RNS Number:8784C
Chloride Group PLC
24 October 2002

                              CHLORIDE GROUP PLC

                           UNAUDITED INTERIM RESULTS

                   FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2002

Through rigorous focus on innovation, flexibility and reliability, Chloride is
the supplier of choice for power protection solutions.  Its strengths derive
from applying innovative technologies and industry-leading customer service to
the protection of critical applications worldwide.


Interim results for the six months ended 30 September 2002

*     Targeted improvements have been made in four key business areas:

      -   improvement in operational gearing through cost reduction and
          increase in product margins
      -   growth in our higher-margin service business
      -   increased investment in product and solutions innovation
      -   generation of increased cashflow from operating activities

      As a result profitability rose despite continued difficult trading 

*     Operating profit before goodwill amortisation and exceptional items
      increased by 36% to #3.0 million (2001: #2.2 million), on sales down 8% 
      at #67.6 million (2001: #73.6 million)

*     Adjusted EPS up 29% at 0.81p (2001: 0.63p)

*     Cash flow from operating activities (after restructuring costs) was a
      healthy #4.0 million inflow against an outflow of #3.9 million in the same
      period last year

*     Strong balance sheet at the period end with shareholders' funds of
      #64.6 million and net debt of #9.2 million

*     Interim dividend maintained at 0.80p per share, demonstrating the
      Board's confidence in future performance

*     Power protection remains a long-term growth market driven by the demand
      for business continuity

Commenting on the interim results, Chairman Norman Broadhurst said:  "We have
delivered, as planned, reduced costs, improved margins and strong cash
generation, whilst developing our service business and continuing product
development against a background of difficult trading conditions.  We are well
placed to pursue the available opportunities and we remain confident in the
longer-term growth prospects for the power protection market."


Chloride Group PLC                                     All day on 24 October 2002
       Keith Hodgkinson (Chief Executive)              Tel:   020 7796 4133 (Hudson Sandler)
       Neil Warner (Finance Director)                  Thereafter, tel:  020 7834 5500

Hudson Sandler                                         Tel:   020 7796 4133
       Andrew Hayes/Noemie de Andia

Further information on Chloride Group can be found on www.chloridegroup.com.

Chairman's Statement


Over the first half year we achieved our objectives in four key aspects of the

-   improvement in operational gearing through cost reduction and increase in
    product margins;

-   growth in our higher-margin service business;

-   increased investment in product and solutions innovation; and

-   generation of increased cashflow from operating activities.

As a result first half profitability rose despite difficult trading conditions.
These had an adverse impact on sales, with an absence of major projects and no
signs of sustained recovery in many of our key markets.


Operating profit before goodwill amortisation and exceptional items increased by
36% to #3.0 million (2001: #2.2 million) on sales in the first half of the year
of #67.6 million (2001: #73.6 million), 8% down on the prior year.  This
improved operating profit was achieved through vigorous focus on costs and
product margins combined with continued growth in higher margin service

Profit before tax and goodwill amortisation and exceptional items  was 31% up at
#2.6 million (2001: #2.0 million).  Adjusted EPS was also up by 29% to 0.81p
(2001: 0.63p).

Cash flow from operating activities was a healthy #4.0 million inflow against a
cash outflow of #3.9 million in the same period last year.  The balance sheet
remained strong with shareholders' funds of #64.6 million and net debt of #9.2


The Board is confident that the Company has good prospects in its global markets
for power protection solutions, which are forecast to return to  sustained
growth over the longer term.  The Board is therefore pleased to announce payment
of an unchanged interim dividend of 0.80p (2001: 0.80p).

Payment will be made on 3 December 2002 to shareholders on the register at the
close of business on 1 November 2002.

