1st Quarter Results

                        MEDUSA MINING LIMITED
                             (AIM: MML)

                   PERIOD ENDING 31 DECEMBER 2008

Medusa Mining  Limited ("Medusa"  or "The  Company"), the  Australian
based company operating and developing gold mines in the Philippines,
is pleased  to provide  its quarterly  update on  activities for  the
period ending 31 December 2007,  as required by the Australian  Stock
Exchange, together with a report  of update information announced  on
21 January 2008.



  * Major expansion, including two new shafts progressing well.
    Benefits are anticipated to start to flow in the third calendar
    quarter 2008.  On completion, annualised mine production is
    expected to increase to approximately 60,000 ounces;

  * Approximately 70% of the quarter's activities were focused on
    expansion, with 821 metres of development completed;

  * Major items for installation of grid power to the mine ordered.


  * With the Company's main focus on expansion, gold production for
    the quarter totalled 3,686 ounces at an average grade of 10.46
    g/t gold and average cash cost of US$263 per ounce.


  * Discovery of New Catto Veins to west of Oriental Fault extends
    vein system;

  * Results include 3.30 metres at 26.09 g/t gold, 1.95 metres at
    22.02 g/t gold and 1.40 metres at 20.62 g/t gold.


  * Preparations underway to commence drilling as soon as possible.


  * Drill results continue to define veins;

  * Underground exploration continuing on the Alcorn Vein and
    underway on the Hope Vein via the completed Rose Shaft.


  * Completion of a soil sampling programme of approximately 4,500

  * Soil results anticipated during Q2 2008.


  * Joint venture with Bunawan Mining Corporation over an additional
    88 km2 of contiguous tenements expected to be finalised in the
    near future.


The locations of the Company's projects are shown on Figures 1 and  2
(please see the link at the end of this announcement).


The  production  statistics  for  the  current  financial  year   are
summarised in Table I.

Table I: Gold Production

Period     Gold produced       Head     Cash Comments
                              grade    costs
                   (ozs) (g/t gold) (US$ per
Jul to Sep         5,050       9.45      248 Stoping of accessible
2007                                         lower grades due to lack
                                             of development miners
                                             and re-assignment of
                                             some of workforce to the
                                             expansion projects
Oct to Dec         3,686      10.46      263 Expansion activities and
2007                                         shortage of miners
                                             resulted in reduced
                                             production as advised
TOTAL              8,736       9.85      254

The Company produced  3,686 ounces  of gold  at an  average grade  of
10.46 g/t gold and average cash production costs of US$263 per ounce.

Approximately 70%  of the  Company's  activities during  the  quarter
focussed on expansion  (see the  following separate  section on  Mine
Expansion).   As  previously  advised,  during  the  expansion  phase
reduced ore  volumes  are  being  sourced  primarily  from  the  more
developed and readily accessible Central Vein.  However, the benefits
of the expansion  resulting in  new stopes  becoming operational  are
currently on track  to start to  flow through in  the third  calendar
quarter 2008.


Resource Expansion Drilling

The current resource estimation, announced in August 2007, is shown
in Table II.  Drilling is continuing with four surface rigs and one
underground rig.

Table II: Resource estimation summary

Category               > 3 g/t gold
                tonnes     g/t gold ounces
Indicated       928,000     12.6    377,000
Inferred       1,106,000    9.5     336,000
Grand total    2,034,000    10.9    713,000

* A lower cut-off of 3 g/t gold is the designated lower cut-off based
  on economic parameters;
* An upper cut of 300 g/t gold has been applied; and
* Resources are inclusive of reserves.

Drilling programme and results

Figure 1 (please the link at the end of this announcement) shows  the
location of the Co-O Mine  and Figure 3 (please  see the link at  the
end of this announcement) shows  all the diamond drill holes  drilled
and in progress around the Co-O  Mine since December 2006.  Figure  4
(please the link at the end  of this announcement) shows the  current
three dimensional model of the vein  system which will be updated  in
April 2008.

Since August 2007 a total of 13 new surface holes have been completed
with assays awaited for hole MD 55.  Hole MD 50 was abandoned due  to
bad ground conditions in a fault zone.

