RNS Number:0915A
Celsis International PLC
2 November 1999

                             CELSIS INTERNATIONAL PLC
               Interim Results for the Six Months Ended 30th September 1999

Celsis International plc ("Celsis" or "the Company") announces its unaudited
interim results for the six months ended 30th September 1999.


*   Profit before tax up 236% to #1.1 million (1998: #0.3 million before
    exceptional charges; loss of #0.4 million after exceptional charges)

*   Earnings per share achieved of 1.03p (1998: loss per share of 0.50p)

*   Total revenues up 5% to #8.8 million (1998: #8.4 million) with an
    underlying increase of 8% after excluding prior period revenues from the
    Connect programme

*   Gross margin improves to #5.9 million or 67% of turnover (1998: #5.4
    million or 64%) from a focus on higher margin instrument and reagent
    sales and from manufacturing efficiencies

*   End Screening business unit delivers revenue growth to #4.6 million
    (1998: #4.1 million) from instrument revenues up 27% and reagent
    revenues up 9%

*   Distribution arrangements for systemSURE (registered) restructured from
    November 1999

*   Disposable hygiene monitor, SpotCheck, successfully launched into
    the European food production market

*   Sustained growth within Celsis Laboratory Group ("CLG") with revenues up
    9% to #3.7 million (1998: #3.4 million)

Commenting on the results Chris Evans, Chairman of Celsis, said:

"This is another period of excellent performance which establishes Celsis as
the pre-eminent supplier of rapid methods products and services.  Our
products are accepted and in use throughout the world across a number of
industry sectors. Our traditional strength in dairy continues and we can now
count a substantial proportion of the world's leading consumer products
companies as our customers.  Much has been done to turn Celsis around over
the last year and some difficult decisions to change had to be taken.  These
results reflect the benefits of those changes but there is still much to be
achieved ahead of us.  Our commitment to providing complete, cost effective
solutions to our customers and to offering outstanding service levels remain
undiminished.  I am confident that we will meet the growth objectives we
have set ourselves such that we continue to expand profitably and to deliver
shareholder value."

Celsis International plc   Chris Evans, Chairman        )
                           Jack Rowell, Chief Executive ) +44(0)1223 426008
                           Mark Harris, Finance Director)

Brunswick Group Limited    James Garthwaite/
                           Jessica Shepherd-Smith         +44(0)171 404 5959


Results for the period under review showed strong and improved performance
across the business.  Increased sales, improved gross margins and the full
period expense savings from the reorganisation carried out in the summer of
last year all contributed to the sharp increase in profits.

Sales for the six months ended 30th September 1999 grew 5% to #8.8 million
(1998: #8.4 million).  Excluding revenues from the Connect research
programme in the prior period, underlying sales revenue grew by 8%.  The End
Screening business unit posted the strongest growth where instrument
revenues grew 27% to #1.4 million and reagent revenues grew 9% to #3.2
million (1998: #1.1 million and #3.0 million respectively).  Revenues in the
hygiene monitoring unit fell to #0.3 million (1998: #0.5 million).  Steps
have been taken to restructure the Company's distribution route to the
hygiene monitoring market to consolidate the Company's position and to
provide a platform for future growth (see "Review of Operations - Hygiene
Monitoring" below).  The Celsis Laboratory Group continued to show steady
progress with revenues increasing 9% to #3.7 million (1998: #3.4 million).

Gross margins improved to 67% (1998: 64%) as the Company focused on higher
quality revenues.  In the End Screening business unit, in particular, higher
value instruments have been sold, with sales of the Advance instrument up
60%, and reagent sales for personal care product testing rose 32%.  Margins
also improved from manufacturing efficiencies as the business grows and from
the reorganisation steps carried out last year.

