RNS Number:8663C
TripleArc PLC
13 September 2004

13 September 2004
                                 TripleArc Plc

             Interim Results for the Six months Ended 30 June 2004

  Interim results from TripleArc Plc, the UK based provider of technology led
                          print procurement solutions.

The TripleArc Group provides print procurement solutions to enterprises that are
looking to reduce costs and streamline business processes. The Group is able to
differentiate its offering by providing its client with industry leading
technology solutions which enhance the service proposition and facilitate
sustainable cost savings.


                                                 Six months           Six months
                                                      ended                ended
                                                    30 June              30 June
                                                       2004                 2003
Turnover                                            #24.03m               #7.15m
Gross profit                                         #6.03m               #1.08m
Earnings before interest, tax and amortisation       #2.27m               #0.02m
Profit before tax                                    #0.67m        loss (#0.25m)
Earnings per share *                                  0.65p                0.03p
Basic earnings per share                              0.16p         loss (0.39p)
Cash generation                                      #3.33m               #0.05m

* Before amortisation of intangible assets and share option compensation expense

   * Significant increase in performance following the successful integration
     of Access Plus, acquired November 2003
   * Gross profits increase more than five fold to over #6m
   * Pre-tax profits of #0.67m compared to loss of #0.25m
   * Cash generation cuts net debt to #15.39m (December 2003 - #17.49m) and
     gearing to 62% (December 2003 - 72%)
   * Rapidly growing strength in Print Management Outsourcing ("PMO") market
   * Approximately #20m of PMO contracts won in last six months - full impact
     to come in 2005

Commenting on the results, Jason Cromack, Chief Executive Officer stated:

"We are pleased with the Group's first half performance. The strategy of setting
up a dedicated contracts team has already borne fruit, with several major
contract wins in the first half. We expect to see the full impact of these wins
in 2005.

The integration of Access Plus has gone well with the half year results
reflecting the performance of the enlarged group. The Group is now firmly a
leading player in the print management sector. Furthermore with a healthy
pipeline of potential contracts, we believe that we will deliver increased
shareholder value over the coming months."

For further information please contact:

TripleArc Plc                                                      020 7258 6290
Jason Cromack, Chief Executive Officer

Weber Shandwick Square Mile                                        020 7067 0700
Terry Garrett/ Nick Dibden

                                  TripleArc Plc
                        Interim Results ended 30 June 2003

I am pleased to announce good results for the six months ended 30 June 2004, a
period that included a full six months contribution from Access Plus Plc, the
print management business that was acquired by TripleArc in November 2003. The
board is pleased with the successful integration of the Access Plus business
within the TripleArc Group.


Revenues increased by 236% to #24.03m (June 2003 - #7.15m) reflecting the
Group's entry into the top tier of UK print management companies. Gross profit
during the period increased more than five fold to #6.03m (June 2003 - #1.08m).
The increase in turnover and gross profit were mainly attributable to the Access
Plus group, which was acquired in November 2003.

Group EBITA increased substantially from, in effect, a break even position in
the first half of 2003 to #2.27m in the period under review. Pre-tax profits of
#0.67m compare to a loss of #0.25m in the first half of 2003. Adjusted earnings
per share have increased to 0.65p (June 2003 - 0.03p). Basic earnings per share
were 0.16p (June 2003 - loss per share 0.39p).

Cash generation continues to be one of the Group's key strengths. Net cash
inflow from operating activities for the six months ended 30 June 2004 was
#3.33m (2003 - #0.05m). Net debt reduced from #17.49m, at December 2003, to
#15.39m at June 2004, reducing the Group's gearing from 72% to 62%,
respectively. During, the half year the Group repaid #1m of acquisition finance
on schedule and also took the opportunity to make accelerated payments of a
further #0.60m.


Print Management Division

The acquisition of Access Plus Plc has enabled the TripleArc Group to provide
one of the most complete print management solutions in the UK.

