RNS Number : 4267U

Evraz Plc

16 October 2014


16 October 2014 - EVRAZ plc (LSE: EVR) today releases its operational results for the third quarter of 2014 and its Interim Management Statement.


-- Consolidated crude steel production decreased slightly in Q3 2014 vs. Q2 2014 mostly due to maintenance works at the EVRAZ ZSMK mill in Russia

-- Share of finished steel products within consolidated volumes was 69% in Q3 2014 vs. 70% in Q2 2014

-- Consolidated production of steel products decreased by 4% mostly due to a decrease in production of railway products driven by lower orders for railway products from customers in Russia and the CIS and annual maintenance works at the EVRAZ Pueblo rail mill in North America

-- Output of iron ore products in Russia decreased by 3% vs. Q2 2014 due to maintenance works at the sintering facilities

-- Consolidated raw coking coal output and production of coking coal concentrate increased by 6% and 4% respectively due to stable performance by Yuzhkuzbassugol

   --    Average prices for EVRAZ's construction products in Russia remained seasonally strong 

-- Average prices for flat-rolled and tubular products in North America were supported by growing demand from the oil and gas sector

-- Average prices for Russian-produced iron ore products and coking coal concentrate were in line with the global benchmarks

-- In Q3 2014, preliminary capital expenditure(1) totalled US$175 million, including US$57 million on development projects. The company is on track to meet its commitment to achieve capital expenditure of less than US$900 million per annum for 2014 and beyond

-- In Q3 2014, the Group drew down a US$425 million pre-export credit facility signed with a syndicate of international banks in August, with the proceeds being put towards the redemption of the Company's RUB 20 billion bonds in October 2014

(1) Estimate as EVRAZ IFRS books are not yet closed


 Product, '000 tonnes                Q3 2014   Q2 2014   Q3 2014/ Q2 2014, change   Q3 2013   Q3 2014/ Q3 2013, change 
----------------------------------  --------  --------  -------------------------  --------  ------------------------- 
 Coke (saleable)                         305       273                      11.6%       342                     -10.9% 
 Pig iron                              3,107     3,131                      -0.8%     3,137                      -0.9% 
   Pig iron (saleable)                    67        85                     -21.9%       131                     -49.1% 
 Crude steel                           3,859     3,917                      -1.5%     3,962                      -2.6% 
 Steel products, gross *               3,647     3,812                      -4.3%     3,933                      -7.3% 
 Steel products, net of re-rolled 
  volumes                              3,406     3,556                      -4.2%     3,649                      -6.7% 
   Semi-finished products **           1,066     1,054                       1.1%       918                      16.1% 
   Finished products                   2,340     2,502                      -6.5%     2,731                     -14.3% 
       Construction products           1,301     1,336                      -2.6%     1,363                      -4.6% 
       Railway products                  411       535                     -23.1%       515                     -20.2% 
       Flat-rolled products              215       228                      -5.9%       456                     -52.9% 
       Tubular products                  261       252                       3.6%       229                      13.9% 
       Other steel products              152       151                       0.6%       167                      -9.2% 
----------------------------------  --------  --------  -------------------------  --------  ------------------------- 

Note. Numbers in this table and the tables below may not add to totals due to rounding.

* Gross volume of steel products in the tables includes those re-rolled at other EVRAZ's mills. However, such volumes are eliminated as intercompany sales for purposes of EVRAZ's consolidated operating results.

** Consolidated production volumes of semi-finished products are preliminary as intra-group re-rolling volumes are yet to be finalised.