In the summer of 1998 the Company underwent a substantial reorganisation to
streamline the management hierarchy, to introduce greater accountability and
responsibility and to reduce costs.  Although one time exceptional costs
were incurred last year, total expenditure on sales and marketing, general
and administrative and research and development activities has reduced by 6%
to #4.8 million (1998: #5.1 million).  These savings have arisen principally
through improved focus within general and administrative and research and
development activities.  The stream-lining of the management team and the
tight control over spending also allowed the Company to increase its
effective investment in sales and marketing without increasing the absolute
cost of such activities.  As the business grows and increasing attention is
paid to meeting the needs of customers, effective sales and marketing
programmes are essential to accelerate the pace of adoption of the Company's
products and services in both established and key new markets.

The net result is for the Company to report a 236% increase in profit before
tax to #1.1 million (1998: #0.3 million but a loss of #0.4 million after
exceptional costs).  Accordingly, earnings per share are 1.03p (1998: loss
per share of 0.50p).

On 28th July 1999 the High Court approved the reduction of the Company's
share premium account which had been passed by shareholders at the Annual
General Meeting held on 29th June 1999.  See Note 6 of the financial
information below for further details.


The Company's business continues to be operated as three distinct business
units, each with its own profit centre accountability: End Screening,
Hygiene Monitoring and Celsis Laboratory Group.

End Screening
Total revenues in the period up 14% to #4.6 million (1998: #4.1 million)

Although the number of instruments placed in the period reduced to 61 (1998:
86), instrument revenues increased by 27% to #1.4 million (1998: #1.1
million).  A deliberate focus has been placed on the higher value Advance
and Advance Coupe instruments, which represented two-thirds of all
placements.  In addition to the successes achieved in selling these
instruments into new dairy territories, particularly the Americas, they are
marketed world-wide as the instrument platform for personal care product and
pharmaceutical companies.  A substantial majority of the world's leading
multi-national companies in these sectors are now using Celsis systems for
product release, although significant opportunities for further sales to
these customers exist.

Reagent revenues grew by 9% to #3.2 million from 3.8 million tests (1998:
#3.0 million from 3.5 million tests).  Strong growth was achieved in sales
to the personal care product sector as the Company's focus on major global
accounts showed continued success.  These sales have also contributed to the
overall increase in gross margins.  It is clear, however, that the
challenges in getting newly placed instruments through validation and up to
a full reagent burn are more pronounced in the pcp and pharmaceutical
sectors.  To address this, considerable effort is now being focussed on
shortening the validation cycle as this will accelerate the reagent burn and
improve cashflow.  To that end, the Company is putting more resource into
technical support, has introduced its own validation documentation and
guides, and has launched computer based training modules.

Geographically, Latin America produced the strongest growth despite the
recent currency turmoil.  Sales grew to #0.5 million in the period (1998:
#0.1 million) with 10 new systems placed.  Further placement opportunities
in Latin America are good and these sites typically offer high reagent burn
potential.  As a result the Company has taken the decision to establish its
own presence in Brazil to provide better support to local operations, to
reduce the end-user price but improve margins through reduced import duties
and to assist the roll out of the Company's products to other Latin American

Hygiene Monitoring
Total revenues in the period #0.4 million (1998: #0.6 million)

Minimal sales were recorded to Becton Dickinson and Company ("B-D"), the
Company's world-wide distributor for the systemSURE (registered) product
line (1998: #0.1 million).  Hygiene monitoring sales by distributors whose
rights pre-dated those of B-D also showed some erosion.  Discussions with B-
D to resolve this situation have resulted in an agreement dated 1st November
1999 to restructure the relationship.  With effect from 15th November 1999,
B-D will only have rights to sell systemSURE (registered) within the United
States.  These rights will be on a non-exclusive basis and will expire on
30th June 2000.  This will allow the Company to sell systemSURE (registered)
through its own direct sales force and through its current distributor
network.  New distributors will also be sought for territories not presently
covered or where existing routes to market are deemed to be unsuitable.

