RNS Number : 9147X

Evraz Plc

17 January 2014


17 January 2014 - EVRAZ plc (LSE: EVR) today releases its operational results for the fourth quarter of 2013 and full year of 2013.


-- Consolidated crude steel production and gross output of steel products increased by 1% and 2% respectively, despite suspensions in Europe and North America with Russian, Ukrainian and South African operations contributing to the overall growth

-- EVRAZ NTMK implemented the PCI project allowing for the sustainable reduction of operating costs

-- Production at EVRAZ ZSMK rail mill recommenced following the successful completion of the major modernisation project and the Company obtained all necessary approvals for commercial production of head-hardened rails

-- EVRAZ suspended operations at EVRAZ Claymont and EVRAZ Palini e Bertoli as part of the group wide optimisation plan

-- Production of saleable iron ore products decreased by 1% in 2013 as a result of the ongoing restructuring programme within the iron ore business which resulted in the disposal of EVRAZ VGOK and certain mines of Evrazruda

-- The coking coal business of the Group increased the output of of raw coking coal in 2013 by 22% (on a pro-forma basis) with both key assets Yuzhkuzbassugol and the Raspadskaya coal company contributing significantly to the growth

-- EVRAZ commissioned a new coking coal mine - Yerunakovskaya VIII, which will be a large scale and low cost operation

-- EVRAZ continued the integration of the Raspaskaya coal company following its acquisition in January 2013

-- Although underlying demand for most steel product groups in Russia and North America was strong, average selling prices for all key product groups continued to soften over the year in line with global benchmarks


   --    Consolidated crude steel production was broadly flat in Q4 2013 vs. Q3 2013 

-- Output of gross steel products remained unchanged vs. Q3 2013 supported by export demand for Russian made semi-finished products and a strong order book for tubular products in North America while the output of construction products showed seasonal decline

-- Share of finished steel products decreased to 69% in Q4 2013 vs. 75% in Q3 2013 due to seasonal factors and redistribution of production at the Russian steel mills towards semi-finished products

-- Output of iron ore products decreased by 10% in Q4 2013 as a result of the disposal of EVRAZ VGOK in October 2013

-- Consolidated raw coking coal output grew 5% driven by increased mining volumes at Yuzhkuzbassugol, and despite two of the mines of the Raspadskaya coal company being closed for repositioning of longwalls

-- In October 2013, EVRAZ sold the Gramoteinskaya steam coal mine, which was adjudged to be a non-core operation for EVRAZ's coking coal business

-- In November 2013, EVRAZ was awarded with a compliance certificate for head-hardened rails with lengths of up to 100 meters, allowing the Company to launch commercial production. The first batch of 10 thousand tonnes of 25-meter head-hardened rails was shipped to the Russian Railways in December 2013

-- In December 2013, EVRAZ announced the completion of construction works and commencement of hot tests at the light-section rolling mill in Kostanay, Kazakhstan, with a nominal capacity of 450 thousand tonnes of construction products, which are currently in strong demand in the Central Asian markets

-- In December 2013, the Raspadskaya coal company launched a new longwall at its flagship Raspadskaya underground mine, being an important milestone in the programme of mining volume growth for 2014

-- In December 2013, EVRAZ announced the sale of a number of Evrazruda's loss making iron ore assets and utilities companies located in the Republic of Khakassia and the Kemerovo region as part of its iron ore asset portfolio optimisation programme

-- Average selling prices for EVRAZ's key steel product groups changed responding to global steel and local market demand, changes in product mix and seasonal factors

   --    Prices for iron ore products slightly increased in line with global benchmarks 

-- Average quarterly prices for Russian-produced coking coal concentrate are more resilient to price movements globally and remained broadly at the level of Q3 2013


