This announcement ("Announcement") does not constitute, or form part of, 
an invitation or offer of ordinary shares or other securities to be 
issued, offered or sold in connection with the Capital Restructuring (as 
defined below) for subscription, sale or purchase by any person. 
   The distribution of this Announcement, and any other document issued by 
the Company in connection with the issue, offer or sale of ordinary 
shares or other securities in connection with the Capital Restructuring 
into jurisdictions other than Ireland and the United Kingdom may be 
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   Kenmare Resources plc ("Kenmare" or "the Company") 
   29 April, 2016 
   Update on Proposed Deleveraging Plan 
   Kenmare Resources plc (LSE:KMR, ISE:KMR), one of the leading global 
producers of titanium minerals and zircon, which operates the Moma 
Titanium Minerals Mine (the "Mine" or "Moma") in northern Mozambique, is 
pleased to provide the following update on its proposals to materially 
reduce the Group's outstanding debt (from outstanding debt of US$367.8 
million as of 31 December, 2015 to not more than US$100 million); to 
provide the Group with additional liquidity from part of the net 
proceeds of a capital raise; and to amend the terms of residual loans. 
It is expected that existing events of default under the current debt 
facilities would also be remedied upon implementation of the proposals. 
   These proposals represent the components of a material deleveraging plan 
("Deleveraging Plan") required to be delivered to the Group's lenders 
(the "Lenders") under the terms of the project loan amendment agreement 
entered into in April 2015 ("the April 2015 Amendment"). While it was a 
requirement of the April 2015 Amendment that a Deleveraging Plan be 
delivered to, and agreed with, Lenders by 31 January, 2016, a 
Deleveraging Plan has not yet been agreed. However, significant progress 
has been made on such a plan and the Lenders continue to work with the 
Group on satisfaction of the pre-conditions necessary for the 
implementation of a Deleveraging Plan. 
   Deleveraging Plan and Summary Details of the Capital Restructuring 
   The Deleveraging Plan includes the following key elements (together "the 
Capital Restructuring"): 
   1. A US$100 million placing of new ordinary shares with State General 
      Reserve Fund, a sovereign wealth fund of the Sultanate of Oman ("SGRF"), 
      and a US$100 million placing of new ordinary shares with King Ally 
      Holdings Limited ("King Ally") (in aggregate US$200 million) ("the 
      Cornerstone Placing") and an additional firm placing, at the same issue 
      price ("Issue Price") as the Cornerstone Placing, of not less than US$75 
      million ("Firm Placing") for which participation commitments will be 
      sought from a number of new and existing institutional shareholders; 
   2. Application of US$200 million of the proceeds of the Cornerstone Placing 
      and Firm Placing to repay US$250 million of debt, together with the 
      discharge of an amount equal to interest accruing on project loans 
      (excluding the Super Senior Facility) from  25 November, 2015 until the 
      date of receipt of Lender approvals, with the balance of the net proceeds 
      (after expenses of the issue and of the Capital Restructuring) of the 
      Cornerstone Placing and Firm Placing being retained by the Company for 
      working capital purposes; 
   3. An open offer ("Open Offer") to existing shareholders to subscribe for 
      new ordinary shares on the same terms as under the Cornerstone Placing 
      and Firm Placing. The maximum size of the Open Offer will be such as to 
      enable the discharge of all remaining outstanding indebtedness in the 
      event of full subscription under the Open Offer on the basis that for 
      every US$3 raised under the Open Offer US$4 of debt obligations are 
   4. To the extent that subscriptions under the Open Offer are insufficient to 
      reduce outstanding indebtedness to US$100 million, the amount of debt in 
      excess of US$100 million will be equitised at the Issue Price; 
   5. A share capital reorganisation will also be proposed as part of the 
      Capital Restructuring pursuant to which ordinary shares in issue will be 
      consolidated, with all new ordinary shares to be issued under the Capital 
      Restructuring being on a post-consolidation basis. 
   The net effect of these arrangements will be that the amount of debt 
remaining outstanding following the completion of the Capital 
Restructuring will not be more than US$100 million and (dependent on the 
level of subscription for new ordinary shares under the Open Offer) 
could be less. 
   The participants in the Cornerstone Placing are each expected to hold 
new ordinary shares representing a maximum of 29.9% in the enlarged 
issued share capital of the Company following completion of the Capital 
Restructuring. The actual percentage represented by their respective 
interests will depend on the funds raised in excess of the required 
minimum of US$275 million. Similarly, the percentage of equity (if any) 
owned by the Lenders following completion of the Capital Restructuring 
will depend, amongst other things, on the funds raised in excess of the 
required minimum of US$275 million. 
