Cambridge Minerals Resources Plc / Index: AIM / Epic: CMR / Sector: Mining
22 July 2008
                           Cambridge Mineral Resources Plc ('CMR' or 'the Company')
                                                 Final Results

Cambridge  Mineral Resources Plc, the AIM listed mining exploration and production company primarily targeting
precious metals in South America, announces its results for the year ended 31 December 2007.


2007  was another positive year for Cambridge Mineral Resources plc as it continued its progress and  added
value  to its portfolio of mineral projects. In particular, our drive towards precious metal production  of
100,000  ozs gold per annum in South America advanced and we expect to commence gold production in Colombia
later in 2008.

Despite considerable turbulence and difficulties in the financial markets, Cambridge Mineral Resources  plc
(CMR)  succeeded  in  financing Quintana, its first gold mine in Colombia and also obtained  a  conditional
finance facility for the development of two further gold mines in that country.

Precious and base metal prices continued to increase, adding further potential value to CMR's projects.

Highlights during the year include:


At  our Quintana Gold Mine, we successfully completed a drilling programme in March followed in June by the
completion  of an independently-verified feasibility study, which confirmed initial reserves and  resources
totalling 86,000 ozs of gold. Following a review of the economics we decided to proceed with the  mine.  We
approached financial institutions to seek funding for the project during the second half of 2007  and  were
able to successfully arrange and complete the funding in January 2008.


In  February  we obtained an option to purchase our partner's 50% interest in the Patachanca  claim  group,
which  we  exercised  in  November. At our Rasuhuilca silver mine, underground  development  advanced  with
positive  results  and  we commenced a feasibility study. Assuming a positive outcome  to  that  study  and
obtaining the required finance, we expect to commence production in 2009.


In  August, we announced our holding of 1.5 million pounds of U308 uranium on one of our existing licenses.
In  October, Electrum Limited, a private international exploration group, became our joint venture partners
replacing Asia Gold.  Under the terms of this agreement, Electrum has to spend US$2.2 million to  earn  80%
of the projects concerned. Their spend to date is US$0.8 million.


The Company's 100%-owned projects in the Iberian Pyrite Belt in south-western Spain are: Lomero-Poyatos,  a
polymetallic underground mine on which we have previously completed a scoping study, and Masa  Valverde,  a
base-metal exploration project containing the largest unmined sulphide ore body in the region.  In  May  an
independent  NI  43-101 compliant study of our Spanish assets was completed, leading  to  discussions  with
third-parties regarding possible opportunities to finance and advance these projects.


During  the  year,  the  Company raised a total of �1,411,500 before expenses in  new  equity  via  private
placements.  The  majority  of  the funds raised were applied to financing the  development  of  our  South
American projects. Further capital will need to be raised in 2008.

The  loss  for  the  year  was  �646,399  (2006: loss of �797,636).  CMR  continues  to  seek  to  minimise
administration expenditure, notwithstanding the increasing burden of regulatory compliance costs.

Finally, the Company's South American assets have continued to develop. Our strategies for gold and  silver
production  are on course in South America against a background of strong metal prices. We look forward  to
joining  the  ranks of junior gold and silver producers during the current financial year. To  conclude,  I
would  like  to  thank our shareholders for their continued support and our staff for their dedication  and
hard work.

Neil Maclachlan


CMR  entered Colombia at the end of 2005 and holds its interests through its wholly owned subsidiary,
Colgold Inc. During 2007 the Company acquired two further concessions within the world-class Frontino Gold
Belt in the Antioquia Department of north-western Colombia.

In  total  Colgold now holds 52,745 hectares of land under concession or application in Colombia, of which
35,135  hectares is held for its potential to host copper and gold porphyries in the Cauca  Department of
south-west Colombia.

During the year Colgold employed up to 65 sub contractors at its operations in Colombia. Colgold's recently
assembled  in-house diamond drilling team completed approximately 2,500m of drilling on Company properties
at an average cost of approx US$75 per metre (less than 50% of third party commercial rates). During  the
second half  of the year, the drill rig and crews were contracted out to third parties, to ensure maximum
return on the investment and to produce some additional income for the Company.  Expressions of interest
and  confidentiality  agreements have been signed with a number of major companies regarding Colgold land
holdings in the Three Hills area of south-west Colombia.

Frontino Gold Belt

CMR continued to focus on the Frontino Gold Belt in the Antioquia Province, as this area has historically
produced approximately 45% of the country's gold and continues to do so. This belt is one of  the  world's
greatest mesothermal gold fields, with estimated production of 8-9Mozs from the Segovia-Remedios region
alone.  Mineralization occurs within extensive vein structures typically exhibiting  widths from a few
centimetres to several metres but typically in the 1 to 2m range. These veins are either near-vertical  or
dip  at 30-45 degrees and are formed by ribbon-banded quartz with subordinate pyrite, sphalerite and galena
containing free gold and have simple metallurgical profile with excellent recoveries.  Veins have been
traced along strike for several thousand metres and at distances of up to 1,800m down dip.

CMR  has 3 main projects within a 20km radius of Segovia-Remedios: Quintana, La Rosaleda and El Cinco.  The
eventual construction of a central processing plant offers a rapid method to enable  multi-mine start-ups
and the Company plans to develop this to a capacity of in excess of 100,000ozs per annum over the next 4


The Quintana Project, which includes the Las Camelias property, is made up of 6 mining titles and one
application and totals 7,667 hectares.

The Quintana Vein is a mesothermal quartz-sulphide gold vein dipping at 40 degrees to the east and averages
just  over 1m true thickness in the mine. A 10 drill hole programme completed in 2007, proved the existence
of the vein 300m down dip and returned higher grades than seen so far in the mine and also generally better
true  widths.  At Quintana progress has been achieved by underground development with development completed
on  three levels to more than 100m down dip from the surface. Combined with the drill programme, this  work
has  enabled  the  definition of a JORC compliant resource statement which has defined  109,852  tonnes  at
24.58g/t gold, 19.85g/t silver (measured, indicated and inferred) containing 86,822ozs of gold.

This resource is still open along strike and at depth below the deepest drill intersects.  In June 2007 CMR
completed  a  feasibility study as to the viability of the Quintana operations, which  concluded  that  the
project  would give an NPV of US$10.8m at a 10% discount rate, based on a 50 t/d operation over  5.5  years
and a gold price of US$600.

The initial capital expenditure was estimated at US$4.54m, with an average cash operating cost of US$131/oz
over  the mine life.  In January 2008, CMR reported the completion of Project Finance to allow commencement
of  the  necessary  plant and infrastructure construction at the project, with the aim  of  achieving  gold
production  within approximately six months. Work commenced on site in February and is currently proceeding
according to schedule.

The  Quintana Mine is expected to commence production in Q4 2008 at a rate of ~15,200 ozs of gold and 6,000
ozs  of silver per annum.  Drilling currently underway may lead to further resources being defined and this
production rate being increased.

El Cinco

CMR  completed  the negotiation of the Colina Negra Project, to give it majority interest in  a  contiguous
block  of  7,400 hectares (6 concessions and one application) around the El Cinco and Colina  Negra  mines.
Work  on  site in 2007 included the successful completion of the Chingale exploration programme as well  as
commencing  exploration  on the Colina Negra vein system and other mineralized structures,  and  completing
initial prospecting of the surrounding areas held by the Company.

At  Colina  Negra,  the following results were obtained across the vein: 1.0m at 114.31g/t  gold,  1.0m  at
66.2g/t  gold, 1.5m at 35.2g/t gold, 1.0m at 22.5g/t gold, 1.0m at 10.4g/t gold and 1.57m at 10.1g/t  gold.
Prospecting results from the surrounding areas identified five areas for further exploration, with  results
including 19.68 g/t gold and 40 g/t silver over 0.7m in quartz float and 5.76 g/t gold and 10.2 g/t  silver
over  1m  in an outcrop of the main vein nearby, as well as 1.79 g/t gold, 318.4 g/t silver and  20.23  g/t
gold,  7  g/t  silver from old waste dump piles of now abandoned trial workings. CMR is in the  process  of
commencing  road construction to the site, to facilitate a significant (>8,000m) diamond drilling  campaign
to test the Chingale and Colina Negra veins at depth.

