RNS No 2611a                             
1st September 1998

                ECLIPSE BLINDS PLC ('Eclipse')
                        Interim Results
             For the six months ended 30 June 1998


* Sales  from  continuing activities up  8%  to  over  #24

* Profit before tax rose 10% to 3.44 million

* Headline earnings per share up 9.3% to 4.95p

* Dividend up 10% to 1.32p (net)

Chairman, Ted Black, commented:

"Eclipse has in the first six months of the year continued its
record   of  turnover  and  earnings  growth.  With   a   good
performance  in  the first half under our  belt  and,  despite
concerns over the UK economy, we remain of the view that  1998
will show Eclipse continuing to make further progress for  the
fifth consecutive year."


Eclipse has in the first six months of the year continued  its
record of turnover and earnings growth.  In particular the  US
business  and  the  recently acquired Swedish  business  (OPM)
continue  to grow strongly and support our decision to  expand
in both areas by acquisition.


Comparing  the six months to 30 June 1998 with the first  half
of 1997, sales from continuing activities increased 8% to over
#24m,  and  operating profits grew 4.4% to #3.46m.   Operating
margins  were marginally down from 14.9% to 14.4%,  but  on  a
like-for-like  basis,  stripping  out  the  leaseback   rental
resulting  from the disposal of our interest in our  principal
UK  property in October last year, operating profits increased
by 13%, and the operating margin figure increased to 15.8%.

With   interest  costs  virtually  eliminated  following   two
consecutive  years of excellent operating cash  flow  and  the
proceeds  from  the  aforesaid  property  transaction,  profit
before tax rose a creditable 10%.  Headline earnings per share
rose 9.3% over 1997.

Operating Performance

It is pleasing to report continued growth in operating profits
in  our  US  business.  In the first six  months  of  1998  it
exceeded  that of the UK business for the first  time.    This
was due to increased sales and improved margins resulting from
firm cost control and productivity improvements.  Sales in the
UK  business weakened slightly against 1997 but margins remain
strong and cost control remains tight.  The new product launch
programme  is  currently being released and  advance  bookings
from customers give us confidence for continued success in the
coming years.

The  acquisition  of OPM in October 1997 has given  the  Group
security  of  supply in an important product area and  trading
for the six months to June 1998 has been excellent.

Trading  throughout Europe remains flat but we are  active  in
plans to stimulate new growth in Group companies in this  area
which is the smallest of our three theatres of operation.


We  have stated our intention to pursue a progressive dividend
policy.   In  view  of the strong first half performance,  the
board has approved the payment of an interim dividend of 1.32p
(net)  per ordinary share, an increase of 10% over last year's
interim  payment.  The dividend is amply covered at 3.7  times
on the first half year's figures.

The dividend will be paid on 1 October 1998 to shareholders on
the register on 18 September 1998.


Due  to  other  commitments,  in March  of  this  year  Hamish
Grossart indicated his wish to stand down as chairman, once  a
replacement was identified.  Hamish took over the chairmanship
in  early  1994, and the improvement in financial  performance
and  growth  of the Eclipse group owes much to Hamish's  input
during those years.  It is a challenging performance for me to
follow,  but  with  a solid, profitable, and well  established
base  I look forward to playing my part in the future progress
and continued growth of the company.

Business  confidence in the UK is suffering  at  present  with
concerns  about  underlying inflation,  a  strong  pound,  and
comparatively high money costs.  In contrast, spending  levels
in  the US are extremely good and business confidence in  this
market is strong with growth in new home sales the fastest  on
record.   Economic  factors  in  Europe  are  reported  to  be
improving.   The Group, with a strong and growing presence  in
the US, is well positioned throughout its main markets.

In  both  1997  and  the first half of 1998  the  strength  of
sterling  has  remained neutral on the Group's profits.   With
negligible bank borrowings interest rates are not currently an
issue.  Even if the Group were to increase borrowings to  fund
growth opportunities, we believe the operating characteristics
of the business and current low debt position will allow us to
do this comfortably.

The second half of the year is historically the strongest half
for  trading. The extensive product launch programme  in  both
the UK and the US referred to earlier will stimulate sales  in
future years.  With a good performance in the first half under
our  belt and, despite concerns over the UK economy, we remain
of  the  view that 1998 will show Eclipse continuing  to  make
further progress for the fifth consecutive year.