 Product, '000 tonnes                Q3 2014   Q2 2014   Q3 2014/ Q2 2014, change   Q3 2013   Q3 2014/ Q3 2013, change 
----------------------------------  --------  --------  -------------------------  --------  ------------------------- 
 Coke (saleable)                          94        87                       7.8%       141                     -33.5% 
 Pig iron                              2,695     2,691                       0.2%     2,735                      -1.5% 
   Pig iron (saleable)                    61        75                     -17.9%       110                     -44.0% 
 Crude steel                           2,948     3,020                      -2.4%     2,967                      -0.6% 
 Steel products, gross                 2,676     2,835                      -5.6%     2,753                      -2.8% 
 Steel products, net of re-rolled 
  volumes                              2,669     2,728                      -2.2%     2,661                       0.3% 
   Semi-finished products              1,201     1,094                       9.7%     1,024                      17.3% 
   Finished products                   1,469     1,634                     -10.1%     1,637                     -10.3% 
       Construction products           1,052     1,109                      -5.1%     1,109                      -5.2% 
       Railway products                  283       395                     -28.3%       389                     -27.2% 
       Other steel products              133       129                       2.7%       138                      -4.0% 
----------------------------------  --------  --------  -------------------------  --------  ------------------------- 

In Q3 2014, crude steel output decreased slightly by 2% compared to Q2 2014 as a result of lower pig iron output due to unscheduled maintenance works (change of the worn-out charging device) at one of the EVRAZ ZSMK blast furnaces.

Production of steel products, net of re-rolled volumes, decreased by 2% compared to the previous quarter and was unchanged compared to the same period last year.

Production of semi-finished goods increased by 10% compared to Q2 2014 when their production was limited by steel availability due to maintenance of one of EVRAZ NTMK's blast furnaces in May.

Production of railway products was affected, experiencing a 28% decrease quarter-on-quarter and a 27% decrease year-on-year, by lower orders of railway products by customers in Russia and the CIS, including Russian Railways.

While the demand for rebars and, consequently, their production remained strong in Q3 2014, the overall production of construction products decreased by 5% compared to Q2 2014 and to Q3 2013 due to lower production volumes of other construction products. In particular, the production of beams decreased, mostly as a result of a softer demand, but also due to the scheduled 22-day maintenance of one of the reheating furnaces at EVRAZ NTMK's broad flange beam shop in July to August. Production volumes of construction products were also affected by the shutdown of unprofitable Mill 450 at the EVRAZ ZSMK.

Prices for semi-finished goods slightly decreased in line with global prices. Higher prices for construction products reflected the seasonal peak in demand. Prices for railway products in US dollar terms decreased mostly as a result of the Russian rouble devaluation.

Production of steel and total steel products is expected to increase in Q4 2014 compared to Q3 2014, albeit at the expense of a further shift in favour of production of semi-finished products due to seasonal change in demand. Prices for construction products are expected to be negatively affected by decreasing demand in Russia and the CIS and, in dollar terms, by the continuing weakening of the rouble.

Average selling prices

 USD/tonne (ex works)        Q3 2014   Q2 2014   Q3 2013 
--------------------------  --------  --------  -------- 
 Coke                            118       133       150 
 Pig iron                        309       307       292 
 Steel products 
   Semi-finished products        417       427       374 
   Construction products         623       616       639 
   Railway products              747       807       829 
   Other steel products          606       612       627 
--------------------------  --------  --------  -------- 


 Product, '000 tonnes                Q3 2014   Q2 2014   Q3 2014/ Q2 2014, change   Q3 2013   Q3 2014/ Q3 2013, change 
----------------------------------  --------  --------  -------------------------  --------  ------------------------- 
 Crude steel                             500       480                       4.2%       558                     -10.4% 
 Steel products, net of re-rolled 
  volumes                                641       621                       3.2%       673                      -4.7% 
   Construction products                  89        80                      11.4%        81                       9.3% 
   Railway products                      128       139                      -8.5%       126                       1.4% 
   Flat-rolled products                  164       150                       9.3%       237                     -30.8% 
   Tubular products                      261       252                       3.6%       229                      13.9% 
----------------------------------  --------  --------  -------------------------  --------  ------------------------- 

In Q3 2014, output of crude steel improved by 4% vs. Q2 2014 as there were no major outages of production facilities. EVRAZ North American's plants produced 3% more steel products due to healthy demand for most of EVRAZ North America's products supported by improved economic indicators.

Production of rails decreased compared to the previous quarter as a result of the annual maintenance works at the EVRAZ Pueblo rail mill.