Success  of  this  programme  will lead to underground access development for  an  exploration/  production
programme,  which  should  in  turn lead to the definition of resources to permit  the  commencement  of  a
feasibility study as to whether these veins can become the second and third mine developments.

La Rosaleda

The  La  Rosaleda project is CMR's third project in the Frontino Gold Belt and comprises 566.2 hectares  in
three  concessions and three applications, to the immediate south of Frontino Gold Mines  in  the  Segovia-
Remedios  area.   Initial  exploration  on the project commenced in May  2007  with  a  surface-prospecting
programme  and to date over sixty old artisanal mine workings have been identified which reflect the  three
main  structural trends seen in the district. In addition two currently active artisanal mines are  located
just  outside the area of the agreement, returning grades of 6.89g/t gold and 57.6g/t silver over 0.9m.  It
is planned to move the project to the drill ready stage by the end of 2008.

Mina del Sol

The  Mina  del  Sol project also lies in Antioquia Province some 45km north-east of Medellin and  comprises
578.2 hectares in two permits.

During 2007 CMR completed a five drill hole, 700m programme to follow up its trenching programme, which had
returned  grades up to 70.72m at 1.41g/t gold. The first drill hole was mineralized throughout  its  entire
length,  giving an average grade of 1.46g/t gold over 90.0m.  Follow up drill hole ERD-0704 carried 138.84m
at  0.16g/t  gold and hole ERD-0705 148.5m at 0.19g/t gold. Although not of economic grade, the  width  and
continuity of this mineralization is considered to be highly significant and prospective for the  discovery
of a major intrusion-related gold deposit.

It  is  important  to note that this is the first drilling at Mina del Sol. Consequently, the  controls  of
mineralization are as yet not fully understood, so that some of the drill holes missed the intended target.
However,  the  information gained from this initial drilling will enable the next phase of drilling  to  be
better  targeted  by  refining  the  geological model in terms of  the  orientation  and  controls  of  the

Mina la Linda

The La Linda project lies to the south-west of Medellin just across the border between Antioquia and Caldas
Provinces.   During 2007 CMR completed horizontal underground development on the La Linda vein,  which  has
now  been  completed  to 51m from the adit portal. At the level of the adit a complex faulted  section  was
encountered between 31-49m, which has the effect of both thinning the vein and reducing the gold grade.  As
a  result, the weighted average for the vein along its entire exposed length in the adit reduced to 6.02g/t
gold and 13.9g/t silver over 0.68m. It is believed that the fault zone encountered has now been passed  and
it  is  planned  to  continue  further adit development for an additional 50m  before  commencing  vertical
development to allow for definition of the vein in three dimensions.

Three Hills

The  Three  Hills  project  comprises  35,135 hectares of exploration territory  situated  in  the  western
Cordilliera  of  Colombia in Cauca Department.  Due to adverse weather conditions in  Colombia  during  the
first  half  of 2007, it was not possible to complete the proposed follow-up prospecting programme  of  the
Three Hills project.

Further  to the initial field expedition to the area which noted extensive artisanal alluvial gold workings
in  the  streams  draining  the area. It is hoped that during 2008 it will be  possible  to  complete  this
programme  and  define  the  source of alluvial gold currently being exploited  in  the  streams.  CMR  has
commenced  discussions with a number of major international mining companies regarding the  possibility  of
entering into a joint venture to fast track exploration on the property.

During  the year CMR completed the acquisition of the outstanding 50% of the three Patacancha permits  that
it  did  not previously hold for a cost of US$265,000. Following this acquisition the titles were  formally
transferred to CMR's wholly-owned subsidiary, Minera Peru Gold S.A.C.


Development activities continued during the first quarter of 2007 with the completion of 235.1m of vertical
and lateral underground development to provide vertical contiguity of sample data and also as primary stope
development.  Following completion of this underground development and return of assay values from this and
the  pre-existing  workings  it has been possible to develop a block model and to  estimate  the  Measured,
Indicated and Inferred Resource to JORC Standards.

The  overall Rasuhuilca Main and west zones contain 321,100 tonnes at 2.15g/t gold, 185.2g/t silver (252g/t
silver  equivalent)  at a 75g/t silver equivalent cut-off. Additional potential to expand  these  resources
exists  to  the  west within the Rasuhuilca north-west and Rasuhuilca south areas around the  4941m  Level.
Within  this  Resource  a proven and probable reserve (JORC Standard) of 168,700 tonnes  at  3.05g/t  gold,
216g/t silver (368 g/t silver equivalent) has been defined in the mining plan for the main zone.

This  mining plan envisages the blasting of 50,300 tonnes as sub-level and stope development ore and a mere
2,500  tonnes  of  waste  development thanks to the extent of the pre-existing  development.  Metallurgical
testwork has indicated that the average gold recovery will be ~85% whilst the average silver recovery  will
be  ~65%.  The  lower  silver recovery is believed to be due to certain soluble silver minerals  not  being
recoverable via cyanidation and Merrill-Crowe process fixation.

Notwithstanding  this  the  average recoverable value per tonne is estimated to  be~US$155  per  tonne  (at
current  metal  prices)  with  a total cost of mining and processing (inclusive  of  capital  costs)  being
~US$41.9 per tonne of ore milled over the life of mine. On this basis the average total production cost  of
silver  is  estimated to be ~ US$4.89/oz.  CMR expects to complete the feasibility study on  Rasuhuilca  in
2008  and  has already commenced procedures to acquire the requisite permits from the Peruvian central  and
regional government departments in order to initiate mine operations in 2009.

Patacancha Area

The  Patacancha permits cover a total area of around 1,800 hectares and, in addition to Rasuhuilca, contain
a  number  of  already identified prospects with excellent potential. CMR is presently negotiating  with  a
number of companies who have expressed serious interest in exploring the permits for the potential to  host
bulk tonnage gold and gold-copper mineralization.

New Projects
During  the  year  CMR  was offered several small gold mining projects in the vicinity  of  Patacancha  and
elsewhere  in  Peru.  Thus  far  none of these has been pursued as none  was  believed  to  have  immediate
production  potential.  CMR  will  continue to examine any opportunities that  present  themselves  to  the

During  the  year  CMR completed a joint venture agreement in Bulgaria with a subsidiary  of  the  Electrum
Global  Gold Group. This earn-in joint venture agreement gives the option to Electrum to earn up to an  80%
interest in a number of exploration permits and applications presently held in Bulgaria by expending US$2.2
million  within  five  years and making an initial investment of GBP50,000 for the acquisition  of  833,333
ordinary shares in the Company.

Electrum  Global Gold Group is a privately-held gold exploration company with one of the largest  and  most
diversified  exploration portfolios in the world. Electrum holds interests in over 70 projects  located  in
the western United States, Africa, South America, Asia, and now, Eastern Europe.

Its  management services company, Electrum USA Limited, is headquartered in Denver, Colorado.   During  the
year  Bulgaria became a full EU member and the government has made a successful step forward  to  make  the
environmental,  mining and concession legislation of the country EU compliant. Such work  has  caused  some
delays in the processing and granting of new exploration permits in country but CMR is now optimistic  that
all new pending applications for gold and uranium will be issued in 2008.


Exploration  activities  accelerated  in the last quarter of 2007 on  the  Dobroselets  permit.  This  area
includes  a historically evaluated uranium deposit containing ~1.5 million lbs of U308 and also the  Chaira
gold deposit, containing 450,000 ozs of gold. The Chaira mineralization comprises complex multi-directional
sheeted  veins of quartz and pyrite cutting structural zones within a Cretaceous grano-diroritic  intrusion
with extensive and widespread alteration.