The Group is therefore exceptionally well positioned to capitalise on the
increasing number of print management outsourcing ("PMO") contracts that are
being put out to tender by companies wanting attractive, cost effective
solutions to non-core activities. In the last six months, I am delighted to
report that the Group has secured PMO contracts with an aggregated value of
approximately #20m. These significant contracts are for companies such as BAA,
Matalan and BMI Healthcare, and range from one year rolling contracts to five
year fixed term agreements. It is in the nature of these contracts that they
require significant management time to win and implement and can involve
financial investment to set up. Typically there can be up to a six-month delay
before they contribute to Group profitability. We therefore expect to see the
full impact from these exciting contract wins during 2005.

The levels of new business activity within the PMO sector remain high. As was
recently announced, the Group has been awarded preferred bidder status for
another multi-million pound PMO contract and we expect to conclude final
negotiations in this regard shortly. Our breadth and quality of services coupled
with the Group's proprietary technology have played a key role in enabling
TripleArc to compete at the highest level and we expect to be in a position to
announce further contract wins in the future, which will enhance our position as
a market leader in the PMO sector.

In addition to its PMO activities, Access Plus brought with it a team of highly
motivated sales staff focused on delivering print buying services to their
clients for specific products and solutions, such as direct mail and security
products. Although these activities are less structured than PMO contracts and
more susceptible to the competitive pressures that are prevalent throughout the
print industry, we believe that many of these customers will be receptive to a
full PMO solution once they are introduced to the diversity of our service
offering and the Group's enhanced scale of operations. In the meantime, this
business is performing well in very tough market conditions, albeit that there
is some decline in the forms business.

The first half of 2004 has seen the deployment of the Group's proprietary
technology, CWS (Collaborative Workflow System) across our print management
division and its suppliers, and the roll-out of a new enterprise accountancy
solution. The technology will create additional capacity within our existing
overhead and we expect to see the full benefits of this during the first half of

Technology Division

The Group's technology products, namely CWS and edit2print, place TripleArc at
the leading edge of print procurement technology in the UK.

Our partnership with Hewlett-Packard continues to deliver new opportunities.
Following our attendance at DRUPA, the world's largest print trade fair, in May
this year in conjunction with HP, we are in the final stages of discussions with
a number of major print service providers to licence the edit2print software.

Our agreement with Four51, Inc to distribute CWS in the US is a key part of the
future growth strategy of our technology in the vast US market. It is already
showing early signs of success with contracts having recently been signed with
two print management companies, including PathForward, a business unit of
Standard Register, one of the largest print groups in the US.

In the UK and Europe, our CWS network now has over 225 suppliers connected to
it, with more being connected on a continuing basis. As CWS gains further
momentum we expect to deliver a recurring technology revenue stream from the
system. The technology division is also exploring some exciting opportunities to
expand the solution as part of an 'insource' print management offering, thereby
expanding the revenue growth from this product.


The Board would again like to thank all our staff, for the commitment,
professionalism and loyalty that they have shown during six-months of tremendous


The Group has shown a significant improvement in the quantity and quality of its
earnings stream. We expect this trend to continue as we progressively move away
from ad hoc print supply towards longer term print management contracts and
substantial contract wins provide the foundation of long-term sustainable
revenues. The investment and roll-out of an improved infrastructure throughout
the Group will provide the basis for maintaining continued growth in the future.
The Board will continue to seek further consolidation opportunities in the print
management sector in addition to 'bolting-on' businesses which will expand our
service offering.

