Company”) today provided an exploration update for the Minera
Florida, Cerro Moro, El Peñón and Canadian Malartic mines.
Exploration results for the Jacobina mine were announced on July
29, 2021, and for more information, please see the press release
titled ‘Yamana Gold Reports Significant Progress on Phase 2
Expansion at Jacobina and Strong Exploration Results for the
Operation’, available at www.yamana.com. The exploration program at
the Company’s Wasamac project has commenced, with plans for 120,000
metres of drilling for 2021 and 2022, including infill drilling of
least 68,000 metres to better delineate areas expected to be
developed in the first three years of production and 10,000 metres
of drilling on the broader Wasamac property, along with drilling on
the adjacent Francoeur projects. An update on the Company’s
generative exploration program that will include initial
exploration results at Wasamac will be provided before the end of
the month.
The Company’s exploration program continues to
generate promising new discoveries, indicating excellent potential
to add new mineral reserves and mineral resources, consistent with
the corporate strategy of extending mine life through depletion
replacement on an annual basis. In addition, the commitment to
near-mine exploration has defined significant new mineralized zones
not currently in life of mine plans. Furthermore, drilling results
to date support continuous production at current or higher
production levels for at least the 10-year period outlined in the
Company’s previously provided outlook with such production not
dependent on exploration successes and, in most cases, between
existing mineral inventories and exploration results to date, mine
lives at all of the Company’s operations are supported for well in
excess of that 10-year production outlook period.
Exploration Highlights, Minera
- Drilling in key production sectors
of the mine, most notably Don Leopoldo and Fantasma, continues to
expand mineralization along strike and down dip. Targets remain
open in both directions, underscoring the potential for expansion
of the mineral envelope in both sectors. At Don Leopoldo, positive
drilling results were obtained in areas that remain open for
further growth along strike and down dip.
- Highlights include the following
estimated true width intercepts: 7.56 grams per tonne (“g/t”) of
gold, 22.5 g/t of silver, and 1.24% of zinc over 5.99 metres
(ALH3262); 6.82 g/t of gold, 13.4 g/t of silver and 1.29% of zinc
over 3.02 metres (ALH3253).
- At Fantasma, positive drilling
results were obtained from the northwestern sector of the vein,
defining two parallel horizontal high-grade shoots.
- Highlights include the following
estimated true width intercepts: 9.33 g/t of gold, 15.3 g/t of
silver and 1.20% of zinc over 2.08 metres (ALH3239); 11.16 g/t of
gold, 22.9 g/t of silver and 1.32% of zinc over 2.65 metres (ALH
- Exploratory drilling at Minera
Florida has generated new discoveries in the core mine area,
including VNC and Juan Pablo, providing increased optionality for
the mining operation and demonstrating the geological potential in
the central Alhue block.
- The recent discovery of veins such
as Cucaracha and Juan Pablo in new areas beyond the eastern and
western limits of the central Alhue block, the historic focus of
exploration and mining at Minera Florida, underscores the potential
for further near-mine discoveries.
- The robust exploration results at
Minera Florida support the plan for production increases at the
Exploration Highlights, Cerro
- Expanded the known core mine veins
at Cerro Moro with significant drill results, most notably at Zoe
and Martina, providing an excellent opportunity for mineral
resource growth in the near term, highlighting the continuity and
potential of several sectors near current mining operations.
- At Zoe, positive drilling results
show good continuity at depth.
- High-grade results over the
following estimated true widths include: 34.71 g/t of gold and
3,264.5 g/t of silver over 3.47 metres (MD3173); 31.34 g/t of gold
and 4,004.4 g/t of silver over 2.94 metres (MD3354).
- At Martina, drilling has defined
the continuity of the main ore shoot generating new areas open to
- Highlights include the following
estimated true width intercepts: 76.63 g/t of gold and 247.9 g/t of
silver over 2.41 metres (MD3228); 84.80 g/t of gold and 69.2 g/t of
silver over 2.31 metres (MD3240).
- Beyond the core mine, drilling at
Naty has defined continuous shallow high-grade mineralization with
further growth potential at depth.
- Highlights include the following
estimated true width intercepts: 30.68 g/t of gold and 3,824.7 g/t
of silver over 10.37 metres (MD3255); 56.27 g/t of gold and 109.7
g/t of silver over 4.29 metres (MD3270); and 102.39 g/t of gold and
1,051.0 g/t of silver over 2.89 metres (MD3271), demonstrating
potential for further high-grade mineralization outside of the core
mine area.
- District exploration continues to
generate important exploration targets, including an emerging
district to the south of Cerro Moro. Initial scout drilling at a
number of major structures, including Naty NE, Cassius, Domos La
Union, La Henriette, and Casper, have generated encouraging
Exploration Highlights, El
- Exploration drilling continues to
expand mineralization to depths below several producing sectors,
most notably Paloma and Pampa Campamento, while a dedicated program
targeting continuity of the main production vein systems at depth
is advancing and supportive of planned production increases at El
- Drilling at Paloma continues to
expand the mineral envelope in multiple sectors, which remain open
for further growth.
- Highlights include the following
estimated true width intercepts: 49.50 g/t of gold and 72.5 g/t of
silver over 1.70 metres (SIU0028); 20.96 g/t of gold and 72.6 g/t
of silver over 1.59 metres (SIU0014).
- At Pampa Campamento, infill
drilling has confirmed the expanding mineral envelope to depth,
which remains open for further exploration.
- Highlights include the following
estimated true width intercepts: 33.54 g/t of gold and 68.7 g/t of
silver over 0.69 metres (UIP0046); 9.89 g/t of gold and 752.6 g/t
of silver over 1.68 metres (UIP0053).
- The Company has initiated a deep
exploratory drilling program targeting extensions of the major
producing vein systems at depth and to the south of the mine.
Initial drill results show significant potential for discovery of
blind continuations of the main vein systems.
Exploration Highlights, Canadian
- Infill drilling at East Gouldie
continues to demonstrate strong intercepts and excellent continuity
within the defined mineral envelope. Step out drilling to the east
also exhibits good expansion potential, providing additional
support for the planned Odyssey Underground Project.
- Exploration drilling collared on
the Rand property has cut the East Gouldie structure at depth up to
1,260 metres east of the year-end 2020 mineral resource envelope
with significant results in three drill holes. Drilling has also
intercepted a new mineralized structure 400 metres south of East
- Exploration drilling below the East
Amphi deposit has generated significant new intercepts expanding
the mineralized envelope with new wide intervals of
- Results to date strongly support
the transition at Canadian Malartic to a large scale underground
Minera Florida Exploration
At Minera Florida, exploration results continue
to expand known vein systems, such as at Don Leopoldo and Fantasma,
and define new mineralized zones in the core mine, such as VCN and
Juan Pablo. Infill drilling in 2021 included conversion of inferred
resources as well as delineation drilling of select areas to
increase confidence in higher grades areas within the mine plan.
The latest drill results have also advanced the understanding and
mineral potential of the east block, where the mineralized system
is believed to continue at depth within this down-dropped
structural block, representing a significant target for new areas
close to existing mine infrastructure. Overall, exploration
continues to expand the mineralized envelope to the east and west,
and supports the plan for further production increases. The mine
has an $11 million exploration budget with 52,000 metres of
drilling planned for 2021, including 29,000 metres completed to
The delineation drilling program at Minera
Florida has focused on the Fantasma and Don Leopoldo sectors, with
results expanding the mineral envelope and demonstrating potential
for further growth in several directions.
Infill and delineation drilling at Don Leopoldo
continues to generate positive results, confirming the presence of
mineralization in the northwestern portion of this system, which
indicates that the sector remains open for expansion toward its
projected intersection with the Patagua vein. Drilling highlights
include the following estimated true width intercepts: 7.56 g/t of
gold, 22.5 g/t of silver and 1.24% of zinc over 5.99 metres
(ALH3262); 6.82 g/t of gold, 13.4 g/t of silver and 1.29% of zinc
over 3.02 metres (ALH3253). Step out exploratory drilling
intersected the southeastern continuity of the Don Leopoldo vein,
expanding the current envelope. Drilling highlights include the
following estimated true width intercepts: 9.42 g/t of gold, 9.4
g/t of silver and 0.41% of zinc over 3.94 metres (ALH3114); 13.47
g/t of gold, 15.3 g/t of silver and 0.05% of zinc over 3.70 metres
(ALH3124). The sector also remains open in the down plunge
direction, where the deepest hole executed (ALH3145) returned the
following estimated true width interval: 4.23 g/t of gold, 8.2 g/t
of silver and 2.69% zinc over 2.73 metres. See Figure 2 and Table 1
for additional results.
At Fantasma, infill drilling has defined two
separate, parallel mineralized zones along the northwestern section
of this vein system 100 and 200 metres in length and close to mine
infrastructure. Drilling highlights include the following estimated
true width intercepts: 9.33 g/t of gold, 15.3 g/t of silver and
1.20% of zinc over 2.08 metres (ALH3239); 11.16 g/t of gold, 22.9
g/t of silver and 1.32% of zinc over 2.65 metres (ALH 3289). Step
out exploratory drilling intersected the continuity of this system
along the northwestern strike direction toward the Polvorin
structure intersection. Drilling highlights include the following
estimated true width intercept: 11.55 g/t of gold, 17.7 g/t of
silver and 0.19% of zinc over 1.05 metres (ALH3269). See Figure 3
and Table 1 for additional results.
Recent exploration drilling within the core mine
has also generated substantial results. A new discovery, the VCN
sector, was defined by excellent results along a continuous
300-metre northwest strike direction. This vein may provide
important flexibility to the mine operation. Drilling highlights at
VCN include the following estimated true width intercepts: 13.99
g/t of gold, 4.3 g/t of silver and 0.42% of zinc over 3.11 metres
(ALH3352); 36.87 g/t of gold, 22.3 g/t of silver and 7.02% of zinc
over 3.52 metres (ALH 3330).
Further, structural reinterpretation and recent
exploratory drilling at the nearby, previously mined, Juan Pablo
sector, located east of Alhue block, has generated the following
estimated true width intercepts: 5.81 g/t of gold, 4.9 g/t of
silver and 0.26% of zinc over 0.91 metres (ALH3130); and 4.98 g/t
of gold, 10.7 g/t of silver and 1.87% of zinc over 0.60 metres
(ALH3051), showing continuity of mineralization in both the down
dip and up dip directions. Significantly, exploratory drilling at
Juan Pablo has revealed geological continuity of mineralized veins
across the Alhue–East block structural boundary, where veining is
displaced by a series of subparallel faults related to the
through-going Maqui fault structure, opening up a large area for
near-mine exploration. An exploratory drift is planned in this high
potential block, with drilling expected to begin in late 2021 or in
the first quarter of 2022.
