Moto Goldmines Limited Negotiating to Increase Interest in Moto Gold Project
08 March 2006 - 1:03AM
Business Wire
Moto Goldmines Limited ("Moto")(TSX:MGL)(ASX:MOE) is pleased to
announce that it has entered into discussions with its joint
venture partner OKIMO with the objective of simplifying the
contractual arrangements governing the Moto Gold Project so that
development of the project is more streamlined and increasing
Moto's interest in the most prospective parts of the project.
L'Office des Mines d'Or de Kilo-Moto, a Congolese company ("OKIMO")
is a State owned mining company that is the registered holder of
licences covering approximately 83,000 sq kms in the north east of
the Democratic Republic of Congo ("DRC"). Subsidiaries of Moto are
party to seven separate agreements with OKIMO in respect of
approximately 5,375 sq kms of the licences held by OKIMO (the "Moto
JV Area"). Under the current contractual arrangements, Moto is
earning an interest of either 60% or 68.5% to mineral rights in the
Moto JV Area, Orgaman sprl has an interest of either 10% or 11.5%
and OKIMO has a 30% or 20% non-dilutable interest. Those portions
of the Moto JV Area on which the majority of the resources have
been identified to date are all areas in which Moto is earning a
60% interest. Moto and OKIMO have agreed to enter into discussions
to simplify these contractual arrangements as follows: - The
contractual arrangements between the parties would be simplified,
with one agreement covering the entire Moto JV Area. - Moto would
increase its interest in certain areas where the majority of the
currently identified resources are situated. The revised percentage
interests to be held have yet to be agreed, but it is envisaged
OKIMO's interest would not be less than 20%. - OKIMO would receive
consideration (represented by cash and shares) for the sale of such
interest. The amount of the consideration to be paid to OKIMO has
yet to be agreed. - Mr. Victor Kasongo, the Chief Executive Officer
of OKIMO, would join the board of Moto. - The terms of a detailed
shareholders agreement to govern the rights of the parties upon
completion of a detailed feasibility study will be agreed. - Moto
will return some of the JV Area to OKIMO. Any ground returned to
OKIMO will not include ground upon which or which is along strike
of identified gold resources or upon which Moto has undertaken
drilling activities. Any agreement that is reached will be subject
to the approval of relevant DRC authorities and any other
regulatory approvals required. While Moto is hopeful discussions
with OKIMO can be concluded during the second quarter of 2006,
there can be no assurance regarding the timing of concluding the
discussions, the final nature of the agreements or that Moto and
OKIMO will successfully conclude an agreement. The discussions
commenced as a result of OKIMO indicating it wished to renegotiate
certain aspects of the existing agreements. While Moto has no legal
obligation to do so, Moto believes that the proposals being
discussed, if satisfactorily concluded, will improve the interests
of and strengthen the relationship between the two parties, as well
as simplify the ownership structure and contractual arrangements so
that development of the project is more streamlined. As previously
announced, Moto has commenced preparation of a pre-feasibility
study (expected for mid-2006) and, if positive, Moto would moves
towards completion of a detailed feasibility study during 2007.
Caution Regarding Forward Looking Statements: Statements regarding
the Company's plans with respect to negotiating an increase in its
interest in and developing the Moto Gold Project are
forward-looking. There can be no assurance (i) regarding the timing
of concluding the discussions, the final nature of the agreements
or that the discussions will be concluded in a form that is
satisfactory to the parties involved; and (ii) that any
mineralisation will be proven to be economic, that anticipated
metallurgical recoveries will be achieved, that future evaluation
work will confirm the viability of deposits identified with the
project or that future required regulatory approvals will be
obtained. Moto Goldmines Limited (TSX:MGL) (ASX.:MOE)
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