The  scale  of  alteration  and  mineralization suggests the presence of  a  major  intrusion-related  gold
mineralizing system that will require extensive evaluation but has excellent potential to host an  economic
gold deposit.

The  first  drilling campaign at Dobroselets for 2,450m, commenced in early December 2007, and was  planned
for  ~1,200 metres of verification diamond drilling in Chaira and ~1,250 metres on the Mogilite area, which
is the shallow, near surface extension of the Chaira mineralization.


CMR  recently  completed  a  scoping study evaluating the Tashlaka Hill  gold  resource  in  readiness  for
application to the Bulgarian government to register a "Commercial Discovery" and subsequently to apply  for
a "Mining Concession".

Tashlaka  Hill is a low-sulphidation sediment-hosted deposit containing over 285,000 ozs of gold.  At  this
stage of work the Company is legally entitled to an extension for one year to enable the completion of  the
financial,  social  and environmental analysis for a mining development. The Company is  also  entitled  to
complete  additional verification field work and in-fill drilling, which might be required  to  enable  the
completion of the subsequent concession application.

CMR  believes  that its new joint venture partner will bring a wealth of experience with them  as  well  as
substantial  financial strength. Such contribution will be of significant help in accelerating the  overall
exploration  programme in country and lead the joint venture Company to the next stage of becoming  a  gold
miner in Bulgaria.

During  the  year  CMR identified and prepared seven applications for new exploration  permits  which  were
lodged  with the government of Bulgaria. These areas cover both existing known uranium resources  and  also
have  excellent potential to host presently undiscovered uranium mineralization. Delays by the Ministry  of
Environment  (the  relevant  licensing  authority) during 2007,  which  have  impacted  on  most  companies
throughout the natural resources sector, are expected to ameliorate during 2008 and the expectation is that
the permits will be issued as soon as possible.

CMR wholly owns two projects in the Iberian Pyrite Belt in south-western Spain, a region world renowned for
the presence of numerous 10-100Mt base metal sulphide deposits.


This  comprises  a polymetallic volcanic hosted massive sulphide deposit formerly mined for  production  of
sulphuric acid, and estimated to contain significant quantities of both precious and base metals.  CMR  has
conducted extensive exploration in the 326 hectares licensed, including 10,082 metres of drilling,  and  an
independent Scoping Study was completed in 2005, resulting in Indicated Resources of:

Tonnes      Gold g/t    Silver g/t   Copper %      Zinc%      Lead %     Notes
  3,710,00        3.26         27.8          0.87      1.57       1.16    1.5 g/t gold cut-off

At  the time, the outcome of the Scoping Study indicated that the project was not deemed to be sufficiently
economically  viable to repay the large capital cost of acquiring and re-commissioning a nearby  processing
plant.  However,  since  then,  metal  prices  have improved considerably  and  CMR  has  also  established
alternative processing options at significantly lower cost than before, such that the mine is now estimated
by the Company to be economically viable.

Masa Valverde

This  project  includes  two permits totalling 3,482 hectares that host, among others,  the  Masa  Valverde
deposit,  the  largest  body  of  unmined  massive-sulphide in the Iberian  Pyrite  Belt,  comprising  both
polymetallic massive sulphides and cupriferous stockwork.
Historic  drilling  has  intersected  up  to  180m  of  massive  sulphide  and  up  to  111m  of  stockwork
mineralization, resulting in the following Inferred Resources:

Tonnes          Gold g/t        Silver g/t      Copper %        Zinc%           Lead %          Notes
119,950,000     0.86            41.9            0.57            4.30            1.28            3% zinc cut-
79,950,000      0.43            22.4            0.76            0.38            0.50            0.5% copper

There  is  significant  potential  for a high-grade zinc/lead deposit to  be  defined  within  the  massive
sulphides.  Potential  also exists for the upgrading and extension of the copper stockwork  mineralization.
The  mineralization is open to the west, with one intersection of 89m of massive sulphides.   A  number  of
geophysical anomalies in the project area remain untested.

CMR is seeking to obtain additional finance for the development of both Lomero-Poyatos and Masa Valverde.


                                                                         Note   2007          2006
                                                                                �             �
Other income                                                             2      7,005         27,193
Administrative costs                                                     2      (774,467)     (686,561)
Share of loss from joint ventures                                               -             (635)
Impairment of exploration costs                                          6      (413,020)     (137,633)
Forgiveness of loan                                                      2      459,477       -
Disposal of available for sale investment                                2      (22,400)      -
Excess of acquirer's interest in the net fair value of acquiree's        2      94,000        -
identifiable net assets over cost
                                                                                ----------    ----------
Loss before tax                                                                 (649,405)     (797,636)
                                                                                ----------    ----------
                                                                                ----------    ----------
Tax                                                                      4      -             -
Loss after tax                                                                  (649,405)     (797,636)
                                                                                ----------    ----------
Attributable to:                                                                              
Equity holders of the parent                                                    (646,399)     (797,636)
Minority interest                                                               (3,006)       -
                                                                                ----------    ----------
                                                                                (649,405)     (797,636)
                                                                                ----------    ----------
                                                                                ----------    ----------
Loss per share:                                                                               
Basic loss per share                                                     5      (0.24p)       (0.49)p
                                                                                ----------    ----------
Diluted loss per share                                                          (0.24p)       (0.49)p
                                                                                ----------    ----------
                                                                                ----------    ----------

All transactions arise from continuing operations.


                                                                       Note          2007             2006
Assets                                                                                 �                �
Non-current assets                                                                                      
Exploration expenditure                                                 6          8,342,698        6,247,179
Property, plant and equipment                                           7           172,626          92,425
Goodwill                                                                6          1,191,706        1,191,706
Available for sale investments                                          8              -             80,000
                                                                                   ---------        ----------
                                                                                   9,707,030        7,611,310
Current assets                                                                                          
Cash and cash equivalents                                               9           40,862           621,392
Trade and other receivables                                             10          456,393          199,782
                                                                                   ---------        ----------
                                                                                    497,255          821,174
                                                                                  ----------        ----------
 Total assets                                                                     10,204,285        8,432,484
                                                                                  ----------        ----------
                                                                                  ----------        ----------
Non-Current Liabilities                                                                                         
Borrowings                                                              11           (86,303)                 -
                                                                                   -----------      ------------
Current liabilities                                                                                             
Trade and other payables                                                11          (931,995)          (555,132)
                                                                                   -----------      ------------
Total liabilities                                                                 (1,018,298)          (555,132)
                                                                                  ------------      ------------
Net assets                                                                          9,185,987          7,887,352
                                                                                  ------------      ------------
                                                                                  ------------      ------------
Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent                                                             
Share capital                                                           12          2,711,156          2,089,989
Share premium account                                                   13         11,160,040         10,456,807
Revaluation reserve                                                     15                  -             48,500
Merger reserve                                                          14          2,116,435          2,116,435
Other reserves                                                                              -              1,373
Translation reserve                                                     17            618,416           (64,345)
Accumulated loss                                                        16        (7,417,806)        (6,771,407)
                                                                                  ------------      ------------
Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent                                 9,188,241          7,887,352
Minority interest                                                                     (2,254)                  -
                                                                                  ------------      ------------
Total equity                                                                        9,185,987          7,887,352
                                                                                  ------------      ------------
                                                                                  ------------      ------------

The financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 21 July 2008.