As part of its efforts to expand beyond the east
and west limits of the Alhue block and explore Minera Florida’s
large land package, exploratory drilling identified a new vein
system, Cucaracha, located 1.5 kilometres from the plant. The
Cucaracha system is defined continuously for 300 metres along a
northwest-southeast direction and over 100 metres down dip, and it
remains open in all directions. Drilling highlights include the
following estimated true width intercepts: 4.48 g/t of gold, 5.5
g/t of silver and 3.19% of zinc over 2.54 metres (ALH3272); 11.01
g/t of gold, 5.6 g/t of silver and 2.27% of zinc over 1.39 metres
Recent exploration results at Minera Florida
continue to demonstrate the significant upside potential of the
Minera Florida District. New sectors such as Don Leopoldo and
Fantasma highlight the opportunity to expand the mineral resource
base and extend life of mine, while new discoveries in the core
block such as VNC represent important contributors for new mineral
resources close to mine infrastructure, providing flexibility for
the mining operation. In addition, advances in understanding of the
structural setting at Minera Florida have demonstrated the
continuity of the Alhue vein system east of the central Alhue block
at Juan Pablo, highlighting a large near-mine area that is being
evaluated for its exploration potential. Furthermore, new
discoveries in the West block such as Cucaracha continue to
demonstrate the exploration upside adjacent to mine infrastructure.
These discoveries confirm the presence of a much wider mineralized
system around the historic mine area than previously understood and
offer excellent potential for future growth and mine life
Figure 1: Minera Florida Location Map
Showing Main Target Areas Discussed in Text, Principle Vein
Systems, and Underground
Figure 2: Minera Florida, Don Leopoldo
Longitudinal Section (Looking Northeast) Highlighting Recent
Figure 3: Minera Florida, Fantasma
Longitudinal Section (Looking Northeast) Highlighting Recent Drill
Table 1: Minera Florida New Drill Intercept Highlights,
Selected For Intervals Greater Than 3.50 g/t of Gold Over Diluted
Horizontal Mining Width of 1.20 Metres. Gold Equivalent Equals
Hole |
Vein |
Drill HoleType |
From(m) |
To(m) |
CoreWidth (m) |
Est.TrueWidth(m) |
Gold(g/t) |
Silver(g/t) |
Zinc(%) |
GoldEq.(g/t) |
Gold (g/t)OverDilutedWidth of 1.2
m |
ALH3272 |
Cucaracha |
Exploration |
138.15 |
140.72 |
2.57 |
2.54 |
4.48 |
5.5 |
3.19 |
5.78 |
4.48 |
ALH3281 |
Cucaracha |
Exploration |
158.12 |
159.73 |
1.61 |
1.39 |
11.01 |
5.6 |
2.27 |
11.95 |
11.01 |
ALH3299 |
Cucaracha |
Exploration |
107.00 |
108.10 |
1.10 |
1.04 |
10.08 |
7.6 |
3.24 |
11.42 |
8.78 |
ALH3406 |
Cucaracha |
Exploration |
117.40 |
120.35 |
2.95 |
1.51 |
5.89 |
6.9 |
3.74 |
7.42 |
5.89 |
ALH3145 |
Don Leopoldo |
Exploration |
175.65 |
178.90 |
3.25 |
2.73 |
4.23 |
8.2 |
2.69 |
5.36 |
4.23 |
ALH3092 |
Don Leopoldo |
Infill |
135.25 |
137.98 |
2.73 |
2.41 |
3.92 |
16.0 |
0.04 |
4.08 |
3.92 |
ALH3097 |
Don Leopoldo |
Infill |
171.05 |
173.60 |
2.55 |
2.29 |
7.69 |
17.9 |
5.11 |
9.86 |
7.69 |
ALH3109 |
Don Leopoldo |
Infill |
132.63 |
134.40 |
1.77 |
1.45 |
5.72 |
17.1 |
0.05 |
5.89 |
5.72 |
ALH3114 |
Don Leopoldo |
Infill |
184.75 |
191.50 |
6.75 |
3.94 |
9.42 |
9.4 |
0.41 |
9.67 |
9.42 |
ALH3124 |
Don Leopoldo |
Infill |
154.35 |
158.74 |
4.39 |
3.70 |
13.47 |
15.3 |
0.05 |
13.62 |
13.47 |
ALH3144 |
Don Leopoldo |
Infill |
179.53 |
181.24 |
1.71 |
1.40 |
8.25 |
11.1 |
0.08 |
8.38 |
8.25 |
ALH3159 |
Don Leopoldo |
Infill |
154.17 |
155.95 |
1.78 |
1.60 |
12.08 |
10.4 |
0.05 |
12.19 |
12.08 |
ALH3222 |
Don Leopoldo |
Infill |
15.09 |
17.02 |
1.93 |
1.70 |
3.85 |
26.3 |
6.55 |
6.66 |
3.85 |
ALH3251 |
Don Leopoldo |
Infill |
17.76 |
21.25 |
3.49 |
2.79 |
10.02 |
27.5 |
4.98 |
12.22 |
10.02 |
ALH3253 |
Don Leopoldo |
Infill |
9.95 |
13.59 |
3.64 |
3.02 |
6.82 |
13.4 |
1.29 |
7.45 |
6.82 |
ALH3262 |
Don Leopoldo |
Infill |
73.20 |
86.24 |
13.04 |
5.99 |
7.56 |
22.5 |
1.24 |
8.25 |
7.56 |
ALH3267 |
Don Leopoldo |
Infill |
32.20 |
35.75 |
3.55 |
2.91 |
14.34 |
24.0 |
2.14 |
15.39 |
14.34 |
ALH3277 |
Don Leopoldo |
Infill |
19.00 |
22.85 |
3.85 |
3.27 |
3.94 |
18.4 |
3.95 |
5.66 |
3.94 |
ALH3378 |
Don Leopoldo |
Infill |
100.20 |
104.40 |
4.20 |
2.41 |
4.04 |
6.4 |
1.92 |
4.86 |
4.04 |
ALH3069 |
Fantasma |
Delineation |
53.42 |
54.48 |
1.06 |
0.91 |
5.61 |
40.0 |
0.61 |
6.20 |
4.30 |
ALH3073 |
Fantasma |
Delineation |
49.08 |
50.38 |
1.30 |
1.14 |
44.86 |
195.2 |
1.40 |
47.13 |
44.49 |
ALH3075 |
Fantasma |
Delineation |
62.60 |
64.00 |
1.40 |
1.19 |
20.43 |
112.5 |
0.49 |
21.61 |
20.43 |
ALH3205 |
Fantasma |
Exploration |
99.79 |
101.23 |
1.44 |
1.20 |
5.24 |
8.9 |
0.53 |
5.52 |
5.24 |
ALH3209 |
Fantasma |
Exploration |
93.32 |
102.25 |
8.93 |
4.60 |
5.62 |
14.1 |
0.69 |
6.02 |
5.62 |
ALH3233 |
Fantasma |
Exploration |
152.40 |
154.50 |
2.10 |
1.77 |
8.02 |
8.5 |
0.83 |
8.42 |
8.02 |
ALH3248 |
Fantasma |
Exploration |
101.70 |
103.25 |
1.55 |
1.34 |
9.75 |
6.9 |
1.16 |
10.27 |
9.75 |
ALH3269 |
Fantasma |
Exploration |
150.64 |
151.77 |
1.13 |
1.05 |
11.55 |
17.7 |
0.19 |
11.78 |
10.11 |
ALH3282 |
Fantasma |
Exploration |
110.60 |
111.65 |
1.05 |
0.94 |
16.57 |
16.9 |
4.69 |
18.57 |
13.26 |
ALH3289 |
Fantasma |
Exploration |
108.45 |
111.63 |
3.18 |
2.65 |
11.16 |
22.9 |
1.32 |
11.88 |
11.16 |
ALH3290 |
Fantasma |
Exploration |
129.00 |
130.85 |
1.85 |
1.62 |
8.39 |
6.3 |
1.16 |
8.90 |
8.39 |
ALH3123 |
Fantasma |
Infill |
180.75 |
182.90 |
2.15 |
1.10 |
9.52 |
8.7 |
0.03 |
9.61 |
8.89 |
ALH3155 |
Fantasma |
Infill |
114.50 |
115.60 |
1.10 |
0.90 |
18.76 |
52.5 |
0.30 |
19.34 |
14.85 |
ALH3193 |
Fantasma |
Infill |
82.56 |
85.35 |
2.79 |
2.39 |
3.84 |
14.1 |
1.01 |
4.36 |
3.84 |
ALH3200 |
Fantasma |
Infill |
94.80 |
96.50 |
1.70 |
1.40 |
3.75 |
10.4 |
0.75 |
4.13 |
3.75 |
ALH3203 |
Fantasma |
Infill |
67.98 |
70.75 |
2.77 |
2.50 |
13.18 |
86.5 |
1.96 |
14.71 |
13.18 |
ALH3232 |
Fantasma |
Infill |
68.50 |
70.50 |
2.00 |
1.82 |
11.18 |
17.6 |
2.94 |
12.49 |
11.18 |
ALH3239 |
Fantasma |
Infill |
119.14 |
121.78 |
2.64 |
2.08 |
9.33 |
15.3 |
1.20 |
9.94 |
9.33 |
ALH3244 |
Fantasma |
Infill |
93.02 |
95.21 |
2.19 |
1.85 |
4.70 |
31.5 |
1.47 |
5.56 |
4.70 |
ALH3256 |
Fantasma |
Infill |
79.93 |
81.72 |
1.79 |
1.58 |
5.13 |
11.7 |
1.18 |
5.70 |
5.13 |
ALH3260 |
Fantasma |
Infill |
133.05 |
134.70 |
1.65 |
1.34 |
8.58 |
16.7 |
1.47 |
9.31 |
8.58 |
ALH3127 |
Juan Pablo |
Exploration |
43.70 |
45.35 |
1.65 |
1.35 |
6.50 |
4.7 |
0.69 |
6.81 |
6.50 |
ALH3130 |
Juan Pablo |
Exploration |
58.50 |
59.47 |
0.97 |
0.90 |
5.81 |
4.9 |
0.26 |
5.96 |
4.41 |
ALH3060 |
Juan Pablo |
Infill |
77.10 |
78.10 |
1.00 |
0.82 |
9.28 |
8.0 |
2.46 |
10.32 |
6.50 |
ALH3210 |
Exploration |
59.30 |
61.00 |
1.70 |
1.59 |
6.85 |
14.0 |
2.06 |
7.78 |
6.85 |
ALH3352 |
Exploration |
115.05 |
119.21 |
4.16 |
3.11 |
13.99 |
4.3 |
0.42 |
14.20 |
13.99 |
ALH3380 |
Exploration |
95.95 |
99.60 |
3.65 |
3.50 |
15.55 |
7.5 |
3.00 |
16.79 |
15.55 |
ALH3330 |
Infill |
113.40 |
117.45 |
4.05 |
3.52 |
36.87 |
22.3 |
7.02 |
39.83 |
36.87 |
ALH3333 |
Infill |
116.35 |
122.60 |
6.25 |
4.35 |
9.53 |
11.0 |
2.53 |
10.63 |
9.53 |
Cerro Moro Exploration Update
At Cerro Moro, the exploration program continues
to generate good results in both the infill and exploration
programs, with positive intercepts in areas of the core mine and
from district exploration. Infill drilling included both conversion
of inferred resources and significant delineation drilling in the
first two quarters of the year, increasing the drill density in key
areas of the mine to improve confidence in mine planning and
confirming higher grade sectors. Drilling at producing sectors
along the main Escondida trend indicate that the vein systems
remain open for expansion. At Naty, this new discovery continues to
provide significant drilling intercepts, defining a shallow
mineable mineral envelope that remains open down plunge to the
northeast. District exploration continues to advance the evaluation
of the large Cerro Moro land package, generating new exploration
targets at regional-scale structures that bear similarities to
structures hosting the core mine deposits, with associated surface
geochemical anomalies. The mine has a $18 million exploration
budget in 2021 with 55,000 metres of drilling planned for the year
and 41,000 metres drilled to date.