Trading Environment

We experienced difficult trading conditions in all of our geographic and product
markets, which adversely affected sales particularly in the telecommunications,
technology, petrochemicals and manufacturing sectors.  However, there were some
positive developments, with sales growth in the more robust transportation,
construction and retail sectors where we secured a number of important

The strategic development of service as a key part of our solutions offering
produced encouraging results with an increase of 15% in this higher-margin


In the first half of the year we completed on schedule and on budget the
restructuring actions begun in the previous year.  The manufacturing facility in
Thailand was closed in August 2002, following which we completed the outsourcing
of production of small UPS products to a high-quality third party manufacturer
in the Far East.

The transfer of production from Germany to Italy is well advanced and we expect
the restructuring of the UPS Systems business to be complete by March 2003,
bringing further margin and operational benefits.


We continue to give priority to investment in technology to maintain the
competitive advantage of our high-quality, innovative products and solutions.
Our European technology centres are focused on extending a common technology
platform across a new range of UPS and Industrial products including enhanced
remote monitoring and diagnostic capability.  The resulting improvements in
operating efficiency, product performance and flexibility will provide
significant benefits for our customers in the future.

An important initiative in the USA was the formation of a UPS technology centre
to strengthen our development capability for the US market.  This will benefit
our product and solutions offering in 2003.


At this stage there is no evidence of any immediate recovery in the overall
market.  However, we enter the second half with a lower cost base, a stronger
order book and an improving order trend when compared with the start of the
year.  These positive factors together with increasing service revenues lead us
to expect an improved performance in the second half.  In addition we have the
financial strength to take advantage of business development opportunities as
they are identified.

Business continuity remains an absolute requirement for our customers.  The need
to protect mission-critical equipment and the degrading power quality in many
countries are the key market drivers which will reassert themselves over the
longer term.

The business is already benefiting from  its lower cost base and  better margins
and can address a wide range of market opportunities with its  comprehensive
products and solutions offerings. We are in an excellent position to leverage
these benefits as market conditions improve.

Norman Broadhurst

24 October 2002

Summarised consolidated profit and loss account

        Year to                                                       Six months to    Six months to
       31 March                                                        30 September     30 September
           2002                                                                2002             2001
           #000                                                                #000             #000

         148,327 Turnover                                                    67,602            73,610

                 Operating profit before goodwill amortisation
          5,040  and exceptional items                                        3,005             2,205

                 Exceptional items:

         (6,800)    restructuring costs                                           -           (3,940)
        (12,827)    goodwill impairment                                           -           (1,120)
         (3,029) Goodwill amortisation                                       (1,182)          (1,464)

        (17,616) Operating profit/(loss)                                      1,823           (4,319)

           (559) Net interest payable                                          (388)            (200)

        (18,175) Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities before                  1,435           (4,519)
           (862) Tax on profit/(loss) on ordinary activities                   (706)            (361)

        (19,037) Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities after                     729           (4,880)

            (33) Minority interests                                               -                -

        (19,070) Profit/(loss) for the period                                   729           (4,880)
         (3,772) Dividends                                                   (1,883)          (1,905)

        (22,842) Loss retained                                               (1,154)          (6,785)

                Earnings per share

         1.41 p Adjusted                                                         0.81 p          0.63 p
        (8.05)p Basic                                                            0.31 p         (2.06)p
        (8.05)p Diluted                                                          0.31 p         (2.06)p

Summarised consolidated balance sheet

            At                                                                      At              At
      31 March                                                            30 September    30 September
          2002                                                                    2002            2001
          #000                                                                    #000            #000

                Fixed assets

        41,926  Goodwill                                                        39,507          50,934
        13,925  Tangible assets                                                 13,226          14,583
        10,624  Investments                                                     10,583           9,550

        66,475                                                                  63,316          75,067

                Current assets

        29,761  Stocks                                                          27,253          31,574
        48,899  Debtors                                                         43,190          46,371
        23,929  Cash at bank and in hand                                        22,242          29,741

       102,589                                                                  92,685         107,686

        73,031  Creditors:  amounts falling due within one year                 62,250          61,574

        29,558  Net current assets                                              30,435          46,112

        96,033  Total assets less current liabilities                           93,751         121,179

                Creditors:  amounts falling due after more than
        16,384  one year                                                        16,040          26,096
        12,950  Provisions for liabilities and charges                          13,145          13,446