                                                                         Note            2007               2006
                                                                                            �                  �
Net cash outflow from operating activities                               18         (380,089)          (892,837)
Investing Activities                                                                                            
Exploration costs                                                                 (1,578,955)        (1,653,962)
Purchase of property, plant and equipment                                            (87,952)           (74,752)
Proceeds from sale of available for sale investment                                    57,600                  -
Interest received                                                                       4,973             26,558
Acquisition of investments                                                                  -           (28,965)
                                                                                  ------------      ------------
Net cash used in investing activities                                             (1,604,334)        (1,731,121)
                                                                                  ------------      ------------
Financing activities                                                                                            
Proceeds from issue of share capital                                                1,411,500          1,997,750
Share issue costs                                                                    (87,100)           (67,606)
Proceeds from long term borrowings                                                     79,493                  -
                                                                                  ------------      ------------
Net cash from financing activities                                                  1,403,893          1,930,144
Decrease in cash                                                                    (580,530)          (693,814)
Cash at the beginning of the period                                                   621,392          1,315,206
                                                                                  ------------      ------------
Cash and Cash Equivalents at the end of the period                                     40,862            621,392
                                                                                  ------------      ------------
                                                                                  ------------      ------------


                                                                                2007          2006
                                                                                �             �
Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations                       668,211       (64,345)
Transferred to profit and loss on sale of available for sale investment         48,500        -
                                                                                ---------     ---------
Net income recognised directly in equity                                        716,711       (64,345)
                                                                                ---------     ---------
Loss for the year                                                               (649,405)     (797,636)

                                                                                ---------     ---------
Total recognised income and expense for the period                              (67,306)      (861,981)
                                                                                ---------     ---------
                                                                                ---------     ---------
Attributable to:                                                                                          
Equity holders of parent                                                        (69,560)      (861,981)
Minority Interest                                                               2,254         -


1.      Segmental analysis
There is only one business operating segment for Cambridge Mineral Resources Plc.

Cambridge Mineral Resources Plc's profits and losses before taxation and its geographic allocation of net
assets may be summarised as follows:
                                                     Profit / (Loss)                 Net assets
                                                  2007           2006           2007          2006
                                                  �              �              �             �
United Kingdom                                    (791,357)      (653,629)      7,972,218     6,775,124
Spain                                             (49,397)       (144,874)      430,132       483,071
Peru                                              (3,382)        (1,966)        (7,416)       (1,966)
Panama                                            24,273         (2,069)        41,964        (2,069)
Colombia                                          18,421         4,922          (2,952)       4,912
Bulgaria                                          155,043        -              752,041       628,280
                                                  ---------      ---------      ----------    ----------
                                                  (646,399)      (797,636)      9,185,987     7,887,352
                                                  ---------      ---------      ----------    ----------
                                                  ---------      ---------      ----------    ----------

Exploration costs per geographic segment are shown below:

                                                                                   Exploration Costs
                                                                               2007                2006
                                                                                  �                   �
United Kingdom                                                                     -                     -
Spain                                                                      3,783,661             3,324,261
Peru                                                                         644,420               401,698
Panama                                                                       867,750               590,760
Colombia                                                                   1,102,687               498,749
Bulgaria                                                                   1,944,180             1,431,711
                                                                           ---------             ---------
                                                                           8,342,698             6,247,179
                                                                           ---------             ---------
                                                                           ---------             ---------

2.      Loss before taxation
The loss on ordinary activities before taxation is stated after charging/(crediting):
                                                                                2007          2006
                                                                                �             �
Finance income                                                                  4,974         27,193
Fees payable to the Company's auditor for the audit of the Company annual       35,000        15,000
 - Tax                                                                          3,500         2,100
 - Advice on conversion to IFRS                                                 10,000        -
 - Other non audit services                                                     10,600        2,000
 - Audit of foreign subsidiaries                                                10,140        8,239
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment                                   38,566        39,512
Impairment of intangible assets                                                 413,020       24,034
Expired contracts                                                               -             113,599
Amortisation                                                                    2,254         1,717
Operating lease rentals land and buildings                                      7,514         2,747
Excess of acquirer's interest in the net fair value of acquiree's               94,000        -
identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities over cost
Foreign exchange (gain)/loss                                                    (17,501)      64,345
Loss on disposal of available for sale financial asset                          (22,400)      -
Forgiveness of loan                                                             (459,477)     -

Fees paid to Grant Thornton UK LLP and its associates for non-audit services to the Company itself are  not
disclosed  in  the individual account of Cambridge Mineral Resources Plc because the Company's consolidated
accounts are required to disclose such fees on a consolidated basis.

A  liability  payable by Hereward Ventures was forgiven as a result of the withdrawal by a  previous  joint
venture  partner, giving rise to a credit of �459,477.  On recognition of the withdrawal  of  the  previous
partner  and  CMR's increased interest rising to 100% a credit of �94,000 to the income statement  resulted
which  represents the excess of fair value of the acquiree's identifiable assets liabilities and contingent
liabilities over cost.

3.      Directors and employees
Staff costs excluding directors during the year were as follows:

                                                                                2007          2006
                                                                                �             �
Wages and salaries                                                              148,310       109,579
Social security costs                                                           28,465        27,293
                                                                                -------       -------
                                                                                176,775       136,872
                                                                                -------       -------
                                                                                -------       -------

The average number of employees in the group during the year was 9 (2006: 7).

Remuneration in respect of key management personnel and directors was as follows:

                                                                                2007           2006
                                                                                �              �
- wages and salaries                                                            112,500        94,354
- compensation for loss of office                                               -              35,319
- fees                                                                          181,774        155,324
                                                                                -------        -------
                                                                                294,274        284,997
                                                                                -------        -------
                                                                                -------        -------

The amounts set out above include remuneration in respect of the highest paid director as follows:

                                                                                2007          2006
                                                                                �             �
Emoluments                                                                      70,500        70,500
                                                                                -------       -------
                                                                                -------       -------

No directors participate in money purchase or final salary pension schemes. No director exercised any share
options during the year.

4.      Tax on loss on ordinary activities
The tax charge is based on the loss for the year and represents:
                                                                                2007          2006
                                                                                �             �
Loss on ordinary activities for the year                                        (649,405)     (797,636)
United Kingdom corporation tax at 30% (2006: 30%)                               (194,822)     (239,291)
UK expenses not deductable for tax purposes                                     13,919        -
UK tax losses not relieved                                                      223,489       3,476
Foreign profits not taxable                                                     (102,493)     103,273
Adjustments on consolidation not taxable                                        59,907        132,542
                                                                                ---------     ---------
Tax Charge                                                                      -             -
                                                                                ---------     ---------
                                                                                ---------     ---------

The following deferred tax asset has not been recognised in relation to the UK tax losses:

Future UK tax rate at 28.00%        
Fixed asset timing differences               (6,139)
Losses and other deductions              (1,873,422)

5.      Loss per share
The loss per share is based on the loss for the year divided by the weighted average number of shares in
issue during the year.

                                                                                     2007          2006
                                                                                        �             �
Loss after tax (�)                                                              (646,399)     (797,636)
                                                                               ----------   -----------
                                                                               ----------   -----------
Weighted average number of shares                                             221,429,860   163,172,463
Basic loss per share (pence)                                                      (0.24p)       (0.49p)
Diluted loss per share (pence)                                                    (0.24p)       (0.49p)
For  the current period, as diluted earnings would be increased when taking the warrants and share options into
account, these are deemed to be antidilutive and are ignored in the calculation of diluted earnings per  share.
The instruments that have been excluded are shown below.