Manufacturing for the Company's disposable hygiene monitoring device, Celsis
SpotCheck, has been established in the Company's facilities in the
Netherlands and the product was launched into the European food production
market on 1st October 1999.  Initial response has been very encouraging and
Kleencare Hygiene, our distributor, has called forward on its supply orders.
The Company's partner for the Far East has also commenced test market
evaluations and new distribution partners are currently being sought for
other food production territories and for the food services market.

The launch of SpotCheck and the resolution of the Company's distribution
arrangements for the instrument based hygiene monitoring market mark a new
start to the Company's approach to hygiene monitoring generally.  The
Company views the hygiene monitoring market as one where its core
competencies are highly relevant and detailed strategies for this business
unit will now be developed across the entire product range.

Celsis Laboratory Group ("CLG")
Total revenues in the period #3.7 million (1998: #3.4 million)

CLG produced another period of solid growth with revenues growing by 9%.
CLG continues to improve the level of its service offering and is the only
out-source provider in the United States offering a ten day turn-around time
as standard.  Concurrent with improving the level of service, major steps
have been taken to improve the quality of the revenue base.  Revenue from
less dependable one-off project work has been halved and revenues from other
less stable customers have been replaced.  Accordingly the underlying growth
in the base business was 17%.  This shift in the revenue mix has also
allowed gross margins to be improved from 49% last year to 50% this year.

In common with End Screening, CLG has also exercised strict control over its
cost structure which resulted in a small reduction in total spend.
Increased investment in sales and marketing activities have been funded from
the benefits of the business integration of the New Jersey and St. Louis
facilities carried out last year and from reduced spending elsewhere.  As a
result, the CLG business unit delivered a 75% increase in its profit
contribution to the group.

YEAR 2000

The Company established a team in 1998 to review the potential implications
of the Year 2000 issue on the business.  A full assessment has now been
finalised and as a result of this the Directors consider that there will not
be a material impact on the operations of the business.  All instrumentation
within the Company's current product range is Year 2000 compliant.


Prospects for growth across the business remain strong.  The objectives to
be achieved and the challenges to be overcome are now more clearly
understood than at any time in the past.

In End Screening, the Company's systems have gained increasing acceptance
across a number of industry sectors and, most importantly, within major blue
chip multi-nationals.  A programme to roll out additional systems in these
organisations is underway while the Company continues to penetrate new
territories in its traditionally strong markets such as dairy.  Ensuring
that newly placed instruments move through validation as quickly as possible
is now the major challenge facing the business and a variety of actions have
been implemented to address this.

The launch of SpotCheck and the re-launch of systemSURE (registered) by the
Company mark a watershed in the Company's approach and commitment to the
hygiene monitoring market.  The ability to offer customers both disposable
and instrument based systems provides the Company with a unique product
offering.  Moreover, the market potential for SpotCheck is very significant
in its own right although it is recognised that this will take some time to
develop and the choice of distribution partners will be critical to its
overall success.

CLG's programme to improve the quality of its customer base is set to
continue.  In the short term, this may serve to limit the absolute rate of
growth of the business but is expected to provide a more stable and reliable
profit growth profile in the longer term.  At the same time, CLG will
continue to seek ways to improve its level of service as the principal area
of competitive advantage.  Opportunities to widen the service offering are
also being evaluated.

The Company now has a clear focus on its market objectives.  With the
management and cost structures now in balance with the growth opportunities
and with on-going investments in strategic sales and marketing initiatives
and in research and development the prospects for continued growth and
improved performance remain strong.


We have been instructed by the Company to review the financial information
set out on pages 6 to 10 and we have read the other information contained in
the interim report for any apparent mis-statements or material
inconsistencies with the financial information.

Directors' responsibilities
The interim report, including the financial information contained therein,
is the responsibility of and has been approved by the directors.  The
Listing Rules of the London Stock Exchange require that the accounting
policies and presentation applied to the interim figures should be
consistent with those applied in preparing the preceding annual accounts
except where any changes, and the reasons for them, are disclosed.

