RNS Number:1529Q
Ottakar's PLC
25 September 2003

                                                               25 September 2003

                                 Ottakar's plc

                                Interim Results

                      for the 26 weeks ended 2 August 2003

Ottakar's plc ('Ottakar's) one of the UK's leading specialist book retailers,
announces  interim results for the 26 weeks to 2 August 2003.


*        Sales increased by 37% to #57.5m (2002: #41.9m).

*        Acquisition of 24 Hammicks stores in April 2003 increases group square
         footage by 30%.

*        8.7% like-for-like sales growth for the first half, (5.9% excluding
         Harry Potter V).

*        Gross margin increased by 1.3% to 41.6% (2002: 40.3%).

*        As expected, a loss before tax of #2.9m (2002: #2.3m).

*        Interim dividend increased by 38% to 2.00p (2002: 1.45p) per share.

*        New net retail space of 121,000 sq. ft. (2002: 54,000 sq.ft).  Total
         selling space now 501,000 sq.ft  (2002: 366,000 sq. ft.).

*        3.5% like-for-like sales growth for seven weeks since period end.

*        117 stores at the period end, 4 further stores to open prior to year
         end in time for the important Christmas trading period.

*        Strong first half titles included "Harry Potter and the Order of the
         Phoenix" and the BBC's "The Big Read" promotion.

*        Strong Christmas titles include David Beckham My Side, Robert Harris
         Pompeii, and What Not to Wear Part 2.

Commenting on prospects, Philip Dunne, Chairman, said:

"The acquisition of 24 Hammicks stores in the first half has had a significant
positive effect on the group's trading prospects. The first half improvement in
both sales and gross margin is encouraging. Since the period end business has
continued to grow steadily with3.5% like-for-like sales growth for the seven
weeks to 20 September 2003.

The company is well positioned to take advantage of the crucial Christmas
trading period."

For further information, contact:

Ottakar's plc
James Heneage, Managing Director                  01722 428504
Edward Knighton, Finance Director                 07714 458566

Buchanan Communications
Charles Ryland/Nicola Cronk                       020 7466 5000

Chairman's Statement

I am pleased to report the interim results of Ottakar's plc for the period to 2
August 2003. The group has made further good progress during the period.

Ottakar's is one of the UK's leading specialist book retailers trading from a
portfolio of 117 prime sited stores in towns and cities across England, Scotland
and Wales. Ottakar's stores provide depth of range and high levels of service to
a broad customer base.


Sales increased during this interim period by 37% to #57.5m (2002: #41.9m). Like
for like sales growth was 8.7%, which we regard as encouraging.

Sales were boosted in the first half by the prolonged success of the BBC's "The
Big Read" promotion (which will reach its climax in October) and by the launch
of the fifth volume in the Harry Potter series. We sold over 80,000 copies of "
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" on the launch day of 21 June alone
and have sold 137,000 copies to date. We regard this as a notable performance
when set against other specialist book retailers. Like for like sales growth
excluding Harry Potter V was 5.9%.

As reported previously and due to the seasonality of the business, the Group's
profits are made in the second half of the year.  The loss before tax for the
period was #2.9m (2002: loss before tax of #2.3m), reflecting the increased
number of early growth stores.  This result is in line with market expectations.
Gross margin was increased to 41.6% (2002: 40.3%). This significant and
continued increase reflects improvements in buying practices and increased
retrospective discounts from suppliers. It was achieved despite the acquisition
of Hammicks lower margin stores and the dilutive effect of the fifth Harry
Potter book.

Administration expenses remained at 6.2% of turnover (2002: 6.2%), and included
#0.4m of one off costs relating to the integration of the 24 Hammicks bookshops

Hammicks Acquisition

During April Ottakar's acquired twenty four general stores  from Hammicks
Bookshops Limited totalling 116,000 square feet. The total cost of the
acquisition including expenses was #3.6m, representing a #0.09m discount to book
value, after provisional fair value adjustments of #2.6m. The acquisition was
financed by a #6.0m additional term loan from Bank of Scotland. Seventeen of the
stores have already been rebranded as Ottakar's and the remainder will follow
during the second half. Four of the former Hammicks stores include coffee shops
and we will look over time to extend and relocate several of these stores as
part of our siting strategy to dominate the towns in which we operate.

