44,752)    (35,509)     (1,651)    (2,992)(40,152)
Operating (loss)/profit       3        9,304      (5,602)    (3,800)    (98)     11,175      (1,651)    (2,992)  6,532
Finance costs                 5           (4)          -          -      (4)         (6)          -          -      (6)
Finance income                5          705           -          -     705         281           -          -     281
Profit before tax                     10,005      (5,602)    (3,800)    603      11,450      (1,651)    (2,992)  6,807
Income tax expense            6       (4,047)      1,681          -  (2,366)     (3,422)        495          -  (2,927)
(Loss)/profit after tax 
attributable to shareholders                          
of parent                              5,958      (3,921)    (3,800) (1,763)      8,028      (1,156)    (2,992)  3,880
(Loss)/earnings per share

Basic (pence)                 14                                       (4.7)                                      10.5
                                                                    ========                                  ========
Diluted (pence)               14                                       (4.7)                                      10.4
                                                                    ========                                  ========

Proposed dividend per
share (pence)                 15                                         5.1                                       5.1
                                                                    ========                                  ========
Proposed dividend (#'000)     15                                       1,896                                     1,893
Dividends paid during                                               ========                                  ========
the period (pence)                                                       6.8                                       6.2
Dividends paid during                                               ========                                  ========
the period (#'000)            15                                       2,525                                     2,300
                                                                    ========                                  ========

The accompanying accounting policies and notes form an integral part of these 
financial statements.

Consolidated Balance Sheet
as at 31 March 2007

                                             Notes           2007      2006
                                                            #'000     #'000



Goodwill                                         7          7,703    10,237
Other intangible assets                          7         13,329    19,515
Property, plant and equipment                    8          3,539     1,612
Deferred tax assets                             13          1,840       957
                                                           26,411    32,321


Inventories                                      9          8,480    11,530
Trade and other receivables                     10         11,984    10,680
Cash and cash equivalents                       11         23,321    15,855
                                                           43,785    38,065
Total assets                                               70,196    70,386

Equity attributable to shareholders 
of Goldshield Group plc

Share capital                                   12          1,859     1,856
Share premium                                              21,549    21,485
Translation reserve                                          (692)      (90)
Retained earnings                                          17,966    22,221
Total equity                                               40,682    45,472


Deferred tax liabilities                        13          1,117     1,649
                                                            1,117     1,649

Provisions                                      16          5,177     1,278
Trade and other payables                        17         16,092    15,677
Other liabilities                               18          2,533     2,816
Current tax liabilities                                     4,595     3,494
                                                           28,397    23,265
Total liabilities                                          29,514    24,914
Total equity and liabilities                               70,196    70,386

The financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 26 June 2007
and signed on their behalf by:

Ajit R Patel, Chief Executive Officer

Rakesh V Patel, Finance Director

The accompanying accounting policies and notes form an integral part of these 
financial statements.

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
for the year ended 31 March 2007

                                                             2007      2006
                                                   Note     #'000     #'000

Cash flows from operating activities

Result for the period before tax                              603     6,807
Depreciation                                                  632       512
Amortisation                                                4,661     5,880
Impairment losses                                           3,800     2,992
Equity settled share options                                   95       121
Finance costs                                                   4         6
Finance income                                               (705)     (281)
                                                            9,090    16,037

Decrease/(increase) in inventories                          3,050      (229)
(Increase)/decrease in trade and other receivables         (1,304)    1,236
Increase/(decrease) in provisions, 
trade payables and other liabilities                        3,826      (243)
Taxes paid                                                 (2,678)   (3,921)
Net cash from operating activities                         11,984    12,880

Cash flows from investing activities
Additions to property, plant and equipment                 (2,686)     (963)
Additions to other intangible assets                            -      (225)
Purchase of businesses and deferred consideration             (75)      (35)
Interest received                                             705       281
Net cash from investing activities                         (2,056)     (942)

Cash flows from financing activities
Proceeds from share issue                                      67        55
Interest paid                                                  (4)       (6)
Dividends paid                                             (2,525)   (2,300)
Net cash from financing activities                         (2,462)   (2,251)
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                   7,466     9,687
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period           15,855     6,168
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period          11     23,321    15,855

The accompanying accounting policies and notes form an integral part of these 
financial statements.

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity
for the year ended 31 March 2007

                                               Equity attributable to equity holders of        
                                                         Goldshield Group plc                  

                                                Share      Share     Translation      Retained Minority    Total
                                              capital    premium         reserve      earnings interest   equity
                                                #'000      #'000           #'000         #'000    #'000    #'000

Balance 1 April 2005                            1,854     21,359            (400)       20,370      106   43,289

Currency translation differences                    -          -             310             -        -      310
Deferred tax on translation reserve                 -          -               -           (93)       -      (93)
Deferred tax on pre 7 November
grants of share options                             -          -               -           243        -      243
Disposal of minority interest                       -          -               -             -     (106)    (106)
Net gains/(losses) not recognised
in income statement                                 -          -             310           150     (106)     354
Profit for the period                               -          -               -         3,880        -    3,880
Total recognised income and expense
for the period                                      -          -             310         4,030     (106)   4,234
Shares issued                                       2        126               -             -        -      128
Employee share based compensation                   -          -               -           121        -      121
Dividends paid                                      -          -               -        (2,300)       -   (2,300)
Balance at 31 March 2006                        1,856     21,485             (90)       22,221        -   45,472
Balance 1 April 2006                            1,856     21,485             (90)       22,221        -   45,472
Currency translation differences                    -          -            (602)            -        -     (602)
Deferred tax on translation reserve                 -          -               -           181        -      181
Deferred tax on pre 7 November
grants of share options                             -          -               -          (243)       -     (243)
Net losses not recognised
in income statement                                 -          -            (602)          (62)       -     (664)
Loss for the period                                 -          -               -        (1,763)       -   (1,763)
Total recognised expense
for the period                                      -          -            (602)       (1,825)       -   (2,427)
Shares issued                                       3         64               -             -        -       67
Employee share based compensation                   -          -               -            95        -       95
Dividends paid                                      -          -               -        (2,525)       -   (2,525)
Balance at 31 March 2007                        1,859     21,549            (692)       17,966        -   40,682

The accompanying accounting policies and notes form an integral part of these 
financial statements.

Notes to the Financial Statements


Basis of preparation

The consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with 
International Financial Reporting Standards(IFRSs) as adopted by the European 
Union (EU) and as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB).

A summary of the accounting policies applied in the preparation of financial 
statements is given below. These policies have been consistently applied to all 
the periods presented, unless otherwise stated.

Adoption of new and revised Standards

In the current year, the Group has adopted all of the new and revised Standards 
and interpretations issued by the International Accounting Standards Board 
(the IASB) and the International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee 
(the IFRIC) of the IASB that are relevant to its operations and effective for 
the annual reporting periods beginning on 1 April 2006. The adoption of these
new and revised Standards and Interpretations do not have a material financial 
impact on the financial statements of the Group.

New IFRS standards and Interpretations not adopted

The IASB and IFRIC have issued additional standards and interpretations which 
are effective for periods starting after the date of these financial statements. 
The following standards and interpretations with their effective date have yet 
to be adopted by the Group:

* IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures - 1 January 2007
* IFRS 8 Operating Segments - 1 January 2009
* IFRIC 8 Scope of IFRS 2 - 1 May 2006
* IFRIC 9 Reassessment of Embedded Derivatives - 1 June 2006
* IFRIC 10 Interim Financial Reporting and Impairment - 1 November 2006
* IFRIC 11 IFRS 2 - Group and Treasury Share Transactions - 1 March 2007
* IFRIC 12 Service Concession Agreements - 1 January 2008

The Group does not anticipate that the adoption of these standards and 
interpretations will have a material effect on its financial statements on 
initial adoption.

Basis of consolidation

The Group financial statements consolidate those of the Company and of its 
subsidiary undertakings drawn up to 31 March 2007. A subsidiary is an entity 
which the Company controls, this is achieved by owning more than 50% of the 
issued share capital. Profits or losses on intra-group transactions are 
eliminated in full. The results of the subsidiary undertakings acquired during 
the year have been included from the date of acquisition. On acquisition of a 
subsidiary, all of the subsidiary's assets and liabilities which exist at the 
date of acquisition are recorded at the fair values reflecting their condition 
at that date. Goodwill arising on consolidation, representing the excess of the 
fair value of the consideration given over the fair values of the identifiable 
net assets acquired, is capitalised net of any provision for impairment.


