Embargoed until 07:00 12th September 2006

       Ultimate Finance Group plc ("the Company" or "Ultimate Finance")        

               Full year results for the year ended 30 June 2006               


  * Significant growth in profit on ordinary activities before taxation, �
    290,494 compared with �20,581 last year.
  * Turnover for the period up 52% to �3,500,594 (2005: �2,309,728)
  * Client sales financed up 49% to �123m (2005:�82.5m)
  * Earnings per share (excluding deferred tax) 1.45p compared to 0.10p for
  * Basic earnings per share (including deferred tax) 1.98p (2005: 0.46p).
  * New northern client service office opened in Manchester and a new sales
    office opened in Leeds which will support growth plans in the north of
  * The directors are confident of further growth in the financial year ending
    30th June 2007.
Brian Sumner, chief executive, commented:

"I am delighted with this set of results which represents significant growth in
both activity and profit. We have increased our profits significantly and are
continuing our controlled growth on schedule.  Our target market offers
tremendous growth opportunities for the group, which we are well positioned to


Brian Sumner, Chief Executive    Ultimate Finance Group plc 07976 406 474      
Richard Pepler, Managing         Ultimate Finance Group plc 07870 212 180      
Kris McGuire/Adam Reynolds       Hansard Communications     0207 2451100       

Chairman's statement


I am pleased to be able to report, following last year's first period of
profitability Ultimate achieved a significant growth in profit before tax, for
the year ended 30 June 2006, as a result of considerable growth in client sales
financed and trading income in the period. It has also significantly expanded
its client base with the client portfolio at the year end numbering 230 as
against 171 at 30 June 2005.

Client sales financed in the year increased by 49 per cent to �123million from
the previous year (2005: �82.5 million). This increase has come not only from
the increased number of clients but also as a consequence of the growth
experienced by existing clients and the increase in size of transactions with
new clients.

Turnover for the period increased by 52 per cent to �3,500,594 (2005: �
2,309,728) with profit on ordinary activities before taxation being �290,494
compared to �20,581 in 2005. Profit on ordinary activities after taxation for
the year amounted to �395,544. Of the total turnover for the year, 80%
corresponds to factoring clients with the balance being attributable to
confidential invoice discounting arrangements.

Basic earnings per share for the year to 30 June 2006 amounted to 1.98p
compared to 0.46p for 2005. The after tax profit incorporates the recognition
of a deferred tax asset of �105,050 (2005: �71,743) relating to taxable losses
accumulated since the formation of the company. In order to more accurately
measure the earnings per share on the trading performance of the group, an
additional adjusted figure has been included in note 11, to reflect the
earnings before the impact of the deferred tax asset. On this basis, the
earnings per share amounted to 1.45p compared to 0.10p in 2005.


A deferred tax asset has been recognised fully this year as the group has been
trading profitably since January 2005 and is expected to continue to generate
sufficient taxable profits to utilise the tax benefit derived from timing
differences and cumulative losses incurred to date.


The back to back receivables financing arrangement with Lloyds TSB Commercial
Finance has continued to prove to be a catalyst to drive the business forward
in terms of growth and increase in shareholder value. At the year end the group
had utilised �9.2 million of the �18 million facility, a gearing ratio of 4:1
(net of cash balances).

Management and employees

Since its inception an integral element of the success of Ultimate has been the
commitment and hard work of my colleagues on the board and employees of
Ultimate. It is they who have achieved these results. I would like to
acknowledge and thank them for their efforts.


I am confident that the current year will be one of continued progress. Our
primary aim is to maximise the return to shareholders and the board is
committed to delivering growth in shareholder value. We are planning for the
future and look forward to it with confidence.

Clive R Garston


Chief Executive's review

After another year of strong growth, it is with great pleasure that I am able
to announce significant growth in both activity and profit; with profit on
ordinary activities rising to �290,494 (2005: �20,581). It is most gratifying
to see the strategic ambition of the group deliver returns in line with

Those ambitions have been forged on the four cornerstones of our strategy; a
strong service ethic, a wealth of experience applied to risk management and
underwriting criteria, a recognition that only the best staff developed to the
full through training and guidance can deliver on the `ultimate' promise and a
sound and secure product range capable of being tailored to meet the practical
needs of the client throughout the business cycle.

