Quarterly Report For The Period Ended 30 September 2005 Highlights Moto Gold Project
01 November 2005 - 1:12AM
Business Wire
Moto Goldmines Limited (TSX:MGL)(ASX:MOE) - HIGHLIGHTS -0- *T MOTO
GOLD PROJECT - Revised independent resource estimate of: -
Indicated resources - 8.23 million tonnes at 2.6 g/t Au for 0.70
million ounces of gold; and - Inferred resources - 89.23 million
tonnes at 2.6 g/t Au for 7.33 million ounces of gold. -
Reconnaissance and infill drilling during the quarter continued to
identify significant gold mineralisation. - Infill drilling
programmes, designed to upgrade the resources from the inferred to
the indicated category, at a number of deposits completed. A
resource upgrade is planned for November 2005. - Pre-feasibility
work continued during the quarter. Preliminary study results
planned for release in November 2005. - Appointment of Sam Jonah
KBE as Chairman and Walter Kansteiner, David Hodgson and Dr Jeff
O'Leary as directors of the Company. - Completion of placement of 8
million shares at C$2.70 each to raise C$21.6 million. *T
principal focus during the quarter ended 30 September 2005 was to
progress the Moto Gold Project in the north-east of the Democratic
Republic of Congo from the exploration stage to project feasibility
and development. The Company continued to employ 4 drill rigs (one
RC and three diamond) at the Moto site, with the focus
predominantly on infill drilling designed to upgrade the resources
from the inferred to the indicated category. Cube Consulting
completed an updated independent resource estimate on August 9,
2005 (details of which are summarised below), and have been
appointed to review the potential for an operation based on a
number of the ore bodies at the Moto Gold project. Preliminary
study results are planned for release in November 2005. Activities
in relation to project feasibility and development are ongoing.
Reports on the exploration activities during the quarter have
previously been released on July 6, 2005 "Exploration Update -
Identification of further significant mineralisation at Karagba",
July 19, 2005 "Drilling Confirms Significant Potential at Sessenge
Prospect", August 24, 2005 "Identification of further significant
mineralisation at Karagba and Kombokolo", and September 22, 2005
"Exploration Update". The details reported in these releases have
not been repeated in the following report, but in summary the
reconnaissance and infill drilling completed during the quarter
continued to identify significant gold mineralisation. Resource
Estimate for Moto Gold Project Deposits In August 2005 independent
consultants Cube Consulting estimated the following resources at a
nominal 1 /gt Au lower cutoff: -0- *T
Deposit Indicated Inferred
------------------------------------------------------ Tonnes Au
Tonnes Au Mt Au g/t '000Oz Mt Au g/t '000Oz
Pakaka 8.23 2.6 701 11.46 2.2 814 Gorumbwa 8.55 6.4 1,750 Kibali
22.60 2.0 1,417 Mengu Hill 6.10 3.6 696 Mengu Village 1.83 1.6 91
Karagba 9.29 3.1 914 Megi 5.21 1.9 312 Marakeke 1.66 1.4 74
Kombokolo 1.41 2.4 110 Sessenge 6.69 1.8 381 Ndala 0.49 4.0 62
Pamao 13.94 1.6 708
TOTAL 8.23 2.6 701 89.23 2.6 7,329
*T Upgrading of confidence in resources Upon completion of the
above resource estimate extensive infill drilling programmes at
Pakaka, Karagba, Gorumbwa, Sessenge, Kombokolo and Mengu Hill,
designed to upgrade the resources from the inferred to the
indicated category, were undertaken. Except at Karagba and
Gorumbwa, these programmes have now been completed. A resource
upgrade for the Pakaka, Sessenge, Kombokolo and Mengu Hill deposits
is planned for November. Drilling at Karagba is continuing to test
extensions to and the continuity of the mineralised zone. The
drilling has defined an interpreted northeast plunging mineralised
zone that has a strike length of greater than 300m (open to the
southeast), a thickness of up to 100m and a potential down plunge
length of over 500m. A further resource upgrade is planned for
later in the calendar year once the current programme of infill and
extension drilling is complete. At Gorumbwa drill holes have been
designed to test both the upper and main lodes of the Gorumbwa
deposit to enable a comparison with the historical drill results. A
revised resource upgrade is planned for later in the calendar year.