Ted Black

For six months ended 30 June 1998

                               6 months  6 months  Year ended
                                  ended     ended      31 Dec
                                30 June   30 June        1997
                                   1998      1997    (audited)
                                  #'000     #'000       #'000

Continuing operations            24,062    22,289      45,074
Discontinued activity                 -       326         326
                                 ------    ------      ------
                                 24,062    22,615      45,400
                                 ======    ======      ======

Operating profits
Continuing operations             3,460     3,314       7,436
Discontinued activity                 -        30          30
                                 ------    ------      ------
                                  3,460     3,344       7,466
                                 ======    ======      ======

Exceptional items
Loss on sale of British 
   Plywood including
   goodwill previously 
   written off                        -      (192)       (193)
Loss on disposal of interest 
   in property                        -         -        (713)
                                 ------    ------      ------
Profit before interest            3,460     3,152       6,560
Net interest                        (19)     (218)       (294)
                                 ------    ------      ------
Profit before taxation            3,441     2,934       6,266
Taxation                           (861)     (818)     (1,541)
                                 ------    ------      ------
Profit after taxation             2,580     2,116       4,725
Minority Interests                    2       (23)        (17)
                                 ------    ------      ------
Profit attributable to 
  shareholders                    2,582     2,093       4,708

Preference Dividend                (423)     (446)       (870)
Ordinary Dividend                  (581)     (501)     (1,542)
                                 ------    ------      ------
Retained profit for the period    1,578     1,146       2,296
                                 ======    ======      ======

IIMR Headline Earnings 
  per ordinary share (pence)       4.95      4.53       11.43
Earnings per share                 4.95      4.06        9.25

At 30 June 1998

                                      30 June 30 June  31 Dec
                                         1998    1997    1997
                                        #'000   #'000   #'000

Fixed assets                            4,894  12,028   4,996
                                       ------  ------   -----
Current assets
Stocks                                 10,919   8,988   9,745
Debtors                                 9,521   8,934   8,859
Cash at bank and in hand                2,559   3,064   2,766
                                       ------  ------   -----
                                       22,999  20,986  21,370

Creditors due within one year
Bank borrowings and deferred 
  consideration                        (2,483) (8,505) (2,008)
Other                                 (10,442)(10,237)(10,454)
                                       ------  ------  ------
Net current assets                     10,074   2,244   8,908
                                       ======  ======  ======

Total assets less current liabilities  14,968  14,272  13,904
Creditors due after more than one year
Bank borrowings and 
  deferred consideration               (1,741)   (350) (1,941)
Provisions for liabilities 
  and charges                            (100)   (315)   (166)
                                       ------  ------  ------
                                       13,127  13,607  11,797
                                       ======  ======  ======
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                11,563  11,071  11,477
Share premium account                  27,539  25,782  27,419
Other reserves                        (39,112)(34,356)(39,071)
Capital redemption reserve                 76       -      71
Profit and loss account                13,023  10,830  11,605
                                       ------  ------  ------
Total shareholders funds               13,089  13,327  11,501

Equity shareholders funds                (482)   (336) (2,161)
Non equity shareholders funds          13,571  13,663  13,662

Equity minority interests                  38     280     296
                                       ------   -----  ------
                                       13,127  13,607  11,797

For the six months ended 30 June 1998

                      Six Months to Six months to Twelve Months to
                    30 June 1998  30 June 1997    31 December 1997
                         #000        #000            #000

Cashflow from 
  operating activites 
  Continuing                   2,036       2,662           8,253

Returns on investment 
  and servicing of finance

Interest received          37           20             80
Interest paid             (66)        (294)          (444)
Dividends paid on 
  non equity capital     (425)  (454) (466)  (740)   (891)(1,255)
                       ------  -----  ----- -----  ------  -----
                               1,582        1,922          6,998
Taxation paid            (547)      (1,089)        (2,208)
Taxation recovered        128   (419)   45 (1,044)     41 (2,167)
                       ------  ----- -----  -----   -----  -----
                               1,163          878          4,831
Capital expenditure