In addition, positive column leach tests on
near-surface vein material and internal studies suggest the
opportunity for a low-cost heap leach operation. Exploration has
designed a $1.9 million program to delineate near-surface mineral
resource opportunities that is expected to begin in the fourth
quarter of 2021. Mineral resource delineation will proceed in
conjunction with further metallurgical testing, engineering, and
internal evaluations to advance this opportunity.
At the Cerro Moro mine, delineation and
exploratory drilling programs expanded several producing vein
systems hosted along the Escondida trend, most notably at the Zoe
and Martina targets. Step out drilling results indicate the
continuity of mineralization at these sectors, opening up
significant near mine potential to support mineral resource growth
potentially supporting a plant expansion. Internal studies
completed in the first half of 2021 indicate that doubling of the
plant throughput to 2,200 tonnes per day could be achieved with
modest capital investment and would significantly reduce processing
costs per tonne. The Company has now commenced a metallurgical test
work program and pre-feasibility study in anticipation of ongoing
exploration success. See Figure 4 for additional details.
At Zoe, infill, delineation, and exploratory
drilling generated strong results, confirming continuity along
strike and to depth of high-grade mineralization, extending the
mineralized zone by 300 metres laterally and 200 metres down dip
adjacent to current mine development. Notable results include the
following estimated true width intercepts: 34.71 g/t of gold and
3,264.5 g/t of silver over 3.47 metres (MD3173); 31.34 g/t of gold
and 4,004.4 g/t of silver over 2.94 metres (MD3354); and 59.76 g/t
of gold and 5,386.0 g/t of silver over 2.72 metres (MD3369).
Step out exploratory drilling down dip extended
the mineral envelope for an additional 200 metres where
mineralization remains open to depth. Drilling highlights include
the following estimated true width intercepts: 8.04 g/t of gold and
532.5 g/t of silver over 2.61 metres (MD3419); 6.91 g/t of gold and
30.7 g/t of silver over 3.25 metres (MD3318). To the west,
exploratory drilling intercepted the continuity of mineralization
along strike, suggesting the system also remains open in this
direction. Results include the following estimated true width
intercept: 8.15 g/t of gold, 161.3 g/t of silver over 1.43 metres
(MD3428). See Figure 5 and Table 2 for additional results.
At Martina, infill and delineation drilling
continues to define the continuity of the main horizontal ore shoot
along a 300 metre east-west corridor, with the following notable
estimated true width intercepts: 76.63 g/t of gold and 247.9 g/t of
silver over 2.41 metres (MD3228); 27.05 g/t of gold and 238.7 g/t
of silver over 2.40 metres (MD3226); and 84.80 g/t of gold with
69.2 g/t of silver over 2.31 metres (MD3240). Additionally,
exploratory drilling has extended the mineralization eastward from
the main zone and provided new potential areas for a step out
drilling program. Recent estimated true width intercepts include:
7.25 g/t of gold and 5.7 g/t of silver over 2.19 metres (MD3373);
4.60 g/t of gold and 59.0 g/t of silver, over 1.24 metres (MD3382).
See Figure 6 and Table 2 for additional results.
Naty is a recently discovered vein system
located 25 kilometres south of the Cerro Moro mine complex and
represented by shallow mineralization associated with black silica
hydrothermal alteration, a key marker in high-grade veins at Cerro
Moro. Exploratory and infill drilling during the last year has
defined a continuous mineralized envelope extending 900 metres
along a northeast-southwest direction, gently plunging northeast,
where it remains open. Recent drilling results include the
following estimated true width intercepts: 30.68 g/t of gold and
3,824.7 g/t of silver over 10.37 metres (MD3255); 25.91 g/t of gold
and 36.9 g/t of silver over 2.98 metres (MD3256); 56.97 g/t of gold
and 109.70 g/t of silver over 4.29 metres (MD3270); and 102.39 g/t
of gold and 1,051.0 g/t of silver over 2.89 metres (MD3271).
Exploratory drilling has defined a second new
shallow mineralized vein, possibly a secondary structure, with the
following estimated true width intercepts: 5.86 g/t of gold and
43.5 g/t of silver over 3.99 metres (MD2939); 5.37 g/t of gold and
146.1 g/t of silver over 3.98 metres (MD3128). See Figure 7 and
Table 2 for additional results.
Systematic exploration of the large Cerro Moro
property surrounding the mine area, which exceeds 300,000 hectares,
continued with combined soil and rock geochemistry programs, ground
geophysics, surface geological and alteration mapping and
reconnaissance drilling. Over the last year, this program has
advanced several target areas located south of Cerro Moro, where
several major structures and associated surface geochemical
anomalies were identified, most notably Naty NE, Cassius, Domos La
Union, La Henriette, and Casper. Reconnaissance drilling has
identified new mineralized zones for further testing and definition
drilling in multiple sectors. The most notable of these is Cassius,
which is located two kilometres south of Cerro Moro and hosted by a
major northwest-striking structure that parallels the productive
Escondida trend. Initial drilling at Cassius encountered a zone of
black silica mineralization, which returned an estimated true width
intercept of 57.67 g/t of gold and 186.5 g/t of silver over 0.79
metres at 444.16 metres hole depth (MD3453). This new discovery is
currently being followed up with additional drilling. See Figure 4
for location of Cassius target.
Positive exploration results along the Escondida
trend, an expanding mineral envelope at Naty, and the discovery of
a new structure parallel to Escondida are contributing to the goal
of mine life extension, with year-on-year depletion replacement.
Exploration is targeting several high priority areas with veins
that have the potential to contain greater than one kilometre of
strike length, representing opportunities to generate new
discoveries that may be important drivers of future growth.
Figure 4: Cerro Moro Core Mine Location
Map Showing Main Near Mine Target Areas and Principle Vein Systems
Along the Escondida-Zoe Trend, and Location of Cassius Target to
Figure 5: Cerro Moro, Zoe Longitudinal Section (Looking
North) Highlighting Recent Drilling
Figure 6: Cerro Moro, Martina Longitudinal Section
(Looking Northeast) Highlighting Recent Drilling
Figure 7: Cerro Moro, Naty Longitudinal Section (Looking
Northwest) Highlighting Recent Drilling
Table 2: Cerro Moro New Drill Intercept Highlights,
Martina, Zoe, Naty and Cassius Sectors, Selected for Intervals
Greater Than 3.5 g/t of Gold Over Diluted Width of 1.8 Metres. Gold
Equivalent Equals Au+Ag/83.9.
