RNS Number : 1344R

Maruwa Co Ld

31 October 2011

                                                                          31 October 
 3-83, Minamihonjigahara-cho, Owariasahi-city, 
  Aichi-pref., 488-0044 JAPAN 
           Consolidated financial results for the second quarter of Fiscal 
 MARUWA CO., LTD. today announced its consolidated financial results 
  for the second quarter of Fiscal 2012<1 April 2011 - 30 September 
  2011> as follows; 
 I. Summary of Consolidated Financial 
 (1) Summary of consolidated 
  operating results 
                                                   JPY million 
                              ---------------  ---------------  ------- 
                                  2nd Quarter      2nd Quarter        % 
                                     As of 30         As of 30 
                                         Sep.             Sep. 
                                         2010             2011 
                              ---------------  ---------------  ------- 
 Net sales                              9,576           10,976    14.6% 
 Operating income                       1,475            1,802    22.2% 
 Income before income 
  taxes                                 1,353            1,852    36.9% 
 Net income                               913            1,263    38.3% 
                              ---------------  ---------------  ------- 
 Net income per share:                                     JPY 
                              ---------------  ---------------  ------- 
  Basic                                 84.98           114.81    35.1% 
  Diluted                                   -           114.64       -- 
                              ---------------  ---------------  ------- 
 (2) Summary of consolidated 
  financial condition 
                                     As of 31         As of 30   Change 
                                        March             Sep.        % 
                                         2011             2011 
                              ---------------  ---------------  ------- 
 Total assets                          33,649           38,991    15.9% 
 Total net assets                      28,106           32,915    17.1% 
                              ---------------  ---------------  ------- 
 Equity ratio                           83.4%            84.3%     0.9% 
                              ---------------  ---------------  ------- 
 Total net assets 
  per share                          2,611.82         2,672.96     2.3% 
                              ---------------  ---------------  ------- 
 II. Dividends 
                                                 JPY per share 
                              ---------------  --------------- 
                                Fiscal 2011      Fiscal 2012 
                              ---------------  --------------- 
 Interim                                   15               15 
 Year-end                                  15               15 
                              ---------------  --------------- 
 Total                                     30               30 
                              ---------------  --------------- 
 *Cautionary statements: the above forecasts are forward-looking 
  statements involving risks and uncertainties. Due 
  to a number of factors, actual results may differ 
  significantly from these estimates. 
 II. Outlook for the fiscal 2012<1 April 
  2011 - 31 March 2012> 
           The forecast figures for business results announced in 27 April 
                        2011 were changed with current trend. 
 *The financial statements are prepared in conformity with the 
  accounting principles generally accepted in Japan. 
 *Consolidated subsidiaries: 11companies. 

Review of Operations

1. Review of Operations

In this second quarter, the world economy tended in general toward recovery due to ongoing strong market expansion in emerging countries, including China. But on the other hand, there were rapid progress of strong yen due to credit impairment such as the concern of US economic slowdown, downgrade of US government bonds, the reactivation of a concern about expanding debt problem in Euro zone nations triggered by Greece and slowdown economic growth at emerging countries, including China.

There were indications that the Japanese economy was steadily recovering from the devastating Tohoku Earthquake on March 11th, although radioactive pollution, electricity restriction and distrust of politicians exert a negative impact on the recovery of the economy.

However the future of economy is still unclear due to a severity of employment situation, decrease of export involved by strong yen or slowdown of economic growth in overseas mainly the Americas and Europe, sluggish personal consumption by the end of consumption incentive and overseas transfer of domestic company.

The Maruwa Group is seeing an increase in demand for its electronic components, in both domestic and global markets. This is due to 1) strong consumer demand for digital electric items, mainly in China and other Asian countries, 2) continuous growth of high power modules for environmentally-friendly HEV/HV, windmills and LED lighting, and 3) a recovery in the demand for semiconductor manufacturing equipment.

In these circumstances, because of an increased demand for ceramic substrate products for the electric items market and for quartz glass products for semiconductor manufacturing equipment, consolidated turnover for this quarter was 10,975 million yen. (This is up 14.6% compared to same period last year)

We have been improving production profitability in order to be able to take appropriate countermeasures against rapid changes in the market climate. This was achieved through improvement of production yield, lead time and cost reduction. As a result, our consolidated operating income was 1,802 million yen. (This is up 22.1% compared to same period last year) Net income was 1,263 million yen. (This is up 38.3% compared to same period last year)

2.Operating Results by Business Division

The Ceramic Components Division

The second quarter turnover was 10,294 million yen. This is a 13.3% increase over the same period last year.