        66,699  Net assets                                                      64,566          81,637

        66,651  Equity shareholders' funds                                      64,518           81,637
            48  Minority interests                                                  48               -

        66,699  Total capital employed                                          64,566          81,637

Summarised consolidated cash flow statement

       Year to                                                           Six months to   Six months to
      31 March                                                            30 September    30 September
          2002                                                                    2002            2001
          #000                                                                    #000            #000

         1,779  Cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities                  4,027          (3,864)
          (616) Returns on investments and servicing of finance                   (388)           (200)
        (2,692) Taxation                                                          (780)         (1,173)
        (2,802) Capital expenditure                                               (919)           (933)
        (4,992) Acquisitions and disposals                                           -            (677)
        (3,779) Equity dividends paid                                           (1,892)         (1,897)

                Cash inflow/(outflow) before use of liquid
       (13,102) resources and financing                                             48          (8,744)
                Management of liquid resources
        21,522  Net (increase)/decrease in short-term deposits                  (1,665)          7,678
           407  Net cash inflow from financing                                     120           1,307

         8,827  (Decrease)/increase in cash                                     (1,497)            241

Statement of total recognised gains and losses

       Year to                                                           Six months to   Six months to
      31 March                                                            30 September    30 September
          2002                                                                    2002            2001
          #000                                                                    #000            #000

       (19,070) Profit/(loss) for the period                                       729          (4,880)
                Currency translation differences on foreign currency
          (291) Net investments                                                 (1,021)         (1,315)

       (19,361) Total recognised losses for the period                            (292)         (6,195)

Reconciliation of movements in equity shareholders' funds

       Year to                                                           Six months to   Six months to
      31 March                                                            30 September    30 September
          2002                                                                    2002            2001
          #000                                                                    #000            #000

       (19,070) Profit/(loss) for period                                           729          (4,880)
        (3,772) Dividends                                                       (1,883)         (1,905)
          (291) Exchange adjustments                                            (1,021)         (1,315)
            61  New share capital issued                                            42              32
            18  Share premium thereon                                                -               -

       (23,054) Net decrease in equity shareholders' funds                      (2,133)         (8,068)
        89,705  Opening equity shareholders' funds                              66,651          89,705

        66,651  Closing equity shareholders' funds                              64,518          81,637

Notes to the interim financial statements

1    Segmental information

        Year to                                        Six months to             Six months to
        31 March                                        30 September             30 September
          2002                                              2002                     2001

           Profit/(loss)                                     Profit/(loss)             Profit/(loss)
                 before                                            before                    before
  Turnover     interest                             Turnover     interest    Turnover      interest
      #000         #000                                 #000         #000        #000          #000

   117,627        4,775  Europe                       54,386        2,875      57,723         2,294
    21,968          320  Americas                     10,485          125      11,296            79
     8,732          (55) Asia and Australasia          2,731            5       4,591          (168)

   148,327        5,040  Total                        67,602        3,005      73,610         2,205

         -       (6,800) Restructuring costs               -            -           -        (3,940)
         -      (12,827) Goodwill impairment               -            -           -        (1,120)
         -       (3,029) Goodwill amortisation             -       (1,182)          -        (1,464)

   148,327      (17,616)                              67,602        1,823      73,610        (4,319)

2    Preparation of the interim financial statements

The interim financial statements, which are unaudited, have been prepared on the
basis of the accounting policies set out in the 2002 annual report.

The comparative figures for the year ended 31 March 2002 do not comprise full
financial statements and have been extracted from the 2002 statutory accounts,
which have been filed with the Registrar of Companies.  The auditors' opinion on
those accounts was unqualified and did not include any statement under section
237 of the Companies Act 1985.

3    Exceptional items

Exceptional costs in the prior year comprise restructuring costs of #6.8 million
in respect of the programme to reduce worldwide costs and a goodwill impairment
charge of #12.8 million.