Table III lists the diamond drilling  results from the Co-O Mine  for
drill holes MD 46 to MD 58  (excluding MD 50 and 55) announced on  21
January  2008  and  for  underground  drill  hole  DBH  03.  Previous
announcements on the Co-O drilling on 9 July, 15 May and 28  February
2007 contain information regarding drilling and surveying techniques,
comments  on  vein  interpretation  and  methodologies  and  assaying

Table III: Drill hole results greater than 3g/t gold for holes MD 46
to 58 and DBH 03

Hole           East   North  Dip Azimuth     From    Width      Grade
                             (�)     (�) (metres) (metres)    (uncut)
                                                           (g/t gold)
MD 46       614,047 912,472  -48      41   489.30     0.85       8.96
                                           501.40     0.40       4.50
                                           542.90     1.40      20.62
MD 48       614,257 912,704  -60     253   212.45     1.95      22.02
Shaft pilot
MD 49       614,129 912,487  -50      40   449.85     0.85      14.69
                                           463.90     1.00       4.24
MD 47       613,805 912,788  -55      30   153.30     1.10       7.01
MD 51       613,749 912,798  -53      17   130.50     0.85   9.31 (*)
                                           155.75     0.25      41.06
                                           286.65     1.00   3.00 (*)
MD 52       613,754 912,816  -50      14    75.25     0.55       3.53
                                           157.60     0.30       5.31
                                           170.40     0.30      14.93
MD 54       613,830 912,745  -47      29   174.00     1.80      14.59
MD 56       613,809 912,706  -54      29   390.85     1.00       3.11
MD 57       613,739 912,767  -54      16   191.90     3.30      26.09
MD 58       613,739 912,767  -58      16   176.10     0.40  43.13 (*)
                                           207.00     0.70   7.15 (*)
                                           280.40     0.90   6.20 (*)
DBH 03      613,918 912,909 -0.2     236    29.05     1.05       6.58
                                            57.30     1.90       9.60
                                            72.20     0.40      17.21

(i)     (*) denotes Philsaga assays;
(ii)   Independent laboratory McPhar assays are quoted in  preference
to Philsaga assays;
(iii)  Grid coordinates based on the Philippine Reference System 92;
(iv)  Intersection  lower cut-off grade  is 3 g/t  gold in line  with
resource estimation parameters; and.
(v)    MD 55 not yet assayed and MD 50 abandoned.


All drill  holes  completed by  the  end  of February  2008  will  be
included in a new  interim resource estimate that  is expected to  be
completed in April 2008.   However, drilling will continue after  the
resource estimate is completed.

West of the Oriental Fault

The drilling has  now successfully  demonstrated that  the three  New
Catto  Veins  continue  to  the  west  of  the  Oriental  Fault   for
approximately 200 metres and may extend through to surface similar to
the Central Vein.  Consequently, development is underway to intersect
them on the 3150 metre or adit level, on the 3100 metre level, and on
the 3050 metre level as intersected in underground drill hole DBH  3.
 It is anticipated  that stoping  should commence from  the west  New
Catto Veins on these three levels in the third quarter of this  year.
 These veins are still open along strike to the west and at depth.

East of the Oriental Fault

Hole MD 48 (Agsao Shaft pilot  hole) intersected one of the east  New
Catto Veins  and  returned confirmatory  high  grades.   Hole  MD  46
intersected 1.40 metres at 20.62 g/t gold at approximately 400 metres
below surface.  This is one of the deepest intersections achieved  to

Mine Expansion

Expansion  works  have  proceeded   well  during  the  quarter   with
approximately 70% of the total  activities focussed on the  expansion
of the mine.  A total of 821 metres of development was completed.

In the third calendar  quarter of 2008 it  is anticipated that  stope
production should be  underway from  five levels in  the mine,  these
being the 3150, 3100, 3050, 3000 and 2950 metre levels.

(a) Development of the New Catto Veins

The Company announces  a new drive  following underground drill  hole
DBH 3 on the 3050 metre level is underway to initially intersect  the
New Catto Veins to the west  of the Oriental Fault before driving  to
locate the Catto Veins on the east side of the Oriental Fault.  It is
anticipated that this drive will intersect the veins on the west side
in February and that stopes should be set up ready for production  to
commence in the third calendar quarter of 2008.

(b) Beta Shaft

The set-up  for  the  new internal  inclined  Beta  Shaft  (footings,
headframe and winder), to an inclined depth of 120 metres (100 metres
vertical) is in progress following the drilling of the large diameter
siter hole.

Provided ground conditions are reasonable, ore production through the
Beta Shaft should commence in the last calendar quarter of 2008.

(c) Agsao Shaft

The new external Agsao Shaft, to an inclined depth of 240 metres (200
metres vertical) has  commenced sinking following  the setting up  of
the head frame  and associated  infrastructure.  The  bottom of  this
shaft will be at the  2950 metre level and  will be connected to  the
Beta internal inclined shaft at the  same 2950 metre level.  Plate  1
(please see the link at the end of this announcement) shows the Agsao
Shaft headframe.

Provided ground conditions are reasonable, ore production through the
Agsao Shaft should commence early in 2009.

(d) 3150 metre level

Following the on-going success of the drilling for the Catto Veins to
the west  of  the Oriental  Fault,  development is  now  underway  to
intersect these veins in March to  the south of the Central Vein  and
to set up  stopes.   Stope production  should commence  in the  third
quarter of 2008.

Co-O Mine Grid Power

The Company has  ordered the long  lead time items  required for  the
power line.    As  announced  on 1  October  2007,  the  Company  had
anticipated delivery in and completion of installation in early 2008,
however the timing of the completion of the power line will depend on
the arrival of these items and further updates will be forthcoming.


The Company has recently completed a comprehensive ridge and spur
soil sampling programme along the Barobo Corridor and around the
Sopon area, totalling approximately 4,500 samples from several soil
horizons.  These samples are currently being selectively processed
with the results anticipated to be announced in the second calendar
quarter of 2008.

Drilling is continuing  in the  Bananghilig area  targeting the  vein
systems  specifically   where   they   are   hosted   by   intrusive,
coarse-grained andesitic rocks.   It has  now been demonstrated  that
these competent rocks are  superior host rocks  for the formation  of
constrained high grade veins compared to the more permeable  diatreme
breccias  where  mineralisation   is  generally   more  diffused   or


The Mines Operating Agreement ("MOA") with Alcorn Gold Resources Inc.
covers  Mining  Production  Sharing  Agreement  ("MPSA")  application
number 039-XIII.   The mine  is situated  approximately 8  kilometres
north of the millsite as  shown on Figure 2  (please see the link  at
the end of this announcement).  Processing of the Anoling MPSA is  in

Diamond Drilling and Geology

As announced on  4 December 2007,  the two parallel  Alcorn and  Hope
veins, when undeformed, consist of banded quartz carbonate with minor
pyrite and base metal sulphides.   The veins are controlled by  shear
zones with  consequent  brecciation  of the  vein  material  in  some
places.  The shearing has also  induced vein width variations due  to
pinch and swell characteristics.  Both veins are open to the east.

Figure 6 (please see the link  at the end of the announcement)  shows
the vein  projections  from  surface mapping  and  sampling  and  the
location of the all diamond drill holes completed to date.  Table  IV
summarises all the diamond drillhole intersections greater than 2 g/t

Table IV: Summary of drilling results for holes ANL 01 to ANL 32 for
intersection grades >2 g/t gold

Hole    East   North  Dip Azimuth From (metres) Width    Grade
                      (�) (�)                   (metres) (uncut)
                                                         (g/t gold)
ANL 05  614662 922889 -56 3       190.25        0.95     4.39 (*)
ANL 06  614552 922989 -65 0       66.80         0.50     4.07 (*)
ANL 08  614601 922987 -60 0       59.00         0.95     2.95 (*)
ANL 09  614508 922984 -60 0       55.90         2.70     13.96 (*)
ANL 11  614480 922980 -50 0       65.45         0.45     7.77
ANL 14  614395 923137 -55 0       84.50         1.90     2.86
                                  87.40         0.65     2.33
ANL 15  614445 923123 -55 0       99.40         0.60     13.10
ANL 16  614498 923140 -68 0       88.95         1.00     2.09
ANL 17  614545 923143 -70 0       57.30         1.40     4.20
                                  62.70         1.60     10.08
ANL 18  614595 923143 -60 0       59.70         0.90     9.30
ANL 19  614644 923139 -60 0       91.50         4.00     17.17
                      -60 0       147.70        0.55     7.26
ANL  20 614692 923139 -60 0       92.50         1.50     7.39
                                  104.60        0.30     24.30
ANL 22  614696 923158 -40 0       32.40         0.70     10.75 (#)
ANL 26  614578 922972 -50 0       74.85         0.60     9.84 (#)
ANL 27  614743 923118 -60 0       72.05         0.55     3.77 (#)
ANL 28  614789 923117 -60 0       102.15        3.35     13.14 (*)
ANL 30  614794 922947 -50 0       101.90        3.00     2.35 (#)
ANL 31  614744 922947 -50 0       91.20         1.60     10.10 (#)
ANL 32  614508 922971 -68 0       28.65         0.50     5.35 (#)
                                  92.50         0.50     2.21 (*)

(*)  denotes assays conducted by the Philsaga on-site laboratory. All
other assays undertaken by McPhar Geoservices Inc.
(#)  denotes assays undertaken by McPhar Geoservices Inc. which have
previously been announced using data from Philsaga on-site laboratory
on 4 December 2007

ANL 21 and 25 McPhar intersection assayscontained less than 2g/t gold
and are no longer included.

Work in Progress

Underground exploration will continue from  both the Rose and  Loring
Shafts to verify  the drill results  achieved to date  and to  assess
mining conditions.    Positive results  from  this work  may  justify
production from these veins in the third calendar quarter of 2008.

Drilling will continue along and across strike to outline  additional
zones of mineralisation  that could  justify underground  exploration
and assessment.


Das-Agan (Lingig) Project

The MOA covering MPSA application number APSA 024-XIII comprises  two
parcels situated to the  north and to the  east (the Lingig  porphyry
copper prospect) of the Co-O Mine  and millsite as shown on Figure  2
(please see the link at the end of this announcement).

As previously advised,  drilling will commence  as soon as  possible,
upon finalisation of the permits.   Road and bridge repairs to  allow
access are in progress.

A detailed compilation of previous work was recently completed and is
detailed below:

The Lingig area was located as  a result of an aid programme  between
Filipino and Japanese geologists and technicians in 1972 to 1974 over
eastern Mindanao (Dept of Natural Resources, 1974).  An initial 3,000
km� prospective  area  was  located  by  geological  and  geochemical
surveys and  was  subjected  to  additional  geological  mapping  and
geochemistry.  A smaller 170 km�  area was selected and subjected  to
detailed geological  mapping  and geochemistry  followed  by  Induced
Polarisation ("IP") geophysical surveys.

A programme  of five  holes with  pre-set depths  of 250  metres  was
completed on five different targets.

Geology and drilling results

Figure 7 (please see the link  at the end of the announcement)  shows
the  current  geology  of  the  area  as  well  as  the  copper  soil
geochemistry and contoured resisitivity and frequency effect  results
of the Induced Polarisation survey.  The surface mapping and drilling
suggests that this  is an  intrusive complex  with dacite,  dolerite,
diorite and quartz diorite rocks intruding a basaltic sequence.

Epithermal veins up to 1 metre wide are generally gold poor and
relatively base metal enriched.  They have been worked sporadically
by local prospectors.

In 1997 Barrick Gold  Philippines assessed the  project for its  gold
potential through mapping  and the  collection of  110 rock  samples.
 This work identified a circular feature  (Figure 2 - please see  the
link at  the end  of this  announcement) that  contains most  of  the
mapped argillic alteration and a large elongate quartz veined breccia
measuring 750 metres x 1,200  metres and located approximately  1,500
metres south of drill hole DDH1.

Sampling by  Barrick returned  gold values  between 0.1  and 1.3  g/t
gold.  Fresh rocks with disseminated grains of sphalerite (zinc)  and
galena (lead) were found to have higher gold values, ranging from 0.3
to 1.3  g/t gold,  than  intensely weathered  rocks.   The  lead-zinc
association is consistent with  generally accepted metal zoning  that
occurs around the periphery of porphyry copper deposits.

In addition, within the circular feature, a second zone of silicified
rocks with  quartz  stockworking  was  identified  over  an  area  of
approximately 500 metres x 600 metres which assayed from 0.03 to  1.5
g/t gold.