Dilutive  earnings  per  share  is  calculated by adjusting the weighted  average  number  of  ordinary  shares
outstanding to assume conversion of all dilutive potential ordinary shares.  The Company has two categories  of
dilutive potential ordinary shares:  warrants and share options.  A reconciliation between the denominator used
in the calculation of basic loss per share and diluted loss per share is shown below:
Weighted average number of shares:                                               221,429,860        163,172,463
Warrants                                                                          46,254,155         17,738,630
Options                                                                            2,081,370          1,450,000
                                                                                 -----------        -----------
Total Fully Diluted Shares                                                       269,765,385        182,361,093
                                                                                 -----------        -----------
                                                                                 -----------        -----------

6.      Intangible assets
                                                                            Goodwill       Exploration      Total
                                                             Note                          expenditure
                                                                            �              �                �
Gross carrying amount                                                       1,191,706      4,081,640        5,273,346
Accumulated amortisation and impairment                                     -              (7,709)          (7,709)
                                                                            ---------      ---------        ---------
Carrying amount at 1 January 2006                                           1,191,706      4,073,931        5,265,637
Gross carrying amount                                                       1,191,706      6,256,449        7,448,155
Accumulated amortisation and impairment                                     -              (9,270)          (9,270)
                                                                            ---------      ---------        ---------
At 31 December 2006                                                         1,191,706      6,247,179        7,438,885
Gross carrying amount                                                       1,191,706      8,758,594        9,950,300
Accumulated amortisation and impairment                                     -              (415,896)        (415,896)
                                                                            ---------      ---------        ---------
Carrying amount at 31 December 2007                                         1,191,706      8,342,698        9,534,404
                                                                            ---------      ---------        ---------
                                                                            ---------      ---------        ---------
                                                                            Goodwill       Exploration      Total
                                                                            �              �                �
Carrying amount at 1 January 2006                                           1,191,706      4,073,931        5,265,637
- separately acquired/internally developed                                  -              2,404,320        2,404,320
Expired contracts                                                           -              (113,599)        (113,599)
Impairment                                                                  -              (24,034)         (24,034)
Amortisation                                                                -              (1,717)          (1,716)
Net exchange differences                                                    -              (91,722)         (91,722)
                                                                            ---------      ---------        ---------
Carrying amount at 31 December 2006                                         1,191,706      6,247,179        7,438,885
- separately acquired/internally developed                                  -              1,872,012        1,872,012
- through business combinations                                   24        -              185,519          185,519
Amortisation                                                                -              (2,254)          (2,254)
Impairment                                                                  -              (413,020)        (413,020)
Net exchange differences                                                    -              453,262          453,262
                                                                            ---------      ---------        ---------
Carrying amount at 31 December 2007                                         1,191,706      8,342,698        9,534,404
                                                                            ---------      ---------        ---------
                                                                            ---------      ---------        ---------
  The  impairment was due to management evaluation and decision to  cease exploration activities in the relevant areas
  and was carried out after the official termination of the contract with the relevant  government authorities.
  The  group  has  determined that the carrying amount of �3,324,261 in relation to exploration activities and
  �1,191,706 for Goodwill in Spain  is  not  impaired. This has been determined based on values prepared by external
  parties and the performance of like companies that the carrying value of the exploration costs is not impaired.
  7.      Property, plant and equipment
                                                                     Note       Office           Motor        Total
                                                                                equipment         Vehicles
                                                                                �                �            �
  Gross carrying amount                                                         269,970          146,541      416,511
  Accumulated depreciation and impairment                                       (235,740)        (118,357)    (354,097)
                                                                                ---------        ---------    ---------
  Carrying amount at 1 January 2006                                             34,230           28,184       62,414
  Gross carrying amount                                                         331,713          138,563      470,276
  Accumulated depreciation and impairment                                       (258,168)        (119,683)    (377,851)
                                                                               ---------        ---------    ---------
  Carrying amount at 31 December 2006                                           73,545           18,880       92,425
                                                                               ---------        ---------    ---------
                                                                               ---------        ---------    ---------
  Gross carrying amount                                                         435,011          106,857      541,868
  Accumulated depreciation and impairment                                       (293,561)        (75,681)     (369,242)
                                                                               ---------        ---------    ---------
  Carrying amount at 31 December 2007                                           141,450          31,176       172,626
                                                                               ---------        ---------    ---------
                                                                               ---------        ---------    ---------
  Reconciliation of the carrying amounts shown in the                                                         
  consolidated financial statements
                                                                                Equipment        Motor        Total
                                                                                �                �            �
  Carrying amount at 1 January 2006                                             34,230           28,184       62,414
  - separately acquired                                                         72,211           -            72,211
  Disposals                                                                     (8,142)          (5,837)      (13,979)
  Depreciation                                                                  (30,585)         (8,927)      (39,512)
  Depreciation released on disposal                                             6,293            5,837        12,130
  Net exchange differences                                                      (462)            (377)        (839)
                                                                               ---------        ---------    ---------
  Carrying amount at 31 December 2006                                           73,545           18,880       92,425
  - separately acquired                                                         87,952           -            87,952
  -through business combinations                                      24        12,954           24,795       37,749
  Assets disposed of                                                            (8,824)          (67,921)     (76,745)
  Depreciation                                                                  (27,408)         (11,158)     (38,566)
  Depreciation released on disposal                                             -                65,068       65,068
  Net exchange differences                                                      3,231            1,512        4,743
                                                                               ---------        ---------    ---------
  Carrying amount at 31 December 2007                                           141,450          31,176       172,626
                                                                               ---------        ---------    ---------
                                                                               ---------        ---------    ---------
  All depreciation and impairment charges are included in "administration costs" in the income statement.

  8. Financial assets
                                                               Available for sale
  At 1 January 2006                                                   50,400
  Revaluations                                                        29,600
  At 31 December 2006                                                 80,000
  Disposal of financial assets                                       (80,000)
  At 31 December 2007                                                   -

  The  group  held  an  investment  in  an  associate  Caracal  Cambridge Bulgaria EAD (CCB) as at 31 December
  2006. This investment was carried at a value of nil. No losses have been recognised in the Income Statement
  for the current period, however, had these losses been recognised they would have been, �136,195.
  9. Cash and cash equivalents
                                                                                 2007           2006
                                                                                 �              �
  Bank and cash balances                                                         40,862         285,817
  Short term deposits                                                            -              335,575
                                                                                 ------         --------
                                                                                 40,862         621,392
                                                                                 ------         --------
                                                                                 ------         --------
  10. Trade and other receivables
                                                                                 2007           2006
                                                                                 �              �
  Recoverable VAT                                                                184,823        141,722
  Other receivables                                                              202,125        -
  Prepayments and accrued income                                                 69,445         58,060
                                                                                 -------        --------
  Total trade and other receivables                                              456,393        199,782
                                                                                 -------        --------
                                                                                 -------        --------
  The carrying values are considered to be a reasonable approximation of fair  value and are considered
  recoverable within one year by the directors.
  11. Trade and other payables
                                                                                 2007           2006
                                                                                 �              �
  Current liabilities                                                                           
  Trade and other payables                                                       508,867        283,659
  Social security and other taxes                                                35,461         15,066
  Accruals and deferred income                                                   387,667        256,407
                                                                                 -------        --------
                                                                                 931,995        555,132
                                                                                 -------        --------
                                                                                 -------        --------
  The carrying values are considered to be a reasonable approximation of
  fair value.
                                                                                 2007           2006
                                                                                 �              �
  Non current liabilities                                                                       
  Borrowings                                                                     86,303         -
                                                                                 -------        -----
                                                                                 -------        -----
  (a)  The group has one loan taken out for the purchase of capital

       (i) a loan of �86,303 is due and payable in one instalment on October 25 2010.
      (ii) the loan carries an interest rate of 13.93%
     (iii) the fair value of this amount is �110,347.  This has been calculated using the repayment
           terms and the relevant interest rate.
  12.  Share capital
                                                                                 2007           2006
                                                                                 �              �
  500,000,000 ordinary shares of 1p each                                         5,000,000      5,000,000
                                                                                 ---------      ---------
                                                                                 ---------      ---------
  Allotted, called up and fully paid                                                            
  271,115,704 (2006: 208,999,038) ordinary shares of 1p each                     2,711,156      2,089,989
                                                                                 ---------      ---------
                                                                                 ---------      ---------
  Allotments during the year
  During the year the Company allotted a total of  62,116,666 ordinary 1p shares for cash consideration of
  �1,411,500. The difference between the total consideration, net of expenses of �87,100, and the total
  nominal value has been credited to the share premium account.
  (a) Share options
  All the share options below were granted after 7 November 2002, with the exception of the options granted
  on the 1 April 2007, were all fully vested as at 1 January 2006. The Company has granted options to
  subscribe for ordinary 1p shares as follows:
                                                                              Exercise          Number of
                                                                             price per            options
                                                                                 share        unexercised
  Date granted                                     Period exercisable          (pence)
  31 December 2001              31 December 20012 to 30 December 2008           20.00p            450,000
  19 February 2003               19 February 2003 to 18 February 2010           10.25p            700,000
  19 February 2003               19 February 2003 to 18 February 2010           14.50p            300,000
  1 April 2007                          1 April 2007 to 31 March 2009           3.50p             175,000
  The Company's share price at 31 December 2007was 2.05p. The highest and lowest share prices during the
  year were 4.88p and 1.8p respectively.