Revenue from the sale of goods is recognised in the income statement when the 
significant risks and rewards of ownership have been transferred to the buyer. 
Revenue is measured at the fair value of the consideration received/receivable 
by the Group for goods supplied and services provided, excluding value added tax 
and trade discounts. Revenue from services rendered is recognised in the income 
statement by reference to the stage of completion of transactions at the balance 
sheet date. The stage of completion for the Global Solutions - call centre 
business is determined by the man days spent on the project for rendering the 
service at the end of each billing cycle. Subscription revenue is accrued over 
the period of the subscription.

Intangible assets


All business combinations are accounted for under the purchase method and 
goodwill has been recognised on acquisitions of subsidiaries. In respect of 
business combinations that have occurred since 1 April 2004, goodwill represents 
the difference between the cost of the acquisition and the fair value of the net 
identifiable assets acquired. Goodwill is stated at cost less any accumulated 
impairment losses. Goodwill arising on acquisitions before 1 April 2004 has been 
retained at the previous UK GAAP amounts at 31 March 2004. Goodwill is allocated 
to cash generating units and is not amortised but tested for impairment annually 
or more frequently if events or changes in circumstances indicate that it might 
be impaired. 

Other intangible assets

Externally purchased product licenses, trademarks, brand-names, know-how and 
similar intangible items are capitalised at historical cost, net of any 
provision for impairment and amortised on a straight line basis over their 
estimated useful economic lives which range between seven and ten years. The 
amortisation cost has been included within administrative expenses in the income 


The Group's goodwill and other intangible assets are tested for impairment 
annually or more frequently, if events or changes in circumstances indicate that 
it might be impaired. For the purposes of assessing impairment, assets are 
grouped at the lowest levels for which there are separately identifiable cash 
flows (cash generating units). An impairment loss is recognised for the
amount by which the asset's or cash generating unit's carrying amount exceeds 
its recoverable amount. The recoverable amount is based on internal discounted 
cash - flow evaluation. If at the balance sheet date there is any indication 
that an impairment loss recognised in prior periods for an asset other than 
goodwill no longer exists, the recoverable amount is reassessed and the
asset is reflected at the recoverable amount.

Research and development expenditure

Expenditure on development activities is capitalised if the product or process 
is technically and commercially feasible, the costs are separately identifiable 
and the Group has sufficient resources to complete development. Capitalised 
development costs are stated at cost less accumulated amortisation and impairment 
losses. Capitalised development costs are amortised from the point at which 
the asset is ready to use on a straight-line basis over its useful life, not 
exceeding five years. All other research and development expenditure is written 
off to the income statement in the period in which it is incurred.

Property, plant and equipment

Property, plant and equipment are stated at cost less the accumulated 
depreciation on the same. Depreciation is charged on a straight line basis over 
the estimated useful lives on the cost of the assets less their residual value. 
Land is not depreciated. The estimated useful lives are as follows:

Freehold buildings and
leasehold improvements - 25 Years or over the period of lease
Office equipment       - 5 Years
Plant and equipment    - 6 to 7 Years
Motor vehicles         - 5 Years

Residual values are re-assessed annually.

Directly attributable costs for construction of assets is shown under Capital 
work in progress and will be transferred to the relevant category on completion 
of construction of the asset.


Inventories are stated at the lower of cost and net realisable value. The cost 
of inventories are valued using the weighted average price method. 

Accounting for income taxes

Current income tax assets and / or liabilities comprise those obligations to, or 
claims from, fiscal authorities relating to the current or prior reporting 
period, that are unpaid at the balance sheet date. They are calculated according 
to the tax rates and tax laws applicable to the fiscal periods to which they 
relate, based on the taxable profit for the year. 

Deferred tax is recognised on all temporary differences. This involves 
comparison of the carrying amount of assets and liabilities in the consolidated 
financial statements with their respective tax bases. However, deferred tax is 
not provided on the initial recognition of goodwill, nor on the initial 
recognition of an asset or liability unless the related transaction is a 
business combination or affects tax or accounting profit. Deferred tax 
liabilities are always provided for in full. Deferred tax assets and liabilities 
are calculated, without discounting, at tax rates that are expected to apply to 
the period when asset is realised or the liability is settled, based on tax 
rates (tax laws) that have been enacted or substantially enacted by the balance 
sheet date. All changes in deferred tax assets or liabilities are recognised as 
a component of tax expense in the income statement, except where they relate to 
items that are charged or credited directly to equity (such as translation 
reserve and pre 7 November 2002 grants of share options) in which case the 
related deferred tax is also charged or credited directly to equity. 

Tax losses available to be carried forward as well as other income tax credits 
to the Group are assessed for recognition as deferred tax assets. Deferred tax 
assets are only recognised to the extent that it is probable that future taxable 
profits will be available against which the asset can be recognised and are 
reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable that the related tax benefit 
will be realised.

Cash and cash equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash balances and call deposits with an 
original maturity of three months or less. Bank overdrafts that are repayable on 
demand and form an integral part of the Group's cash management are included as 
a component of cash. 

Employee benefits

The Group operates a defined contribution pension scheme whereby contributions 
are made to individual employee pension plans of certain employees. These costs 
are charged against profits in respect of the accounting period in which they 
are paid. 

Indian Gratuity costs, which represent a form of long term service 
benefits are accrued based on actuarial valuation at the balance sheet date, 
carried out by an independent actuary.

Leased assets

All leased assets are identified as operating leases if they do not transfer 
substantially all the risks and rewards to the leasee. 

Payments made under operating leases are charged to the profit and loss account 
on a straight line basis over the period of the lease.

Foreign currencies

The reporting currency for these financial statements is GB sterling (#) which 
is the parent company's functional currency. 

Transactions in foreign currencies are translated at the exchange rate ruling at 
the date of the transaction. Monetary assets and liabilities in foreign 
currencies are translated at the rates of exchange ruling at the balance sheet 
date. Foreign exchange differences arising on translation are recognised in 
profit or loss. Non monetary assets and liabilities that are measured in terms 
of historical cost in a foreign entity are translated using the exchange rate at 
the date of the transaction.

All assets and liabilities in the financial statements of foreign subsidiaries 
are translated at the closing rate at the balance sheet date. The results of 
foreign operations have been converted into Group's reporting currency at the 
actual rates over the reporting period and the exchange differences arising have 
been taken to translation reserve, a component of equity. The exchange 
differences arising from re-translation of the net investments in subsidiaries 
are directly taken to translation reserve. All other exchange differences are 
dealt with through the income statement.

Share options

For all employee share options granted after 7 November 2002 and vesting on or 
after 1 January 2005, an expense is recognised in the income statement with a 
corresponding credit to equity. The equity share based payment is measured at 
the fair value at the grant date using the binomial lattice method. If vesting 
periods or other vesting conditions apply, the expense is allocated over the 
vesting period, based on the best available estimate of the number of share 
options expected to vest.

Provisions - Legal and other disputes

Provision is made where a reliable estimate can be made of the likely outcome 
of legal or other disputes against the Group. In addition, provision is made for 
legal and other expenses arising from claims received or other disputes. No 
provision is made for other possible claims or where an obligation exists but 
it is not possible to make a reliable estimate. Costs associated with claims 
made by the Group against third parties are charged to the profit and loss 
account as they are incurred. The provisions are not discounted as the impact is 
not material. 

Exceptional legal costs

Exceptional legal costs are expenditure incurred and provided for defending the 
legal claims against the Group by Department of Heath and Serious Fraud Office.


Dividends proposed or declared after the balance sheet dates are not recognised 
as a liability. However the amounts of such dividends are disclosed in the 
financial statements. 

Segmental reporting 

A segment is a distinguishable component of the Group that is engaged either in 
providing products or services (business segment) or in providing products or 
services within a particular economic environment (geographic segment) which is 
subject to risks and rewards that are different from those of other segments.

Financial instruments

Financial assets and financial liabilities are recognised on the Group's balance 
sheet when the Group becomes a party to the contractual terms of the instrument.

- Trade receivables

Trade receivables do not carry any interest and are stated at their fair values 
as reduced to equal the estimated present value of the future cash flows.