We are pleased with the early progress of this acquisition, and results are
broadly in line with our targets, with sales up 4 % in the 21 weeks of our
ownership. We have incurred #0.4m of expected rationalization costs in
integrating this acquisition, with a further #0.2m to come in the second half.


In May, in order to satisfy institutional demand for our shares, we placed
995,980 shares with new and existing shareholders raising #2.3m net of expenses.

Capital Expenditure

Capital expenditure in the first half totalled #3.5m (2002: #2.7m). This
excludes the #3.6m of net assets acquired as part of the Hammicks bookshops
acquisition. Our borrowings have increased to #19.3m at 2 August 2003 (2002:
#16.1m), including #13m of long-term bank loans. This seasonal peak was in line
with our expectations.

The EPOS implementation continued in the first half with the roll-out of new
tills and sales software to all Ottakar's stores. Development of a new
replenishment ordering process and testing of stock management systems will
continue in the second half.


We have provided for an estimated tax rate at the year-end of 35.3% (2002:


In line with the continued improved performance of Ottakar's, the Board has
declared an increased interim dividend of 2.00 pence (2002: 1.45 pence) per
ordinary share, a 38% increase.

New Stores

In addition to the Hammicks stores, during the period under review we relocated

stores in Truro, Inverness, East Kilbride and Dumfries. We incurred a charge of
#420,000 in closing East Kilbride (of which #300,000 was a cash cost), which has
been charged against selling and distribution costs in the first half. Three of
the new stores contain coffee shops, taking our stores providing coffee to 34,
covering 48% of our selling space. In addition we refurbished our store in
Clapham Junction, extending it by 1,200 square feet, and refurbished our stores
in Aviemore, East Grinstead and Basildon. In the second half we will open new
stores in Cheltenham, Guildford, Coventry and Oban, totalling 28,400 square
feet.  New stores opened in 2002 are trading satisfactorily.

New net retail space for the period was 121,000 square feet (2002: 54,000 square
feet). Our period end total selling space was 501,000 square feet  (2002:
366,000 square feet).

We planned a total opening programme for 2003/4 of 149,000
square feet, of which 116,000 square feet relates to the Hammicks acquisition.

Current Trading and Prospects

The first half improvement in both sales and gross margins is satisfactory.
Since the period end business has continued steadily with 3.5% like-for-like
sales growth for the seven weeks to 20 September 2003.

We believe that the company is well positioned to take advantage of the crucial
Christmas trading period and I look forward to reporting further progress at the
year end.

Philip Dunne, Chairman
25 September 2003

Consolidated Group Profit and Loss Account

                                              26 weeks to    26 weeks to    26 weeks to    26 weeks to    53 weeks to 
                                                 2 August       2 August       2 August        27 July     1 February 
                                                     2003           2003           2003           2002           2003  
                                               Operations    Acquisition          Total                       Audited  
                                                Unaudited      Unaudited      Unaudited      Unaudited                 
                                     Note            #000           #000           #000           #000           #000 
  Turnover                                          50,894          6,613         57,507         41,936        114,839
  Cost of sales                                   (29,467)        (4,130)       (33,597)       (25,027)       (67,110)
  Gross profit                                      21,427          2,483         23,910         16,909         47,729
  Selling and distribution costs                  (20,678)        (2,201)       (22,879)       (16,198)       (36,621)
  Administration expenses                          (3,174)          (417)        (3,591)        (2,610)        (5,483)
  Operating (loss) / profit                        (2,425)          (135)        (2,560)        (1,899)          5,625
  Profit / (loss) on disposal of                        33              -             33          (237)              -
  fixed assets                                                                                                        
  (Loss) / profit before interest                  (2,392)          (135)        (2,527)        (2,136)          5,625
  and taxation                                                                                                        
  Interest payable                                                                 (421)          (193)          (525)
  (Loss) / profit on ordinary                                                    (2,948)        (2,329)          5,100
  activities before taxation                                                                                          
  Taxation                             2                                           1,040            778        (1,822)
  (Loss) / profit for the                                                        (1,908)        (1,551)          3,278
  financial period                                                                                                    
  Equity dividends paid and            3                                           (420)          (290)          (800)
  Retained (loss) / profit for the                                               (2,328)        (1,841)          2,478
  period for equity shareholders                                                                                      
  Earnings per share:                                                                                                 
  Basic (loss) / earnings per share    4                                         (9.33)p        (7.77)p         16.41p
  Diluted (loss) / earnings per                                                  (9.33)p        (7.77)p         16.18p
All the results above derive from continuing business activities.