Recent reconnaissance has  located bleached  and silica-clay  altered
rocks with quartz veinlets approximately  300 metres to the north  of

Drill hole DDH1

As announced on 13 November 2007, after passing through 100 metres of
propylitically and argillically altered doleritic and basaltic  rocks
with erratic  copper  mineralisation,  drill  hole  DDH1  intersected
disseminated   and   stringer    style   pyrite   and    chalcopyrite
mineralisation for  98 metres  in increasingly  argillically  altered
basaltic  and   doleritic   rocks  before   entering   higher   grade
mineralisation in phylitically altered quartz diorite porphyry.   The
graphic log of the drill  hole is shown in  Figure 8 (please see  the
link at the end of this announcement).

Table V: Summary of intersections in drill hole DDH 1

Depth (metres)  Intersection          Host rocks, alteration &
0 to 100           Erratic values to  Propylitically (chlorite and
                0.89% Cu              epidote) and
                                      argillically altered dolerite
                                      and basalt with
                                      disseminated and stringer
                                      pyrite, rare
100  to 198     98 metres @ 0.27% Cu  Propylitically and argillically
                                      (clay) altered
                                      dolerite and basalt with a
                                      moderate increase of
                                      disseminated and stringer
                                      pyrite and
198  to  250    52 metres @ 0.65% Cu     Phylitically altered
                                      (silica-sericite) quartz
                                      porphyry with disseminated and
                                      stringer pyrite
                                      and chalcopyrite increasing
                                      with depth.
Incl. 248  to   2 metres @ 4.93% Cu,
250             0.4g/t Au,10g/t Ag
[End of Hole]
TOTAL: 100  to  150 metres @ 0.40% Cu

The DDH1 drill hole results bode well for a fully preserved  porphyry
copper deposit which is exhibiting increasing grades with depth,  and
suggests that DDH1's pre-set  depth stopped short  of the high  grade
core that is commonly  present in these styles  of deposit.   Further
drilling at this site was recommended but not carried out.  The other
four holes to the south intersected minor copper mineralisation.

Drill holes DDH2 to DDH5

DDH2 intersected quartz  diorite intruded  by diorite  dykes from  11
metres to the  bottom of the  hole at  250 metres.   Both rock  types
exhibit weak propyllitic alteration.  Minor copper mineralisation  of
0.16% was encountered from 16  to 20 metres and  0.24% from 48 to  50

DDH3 intersected basaltic rocks  from nine metres to  the end of  the
hole at 250  metres and  which have  been intruded  by doleritic  and
quartz  diorite  dykes.    The  rocks  have  been  affected  by  weak
chloritisation and  rare epidotisation.   Minor  pyrite occurs  along
fractures and pyrite-chalcopyrite stringers are rare with the highest
copper value of 0.99%  at 12 to  14 metres and  all other values  are
less than 0.1% copper.

DDH4 intersected basaltic and doleritic  rocks from 7.5 metres to  96
metres and quartz diorite  to the bottom of  the hole at 250  metres.
 The quartz diorite exhibits  an upper chilled margin  and is cut  by
quartz diorite dykes at 138 and 216 metres.  Except for one assay  of
0.69% copper at  128 metres, all  other copper values  are less  than
0.1% copper.

DDH5 intersected  dolerite from  15.20 metres  to 69  metres,  quartz
diorite to 210  metres and dolerite  to the  end of the  hole at  250
metres.  The  dolerite's alteration  is propylitic and  of a  similar
intensity as in holes DDH3 and DDH4.  Hydrothermal alteration of  the
quartz diorite is weak.   Copper mineralisation was encountered  from
15.20 metres to 34 metres with 18.80  metres at 0.34%, from 52 to  54
metres with 2 metres  at 0.69%, 68  to 70 metres  with two metres  at
0.69% and four metres from 230 to  234 metres with 0.34%.  All  other
intervals were less than 0.1% copper.


Drill  hole  DDH1   has  intersected   the  top   of  a   mineralised
copper-gold-silver quartz diorite  porphyry.  The  other drill  holes
indicate varying degrees of low intensity alteration and minor copper
mineralisation probably  associated  with lithothogy  boundaries  and

Of particular note is the 98 metre disseminated copper halo above the
quartz diorite, suggestive of an intense mineralising system, as well
as the erratic  copper values in  the propylitic alteration  envelope
above this disseminated zone.   This has similarities to the  Lutopan
orebody  of  the  Atlas  Toledo  Mine  where  ore  grade  replacement
mineralisation is hosted in volcanics for a width of 120 metres along
a strike length  of 900  metres (Mines &  Geosciences Bureau,  1986).
 The Atlas  Toledo  orebodies  are  also  similarly  bounded  by  two
parallel northeast-trending faults as seen at Lingig.

Diorite and  quartz  diorite  intrusive rocks  are  commonly  closely
associated with  many porphyry  copper deposits  in the  Philippines.
 Some examples  are  the Tampakan  Deposit  (resources of  2  billion
tonnes at  0.59%  copper  and 0.23  g/t  gold,  www.indophil.com  and
Middleton et  al.,  2004), the  Boyongan  Deposit (resources  of  300
million tonnes  at  0.6% copper  and  1.0 g/t  gold,  www.mgb.gov.ph,
www.philexmining.com.ph), the  Atlas  Toledo deposits  (resources  of
1.53  billion   tonnes   at  0.41%   copper   and  0.24   g/t   gold,
www.atlasphilippines.com), the  Hinoba-an Deposit  (resources of  293
million tonnes at 0.36% copper, www.copperresources.com), and others.

It is also noteworthy  that copper mineralisation  is more common  in
DDH5 than DDH2 to DDH4  and that DDH5 is located  on the edge of  the
circular feature and its contained extensive argillic alteration zone
and large breccia and stockwork bodies.

* Abacus Project

The  Mines  Operating  Agreement  ("MOA")  with  Abacus  Consolidated
Resources  and  Holdings  Inc.   covers  Exploration  Permit   ("EP")
application number 000028-XIII situated to the north of the Co-O mine
and millsite as shown on Figure 2 (please see the link at the end  of
this announcement).  The  granting process for the  Abacus EP is  now
being pursued.

The ridge  and  spur soil  sampling  described in  the  Tambis-Barobo
section above has covered the eastern parts of the tenement.

* Saugon Project

The Saugon Exploration Permit  has been renewed  and a regional  soil
sampling programme is planned.

* Philsaga-Magnum Project  (Magnum Gold NL earning 50%)

No field work was conducted during the quarter.

* Bunawan Mining Corporation JV (Medusa earning 50%)

The Company has signed a joint venture agreement("JVA") with  Bunawan
Mining Corporation ("Bunawan"), the  Philippine operating company  of
ASX listed Sierra  Mining Limited ("Sierra"),  whereby Medusa,  after
completing satisfactory due diligence, will earn a 70% joint  venture
interest in Exploration  Permit application  ("EPA") 000037-XIII  and
Mineral Production Sharing Agreement application ("APSA") 000003-XIII
(together the "Bunawan JV").

Upon satisfactory completion of due  diligence, which is expected  in
the near future, Medusa has agreed to take a 9.9% placement in Sierra
of 4.85 million shares (at an issue price of A$0.25, totalling A$1.21
million) with 2.425 million unlisted attaching options exercisable at
A$0.30 each  with  an  expiry  date  of 4  years  from  the  date  of
completion of due diligence.


Samples are taken from mainly HQ sized and some NQ sized drill  core.
 The selected sample intervals are halved by diamond saw and half the
core is bagged, numbered  and sent to the  Company laboratory.  In  a
small number of cases to confirm the geological logging, the selected
interval was re-split and � core re-submitted for assay.

Initial  sample  preparation  and  assaying  is  undertaken  at   the
Company's on-site laboratory.  Samples are dried at 105�C for 6 to  8
hours, crushed to  less than 1.25  cm by jaw  crusher, re-crushed  to
less than 3 mm using a secondary crusher followed by ring grinding of
700 to 800 grams of sample to nominal particle size of less than  200
mesh.  Barren rock  wash is used between  samples in the  preparation
equipment.   The  samples  are  assayed by  fire  assay  with  Atomic
Absorption Spectrometer (AAS) finish on a 30 gram sample.  All assays
over  5  g/t  gold  are  re-assayed  using  gravimetric  fire   assay
techniques on a 30 gram sample.

The majority of samples  which contain more than  0.5 metres at  more
than 2  g/t  gold are  re-assayed  by McPhar  Geoservices  Phils  Inc
("McPhar"), a NATA and ISO 9001/2000 accredited laboratory in Manila.
 The pulps are  airfreighted to  McPhar who  fire assay  30 grams  of
sample using AAS finish and a selected number of samples are  checked
using gravimetric  fire  assay  techniques.   Duplicate  samples  and
standards are included in each batch of check samples.

When reporting results, where available, as McPhar is an  independent
laboratory,  McPhar  assays  are  given  priority  over  the  Company
laboratory's results.


Medusa Mining Limited

Information in this report relating to Exploration Results, is  based
on information compiled by   Mr Geoff Davis, who  is a member of  The
Australian Institute  of  Geoscientists.  Mr Davis  is  the  Managing
Director of Medusa Mining Limited and has sufficient experience which
is relevant to the style of mineralization and type of deposits under
consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to  qualify
as a  Competent  Person  as  defined  in  the  2004  Edition  of  the
"Australian  Code  for  Reporting  of  Exploration  Results,  Mineral
Resources and Ore Reserves".  Mr Davis consents  to the inclusion  in
the report of the  matters based on his  information in the form  and
context in which it appears.

Cube Consulting Pty Ltd

Information  in  this  report  relating  to  Mineral  Resources   has
been estimated and complied by   Mark Zammit  of Cube Consulting  Pty
Ltd. Mr Zammit is a member of  The Australasian Institute of Mining &
Metallurgy and   has sufficient  experience that is  relevant to  the
style of mineralisation and type  of deposit under consideration  and
to the activity  which he is  undertaking to qualify  as a  Competent
Person as defined  in the 2004  Edition of the  "Australian Code  for
Reporting  of  Exploration   Results,  Mineral   Resources  and   Ore
Reserves". Mr Zammit consents to the  inclusion in the report of  the
matters based on his information in the form and context in which  it

Cube Consulting  is  an  independent Perth  based  resource  industry
consulting  firm  specialising  in  geological  modelling,   resource
estimation and information technology.

A full version of this announcement, including location maps, as
issued to the Australian Stock Exchange is available on the Company's
website: www.medusamining.com.au.

The information  in  the above  announcement  was compiled  by  Geoff
Davis, who has sufficient experience  which is relevant to the  style
of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to  the
activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person  as
defined in the 2004 Edition  of the "Australasian Code for  Reporting
of Exploration Results,  Mineral Resources and  Ore Reserves".  Geoff
Davis consents to the inclusion in the report of the matters based on
his information in the form and context in which it appears.

For further information, please contact:

Medusa Mining Limited                        + 61 8 9367 0601
Geoffrey Davis, Managing Director
Roy Daniel, Finance Director

Ambrian Partners                            + 44 (0)20 7776 6417
Richard Brown / Richard Greenfield

Bankside Consultants                         + 44 (0)20 7367 8888
Michael Padley / Louise Davis

Note to editors:

Medusa Mining is an ASX and AIM-listed gold producer, focused on  the
Philippines.  The Company  controls over 800km�  of tenements over  a
70km strike  length  of the  richly  endowed East  Mindanao  ridge.
Production is currently heading for 60,000ozs per annum on completion
of an expansion  phase at the  Co-O Mine in  early 2009.    The  main
producer will be the Co-O Mine which currently has a resource base of
713,000 ounces of  gold at a  grade of 10.9g/t  gold. Additional  ore
sources are anticipated.


* Resources at Co-O Mine are 713,000 ounces @ 10.9 g/t gold in
  2,034,000 tonnes;

* Reserves at Co-O Mine are 256,000 ounces @ 11.1 g/t gold in 717,000

* Centrally located mill, multiple  mines;

* Major expansion in progress at Co-O  to increase production;

* Estimated long term cash costs of approximately US$200 per ounce;

* Extensive exploration area of >800 km� along 70 km strike of the
  richly endowed East Mindanao ridge;

* Regional assessment confirms excellent prospectivity for gold and
  porphyry copper-gold deposits.

Share capital as at 31 December 2007:

Shares              145,057,548
Unlisted options     12,801,446

ASX code: MML

Australian Stock Exchange (Home Exchange)
Alternative Investment Market (London)



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