 Product, '000 tonnes               2013     2012    2013/ 2012, change   Q4 2013   Q3 2013   Q4 2013/ Q3 2013, change 
--------------------------------  -------  -------  -------------------  --------  --------  ------------------------- 
 Coke (saleable)                    1,380    1,416                -2.6%       283       342                     -17.2% 
 Pig iron                          12,553   12,031                 4.3%     3,158     3,137                       0.7% 
   Pig iron (saleable)                341      261                30.4%       119       131                      -9.1% 
 Crude steel                       16,109   15,932                 1.1%     3,989     3,962                       0.7% 
 Steel products, gross             15,972   15,701                 1.7%     3,924     3,933                      -0.2% 
 Steel products, net of 
  re-rolled volumes                14,673   14,195                 3.4%     3,728     3,649                       2.2% 
   Semi-finished products **        3,843    3,153                21.9%     1,155       918                      25.8% 
   Finished products               10,830   11,042                -1.9%     2,574     2,731                      -5.8% 
       Construction products        5,186    5,207                -0.4%     1,250     1,363                      -8.3% 
       Railway products             1,903    1,801                 5.7%       510       515                      -0.9% 
       Flat-rolled products         2,108    2,465               -14.5%       365       460                     -20.6% 
       Tubular products               927      872                 6.4%       273       229                      18.9% 
       Other steel products           706      697                 1.3%       175       163                       7.3% 
--------------------------------  -------  -------  -------------------  --------  --------  ------------------------- 

Note. Numbers in this table and the tables below may not add to totals due to rounding.

* Gross volume of steel products in the tables includes those re-rolled at other EVRAZ's mills. However, such volumes are eliminated as intercompany sales for purposes of EVRAZ's consolidated operating results.

** Consolidated production volumes of semi-finished products are preliminary as intra-group re-rolling volumes are yet to be finalised.


 Product, '000 tonnes               2013     2012    2013/ 2012, change   Q4 2013   Q3 2013   Q4 2013/ Q3 2013, change 
--------------------------------  -------  -------  -------------------  --------  --------  ------------------------- 
 Coke (saleable)                      592      504                17.5%       117       141                     -17.3% 
 Pig iron                          10,936   10,554                 3.6%     2,760     2,735                       0.9% 
   Pig iron (saleable)                303      185                64.2%       110       110                       0.8% 
 Crude steel                       11,904   11,675                 2.0%     2,986     2,967                       0.6% 
 Steel products, gross             11,056   10,821                 2.2%     2,780     2,753                       1.0% 
 Steel products, net of 
  re-rolled volumes                10,799   10,556                 2.3%     2,754     2,661                       3.5% 
   Semi-finished products           4,517    4,091                10.4%     1,214     1,024                      18.6% 
   Finished products                6,282    6,465                -2.8%     1,540     1,637                      -5.9% 
       Construction products        4,185    4,281                -2.2%     1,016     1,109                      -8.4% 
       Railway products             1,409    1,310                 7.6%       380       389                      -2.4% 
       Flat-rolled products           120      334               -64.1%         0         4                        n/a 
       Other steel products           568      540                 5.0%       144       135                       7.0% 
--------------------------------  -------  -------  -------------------  --------  --------  ------------------------- 

In 2013, the production of pig iron increased by 4% vs. 2012 to 10.9 million tonnes due to implementation of the PCI project at EVRAZ NTMK and related operational improvements as well as more efficient operation of the blast furnaces at both Russian steel mills. The PCI project at NTMK also decreased the internal requirements in coke and led to increased production of saleable coke to third parties.

The output of crude steel and gross steel products tracked the increased output of pig iron and each grew by 2% in 2013. At the same time the share of finished products in 2013 vs. 2012 decreased from 61% to 58% largerly explained by the growth in volumes of semi-finished products by 10%, while the output of finished products declined by 3%.

The higher output of semi-finished products in 2013 was due to increased availability of crude steel and stable underlying demand in EVRAZ's key export markets.

The production of finished products decreased by 3% year-on-year due to lower output of flat-rolled products following the shutdown of the plate rolling mill at EVRAZ ZSMK in June 2013 and the reduced output of construction products, which were partially offset by growth in production of railway products after the completion of modernisation at the EVRAZ ZSMK rail mill in January 2013.

In Q4 2013, both pig iron and crude steel production were broadly flat vs. Q3 2013. The production of coke saleable to third parties decreased in the reporting quarter by 17% as output was adjusted to the prevailing market demand.

In Q4 2013, production of gross steel products increased by 1% compared to Q3 2013, with the volume of semi-finished goods growing by 19% and the output of finished products declining by 6% driven by low seasonal demand in the domestic market.