- Bank borrowings

Interest bearing bank loans and overdrafts are recorded at fair values on 
initial recognition. Finance charges including premiums payable on settlement or 
redemption and direct issue costs, are accounted for on an accruals basis to the 
profit and loss account using the effective interest method and are added to the 
carrying value of the instrument to the extent that they are not settled in the 
period in which they arise.

- Trade payables

Trade payables are not interest bearing and are stated at their fair values.

- Equity instruments

Equity instruments issued by the Group are recorded at the proceeds received, 
net of direct issue costs.
Equity comprises of the following:

- Share capital - represents the nominal value of equity shares

- Share premium - represents the excess over nominal value of fair value of 

- Retained earnings - represents the accumulated retained profits

- Translation reserve - represents gains or losses on foreign currency 

Accounting estimates and judgements

Refer to note 24 of Consolidated IFRS Financial Statements on page 49.


Segment information is presented in the consolidated financial statements in 
respect of the Group's business segments, which are the primary basis of segment 
reporting. The business segment-reporting format reflects the Group's management 
and internal reporting structure.

Primary - Business segments

The Group is organised into five major business units - Retail Brands, Retail 
Generics, Hospitals, Direct to Consumer Western Europe (D2C WE) and, Direct to 
Consumer North America (D2C NA). Certain other business units like Country 
Distributors, Global Services, Wellbeing Centre, Wellbeing Villages, Resorts and 
Management Services constitute the other segments. These units form the basis 
for the Group's reporting of primary segment information. 

Secondary - Geographical segments

The geographical segments are considered for disclosure as secondary segment. 
Geographical revenues are segregated based on the location from which the 
revenues are generated. Assets are identified to the segment on the basis of 
their place of use. 

Segment results

Segment results include items directly attributable to a segment as well as 
those that can be allocated on a reasonable basis.

All inter-segment transfers are priced and carried out at arm's length.

Segment assets and liabilities

Segment assets include all operating assets used by a segment and consist 
principally of operating cash, debtors and fixed assets, net of allowances and 
provisions which are reported as direct offsets in the balance sheet. 

Segment liabilities include all operating liabilities and consist principally of 
creditors and accrued liabilties.

Segment assets and liabilities do not include deferred income taxes.

Unallocated segment income and expenses. 

Unallocated segment income comprises interest income and miscellaneous receipts 
not directly attributable to any particular segment. Unallocated segment 
expenditure represents interest on loans and provision for income taxes, which 
cannot be directly attributed to any segment.

Primary segment disclosure - Business segments

31 March 2007                      Retail     Retail                                  Other
                                   Brands   Generics  Hospitals  D2C WE   D2C NA   Segments   Total
                                    #'000      #'000      #'000   #'000    #'000      #'000   #'000
External sales                     31,266      7,420     11,364  11,580    5,852      6,792  74,274
Total revenue                      31,266      7,420     11,364  11,580    5,852      6,792  74,274
Segment result                      4,743        135      2,539    (441)  (2,653)    (4,421)    (98)
Operating loss                                                                                  (98)
Finance costs                                                                                    (4)
Finance income                                                                                  705
Income tax expense                                                                           (2,366)
Loss for the period                                                                          (1,763)
Other information        
Segment assets                     22,157      2,607     14,912   4,368    1,176     23,135  68,356
Unallocated corporate assets                                                                  1,840
Consolidated total assets                                                                    70,196
Segment liabilities                 9,468        880      3,509   2,121      723      7,382  24,083
Unallocated corporate liabilities                                                             5,712
Consolidated total liabilities                                                               29,795
Capital expenditure                     -          -         28      11       30      2,617   2,686
Depreciation and amortisation       4,134          -        101       1       32      1,025   5,293
Impairment losses                   1,042          -          -       -    2,132        626   3,800
Non-cash expenses other
than depreciation                       -          -          -       -        -         95      95

31 March 2006                      Retail    Retail                                 Other
                                   Brands  Generics Hospitals   D2C WE   D2C NA  Segments   Total
                                    #'000     #'000     #'000    #'000    #'000     #'000   #'000
External sales                     32,255     9,456    11,067   14,109    6,957     6,181  80,025
Total revenue                      32,255     9,456    11,067   14,109    6,957     6,181  80,025
Segment result                      4,690       (87)    2,532      691   (1,377)       83   6,532
Operating profit                                                                            6,532
Finance costs                                                                                  (6)
Finance income                                                                                281
Income tax expense                                                                         (2,927)
Profit for the period                                                                       3,880
Other information
Segment assets                     28,239     4,272    12,751    3,485    3,681    17,001  69,429
Unallocated corporate assets                                                                  957
Consolidated total assets                                                                  70,386
Segment liabilities                 8,915     1,187     3,281    2,356      634     3,398  19,771
Unallocated corporate liabilities                                                           5,143
Consolidated total liabilities                                                             24,914
Capital expenditure                     -         -        42        -        7     1,139   1,188
Depreciation and amortisation       5,177         -        91        -       59     1,065   6,392
Impairment losses                   1,245         -         -        -    1,148       599   2,992
Non-cash expenses other
than depreciation                       -         -         -        -        -       121     121

Geographical segments                               2007         2006
                                                   #'000        #'000
United Kingdom                                    53,738       58,778
Ireland                                           12,814       12,255
North America                                      5,852        6,957
India                                              1,870        2,035
Total                                             74,274       80,025

United Kingdom                                    41,626       43,003
Ireland                                           18,824       19,711
North America                                      1,176        3,681
India                                              8,570        3,991
Total                                             70,196       70,386

Capital expenditure
United Kingdom                                        72          241
Ireland                                               28           42
North America                                         30            7
India                                              2,556          898
Total                                              2,686        1,188


The operating (loss)/profit is stated after charging:

                                                    2007         2006
                                                   #'000        #'000
Auditor's remuneration:
- Audit services (see below)                          77           64
- Other services (see below)                         193          197
Depreciation and amortisation:
- Intangible assets                                4,661        5,880
- Property, plant and equipment                      632          512
Hire of plant and machinery                          139           88
Impairment losses                                  3,800        2,992
Exceptional legal and professional costs           5,602        1,651
Other operating lease rentals                      1,095        1,043
Foreign exchange losses                              366          205
Research and development:
- current year expenditure                           115          237

Auditors remuneration for audit and non-audit services in jurisdictions in which 
the Group has a presence are analysed below:

Group audit                                         2007         2006
                                                   #'000        #'000
Audit fees to Company's auditor for audit
of the Group's annual accounts                        77           64
                                                      77           64

Other services                                      2007         2006
                                                   #'000        #'000
Audit fees to Company's auditor and associates for
Company's subsidiaries pursuant to legislation        89           79
Advisory                                              48           40
Corporation tax                                       45           73
VAT                                                   11            5
                                                     193          197


Staff costs during the year were as follows:        2007         2006
                                                   #'000        #'000
Wages and salaries                                 8,820        8,536
Social security costs                                660          675
Share options                                         95          121
Other pension costs                                  253          253
                                                   9,828        9,585

The average number of employees is analysed below:  
                                                    2007         2006
                                                  Number       Number
Administration                                       341          310
Marketing and selling                                456          431
Management                                            97           98
Warehouse                                             28           31
                                                     922          870

The Group contributes to employee money pension schemes at a percentage of pay 
(depending on grade). The share option charge includes an amount of #32,000 
(2006: #19,000) pertaining to key management personnel. 

Directors' remuneration
The emoluments of the Directors were as follows:
                                                     2007        2006
                                                    #'000       #'000

Emoluments                                          1,631       1,537
Payments to third parties for consultancy 
services                                              113           5
Pension contributions to money purchase 
pension schemes                                        86          83
                                                    1,830       1,625

During the year four Directors (2006: four Directors) participated in money 
purchase pension schemes. 

Further details of the remuneration and share options of the Directors are given 
in the Directors' Remuneration Report on pages 22 to 26.