The year-on-year decrease in quarterly steel production, total output of steel products and in particular of flat-rolled products was driven mainly by the suspension of the EVRAZ Claymont operations from Q4 2013 as part of EVRAZ's asset optimisation plan. Excluding EVRAZ Claymont, the production would have increased (See Attachment 1).

Prices for flat-rolled and tubular products increased as a result of improving market sentiment. Construction prices declined following a decrease in scrap price.

In Q4 2014 crude steel output is expected to be generally in line with Q3 2014 supported by the order book for tubular and long products. A slight increase in rail volumes is expected compared to Q3 2014 following completion of the annual maintenance of the EVRAZ Pueblo rail mill in September.

Average selling prices

 USD/tonne (ex works)     Q3 2014   Q2 2014   Q3 2013 
-----------------------  --------  --------  -------- 
 Construction products        795       808       747 
 Flat-rolled products         998       980       840 
 Tubular products           1,352     1,335     1,429 
-----------------------  --------  --------  -------- 


 Product, '000 tonnes           Q3 2014   Q2 2014   Q3 2014/ Q2 2014, change   Q3 2013   Q3 2014/ Q3 2013, change 
-----------------------------  --------  --------  -------------------------  --------  ------------------------- 
 Coke (saleable)                    211       186                      13.4%       201                       5.0% 
 Pig iron                           258       249                       3.5%       257                       0.5% 
   Pig iron (saleable)                5        11                     -49.8%        21                     -74.9% 
 Crude steel                        269       247                       9.0%       246                       9.3% 
 Steel products                     218       219                      -0.3%       207                       5.6% 
   Semi-finished products            94       103                      -8.8%        87                       8.3% 
   Finished products                124       116                       7.3%       120                       3.6% 
       Construction products        110        97                      13.4%       101                       9.0% 
       Other steel products          14        18                     -24.9%        19                     -25.9% 
-----------------------------  --------  --------  -------------------------  --------  ------------------------- 

In Q3 2014, output of crude steel by EVRAZ steel mill in Ukraine, DMZ, increased by 9% compared to Q2 2014 and to Q3 2013 as a result of increased pig iron production.

Output of semi-finished goods for exports was reduced by 9%. Production of finished products increased by 7% compared to Q2 2014 due to high demand and their deficit in the local market caused by lower competition from other Ukrainian steel producers. EVRAZ DMZ steel mill began producing new types of U-channels, which expanded the product mix.

Prices for construction products sold in the Ukrainian market were flat quarter-on-quarter and prices for semi-finished products (billets) rose due to the limited supply and resulting deficit of Ukrainian steel products in the export markets.

Average selling prices

 USD/tonne (ex works)        Q3 2014   Q2 2014   Q3 2013 
--------------------------  --------  --------  -------- 
 Coke (saleable)                 167       159       211 
 Pig iron                        330       327       348 
 Steel products 
   Semi-finished products        462       452       462 
   Construction products         570       573       581 
   Other steel products          901       819       872 
--------------------------  --------  --------  -------- 


 Product, '000 tonnes                Q3 2014   Q2 2014   Q3 2014/ Q2 2014, change   Q3 2013   Q3 2014/ Q3 2013, change 
----------------------------------  --------  --------  -------------------------  --------  ------------------------- 
 Crude steel                               0         0                        n/a        46                        n/a 
 Steel products, gross                     0         0                        n/a       174                        n/a 
 Steel products, net of re-rolled 
  volumes                                  0         0                        n/a       174                        n/a 
   Construction products                   0         0                        n/a        22                        n/a 
   Flat-rolled products                    0         0                        n/a       147                        n/a 
   Other steel products                    0         0                        n/a         5                        n/a 
----------------------------------  --------  --------  -------------------------  --------  ------------------------- 

Operations at EVRAZ Palini e Bertoli in Italy have remained suspended due to market conditions since August 2013.