4    Taxation

The tax charge provided at the half year is based on the estimated effective tax
rate for each undertaking in the Group applicable to the year to 31 March 2003
as applied to the taxable profits for the period.

5    Earnings per share

      Year to                                                       Six months to    Six months to
     31 March                                                        30 September     30 September
         2002                                                                2002             2001
      Million                                                             Million          Million

               Weighted average number of 25p ordinary shares
        236.9  -  basic and adjusted                                        236.7            237.4
            -  Adjustment for shares under option                               -                -

               Weighted average number of 25p ordinary shares
        236.9  -  diluted                                                   236.7            237.4

         #000                                                                #000             #000

               Profit/(loss) for basic and diluted earnings per
      (19,070) calculations                                                   729           (4,880)
        6,800  Restructuring costs                                              -             3,940
       12,827  Goodwill impairment                                              -             1,120
         (256) Tax on exceptional items                                         -             (140)
        3,029  Goodwill amortisation                                        1,182            1,464

        3,330  Profit for adjusted earnings per share                       1,911            1,504

        1.41 p Earnings per      -   adjusted                               0.81 p           0.63 p
       (8.05)p                   -   basic                                  0.31 p          (2.06)p
       (8.05)p                   -   diluted                                0.31 p          (2.06)p

The weighted average number of shares excludes shares held by the Chloride Group
Employee Benefit Trust and the Chloride Quest.

The directors consider that the adjusted earnings per share figures more
accurately reflect the underlying performance of the business.

6    Fixed assets

Investments comprises #10.6 million in respect of a holding at 30 September 2002
of 11.2 million of the Company's ordinary shares (2001: #9.6 million in respect
of 9.5 million shares) by the Chloride Group Employee Benefit Trust, which had a
market value in excess of #3.1 million (2001: #5.4 million). The Trust holds
these shares to meet long-term commitments in relation to employee share option

7     Cash flow statement supporting information

a)    Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt

       Year to                                                     Six months to    Six months to
      31 March                                                      30 September     30 September
          2002                                                              2002             2001
          #000                                                              #000             #000

         8,827  (Decrease)/increase in cash                               (1,497)             241
                Net cash inflow from movement in debt and lease
          (328) financing                                                   (120)          (1,182)
                Cash outflow/(inflow) from increase/(decrease)
       (21,522) liquid resources                                           1,665           (7,678)
          (249) Debt and finance leases acquired with subsidiary               -                -
           264  Exchange rate translation differences                     (1,123)            (125)

       (13,008) Increase in net debt                                      (1,075)          (8,744)
         4,884  Net (debt)/funds at 1 April                               (8,124)           4,884

        (8,124) Net debt at 30 September                                  (9,199)          (3,860)

b)   Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash flow

      Year to                                                        Six months to    Six months to
     31 March                                                         30 September     30 September
         2002                                                                 2002             2001
         #000                                                                 #000             #000

        2,011  Operating profit before exceptional items                     1,823              741

        7,034  Depreciation and goodwill amortisation                        2,712            3,033

            -  Profit on sale of tangible assets                                 -               32

         (533) Decrease in stocks                                            2,791              160

       11,881  Decrease in debtors                                           5,557           11,789

      (14,717) Decrease in creditors and provisions                         (8,316)         (16,514)

       (3,897) Restructuring costs                                            (540)          (3,105)

        1,779  Cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities               4,027           (3,864)

c)   Analysis of net debt

           At                                                                   At               At
     31 March                                                         30 September     30 September
         2002                                                                 2002             2001
         #000                                                                 #000             #000

       10,032  Cash                                                          6,678            1,999

       (6,034) Overdrafts                                                   (4,635)          (6,683)

       (9,802) Debt due within one year                                    (10,344)             (88)

      (15,250) Debt due after more than one year                           (15,572)         (25,568)

         (274) Discounted trade bills                                         (269)            (620)

         (693) Finance lease obligations                                      (621)            (642)

       13,897  Liquid resources                                             15,564           27,742

      (8,124)  Net debt                                                     (9,199)          (3,860)

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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