Finance income and costs includes all interest related income and expenses. The 
following amounts have been included in the income statement line for the 
reporting periods presented:
                                                     2007        2006
                                                    #'000       #'000
Interest income resulting from
- special interest bearing account                    365           -
- short term bank deposits                            310         281
- corporation tax                                      30           -
Finance income                                        705         281
Interest expense resulting from
- bank overdrafts                                      (1)         (2)
- corporation tax                                      (2)          -
- others                                               (1)         (4)
Finance costs                                          (4)         (6)


                                                      2007       2006
                                                     #'000      #'000

Result for the year before tax                         603      6,807
Tax rate                                               30%        30%
Expected tax expense                                  (181)    (2,042)
Adjustments for deferred tax                         1,328        492
Tax rate adjustment for future period
(tax rate will change for certain entities)           (118)         -
Adjustment for non-deductible expenses
- overseas losses not utilised                      (1,064)       628
- overseas profits not taxed                           608          -
- capital allowance                                    481        653
- other non-deductible expenses                     (4,303)    (2,412)
Adjustment to tax charge in respect
of prior periods                                       883        (75)
Other short term timing difference                       -       (171)
Actual tax expense, net                             (2,366)    (2,927)
Current tax expense                                 (4,459)    (3,344)
Adjustment to tax charges in respect of 
prior periods                                          883        (75)
                                                    (3,576)    (3,419)
Deferred tax income resulting from the
- origination and reversal of temporary 
difference                                           1,210        492
                                                     1,210        492
                                                    (2,366)    (2,927)


                                              Brand names
                                             licences and
                                              trade marks   Goodwill    Total
                                                    #'000      #'000    #'000
At 1 April 2005                                    64,356     26,050   90,406
Exchange differences                                    5      1,299    1,304
Additions acquired separately                         225          -      225
At 31 March 2006                                   64,586     27,349   91,935
At 1 April 2006                                    64,586     27,349   91,935
Exchange differences                                  (11)    (1,912)  (1,923)
At 31 March 2007                                   64,575     25,437   90,012

Amortisation and impairment losses
At 1 April 2005                                    37,567     14,742   52,309
Exchange differences                                    5        997    1,002
Amortisation                                        5,880          -    5,880
Impairment losses                                   1,619      1,373    2,992
At 31 March 2006                                   45,071     17,112   62,183
At 1 April 2006                                    45,071     17,112   62,183
Exchange differences                                  (10)    (1,654)  (1,664)
Amortisation                                        4,661          -    4,661
Impairment losses                                   1,524      2,276    3,800
At 31 March 2007                                   51,246     17,734   68,980
Carrying amounts
At 1 April 2005                                    26,789     11,308   38,097
At 31 March 2006                                   19,515     10,237   29,752
At 31 March 2007                                   13,329      7,703   21,032

Subsequent to the annual impairment test for 2007, the carrying amount of 
goodwill is allocated to the following cash generating units:

                                                     2007      2006
                                                    #'000     #'000

Hospitals                                           6,980     7,090
D2C North America                                       -     2,280
Regina                                                723       867
                                                    7,703    10,237

The recoverable amounts for the cash generating units given above are determined 
based on internal discounted cash flow evaluation. The cash flow evaluation is 
based on actual operating results and five year forecasts at the growth rates 
stated in the key assumptions.

The key assumptions are:

Growth rates                                         2007      2006

Hospitals                                        Constant  Constant
D2C North America                                Constant        4%
Regina                                           Constant        7%

Discount rates                                       2007      2006
                                                    #'000     #'000

Hospitals                                              8%        8%
D2C North America                                      8%        8%
Regina                                                 8%        8%

Management assumes the Hospitals, D2C North America and Regina units to continue 
to earn the current level of profit margins and achieve the same level of sales 
in the future forecasts. 

The growth rate for the Hospitals business, D2C North America and Regina 
business is assumed to be constant based on past experience.

The discount rate applied for the impairment review workings is based on the 
Weighted Average Cost of Capital for the Group. 

The US business has shown a downward trend reflected by lower revenue and 
reduced profitability as compared to previous years. The future forecasts for 
the business do not indicate substantial improvement in both revenue and 
profitability, which has resulted in recognising further impairment charge in 
the year. 

The Regina business has shown a small improvement in the turnover in the current 
year, however based on the profitability and the assumption of simliar level of 
sales in the future forecasts in an impairment charge is recognised.

The related goodwill impairment loss of #2,276,000 (2006: #1,373,000) is 
included under "Impairment losses" in the income statement. The amount 
attributed to D2C North America unit is #2,132,000 (2006: #1,148,000) and Regina 
unit is #144,000(2006: #225,000).


                                    Land &    Capital Work      Office     Plant &     Motor
                                 buildings     in progress   equipment   equipment  vehicles      Total
                                     #'000           #'000       #'000       #'000     #'000      #'000
At 1 April 2005                         99               -       2,398         482        10      2,989
Exchange differences                     6               -         113           8         1        128
Additions                              686               -         223          49         5        963
At 31 March 2006                       791               -       2,734         539        16      4,080
At 1 April 2006                        791               -       2,734         539        16      4,080
Exchange differences                   (71)              -        (194)        (15)       (2)      (282)
Additions                            1,664             130         733         146        13      2,686
Disposals                                -               -          (3)          -         -         (3)
At 31 March 2007                     2,384             130       3,270         670        27      6,481
At 1 April 2005                         45               -       1,556         265         5      1,871
Exchange differences                     3               -          74           8         -         85
Depreciation                            39               -         359         112         2        512
At 31 March 2006                        87               -       1,989         385         7      2,468

At 1 April 2006                         87               -       1,989         385         7      2,468
Exchange differences                    (8)              -        (134)        (12)       (1)      (155)
Depreciation                            63               -         436         127         6        632
Disposals                                                -          (3)          -         -         (3)
At 31 March 2007                       142               -       2,288         500        12      2,942
Carrying amounts
At 1 April 2005                         54               -         842         217         5      1,118
At 31 March 2006                       704               -         745         154         9      1,612
At 31 March 2007                     2,242             130         982         170        15      3,539

Land and buildings includes #1,655,000 (2006: #353,000) of land which is not 
being depreciated.


                                                     2007       2006
                                                    #'000      #'000

Finished goods and goods for resale                11,309     14,124
Write down on inventories                          (2,829)    (2,594)
                                                    8,480     11,530

In 2007, a total of #26,213,000 of inventories was included in the income 
statement as an expense (2006: #28,429,000).

An amount of #1,052,500 for write down of inventories (2006: #1,359,000) has 
been included within administrative expenses in the income statement.

No reversal of previous write-downs was recognised as a reduction of expense in 
2007 or 2006. None of the inventories are pledged as securities for liabilities.


                                                     2007        2006
                                                    #'000       #'000

Trade receivables                                  11,443      11,825
Allowance for doubtful debts                         (836)     (1,879)
Trade receivables, net                             10,607       9,946
Prepayments and accrued income                      1,377         734
Total                                              11,984      10,680

Trade receivables are usually due within 48 days and do not bear any effective 
interest rate. All trade receivables except the factored portion of the Retail 
Generics segment are subject to credit risk exposure. However the Group does not 
identify specific concentration of credit risk with regards to trade receivables, 
as the amount recognised resemble a large number of receivables from various 

The fair value of these short term financial assets is not individually 
determined as the carrying amounts is a reasonable approximation of fair value.


                                                    2007         2006
                                                   #'000        #'000

Cash at bank and in hand                          20,212        9,351
Short-term bank deposits                           3,109        6,504
Total                                             23,321       15,855

The effective interest rate on short-term bank deposits was 4.8% (2006: 3.8%); 
these deposits have an average maturity of 22 days (2006: 9 days).


                                                    2007         2006
                                                   #'000        #'000

100,000,000 ordinary shares of 5 pence each 
(2006: 100,000,000)                                5,000        5,000

                                                    2007         2006
                                                   #'000        #'000
Allotted, called up and fully paid
37,176,033 ordinary shares of 5 pence each 
(2006: 37,126,611)                                 1,859        1,856

                                                    2007         2006
Share issued and fully paid, Number Number
- beginning of the year                       37,126,611   37,070,778
- issued during the year                          49,422       55,833
Share issued and fully paid                   37,176,033   37,126,611

During the year 49,422 shares were issued under the unapproved employee share 
option scheme and the employee share save scheme. The difference between the 
total consideration of #66,826 and the nominal value of #2,471 has been credited 
to the share premium account.

Share options

Details of Directors' share options are set out in the Directors Remuneration 
Report on page 25.

The market price at 31 March 2007 was 170 pence and the range during the year 
ended 31 March 2007 was 170 pence to 337 pence.