Hole |
Prospect |
Drill HoleType |
From(m) |
To (m) |
CoreWidth (m) |
Est.TrueWidth(m) |
Gold (g/t) |
Silver (g/t) |
GoldEq.(g/t) |
Gold (g/t) OverDiluted Widthof 1.8
m |
MD3453 |
Cassius |
Scout |
444.16 |
445.20 |
1.04 |
0.79 |
57.67 |
186.5 |
59.89 |
25.18 |
MD3373 |
Martina |
Exploration |
206.50 |
209.10 |
2.60 |
2.19 |
7.25 |
5.7 |
7.32 |
7.25 |
MD3150A |
Martina |
Infill |
228.00 |
230.75 |
2.75 |
2.13 |
6.23 |
26.0 |
6.54 |
6.23 |
MD3156 |
Martina |
Infill |
261.20 |
261.54 |
0.34 |
0.27 |
149.53 |
221.0 |
152.16 |
22.26 |
MD3211 |
Martina |
Infill |
249.00 |
249.90 |
0.90 |
0.73 |
26.15 |
62.6 |
26.90 |
10.61 |
MD3211 |
Martina |
Infill |
276.30 |
278.00 |
1.70 |
1.38 |
12.99 |
48.0 |
13.56 |
9.99 |
MD3217 |
Martina |
Infill |
293.00 |
294.40 |
1.40 |
1.17 |
19.94 |
336.8 |
23.95 |
12.95 |
MD3217 |
Martina |
Infill |
302.80 |
303.30 |
0.50 |
0.42 |
78.06 |
1861.0 |
100.22 |
18.22 |
MD3226 |
Martina |
Infill |
285.34 |
288.10 |
2.76 |
2.40 |
27.05 |
238.7 |
29.89 |
27.05 |
MD3228 |
Martina |
Infill |
264.20 |
267.20 |
3.00 |
2.41 |
76.63 |
247.9 |
79.58 |
76.63 |
MD3238 |
Martina |
Infill |
237.40 |
239.40 |
2.00 |
1.59 |
31.34 |
805.4 |
40.93 |
31.34 |
MD3240 |
Martina |
Infill |
255.10 |
258.00 |
2.90 |
2.31 |
84.80 |
69.2 |
85.63 |
84.80 |
MD3243 |
Martina |
Infill |
223.00 |
224.00 |
1.00 |
0.81 |
14.36 |
617.3 |
21.71 |
6.42 |
MD3247 |
Martina |
Infill |
240.35 |
243.15 |
2.80 |
2.29 |
11.13 |
54.9 |
11.78 |
11.13 |
MD3275 |
Martina |
Infill |
273.70 |
274.50 |
0.80 |
0.62 |
33.02 |
104.6 |
34.26 |
11.30 |
MD3471A |
Martina |
Infill |
313.40 |
313.80 |
0.40 |
0.33 |
32.76 |
28.1 |
33.09 |
5.99 |
MD2939 |
Naty |
Exploration |
5.00 |
8.00 |
3.00 |
2.99 |
4.80 |
21.4 |
5.05 |
4.80 |
MD2939 |
Naty |
Exploration |
38.00 |
42.00 |
4.00 |
3.99 |
5.86 |
43.5 |
6.38 |
5.86 |
MD3128 |
Naty |
Exploration |
67.00 |
71.00 |
4.00 |
3.98 |
5.37 |
146.1 |
7.11 |
5.37 |
MD3315 |
Naty |
Exploration |
49.50 |
51.50 |
2.00 |
1.99 |
24.00 |
26.8 |
24.32 |
24.00 |
MD3251 |
Naty |
Infill |
50.50 |
55.30 |
4.80 |
4.78 |
7.35 |
490.7 |
13.20 |
7.35 |
MD3254 |
Naty |
Infill |
38.30 |
46.50 |
8.20 |
8.17 |
6.13 |
157.4 |
8.00 |
6.13 |
MD3255 |
Naty |
Infill |
35.75 |
46.17 |
10.42 |
10.37 |
30.68 |
3824.7 |
76.22 |
30.68 |
MD3256 |
Naty |
Infill |
45.20 |
49.50 |
4.30 |
4.28 |
3.93 |
237.1 |
6.75 |
3.93 |
MD3256 |
Naty |
Infill |
50.20 |
52.80 |
2.60 |
2.59 |
5.61 |
143.0 |
7.31 |
5.61 |
MD3256 |
Naty |
Infill |
55.00 |
56.00 |
1.00 |
1.00 |
13.69 |
36.1 |
14.12 |
7.57 |
MD3256 |
Naty |
Infill |
57.30 |
62.00 |
4.70 |
4.68 |
9.37 |
142.2 |
11.06 |
9.37 |
MD3256 |
Naty |
Infill |
66.00 |
69.00 |
3.00 |
2.98 |
25.91 |
36.9 |
26.35 |
25.91 |
MD3270 |
Naty |
Infill |
1.00 |
5.30 |
4.30 |
4.29 |
56.27 |
109.7 |
57.58 |
56.27 |
MD3271 |
Naty |
Infill |
3.00 |
5.90 |
2.90 |
2.89 |
102.39 |
1051.0 |
114.90 |
102.39 |
MD3277 |
Naty |
Infill |
16.87 |
20.50 |
3.63 |
3.62 |
3.59 |
21.4 |
3.84 |
3.59 |
MD3277A |
Naty |
Infill |
51.00 |
54.64 |
3.64 |
3.63 |
7.07 |
248.6 |
10.03 |
7.07 |
MD3279 |
Naty |
Infill |
33.00 |
34.20 |
1.20 |
1.19 |
24.26 |
333.0 |
28.22 |
16.09 |
MD3279 |
Naty |
Infill |
37.60 |
40.00 |
2.40 |
2.39 |
15.81 |
388.0 |
20.43 |
15.81 |
MD3044 |
Naty |
Scout |
18.90 |
20.00 |
1.10 |
1.10 |
10.51 |
27.8 |
10.84 |
6.40 |
MD3252 |
Zoe |
Exploration |
423.65 |
427.10 |
3.45 |
2.44 |
4.53 |
480.1 |
10.25 |
4.53 |
MD3318 |
Zoe |
Exploration |
399.00 |
403.50 |
4.50 |
3.25 |
6.91 |
30.7 |
7.27 |
6.91 |
MD3419 |
Zoe |
Exploration |
380.75 |
384.11 |
3.36 |
2.61 |
8.04 |
532.5 |
14.38 |
8.04 |
MD3428 |
Zoe |
Exploration |
329.50 |
332.00 |
2.50 |
1.43 |
8.15 |
161.3 |
10.07 |
8.15 |
MD3120 |
Zoe |
Infill |
282.00 |
287.30 |
5.30 |
4.30 |
3.89 |
162.2 |
5.82 |
3.89 |
MD3123 |
Zoe |
Infill |
308.00 |
317.48 |
9.48 |
8.10 |
3.89 |
300.0 |
7.46 |
3.89 |
MD3126 |
Zoe |
Infill |
236.00 |
239.00 |
3.00 |
2.17 |
5.30 |
244.0 |
8.21 |
5.30 |
MD3126 |
Zoe |
Infill |
239.80 |
244.00 |
4.20 |
3.04 |
9.99 |
50.4 |
10.60 |
9.99 |
MD3142 |
Zoe |
Infill |
295.00 |
302.50 |
7.50 |
5.78 |
16.73 |
654.3 |
24.52 |
16.73 |
MD3162 |
Zoe |
Infill |
160.00 |
168.00 |
8.00 |
5.82 |
6.58 |
1016.4 |
18.68 |
6.58 |
MD3165 |
Zoe |
Infill |
172.00 |
175.80 |
3.80 |
2.73 |
19.41 |
1237.9 |
34.15 |
19.41 |
MD3167 |
Zoe |
Infill |
150.50 |
154.40 |
3.90 |
2.65 |
49.53 |
2668.5 |
81.30 |
49.53 |
MD3170 |
Zoe |
Infill |
127.70 |
131.00 |
3.30 |
2.43 |
8.51 |
893.3 |
19.14 |
8.51 |
MD3173 |
Zoe |
Infill |
128.00 |
132.75 |
4.75 |
3.47 |
34.71 |
3624.5 |
77.86 |
34.71 |
MD3344 |
Zoe |
Infill |
156.40 |
162.00 |
5.60 |
3.76 |
4.57 |
637.5 |
12.16 |
4.57 |
MD3351 |
Zoe |
Infill |
173.20 |
177.25 |
4.05 |
2.94 |
3.72 |
570.9 |
10.51 |
3.72 |
MD3353 |
Zoe |
Infill |
163.70 |
165.50 |
1.80 |
1.10 |
23.04 |
1488.7 |
40.77 |
23.04 |
MD3354 |
Zoe |
Infill |
173.20 |
177.60 |
4.40 |
2.94 |
31.34 |
4004.4 |
79.01 |
31.34 |
MD3357A |
Zoe |
Infill |
160.60 |
163.42 |
2.82 |
2.02 |
5.15 |
438.0 |
10.36 |
5.15 |
MD3359A |
Zoe |
Infill |
174.85 |
178.00 |
3.15 |
1.95 |
43.98 |
3437.4 |
84.90 |
43.98 |
MD3361 |
Zoe |
Infill |
169.70 |
184.47 |
14.77 |
8.13 |
21.39 |
2146.9 |
46.95 |
21.39 |
MD3364 |
Zoe |
Infill |
195.00 |
198.00 |
3.00 |
2.14 |
46.62 |
2582.8 |
77.37 |
46.62 |
MD3367 |
Zoe |
Infill |
221.05 |
224.50 |
3.45 |
2.49 |
16.19 |
1201.2 |
30.49 |
16.19 |
MD3369 |
Zoe |
Infill |
195.50 |
199.14 |
3.64 |
2.72 |
59.76 |
5386.1 |
123.88 |
59.76 |
El Peñón Exploration Update
At El Peñón, core mine exploration continues to
define mineralization at depth on the Paloma and Pampa Campamento
veins, providing excellent potential for mineral resource expansion
and supporting the plan for production increases. In addition, a
recently initiated exploratory drilling program has confirmed the
presence of the favorable rhyolite mineral host lithology preserved
at depth along the southern extension of a major mineralized
structure, suggesting the continuity of the Peñón system south of
the core mine area. The mine has an exploration budget of $18
million with 128,000 metres of drilling planned in 2021 and 88,000
metres completed to date.
Infill drilling at Paloma continues to expand
the mineral envelope down dip, with significant drilling
intercepts. Drilling highlights include the following estimated
true width intercepts: 20.96 g/t of gold and 72.6 g/t of silver
over 1.59 metres (SIU0014) 49.50 g/t of gold and 72.5 g/t of silver
over 1.70 metres (SIU0028). Exploration drilling continues to
extend mineralization to depth, highlighted by the following
estimated true width intersept: 25.71 g/t of gold and 97.8 g/t of
silver over 1.24 metres (UEU0028). See Tables 3A and 3B for
additional drill results.
At Pampa Campamento, infill drilling has
confirmed the current mineral resource over 300 metres in the down
dip direction in the central part of the sector where
mineralization remains open at depth. Drilling highlights include
the following estimated true width intercepts: 33.54 g/t of gold
and 68.7 g/t of silver over 0.69 metres (UIP0046); 9.89 g/t of gold
and 752.6 g/t of silver over 1.68 metres (UIP0053). In the north
sector of this vein, exploratory drilling defined a subvertical
mineralized zone 100 metres wide and extending 300 metres down dip.
Results include the following estimated true width intercepts: 9.90
g/t of gold and 44.8 g/t of silver over 1.02 metres (SEP0010); 9.98
g/t of gold and 15.2 g/t of silver over 0.72 metres (SEP0006).
Please see Figure 8 and Tables 3A and 3B for additional drill
The Company recently initiated a brownfield
program dedicated to the systematic exploration of large unexplored
volumes of the favorable rhyolite host stratigraphy directly along
strike of the major producing veins. These areas remain unexplored
due to the presence of unmineralized cover rocks that are capable
of concealing a large vein system (i.e. greater than two kilometres
cumulative extent). As part of this program, the Company recently
launched an aggressive exploratory drilling program focusing along
the projected strike extension of the major vein systems at
Quebrada Orito, Quebrada Colorada, and Bonanza.
At Quebrada Orito, one of the largest veins on
the El Peñón property, an initial vertical exploratory drill hole,
collared one kilometre along the southern projection of the Orito
structure, confirmed the presence of the favourable host rhyolite
unit at depth, and intersected a zone of strongly hydrothermally
altered, mineralized tuff directly overlying the rhyolite hosting
quartz veining. The vein interval assayed 1.26 g/t of gold and 48.6
g/t of silver over a core length of 4.00 metres, including a
sub-interval which graded 8.10 g/t of gold and 135.2 g/t of silver
over a core length of 0.50 metres (SDX-0609). These results confirm
the continuation of the favourable rhyolite stratigraphy up to at
least one kilometre south along the projection of the Quebrada
Orito vein at depth. Furthermore, the presence of mineralization in
this section of the property is encouraging and lends support to
the underlying exploration premise. See Figure 9 for further
The potential at the El Peñón core mine is
further underpinned by the project’s excellent track record of
mineral resource discovery, continuous depletion replacement, and
22 years of continuous production. With the existence of excess
plant capacity at El Peñón coupled with recent exploration results
and new targets along trend of this major vein system, the Company
expects to utilize that plant capacity and increase production.