The demand for ceramic substrate products, EMC component products and thin film circuit products has grown in the market of digital electric items, especially smart phones in China and other Asian countries and high power modules for environmentally friendly HEV/HV, windmills. Demand for quartz glass products for semiconductor manufacturing equipment has also increased.

Operation income was 2,147 million yen. This is up 18.8% compared to same period last year, and is due to improvement of production profitability and the addition of new high-value products.

Lighting Equipment Division

Turnover for LED lighting devices has increased consistently in the public utilities markets, and MARUWA is continuing to press forward with the development of new LED lighting products. The turnover during this second quarter was 682 million yen. This is a 33 million yen increase over the same period last year. Operating loss was 7 million yen.

 Review of Operations 
 Review of operating results 
  by segment 
                                          JPY million 
                          2nd Quarter     2nd Quarter 
                                As of 
                              30 Sep.   As of 30 Sep. 
                                 2010            2011 
 Ceramic Components: 
 Net sales                      9,082          10,294 
 Operating income               1,808           2,148 
                         ------------  -------------- 
 Lighting Equipment: 
 Net sales                        495             682 
 Operating income                (39)             (7) 
                         ------------  -------------- 
 Net sales                      9,576          10,976 
 Operating income               1,769           2,141 
                         ------------  -------------- 
 Net sales                         --              -- 
 Operating income               (293)           (339) 
                         ------------  -------------- 
 Net sales                      9,576          10,976 
 Operating income               1,476           1,802 
                         ------------  -------------- 

3. Financial Condition

Total assets as of the end of this second quarter were 39,053 million yen. This is a 16 up compared to the end of last fiscal year . This is due to flotation to beef up equipments.

Total liabilities were 6,094 million yen. This is up to 9.9% compared to the previous year-end. Total net assets were 32,960million yen. This is up to 17.3% compared to previous year-end. This is due to increase of funds, capital surplus and retained earnings by flotation. As a result, capital ratio is 84.3%.

Consolidated Balance Sheet

                                                      JPY million 
                                       ------------  ------------ 
                                        2nd Quarter   (Reference) 
                                           As of 30      As of 31 
                                               Sep.         March 
                                               2011          2011 
                                       ------------  ------------ 
 Current assets: 
 Cash & deposits                             11,955         8,923 
 Trade notes and accounts receivable          6,669         6,540 
 Inventories:                                 4,562         3,671 
 Deferred tax assets                            221           221 
 Other current assets                           541           311 
 Allowance for doubtful accounts               (13)          (12) 
 Total current assets                        23,935        19,654 
                                       ------------  ------------ 
 Property, plant & equipment: 
 Land                                         3,975         3,155 
 Buildings & structures                       4,000         3,782 
 Machinery & equipment                        3,652         3,494 
 Other                                          460           384 
 Construction in progress                     1,419         1,525 
 Total property, plant & equipment           13,506        12,340 
                                       ------------  ------------ 
 Intangible Assets                              200           221 
 Net property, plant & equipment             13,706        12,561 
 Investment & other assets: 
 Total investments & other assets             1,350         1,434 
                                       ------------  ------------ 
 Total assets                                38,991        33,649 
                                       ------------  ------------ 
 Current liabilities: 
 Trade notes & accounts payable               2,034     2,105 
 Current portion of long-term 
  debt                                            5         5 
 Accrued income taxes                           587       598 
 Accrued bonus                                  365       345 
 Accrued bonus to directors                       5        22 
 Notes payable for property acquisitions      1,306       669 
 Other                                        1,234     1,229 
 Total current liabilities                    5,536     4,973 
                                           --------  -------- 
 Long-term liabilities: 
 Long-term debt                                 115       116 
 Deferred tax liabilities                       181       201 
 Other                                          244       253 
 Total long-term liabilities                    540       570 
                                           --------  -------- 
 Total liabilities                            6,076     5,543 
                                           --------  -------- 
 Shareholders' equity: 
 Common stock                                 8,647     6,710 
 Capital surplus                             11,901     9,747 
 Retained earnings                           14,853    13,750 
 Treasury stock, at cost                      (152)     (679) 
 Total shareholders' equity                  35,249    29,528 
                                           --------  -------- 
 Valuation and translation adjustments: 
 Net unrealized gains(losses)on 
  available-for-sale securities                (86)      (50) 
 Foreign currency translation 
  adjustments                               (2,286)   (1,401) 
 Total valuation and translation 
  adjustments                               (2,372)   (1,451) 
                                           --------  -------- 
 A subscription warrant and Minority 
  stockholders share                             38        29 
 Total shareholders' equity                      38        29 
                                           --------  -------- 
 Total net assets                            32,915    28,106 
                                           --------  -------- 
 Total liabilities and net assets            38,991    33,649 
                                           --------  -------- 

