Stockcube Plc ("Stockcube" or "the Company")
                       Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 December 2005

                                                                          2005                2004
                                                                          �000                �000
 Turnover                                                                2,420               2,430
 Profit   before  tax,  impairment  and  amortisation   of                 433                 230
 Profit before tax                                                         251                 201
 Profit after tax                                                          164                 156
 Earnings before impairment - pence per share                            0.33p               0.16p
 Earnings - pence per share                                              0.17p               0.16p

    *       Group turnover slightly down on last year.

    *       Profit before tax, impairment and amortisation of goodwill up 88% to �433,000.

    *       Profit before tax up 25% to �251,000.

    *       All elements of business show satisfactory performances.

    *       Strong balance sheet with net assets of 4.5p per share, of which 4.0p is cash and short-term

    *       Earnings per share before impairment up 106% to 0.33p and after impairment up 6% to 0.17p.

    *       Dividend (proposed) increased by 50% to 0.075 pence per share.

Julian Burney, Chief Executive Officer, said:

"We  have  made considerable advances in all aspects of our business during 2005, which are reflected
in  our  profit  before impairment and goodwill but not yet reflected in reported turnover.  However,
attention  to  cost control and cost efficiencies has enabled  us  to report an increase  of  88%  in
profit  before tax and impairment  and  goodwill and an increase of 94% in earnings per share  before

"During  the  year  we  upgraded our specialist hedge fund services which ,together  with  favourable
regulatory  change, gives us great confidence in our professional consultancy. We  have  capacity  to
expand this business without significant additional cost. Our institutional services team is maturing
nicely; our analytical expertise and client relationships are now more widely distributed within  our
business than at any other time.

"We  have  also been greatly encouraged by the growth in numbers of subscribers for our wider  market
services  and  in the revenues arising from our business-to-business relationships with  third  party
stockbrokers for whom we contribute an integral component of their own research.

"Our  technology business, Ecube, is building very good foundations in the financial services  sector
combining bespoke functionality with Stockcube's technical research and analysis."

For further information:

Stockcube                         Julian Burney                             020-7352-4001
Corporate Synergy                 Katie Ratner/David Seal/Luke Ahern        020-7448-4430

Chairman's Statement

We continued our progress to establish Stockcube as a leading provider of financial research and
analysis for global investors.

Financial review

Turnover for the year ended 31 December 2005 was �2,420,000 - a slight decrease of 0.4% on last  year
(2004:  �2,430,000). Profit before tax, goodwill and the exceptional impairment charge for  Sportcal,
was  �433,000, generating a very encouraging increase of 88% over 2004 (�230,000). Basic earnings per
share,  before  impairment, were 0.33p per 1p ordinary share giving an increase of  106%  over  2004.
Earnings  per share after impairment increased by 6% to 0.17p (2004: 0.16p). The impairment provision
will not qualify for relief from corporation tax until actually realised.

Our  balance sheet is as strong as ever with net assets of 4.5p per share, of which 4.0p is  held  in
cash at 31 December 2005.


Turnover  from Stockcube Research, our stock market and sector analysis consultancy for institutional
investors,  reported  an  8%  drop  from  2004, in line with our  budget  expectations.  Such  modest
variations are not surprising in view of the size of some of our individual accounts and the  diverse
reactions  of  these clients to changing market conditions. We have now established the  core  of  an
excellent  team  of young, motivated analysts whose expertise in defined markets and reputations  for
making  valuable market calls is growing apace. Our capacity to service a number of larger individual
accounts has thereby been considerably increased and we are confident that this team will attract and
retain significant new business going forward.

Last year's change in Fullermoney from monthly hardcopy to daily on-line and audio formats is
beginning to show good results with a net 20% growth in subscriptions during the year. The enhanced
immediacy of this service has also enabled us to increase subscription prices, generating a 25%
increase in income whilst removing distribution costs completely. The net growth in subscriptions is
continuing in the current year.  Our bi-annual Chart Seminars held in London continue to sell-out and
our bespoke consultancy for in-house training is developing satisfactorily.

Investors Intelligence online produced a very pleasing 37% increase in the number of individual
subscriptions in 2005. In addition, we continue to pursue our strategy of seeking distribution
partners for our analysis work. By building and powering online research 'microsites', bespoke stock
universes and analysis tools for third party stockbrokers, we are enabling them to provide their own
clients with daily technical market signals and stock analysis. Our own label subscription and white
label 'B2B' models have together generated an encouraging increase of 51% in income during the year.