The following share options which have been granted by the Company were 
outstanding at the year end:

                                        Date of grant     Earliest     Latest     2007     2006
                                                           date of    date of   Number   Number
                                                          exercise   exercise

The 'unapproved scheme'
5p Ordinary shares at 180 pence              3-Jun-98     3-Jun-01   2-Jun-08  735,000  735,000
5p Ordinary shares at 480.5 pence           11-Aug-99    11-Aug-02  10-Aug-09   22,917   31,580
5p Ordinary shares at 640 pence             11-Jan-00    11-Jan-03  10-Jan-10        -    1,923
5p Ordinary shares at 640 pence             11-Jan-00    11-Jan-05  10-Jan-10  175,337  177,260
5p Ordinary shares at 871 pence             10-Jul-00    10-Jul-03   9-Jul-10    7,453    8,118
5p Ordinary shares at 871 pence             10-Jul-00    10-Jul-05   9-Jul-10    1,805    1,805
5p Ordinary shares at 775 pence             18-Dec-00    18-Dec-03  17-Dec-10      924      924
5p Ordinary shares at 775 pence             18-Dec-00    18-Dec-05  17-Dec-10      924      924
5p Ordinary shares at 686 pence             18-Jul-01    18-Jul-04  17-Jul-11    7,261    7,686
5p Ordinary shares at 686 pence             18-Jul-01    18-Jul-06  17-Jul-11  123,491  124,499
5p Ordinary shares at 586.5 pence            3-Dec-01     3-Dec-04   2-Dec-11    3,545    3,783
5p Ordinary shares at 586.5 pence            3-Dec-01     3-Dec-06   2-Dec-11    3,545    3,783
5p Ordinary shares at 366 pence             23-Jul-02    23-Jul-05  22-Jul-12   11,270   11,270
5p Ordinary shares at 366 pence             23-Jul-02    23-Jul-05  22-Jul-12  294,110  321,979
5p Ordinary shares at 196 pence              4-Aug-03     4-Aug-06   4-Aug-13        -   56,939
5p Ordinary shares at 196 pence              4-Aug-03     4-Aug-08   3-Aug-13   59,540   72,805
5p Ordinary shares at 157.5 pence            4-Aug-03     4-Aug-06   4-Aug-13        -   38,549
5p Ordinary shares at 157.5 pence            4-Aug-03     4-Aug-08   4-Aug-13   46,757   53,767
5p Ordinary shares at 260.7 pence           26-Jul-04    26-Jul-07  25-Jul-14  161,042  180,044
5p Ordinary shares at 260.7 pence           26-Jul-04    26-Jul-09  25-Jul-14  161,042  180,044
5p Ordinary shares at 270 pence             21-Jul-05    21-Jul-08  20-Jul-15  101,448  124,347
5p Ordinary shares at 270 pence             21-Jul-05    21-Jul-10  20-Jul-15   99,415  122,314

The employee 'sharesave scheme'
5p Ordinary shares at 696 pence             23-Aug-00     1-Oct-07  31-Mar-08    1,056    1,056

                                        Date of grant   Earliest date    Latest date    2007    2006
                                                          of exercise    of exercise  Number  Number
The employee 'sharesave scheme'
5p Ordinary shares at 555 pence             10-Aug-01        1-Oct-04      31-Mar-07       -     304
5p Ordinary shares at 275.2 pence            2-Jul-02        1-Aug-07      31-Jan-08  14,431  14,431
5p Ordinary shares at 275.2 pence            2-Jul-02        1-Aug-09      31-Jan-10   6,531   6,531
5p Ordinary shares at 266 pence             10-Jan-03        1-Feb-06      31-Jul-08       -   1,421
5p Ordinary shares at 266 pence             10-Jan-03        1-Feb-08      31-Jul-10   2,469   2,469
5p Ordinary shares at 126 pence             15-Aug-03        1-Sep-06      28-Feb-07       -  39,933
5p Ordinary shares at 126 pence             15-Aug-03        1-Sep-08      28-Feb-09  15,165  15,165
5p Ordinary shares at 174 pence              2-Feb-04        1-Mar-07      31-Aug-07       -  11,237

The Directors' interests (including beneficial and family interests) in the 
above share options are set out in the Directors Remuneration Report on page 25.

                                                 2007            2007               2006       2006
                                     Weighted average          Number   Weighted average     Number
                                             exercise        price of     exercise price         of
                                                Pence         options              Pence    options
Outstanding at the beginning of the period     300.34       2,351,890             304.94  2,302,891
Forfeited/surrendered during the period        254.99        (245,990)            325.62   (204,988)
Exercised during the period                    135.22         (49,422)            190.65    (28,817)
Granted during the period                           -               -             270.00    282,804
Outstanding at the end of the period           309.73       2,056,478             300.34  2,351,890
Exercisable at the end of the period           331.97       1,093,472             289.60    981,998

As at 31 March 2007, the Group maintained two sharebased payment schemes:

Goldshield Group plc unapproved scheme

The unapproved share options scheme is administered by the Group. Options are 
granted to employees during their tenure of service and these can be exercised 
until expiry of 10 years from the date of grant, provided the employee continues 
to remain in service at the earliest exercise date. The options are exercisable 
based on the achievement of performance criteria with regards to growth in 
Earnings per share and Turnover. The Remuneration Committee has the discretion 
to consider any exception in meeting the performance criteria when the options 
are exercised.

Goldshield Group plc sharesave scheme

The scheme allows all eligible employees to benefit from the growth of the 
Company through savings deducted directly from pay, tax-free bonuses and a right 
to purchase Goldshield Group plc shares in the future but at a fixed price, 
which does not exceed the middle market value of a share over the three dealing 
days immediately preceding the issue of this invitation. The approved sharesave 
scheme has option exercise terms of three, five or seven years. The sharesave 
scheme can be exercised for 6 months only after the three, five or seven year 
maturity dates. 

The options outstanding at 31 March 2007 have an exercise price in the range of 
126 pence to 871 pence and a weighted average contractual life of 4.10 years. 

There were no share options granted during the year. 


Defered tax assets and liabilities are attributable to the following:

                                                 2007             2007           2006             2006
                                             Deferred         Deferred       Deferred         Deferred
                                           tax assets  tax liabilities     tax assets  tax liabilities
Non-current assets                              #'000            #'000          #'000            #'000

Other intangible assets                             -            1,117              -            1,894
Property, plant and equipment                      78                -              -              (77)
Share options                                      96                -            310                -
Translation reserve                               208                -             27                -
Total carried forward                             382            1,117            337            1,817

                                                 2007             2007           2006             2006
                                             Deferred         Deferred       Deferred         Deferred
                                                  tax              tax            tax              tax
                                               assets      liabilities         assets      liabilities
                                                #'000            #'000          #'000            #'000

Total brought forward                             382            1,117            337            1,817
Current liabilities
Other liabilities                                 963                -              -             (168)
Unused tax losses                                 495                -            620                -
Total                                           1,840            1,117            957            1,649
Translation reserve                               181                -            (93)               -
Share options                                    (243)               -            243                -
Total                                             (62)               -            150                -

Please also refer to note 6 for information on the Group's tax expense.


The calculation of the basic (loss)/earnings per share is based on the (loss)/
earnings attributable to ordinary shareholders divided by the weighted average 
number of shares in issue during the year.

The calculation of diluted earnings per share is based on the basic earnings per 
share, adjusted to allow for the issue of shares and the post tax effect of 
dividends, on the assumed conversion of all dilutive options.

Reconciliations of the (loss)/earnings and weighted average number of shares 
used in the calculations are set out below.