Consolidated Statement of Income

                                                    JPY million 
                                     ------------  ------------ 
                                      2nd Quarter   2nd Quarter 
                                        1 April -       1 April 
                                          30 Sep.     - 30 Sep. 
                                             2010          2011 
                                     ------------  ------------ 
 Net sales                                  9,576        10,976 
 Cost of sales                              6,281         7,304 
 Gross profit                               3,295         3,672 
                                     ------------  ------------ 
 Selling, general & administrative          1,820         1,870 
                                     ------------  ------------ 
 Operating income                           1,475         1,802 
                                     ------------  ------------ 
 Other income (expenses): 
 Interest & dividend income                    26            13 
 Interest expenses                            (1)           (1) 
 Rent income                                   56            54 
 Rent expenses on real estates 
  for investments                            (27)          (26) 
 Foreign exchange gain (loss), 
  net                                        (41)            56 
         Stock issuance cost                    -          (24) 
 Gain on sales of property, plant 
  and equipment                                 0            10 
 Loss on disposal or sales of 
  property, plant and equipment              (13)          (45) 
 Loss on valuation of inventories 
  securities                                (150)           (4) 
 Other, net                                    28            17 
 Other income (expenses), net               (122)            50 
                                     ------------  ------------ 
 Income before income taxes                 1,353         1,852 
                                     ------------  ------------ 
 Income taxes: 
 Current                                      393           581 
 Deferred                                      47             8 
 Total income taxes                           440           589 
                                     ------------  ------------ 
 Net income                                   913         1,263 
                                     ------------  ------------ 
 Consolidated Statement of Cash 
                                           JPY million 
                                          ------------  ---------- 
                                              For year    For year 
                                                 ended       ended 
                                             30th Sep.   30th Sep. 
                                                  2010        2011 
                                          ------------  ---------- 
 Cash flows from operating activities: 
 Income before income taxes                      1,353       1,852 
 Depreciation                                      750         843 
 Decrease in allowance for doubtful 
  accounts                                         (9)         (4) 
 Gain (Loss)on Valuation investment 
  ecurities                                        150           6 
 Gain on disposal or sales of 
  property, plant & equipment                       13          35 
 Interest & dividend income                       (26)        (13) 
 Foreign exchange (gain) loss                        8           6 
 Decrease (increase) in trade 
  notes & accounts receivable                    (492)       (343) 
 Increase in inventories                         (416)      (1060) 
 Decrease in trade notes & accounts 
  payable                                        (404)        (10) 
 Other                                            (58)       (116) 
 Sub-total                                         869        1196 
                                          ------------  ---------- 
 Interest & dividend income received                27          15 
 Interest expenses paid                            (1)         (1) 
 Income taxes paid                               (281)       (587) 
 Net cash provided by operating 
  activities                                       614         623 
                                          ------------  ---------- 
 Cash flows from investment activities: 
 Payments into time deposits                     (131)        (95) 
 Payments for purchase of property, 
  plant & equipment                              (438)      (1872) 
 Proceeds from sales of property, 
  plant & equipment                                 12          67 
 Payments for purchase of investment 
  securities                                     (134)       (112) 
 Proceeds from sales of investment 
  securities                                       155         109 
 Payments for purchase of intangible 
  assets                                           (7)         (8) 
 Other                                              10          38 
 Net cash used in investing activities           (533)      (1873) 
                                          ------------  ---------- 
 Cash flows from financing activities: 
 Increase in short-term loans 
  payable                                            -           0 
 Proceeds from long-term loans 
  payable                                            -           1 
 Payments of long-term debt                        (2)         (2) 
 Proceeds from clearance of treasury 
  stock                                              9         745 
 Proceeds from issuance of common 
  stock                                              -        3850 
 Purchase of treasury stock                          -         (1) 
 Cash dividends paid                             (150)       (161) 
 Net cash used in financing activities           (143)       4,432 
                                          ------------  ---------- 
 Effect of exchange rate changes 
  on cash & cash equivalents                       -90        -171 
                                          ------------  ---------- 
 Net increase (decrease) in cash 
  & cash equivalents                             (152)       3,011 
 Cash and cash equivalents at 
  beginning of year                               8864        8380 
 Increase in cash and cash equivalents 
  from newly consolidated subsidiary                 -           - 
 Cash and cash equivalents at 
  end of year                                    8,712      11,391 
                                          ------------  ---------- 

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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