RNS No 0072p
MOUNTCASHEL PLC                             
30th July 1998
INTERIM REPORT                 
Six months to 30 June 1998

Chairman's Statement

I  am able to report that the first half of 1998 proved to be a
varied  six  months  with  some  positive  performance  in  the

Our  investment strategy, as explained in the Investment Review
in  the 1997 Annual Report, remains constant and, as stated, we
have  monitored much more closely prevailing market  valuations
of  our  investments which, in some cases,  has  caused  us  to
realise some profits.

Net  assets  at  30 June 1998, including net unrealised  gains,
were 129.5 pence per share. This is an increase of 17 pence per
share  or  15%  on the net asset position at 31 December  1997.
The  result for the six months to 30 June 1998 was a profit  of
#800,800 or 10.5 pence per share.

In  terms of changes in the portfolio there has been,  what  we
consider to be, a fairly high level of activity.

Firstly  Cantab Pharmaceuticals plc, where 18% of  our  holding
was  sold  in the period under review, and the balance disposed
of earlier this month.  Whilst there are no particular concerns
over  the  ability  of  Cantab  to develop  revenue  generating
products,  we have disposed of this holding as we believe  that
the   funds  may  be  able  to  show  better  returns  invested

Wiggins  continued to perform well and enabled  us  to  realise
some  profits, again for reinvestment elsewhere. We remain firm
holders  in  Wiggins  who  have  some  potentially  interesting
projects at varying stages of negotiation.

Xaar, the inkjet technology business, which floated towards the
end  of  1997,  performed well, but we believe  has  much  more
potential both in terms of the office printer market and in the
more  varied  industrial and commercial market.   The  business
will soon be housed in purpose built accommodation with its own
state of the art manufacturing facility.  We have taken a small
amount of profit on Xaar merely to provide the necessary  funds
for other opportunities.

Finally,  on  the disposals side, we have sold our  holding  in
Innovative  Technologies.  Following the  previously  mentioned
management changes we concluded that the business was  unlikely
to  achieve  the demanding levels of return we are looking  for
and that the funds might better be utilised elsewhere.

With the funds realised from the above we have added to our Key
Investments an interest in Internet Technology Group plc which,
as  the  name  suggests,  provides Internet  related  services.
These  include  the  dial up business of Global  Internet,  the
corporate  internet  and  intra-networking  business  of  G   X
Networks  and  recent joint venture with  a  US  based  company
called  Wave.   We believe this company has substantial  growth
ahead of it.

As  well  as  this  newcomer we have  raised  our  holdings  in
Rackwood Mineral Holdings plc, Redstone Telecom plc and Utility
Cable plc.

Rackwood  is  a  relatively  low  volume  coal  producer,  with
interests in both the UK and USA. We doubled our stake  in  the
business  in  the belief that the management will  be  able  to
generate good returns out of its existing assets in the UK  and

Redstone  Telecom,  currently  our  only  unquoted  investment,
successfully raised additional capital at a 70% premium to  our
original  cost  and  is  continuing to  develop  its  range  of
services and infrastructure. We were able to acquire a  further
695,000  shares  from an existing investor at  the  fundraising

Utility  Cable  was  one of the businesses that  experienced  a
major problem last year. We have now had an opportunity to meet
with  the  new management and understand their strategy  moving
forward.  This led us to believe that not only should  we  hold
our existing stake but also that we should use this opportunity
to acquire a further stake at depressed prices. We purchased  a
further 4,500,000 shares.

In the rest of the portfolio there have been few changes worthy
of  note  except  for the continued decline in  confidence  and
therefore  values  in  the  biotechnology  sector  and  a  very
disappointing   performance   from   Solvera   (formerly    OMI
International).  Solvera  has taken  longer  than  expected  to
restructure and reposition, but we believe there is  now  light
at  the end of the tunnel.  Xenova, the subject of our in depth
example in the 1997 Annual Report has gone down in value and is
now  at 55% of our original cost.  We will present an in  depth
review of our valuation of this in the 1998 Annual Report.