Prefeasibility Work Activities in relation to project feasibility
and development are ongoing and the Company is continuing to work
towards completion of pre-feasibility work by mid 2006 and
completion of a bankable feasibility study by early 2007. Soil
Geochemical Programmes Results of the soil sampling has been
received on both the Mengu Hill to Kalimva areas and Abimva.
Between Mengu Hill and Kalimva the soil sampling has identified 2
gold in soil anomalies, Mofu (500m x 150m) to the south and Oere
(500m X 100m) to the north. Both are defined by results greater
than 125ppb Au. Oere lies within a 2km long NNE trending gold in
soil anomaly (+25ppb Au) that is coincident with an interpreted NNE
trending structure which hosts the mineralisation previously
exploited by the Belgians at Kalimva. RC drill programmes designed
to test these anomalies will commence in the December quarter. The
soil sampling at Abimva will require infill to better define the
anomalies. Infill sampling results from the Rambi gold-in-soil
anomalies located 45kms east of Pakaka led to a better de finition
of the trends. The initial soil sampling programme at the Kalimva
West Project area located 14km north northwest of Pakaka has been
completed and results are awaited. CORPORATE During the quarter a
number of significant appointments were made to the board of
directors. Sam Jonah KBE was appointed Chairman on August 2, 2005.
Sir Sam is internationally recognized as one of Africa's leading
businessmen. He is also Non-Executive President of AngloGold
Ashanti Limited, which is one of the world's largest gold mining
companies. On August 18 Walter Kansteiner, David Hodgson and Dr
Jeff O'Leary joined the Board in the position of Non-Executive
Directors. Reg Gillard and Patrick Flint retired as directors of
the Company. The Board believes the experience, expertise and
commitment of the new appointments will greatly assist the Company
in achieving its goal of advancing the Moto Gold project through to
completion of a feasibility study as quickly as possible. In August
the Company announced that it has completed its private placement
for the issue of 8 million Shares (and 4 million warrants) at a
price of C$2.70 each, for gross proceeds of C$21.6 million. A total
of C$8.64 million was received in August, with a further C$12.96
million being received in October 2005 (following receipt of
approval of the placement at a general meeting of shareholders held
in October 2005). At 30 September 2005 the Company had cash at bank
of AU$11.0 million (with a further C$12.96 million, less broker
fees, being received in October pursuant to the placement). Company
website: www.motogoldmines.com Additional Notes: Scientific or
technical information in this news release has been prepared under
the supervision of Greg Smith, Exploration Manager of the Company
and a qualified person under National Instrument 43-101 and a
member of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
(AusIMM). Greg Smith has sufficient experience which is relevant to
the style of mineralisation under consideration and to the activity
which he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined
in the 2004 Edition of the "Australasian Code for Reporting of
Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves" (the JORC
Code). The Information in this report that relates to Mineral
Resources is based on a resource estimate compiled by Ted Coupland
who is a member of the Australasian Institute of Mining and
Metallurgy (AusIMM), Mineral Industry Consultants Association
(MICA) and is a Chartered Professional (Geology), and a qualified
person under National Instrument 43-101. Ted Coupland is a director
of Cube Consulting Pty Ltd. Ted Coupland has sufficient experience
which is relevant to gold mineralisation and resource estimation to
qualify as a competent Person as defined in the December 2004
Edition of the "Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration
Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves" (the JORC Code). Ted
Coupland consents to the inclusion in this report of the
Information, in the form and context in which it appears. Caution
Regarding Forward Looking Statements: Statements regarding the
Company's plans with respect to developing the Moto Gold Project
are forward-looking. There can be no assurance that any
mineralisation will be proven to be economic, that anticipated
metallurgical recoveries will be achieved, that future evaluation
work will confirm the viability of deposits identified with the
project or that future required regulatory approvals will be
obtained. Moto Goldmines Limited (TSX:MGL) (ASX.:MOE)
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