  During the year ended 31 December 2007 175,000 share options were issued to a Colombian employee.  These
  share options at the date of grant had a market value of �3,500 which the directors consider to be
  a reasonable estimation of their fair value.  The potential charge arising has not been charged to the income

  The Company issued warrants to subscribe in cash for 30,666,666 ordinary 1p shares as shown in the
  table below. The warrants are exercisable at any time between the dates shown and the date upon which a full
  Stock Exchange listing or a takeover becomes effective.
  (b) Share warrants
  The Company issued warrants to subscribe in cash for 30,666,666 ordinary 1p shares as shown in the table below.
  The warrants are exercisable at any time between the dates down and the date upon which a full Stock Exchange
  listing or a takeover becomes effective.
  Date of grant                                  Number of      Exercise        Exercisable      Exercisable
                                                 Warrants       Price           From             To
  21 June 2007                                   8,333,333      �0.0300         21/06/2007       20/06/2008
  21 June 2007                                   8,333,333      �0.0300         21/06/2007       20/06/2009
  6 August 2007                                  3,000,000      �0.0300         06/08/2007       05/08/2008
  6 August 2007                                  3,000,000      �0.0300         06/08/2007       05/08/2009
  6 August 2007                                  2,000,000      �0.0300         06/08/2007       05/08/2008
  6 August 2007                                  2,000,000      �0.0300         06/08/2007       05/08/2009
  23 October 2007                                1,000,000      �0.0300         23/10/2007       22/10/2008
  23 October 2007                                1,000,000      �0.0300         23/10/2007       22/10/2009
  23 October 2007                                2,000,000      �0.0200         23/10/2007       22/10/2010
  The directors are satisfied that the warrants outstanding as at 31 December 2007 are equity in nature and
  therefore no fair value adjustment arising.
  The  following table shows the number and weighted average exercise price of all the unexercised share options
  and warrants at the year end:
                                               2007                                           2006
                           Number              Weighted average          Number               Weighted average
                                               exercise price                                 exercise price
  Outstanding at 1         34,150,000          3.47p                     1,450,000            14.16p
  Options granted during   175,000             3.50p                     -                    -
  the year
  Warrants granted         30,666,666          3.00p                     32,700,000           3.00p
  during the year
                           ----------          ----------------          ----------           -----------------
  Outstanding at 31        64,991,666          3.24p                     34,150,000           3.40p
                           ----------          ----------------          ----------           -----------------
                           ----------          ----------------          ----------           -----------------
  13.  Share premium account
  At 1 January 2006                                                                              9,165,330
  Premium on allotments during the year                                                          1,291,477
  At 31 December 2006                                                                           10,456,807
  Premium on allotments during the year                                                            703,233
  At 31 December 2007                                                                           11,160,040
  Premium is net of share issue costs of �87,100.
  14.  Merger reserve
  At 1 January 2006 and 31 December 2006                                                         2,116,435
  At 31 December 2007                                                                            2,116,435
  15.  Revaluation reserve
  At 1 January 2006                                                                                 18,900
  Revaluation of investments                                                                        29,600
  At 31 December 2006                                                                               48,500
  Disposal of investments                                                                         (48,500)
  At 31 December 2007                                                                                    -
  16. Accumulated loss
  At 1 January 2006                                                                            (6,038,116)
  Transfer to translation reserve                                                                   64,345
  Retained profit for the year                                                                   (797,636)
  At 31 December 2006                                                                          (6,771,407)
  Retained loss for the year attributable to the group                                           (646,399)
  At 31 December 2007                                                                          (7,417,806)
  17. Translation Reserve
  At 1 January 2006                                                                              -
  Foreign exchange differences                                                                   (64,345)
  Balance at 31 December 2006                                                                    (64,345)
  Foreign exchange differences                                                                   668,211
  Transfer                                                                                       14,550
  At 31 December 2007                                                                            618,416
  18. Net cash outflow from operating activities
                                                                                         2007         2006
                                                                                            �            �
  Loss before taxation                                                              (649,405)    (797,636)
  Depreciation                                                                         38,566       21,899
  Amortisation                                                                          2,254        1,717
  Increase in debtors                                                                (43,364)     (55,866)
  Increase in creditors                                                               353,128      112,966
  Impairment                                                                          413,020       24,034
  Foreign exchange movements                                                            1,816    (199,951)
  Forgiveness on loan                                                               (459,477)            -
  Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment                                    34,973            -
  Excess of acquirer's interest in the net fair value of acquiree's                  (94,000)            -
  identifiable net assets
  Loss on disposal of available for sale asset                                         22,400            -
                                                                                    ---------    ---------
  Net cash outflow from operating activities                                        (380,089)    (892,837)
                                                                                    ---------    ---------
                                                                                    ---------    ---------
  19.  Financial instruments
  The disclosures detailed below are as required by IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures. The group's principal
  treasury objective is to provide sufficient liquidity to meet operational cash flow requirements and to allow the
  group to take advantage of new growth opportunities whilst maximising shareholder value. The group operates
  controlled treasury policies which are monitored by the Board to ensure that the needs of the group are met as they
  evolve. The impact of the risks required to be discusses in accordance with IFRS 7 are detailed below:
  Summary of financial assets and liabilities
  31 December 2007               Loans and receivables                      Total
  Assets per balance sheet                                 
  Cash and Cash Equivalents                     40,862                     40,862
  Total                                         40,862                     40,862
                                 ---------------------                 ----------
                                 ---------------------                 ----------
  31 December 2007                         Other financial                      Total
  Liabilities per balance sheet                                                      
  Borrowings                                        86,303                     86,303
  Trade and other payables                         896,534                    896,534
  Total                                            982,837                    982,837
                                         -----------------                 ----------
                                         -----------------                 ----------
  31 December 2006               Loans and receivables            Available for sale                   Total
  Assets per balance sheet                                                            
  Available for sale                                 -                        80,000                  80,000
  Cash and Cash Equivalents                    621,392                             -                 621,392
  Total                                        621,392                        80,000                 701,392
                                 ---------------------            ------------------                 -------
                                 ---------------------            ------------------                 -------
  31 December 2006                         Other financial                      Total
  Liabilities per balance sheet                                                      
  Trade and other payables                         540,066                    540,066
  Total                                            540,066                    540,066
                                           ---------------                    -------
                                           ---------------                    -------
  Market risk
  - Foreign currency risk
  The group does not hedge its exposure of foreign investments held in foreign currencies. The group undertakes
  transactions principally in sterling, euros, Peruvian soles, Colombian pesos and US dollars. While
  the group continually monitors its exposure to movements in currency rates, it does not utilise hedging
  instruments to protect against currency risk.