Payments to acquire 
  tangible fixed assets  (301)        (360)           (632)
Receipts from sales of 
  tangible fixed assets    15    (286)   36   (324)  7,156 6,524
                        -----  ------ -----   ----   ----- -----
Acquisitions and 
Net cashflow on sale 
  of subsidiary                         534            534
Deferred consideration (1,501)       (1,534)        (1,478)
Net cash outflow on 
  acquisition of 
interest in subsidiary   (259)            -              -
Consideration on 
  acquisition of 
  subsidiary             (132)            -         (3,774)
                       ------        ------         ------
                              (1,892)       (1,000)        (4,718)

Dividends paid

On equity capital             (1,046)         (807)       (1,308)
                              ------         -----         -----

Net cash outflow 
  before financing            (2,061)       (1,253)        5,329


Proceeds from exercise 
  of share options        129             -             10
Repayment of loans       (210)       (2,715)        (2,797)
                       ------        ------         ------
                                 (81)        (2,715)      (2,787)
                              ------         ------       ------

  in cash                     (2,142)        (3,968)       2,542
                              ======         ======       ======


1.   Basis of Preparation

     The profit and loss account and balance sheet have been
     prepared on a basis consistent with the statutory
     financial statements for the year to 31 December 1997.

2.   Taxation

     The charge for taxation for the six months ended 30 June
     1998 reflects the anticipated effective rate for the year
     ended 31 December 1998.

3.   Earnings per share

     The calculation of earnings per ordinary share is based
     on profits of #2,159,000 (1997 : 6 months : #1,647,000,
     1997 year : #3,838,000) after deducting preference
     dividends accruing during the year, attributable to the
     ordinary shares in issue.

     IIMR headline earnings per share is stated to exclude
     exceptional items. The reconciliation of IIMR eps to
     basic eps is:

                                        June    June December
                                        1998    1997    1997

     Basic eps (pence)                  4.95    4.06    9.25
     Exceptional loss on 
       disposal of British Plywood         -    0.47    0.46
     Exceptional loss on disposal 
       of interest in property             -       -    1.72
     IIMR headline eps                  4.95    4.53   11.43

4.   Approval

     The interim statement for the six months ended 30 June
     1998 was approved by the directors on 1st of September
     1998.  The interim report is unaudited but has been
     reviewed by the auditors and their report to the
     directors is set out in this report. The financial
     information contained in this interim report does not
     constitute statutory accounts of the Group for the
     relevant periods.  The 1997 full year figures are based
     upon statutory accounts which have been filed with the
     Registrar of Companies and contain an unqualified audit

5.   Copies of this report have been sent to shareholders and
     further copies are available from the registered office
     of the company and from its principal office, Fountain
     Crescent, Inchinnan Business Park, Glasgow, PA4 9RE.


Review report by KPMG Audit Plc to Eclipse Blinds plc

We have reviewed the interim financial information for the six
months ended 30 June 1998 set out on pages 4 to 7 which is the
responsibility of, and has been approved by, the directors.
Our responsibility is to report on the results of our review.

Our  review  was  carried out having regard  to  the  Bulletin
Review  of  Interim  Financial  Information,  issued  by   the
Auditing  Practices Board.  This review consisted  principally
of  applying analytical procedures to the underlying financial
data,   assessing  whether  accounting  policies   have   been
consistently applied, and making enquiries of Group management
responsible for financial and accounting matters.  The  review
was  substantially  less in scope than an audit  performed  in
accordance with Auditing Standards and accordingly we  do  not
express an audit opinion on the interim financial information.

On the basis of our review:

* in our opinion the interim financial information has been
  prepared using accounting policies consistent with those
  adopted by Eclipse Blinds plc in its financial statements for
  the half year ended the 30th of June;  and

* we are not aware of any material modifications that
  should be made to the interim financial information as

KPMG Audit Plc
Chartered Accountants

For further information, please call :

Eclipse Blind PLC
Ted  Black,Chairman                             0141 567 7722
                                                or 0374 153065
Bill Macdonald, Managing Director               0370 643 936
Ken Brown, Finance Director                     0370 643 936

Buchanan  Communications                        0171 466 5000
Zena Bates / Isabel Petre



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