                         Group Profit and Loss Account

                                         Six months    Six months           Year
                                              ended         ended          ended
                                            30 June       30 June    31 December
                                               2004          2003           2003
                                        (unaudited)   (unaudited)      (audited)
                               Notes           #000          #000           #000

Turnover                         2           24,034         7,150         20,860

Cost of sales                               (18,009)       (6,069)       (17,434)
                                            ________     _________     __________
Gross profit                                  6,025         1,081          3,426

Research and development                        (32)          (46)           (79)
Selling and distribution costs                 (653)         (178)          (537)
Administrative expenses                      (3,073)         (837)        (1,888)
Exceptional costs                                 -             -           (184)
                                            ________     _________     __________
Profit before amortisation of intangible assets
 and share option compensation expense        2,267            20            738

Amortisation of intangible assets              (942)         (178)          (563)
Non cash share option compensation expense      (50)          (93)           (99)
                                            ________     _________     __________
Operating profit/(loss) on ordinary
 activities before interest                   1,275          (251)            76

Bank interest receivable                         34             2             13
Interest payable                               (635)           (5)          (124)
                                            ________     _________     __________
Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities
 before taxation                                674          (254)           (35)

Taxation on profit/(loss) on ordinary
 activities                       3            (350)            -           (196)
                                            ________     _________     __________
Retained profit/(loss) for the period           324          (254)          (231)
                                            ________     _________     __________

Earnings/(loss) per share
Basic and diluted (pence)         4           0.16p        (0.39p)        (0.29p)

Adjusted earnings per share before amortisation of intangible assets and share option compensation expense
Earnings and diluted earnings 
 per share (pence)                4           0.65p         0.03p          0.71p

The Group has no recognised gains or losses in any of the above financial
periods other than those dealt with in the Group profit and loss account.

                              Group Balance Sheet
                                        At 30 June    At 30 June  At 31 December
                                              2004          2003            2003
                                       (unaudited)   (unaudited)       (audited)
                              Notes           #000          #000            #000
Fixed assets
Intangible assets and goodwill   5          36,750         3,612          37,692
Tangible assets                              1,607           116           1,755
                                           ________     _________      __________
                                            38,357         3,728          39,447

Current assets
Stocks                                       1,352            43           1,223
Debtors                                      9,041         2,176          11,136
Cash                             6           2,000           704           2,188
                                           ________     _________      __________
                                            12,393         2,923          14,547
amounts falling due within one year        (10,400)       (3,007)        (12,921)
                                           ________     _________      __________
Net current
assets/(liabilities)                         1,993           (84)          1,626
                                           ________     _________      __________
Total assets less current liabilities       40,350         3,644          41,073

Creditors: amounts falling due 
 after more than one year                  (15,515)         (110)        (16,612)

Provision for liabilities and charges
Deferred taxation                              (68)            -             (68)
                                           ________     _________      __________
Net assets                                  24,767         3,534          24,393
                                           ________     _________      __________
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                     10,050         3,275          10,050
Share premium account                       19,533         5,478          19,533
Stock option reserve                         1,073         1,017           1,023
Merger reserve                                (621)         (621)           (621)
Group interest in shares of TripleArc plc     (150)         (150)           (150)
Profit and loss account                     (5,118)       (5,465)         (5,442)
                                           ________     _________      __________
Equity shareholders' funds                  24,767         3,534          24,393
                                           ________     _________      __________

                         Group Statement of Cash Flows

                                        Six months    Six months            Year
                                             ended         ended           ended
                                           30 June       30 June     31 December
                                              2004          2003            2003
                                       (unaudited)   (unaudited)       (audited)
                             Notes            #000          #000            #000

Net cash inflow from operating
 activities   7(a)                           3,331            53           1,621
                                           ________     _________      __________

Returns on investments and servicing of finance
Interest paid                                 (635)           (4)           (124)
Interest received                               34             2              13
                                           ________     _________      __________
                                              (601)           (2)           (111)

Taxation                                      (547)          (11)            (43)

Capital expenditure and financial investment
Purchase of tangible fixed assets              (33)           (2)             (8)
Disposal of tangible fixed assets                7             2               -
                                           ________     _________      __________
                                               (26)            -              (8)
Acquisitions and disposals
Acquisition of subsidiary undertaking            -            (6)        (27,943)
Costs incurred in connection with acquisition    -             -          (1,177)
Cash acquired on acquisition                     -             -             673
Overdraft acquired on acquisition                -             -          (1,512)
                                           ________     _________      __________
                                                 -            (6)        (29,959)
Net cash inflow/(outflow) before use
 of liquid resources and financing           2,157            34         (28,500)