Review work performed
We conducted our review in accordance with guidance contained in Bulletin
1999/4 issued by the Auditing Practices Board. A review consists principally
of making enquiries of group management and applying analytical procedures
to the financial information and underlying financial data and, based
thereon, assessing whether the accounting policies and presentation have
been consistently applied unless otherwise disclosed.  A review excludes
audit procedures such as tests of controls and verification of assets,
liabilities and transactions.  It is substantially less in scope than an
audit performed in accordance with Auditing Standards and therefore provides
a lower level of assurance than an audit.  Accordingly we do not express an
audit opinion on the financial information.

Review conclusion
On the basis of our review we are not aware of any material modifications
that should be made to the financial information as presented for the six
months ended 30 September 1999.

Chartered Accountants
2nd November 1999

Celsis International plc

Unaudited Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
For the six month period ended 30 September 1999

                                            Six mths    Six mths    Year to
                                               to 30       to 30     31 Mar
                                                 Sep         Sep       
                                                 999        1998       1999   
                             Notes             #'000       #'000      #'000
                                             _______     _______    _______
Turnover                                       8,751       8,360     17,622
Cost of sales                                (2,891)     (2,994)    (6,011)
                                             _______     _______    _______
Gross profit                                   5,860       5,366     11,611
Sales & marketing                                                          
expenses                                     (3,246)     (3,300)    (6,936)
General & administrative                                                   
expenses                                       (856)       (862)    (1,703)
Research & development                                                     
expenditure                                    (691)       (924)    (1,391)
Exceptional costs                                          (759)    (1,241)
                                             _______     _______    _______
Operating profit /                                                         
(loss)                                         1,067       (479)        340
Interest receivable &                                                      
similar income                                    32          64        126
Interest payable                                 (44)        (30)      (67)
                                             _______     _______    _______
Profit / (loss) on                                                         
ordinary activities                                                        
before    taxation                             1,055       (445)        399
Tax on profit / (loss)                                                     
on ordinary activities                             -        (51)       (47)
                                             _______     _______    _______
Retained profit / (loss)                                                   
for the period                                 1,055       (496)        352
                                             =======     =======    =======
Earnings / (loss) per                                                      
Ordinary Share                1                1.03p     (0.50)p      0.35p
Diluted earnings/(loss)                                            
per Ordinary Share            1                1.02p     (0.49)p      0.35p

IIMR earnings / (loss)                                                     
per Ordinary Share                             1.03p     (0.50)p      0.35p

Statement of total recognised profits /                                    
Profit / (loss) for the financial period       1,055       (496)        352
Currency translation differences on foreign                                
currency net investments                       (267)          63        378
                                              ______      ______     ______
Total gains / (losses) recognised in the                                   
period                                           788       (433)        730
                                              ======      ======     ======

Celsis International plc

Unaudited Consolidated Balance Sheet
at 30 September 1999

                                             At 30    At 30 Sep   At 31 Mar
                                               Sep         1998        1999
                                  Notes      #'000        #'000       #'000
                                  _____    _______     ________    ________
Fixed assets                                                               
Intangible assets                              429          449         441
Tangible assets                              4,054        3,979       4,076
Investments                                     10           52           8
                                           _______     ________    ________
                                             4,493        4,480       4,525
Current assets                                                             
Stocks                                       2,426        2,026       2,239
Debtors: amounts falling due                                               
after one year                                 377            -         644
Debtors: amounts falling due                                               
within one year                              7,382        5,259       6,081
Cash at bank and in hand                       907        2,180       1,887
                                           _______     ________    ________
                                            11,092        9,465      10,851
Creditors: amounts falling due                                             
within one year                            (2,092)      (2,242)     (2,615)
                                           _______     ________    ________
Net current assets                           9,000        7,223       8,236
Total assets less current                                                  
liabilities                                 13,493       11,703      12,761
Creditors: amounts falling due                                             
after more than one year                     (601)        (636)       (658)
                                           _______     ________    ________
Net assets                                  12,892       11,067      12,103
                                           =======     ========    ========
Capital and reserves:                                                      
Called up share capital                      1,029          997       1,026
Shares to be issued                              -           29           -
Share premium account                 6     13,961       42,060      42,060
Profit and loss account               5    (3,139)     (33,060)    (32,024)
Reserve arising on consolidation                                           
                                             1,041        1,041       1,041
                                           _______     ________    ________
Equity shareholders' funds                  12,892       11,067      12,103
                                           =======     ========    ========