Furthermore, the Company believes there is excellent potential for
long-term growth at El Peñón beyond the mine life suggested by the
mine’s current mineral reserve inventory.
Figure 8: El Peñón, Pampa Campamento Longitudinal
Section (Looking East) Highlighting Recent Drilling
Figure 9: El Peñón District Plan Map, North-South
Mine-Scale Long Section and Local Cross Section as Context to
Recent Exploration Drill Hole SDX0609, Initial Test of Deep
Rhyolite Host – Quebrada Orito South Vein Projection Drill
Table 3A: El Peñón New Infill Drill Intercepts, Select
for Intervals Greater Than 3.5 g/t of Gold Over Diluted Width of
1.2 Metres. Gold Equivalent Equals Au(g/t)+Ag(g/t)/86.
Hole |
Vein |
From(m) |
To(m) |
CoreWidth(m) |
Est. TrueWidth (m) |
Gold(g/t) |
Silver(g/t) |
Gold Eq.(g/t) |
Gold (g/t)OverDilutedWidth of1.2 m |
UIA0201 |
Aleste Main |
189.21 |
189.64 |
0.43 |
0.25 |
33.10 |
17.2 |
33.30 |
6.90 |
SIQ0001 |
Colorada Sur |
328.00 |
329.50 |
1.50 |
1.07 |
39.86 |
52.4 |
40.47 |
35.87 |
SIQ0002 |
Colorada Sur |
307.00 |
307.50 |
0.50 |
0.36 |
12.90 |
634.0 |
20.27 |
3.87 |
SIQ0003 |
Colorada Sur |
316.72 |
317.74 |
1.02 |
0.86 |
19.80 |
414.5 |
24.62 |
14.69 |
SIQ0008 |
Colorada Sur |
307.48 |
309.00 |
1.52 |
1.16 |
5.53 |
103.9 |
6.73 |
5.48 |
SIQ0015 |
Colorada Sur |
304.45 |
306.70 |
2.25 |
1.79 |
9.91 |
391.4 |
14.46 |
9.91 |
SIQ0018 |
Colorada Sur |
447.00 |
448.00 |
1.00 |
0.31 |
29.85 |
1188.5 |
43.67 |
8.01 |
SIQ0022 |
Colorada Sur |
364.50 |
365.50 |
1.00 |
0.42 |
12.05 |
772.5 |
21.03 |
4.32 |
UIQ0004 |
Colorada Sur |
94.94 |
97.50 |
2.56 |
2.29 |
6.64 |
259.3 |
9.65 |
6.64 |
UIQ0005 |
Colorada Sur |
124.60 |
125.90 |
1.30 |
0.89 |
11.00 |
388.9 |
15.52 |
8.21 |
UIQ0009 |
Colorada Sur |
142.00 |
144.00 |
2.00 |
1.24 |
5.16 |
273.9 |
8.34 |
5.16 |
SIQ0006 |
Colorada Sur (+15) |
376.55 |
377.85 |
1.30 |
0.85 |
6.15 |
212.4 |
8.62 |
4.43 |
UID0325 |
Dorada Footwall Oeste |
157.60 |
158.00 |
0.40 |
0.20 |
29.30 |
2625.0 |
59.82 |
5.13 |
UID0327 |
Dorada Footwall Oeste |
45.37 |
46.34 |
0.97 |
0.82 |
5.60 |
522.0 |
11.67 |
3.83 |
UID0327 |
Dorada Footwall Oeste |
119.48 |
119.95 |
0.47 |
0.41 |
13.20 |
371.6 |
17.52 |
4.62 |
UID0320 |
Dorada Footwall Oeste Oeste (+10) |
182.38 |
183.00 |
0.62 |
0.41 |
11.40 |
443.0 |
16.55 |
4.09 |
UID0316 |
Dorada Footwall Oeste |
139.40 |
140.98 |
1.58 |
1.27 |
8.70 |
681.0 |
16.62 |
8.70 |
UID0331 |
Dorada Footwall Oeste |
127.56 |
128.79 |
1.23 |
1.02 |
7.60 |
831.1 |
17.27 |
6.52 |
UID0332 |
Dorada Footwall Oeste |
165.35 |
165.90 |
0.55 |
0.32 |
23.50 |
1836.0 |
44.85 |
6.21 |
UID0340 |
Dorada Footwall Oeste |
172.13 |
172.96 |
0.83 |
0.48 |
39.70 |
783.0 |
48.80 |
16.05 |
UID0343 |
Dorada Footwall Oeste |
178.65 |
179.26 |
0.61 |
0.38 |
38.00 |
1605.0 |
56.66 |
12.19 |
UID0344 |
Dorada Footwall Oeste |
144.25 |
144.90 |
0.65 |
0.40 |
12.50 |
1217.0 |
26.65 |
4.38 |
UID0345 |
Dorada Footwall Oeste |
110.00 |
111.70 |
1.70 |
1.52 |
9.80 |
867.6 |
19.89 |
9.80 |
UIV0041 |
El Valle |
271.00 |
275.00 |
4.00 |
3.29 |
4.90 |
105.0 |
6.12 |
4.90 |
UIV0042 |
El Valle |
285.35 |
286.23 |
0.88 |
0.74 |
9.80 |
417.0 |
14.65 |
6.29 |
UIV0045 |
El Valle |
342.00 |
343.60 |
1.60 |
1.23 |
3.55 |
112.5 |
4.86 |
3.55 |
SIL0007 |
Laguna |
61.50 |
63.00 |
1.50 |
1.20 |
8.81 |
45.5 |
9.34 |
8.81 |
UID0312 |
Martillo Central Sur |
206.87 |
207.70 |
0.83 |
0.80 |
15.80 |
717.0 |
24.14 |
10.57 |
UIM0052 |
Martillo Flat |
216.50 |
219.00 |
2.50 |
1.84 |
5.52 |
550.2 |
11.92 |
5.52 |
SIU0007 |
Paloma |
349.20 |
350.40 |
1.20 |
0.72 |
43.00 |
372.6 |
47.33 |
26.52 |
SIU0008 |
Paloma |
319.45 |
320.28 |
0.83 |
0.55 |
28.00 |
31.9 |
28.37 |
12.95 |
SIU0008 |
Paloma |
329.00 |
329.73 |
0.73 |
0.45 |
19.90 |
864.0 |
29.95 |
7.46 |
SIU0010 |
Paloma |
403.00 |
409.00 |
6.00 |
3.77 |
18.21 |
39.2 |
18.67 |
18.21 |
SIU0012 |
Paloma |
428.10 |
428.75 |
0.65 |
0.44 |
11.30 |
59.7 |
11.99 |
4.33 |
SIU0013 |
Paloma |
495.05 |
496.77 |
1.72 |
1.00 |
40.96 |
118.5 |
42.33 |
34.13 |
SIU0014 |
Paloma |
501.73 |
504.23 |
2.50 |
1.59 |
20.96 |
72.6 |
21.80 |
20.96 |
SIU0015 |
Paloma |
331.25 |
332.30 |
1.05 |
0.71 |
11.01 |
763.7 |
19.89 |
6.52 |
SIU0016 |
Paloma |
533.50 |
537.00 |
3.50 |
1.85 |
43.00 |
21.5 |
43.25 |
43.00 |
SIU0017 |
Paloma |
500.90 |
502.50 |
1.60 |
0.97 |
11.96 |
85.0 |
12.95 |
9.67 |
SIU0017 |
Paloma |
503.80 |
505.13 |
1.33 |
0.76 |
18.45 |
49.3 |
19.02 |
11.62 |
SIU0023 |
Paloma |
549.80 |
552.22 |
2.42 |
1.48 |
4.65 |
42.7 |
5.15 |
4.65 |
SIU0028 |
Paloma |
538.89 |
541.58 |
0.40 |
1.70 |
49.50 |
72.5 |
50.34 |
49.50 |
UIP0010 |
Pampa Campamento |
241.16 |
244.70 |
3.54 |
1.11 |
11.02 |
43.3 |
11.52 |
10.74 |
UIP0012 |
Pampa Campamento |
214.12 |
216.00 |
1.88 |
0.81 |
22.32 |
598.8 |
29.28 |
15.40 |
UIP0013 |
Pampa Campamento |
262.50 |
264.88 |
2.38 |
1.15 |
6.28 |
217.6 |
8.81 |
6.12 |
UIP0013 |
Pampa Campamento |
268.35 |
270.45 |
2.10 |
0.59 |
8.34 |
441.5 |
13.47 |
4.28 |
UIP0014 |
Pampa Campamento |
235.23 |
237.97 |
2.74 |
1.42 |
4.28 |
80.7 |
5.22 |
4.28 |
UIP0015 |
Pampa Campamento |
342.00 |
345.59 |
3.59 |
1.10 |
10.47 |
212.6 |
12.94 |
10.12 |
UIP0017 |
Pampa Campamento |
223.09 |
227.55 |
4.46 |
1.63 |
14.89 |
482.1 |
20.50 |
14.89 |
UIP0020 |
Pampa Campamento |
264.80 |
269.38 |
4.58 |
1.35 |
6.07 |
232.0 |
8.77 |
6.07 |
UIP0024 |
Pampa Campamento |
340.00 |
342.10 |
2.10 |
0.94 |
14.71 |
213.9 |
17.20 |
12.26 |
UIP0027 |
Pampa Campamento |
357.70 |
366.70 |
9.00 |
2.68 |
4.70 |
131.2 |
6.23 |
4.70 |
UIP0032 |
Pampa Campamento |
253.30 |
255.00 |
1.70 |
0.79 |
5.94 |
284.4 |
9.24 |
4.02 |
UIP0033 |
Pampa Campamento |
327.00 |
332.00 |
5.00 |
2.11 |
10.22 |
218.2 |
12.75 |
10.22 |
UIP0036 |
Pampa Campamento |
229.35 |
231.15 |
1.80 |
1.10 |
12.99 |
27.0 |
13.30 |
12.12 |
UIP0044 |
Pampa Campamento |
167.30 |
168.65 |
1.35 |
0.58 |
56.63 |
1911.9 |
78.86 |
29.26 |
UIP0046 |
Pampa Campamento |
248.37 |
249.50 |
1.13 |
0.69 |
33.54 |
68.7 |
34.34 |
20.13 |
UIP0050 |
Pampa Campamento |
461.40 |
463.90 |
2.50 |
0.69 |
14.86 |
284.3 |
18.17 |
8.79 |
UIP0051 |
Pampa Campamento |
189.68 |
191.35 |
1.67 |
0.72 |
12.00 |
194.1 |
14.26 |
7.50 |
UIP0053 |
Pampa Campamento |
233.90 |
238.47 |