   Objectives of the Capital Restructuring 
   The primary objectives of the Capital Restructuring are to: 
   1. achieve a new and simplified capital structure for the Group, with a 
      strengthened balance sheet and a more appropriate debt service and 
      maturity profile, taking account of the difficult trading conditions 
      which have characterised the titanium dioxide feedstocks industry in the 
      period from 2013 to 2016 (inclusive); 
   2. ensure the Group has sufficient resources to meet its general corporate 
      and working capital needs; 
   3. allow the Group to conserve cash resources pending a recovery in product 
      prices (there will be no principal repayments (semi-annual) in respect of 
      outstanding debt following completion of the Restructuring until 1 
      February, 2018)); 
   4. recognise and respect the interests of the stakeholders of the business, 
      in particular the senior lenders, the subordinated lenders and the 
   5. avail of the conditional commitment from King Ally and the expected 
      commitment from SGRF to make a material investment in the Company. 
   6. provide other institutional investors with the opportunity to invest, in 
      aggregate, not less than US$75 million at the same Issue Price; 
   7. provide all shareholders (subject only to jurisdictional selling 
      restrictions) with an opportunity, alongside, and at the same price as, 
      the participants in the Cornerstone Placing and the Firm Placing, to 
      re-invest in the Company and the Mine with a right-sized debt structure, 
      with such investment reducing (and potentially eliminating) the 
      proportion of new ordinary shares which would otherwise be held by 
      Lenders on completion of the fundraising, and in certain circumstances 
      reducing (and potentially eliminating) total outstanding debt; and 
   8. deliver the material deleveraging required by the Lenders under the April 
      2015 Amendment 
   The Capital Restructuring has been structured so as to recognise the 
primacy of cash investment and maximise the debt reduction achieved at 
this time. Accordingly, the application of the first US$200 million of 
proceeds raised under the capital raise will be applied to repay US$250 
million of debt and discharge an amount equal to certain interest 
accrued; and, to the extent that additional cash (supplemental to the 
US$75 million under the Firm Placing, which will be used to discharge 
expenses and for working capital purposes), is raised this will retire 
additional debt at a ratio of 4:3. 
   All of the characteristics of Moma which enabled its original 
development and its subsequent expansion in 2010, and which formed the 
basis for the additional accommodations and investments since made by 
the Lenders and shareholders respectively, still subsist. Moma 
constitutes a resource large enough to support very long mine life, is 
capable of being mined at low operating cost with surface mineralisation 
enabling dredge mining, has access to relatively low cost hydro power, 
has a coastal location requiring minimal over land transportation and 
the ability to mine and export directly using a dedicated shipping 
terminal, and has a diversified worldwide customer base and significant 
co-product revenue stream and ilmenite products suitable for both 
sulphate and chloride pigment processes without further beneficiation. 
   The Board believes that, with the implementation of the Capital 
Restructuring and the attendant material deleveraging and near-term risk 
mitigation in relation to the financial position of the Group, together 
with the benefit of the considerable operational experience gained, 
efficiencies and improvements being implemented at Moma over recent 
years (including in relation to mitigating poor power reliability issues, 
increasing the effectiveness of the rutile and zircon circuits and 
decreasing operating costs primarily through reductions in the cost and 
size of the workforce), the Group will be well placed to benefit from a 
recovery in product pricing. While the timing of any such recovery 
cannot be foreseen with accuracy, both supply and demand dynamics 

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April 29, 2016 02:02 ET (06:02 GMT)

(further detail in relation to which is set out in the Kenmare Annual 
Report published today) indicate that conditions are conducive to an 
improvement in pricing. 
   Risks to Implementation 
   The Deleveraging Plan is a complex initiative with multiple 
counterparties. As of the date of this announcement, it remains subject 
to significant third party, internal and external risks. Moreover any 
investment by King Ally and/or any commitment by SGRF, if made, will be 
subject to a number of key conditions, including, inter alia, their 
being respectively satisfied with the form and content of a prospectus 
to be prepared by Kenmare, that a final agreement with lenders is 
entered into and reflects the envisaged debt restructuring, and that not 
less than, in aggregate, US$275 million is raised by way of an equity 
issue, as well as conventional conditions for an equity issue of this 
nature. The Lenders have not yet agreed to the Deleveraging Plan. 
   In addition, the Capital Restructuring will require publication of a 
prospectus and convening of an extraordinary general meeting at which 
approval of a number of resolutions (expected to include ordinary 
resolutions, special resolutions and resolutions on which only certain 
independent shareholders can vote) will be required. 
   Having regard to the uncertainties relating to the Capital Restructuring, 
the audit report for the year ended 31 December, 2015 includes an 
emphasis of matter regarding a material uncertainty in respect of going 
concern for the Kenmare Group. 