                                                                   2007                               2006
                                                               Weighted                           Weighted
                                                                average   Per share                average  Per share
                                                       Loss   number of      amount    Earnings  number of     amount
                                                      #'000  shares'000       pence       #'000 shares'000      pence

(Loss)/profit attributable to shareholders           (1,763)     37,146           -       3,880     37,098          -
Basic (loss)/earnings per share                                                (4.7)                             10.5
                                                                            ========                          ========
Diluted (loss)/earnings per share                                37,146        (4.7)                37,427       10.4
                                                                            ========                          ========

Weighted average number of ordinary shares                         2007             2006
                                                           shares 000's     shares 000's

Issued ordinary share at 1 April                                 37,127           37,071
Effect of share issued in July 2005                                   -               20
Effect of share issued in September 2005                              -                3
Effect of share issued in December 2005                               -                1
Effect of share issued in January 2006                                -                2
Effect of share issued in March 2006                                  -                1
Effect of share issued in September 2006                             18                -
Effect of share issued in March 2007                                  1                -
Weighted average number of ordinary share at 31 March            37,146           37,098

Weighted average number of ordinary shares (diluted)               2007             2006
                                                                  000's            000's

Weighted average number of ordinary share at 31 March            37,146           37,098
Effect of share options on issue                                      -              329
Weighted average number of ordinary shares                  -----------------------------
(diluted) at 31 March                                            37,146           37,427

                                                                   2007             2006
                                                                  #'000            #'000
Ordinary shares - dividend for 2005 of 4.5 pence
per share paid 3 August 2005                                          -            1,669
Ordinary shares - dividend for 2006 of 1.7 pence
per share paid 13 January 2006                                        -              631
Ordinary shares - dividend for 2006 of 5.1 pence
per share paid 18 August 2006                                     1,893                -
Ordinary shares - dividend for 2007 of 1.7 pence
per share paid 9 January 2007                                       632                -
                                                                  2,525            2,300

                                                                   2007             2006
                                                                  Pence            Pence
Proposed dividend per share                                         5.1              5.1
                                                                   2007             2006
                                                                  #'000            #'000
Proposed dividend                                                 1,896            1,893


Carrying amount 1 April 2006                                      1,278
Additional provisions                                             5,602
Used provisions                                                  (1,703)
Carrying amount 31 March 2007                                     5,177

Provisions are considered current as their timing of settlement is not at the 
discretion of the Group.

Provisions represent legal fees being an estimate of the ongoing costs for 
defending legal claims against the Group. It is anticipated that the provisions 
will be used within a period of 2-20 months from the date of initiation based on 
the actual legal costs as and when incurred.

As the timing of spend on the legal costs is dependant on the progress of the 
litigation which involves various counter parties and legal authorities, that 
Group cannot reliably estimate the amounts that will be paid after more than 12 
months from the balance sheet date. Thus, the whole amount is classified as 


                                  2007                 2006
                                 #'000                #'000

Trade payables                   5,123                5,219
Capital creditors                   75                  150
Accruals                        10,893               10,308
                                16,092               15,677


                                  2007                 2006
                                 #'000                #'000

Other creditors                  2,154                2,242
Social security and other taxes    379                  574
                                 2,533                2,816


The Group's minimum operating lease payments are as follows:

                                      2007               2006
                                    Land &     2007    Land &     2006
                                 buildings    Other buildings    Other
                                     #'000    #'000     #'000    #'000
Within one year                        887       46       952       53
Between one to five years            1,678        5     1,264        8
More than five years                 1,524        -       367        -
                                     4,089       51     2,583       61

Lease payments recognised as an expense during the period amount to #1,095,000 
(2006: #1,065,000). No sublease income is expected as all assets held under 
lease agreements are used exclusively by the Group.

No operating lease agreements contain any contingent rent clauses.

The office buliding in India has a renewal option and escalation clause for 
lease rentals. Apart from the India office building at Mumbai, none of the 
operating lease agreements contain renewal options or escalation clauses.

The Company did not have any financial leases at 31 March 2007 (31 March 2006: 


The Group uses financial instruments, comprising cash, short term borrowings, 
trade receivables and trade payables, which arise directly from its operations. 
The main purpose of these financial instruments is to raise finance for the 
Group's operations.

Short term debtors and creditors

The Group's trade and other receivables are actively monitored to avoid 
significant concentrations of credit risk.

Interest rate risk

The Group finances its operations through a mixture of retained profits and bank 
facilities. Bank borrowings are made using variable interest rates.

Liquidity risk

The Group seeks to manage financial risk, to ensure sufficient liquidity is 
available to meet foreseeable needs and to invest cash assets safely and 
profitably. Short-term flexibility is achieved through overdraft facilities and 
short/medium term borrowings.

Borrowing facilities

The Group has undrawn facilities available of #500,000 expiring within one year 
(2006: #500,000).

Currency risk

The Group is exposed to translation and transaction foreign exchange risk. In 
relation to translation risk the proportion of assets held in the foreign 
currency are matched to an appropriate level of borrowings in the same currency. 
Transaction exposures are hedged when known, mainly using the forward exchange 
hedge market.

The Group seeks to hedge its exposures using a variety of financial instruments, 
with the objective of minimising the impact of fluctuations in exchange rates on 
future transactions and cash flows.

The Group has overseas subsidiaries operating in Ireland where reserves and 
expenses are denominated in Euros. The Group has funded the acquisition cost and 
working capital by a Euro loan. As the Group receives net cash inflows in Euros 
this loan is being reduced and replaced, as necessary, by funding denominated in 

#20.2 million (2006: #20.1 million) of the sales of the Group's business is to 
customers in continental Europe/foreign markets excluding North American 
operations. The majority of these sales are invoiced in the currencies of the 
customers involved. The Group policy is to minimise all currency exposures on 
any balance not expected to mature within 30 days of its arising through
the use of forward currency contracts, however there were none in place at the 
year end. All other sales of UK business are denominated in sterling.

The tables below show the extent to which Group companies have monetary assets 
and liabilities in currencies other than their local currency.

Functional currency of operation                Net foreign currency monetary assets/(liabilities)

                                                                Indian        Other
                                        US Dollars     Euro     Rupees   currencies    Total
                                             #'000    #'000      #'000        #'000    #'000

Sterling                                       338    2,763        890           (2)   3,989
Dollar                                         316        -          -            -      316
Euro                                           537        -          -            -      537
Indian Rupees                                    -        -          -        4,228    4,228
                                             1,191    2,763        890        4,226    9,070

Sterling                                       252    1,766      1,058            -    3,076
Dollar                                         361        -        382            -      743
Euro                                           398       78          -            -      476
Indian Rupees                                   42        -          -        1,734    1,776
                                             1,053    1,844      1,440        1,734    6,071

Fair values

The fair values of the Group's financial instruments are considered equal to the 
book value. As these financial instruments are not publicly traded, the fair 
values presented are determined by calculating present values of the cash flows 
anticipated until maturity of these financial assets.


During the year ended 31 March 2007, the Group entered into contracts to 
purchase and construct property, plant and equipment for #453,000 
(2006: #172,000). These commitments are expected to be settled in the following 
financial year.


At 31 March 2007 the Company held more than 20% of the allotted share capital of 
the following significant undertakings:

Name                                 Country of      Class of share    Proportion         Nature of
                                registration or        capital held          held          business

Goldshield Pharmaceuticals    England and Wales  #1 ordinary shares          100%     Marketing and  
Limited                                                                             distribution of

Goldshield Limited            England and Wales  #1 ordinary shares          100%     Marketing and 
                                                                                    distribution of
                                                                                vitamins and health 

Goldshield Management 
Services Limited              England and Wales  #1 ordinary shares          100%        Management 

Vitamins Direct Limited       England and Wales  #1 ordinary shares          100%     Marketing and             
                                                                                    distribution of
                                                                                       vitamins and 
                                                                                 health supplements

Regina Health Limited         England and Wales  #1 ordinary shares          100%     Marketing and                     
                                                                                    distribution of
                                                                                vitamins and health 

B&S House of Health Limited   England and Wales  #1 ordinary shares          100%     Marketing and 
                                                                                    distribution of
                                                                                       vitamins and 
                                                                                 health supplements

Natural Essentials Limited    England and Wales  #1 ordinary shares          100%     Marketing and 
                                                                                    distribution of
                                                                                       vitamins and 
                                                                                 health supplements

Forley Generics Limited       England and Wales  #1 ordinary shares          100%      Marketing of 

Goldshield USA, Inc                         USA     Ordinary shares          100%      Intermediate 
                                                                                    holding company

Golden Pride, Inc                           USA     Ordinary shares          100%     Marketing and 
                                                                                    distribution of
                                                                                       vitamins and 
                                                                                 health supplements

WT Rawleigh, Co                          Canada     Ordinary shares          100%     Marketing and 
                                                                                    distribution of
                                                                                       vitamins and 
                                                                                 health supplements

Goldshield Services Pvt. Limited          India     Ordinary shares          100%        Management 