4.57 |
1.68 |
9.89 |
752.6 |
18.64 |
9.89 |
SIS0001 |
Sorpresa |
377.15 |
379.30 |
2.15 |
1.22 |
8.04 |
266.6 |
11.14 |
8.04 |
SIS0004 |
Sorpresa |
389.30 |
389.90 |
0.60 |
0.44 |
21.61 |
1430.3 |
38.24 |
6.38 |
UIS0013 |
Sorpresa (+30) |
255.35 |
256.02 |
0.67 |
0.48 |
15.90 |
285.0 |
19.21 |
6.59 |
Table 3B: El Peñón New Exploration Drill Intercepts,
Select for Intervals Greater Than 3.5 g/t of Gold Over Diluted
Width of 1.2 Metres. Gold Equivalent Equals
Hole |
Vein |
From (m) |
To(m) |
CoreWidth (m) |
Est. TrueWidth (m) |
Gold(g/t) |
Silver(g/t) |
GoldEquivalent(g/t) |
Gold (g/t)OverDilutedWidth of1.2 m |
UEU0016 |
Abundancia |
221.30 |
223.86 |
2.56 |
1.28 |
8.23 |
64.7 |
8.98 |
8.23 |
UEO0030 |
Angelina |
116.00 |
188.45 |
72.45 |
0.88 |
5.11 |
27.1 |
5.42 |
3.96 |
SEX0011 |
Bermuda |
224.50 |
226.50 |
2.00 |
1.28 |
9.40 |
55.5 |
10.05 |
9.40 |
SEX0016 |
Bermuda |
324.50 |
325.50 |
1.00 |
0.75 |
5.36 |
9.8 |
5.47 |
4.11 |
SEM0007 |
Carmela |
368.00 |
369.00 |
1.00 |
0.67 |
9.09 |
6.9 |
9.17 |
5.25 |
SEQ0003 |
Colorada Sur |
306.00 |
307.00 |
1.00 |
0.77 |
32.60 |
513.0 |
38.57 |
21.46 |
SEQ0005 |
Colorada Sur |
348.00 |
350.00 |
2.00 |
1.32 |
20.45 |
93.5 |
21.54 |
20.45 |
SEQ0007 |
Colorada Sur |
300.00 |
302.00 |
2.00 |
1.56 |
8.95 |
307.0 |
12.52 |
8.95 |
SEQ0010 |
Colorada Sur |
281.00 |
282.00 |
1.00 |
0.58 |
7.10 |
156.5 |
8.92 |
3.57 |
SEQ0020 |
Colorada Sur |
349.00 |
351.00 |
2.00 |
0.74 |
7.63 |
0.7 |
7.64 |
5.09 |
SNX0983 |
Colorada Sur |
421.00 |
428.00 |
7.00 |
2.72 |
15.30 |
7.6 |
15.39 |
15.30 |
SNX0983 |
Colorada Sur |
457.50 |
464.50 |
7.00 |
2.92 |
7.14 |
3.8 |
7.19 |
7.14 |
UEQ0008 |
Colorada Sur |
85.00 |
86.70 |
1.70 |
0.87 |
6.09 |
392.6 |
10.65 |
4.82 |
UEQ0008 |
Colorada Sur |
114.00 |
115.00 |
1.00 |
0.89 |
11.00 |
466.0 |
16.42 |
9.08 |
SEQ0004 |
Colorada Sur (-10) |
326.50 |
328.00 |
1.50 |
0.81 |
6.11 |
309.3 |
9.71 |
4.24 |
SED0003 |
Dorada Este |
471.00 |
474.00 |
3.00 |
1.37 |
5.40 |
75.0 |
6.28 |
5.40 |
UED0060 |
Dorada Este |
105.25 |
108.05 |
2.80 |
1.00 |
11.77 |
75.0 |
12.64 |
10.83 |
UED0051 |
Dorada FW W |
116.20 |
117.75 |
1.55 |
1.32 |
8.82 |
681.0 |
16.74 |
8.82 |
UED0052 |
Dorada FW W |
121.44 |
122.70 |
1.26 |
1.18 |
10.51 |
1623.6 |
29.39 |
10.51 |
UEV0014 |
El Valle |
295.42 |
296.10 |
0.68 |
0.98 |
8.73 |
9.0 |
8.83 |
8.51 |
UEV0016 |
El Valle |
319.90 |
321.55 |
1.65 |
1.22 |
7.33 |
211.2 |
9.79 |
7.33 |
UEV0017 |
El Valle |
350.50 |
352.10 |
1.60 |
1.24 |
4.00 |
91.4 |
5.06 |
4.00 |
SEE0030 |
Esmeralda |
158.00 |
160.00 |
2.00 |
1.49 |
5.30 |
304.0 |
8.83 |
5.30 |
SEE0027 |
Esmeralda Sur |
256.00 |
257.00 |
1.00 |
0.47 |
9.40 |
13.5 |
9.56 |
3.84 |
SEM0002 |
Martillo Flat (+150) |
230.00 |
231.00 |
1.00 |
0.84 |
5.30 |
749.0 |
14.01 |
3.76 |
SEU0001 |
Paloma |
573.00 |
577.50 |
4.50 |
1.30 |
43.90 |
34.3 |
44.30 |
43.90 |
SEU0004 |
Paloma |
465.00 |
466.00 |
1.00 |
0.67 |
9.10 |
78.4 |
10.01 |
5.23 |
SEU0006 |
Paloma |
534.00 |
535.50 |
1.50 |
1.07 |
43.00 |
43.3 |
43.50 |
39.06 |
SEU0008 |
Paloma |
551.00 |
554.00 |
3.00 |
2.03 |
8.37 |
3.5 |
8.41 |
8.37 |
SEU0011 |
Paloma |
606.50 |
607.50 |
1.00 |
0.54 |
12.80 |
61.7 |
13.52 |
5.98 |
SEU0016 |
Paloma |
596.86 |
598.94 |
2.08 |
1.39 |
4.29 |
130.7 |
5.81 |
4.29 |
SNX0977 |
Paloma |
522.00 |
526.50 |
4.50 |
2.65 |
12.49 |
25.7 |
12.79 |
12.49 |
UEU0028 |
Paloma |
360.63 |
363.88 |
3.25 |
1.24 |
25.71 |
97.8 |
26.85 |
25.71 |
SEP0003 |
Pampa Campamento |
427.50 |
428.50 |
1.00 |
0.55 |
26.59 |
455.9 |
31.89 |
12.32 |
SEP0006 |
Pampa Campamento |
494.00 |
496.00 |
2.00 |
0.72 |
9.98 |
15.2 |
10.16 |
6.15 |
SEP0008 |
Pampa Campamento |
584.50 |
585.50 |
1.00 |
0.20 |
43.75 |
46.9 |
44.29 |
7.29 |
SEP0009 |
Pampa Campamento |
432.00 |
433.00 |
1.00 |
0.55 |
10.70 |
139.4 |
12.32 |
4.99 |
SEP0010 |
Pampa Campamento |
475.50 |
477.50 |
2.00 |
1.02 |
9.90 |
44.8 |
10.42 |
8.66 |
SEP0014 |
Pampa Campamento |
504.00 |
506.50 |
2.50 |
1.03 |
4.35 |
29.8 |
4.70 |
3.77 |
UEP0017 |
Pampa Campamento |
109.60 |
113.60 |
4.00 |
2.60 |
4.62 |
16.0 |
4.80 |
4.62 |
UEP0021 |
Pampa Campamento |
205.64 |
207.18 |
1.54 |
0.42 |
56.00 |
616.3 |
63.17 |
20.53 |
UEP0026 |
Pampa Campamento |
283.84 |
285.30 |
1.46 |
1.30 |
10.77 |
410.7 |
15.54 |
10.77 |
UES0013 |
Pampa Campamento |
357.00 |
358.10 |
1.10 |
1.08 |
5.94 |
124.2 |
7.38 |
5.40 |
SEX0019 |
Pampa Providencia Este (-15) |
277.00 |
278.00 |
1.00 |
0.68 |
10.10 |
213.8 |
12.59 |
5.77 |
SES0001 |
Sorpresa |
371.00 |
372.00 |
1.00 |
0.62 |
7.58 |
38.1 |
8.02 |
4.09 |
SES0002 |
Sorpresa |
388.00 |
390.50 |
2.50 |
1.60 |
8.17 |
421.8 |
13.08 |
8.17 |
SES0002 |
Sorpresa |
403.00 |
405.00 |
2.00 |
0.98 |
24.04 |
1468.6 |
41.11 |
20.03 |
SES0002 |
Sorpresa |
431.00 |
432.00 |
1.00 |
0.72 |
8.25 |
18.7 |
8.47 |
5.09 |
SES0003 |
Sorpresa |
404.00 |
406.00 |
2.00 |
1.28 |
4.72 |
221.0 |
7.28 |
4.72 |
SES0016 |
Sorpresa |
370.00 |
373.00 |
3.00 |
1.58 |
33.60 |
774.0 |
42.60 |
33.60 |
UES0010 |
Sorpresa |
202.35 |
202.79 |
0.44 |
0.33 |
12.90 |
845.0 |
22.73 |
3.87 |
UES0004 |
Sorpresa (-70m) |
143.00 |
144.00 |
1.00 |
0.45 |
40.00 |
1709.1 |
59.87 |
15.67 |
SES0010 |
Sorpresa (+50) |
302.00 |
304.00 |
2.00 |
0.78 |
8.90 |
300.0 |
12.39 |
5.93 |
SET0005 |
Ventura |
599.00 |
601.00 |
2.00 |
0.86 |
5.00 |
57.3 |
5.66 |
3.62 |
UEV0018 |
Vista Norte |
269.00 |
269.45 |
0.45 |
0.38 |
63.20 |
344.0 |
67.20 |
21.07 |
Canadian Malartic Exploration Update
Exploration at Canadian Malartic continues to
focus on definition of the Odyssey Underground Project
predominantly through definition drilling of the East Gouldie
deposit. Infill, expansion and exploration drilling of the East
Gouldie structure have all returned excellent results to date
highlighting the exceptional continuity and size of the zone. The
district exploration program has discovered a deep eastern
extension of the East Gouldie structure as well as a new zone
located 400 metres south of East Gouldie and intercepted further
promising mineralization below the known East Amphi deposit. These
results support the continued growth of Canadian Malartic as it
transitions from an open pit mine to a large underground operation
with a decades long mine life.