Celsis International plc

Unaudited Cashflow Statement
For the six month period ended 30 September 1999

                                              Six mths  Six mths   Year to
                                                    to        to    31 Mar
                                                30 Sep    30 Sep      1999
                                                  1999      1998          
                                      Notes      #'000     #'000     #'000
                                      _____    _______   _______   _______
Net cash outflow from continuing                                          
activities                                2       (191)   (1,016)   (1,078)
Returns on investments and servicing                                      
of finance
Interest received from investments                  11        64       126
Interest paid                                      (33)      (30)      (67)
                                               _______   _______   _______
                                                  (22)        34        59
                                               _______   _______   _______
Corporation tax paid                                  -     (113)     (114)
Capital expenditure and financial                                         
Purchase of tangible fixed assets                (548)     (314)     (827)
Sale of tangible fixed assets                       4        10        14
Purchase of intangible fixed assets                (3)      (20)      (27)
                                               _______   _______   _______
                                                 (547)     (324)     (840)
Deferred consideration paid in                                            
respect of prior year acquisition                    -         -      (69)
Cash outflow before management of                                         
liquid resources and financing                   (760)   (1,419)   (2,042)
Management of liquid resources                                            
Sale of current asset investments                    -     2,415     2,415
New finance leases                                   -         -       126
Repayment of principal under finance                                      
leases                                            (28)      (21)      (53)
Repayment of loan principal                        (9)      (32)      (43)
                                               _______   _______   _______
                                                  (37)      (53)        30
                                               =======   =======   =======
(Decrease)/increase in cash in the                                        
period                                           (797)       943       403
                                               =======   =======   =======

Notes to the Accounts
For the six month period ended 30 September 1999

                                    Six mths to   Six mths to      Year to
                                         30 Sep        30 Sep       31 Mar
                                           1999          1998         1999
                                    ___________   ___________  ___________
1. Basic & diluted profit /                                               
   (loss) per Ordinary Share
  Profit / (loss) on ordinary                                             
  activities after taxation                                               
  (#'000)                                 1,055         (496)          352
  Basic weighted average number                                          
  of Ordinary Shares in issue       102,725,398    99,441,217   100,970,414
  Diluted weighted average number                                        
  of Ordinary Share in issue        103,433,817   101,672,574   100,970,414
                                    ===========   ===========  ============
2. Reconciliation of operating                                            
   profit to net cash outflow                                             
   from continuing operating                                              
   activities                            #'000          #'000        #'000
                                   ___________     __________  ___________
                                         1,067            280        1,581
   Exceptional costs                         -           (759)      (1,151)
   Depreciation of tangible fixed                                         
   assets                                  478            492          910
   Non-cash distribution of                                               
   shares held by trustee of                                              
   Employee Share Ownership Trust            -             23            -
   Provision for change in value                                          
   of shares held by Employee                                             
   Share Ownership Trust                     2              -          (6)
   Amortisation of intangible                                             
   assets                                   15             15           30
  (Profit) on disposal of                                                 
   tangible fixed assets                   (4)              -            -
  (Increase) in debtors                (1,034)          (179)      (1,645)
  (Increase) in stocks                   (187)           (76)        (289)
  (Decrease) in trade & other                                             
  creditors                              (528)          (812)        (508)
                                   ___________     __________  ___________
  Net cash outflow from                                                   
  continuing operating activities        (191)        (1,016)      (1,078)
                                   ===========     ==========  ===========
3. Reconciliation of net cash                                             
   flow to movement in net funds
  (Decrease)/increase in cash in                                          
  the period                             (797)            943          403
  Cashflow from sale of current                                           
  asset investments                          -        (2,415)      (2,415)
  Repayment of finance lease and                                          
  loan obligations                          37             53           96
                                   ___________     __________  ___________
  Movement in net funds in the                                            
  period                                 (760)        (1,419)      (1,916)
  New finance leases                         -          (116)        (126)
  Exchange adjustment                    (168)             34          249
  Net funds at beginning of the                                           
  period                                 1,302          3,095        3,095
                                   ___________     __________  ___________
  Net funds at end of the period                                          
 (see Note 4)                              374          1,594        1,302
                                   ===========     ==========  ===========