In November 2013, EVRAZ was awarded with a compliance certificate for head-hardened rails with lengths of up to 100 meters, allowing the Company to launch the commercial production of these products. The first batch of 10 thousand tonnes of 25-meter head-hardened rails was shipped to the Russian Railways in December 2013.

In Q1 2014, there will be held 9-day scheduled maintenance works at the EVRAZ ZSMK's blast furnace number 3 and one of the converters, as well as 15-day scheduled maintenance works at EVRAZ NTMK's blast furnace number 5 with simultaneous maintenance works of converters.

In Q4 2013, selling prices for semi-finished steel products increased reflecting slightly improving trends in the global steel market. Prices for construction products decreased reflecting seasonal demand, whilst prices for railway products increased with the commencement of commercial sales of head-hardened rails produced at the modenised ZSMK rail mill.

Average selling prices

 USD/tonne (ex works)        2013   2012   Q4 2013   Q3 2013 
--------------------------  -----  -----  --------  -------- 
 Coke                         160    191       137       150 
 Pig iron                     301    353       317       292 
 Steel products 
   Semi-finished products     401    457       399       374 
   Construction products      649    677       632       639 
   Railway products           852    891       847       829 
   Flat-rolled products       560    607       296       393 
   Other steel products       658    729       645       634 
--------------------------  -----  -----  --------  -------- 


 Product, '000 tonnes                2013    2012    2013/ 2012, change   Q4 2013   Q3 2013   Q4 2013/ Q3 2013, change 
----------------------------------  ------  ------  -------------------  --------  --------  ------------------------- 
 Crude steel                         2,180   2,411                -9.6%       499       558                     -10.7% 
 Steel products, net of re-rolled 
  volumes                            2,760   2,662                 3.7%       691       673                       2.6% 
   Construction products               348     331                 5.1%        78        81                      -3.9% 
   Railway products                    494     491                 0.6%       130       126                       3.7% 
   Flat-rolled products                990     968                 2.3%       210       237                     -11.4% 
   Tubular products                    927     872                 6.4%       273       229                      18.9% 
----------------------------------  ------  ------  -------------------  --------  --------  ------------------------- 

In 2013, crude steel output decreased by 10% to 2.2 million tonnes due to outages at EVRAZ Pueblo and EVRAZ Regina during 2013, and suspension of the EVRAZ Claymont mill in Q4 2013. Meanwhile, the volume of output of finished products increased by 3.7% to 2.8 million tonnes, with a growth in production recorded across all product groups.

The 5% increase in production of construction products was driven by higher demand for structural tubing and rod & bar, including new products launched in H2 2012-2013. However, the capacity for construction products was negatively impacted by crude steel availability at the EVRAZ Pueblo steel mill.

The rail mill operated close to the full capacity in 2013 and the output remained broadly flat at 494 thousand tonnes of railway products.

In 2013, the production of flat-rolled products remained largerly unchanged at 990 thousand tonnes despite the suspension of the EVRAZ Claymont mill in Q4 2013.

The annual output of tubular products increased by 6% compared to 2012 driven by the relaunch of the pipe mill at EVRAZ Portland Spiral (+32 thousand tonnes) and Camrose Long Seam Welded (+73 thousand tonnes) mills, and improved productivity and orders at EVRAZ Regina Spiral (+113 thousand tonnes), which were partially offset by lower OCTG demand, and an initiative to reduce finished goods on-hand in the yard, as well as unplanned downtime at Pueblo seamless.

In Q4 2013, crude steel volumes at EVRAZ's North American operations decreased by 11% compared to Q3 2013 primarily due to the suspension of EVRAZ Claymont and output decrease at Pueblo. The output reduction at Pueblo was mainly due to additional downtime to install investment upgrades and to resolve electrical issues.

The output of construction and railway products was flat quarter-on-quarter, while the utilisation rates remained high.

The suspension of EVRAZ Claymont and scheduled maintenance works at EVRAZ Regina's steel shop in October-November 2013 led to a 11% decrease in production of flat-rolled products vs. Q3 2013.

In Q4 2013, production of tubular products increased by 43 thousand tonnes, or 19%, mostly driven by the stronger order book.

In Q4 2013, prices for all major product groups remained largely unchanged vs. Q3 2013 as a result of robust demand and satisfactory product mix.