There were no other recognised gains or losses other than those stated above and 
therefore no statement of recognised gains or losses has been prepared.

      Consolidated Balance Sheet                                                                                 
                                                                           2 August        27 July     1 February 
                                                                               2003           2002           2003  
                                                                          Unaudited      Unaudited        Audited  
                                                                               #000           #000           #000 
      Fixed assets                                                                                               
      Intangible assets                                                         639            872            752
      Tangible assets                                                        26,547         19,949         22,000
      Investments                                                               350            350            350
                                                                             27,536         21,171         23,102
      Current assets                                                                                             
      Stocks                                                                 24,208         16,390         20,505
      Debtors                                                                 4,200          3,745          4,031
      Cash at bank and in hand                                                  249            108            210
                                                                             28,657         20,243         24,746
      Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year                       (25,176)       (19,831)       (21,833)
      Net current assets                                                      3,481            412          2,913
      Total assets less current liabilities                                  31,017         21,583         26,015
      Creditors: Amounts falling due after more than one year              (12,485)        (7,404)        (7,455)
      Provision for liabilities and charges                                   (764)          (705)          (764)
      Net assets                                                             17,768         13,474         17,796
      Capital and reserves                                                                                       
      Called up share capital                                                 1,064          1,012          1,012
      Other reserves                                                          8,888          6,637          6,640
      Profit and loss account                                                 7,816          5,825         10,144
      Equity shareholders' funds                                             17,768         13,474         17,796  
      Reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds                                                         
                                                                        26 weeks to    26 weeks to    53 weeks to 
                                                                           2 August        27 July     1 February 
                                                                               2003           2002           2003  
                                                                          Unaudited      Unaudited        Audited  
                                                                               #000           #000           #000 
      (Loss) / profit for the financial period                              (1,908)        (1,551)          3,278
      Dividends                                                               (420)          (290)          (800)
      Net proceeds from the issue of shares                                   2,300             47             50
                                                                               (28)        (1,794)          2,528
      Equity shareholders' funds at the beginning of the period              17,796         15,268         15,268
      Equity shareholders' funds at the end of the period                    17,768         13,474         17,796  

  Consolidated Group Cash Flow Statement                           Note                                               
                                                                            26 weeks to    26 weeks to    53 weeks to 
                                                                               2 August        27 July     1 February 
                                                                                   2003           2002           2003  
                                                                              Unaudited      Unaudited        Audited  
                                                                                   #000           #000           #000 
  Net cash (outflow) / inflow from operating activities              7           (3,704)        (4,353)          9,174

  Returns on investments and servicing of finance                                                                     
  Interest paid                                                                    (421)          (193)          (525)
  Net cash outflow from returns on investments and servicing of                    (421)          (193)          (525)
  Taxation                                                                       (1,000)          (588)        (1,638)

  Capital expenditure and financial investments                                                                       
  Payments to acquire tangible fixed assets                                      (3,522)        (2,737)        (7,006)
  Receipts from sales of tangible fixed assets                                        33              -            204
  Net cash outflow from capital expenditure and financial                        (3,489)        (2,737)        (6,802)

  Acquisitions and disposals                                                                                          
  Acquisition of business                                                        (3,550)        (1,587)        (1,587)
  Net overdraft acquired with the business                                         (601)              -              -
  Net cash outflow from acquisitions and disposals                               (4,151)        (1,587)        (1,587)
  Equity dividends paid                                                            (510)          (398)          (688)
  Net cash outflow before financing                                             (13,275)        (9,856)        (2,066)
  New term loan                                                                    6,000              -              -
  Gross proceeds from issue of share capital                                       2,300             47             50
  Net cash inflow from financing                                                   8,300             47             50
  Decrease in cash                                                                (4,975)        (9,809)        (2,016) 

Notes to financial information 

1. Basis of preparation

The Board approved the interim report on 25 September 2003. The financial
information for the 26 weeks to 2 August 2003 and the 26 weeks to 27 July 2002
has not been audited. The financial information for the 53 weeks to 2 February
2003 has been drawn from the audited financial statements for that period.