The East Gouldie zone was discovered in late
2018 and the first mineral resource was published in December 2019.
Exploration in 2021 at Canadian Malartic has prioritized definition
drilling at East Gouldie, reducing drill spacing in the mineral
resource area to 75 metre spacing. To date in 2021, 65,967 metres
have been completed at East Gouldie, providing 87 new pierce points
within the East Gouldie mineral inventory. Results continue to
confirm that the grade, width, and overall shape of the orebody are
consistent with previously reported intercepts used for mineral
resource estimation.
Drilling highlights in the East Gouldie infill
area include the following estimated true width intercepts: 6.2 g/t
of gold over 61.7 metres including 10.9 g/t gold over 21.0 metres
at 1,102 metres depth (MEX19-154WC); 6.8 g/t gold of gold over
41.4 metres at 1,069 metres depth, including 10.4 g/t gold over
20.6 metres (MEX21-208); 7.9 g/t of gold over 25.5 metres at
1,496 metres depth (MEX21-203R). These results continue to define
high grade zones within the broader mineralized envelope. Step out
drilling beyond the mineral resource envelope reported at year-end
2020 has extended the mineralized envelope to the east with two
drill holes cutting significant mineralization. Extension drilling
highlights include the following estimated true width intercepts:
11.6 g/t of gold over 4.9 metres at 1,487 metres depth (MEX
20-180W); 2.0 g/t gold over 20.5 metres at 1,588 metres depth
(MEX21-202) as the best interval in a wide zone of mineralization
with five discrete reported intercepts. See Table 4 for
additional results.
Definition drilling also continued in the
Odyssey deposit with 3,000 metres drilled from surface and 1,439
metres drilled from underground.
Table 4: Canadian Malartic, East Gouldie New Drill
Intercepts, Select for Intervals Greater Than 25 gram metre metal
Drillhole |
Inclusion |
Zone |
DrillHoleType |
From(m) |
To(m) |
CoreWidth(m) |
Est.TrueWidth(m) |
Gold Grade(g/t) -Uncapped |
Gold Grade(g/t)- 20 g/t
cap |
Depth ofMidpointBelowSurface(m)* |
MEX19-154WC |
Infill |
1538.30 |
1561.60 |
23.30 |
21.04 |
11.68 |
10.87 |
-1102.48 |
South of HG_WZ |
Infill |
1565.20 |
1572.00 |
6.80 |
6.09 |
6.18 |
6.18 |
-1109.88 |
South of HG_WZ |
Infill |
1574.50 |
1596.00 |
21.50 |
19.11 |
5.92 |
5.56 |
-1116.30 |
MEX20-164WD |
Infill |
1862.00 |
1872.10 |
10.10 |
8.52 |
4.93 |
4.93 |
-1687.70 |
MEX20-166W |
South of HG_SZ |
Infill |
1691.00 |
1704.00 |
13.00 |
12.15 |
2.61 |
2.61 |
-1343.98 |
MEX20-166WA |
Infill |
1677.00 |
1696.50 |
19.50 |
18.64 |
2.52 |
2.52 |
-1389.58 |
MEX20-171WD |
North of HG_WZ |
Infill |
1774.00 |
1817.00 |
43.00 |
35.65 |
4.18 |
4.18 |
-1607.74 |
Incl. |
Infill |
1779.30 |
1800.90 |
21.60 |
17.91 |
6.32 |
6.32 |
-1603.83 |
Infill |
1826.65 |
1860.00 |
33.35 |
27.27 |
1.92 |
1.92 |
-1641.66 |
MEX20-172AWB |
Infill |
1888.00 |
1927.80 |
39.80 |
33.06 |
5.35 |
5.00 |
-1637.43 |
Incl. |
Infill |
1888.00 |
1899.00 |
11.00 |
9.14 |
14.19 |
12.93 |
-1628.94 |
MEX20-180W |
North of HG_SZ |
Ext. |
1622.00 |
1627.30 |
5.30 |
4.93 |
16.66 |
11.55 |
-1487.29 |
MEX20-182WA |
Infill |
1608.00 |
1629.00 |
21.00 |
18.54 |
5.71 |
5.55 |
-1329.29 |
Incl. |
Infill |
1611.45 |
1617.65 |
6.20 |
5.47 |
14.24 |
13.68 |
-1326.53 |
North of HG_SZ |
Infill |
1627.60 |
1635.00 |
7.40 |
6.82 |
5.27 |
4.88 |
-1491.80 |
Infill |
1658.10 |
1674.70 |
16.60 |
15.29 |
2.46 |
2.46 |
-1518.54 |
MEX20-186W |
Infill |
1462.80 |
1472.55 |
9.75 |
9.22 |
9.24 |
8.94 |
-1127.43 |
Incl. |
Infill |
1467.35 |
1471.80 |
4.45 |
4.21 |
13.77 |
13.12 |
-1128.53 |
MEX20-191WB |
North of HG_SZ |
Infill |
1556.85 |
1563.00 |
6.15 |
5.60 |
6.47 |
6.47 |
-1405.01 |
MEX20-192WB |
North of HG_WZ |
Infill |
1750.00 |
1773.00 |
23.00 |
19.31 |
2.28 |
2.28 |
-1593.22 |
MEX20-193WC |
Infill |
1733.00 |
1773.00 |
40.00 |
33.24 |
3.66 |
3.38 |
-1556.26 |
Incl. |
Infill |
1733.00 |
1744.00 |
11.00 |
9.14 |
4.36 |
3.35 |
-1543.80 |
Incl. |
Infill |
1756.00 |
1761.00 |
5.00 |
4.16 |
8.45 |
8.45 |
-1560.98 |
South of HG_SZ |
Infill |
1782.00 |
1796.00 |
14.00 |
11.64 |
2.72 |
2.72 |
-1587.12 |
MEX20-193WD |
Infill |
1754.80 |
1770.30 |
15.50 |
12.35 |
8.81 |
8.54 |
-1538.60 |
MEX20-195EXT |
Infill |
1574.00 |
1606.00 |
32.00 |
26.82 |
6.06 |
5.84 |
-1236.61 |
Incl. |
Infill |
1583.00 |
1588.00 |
5.00 |
4.19 |
12.02 |
11.43 |
-1234.37 |
Incl. |
Infill |
1601.20 |
1604.90 |
3.70 |
3.10 |
8.98 |
8.98 |
-1243.05 |
Infill |
1673.00 |
1695.00 |
22.00 |
17.46 |
2.17 |
2.17 |
-1281.39 |
MEX20-195EXTW |
Infill |
1536.30 |
1546.50 |
10.20 |
9.86 |
3.32 |
3.32 |
-1174.03 |
South of HG_SZ |
Infill |
1638.40 |
1650.85 |
12.45 |
11.85 |
6.20 |
6.20 |
-1232.25 |
Incl. |
Infill |
1642.20 |
1646.80 |
4.60 |
4.38 |
9.97 |
9.97 |
-1232.18 |
MEX21-196ZB |
Infill |
1347.00 |
1352.05 |
5.05 |
4.74 |
11.18 |
10.98 |
-1165.86 |
MEX21-196ZC |
Infill |
1300.40 |
1315.00 |
14.60 |
12.00 |
5.47 |
4.25 |
-1132.96 |
Infill |
1369.00 |
1382.70 |
13.70 |
11.02 |
3.12 |
3.12 |
-1185.69 |
MEX21-197Z** |
North of HG_SZ |
Infill |
1879.55 |
1898.00 |
18.45 |
16.24 |
2.10 |
2.10 |
-1675.42 |
MEX21-198 |
Infill |
1775.60 |
1805.00 |
29.40 |
24.99 |
5.23 |
5.23 |
-1628.00 |
Incl. |
Infill |
1795.00 |
1804.00 |
9.00 |
7.65 |
10.08 |
10.08 |
-1635.91 |
MEX21-199 |
Infill |
1379.00 |
1393.45 |
14.45 |
14.03 |
4.61 |
4.61 |
-1132.61 |
Infill |
1467.25 |
1488.80 |
21.55 |
20.69 |
1.80 |
1.80 |
-1186.64 |
MEX21-201** |
Infill |
1597.40 |
1607.00 |
9.60 |
9.37 |
2.67 |
2.67 |
-1279.32 |
MEX21-202** |
North of HG_SZ |
Ext. |
1787.00 |
1807.50 |
20.50 |
20.48 |
2.04 |
2.04 |
-1588.43 |
MEX21-203R |
North of HG_WZ |
Infill |
1696.40 |
1700.20 |
3.80 |
3.51 |
14.10 |
14.10 |
-1470.55 |
Infill |
1719.40 |
1746.95 |
27.55 |
25.52 |
7.95 |
7.95 |
-1496.07 |
Incl. |
Infill |
1728.10 |
1739.55 |
11.45 |
10.61 |
14.47 |
14.47 |
-1496.55 |
MEX21-205** |
South of HG_NZ |
Infill |
1040.00 |
1046.70 |
6.70 |
5.33 |
4.78 |
4.63 |
-980.08 |
MEX21-208** |
40 m Infill |
1509.00 |
1553.10 |
44.10 |
41.42 |
6.82 |
6.82 |
-1069.30 |
Incl. |
40 m Infill |
1510.00 |
1531.90 |
21.90 |
20.57 |
10.42 |
10.42 |
-1063.58 |
RD20-4674 |
East Gouldie Ext |
Exp. |
2230.60 |
2235.55 |
4.95 |
4.57 |
1.84 |
1.84 |
-1828.38 |
East Gouldie Ext |
Exp. |
2231.80 |
2233.70 |
1.90 |
1.75 |
3.78 |
3.78 |
-1828.16 |
New Zone South |
Exp. |
2634.55 |
2645.00 |
10.45 |
9.26 |
3.50 |
3.50 |
-2102.45 |
New Zone South |
Exp. |
2637.00 |
2640.00 |
3.00 |
2.66 |
6.05 |
6.05 |
-2101.62 |
RD21-4678 |
East Gouldie Ext |
Exp. |
2087.40 |
2093.00 |
5.60 |
4.81 |
6.29 |
6.29 |
-1988.66 |
East Gouldie Ext |
Exp. |
2101.70 |
2103.65 |
1.95 |
1.68 |
1.77 |
1.77 |
-1998.92 |
East Gouldie Ext |
Exp. |
2118.50 |
2119.80 |
1.30 |
1.12 |
7.02 |
7.02 |
-2012.42 |
East Gouldie Ext |
Exp. |
2142.00 |
2143.15 |
1.15 |
1.00 |
6.12 |
6.12 |
-2031.58 |
RD21-4680A |
New Zone South |
Exp. |
2691.10 |
2697.40 |
6.30 |
5.04 |
1.94 |
1.94 |
-2303.22 |
** Drillhole not surveyed yet, drill rig still on the
Figure 10: East Gouldie Longitudinal and
Cross Section Demonstrating Infill Results and East Extension
Three drills continued to work on the regional
exploration program, with drilling concluded at East Amphi and on
the eastern extension of East Gouldie from the Rand property.