  At 31st December 2007/2006                                             31/12/2007                 31/12/2006
  Closing �/euro exchange rate                                               1.3619                     1.4841
  Closing �/Peruvian new soles exchange rate                                 6.0836                     6.1144
  Closing �/Colombian pesos exchange rate                                     4,070                      4,312
  Closing �/US$ exchange rate                                                1.9909                     1.9570
  Effect on equity of 1-17% increase in rate                                 �2,559                   �(4,507)
  Effect on equity of 1-17% decrease in rate                              �(13,936)                       �723
  Effect on loss of 1-17% increase in rate                                     �223                     �29,78
  Effect on loss of 1-17% decrease in rate                                 �(4,441)                   �(3,148)
  Sensitivity analysis of the four foreign currencies used by the group has shown the following levels of
  movement that can be tolerated by the group:
                                  Euros     Peruvian New      Columbian       US Dollars
                                            Soles             Peso
  Increase in rate (2007)         2%        7%                3%              4%
  Decrease in rate (2007)         9%        9%                7%              2%
  Increase in rate (2006)         1%        6%                17%             12%
  Decrease in rate (2007)         4%        2%                2%              1%
  These figures have been obtained by analysing the movement in the foreign exchange rates for the past twelve
  months against the average exchange rate for the period. Using this data, the maximum increase and decrease
  has been determined. This has then been applied to the equity and loss position of the group for the period to
  determine the sensitivity to foreign exchange movements. There has been no change in the assumptions and
  methodology used in determining the sensitivity analysis from the previous period.
  - Interest rate risk
  The group finances its operations through the issue of equity share capital.  There is one loan held, with a fixed
  interest rate and therefore no exposure to interest rate fluctuations. The cash and cash equivalents disclosed in
  note 9 were on short term deposit. These deposits are kept under regular review, with reference to future
  expenditure requirements to maximise interest receivable. The results of the group are not significantly affected by
  the level of interest income.
  Maturity Analysis
  The table below analyses the group's financial liabilities into relevant maturity groupings based on the remaining
  period at the balance sheet to the contractual maturity date.  Amounts payable within one year are not discounted
  as the impact of discounting is not significant.  Amounts payable greater than one year has been discounted at the
  relevant interest rate.
  At 31 December 2007                   Less than 1 Year                      Between 1 and 2 years
  Borrowings                            -                                     110,347
  Trade and other payables              931,995                               -
  At 31 December 2007                   Less than 1 Year                      Between 1 and 2 years
  Borrowings                            -                                     175,250
  Trade and other payables              931,995                               -
  Liquidity risk
  In common with many exploration companies, the Company raises finance for its exploration and appraisal activities
  in discrete tranches to finance its activities for limited periods only. Further funding is raised as and when
  required. The group's policy continues to be to ensure that it has adequate liquidity by careful management of its
  working capital.
  Credit risk
  Credit risk is the risk that a counterparty will not meet its obligations under a financial instrument or customer
  contract, leading to a financial loss.  The group is exposed to credit risk from its financing activities,
  including deposits with banks and financial institutions, foreign exchange transactions and other financial
  instruments. The group does not have trade receivables and does not hold collateral as security Credit risk from
  balances with banks and financial institutions is managed by the Board.
  No material exposure is considered to exist by virtue of the possible non performance of the counterparties to
  financial instruments. At the current stage of operations, no counterparties exist.
  20. Capital commitments
  The Company had no capital commitments at 31 December 2007 or 31 December 2006.
  21. Contingent liabilities
  There were no contingent liabilities at 31 December 2007 or 31 December 2006.
  22. Contingent assets
  There were no contingent liabilities for the group at 31 December 2007 or
  31 December 2006.
  23. Operating lease commitments
  The group does not have any lease commitments at balance date.
  24. Acquisition of subsidiaries
  Acquisition of remaining 50% share of Minera Sucre SAC
  In November 2007 the group obtained the remaining 50% share
  in Minera Sucre SAC bringing the Company's ownership to 100%. The acquired business contributed no revenue to the
  group, only capitalised exploration costs.  If the acquisition had occurred on 1 January 2007, in the directors
  opinion there would not have been an adjustment to group revenue as all costs incurred were capitalised as
  exploration costs. Details of net assets acquired and goodwill are as follows:
  Purchase consideration                               
  -  fair value of shares issued                             130,592
  Total Purchase Consideration                               130,592
  Fair value of net assets acquired                          130,952
  Goodwill                                                         -
  The assets and liabilities as of November 2007 arising from the
  acquisition are as follows:
                                                       Fair Value       Acquiree's
  Intangible assets (Exploration costs)                   130,592          130,592
  Acquisition of remaining 51% shareholding of Caracal Cambridge Bulgaria EAD (CCB):
  The 31 December 2005 UK GAAP numbers were restated to include 100% of Hereward Ventures Bulgaria (HVB).  In turn
  HVB owned 49% of Caracal Cambridge Mining Ventures Ltd (CCMV),  the 100% shareholder of CCB, which was treated as
  investment in associate in the year ended 31 December 2006.  The carrying value of the investment in the associate
  was nil.  The financial statements do not show the share of the associates' losses as at 31 December 2006 as this
  would give rise to a negative investment carrying value.

  In March 2007 the joint venture partner Asia Gold transferred their 51% shareholding in CCMV to HVB for a nil
  consideration which therefore gave HVB a 100% shareholding.  Later in 2007 HVB allocated 1% of their
  shareholding to a new joint venture partner, Electrum.  The excess of the fair value of the acquiree's identifiable
  net assets over the cost of the acquisition was recognised immediately after acquisition in the income statement to
  a value of �94,000. The acquired business contributed revenues of �1,127 and net profit of �368,011 to the group
  from the date of acquisition to reporting date.  If the acquisition had occurred on 1 January 2007, group revenue
  would not have been affected as to date of acquisition only exploration costs had been incurred.
  Purchase consideration                               
  -  cash paid                                                     -
  Total Purchase Consideration                                     -
  Fair value of net assets acquired                           94,000
  Excess of acquirer's interest in the net fair             (94,000)
  value of acquiree's identifiable net assets
  The assets and liabilities as of November 2007 arising from the acquisition are as follows:

                                                          Acquiree's          Fair value       Fair value
                                                            carrying         adjustments
  Cash and cash equivalents                                    1,325                   -            1,325
  Property, plant and equipment and exploration              751,770           (659,095)           92,675
  Deferred tab liabilities                                     2,655             (2,655)                -
  Other receivables                                           36,283            (36,283)                -
  Borrowings                                               (438,938)             438,938                -
  Total                                                      353,095           (259,094)           94,000
                                                          ----------          -----------      ----------
                                                          ----------          -----------      ----------
  25.     Related party transactions
  During  the  year the Company paid Geomin Consultants �70,500 for the consultancy and technical services of its
  employee C Andrew, who is a director of the Company. �11,750 was owing to Geomin Consultants at 31 December 2007.
  During the year the Company paid Markham Associates, a company owned & controlled by N Maclachlan, �48,750 for the
  directorial services of N Maclachlan, who is a non-executive director of the Company. �33,750 was owing to Markham
  Associates at 31 December 2007.
  During the year the Company paid Euroventure International Plc, a company owned and controlled by M Burton, who is
  a director of the Company, �52,500 for the accountancy services of M Burton. �8,750 was owing to Euroventure
  International Plc at 31 December 2007.
  During  the year M Burton, finance director, advanced the group �15,200 (2006 - nil). This amount is currently a
  creditor of the company.  Within the debtors balance of the group is an amount payable by M Burton of �4,070
  (2006 - nil).
  26. Post balance sheet events
  (a)  On 25 January 2008 the Company announced it had secured a finance facility of US$15,000,000 in respect of
  certain  of  its  gold  mine projects  in Columbia. Under the terms of the facility the Company has to deliver gold
  in repayment for the finance.
  (b)  On 19 March 2008 the Company raised �400,000 before expenses through a share placing with an institution.
  27. Reconciliation of UK GAAP IFRS statements
  The  valuation of the investments prior to 1 January 2006, the  group's date of transition to IFRS, have not been
  restated to comply with IFRS 3 "Business Combinations".
  The Company has elected not to calculate the translation difference in respect of foreign operations
  retrospectively and thereby set corresponding  translation  differences at the date of transition determined in
  accordance with previous GAAP, which was zero.
  Goodwill arising from these investments �1,529,475 has not been restated other than as set out in the note below.
  Goodwill recognised by the group on acquisition under UK GAAP was amortised over a period of 20 years. Under IFRS
  goodwill is not amortised, but tested annually for impairment. The goodwill amortisation charge recognised with UK
  GAAP in 2006 was written back.
  Under UK GAAP the investment that is held in Hereward was treated as a fixed asset investment. As a result the
  assets and liabilities of the company were not recognised by the group.  On transition to IFRS, the exemptions
  previously available under UK GAAP not to recognise Hereward as a subsidiary is no longer available.  As a result
  the balance sheet as at 31 December 2005 has been restated to account for the fair value of the assets and
  liabilities in relation to Hereward not previously recognised under UK GAAP.
  The adoption of IFRS had the following impact on group profit:
                                                                                          Year ended 31 December 2006
                                                                     As previously          Adjustments   As restated
                                                                    reported under                         under IFRS
                                                                           UK GAAP
                                                  Reference                      �                    �             �
  Continuing Operations
  Other Income                                                              27,193                    -        27,193
  Administrative Costs                            A                      (900,658)               76,464     (824,194)
  Share of losses from joint ventures                                        (635)                    -         (635)
  Loss on disposal of quoted investment                                          -                    -             -
                                                                    --------------        -------------  ------------
  Loss before tax                                                        (874,100)               76,464     (797,636)
                                                                    --------------        -------------  ------------
                                                                    --------------        -------------  ------------
  Earnings per share:                                                                                     
  Basic loss per share:                                                     (0.54)                 1.33        (0.49)
                                                                    --------------        -------------  ------------