Issue of share capital                           -             -          11,200
Expenses paid in connection with share issue     -             -            (850)
Drawdown of bank loan                          200             -          18,450
Repayments of bank loan                     (1,797)            -               -
Repayments of Loan Notes                       (65)            -               -

Capital element of finance lease payments        -           (10)            (15)
                                           ________     _________      __________
                                            (1,662)          (10)         28,785
                                           ________     _________      __________
Movement in cash in the period                 495            24             285
                                           ________     _________      __________

Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds

Movement in cash                               495            24             285
Drawdown of bank loan                         (200)            -         (18,450)
Repayments of bank loan                      1,797             -               -
                                           ________     _________      __________
Movement in net funds                        2,092            24         (18,165)
Net cash/(debt) at 1 January               (17,485)          680             680
                                           ________     _________      __________
Net cash/(debt) at period end    7(b)      (15,393)          704         (17,485)
                                           ________     _________      __________

   The financial information contained in this interim report does not constitute
   statutory accounts. The interim results which have not been audited, have been
   prepared using accounting policies and practices consistent with those used in
   the preparation of the Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 December

   Turnover represents amounts derived from the provision of goods and services
   during the period stated net of value added tax. The turnover and pre-tax profit
   is attributable to one continuing activity, the provision of print related
   marketing services substantially within the United Kingdom.

a) The tax charge is made up as follows:  Six months    Six months          Year
                                               ended         ended         ended
                                             30 June       30 June   31 December
                                                2004          2003          2003
                                                #000          #000          #000
   Current tax
   UK Corporation tax                            350             -           185
   Deferred tax                                    -             -            11
                                             ________     _________     _________
                                                 350             -           196
                                             ________     _________     _________

b) Factors affecting the current tax charge
   The tax assessed on the profit on ordinary activities for the six months ended
   June 2004 is higher than the standard rate of corporation tax in the UK of 30%.
   The differences are reconciled as below:

   Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities 
    before taxation                              674         (254)           (35)
                                             ________     _________     _________
   Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities at
    the standard UK corporation tax rate
    of 30% (2003 - 30%)                          202          (76)           (10)
   Goodwill amortisation                         283           53            169
   Expenses not deductible                        15           23             23
   Accelerated capital allowances                  -            -             37
   Other timing differences                     (150)           -            (34)
                                             ________     _________     _________
   Total current tax                             350            -            185
                                             ________     _________     _________


a) Basic earnings/(loss) per share       At 30 June    At 30 June   At 31 December
                                               2004          2003             2003
   Profit/(loss) attributable to 
    ordinary shareholders (#'000)               324          (254)            (231)
                                        ___________  ____________      ___________
   Basic weighted average number 
    of shares                           201,020,671    65,505,161       79,017,127
   Dilutive potential shares from
    share options                         2,272,911             -                -
                                        ___________  ____________      ___________
                                        203,293,582    65,505,161       79,017,127
                                        ___________  ____________      ___________
   Basic earnings/(loss) per share
    (pence)                                   0.16p       (0.39p)          (0.29p)
                                        ___________  ____________      ___________

   Basic earnings/(loss) per share has been calculated by dividing the profit/
   (loss) for each financial period by the weighted average number of ordinary
   shares in issue in each year. There is no difference for 2003 between the basic
   net loss per share and the diluted net loss per share as the effect of all share
   options is anti-dilutive. There is also no difference for the six months to 30
   June 2004 between the basic earnings per share and the diluted earnings per
   share as the effect of the dilutive share options is immaterial.