The  first six months of 1998 has been a period of recovery for
the  portfolio,  after  the disappointing  performance  in  the
second  half  of  1997.  This must however  be  viewed  with  a
healthy degree of caution, particularly in the light of  recent
performance of small companies in the stock market.  The  risks
of  investing  in  smaller  and less  liquid  shares  are  ever

Thomas Vaughan

30 July 1998

Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
                                 Unaudited  Unaudited   Audited
                                                  Six      Year
                                       Six  months to     ended
                                    months    30 June        31
                                        to       1997  December
                                   30 June      #'000      1997
                                      1998                #'000

Profit/(loss) on sale of             878.7      (34.3)    158.0
Investment income                     34.9       51.2      80.6
                                  ________     ________  ________
Total income                         913.6       16.9     238.6

Provision for permanent                                        
diminution in value of  fixed           -         -    (1,034.2)
asset investments                  

Management expenses                (126.0)    (86.4)     (191.0)
                                   _______   ________  ________

Profit/(loss) on ordinary                                      
activities before interest   

Interest receivable                 787.6     (69.5)     (986.6)

Interest payable                     15.6        -           -

                                     (2.4)    (16.0)      (25.3)
                                  ________   ________   ________

Profit/(loss) on ordinary                                      
activities before and after          800.8     (85.5)  (1,011.9)
taxation                           =======     =======   =======
Earnings/(loss) per share -          10.58     (1.13)    (13.37)
pence                              =======    =======   ========

Balance Sheet

                               Unaudited  Unaudited   Audited
                                                Six      Year
                                     Six  months to     ended
                                  months    30 June        31
                                      to       1997  December
                                 30 June      #'000      1997
                                    1998                #'000
Fixed assets                                                 
Tangible assets                      1.7        3.2       2.5
Investments                      7,046.9    7,962.2   6,512.6
                                 _______   ________  ________

                                 7,048.6    7,965.4   6,515.1
                                 _______   ________  ________

Current assets                                               
Debtors                            544.5      355.5      98.3
Creditors: Amounts                                           
falling due within               (504.6)  (1,106.9)   (325.8)
one year                         _______   ________  ________

Net current                         39.9    (751.4)   (227.5)
assets/(liabilities)              _______   ________  ________

                                 7,088.5    7,214.0   6,287.6
                                 =======    =======   =======
Capital and                                                  
reserves (equity                                             
and non-equity)   

Called up share     
capital                          3,785.5    3,785.5   3,785.5

Share premium                      757.9      757.8     757.8

Other reserves                   2,743.5    2,743.5   2,743.5

Profit and loss     
account                           (198.4)     (72.8)   (999.2)
                                 -------    -------   -------
Shareholders' funds              7,088.5    7,214.0   6,287.6
                                 =======    =======   =======
Net assets per                      93.6       95.3      83.1
share - pence                    =======    =======   =======

Shareholders funds                                            
(incorporating net unrealised                                 
gains on investments)              #'000      #'000      #'000
Shareholders funds - as above    7,088.5    7,214.0    6,287.6

Net unrealised gains on          2,714.5    2,455.0    2,230.7
investments                     ________   ________     ______
                                 9,803.0    9,669.0    8,518.3
                                 =======    =======    ======

Net assets per share - pence 
(incorporating net   unrealised   129.5      127.7      112.5 
gains)                            ======    =======    ======= 

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

                                Unaudited   Unaudited   Audited
                                      Six  Six months      Year
                                months to          to     ended
                                  30 June     30 June        31
                                     1998        1997  December
                                    #'000       #'000      1997
Net cash outflow from             (564.5)     (119.9)   (193.1)
operating activities             ________    ________  ________

Returns on investment and                                      
servicing of finance                                           
Interest received                    15.6           -         -

Interest paid                        (6.3)      (16.0)    (23.9)

Income from fixed asset              34.9        41.0      75.5
investments                      ________    ________  ________

                                     44.2        25.0      51.6
                                 ________    ________  ________
Capital expenditure and                                        
financial investments                                          
Purchase of tangible fixed              -       (1.9)     (1.9)

Purchase of fixed asset      
investments                      (2,452.5)    (986.5) (2,195.8)