                                                                    --------------        -------------  ------------
  Diluted loss per share                                                    (0.54)                 1.25        (0.49)
                                                                    --------------        -------------  ------------
                                                                    --------------        -------------  ------------

  Reconciliation of Profit / Loss
  (Loss) under UK GAAP                                                                                    
  Goodwill amortization no longer recognised      A                         76,464                        
  after date of transition
  Loss IFRS                                                              (797,636)
  A: Under IFRS goodwill is not amortised. Goodwill charged for the period has been written back.
  Reconciliation of Group Equity:
                                                 31 December 2006                          1 January 2006

                                      As previously                            As previously                restated
                                     reported under              As restated  reported under                   under
                                            UK GAAP  Adjustments  under IFRS         UK GAAP  Adjustments       IFRS
                              Ref                 �            �           �               �            �          �
Non-Cuurent Asset
Exploration expenditure       b           4,815,468    1,431,711   6,247,179       3,173,455      900,476  4,073,931
  Property Plant and
  Equipment                   b              85,559        6,866      92,425          43,844        6,868     50,712
  Goodwill                    a,b         1,038,768      152,938   1,191,706       1,115,242       76,464  1,191,706
  Investments                 b             902,364    (822,364)      80,000         873,399    (822,938)     50,461
                                     ---------------------------------------  --------------------------------------
                                          6,842,159      769,151   7,611,310       5,205,940      160,870  5,366,810

Current Assets                                                             -
  Cash and Cash Equivalents   b            618,302        3,090     621,392       1,287,292        3,090  1,290,382
  Trade and other receivables b            798,588    (598,806)     199,782         642,868     (67,563)    575,305
                                         1,416,890    (595,716)     821,174       1,930,160     (64,473)  1,865,687
                                     ---------------------------------------  --------------------------------------
  Total Assets                           8,259,049      173,435   8,432,484       7,136,100       96,397  7,232,497
                                     ---------------------------------------  --------------------------------------
                                     ---------------------------------------  --------------------------------------
Non Current Liabilities    
Borrowings                    b                   -           -           -               -    (153,814)   (153,814)
                                     ---------------------------------------  --------------------------------------                        
Current liabilities         
Trade and other payables      b           (389,428)   (165,704)   (555,132)       (287,778)     (11,316)   (299,094)
                                     ---------------------------------------  --------------------------------------
Total Liabilities                         (389,428)   (165,704)   (555,132)       (287,778)    (165,130)   (452,908)
                                     ---------------------------------------  --------------------------------------
Net assets / liabilities                  7,869,621       7,731   7,887,352       6,848,322     (68,733)   6,779,589
                                     ---------------------------------------  --------------------------------------
                                     ---------------------------------------  --------------------------------------
Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent 

Share capital                             2,089,989           -   2,089,989       1,451,322           -    1,451,322
Share premium account                    10,456,807           -  10,456,807       9,165,330           -    9,165,330
Revaluation reserve                          48,500           -      48,500          18,900           -       18,900
Merger reserve                            2,116,435           -   2,116,435       2,116,435           -    2,116,435
Other Reserves                b                   -       1,373       1,373               -       1,373        1,373
Translation reserve           c                   -    (64,345)    (64,345)
Accumulated Loss              a,b       (6,842,110)      70,703 (6,771,407)     (5,903,665)    (70,106)  (5,973,771)
                                        ------------------------------------    ------------------------------------
Total Equity                              7,869,621       7,731   7,887,352       6,848,322    (68,733)    6,779,589
                                        ------------------------------------    ------------------------------------
                                        ------------------------------------    ------------------------------------  

Reconciliation of Group Equity                             1 January 2005           31 December 2006
                                                                        �                          �
Total Equity UK GAAP                                            6,848,322                  7,869,621

Goodwill no longer amortized after transition date   a             76,464                    152,938
Effect of recognising Hereward as Subsidiary         b          (145,197)                  (145,207)
Total Adjustments to Equity                                      (68,733)                      7,731

Total Equity IFRS                                               6,779,589                  7,887,352
  a: Under IFRS goodwill is not amortised. Goodwill charged for the period has been written back.
  b: Under UK GAAP the investment that is held in Hereward was treated as a fixed asset investment.  As a result
     the assets and liabilities of the company were not recognised by the group.  On transition to IFRS, the
     exemptions previously available under UK GAAP not to recognise Hereward as a subsidiary is no longer available.
     As a result the balance sheet as at 31 December 2005 has been restated to account for the fair value of the
     assets and liabilities in relation to Hereward not previously recognised under UK GAAP.
  c: The Group has elected to adopt the IFRS exemption from creating an opening balance for foreign currency
     translation reserves. For the year ended 2006 amounts relating to foreign currency has been adjusted from
     retained earnings to create the opening balance for the foreign currency translation reserve that is required
     under IFRS.
  The  Annual General Meeting will be held at 11.00am on 4 September 2008 at 10 Fenchurch Avenue, London, EC3M 5BN.
  The notice of this meeting can  be found in the separate circular sent to shareholders accompanying the annual
  report and accounts. Shareholders would have received a separate circular accompanying the annual report and
  accounts containing explanatory information and the notice of the AGM.
  It is anticipated that once the report and accounts are sent to shareholders, which is anticipated over the next few
  days, trading in the company's ordinary shares shall resume.
  The summary accounts set out above do not constitute statutory accounts as defined by Section 240 of the UK
  Companies Act 1985.  The consolidated balance sheet at 31 December 2007 and the consolidated income statement,
  consolidated statement of recognised income and expense and the consolidated cash flow statement for the  year
  then ended have been extracted from the Group's 2007 statutory financial statements upon which the auditors' opinion
  is modified on the basis of an emphasis of matter opinion and going concern. The results for the year ended  31
  December 2006 have been extracted from the statutory accounts for that period, which contain a modified auditors'
  report on the basis of an emphasis of matter opinion and going concern.
                                                 * * ENDS * *
  For further information, visit or contact:
  Cambridge Mineral Resources plc
  Michael Burton
  Finance Director
  020 7663 5618
  Ruegg & Co Limited
  Gavin Burnell / Roxane Marffy
  Nominated Adviser
  020 7584 3663
  Hichens, Harrison and Co
  Colin Rowbury
  020 7382 7771
  Haywood Securities (UK) Limited
  Tom Beattie
  020 7031 8018
  St Brides Media and Finance Ltd
  Victoria Thomas
  Financial Public Relations
  020 7236 1177

Cambridge Mineral Resources Plc


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