   Kenmare Resources plc 
   Michael Carvill, Managing Director 
   Tel: +353 1 671 0411 
   Mob: + 353 87 674 0110 
   Tony McCluskey, Financial Director 
   Tel: +353 1 671 0411 
   Mob: + 353 87 674 0346 
   Jeremy Dibb, Corporate Development and Investor Relations Manager 
   Tel: +353 1 671 0411 
   Mob: + 353 87 943 0367 
   Joe Heron 
   Tel: +353 1 498 0300 
   Mob: +353 87 690 9735 
   Bobby Morse 
   Tel: +44 207 466 5000 
   J&E Davy (Davy), which is regulated in Ireland by the Central Bank, is 
acting exclusively for Kenmare Resources plc in connection with the 
Capital Restructuring and for no one else and will not be responsible to 
any other person for providing the protections afforded to customers of 
Davy or for providing advice in connection with the Capital 
Restructuring or any other arrangement referred to in this Announcement. 
Apart from the responsibilities and liabilities, if any, which may be 
imposed on Davy by the Central Bank or by FSMA or the regulatory regime 
established thereunder, Davy does not accept any responsibility 
whatsoever and makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, 
for the contents of this Announcement, including its accuracy, 
completeness or verification or for any other statement made or 
purported to be made by Davy, the Company or any other person, in 
connection with the Company or any other matter described in this 
Announcement and nothing in this Announcement shall be relied upon as a 
promise or a representation in this respect, whether as to the past or 
the future. Davy accordingly disclaims all and any liability whatsoever, 
whether arising in tort, contract or otherwise (save as referred to 
above), which it might otherwise have in respect of this Announcement or 
any such statement. 
   Rothschild, which is authorised and regulated in the United Kingdom by 
the Financial Conduct Authority is acting exclusively for Kenmare 
Resources plc and is acting for no one else in connection with the 
Capital Restructuring and will not be responsible to any other person 
other than Kenmare Resources plc for providing the protections afforded 
to clients of Rothschild or for providing advice in connection with the 
Capital Restructuring or any other arrangement referred to in this 
Announcement. Apart from the responsibilities and liabilities, if any, 
which may be imposed on Rothschild by FSMA or the regulatory regime 
established thereunder, Rothschild does not accept any responsibility 
whatsoever and makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, 
for the contents of this Announcement, including its accuracy, 
completeness or verification or for any other statement made or 
purported to be made by Rothschild, the Company or any other person, in 
connection with the Company or any other matter described in this 
Announcement and nothing in this Announcement shall be relied upon as a 
promise or a representation in this respect, whether as to the past or 
the future. Rothschild accordingly disclaims all and any liability 
whatsoever, whether arising in tort, contract or otherwise (save as 
referred to above), which it might otherwise have in respect of this 
Announcement or any such statement. 
   This document and any materials distributed in connection with the 
Capital Restructuring may contain certain forward-looking statements 
regarding the belief or current expectations of Kenmare, the Directors 
of Kenmare and other members of its senior management about Kenmare's 
financial condition, results of operations and business and the 
transactions described in this document. Generally, but not always, 
words such as 'may', 'could', 'should', 'will', 'expect', 'intend', 
'estimate', 'anticipate', 'assume', 'believe', 'plan', 'seek', 
'continue', 'target', 'goal', 'would' or their negative variations or 
similar expressions identify forward-looking statements. Such 
forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance. 
Rather, they are based on current views and assumptions and involve 
known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, many of which 
are outside the control of Kenmare and are difficult to predict, that 
may cause the actual results, performance, achievements or developments 
of the Group or the industries in which it operates to differ materially 
from any future results, performance, achievements or developments 
expressed or implied from the forward-looking statements. A number of 
material factors could cause actual results to differ materially from 
those contemplated by the forward-looking statements. The 
forward-looking statements herein relate only to events or information 
as of the date on which the statements are made and, except as 
specifically required by law, the Listing Rules of the Irish Stock 
Exchange or the UK Listing Authority, the Market Abuse Regulations and 
Rules of the Central Bank, or the Prospectus Regulations and Rules of 
the Central Bank, Kenmare undertakes no obligation to update or revise 
any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, 
estimates or opinions, future events or results or otherwise. 
   This Announcement is not a Prospectus. 
   This announcement is distributed by NASDAQ OMX Corporate Solutions on 
behalf of NASDAQ OMX Corporate Solutions clients. 
   The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely 
responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information 
contained therein. 
   Source: Kenmare Resources via Globenewswire 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

April 29, 2016 02:02 ET (06:02 GMT)

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