East Amphi is located three kilometres northwest
of the Canadian Malartic pit. To date, 7,900 metres of drilling
have been completed at East Amphi and results indicate the presence
of significant mineralization at depth below the historic workings.
Two zones are being defined with new intercepts in the Nessie zone
of 2.16 g/t of gold over an estimated true width of 17.19 metres in
drill hole EA20-4187, and 14.13 g/t of gold over an estimated true
width of 1.70 metres in drill hole EA21-4196. Follow up drilling of
the adjacent Kraken zone, returned an intercept of 2.01 g/t of gold
over an estimated true width of 29.77 metres. This interval is
tentatively interpreted to consist of both the Nessie and Kraken
zones where they converge along strike.
As previously reported, exploration drilling
conducted earlier this year on the Rand property targeting the
projected down plunge extension of the East Gouldie zone
encountered significant mineralization in drill hole RD21-4680A,
with an intercept located 1,150 metres from the eastern limit of
the East Gouldie mineral resources reported at year-end 2020.
(Please see the Yamana press release issued April 28, 2021, titled
‘Yamana Gold Reports Strong First Quarter 2021 Production Results’,
available at www.yamana.com.) Follow-up drilling in this area has
generated two new widely separated intercepts, reported as
estimated true widths in the projected plane of East Gouldie: 1.84
g/t of gold over 4.57 metres including 3.78 g/t of gold over an
estimated true width of 1.75 metres (RD 20-4674); 6.29 g/t of gold
over an estimated true width of 4.81 metres (RD21-4678).
Extending hole RD20-4674 into the footwall of
the East Gouldie zone resulted in the discovery of a new
sub-parallel zone located 400 metres south of the East Gouldie
extension reporting 3.50 g/t of gold over an estimated true width
of 9.26 metres, while an extension of previously reported
RD20-4680A reported 1.94 g/t of gold over an estimated true width
of 5.04 metres, also in the new zone.
These new results extend the East Gouldie zone
1,260 metres beyond the reported East Gouldie mineral resource and
onto the Rand Malartic property. Combined with the extension hole
MEX 21-202 reported above, there is now a strong target area
potential for follow up drilling up dip from the new intercepts.
See Figure 10.
All intervals in the East Gouldie Extension and
the new zone consist of sheared metasedimentary rocks of the
Pontiac Group, with pyrite mineralization associated with sericite,
carbonate, and chlorite alteration.
The 2021 budget for infill and exploration
drilling on the Odyssey Underground Project is $11.9 million (50%
basis) with the objective of completing 141,400 metres of drilling,
largely on the East Gouldie deposit. The district exploration
budget was increased from $3.2 million (50% basis) to $4.4 million
(50% basis) to drill an additional four pierce points into the
newly defined eastern extension of the East Gouldie zone.
Qualified PersonsScientific and
technical information contained in this press release has been
reviewed and approved by Henry Marsden (P. Geo. and Senior Vice
President, Exploration). Mr. Marsden is an employee of Yamana Gold
Inc. and a “Qualified Person” as defined by Canadian Securities
Administrators' National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of
Disclosure for Mineral Projects.
Quality Assurance and Quality
ControlYamana incorporates a Quality Assurance and Quality
Control (“QA/QC”) program for all of its mines and exploration
projects which conforms to industry best practices.
Samples are transported in security sealed bags
for preparation at Geoassay, ALS and SGS
analytical laboratories. ALS and SGS are both ISO 9001:2008
and 17025 certified laboratories, while Geoassay is undergoing
certification. Gold is analyzed by gold fire assay with 30 grams or
50 grams aliquot and AAS finish. Samples over 5 g/t gold (El Peñón,
Minera Florida and Cerro Moro) and 10 g/t gold (Canadian Malartic)
are re-analyzed by gravimetric finish methods. Silver is determined
using a four acid digestion and AAS finish (ore level) and samples
over 30g/t are re-analyzed by gravimetric finish methods. Five
percent of all pulps are further checked by secondary certified
laboratories (ALS, SGS, Bureau Veritas) using the same analytical
All exploration diamond drill cores are split in
half by mechanical spitting or core sawing and sampled at
appropriate intervals for assay. The remaining core, coarse reject
and pulps are stored on-site in a secure location.
Certified reference standards, duplicates,
sterile and blanks are routinely inserted into the sample stream as
a control for assay accuracy, bias, precision and contamination.
The results of these checks are tracked and failures are
re-analyzed. This information also includes pulp checks carried out
in the secondary lab.
About YamanaYamana Gold Inc. is
a Canadian-based precious metals producer with significant gold and
silver production, development stage properties, exploration
properties, and land positions throughout the Americas, including
Canada, Brazil, Chile and Argentina. Yamana plans to continue to
build on this base through expansion and optimization initiatives
at existing operating mines, development of new mines, the
advancement of its exploration properties and, at times, by
targeting other consolidation opportunities with a primary focus in
the Americas.
CONTACT:Investor Relations
416-815-02201-888-809-0925Email: investor@yamana.com
FTI Consulting (UK Public Relations)Sara Powell
/ Ben Brewerton+44 7931 765 223 / +44 203 727 1000
Peel Hunt LLP (Joint UK Corporate
Broker)Ross Allister / David McKeown / Alexander
AllenTelephone: +44 (0) 20 7418 8900
Berenberg (Joint UK Corporate
Broker)Matthew Armitt / Jennifer Wyllie / Detlir Elezi
Telephone: +44 (0) 20 3207 7800
Credit Suisse (Joint UK Corporate
Broker)Ben Lawrence / David Nangle Telephone: +44 (0) 20
7888 8888
STATEMENTS: This news release contains or incorporates by reference
“forward-looking statements” and “forward-looking information”
under applicable Canadian securities legislation and within the
meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform
Act of 1995. Forward-looking information includes, but is not
limited to information with respect to the Company’s strategy,
plans or future financial or operating performance, including
exploration drilling plans, timelines and budgets for 2021 and
2022; the expectation that an update on the Company’s generative
exploration program that will include initial exploration results
at Wasamac will be provided before the end of the month; the
potential to add new mineral reserves and mineral resources; the
Company’s corporate strategy of extending mine life through
depletion replacement on an annual basis; potential to
significantly extend mine lives at the Company’s operations;
the potential and plans for production increases, and for further
high-grade mineralization outside of core mine areas and mine
extensions. Forward-looking statements are characterized by words
such as “plan", “expect”, “budget”, “target”, “project”, “intend”,
“believe”, “anticipate”, “estimate” and other similar words, or
statements that certain events or conditions “may” or “will” occur.
Forward-looking statements are based on the opinions, assumptions
and estimates of management considered reasonable at the date the
statements are made, and are inherently subject to a variety of
risks and uncertainties and other known and unknown factors that
could cause actual events or results to differ materially from
those projected in the forward-looking statements. These factors
include the Company’s expectations in connection with the
production and exploration, development and expansion plans at the
Company's projects discussed herein being met, the impact of
proposed optimizations at the Company's projects, changes in
national and local government legislation, taxation, controls or
regulations and/or change in the administration of laws, policies
and practices, and the impact of general business and economic
conditions, global liquidity and credit availability on the timing
of cash flows and the values of assets and liabilities based on
projected future conditions, fluctuating metal prices (such as
gold, silver, copper and zinc), currency exchange rates (such as
the Canadian Dollar, the Brazilian Real, the Chilean Peso and the
Argentine Peso versus the United States Dollar), the impact of
inflation, possible variations in ore grade or recovery rates,
changes in the Company’s hedging program, changes in accounting
policies, changes in mineral resources and mineral reserves, risks
related to asset dispositions, risks related to metal purchase
agreements, risks related to acquisitions, changes in project
parameters as plans continue to be refined, changes in project
development, construction, production and commissioning time
frames, risks associated with infectious diseases, including
COVID-19, unanticipated costs and expenses, higher prices for fuel,
steel, power, labour and other consumables contributing to higher
costs and general risks of the mining industry, failure of plant,
equipment or processes to operate as anticipated, unexpected
changes in mine life, final pricing for concentrate sales,
unanticipated results of future studies, seasonality and
unanticipated weather changes, costs and timing of the development
of new deposits, success of exploration activities, permitting
timelines, government regulation and the risk of government
expropriation or nationalization of mining operations, risks
related to relying on local advisors and consultants in foreign
jurisdictions, environmental risks, unanticipated reclamation
expenses, risks relating to joint venture operations, title
disputes or claims, limitations on insurance coverage, timing and
possible outcome of pending and outstanding litigation and labour
disputes, risks related to enforcing legal rights in foreign
jurisdictions, as well as those risk factors discussed or referred
to herein and in the Company's Annual Information Form filed with
the securities regulatory authorities in all provinces of Canada
and available at www.sedar.com, and the Company’s Annual Report on
Form 40-F filed with the United States Securities and Exchange
Commission. Although the Company has attempted to identify
important factors that could cause actual actions, events or
results to differ materially from those described in
forward-looking statements, there may be other factors that cause
actions, events or results not to be anticipated, estimated or
intended. There can be no assurance that forward-looking statements
will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events
could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements.
The Company undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking
statements if circumstances or management’s estimates, assumptions
or opinions should change, except as required by applicable law.
The reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on
forward-looking statements. The forward-looking information
contained herein is presented for the purpose of assisting
investors in understanding the Company’s plans and objectives in
connection with its exploration programs and results of exploration
for the objectives and may not be appropriate for other
(All amounts are expressed in United States
Dollars unless otherwise indicated.)
Yamana Gold (TSX:YRI)
Historical Stock Chart
From Jan 2025 to Feb 2025
Yamana Gold (TSX:YRI)
Historical Stock Chart
From Feb 2024 to Feb 2025