Income for our US subsidiary, Chartcraft, in sterling terms, was the same as 2004 although its
contribution to group profits was down by 14% on 2004.

Ecube, our in-house software business, continues to extend its expertise and customer base through
development and installation of third party data microsites through the Investors Intelligence brand
and through repeat business with third party financial and non-financial services businesses. Ecube
reported a 13% increase in pure third party development and web-hosting income in 2005.


I should like to thank all our staff for their continued contribution during the year.


We  are  pleased to seek shareholder approval for a dividend of 0.075 pence per 1p ordinary share  in
respect  of the results for 2005, an increase of 50% over 2004. The Company's Annual General  Meeting
will be held on 24 May 2006 at Unit 1.23, Plaza 535, King's Road, London SW10 0SZ.

Share Consolidation

The  Board  is  seeking  shareholder approval to consolidate the Company's  ordinary  share  capital,
proposing  that  every  ten  existing ordinary shares of 1 penny each be consolidated  into  one  new
ordinary share of 10 pence each. Approval will be sought at the Extraordinary General Meeting,  which
will be held on 24 May 2006 at Unit 1.23, Plaza 535, King's Road, London SW10 0SZ.


The  current year has started well as we expand our institutional and subscriber customer  bases.  At
this stage we have every confidence that 2006 will show another year of significant improvement.

Edward Forbes,
26 April, 2006

Group Profit & Loss account
For the year ended 31 December 2005

                                                                              2005       2004
                                                                              �000       �000
Turnover                                                                     2,420      2,430
Administrative expenses                                                     (2,186)    (2,360)
                                                                           -------     -------
Group operating profit                                                         234         70
Impairment in associate                                                       (150)         -
Share of operating profit/(loss) in associate                                    6         (8)
Amortisation of goodwill                                                       (32)       (29)
                                                                           -------     -------
Total operating profit: group and share of associate                            58          33
Interest receivable and similar income                                         193         168
                                                                            -------    -------
Profit on ordinary activities before taxation                                  251         201
Tax on profit on ordinary activities                                           (87)        (45)
                                                                            -------    -------
Profit on ordinary activities after taxation                                  164          156
                                                                            -------    -------
Basic earnings per share                                                     0.17p       0.16p

Group Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses
                                                                               2005        2004
                                                                               �000        �000
Profit for the financial year excluding share of profits/(losses) of            158         164
Share of associate profit/(loss) for the year                                     6         (8)
                                                                             -------    -------
Profit for the financial year attributable to members of the parent             164         156
Exchange differences on retranslation of net assets of subsidiary                              
 undertaking                                                                    (28)         55
                                                                             -------    -------
Total recognised gains during the year                                          136         211
                                                                             -------    -------

Group Balance Sheet
at 31 December 2005

                                                                              2005         2004
                                                                              �000         �000
Fixed assets                                                                                   
Intangible assets                                                               17           19
Tangible assets                                                                327          345
Investments in associate                                                       226          400
                                                                           -------       ------
                                                                               570          764
Current assets                                                             -------       ------
Debtors                                                                        426          550
Cash at bank and in hand                                                     3,900        3,561
                                                                           -------       ------
                                                                             4,326        4,111
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year                                (550)        (617)
                                                                           -------       ------
Net current assets                                                           3,776        3,494
                                                                           -------       ------
Total assets less current liabilities                                        4,346        4,258
                                                                           -------       ------
Capital and reserves                                                                           
Called up share capital                                                        961          961
Share premium account                                                        3,774        3,774
Merger reserve                                                                 568          568
Profit and loss account                                                       (957)      (1,045)
                                                                           -------       ------
Equity shareholders' funds                                                   4,346        4,258
                                                                           -------       ------

The financial statements were approved by the Board on 26 April 2006 and signed on its behalf