 Product, '000 tonnes           Q3 2014   Q2 2014   Q3 2014/ Q2 2014, change   Q3 2013   Q3 2014/ Q3 2013, change 
-----------------------------  --------  --------  -------------------------  --------  ------------------------- 
 Pig iron                           154       191                     -19.5%       145                       6.2% 
 Crude steel                        141       170                     -16.6%       144                      -1.8% 
 Steel products                     111       137                     -18.7%       127                     -12.3% 
   Semi-finished products             5         6                      -3.6%         0                        n/a 
   Finished products                106       131                     -19.3%       127                     -16.5% 
       Construction products         50        50                      -0.2%        50                       0.0% 
       Flat-rolled products          51        78                     -34.9%        72                     -28.9% 
       Other steel products           5         3                      60.2%         6                      -4.9% 
-----------------------------  --------  --------  -------------------------  --------  ------------------------- 

In Q3 2014, the output of pig iron and crude steel decreased by 20% and 17% respectively compared to Q2 2014 due to operational constraints caused by electricity load-shedding in winter months and by slab caster outages.

As a result of lower steel volumes, production of steel products, in particular of flat-rolled products, decreased 19% vs. Q2 2014.

The decrease in production of steel products year-on-year is attributable mostly to the slab caster outages in Q3 2014.

Average selling prices

 USD/tonne (ex works)      Q3 2014   Q2 2014   Q3 2013 
------------------------  --------  --------  -------- 
 Semi-finished products        413       431       595 
 Construction products         694       680       689 
 Flat-rolled products          619       653       674 
 Other steel products          474       513       698 
------------------------  --------  --------  -------- 



 Product, '000 tonnes                Q3 2014   Q2 2014   Q3 2014/ Q2 2014, change   Q3 2013   Q3 2014/ Q3 2013, change 
----------------------------------  --------  --------  -------------------------  --------  ------------------------- 
 Iron ore products (Russia), 
  including                            4,380     4,504                      -2.8%     4,686                      -6.5% 
    Sinter                             2,744     2,929                      -6.3%     3,079                     -10.9% 
    Pellets                            1,636     1,575                       3.9%     1,606                       1.9% 
 Lumpy ore (Ukraine)                     705       714                      -1.3%       717                      -1.7% 
 Fines ore (South Africa)                190       195                      -3.0%       154                      23.5% 
 Lumpy ore (South Africa)                474       407                      16.5%       377                      25.5% 
----------------------------------  --------  --------  -------------------------  --------  ------------------------- 

In Q3 2014 production of iron ore products (sinter and pellets) in Russia decreased by 3% compared to Q2 2014 and by 7% compared to the same period last year. The year-on-year lower volumes of iron ore products produced in Russia, in particular of sinter, resulted from the disposal of VGOK in October 2013. Excluding EVRAZ VGOK, production of iron ore products by EVRAZ's Russian assets in Q3 2014 compared to Q3 2013 would have been flat (See Attachment 2).

Production of sinter in Russia decreased by 6% vs. Q2 2014 due to the scheduled maintenance of the sintering plant at KGOK in September 2014. Production of pellets by EVRAZ KGOK grew by 4% quarter-on-quarter.

The share of EVRAZ's own concentrate used in production of sinter rose to 75% compared to 64% in Q2 2014 on the back of increasing volumes of iron ore mined at Evrazruda's Sheregesh mine undergoing reconstruction which is expected to be completed by 2017.

Production of lumpy iron ore at EVRAZ Sukha Balka in Ukraine slightly decreased by 1% compared to Q2 2014 and by 2% compared to Q3 2014 due to maintenance works at the Yubileynaya mine as well as lower quality of ore at the depleting section of the mine.

Production of iron ore at the Mapochs mine in South Africa in Q3 2014 grew compared to both the previous quarter and year-on-year due to improved productivity of the crushing facilities of the mine after repairs performed in January-February 2014.

