Issue of Debt
02 December 2003 - 6:00PM
UK Regulatory
Sony Corporation
For Media: Corporate Communications, 03-5448-2200
For Investors and Analysts: Investor Relations, 03-5448-2180
Announcement on determination of the total amount of issue of
Euro Yen Zero Coupon Convertible Bonds due 2008
Sony Corporation (the "Company") hereby notifies the determination of
the following matters, including the total amount of issue, in respect
of the Euro Yen Zero Coupon Convertible Bonds due 2008 (bonds with
stock acquisition rights, tenkanshasaigata shinkabu yoyakuken-tsuki
shasai) (the "Bonds with Stock Acquisition Rights", of which the Bonds
and the Stock Acquisition Rights are to be the "Bonds" and the "Stock
Acquisition Rights", respectively), issuance of which was resolved by
the Executive Board on December 1, 2003.
1. Aggregate number of The aggregate number of 50,000 and the number
Stock Acquisition obtained by dividing an aggregate principal
Rights to be issued amount of replacement Bond Certificates that
may be issued against appropriate evidence and
indemnity in case of loss, theft or destruction
of any Bond Certificate by YEN5,000,000.
2. Total amount of The aggregate amount of YEN250,000,000,000 and an
issue of the Bonds aggregate principal amount of replacement Bond
Certificates that may be issued against
appropriate evidence and indemnity in case of
loss, theft or destruction of any Bond
1. Date of resolution of issuance December 1, 2003
2. Date of payment and date of issuance December 18, 2003
3. The Company had granted the Managers (the "Managers") an option
to additionally subscribe for the Bonds with Stock Acquisition Rights
up to a further YEN30,000,000,000 aggregate principal amount of the
Bonds. On December 2, 2003 (London Time), the Company received a
notice to exercise such option in respect of YEN30,000,000,000
aggregate principal amount of the Bonds from the Joint Lead Managers.
Accordingly, the aggregate number of Stock Acquisition Rights to be
issued and the total amount of issue of the Bonds have been
determined as above.
Note: This press release is intended as general information regarding
Sony Corporation's issuance of convertible bonds and shall not be
considered an offering of securities. This press release shall not be
construed as an offering of securities in any region including Japan,
the United States or Canada. The securities may not be offered or sold
in the United States absent registration or an applicable exemption
under the Securities Act of 1933. In the event of an offering of
securities in the United States, a prospectus in English prepared in
accordance with the Securities Act of 1933 will be used. This
transaction does not involve any public offering of securities in the
United States.