Julian Burney

Company Balance Sheet
at 31 December 2005

                                                                            2005           2004
                                                                            �000           �000
Fixed assets                                                                                   
Investments                                                                1,767          1,911
Current assets                                                                                 
Debtors                                                                      591            561
Cash at bank and in hand                                                   3,792          3,466
                                                                         -------         ------
                                                                           4,383          4,027
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year                            (1,284)        (1,102)
                                                                         -------         ------
Net current assets                                                         3,099          2,925
                                                                         -------         ------
Total assets less current liabilities                                      4,866          4,836
                                                                         -------         ------
Capital and reserves                                                                           
Called up share capital                                                      961            961
Share premium account                                                      3,774          3,774
Profit and loss account                                                      131            101
                                                                         -------         ------
Equity shareholders' funds                                                 4,866          4,836
                                                                         -------         ------

The financial statements were approved by the Board on 26 April 2006 and signed on its behalf

Julian Burney

Group Statement of Cash Flows
for the year ended 31 December 2005

                                                                            2005           2004
                                                                            �000           �000
Net cash inflow/( outflow) from operating activities                         276           (193)
                                                                        --------        --------
Returns of investments and servicing of finance                                                
Interest and other income received                                           193            168
                                                                        --------        --------
Coporation tax paid                                                          (68)           (18)
                                                                        --------        --------
Capital expenditure                                                                            
Payments to acquire tangible fixed assets                                    (14)           (36)
Payments to acquire intangible fixed assets                                    -            (20)
                                                                        --------        --------
Total capital expenditure                                                    (14)           (56)
                                                                        --------        --------
Acquisitions and disposals                                                                     
Payments to acquire investments in associates                                  -           (437)
                                                                        --------        --------
Equity dividends paid                                                        (48)           (48)
                                                                        --------        --------
Net cash  inflow/(outflow)before financing                                   339           (584)
                                                                        --------        --------
Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds                                       
                                                                            2005           2004
                                                                            �000           �000
Increase/(decrease) in cash and short term deposits                          339           (584)
Net funds at 1 January                                                     3,561          4,145
                                                                        --------        --------
Net funds at 31 December                                                   3,900          3,561
                                                                        --------        --------

Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash outflow from operating activities
                                                                            2005           2004
                                                                            �000           �000
Operating profit                                                             234             70
Depreciation                                                                  32             36
Decrease/ (increase) in debtors                                              124           (250)
(Decrease) in creditors                                                     (114)           (49)
                                                                        --------        --------
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities                          276           (193)
                                                                        --------        --------

Analysis of changes in net funds
                                                             At 1                         At 31
                                                          January                      December
                                                             2005       Cashflow           2005
                                                             �000           �000           �000
Cash at bank and in hand                                      111              1            112
Short-term deposits                                         3,450            338          3,788
                                                         --------        -------       --------
                                                            3,561            339          3,900
                                                         --------        -------       --------


    1.      Nature of financial information
        These accounts do not constitute accounts under section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The
        results for the year ended 31 December 2004 are extracts from the Group accounts which have
        been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. They carry an unqualified auditor's report and
        did not contain a statement under Section 237 (2) or (3) of the Company's Act 1985. The
        statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2005 will be finalised on the basis of the
        financial information in this preliminary announcement and will be filed with the Registrar
        of Companies after the Annual General Meeting.

    2.      Basis of preparation
        The accounts are prepared under the historical cost convention and in accordance with
        applicable accounting standards. The accounting policies set out in the group accounts for
        the year ended 31 December 2004 have been applied for the purposes of this statement.
    3.      Basis of consolidation
        The group financial statements consolidate the financial statements of Stockcube PLC and all
        of its subsidiary undertakings for the year to 31 December 2005.
        Entities other than subsidiary undertakings, in which the group has a participating interest
        and over whose operating and financial policies the group exercises a significant influence
        are treated as associates.  In the group financial statements, associates are accounted for
        using the equity method
        No profit and loss account is presented for Stockcube PLC as permitted by Section 230 of the
        Companies Act 1985
    4.      Earnings per share

    The calculation of basic earnings per ordinary share is based on earnings as follows:
                                                                            2005           2004
                                                                            '000           '000
     Profit for the year                                                    �164           �156
     Weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding               96,106         96,106
     Basic earnings per share                                              0.17p          0.16p

There were no dilutive potential ordinary shares in 2005 (2004:nil)

    5.      Dividend record and payment date
        The  Directors have proposed the payment of a dividend. The dividend will be paid on  7  June
        2006  at  a price of 0.075p per share.  Dividends will be paid to those shareholders  on  the
        Register at the close of business on 12 May 2006.

Stockcube PLC


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