Average selling prices

 USD/tonne (ex works)    Q3 2014   Q2 2014   Q3 2013 
----------------------  --------  --------  -------- 
 Sinter (Russia)              52        69        71 
 Pellets (Russia)             64        82        82 
 Lumpy ore (Ukraine)          46        56        66 
----------------------  --------  --------  -------- 


 Product, '000 tonnes                   Q3 2014   Q2 2014   Q3 2014/    Q3 2013   Q3 2014/ 
                                                             Q2 2014,              Q3 2013, 
                                                              change                change 
-------------------------------------  --------  --------  ----------  --------  ---------- 
 Raw coking coal (mined)                  5,329     5,036        5.8%     4,802       11.0% 
   Yuzhkuzbassugol                        2,870     2,467       16.4%     2,794        2.7% 
   Raspadskaya                            2,459     2,569       -4.3%     2,008       22.5% 
 Coking coal concentrate 
  (production)                            3,510     3,384        3.7%     3,464        1.3% 
     Produced at Yuzhkuzbassugol 
      coal washing plants                 1,543     1,374       12.4%     1,502        2.8% 
     Produced at EVRAZ ZSMK coal 
      washing plant                         469       500       -6.1%       632      -25.7% 
     Produced at Raspadskaya 
      coal washing plant                  1,497     1,510       -0.8%     1,330       12.6% 
 Raw steam coal (mined)                       0       290         n/a       482         n/a 
 Steam coal concentrate (production)          5        15      -62.5%        21      -73.9% 
-------------------------------------  --------  --------  ----------  --------  ---------- 

Coking coal

In Q3 2014, production of raw coking coal by EVRAZ increased by 6% vs. Q2 2014 due to a 16% increase in volumes of raw coal mined by Yuzhkuzbassugol compared to low Q2 2014 volumes impacted by the longwall move at the Uskovskaya mine in May-June and temporary suspension of mining operations at the Yesaulskaya mine due to the high water level. Subsequently, the Yuzhkuzbassugol coal washing plants increased production by 12%.

Production of raw coking coal and coking coal concentrate by Raspadskaya coal company decreased by 4% and 1% respectively compared to Q2 2014 due to completion of mining at a section of the Raspadskaya mine's 4-9-23 face and beginning of the longwall move.

The year-on-year increase of 11% in raw coking coal production by EVRAZ as a whole and of 13% in coking coal concentrate production by the Raspadskaya coal company in particular were attributable to the ongoing gradual ramp-up of production at the Raspadskaya coal mine.

Share of own raw coal used in total concentrate production by EVRAZ remained largely unchanged at 95%.

The blended average selling price of coking coal concentrate remained largely flat, in line with global benchmarks.

Average selling prices

 USD/tonne (ex works)                   Q3 2014    Q2 2014   Q3 2013 
-------------------------------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
 Raw coking coal                              44        46        53 
 Raw steam coal                               28        28        32 
 Coking coal concentrate                      70        73        78 
--------------------------------------  --------  --------  -------- 


 Product, tonnes of V*               Q3 2014   Q2 2014   Q3 2014/ Q2 2014, change   Q3 2013   Q3 2014/ Q3 2013, change 
----------------------------------  --------  --------  -------------------------  --------  ------------------------- 
 Vanadium in slag (gross 
  production)                          5,799     5,415                       7.1%     4,808                      20.6% 
      Russia                           4,034     3,519                      14.6%     3,335                      21.0% 
      South Africa                     1,765     1,896                      -6.9%     1,473                      19.8% 
 Vanadium in final products 
 Ferrovanadium                         3,277     3,590                      -8.7%     3,466                      -5.4% 
      Produced at own facilities       1,768     1,956                      -9.6%     1,875                      -5.7% 
      Processed at 3rd parties' 
       facilities                      1,509     1,634                      -7.6%     1,591                      -5.1% 
 Nitrovan(R)                             515       734                     -29.8%       436                      18.2% 
 Oxides, vanadium aluminium and 
  chemicals                              467       394                      18.5%       358                      30.4% 
----------------------------------  --------  --------  -------------------------  --------  ------------------------- 

(*) Calculated in pure vanadium equivalent.

Vanadium slag production increased by 7% compared to Q2 2014 as a result of higher slag volumes at Russian EVRAZ NTMK following completion of maintenance works at the mill's converter in May 2014.

Production of Ferrovanadium in Q3 2014 decreased by 9% compared to Q2 2014 and by 5% year-on-year. Production of ferrovanadium at EVRAZ's own facilities was 10% and 6% lower respectively affected by the undersupply of vanadium pentoxide (V2O5) by EVRAZ Vanady Tula due to operational issues and repair works at its V2O5 producing facilities in September 2014. Ferrovanadium processed at third party facilities was 8% and 5% less than in Q2 2014 and Q3 2013 respectively as a result of reduced slag supply from EVRAZ Highveld.