4.  Analysis of net funds

                              At               Non-Cash   Exchange   At end
                           start     Cashflow   Changes       Dif-       Of
                              of                          ferences   period
                           #'000        #'000    #'000       #'000    #'000
  Six months ended 30                                                      
  September 1999
  Cash at bank and in                                                      
  hand                     1,887        (797)         -      (183)      907
  Current asset                                                            
  investments                  -            -         -          -        -
  Loans                    (363)            9         -          9    (345)
  Finance leases           (222)           28         -          6    (188)
                          ______    _________   _______   ________   ______
                           1,302        (760)         -      (168)      374
                          ======    =========   =======   ========   ======
  Six months ended 30                                                      
  September 1998
  Cash at bank and in                                                      
  hand                     1,213          943         -         24    2,180
  Current asset                                                            
  investments              2,415      (2,415)         -          -        -
  Loans                    (390)           32         -          8    (350)
                          ______    _________   _______   ________   ______
  Finance leases           (143)           21     (116)          2    (236)
                           3,095      (1,419)     (116)         34    1,594
                          ======    =========   =======   ========   ======
  Year ended 31 March                                                      
  Cash at bank and in                                                      
  hand                     1,213          403         -        271    1,887
  Current asset                                                            
  investments              2,415      (2,415)         -          -        -
  Loans                    (390)           43         -       (16)    (363)
  Finance leases           (143)           53     (126)        (6)    (222)
                          ______    _________   _______   ________   ______
                           3,095      (1,916)     (126)        249    1,302
                          ======    =========   =======   ========   ======

5. Profit and loss account                  Six mths    Six mths    Year to
                                               to 30   to 30 Sep     31 Mar
                                                 Sep        1998       1999
                                               #'000       #'000      #'000
                                            ________    ________   ________
  Retained loss brought forward             (32,024)    (32,620)   (32,620)
  Retained profit / (loss) for the period      1,055       (496)        352
  Reduction in share premium                  28,100           -          -
  Goodwill written off                           (3)         (7)      (134)
  Exchange difference                          (267)          63        378
                                            ________    ________   ________
  Retained loss carried forward              (3,139)    (33,060)   (32,024)
                                            ========    ========   ========

6. Reduction of Share Premium Account
   On 29th June 1999 the Company passed a special resolution for the
   proposed reduction of the Company's share premium account by #28,100,000. 
   A successful application was made to the High Court and the proposed
   Special resolution was confirmed by the Court on 28th July 1999.  The
   effect of this resolution was to clear the accumulated deficit on the
   Company's profit and loss account reserve.

7. Preparation of preliminary statement
   The abridged figures for the year ended 31 March 1999 are from the
   accounts of Celsis International plc for that year.  These accounts have
   been reported on by the Company's auditors and delivered to the Registrar
   of Companies.  The report of the auditors was unqualified and did not
   contain a statement under section 237 of the Companies Act 1985.

   The figures for the period to 30 September 1999 are consolidated figures
   for Celsis International plc.  The foregoing financial information, which
   has been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out in
   Celsis International plc's accounts for the year to 31 March 1999, does
   not amount to full accounts within the meaning of section 240 of the
   Companies Act 1985 (as amended).

8. Dividend
   The Directors have not declared an interim dividend.


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