Over the last four years since inception, the performance of the group has
improved markedly year on year. From a standing start in June 2002, a healthy
portfolio of 230 clients has been created generating over �123 million in sales
financed in the year to 30 June 2006. Through factoring and invoice discounting
products and our debtor protection product, our revenues have risen 52% year on
year and with this growth we have experienced strong progress on profitability.

As the portfolio matures so we have naturally experienced a degree of client
losses, mostly smaller clients, often start up businesses that have failed
within their first two years of trading. Whilst unfortunate, client churn is
somewhat inevitable at the smaller end of our market. I am pleased to report,
however, that bad debts have been almost completely avoided in these
collect-out and recovery situations. Once again this is testimony to our risk
management procedures and the quality of our operations staff.

Market and products

We have recently opened a client service centre in Manchester and a new sales
office in Leeds covering Yorkshire and the North-East, both of which are
performing well. We now have sales offices in the Midlands based in Birmingham,
the North based in Manchester and Leeds, the South and Southwest based in
Bristol and the Southeast based in St Albans, all of which provides us with
national coverage of England and Wales.

The market for our products has continued to grow at about 12 per cent per
annum according to industry statistics. Clearly we are growing at a rate
considerably above this level, taking market share largely from the bank
factors and discounters and this will continue to be our strategy whatever
market conditions emerge over the next few years.

2006 saw a considerable growth in the take-up of our debtor protection scheme
offered in conjunction with and fully backed by our insurer AIG. No risk
accrues to Ultimate with this product. Thus far the product has been very well
received and take up both by new clients and existing clients has been very
positive. Clients are now able to offset customer insolvency risk through
Ultimate in conjunction with AIG.

The debtor protection scheme gives rise to improved margins and new marketing

People and systems

We have continued to strengthen all departments of the business to keep in step
with a growing business. Investments in offices, systems, equipment and staff
made over the last four years are now delivering profit growth which we
confidently expect to continue. Resource growth in the operations department is
anticipated to continue growing in line with the size of the portfolio.

2005/06 saw the bedding down of our new software system designed to provide
improvements in risk management, the efficiency of data processing and client
reporting leading to many productivity gains. The system is working well and
already delivering benefits to all stakeholders of the group.


After four years in business I can confidently state that we have, thus far,
fulfilled all of the management team's expectations for the business in what is
still an exciting market full of opportunities.

With a well-trained and competent operations team safeguarding the funds
invested in the portfolio and an established and very experienced sales team
based across the country able and willing to provide appropriate, competitive
and speedy solutions to company cash flow problems, I am confident of continued

It remains for me to thank all the staff at Ultimate who have once again
demonstrated beyond expectations their commitment and passion for our business
by delivering exceptional growth with utmost attention to risk and service.

Brian Sumner

Chief Executive

Consolidated profit and loss account

for the year to 30 June 2006

                                         Note 2006         2005        
                                              �            �           
Turnover                                      3,500,594    2,309,728   
Administrative expenses                       (2,635,325)  (1,947,615) 
Operating profit                              865,269      362,113     
Other interest receivable and similar         4,391        5,339       
Interest payable and similar charges          (579,166)    (346,871)   
Profit on ordinary activities before          290,494      20,581      
Tax on profit on ordinary activities        2 105,050      71,743      
Profit on ordinary activities after           395,544      92,324      
Earnings per share                         11                          
Basic                                         1.98p        0.46p       
Diluted                                       1.97p        0.46p       

All amounts relate to continuing activities.

There are no recognised gains or losses in the current and previous periods
except those reported above.

Consolidated balance sheet

At 30 June 2006

                                    Note 2006           2005          
                                         �              �             
Fixed assets                                                          
Tangible assets                          116,695        104,963       
Current assets                                                        
Debtors                                3 12,170,505     10,208,569    
Cash at bank and in hand               4 844            600,022       
                                         12,171,349     10,808,591    
Creditors: amounts falling due         5 (9,852,627)    (8,873,681)   
within one year                                                       
Net current assets                       2,318,722      1,934,910     
Net assets                               2,435,417      2,039,873     
Capital and reserves                                                  
Called up share capital                6 999,851        999,851       
Share premium account                  7 1,949,390      1,949,390     
Profit and loss account                7 (513,824)      (909,368)     
Shareholders' funds (all equity)         2,435,417      2,039,873     

These financial statements were approved by the board of directors on 11
September 2006 and were signed on its behalf by:

Brian Sumner Shane Horsell

Director Director

Consolidated cash flow statement

for the year to 30 June 2006

                                         Note 2006           2005          
                                              �              �             
Reconciliation of operating profit to                                      
net cash flow from operating activities                                    
Operating profit                              865,269        362,113       
Depreciation charges                          45,545         31,065        
Increase in debtors                           (1,856,886)    (4,916,798)   
Increase in creditors                         290,574        148,656       
Net cash outflow from operating               (655,498)      (4,374,964)   
Cash flow statement                                                        
Cash flow from operating activities           (655,498)      (4,374,964)   
Returns on investments and servicing of     9 (574,775)      (341,532)     
Capital expenditure                         9 (57,277)       (93,236)      
Cash outflow before financing                 (1,287,550)    (4,809,732)   
Financing                                   9 688,372        5,166,399     
(Decrease)/Increase in cash in the            (599,178)      356,667       
Reconciliation of net cash flow to                                         
movement in net debt                                                       
(Decrease)/Increase in cash in the            (599,178)      356,667       
Cash inflow from debt in the period        10 (688,372)      (5,166,399)   
Movement in net debt in the period         10 (1,287,550)    (4,809,732)   
Net debt at the start of the period           (7,953,001)    (3,143,269)   
Net debt at the end of the period          10 (9,240,551)    (7,953,001)   

Reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds

for the year to 30 June 2006

                                     2006           2005          
                                     �              �             
Profit for the period                395,544        92,324        
Net addition to shareholders' funds  395,544        92,324        
Opening shareholders' funds          2,039,873      1,947,549     
Closing shareholders' funds          2,435,417      2,039,873     

Notes to the preliminary statement

  * Accounting policies
The following accounting policies have been applied consistently in dealing
with items which are considered material in relation to the group's financial

Basis of preparation

The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with applicable
accounting standards and under the historical cost accounting rules.

The directors have confirmed the company will provide financial support to
Ultimate Finance Limited in order to meet liabilities as they fall due.

The board is required to report as to whether it is appropriate for the
financial statements to be prepared on a going concern basis. The executive
directors have prepared a budget which demonstrates a good future for the
company and that the finances are sound. The board therefore continues to adopt
the going concern basis in preparing the financial statements.

  * Taxation
                                                    2006          2005                         
                                                     �              �             
UK Corporation Tax at 30% (2005: 30%)                -              -             
Total current tax charge                             -              -             
Deferred tax - origination and reversal of timing  105,050        71,743        
Total taxation on profit on ordinary activities    105,050        71,743        

Factors affecting the tax charge for the current period

The current tax charge for the period is lower than the standard rate of
corporation tax in the UK (30%). The differences are explained below.

                                                     2006           2005          
                                                     �              �             
Current tax reconciliation                                                        
Profit on ordinary activities before tax             290,494        20,581        
Current tax at 30%                                   87,148         6,174         
Effects of:                                                                       
Expenses not deductible for tax purposes             12,624         11,039        
Capital allowances for period in excess of           2,494          (2,003)       
Provisions not deductible for tax purposes           (4,683)        7,908         
Utilisation of tax losses                            (97,583)       (23,118)      
Total current tax charge (see above)                   Nil            Nil

A further deferred tax asset of �105,050 has been recognised in the year (2005:
�71,743), as the directors believe it is more probable than not that it will be
recovered in the future.

  * Debtors
                                      2006            2005                         
                                       �              �             
Gross factored debts receivable        22,640,689     18,589,303    
Due to clients on collection           (10,815,958)   (8,634,165)   
Client commitments                     11,824,731     9,955,138     
Deferred tax                           176,793        71,743        
Other debtors                          28,685         38,438        
Prepayments and accrued income         140,296        143,250       
                                       12,170,505     10,208,569    

Of the deferred tax asset, an amount which we cannot quantify will be
recoverable after more than one year.

  * Cash
The company, together with its subsidiary undertakings, is party to a back to
back receivables financing agreement with one of its bankers. This agreement
permits the bankers to set off and/or combine all bank accounts included
therein. The accounting disclosure of cash, loans and overdrafts adopted this
year reflects the substance of this agreement.

  * Creditors: amounts falling due within one year
                                    2006           2005                         
                                    �              �             
Bank loans and overdrafts           9,241,395      8,553,023     
Trade creditors                     35,158         42,207        
Taxation and social security        138,515        84,854        
Other creditors                     270,503        158,273       
Accruals and deferred income        167,056        35,324        
                                    9,852,627      8,873,681     

The group has a loan facility with Lloyds TSB Commercial Finance Ltd for a �18
million back-to-back receivables financing agreement the minimum period for
which expires on 30 June 2007.