(b) Adjusted earnings per share

   Profit attributable to ordinary 
    shareholders (#'000)                      1,316            17            559
                                        ___________   ____________    ___________
   Basic weighted average number
    of shares                           201,020,671    65,505,161     79,017,127
   Dilutive potential shares from
    share options                         2,272,911             -        142,395
                                        ___________   ____________    ___________
                                        203,293,582    65,505,161     79,159,522
                                        ___________   ____________    ___________
   Basic earnings per share (pence)           0.65p         0.03p          0.71p
                                        ___________   ____________    ___________

   Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities after taxation of #0.324m (six months to
   June 2003 - loss #0.254m; year ended December 2003 - loss #0.231m) are shown
   after deducting #Nil (six months to June 2003 - #Nil; year ended December 2003 -
   #0.184m) in respect of exceptional recruitment and integration costs, #0.942m
   (six months to June 2003 - #0.178m; year ended December 2003 - #0.563m) in
   respect of goodwill amortisation, and #0.050m (six months to June 2003 -
   #0.093m; year ended December 2003 - #0.099m) in respect of share option
   compensation expense. Adjusted earnings per share have been calculated by
   dividing the adjusted profit of #1.316m (six months to June 2003 - #0.017m; year
   ended December 2003 - #0.559m (after allowing for the potential tax credit on
   exceptional costs)), by the weighted average number of shares in issue at the
   respective period ends.

                                        At 30 June   At 30 June   At 31 December
                                              2004         2003             2003
   Cost:                                      #000         #000             #000
   At 1 January                             38,602        4,137            4,137
   Arising on acquisition during the year        -            -           34,465
                                         ___________   ____________    ___________

   At period end                            38,602        4,137           38,602
                                        ___________   ____________    ___________
   At 1 January                                910          347              347
   Charge for the period                       942          178              563
                                        ___________   ____________    ___________
   At period end                             1,852          525              910
                                        ___________   ____________    ___________
   Net book value at 1 January              37,692        3,790            3,790
                                        ___________   ____________    ___________
   Net book value at period end             36,750        3,612           37,692
                                        ___________   ____________    ___________

   The Directors consider each acquisition separately for the purpose of
   determining the amortisation period of any goodwill or other acquired intangible
   asset that arises. There has been no change to the basis of amortisation of
   goodwill on any previous acquisitions since 31 December 2003.


   Cash balances include #0.033m held as collateral for the guarantee of the
   Group's Loan Notes.


   a) Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from operating activities

                                        Six months   Six months             Year
                                             ended        ended            ended
                                           30 June      30 June      31 December
                                              2004         2003             2003
                                              #000         #000             #000

   Operating profit/(loss)                   1,275         (251)              76
   Depreciation                                126           41              108
   Profit on disposal of tangible 
    fixed assets                                (1)           -                -
   Amortisation of intangible fixed
    assets                                     942          178              563
   Non cash share option compensation 
    expense                                     50           93               99
   Decrease/(increase) in stocks              (129)           1              454
   Decrease/(increase) in debtors            2,095         (303)          (2,407)
   (Decrease)/increase in creditors         (1,027)         294            2,728
                                        ___________   ____________    ___________
   Net cash inflow from 
    operating activities                     3,331           53            1,621
                                        ___________   ____________    ___________

   b) Analysis of changes in net funds
                                           30 June         Cash      31 December
                                              2004        flows             2003
                                              #000         #000             #000

   Cash at bank                              2,000         (188)           2,188
   Bank overdrafts                               -        1,223           (1,223)
   Bank loan                               (17,393)       1,057          (18,450)
                                        ___________   ____________    ___________
   Total                                   (15,393)       2,092          (17,485)
                                        ___________   ____________    ___________


   This report was approved by the Board of Directors on 13 September 2004.


   This statement is being sent to all shareholders. In addition, copies are
   available from the Company Secretary at the Registered Office.


   The financial information contained in this interim statement does not
   constitute statutory accounts as defined in section 240 of the Companies Act
   1985. The financial information for the full preceding year is based on the
   statutory accounts for the financial year ended 31 December 2003. Those
   accounts, upon which the auditors issued an unqualified opinion, have been
   delivered to the Registrar of Companies.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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