Antigen Pharmaceuticals Limited         Ireland     Ordinary shares          100%      Intermediate 
                                                                                    holding company

Antigen International Limited           Ireland     Ordinary shares          100%     Marketing and 
                                                                                    distribution of

Antigen Overseas Limited                Ireland     Ordinary shares          100%     Marketing and 
                                                                                  of pharmaceutical 

Anpharm Limited                         Ireland     Ordinary shares          100%     Marketing and 
                                                                                    distribution of

Goldshield Healthcare Pvt. Limited        India     Ordinary shares          100%     Marketing and 
                                                                                    distribution of
                                                                                       vitamins and 
                                                                                 health supplements
                                                                                  and telemarketing 

Goldshield Real Estate Pvt. Limited       India     Ordinary shares          100%    Development of 
                                                                                 Wellbeing Villages
                                                                                        and Resorts

Complete Wellbeing Publishing             India     Ordinary shares          100%        Publishing 
Pvt. Limited                                                                          magazines for
                                                                                      consumers and
                                                                                     selling copies,
                                                                                  subscriptions and 
                                                                                  advertising space

Goldshield Direct,Inc.                      USA     Ordinary shares          100%     Marketing and 
                                                                                    distribution of
                                                                                       vitamins and 
                                                                                 health supplements

Goldshield Management Services, Inc.        USA     Ordinary shares          100%        Management 

Goldshield Business Solutions         England &     Ordinary shares          100%    Accounting and
Limited                                   Wales                                    Taxation Service


Indemnities and guarantees

The Group has given indemnities in respect of advance payments, deferred 
purchase consideration and import duty guarantees issued on its behalf in the 
normal course of business. The indemnities given at 31 March 2007 were #583,000
(2006: #329,000).

Irish operations

On 28 November 2001 the Group acquired the sales, marketing and distribution 
rights for the Antigen brand from Antigen Holdings Limited. The companies and 
assets were acquired at an estimated cost of #9.4 million. The estimated 
consideration was to be settled in two parts, firstly by the payment of #5.2 
million and secondly by an obligation to discharge the scheme of arrangement 
liabilities of the acquired Antigen companies. The Directors obtained legal 
opinion that the Group's exposure to the debts covered by the scheme was 
restricted to the debts borne by the companies it acquired.

On 29 October 2002, Miza Ireland Limited and each of its Irish subsidiaries, 
parties to the wider scheme of arrangement, were placed into examinership. 
During the prior year the liquidator of Miza Ireland Limited claimed the sum of 
Euro20.8 million although no grounds for the claim have been specified in detail. 
Liability for the claim has been denied. The Directors have received legal
opinion that no basis for claim has been presented by the liquidator which could 
result in a liability on the part of the company and that the subsidiaries 
concerned have grounds for defending the claim. 

On the 2 November 2005, the liquidator of Miza Ireland Limited served High Court 
proceedings against the Group (and other defendants) for the above-said claim. 
The claim is presently pending before the High Court Commercial in Ireland.

Serious Fraud Office (SFO) Investigation update

In April 2006, the SFO framed formal charges against the company and two of the 
Company Directors. The Directors do not believe the Group has acted in an 
unlawful manner and the case is being defended. Legal and professional costs in 
this matter have been provided for.

Scottish and Northern Irish Department of Health claims

Claims have been received from the Scottish Health Authorities and the 
Department of Health and Social Services and Public Safety for Northern Ireland 
claiming damages of around #3.3 million and #1.0 million respectively. The Group 
vigorously denies any liability for this claim.

The Directors believe the Group is free from wrong-doing in respect of these 
allegations. A defence has been filed. 

Further information required by IAS 37 is not disclosed on the grounds that it 
can be expected to prejudice the outcome of the litigation. The expected legal 
and professional costs for this action have been provided for.


Estimates and judgments are continually evaluated and are based on historical 
experience and other factors, including expectations of future events that are 
believed to be reasonable under the circumstances.

The Group makes estimates and judgements concerning the future. The estimates 
and judgements that have a significant risk of causing a material adjustment to 
the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities within the next financial year 
are discussed below.

Impairment of goodwill and other intangibles

The Group test annually the carrying values of goodwill and other intangibles 
for any possible impairment in accordance with the accounting policy statement 
in Note 1. The achievement of the growth and profitability by the individual 
cash generating units is critical in substantiating the carrying value of 
goodwill and intangibles. Refer to note 7 of Consolidated IFRS Financial
Statements on page 40.

Legal and other disputes

The Group faces ongoing litigation issues for claims against it, the same 
detailed in Note 23 on contingent liabilities. The Group continues to vigorously 
deny any liabilities from these claims but the outcome of these legal issues and 
any resulting financial implications could have a material impact on the Group's 
financial statements.

Share options

The share options calculation takes into account future dividends of 6 pence and 
a volatility rate of 45%, based on expected share price. It is assumed that the 
3 and 5 year share save options are held for 3 and 5 years respectively, ie. the 
duration of the savings contracts, because the bonus is paid then and the 
employee has cash tied up. For the employee stock options it is assumed that 3 
year options will be held for 5 years and that 5 year options will be held for 6 
years. Both could be held for longer before expiry, but on average employees are 
likely to seek liquidity or leave the company before the full term. The riskfree
interest rate was determined at 5%. The underlying expected volatility was based 
upon a calculation of historic volatility during the period 2002-2004.

Income taxes

The Group is subject to taxes in various jurisdictions. Significant judgment is 
required in determining the Group provision for income taxes. There are many 
transactions and calculations for which the ultimate tax determination is 
uncertain during the ordinary course of business. The Group recognises 
liabilities for anticipated tax audit issues based on estimates as to whether
additional taxes will be due. Where the final tax outcome of these matters is 
different from the amounts that were initially recorded, such differences will 
impact the income tax and deferred tax provision in the year in which such 
determination is made.


The Group has agreed to an unsecured facility amounting to #500,000 (2006: #nil) 
each to Ajit R Patel and Kirti V Patel, for payment of legal fees in defending 
charges framed by the Serious Fraud Office (SFO). An amount of #200,000 (2006: 
#nil) has been provided for against these facilities and forms part of the 
exceptional legal costs in the Income Statement. The amount drawn against these 
facilities as at 31 March 2007 is #482,000 (2006: #nil). Subsequent to 31 March 
2007 the Group has received #800,000 from the Insurance Company and the broker 
against settlement of claim for the Director's and Officer's Insurance policy 
which has been set against the unsecured facility to the Director's.


Settlement of English Department of Health claims

The Group has reached an agreed #4 million settlement with the English 
Department of Health regarding the alleged conspiracy surrounding the sale of 
the anticoagulant drug, warfarin. Under the terms of the settlement Goldshield 
have agreed to pay this amount, on a full and final basis and without admission 
of liability.

Disposal of certain Indian business and assets

To enable the business to focus both management time and the full resources of 
Goldshield on its Pharmaceutical and Healthcare businesses, it has been decided 
that the Group will dispose of certain of the non-core Indian businesses and 
also to outsource the development of the Wellbeing Healthcare villages and 
resort in Goa. The sites identified by the Group will be retained pending 
receipt of the planning approvals at which time they will be co-developed.

Ajit R Patel has expressed an interest in acquiring these non-core assets and 
has entered into an agreement with Goldshield, summary details of which 
are set out below.

Ajit R Patel, or a company controlled by him, will purchase the entire issued 
share capital of Goldshield Business Solutions Private Limited (GBSPL), an 
Indian incorporated wholly owned subsidiary of Goldshield for a consideration of 
INR 110 million (approximately #1.4 million). The consideration will be payable 
in cash on completion and will be applied to general corporate purposes. GBSPL 
will be required by 28 February, 2008 to change its name to Sanda Business 
Solutions and the Goldshield name will revert to the Group.