The financial information contained in the interim report does not constitute
statutory accounts as defined in section 240 of the Companies Act 1985.
Statutory accounts for the 53 weeks to 2 February 2003 incorporating an
unqualified audit report have been filed with the Registrar of Companies.

The financial information contained in this interim report has been prepared on
the basis of the accounting policies set out in the Group's statutory accounts
for the 53 weeks to 2 February 2003.

The Hammicks acquisition contributed #6.6m turnover and an operating loss of 

2. Taxation

Corporation Tax for the 26 weeks to 2 August 2003 has been provided for at the 
estimated effective annual rate of 35.3%. (2002: 33.4%).

3. Dividends

                                                           26 weeks to    26 weeks to    53 weeks to 
                                                              2 August        27 July     1 February  
                                                                  2003           2002           2003 
                                                             Unaudited      Unaudited        Audited 
                                                                  #000           #000           #000 
                  Dividends: Ordinary shares of 5p each            420            290            800

An interim net dividend of 2.00 pence per share (2002: 1.45 pence) has been 
declared. The interim dividend will be paid on 31 October 2003 to shareholders 
on the register at 3 October 2003.

4. Earnings per share

Basic loss per share of (9.33) pence (27 July 2002: (7.77) pence, 1 February
2003: 16.41 pence) is based on losses of #1.908m (27 July 2002: losses of
#1.551m, 1 February 2003: earnings of: #3.278m) and on 20.443 million ordinary
shares (27 July 2002: 19.971 million, 1 February 2003: 19.982 million) being the
average number of ordinary shares in issue throughout the period. Diluted
earnings per share for the 53 weeks to 1 February 2003 are based on profits of
#3.278m and on a weighted average of 20.258 million ordinary shares.

For the 26 weeks to 2 August 2003 and the 26 weeks to 27 July 2002 the options
are anti-dilutive because they decrease the loss per share.

5. Reconciliation of cash flows to net debt                                                                             
                                                                          26 weeks to      26 weeks to    53 weeks to 
                                                                             2 August          27 July     1 February 
                                                                                 2003             2002           2003  
                                                                                 #000             #000           #000 
  Decrease in cash in period                                                   (4,975)          (9,809)        (2,016)
  Increase in term                                                             (6,000)                -              -
  loans in period                                                                                                     
  Movement in net debt                                                        (10,975)          (9,809)        (2,016)
  Net debt at beginning of period                                              (8,336)          (6,320)        (6,320)
  Net debt at end of period                                                   (19,311)         (16,129)        (8,336)

6. Analysis of net debt                                                                                                 
                                Cash at   Overdraft   Net (decrease)/         Debt due         Debt due       Net debt 
                           and in hand                       increase       within one   after one year                
                                  #000         #000              #000             #000             #000           #000 
  At 26 January 2002               680            -                                  -          (7,000)        (6,320)
  Net cash flow                  (572)      (9,237)           (9,809)                -                -        (9,809)
  At 27 July 2002                  108      (9,237)                                  -          (7,000)       (16,129)
  Net cash flow                    102        7,691             7,793                -                -          7,793
  At 1 February 2003               210      (1,546)                                  -          (7,000)        (8,336)
  Net cash flow                     39      (5,014)           (4,975)          (1,000)          (5,000)       (10,975)
  At 2 August 2003                 249      (6,560)                            (1,000)         (12,000)       (19,311)

7. Reconciliation of operating loss to net cash flow from operating activities                                          
                                                                             26 weeks to    26 weeks to    53 weeks to 
                                                                                2 August        27 July     1 February 
                                                                                    2003           2002           2003  
                                                                               Unaudited      Unaudited        Audited  
                                                                                    #000           #000           #000 

  Operating (loss) / profit                                                      (2,560)        (1,899)          5,625
  Impairment of tangible fixed assets                                                300              -            571
  Depreciation of tangible fixed assets                                            1,769          1,748          3,242
  Amortisation of positive goodwill                                                   23             24             49
  Release of negative goodwill                                                         -          (240)          (308)
  Decrease / (increase) in stocks                                                  1,571            420        (3,346)
  Decrease / (increase) in debtors                                                   711          (646)          (932)
  (Decrease) / increase in creditors                                             (5,518)        (3,760)          4,273
  Net cash (outflow) / inflow from operating activities                          (3,704)        (4,353)          9,174

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange