The requirements for disclosure to Shareholders are set out in this report. 
Shareholders are invited to examine the disclosures. 
Group trading was generally within the control of management, with the 
exception of Tanganda, where despite an excellent volume of tea produced in the 
past season, the company suffered from a fall in international tea prices of 
24%, relative to the average achieved in the previous year. Depreciation went 
up by 53% to $4.4 million, while occupancy costs and employee costs have 
increased by 11% to $10 million and 7% to $23.2 million respectively. These 
increases are due to the substantial Group expansion and renovation projects 
that have been undertaken in all divisions. The Group has not yet had an 
opportunity to benefit fully from these projects. The turnover for the quarter 
to September however has exceeded that of the quarter to June by 6%, the main 
drivers being TM Supermarkets that grew by 8%, hotels by 36% and Mega Mart by 
21%. Stores declined by 38%, but this decline was largely expected due to 
rationalization undertaken by the division. Tanganda reduced by 22% relative to 
the previous year. TM Supermarkets have traded in two new supermarkets for part 
of this period, but have also ceased operating in one supermarket following a 
dispute with the owner of the premises. 
Year on year turnover for the six months, although not strictly comparable with 
the previous period, did increase by 3.1%, with positive contributions to 
growth from all divisions other than Stores. 
Shareholders will note that total borrowings reduced by US$6.8 million, but 
will also note that cash balances reduced. The reduction in cash balances was 
mostly due to TM Supermarkets expenditure relating to renovations and 
Shareholders will be pleased to learn that October turnover in TM Supermarkets 
relative to the previous financial year, grew by over 11% and that  November is 
expected to exceed this rate of growth in comparison with November of the 
previous year. Hotels grew by 4% in October relative to the previous year. 
Combined Retail division turnover does not have comparative figures for the 
previous financial year, but Mega Mart continues to grow month on month. 
Tanganda is beginning to benefit following the very recent commissioning of new 
packing machinery and Shareholders are advised that acceptance by the 
International market of the first coffee crop following plantation development 
in recent years has been very encouraging. 
The Group Guard Service division continues to grow. 
Approvals have now been received from the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe and the 
Ministry of Youth, Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment for the 
participation of our foreign partners in gold mining in the Matabeleland area. 
It is expected that agreements will be finalised in the foreseeable future with 
our partners, so that this division will progress as outlined to Shareholders 
in previous releases and reports. Shareholders will be advised of developments 
as they progress. 
Shareholder developments 
Shareholders are invited to revisit recent releases made public on 2 October 
and 14 October. These releases set out objectives for the way forward for the 
Group. Shareholders should note that settlement processes with the RBZ, 
although positive, have taken and will take longer to complete in terms of 
final implementation. However, the dynamics of the Group and its finances are 
well underway as set out in the recent releases. 
The Board is mindful that along with changes in the Group's structure there 
will be a need for additional Board appointments and for the provision of 
further expertise. However, the Board is aware that Shareholder participation 
by way of ownership of shares in the Company has remained relatively unchanged 
in terms of the composition of the share register. Changes in ownership of 
shares may tend to be more dynamic in the future and appointments, both 
executive and non-executive will best respond to requirements as these dynamics 
The Board has recognised publicly, the patience exercised by Shareholders over 
recent periods.  It is appropriate to provide a return to Shareholders. 
Accordingly, the Board will declare a Dividend of 2 (two) cents per share 
amounting to $5.1 million out of the 31 March 2014 retained earnings. The 
formal declaration of the Dividend is expected to be announced during December 
JRT Moxon 
Executive Chairman 
25 November 2014 
FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 3O SEPTEMBER 2014              Unaudited    Unaudited 
                                                     30 September 30 September 
                                                             2014         2013 
                                                          US$ 000      US$ 000 
Revenue                                                   196,254      190,291 
EBITDA                                                    (1,534)        1,459 
Depreciation, amortisation and impairment                 (4,402)      (4,858) 
Non-trading income                                          6,714       44,674 
Finance costs                                             (6,330)      (4,070) 
(Loss) / profit before tax                                (5,552)       37,205 
Income tax credit                                           2,734          326 
(LOSS) / PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD                            (2,818)       37,531 
(loss) / profit for the period attributable to: 
Owners of the parent                                      (1,976)       36,458 
Non-controlling interests                                   (842)        1,073 
                                                          (2,818)       37,531 
Total comprehensive (loss) / income attributable to: 
Owners of the parent                                      (1,976)       36,458 
Non-controlling interests                                   (842)        1,073 
                                                          (2,818)       37,531 
(Loss) / earnings per share (cents) 
Basic                                                      (0.78)        14.37 
Diluted                                                    (0.72)        13.53 
Headline loss per share (cents)                            (1.70)       (1.96) 
Diluted headline loss per share (cents)                    (1.58)       (1.85) 
                                                        Unaudited       Audited 
                                                     30 September      31 March 
                                                             2014          2014 
                                                          US$ 000       US$ 000 
Non-current assets 
Property, plant and equipment                             118,755       109,624 
Investment property                                           249           250 
Investment in Mentor Africa Limited                        27,657        27,657 
Biological assets                                          34,724        30,156 
Intangible assets                                           1,528         1,528 
Other financial assets                                     12,574        12,760 
Balances with Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe                     43,738        90,861 
Deferred tax                                                4,977         2,674 
Total non-current assets                                  244,202       275,510 
Current assets 
Inventories                                                38,949        36,631 
Trade and other receivables                                15,964        16,171 
Other financial assets                                      3,797         3,551 
Treasury Bills                                             38,431             - 
Cash and bank balances                                      6,207        22,952 
 Total current assets                                     103,348        79,305 
Total assets                                              347,550       354,815 
Capital and reserves 
Share capital                                               2,538         2,538 
Share premium                                               1,316         1,316 
Non-distributable reserves                                 12,559        12,559 
Retained earnings                                         153,479       155,455 
Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent       169,892       171,868 
Non-controlling interests                                  13,380        14,222 
Total equity                                              183,272       186,090 
Non-current liabilities 
Borrowings                                                 33,750        37,264 
Deferred tax                                               14,062        14,519 
Total non-current liabilities                              47,812        51,783 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables                                   50,106        47,293 
Borrowings                                                 66,360        69,649 
Total current liabilities                                 116,466       116,942 
Total liabilities                                         164,278       168,725 
Total equity and liabilities                              347,550       354,815 
                      Share   Share Non-distributable Retained Attributable         Non   Total 
                    capital premium          reserves earnings to owners of controlling 
                                                                     parent   interests 
                    US$ 000 US$ 000           US$ 000  US$ 000      US$ 000     US$ 000 US$ 000 
2014 - unaudited 
Balance at 1 April    2,538   1,316            12,559  155,455      171,868      14,222 186,090 
Loss for the period       -       -                 -  (1,976)      (1,976)       (842) (2,818) 
Balance at 30         2,538   1,316            12,559  153,479      169,892      13,380 183,272 
September 2014 
2013  - unaudited 
Balance at 1 April    2,538   1,316            12,559  121,028      137,441      10,990 148,431 
Profit for the            -       -                     36,458       36,458       1,073  37,531 
Balance at 30         2,538   1,316            12,559  157,486      173,899      12,063 185,962 
September 2013 
                                                        Unaudited     Unaudited 
                                                     30 September  30 September 
                                                             2014          2013 
                                                          US$ 000       US$ 000 
Cash flows from operating activities 
(loss) / profit before tax                                (5,552)        37,205 
Adjustments for: 
- Depreciation and impairment of                            4,402         2,861 
property, plant and equipment 
- Net interest                                              3,282      (39,684) 
- Net exchange gains                                         (21)         (142) 
- Fair value adjustments                                  (3,646)         (778) 
- Loss on disposal of property, plant                         168             3 
and equipment 
  * Impairment of intangible assets                             -         1,997 
Operating cash flow before working                        (1,367)         1,462 
capital changes 
(Increase) / decrease in inventories                      (2,317)           281 
Decrease in trade and other receivables                       192         5,352 
Increase / (decrease) in trade and other                    2,799       (4,482) 
Cash generated from operations                              (693)         2,613 
Income taxes paid                                           (105)         (422) 
Net cash generated from operating                           (798)         2,191 
Cash flows from investing activities 
Payment for property, plant and                          (13,763)       (9,329) 
Proceeds from disposal of property,                            63           119 
plant and equipment 
Proceeds from sale of Treasury Bills                       11,418             - 
Payment for other investments                                (61)       (1,403) 
Net expenditure on biological assets                        (921)         (896) 
Investment income                                             457           320 
Net cash used in investing activities                     (2,807)      (11,189) 
Cash flows from financing activities 
Net (decrease) / increase in interest                     (6,803)         5,837 
bearing borrowings 
Finance costs                                             (6,330)       (4,070) 
Net cash (used in) / generated from                      (13,133)         1,767 
financing activities 
Net decrease in cash and bank balances                   (16,738)       (7,231) 
Cash and bank balances at the beginning                    22,952        14,198 
of the period 
Net effect of exchange rate changes on                        (7)          (22) 
cash and bank balances 
Cash and bank balances at the end of the                    6,207         6,945 
1. Basis of preparation 
The abridged unaudited financial statements are prepared from statutory records 
that are maintained under the historical cost basis except for biological 
assets and certain financial instruments which are measured at fair value. 
Historical cost is generally based on the fair value of the consideration given 
in exchange for assets. 
2. Statement of compliance 
The Group's abridged unaudited financial results have been extracted from 
financial statements prepared in accordance with International Financial 
Reporting Standards and the Companies Act (Chapter 24.03) and relevant 
statutory instruments (SI33/99 and SI62/96). These abridged unaudited financial 
statements do not include all information and disclosures required to fully 
comply with IFRS and should be read in conjunction with the Group's annual 
report for the year ended 31 March 2014. 
3. Accounting policies 
The Group's interim abridged unaudited financial statements have been prepared 
in accordance with IAS 34 - Interim Financial Reporting. Accounting policies 
and methods of computation applied in the preparation of these abridged 
unaudited financial statements are consistent, in all material respects, with 
those applied in the preparation of the Group's annual financial statements for 
the year ended 31 March 2014, with no significant impact arising from new and 
revised International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs). 
4. Critical accounting judgements and key sources of estimation uncertainty 
The balances with the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe and the terms of the Treasury 
Bills on hand are currently the subject of discussions. The outcome of these 
discussions will influence the final amount to be issued as Treasury Bills and 
the terms thereof, which may have an effect on the amounts recognised in these 
financial statements. 
5. Segment information 
                                                        Unaudited    Unaudited 
                                                     30 September 30 September 
                                                             2014         2013 
                                                          US$ 000      US$ 000 
Supermarkets                                              167,995      166,032 
Hotels                                                      8,814        7,767 
Agriculture                                                11,135       10,916 
Stores                                                      3,773        6,499 
Corporate*                                                  4,537        (923) 
                                                          196,254      190,291 
Supermarkets                                                3,182        4,099 
Hotels                                                      1,396          473 
Agriculture                                                 (878)          340 
Stores                                                    (1,957)      (1,119) 
Corporate*                                                (3,277)      (2,334) 
                                                          (1,534)        1,459 
The EBITDA figures are before Group management fees. 
                                                        Unaudited      Audited 
                                                     30 September     31 March 
                                                             2014         2014 
                                                          US$ 000      US$ 000 
Segment assets 
Supermarkets                                               77,635       80,918 
Hotels                                                     50,154       50,720 
Agriculture                                                67,837       64,817 
Stores                                                     24,979       32,587 
Corporate*                                                126,945      125,773 
                                                          347,550      354,815 
Segment liabilities 
Supermarkets                                               49,108       51,880 
Hotels                                                     20,592       20,556 
Agriculture                                                41,707       38,601 
Stores                                                     14,960       21,906 
Corporate*                                                 37,911       35,782 
                                                          164,278      168,725 
*Intercompany transactions and balances have been eliminated from the corporate 
Corporate also includes other subsidiaries that are immaterial to warrant 
separate disclosure. 
Inter-segment sales amounted to $1,673,114 (2013: $1,342,640). 
                                                         Unaudited      Audited 
                                                      30 September     31 March 
                                                              2014         2014 
                                                           US$ 000      US$ 000 
6. Net borrowings 
Non-current borrowings                                      33,750       37,264 
Current borrowings                                          66,360       69,649 
Total borrowings                                           100,110      106,913 
Cash and cash equivalents                                  (6,207)     (22,952) 
Net borrowings                                              93,903       83,961 
                                                        Unaudited    Unaudited 
                                                     30 September 30 September 
                                                             2014         2013 
                                                          US$ 000      US$ 000 
7. Depreciation, amortisation and impairment 
Depreciation of property plant and equipment                4,324        2,796 
Impairment of property, plant and equipment                    77           63 
Depreciation of investment property                             1            2 
Impairment of intangible assets                                 -        1,997 
                                                            4,402        4,858 
8. Non-trading income 
Net investment revenue                                      3,047       43,754 
Fair value adjustments on biological assets                 3,646          778 
Net exchange gains                                             21          142 
                                                            6,714       44,674 
Net investment revenue includes $2,6 million (2013: $43.4 million) earned on 
the deposit at 
RBZ. The 2013 amount incorporates the impact of interest negotiations. 
9. Other information 
Depreciation and impairment - property, plant and           4,402        2,861 
Capital expenditure                                        13,763        9,329 
Capital commitments authorised by the Directors but         9,899       16,298 
not contracted 
Group's share of capital commitments of joint                 120          182 
10. Contingent liabilities 
There is no material financial impact arising from events that occurred since 
the publication of the last annual financial statements. 
11. Treasury Bills 
The Treasury Bills were issued by the Government of Zimbabwe on 11 June 2014, 
with a coupon rate of 2% payable bi-annually. The Treasury Bills on hand are 
split equally between tenures of 4 years and 5 years. 
12. Events after reporting date 
There have been no significant events after the reporting date at the time of 
issuing this report. 

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