The facility is secured against an all assets debenture given by Ultimate
Finance Limited and a deed of guarantee and indemnity has been given by
Ultimate Finance Group plc.

At the end of the year, the group utilised �9,213,516 of the facility (2005: �

  * Called up share capital
                                                   2006           2005                         
                                                   �              �             
Equity: 40,000,000 (2005: 40,000,000) ordinary     2,000,000      2,000,000     
shares of 5p each                                                               
Allotted, called up and fully paid                                              
Equity: 19,997,018 ordinary shares of 5p each      999,851        999,851       

  * Share premium and reserves
                                      Share          Profit                       
                                      premium        and loss                     
                                      account        account                      
                                      2006           2006          
                                      �              �             
At beginning of year                  1,949,390      (909,368)     
Retained profit for the period        -              395,544       
At end of year                        1,949,390      (513,824)     

  * Provisions for liabilities and charges
                         Group      Company        Group       Company             
                         2006         2006         2005         2005                
                         �            �            �            �                   
Deferred tax asset at    71,743       71,743       -            -                   
beginning of year                                                                   
Deferred tax asset       105,050      (54,757)     71,743       71,743              
recognised in the year                                                              
Deferred tax asset at    176,793      16,986       71,743       71,743              
end of year                                                                         

There is no unrecognised deferred tax asset at 30 June 2006, as calculated
under Financial Reporting Standard 19:

Group                                                    Unprovided Unprovided  
                                                          2006       2005        
                                                            �          �           
Difference between accumulated depreciation and            -           (14,304)    
capital allowances                                                              
Other timing differences                                   -           219,125     
                                                           -           204,821     
Company                                                  Unprovided Unprovided  
                                                         2006         2005        
                                                            �          �           
Difference between accumulated depreciation and            -            -           
capital allowances                                                              
Other timing differences                                   -            -           
                                                            -            -           

  * Analysis of cash flows
                                               2006            2005                           
                                               �               �              
Returns on investment and servicing of finance                                
Interest received                              4,391           5,339          
Interest paid                                  (579,166)       (346,871)      
                                               (574,775)       (341,532)      
Capital expenditure                                                           
Purchase of tangible fixed assets              (57,277)        (93,236)       
                                               (57,277)        (93,236)       
Utilisation of credit facility/bank overdraft  688,372         5,166,399      
                                               688,372         5,166,399      

  * Analysis of net debt
                                  At 30                         At 30 June                   
                                                   Cash flow                                   
                                  June 2005                     June 2006                    
                                   �              �              �             
Cash in hand, at bank (see note 4) 600,022        (599,178)      844           
Utilisation of credit facility/    (8,553,023)    (688,372)      (9,241,395)   
bank overdraft                                                                 
Total                              (7,953,001)    (1,287,550)    (9,240,551)   

  * Earnings per share
The basic profit per share for the period to 30 June 2006 has been calculated
from the profit on ordinary activities after taxation of �395,544 (2005: �
92,324) and on the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during
the year (19,997,018) (2005: 19,997,018).

The company has dilutive potential ordinary shares in respect of the `Company
Share Option Plan.' The diluted earnings per share amounts to 1.97p (2005:
0.46p) and is based on profit on ordinary activities after taxation of �395,544
(2005: �92,324) and 20,054,325 ordinary shares being the weighted average of
the shares in issue during the year adjusted to assume conversion of all
dilutive potential ordinary shares (2005: 20,027,787).

Adjusted earnings per share figures have been calculated in addition to the
basic and diluted figures since, in the opinion of the directors, these provide
further information on the understanding of the group's performance. A
reconciliation of the different earnings per share figures is shown below.

                                                       2006        2005       
                                                       Pence       pence      
Basic earnings per share                               1.98        0.46       
Adjustment for recognition of deferred tax asset       (0.53)      (0.36)     
Earnings per share before recognition of deferred tax  1.45        0.10       

  * Preliminary statement of results
This preliminary statement was approved by the Board on 11 September 2006. It
is not the company's statutory accounts.

The statutory accounts for the period ended 30 June 2006 have been audited and
have been approved by the Board of directors on 11 September 2006. Copies of
the Directors' Report and Consolidated Financial Statements will be sent to
shareholders shortly and will be available from the Group's Bristol office,
Bradley Pavilions, Pear Tree Road, Bradley Stoke, Bristol BS32 0BQ.


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