In Q3 2014, production of Nitrovan by Vametco in South Africa was negatively affected by the scheduled annual shutdown of the plant in September 2014. Production in Q3 last year was affected by the industrial action, hence there is an 18% increase year-on-year.

Production of oxides, vanadium aluminum and chemicals at EVRAZ Stratcor facility at Arkansas (US) improved by 19% compared to the previous quarter and by 30% vs. the same quarter of last year due to higher oxide extraction yields and stable feedstock availability.

Ferrovanadium and Nitrovan prices declined by 4% in Q3 2014 vs. Q2 2014 driven by Metal Bulletin Ferrovanadium index which was negatively affected by a significant increase of Chinese FeV exports to Europe. Prices of Oxides, VAL and Chemicals decreased quarter-on-quarter as a result of both a weaker Metal Bulletin Oxide index and a different sales mix.

Average selling prices

 USD/tonne of V (ex works)                   Q3 2014   Q2 2014   Q3 2013 
------------------------------------------  --------  --------  -------- 
 Ferrovanadium                                24,933    25,824    25,185 
 Nitrovan(R)                                  27,182    28,171    27,856 
 Oxides, vanadium aluminium and chemicals     30,505    33,602    32,854 
------------------------------------------  --------  --------  -------- 


Semi-finished productsinclude slabs, billets, pipe blanks and other semi-finished products.

Construction products include beams, channels, angles, rebars, wire rods, wire, and other construction products.

Railway products include rails, wheels, tyres and other railway products.

Flat-rolled productsinclude commodity plate, specialty plate and other flat products.

Tubular productsinclude large diameter line pipes, ERW pipes and casings, seamless pipes and other tubular products.

Other steel products include rounds, grinding balls, mine uprights, strips etc. For Ukraine they also include railway products, for Europe - slabs and cut shapes; for South Africa - rails.


For further information:

Media Relations:

Vsevolod Sementsov

VP, Corporate Communications

   London: +44 207 832 8998                               Moscow: +7 495 937 6871 


Investor Relations:

   London: +44 207 832 8990                              Moscow: +7 495 232 1370 


EVRAZ is a vertically integrated steel, mining and vanadium business with operations in the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, USA, Canada, Czech Republic, Italy and South Africa. EVRAZ is among the top steel producers in the world based on crude steel production of 16.1 million tonnes in 2013. A significant portion of the company's internal consumption of iron ore and coking coal is covered by its mining operations. The company's consolidated revenues for the year ended 31 December 2013 were US$14,411 million, and consolidated EBITDA amounted to US$1,821 million. The company's consolidated revenues for the six months ended 30 June 2014 were US$6,805 million, and consolidated EBITDA amounted to US$1,080 million.

Attachment 1

Production of steel by EVRAZ North America, excluding EVRAZ Claymont

 Product, '000 tonnes                        Q3 2014   Q3 2013   Q3 2014/ Q3 2013, change 
------------------------------------------  --------  --------  ------------------------- 
 Crude steel                                     500       484                       3.3% 
 Steel products, net of re-rolled volumes        641       599                       7.0% 
   Construction products                          89        81                       9.3% 
   Railway products                              128       126                       1.4% 
   Flat-rolled products                          164       163                       0.6% 
   Tubular products                              261       229                      13.9% 
------------------------------------------  --------  --------  ------------------------- 

Attachment 2

Production of iron ore products in Russia, excluding EVRAZ VGOK

(sold in October 2013)

 Product, '000 tonnes         Q3 2014   Q3 2013   Q3 2014/ Q3 2013, change 
---------------------------  --------  --------  ------------------------- 
   Sinter                       2,744     2,793                      -1.8% 
   Pellets                      1,636     1,606                       1.9% 
   Total iron ore products      4,380     4,399                      -0.4% 
---------------------------  --------  --------  ------------------------- 

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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