Company Balance Sheet at 31 March 2007

                                           Notes         2007         2006
                                                        #'000        #'000
Fixed assets
Goodwill                                       5          809        2,127
Other intangible assets                        5       12,521       17,383
Investments                                    6        7,159        6,871
                                                       20,489       26,381
Current assets
Debtors: due after more than one year          7        3,893        9,919
Debtors: due within one year                   7        3,097            7
Cash at bank and in hand                                9,974        7,829
                                                       16,964       17,755
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year 8       (1,911)     (13,160)
Net current assets                                     15,053        4,595
Total assets less current liabilities                  35,542       30,976

Provisions for liabilities                     9       (1,117)      (1,894)
                                                       34,425       29,082
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                       10        1,859        1,856
Share premium account                         11       21,549       21,485
Profit and loss account                       11       11,017        5,741
Shareholders' funds                           12       34,425       29,082

The financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 26 June 2007 
and signed on their behalf by:

Ajit R Patel, Chief Executive Officer

Rakesh V Patel, Finance Director

The accompanying accounting policies and notes form an integral part of these 
financial statements.

Notes to the Company's Financial Statements


Basis of preparation

The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with applicable United 
Kingdom accounting standards and under the historic cost convention. The 
Directors have reviewed the principal accounting policies and consider they 
remain the most appropriate for the Company. The principal accounting policies 
of the Company have remained unchanged from the previous year.


Investments in subsidiary undertakings in the balance sheet of the Company are 
included at the cost of the shares held less amounts written off.

Intangible fixed assets

Goodwill, brand names, know-how, licences, trademarks and similar intangible 
items are capitalised at historical cost net of any provision for impairment and 
amortised on a straight line basis over their estimated useful economic lives, 
which range between seven and ten years.

Deferred taxation

Deferred tax is recognised on all timing differences where the transactions or 
events that give the Group an obligation to pay more tax in the future, or a 
right to pay less tax in the future have occurred by the balance sheet date. 
Deferred tax assets are recognised when it is more likely than not that they 
will be recovered. Deferred tax is measured using rates of tax that have been
enacted or substantially enacted by the balance sheet date. Defered taxes are 
not discounted.

Foreign currencies

Transactions in foreign currencies are translated at the exchange rate ruling at 
the date of the transaction. Monetary assets and liabilities in foreign 
currencies are translated at the rates of exchange ruling at the balance sheet 
date. All other exchange differences are dealt with through the profit and loss 

Financial instruments

Financial assets and financial liabilities are recognised on the Company's 
balance sheet when the Company becomes a party to the contractual terms of the 

* Trade receivables

Trade receivables do not carry any interest and are stated at their fair values, 
which equal the estimated present value of the future cash flows.

* Bank borrowings

Interest bearing bank loans and overdrafts are recorded at the fair value. 
Finance charges including premiums payable on settlement or redemption and 
direct issue costs, are accounted for on an accruals basis to the profit and 
loss account using the effective interest method and are added to the carrying 
value of instrument to the extent that they are not settled in the period in 
which they arise.

* Trade payables

Trade payables are not interest bearing and are stated at their fair value.

* Equity instruments

Equity instruments issued by the Company are recorded at the fair value.


The Company has taken advantage of Section 230 of the Companies Act 1985 and has 
not included its own profit and loss account in these financial statements. The 
profit after tax for the year of the Company was #7,801,000 (2006: Loss
#1,290,000) which is dealt with in the financial statements of the Company.

Auditors remuneration

The audit fees for the Company was #6,000 (2006: #5,000). Auditor's remuneration 
for other services is disclosed in note 3 of Consolidated IFRS financial 
statements on page 38.

Fees paid to Company's auditor, Grant Thornton UK LLP, and its associates for 
services other than statutory audit of the Company are not disclosed in 
Goldshield Group plc's accounts since the consolidated accounts of Goldshield 
Group plc are required to disclose non-audit fees on a consolidated basis.


There were no employees in the Company as at 31 March 2007 and 31 March 2006.

Details in respect of Directors' emoluments are included within the Directors' 
Remuneration Report on page 24.


                                                            2007            2006
                                                           #'000           #'000
Ordinary shares - dividend for 2005 of 4.5 pence per 
share paid on 3 August 2005                                    -           1,669
Ordinary shares - dividend for 2006 of 1.7 pence per 
share paid on 13 January 2006                                  -             631
Ordinary shares - dividend for 2006 of 5.1 pence per 
share paid on 18 August 2006                               1,893               -
Ordinary shares - dividend for 2007 of 1.7 pence per 
share paid on 9 January 2007                                 632               -
                                                           2,525           2,300

                                                            2007            2006
                                                           Pence           Pence
Proposed dividend per share                                  5.1             5.1

                                                            2007            2006
                                                           #'000           #'000

Proposed dividend                                          1,896           1,893


                                                     Brand names
                                                    licences and
                                                     trade marks        Goodwill       Total
                                                           #'000           #'000       #'000

At 1 April 2006 and 31 March 2007                         48,894          14,605      63,499
Amortisation and impairment losses
At 1 April 2006                                           31,511          12,478      43,989
Amortisation                                               4,105             551       4,656
Impairment losses                                            757             767       1,524
At 31 March 2007                                          36,373          13,796      50,169

Carrying amounts
At 31 March 2007                                          12,521             809      13,330
At 31 March 2006                                          17,383           2,127      19,510

The Board has considered the useful economic life for significant acquisitions 
and concluded in each case that the useful economic life ranges between seven 
and ten years.

The discount rate used to calculate the impairment loss is 8%.

The length of the forecast period considered for the impairment workings is 2 to 
5 years based on the acquisition date of the products and no growth in revenue 
is considered in the future forecasts.


                                                                2007        2006
                                                               #'000       #'000

Investments in Group undertakings at cost                      7,159       6,871

Cost                                                           #'000
At 1 April 2006                                                6,871
Additions                                                      4,758
At 31 March 2007                                              11,629
Amounts written off in year ended 31 March 2007               (4,470)
Net book amount at 31 March 2007                               7,159

Shares in subsidiary undertakings

Refer Note 22 of Consolidated IFRS financial statements on Page 48.


Debtors due after more than one year                            2007        2006
                                                               #'000       #'000

Amounts owing by subsidiary undertakings                       3,893       9,919

Debtors due within one year
                                                                2007        2006
                                                               #'000       #'000

Other debtors                                                      1           -
Amounts owing by subsidiary undertakings                       3,096           -
Prepayments and accrued income                                     -           7
                                                               3,097           7


                                                                2007        2006
                                                               #'000       #'000

Amounts owing to subsidiary undertakings                           -      11,346
Capital creditors                                                 75         150
Current taxation                                               1,326       1,104
Social security and other taxes                                  174         224
Other creditors                                                  336         336
                                                               1,911      13,160


                                                                2007        2006
                                                               #'000       #'000

Deferred taxation                                              1,117       1,894

Deferred taxation provided for in the financial statements is set out below:

                                                                2007        2006
                                                               #'000       #'000

Accelerated capital allowances                                 1,117       1,894
Total                                                          1,117       1,894

                                                                2007        2006
                                                               #'000       #'000

At 1 April 2006                                                1,894       2,913
Movement in the year                                            (777)     (1,019)
At 31 March 2007                                               1,117       1,894


                                                                2007        2006
                                                               #'000       #'000

100,000,000 ordinary shares of 5 pence each 
(2006: 100,000,000)                                            5,000       5,000

                                                                2007        2006
                                                               #'000       #'000

Allotted, called up and fully paid
37,176,033 ordinary shares of 5 pence each 
(2006: 37,126,611)                                             1,859       1,856

During the year 49,422 shares were issued under the unapproved employee share 
option scheme and the employee share save scheme. The difference between the 
total consideration of #66,826 and the nominal value of #2,471 has been credited 
to the share premium account

Share options

Refer Note 12 of Consolidated IFRS financial statements on pages 43 to 44.


                                                              Profit       Share
                                                              & loss     premium
                                                             account     account
                                                               #'000       #'000

At 1 April 2006                                                5,741      21,485
Equity dividends paid                                         (2,525)          -
Premium on allotment during the year                               -          64
Retained profit for the year                                   7,801           -
At 31 March 2007                                              11,017      21,549


                                                                2007        2006
                                                               #'000       #'000

Profit/(loss) for the financial year after taxation            7,801      (1,289)
Equity dividends paid                                         (2,525)     (2,300)
Issue of shares                                                   67         128
Net increase/(decrease) in shareholders' funds                 5,343      (3,461)
Shareholders' funds at 1 April 2006                           29,082      32,543
Shareholders' funds at 31 March 2007                          34,425      29,082


Refer to note 23 of Consolidated IFRS financial statements on page 49.


Refer to note 26 of Consolidated IFRS financial statements on page 50.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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