Sale of fixed asset                                   
investments                       2,852.5      971.7   2,442.4     
                                 ________    ________   ________
                                    400.0      (16.7)    244.7     
                                 ________    ________   ________
Cash (outflow)/inflow before                                   
management of liquid resources    (120.3)     (111.6)     103.2
and financing                    ________    ________  ________

Issue of shares                       0.1           -         -
                                 ________    ________  ________
                                      0.1           -         -
                                 ________    ________  ________
(Decrease)/Increase in cash in    (120.2)     (111.6)     103.2
the year                          =======    ========  ========

Notes to the Accounts
1    Basis of preparation

The unaudited accounts for the six months ended 30 June 1998 do
not constitute statutory accounts.

The  profit  and  loss  account, balance sheet  and  cash  flow
statement  have  been prepared on a basis consistent  with  the
statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 1997.

Results for the year ended 31 December 1997 have been extracted
from  the  statutory  accounts which were reported  on  by  the
auditors,  without  qualification or  statement  under  Section
237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985 and have been delivered
to the Registrar of Companies.

2    Taxation

There  is no corporation tax charge due to the availability  of
losses within the Group.

3    Earnings per share

The  earnings per share has been calculated on the consolidated
profit on ordinary activities after taxation of #800,800 and on
the  weighted  average number of ordinary shares  in  issue  of

4    Investments

                                   Listed  Unlisted     Total
                                    #'000     #'000     #'000
At 1 January 1998                 6,692.9     853.9   7,546.8
Additions                         1,366.8   1,141.3   2,508.1
Disposals                        (2,149.5)   (249.9) (2,399.4)
                                 ________  ________  ________

At 30 June 1998                   5,910.2   1,745.3   7,655.5
                                  =======   =======   =======
At 1 January 1998                   784.3     249.9   1,034.2
Released on disposal               (175.7)   (249.9)   (425.6)
                                 ________  ________  ________
At 30 June 1998                     608.6         -     608.6
                                  =======   =======   =======
Net Book Value                                               
At 30 June 1998                   5,301.6   1,745.3   7,046.9
                                  =======   =======   =======
At 31 December 1997               5,908.6     604.0   6,512.6
                                  =======   =======   =======
Aggregate market value                                       
At 30 June 1998                   7,313.4   2,448.0   9,761.4
                                  =======   =======   =======
Further details of the Key Investments are shown on page  7  of
this interim report.

5    Other Information

The  interim statement was approved by the Directors on 30 July

A  copy of the interim statement will be posted to shareholders
and  made  available to the public at the company's  registered
office, 223a Kensington High Street, London W8 6SG.

Key Investments

Company name             Number     Class   Percentage     Cost      Market
                             of        of          of        at    value at  
                         shares  ordinary      issued  30-06-98    30-06-98
                           Held    shares    ordinary     #'000       #'000 
Cantab Pharmaceuticals  162,550        5p        0.98       219         393

ERA Group Plc         5,345,000        5p        4.25       458         214

Internet Technology     775,000       20p        1.86       636       1,352
Group plc  

Linx Printing
Technologies plc        320,000        5p        2.17       507         446

Rackwood Mineral
Holdings plc          2,000,000       10p        4.72       748         470

Redstone Telecom 
plc *                 2,618,887       10p        8.35     1,069       1,069

Solvera plc           3,725,000        5p        5.01       607         363
Tepnel Life Sciences    700,000        1p        1.43       316         228

Utility Cable plc     7,025,000        1p        4.80       625         386

Wiggins Group plc     8,365,000        1p        1.43       432       1,255
Xaar plc              1,933,330       10p        3.75       928       2,803

Xenova Group plc        242,500       10p        1.04       594         315

*   Denotes unquoted investment

*   Denotes not key investment as defined in 1 below but disclosed
    in 1997 Annual Report


1    A  "Key investment" is defined as being any holding  which
     accounts for 5 per cent, or more, by reference to original
     cost or market value, of the total portfolio at the end of
     the period.

2    Unquoted investments are valued at cost, or net realisable
     value  if, in the opinion of the Directors, this is  below

3    All  of  the  investments noted above are in  undertakings
     which are registered in England and Wales.



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