As Agent Bank, please be advised of the following rate determined on:18-Dec-2008
Issue               : GE Capital European Funding - Series 4248
                      EUR 100,000,000 FRN Due 20 Dec 2012
ISIN Number         : XS0235113981
Common Code/        : 23511398
Issue Nomin     EUR : 100,000,000.00
Period              : 22-Dec-2008 to 20-Mar-2009        Payment Date 20-Mar-2009
Number of Days      : 88
Rate                : 3.205
Denomination EUR    : 50,000.00         100,000,000.00
Amount Payable
per Denomination    : 391.72            783,444.44
Bank of New York
Rate Fix Desk                           Telephone   44 1202 689580
Institutional Trust Services           Facsimille   44 1202 689601