In Q1 2014, production of long products is expected to remain at the high level achieved in Q4 2013, supported by the solid market demand. The order book for tubular products is strong with planned record high shipments subject to the availability of rail cars in January.

Average selling prices

 USD/tonne (ex works)       2013    2012    Q4 2013   Q3 2013 
-------------------------  ------  ------  --------  -------- 
   Construction products      764     843       744       747 
   Railway products           932     987       919       930 
   Flat-rolled products       860   1,019       847       840 
   Tubular products         1,318   1,497     1,301     1,299 
-------------------------  ------  ------  --------  -------- 


 Product, '000 tonnes           2013   2012   2013/ 2012, change   Q4 2013   Q3 2013   Q4 2013/ Q3 2013, change 
-----------------------------  -----  -----  -------------------  --------  --------  ------------------------- 
 Coke (saleable)                 788    913               -13.7%       166       201                     -17.2% 
 Pig iron                        978    857                14.1%       237       257                      -7.7% 
   Pig iron (saleable)            38     77               -50.8%         9        21                     -59.8% 
 Crude steel                     995    820                21.4%       239       246                      -2.8% 
 Steel products                  854    702                21.6%       223       207                       7.7% 
   Semi-finished products        359    244                47.1%       111        87                      27.8% 
   Finished products             494    458                 8.0%       112       120                      -6.8% 
       Construction products     407    357                13.9%        91       101                     -10.0% 
       Other steel products       87    101               -13.2%        21        19                      10.6% 
-----------------------------  -----  -----  -------------------  --------  --------  ------------------------- 

EVRAZ's Ukrainian operations demonstrated solid performance in 2013 with output of pig iron rising by 14% to 978 thousand tonnes and crude steel production increasing by 21% to 995 thousand tonnes, as a result of increased efficiency of blast furnaces after a number of operational improvements in the melting process, coke quality and less downtime for repairs.

The lower output of coke saleable to third parties in 2013 was driven by the increased in-house requirements for this product for the blast furnace's process.

In 2013, the output of semi-finished products grew by 47% due to strong demand for export billets. The Company also increased the output of construction products, mostly channels, by 8%.

In Q4 2013, pig iron production decreased by 8% quarter-on-quarter due to scheduled maintenance works at blast furnaces in December 2013.

The crude steel output decreased by 3% quarter-on-quarter due to lower volumes of output of pig iron. Despite this, the output of steel products increased by 8% in Q4 2013 supported by the feedstock of ingots built up in anticipation of maintenance works at blast furnaces.

Maintenance works will be held in Q1 2014 to optimise the blast furnaces' productivity.

Selling prices in Ukraine demonstrated diverging trends in Q4 2013 - while prices for semi-finished products moved in line with FOB Black Sea benchmarks, the demand for construction products was strong and resulted in 5% growth of average selling prices.

Average selling prices

 USD/tonne (ex works)        2013   2012   Q4 2013   Q3 2013 
--------------------------  -----  -----  --------  -------- 
 Coke (saleable)              213    214       199       211 
 Pig iron                     356    337       352       348 
 Steel products 
   Semi-finished products     465    524       452       462 
   Construction products      600    646       611       581 
   Other steel products       878    884       788       872 
--------------------------  -----  -----  --------  -------- 


 Product, '000 tonnes                 2013   2012    2013/ 2012, change   Q4 2013   Q3 2013   Q4 2013/ Q3 2013, change 
-----------------------------------  -----  ------  -------------------  --------  --------  ------------------------- 
 Crude steel                           388     454               -14.6%       102        46                     119.4% 
 Steel products, gross                 801   1,055               -24.0%       114       174                     -34.3% 
 Steel products, net of re-rolled 
  volumes                              792   1,028               -22.9%       114       174                     -34.3% 
   Construction products                80      69                17.1%        28        22                      29.6% 
   Flat-rolled products                693     920               -24.7%        83       147                     -43.8% 
   Other steel products                 19      39               -51.2%         3         5                     -32.5% 
-----------------------------------  -----  ------  -------------------  --------  --------  ------------------------- 

The 2013 production results of the European operations of EVRAZ totalled 792 thousand tonnes of steel products net of re-rolled volumes vs. 1,028 thousand tonnes in 2012 and were primarily impacted by the temporary suspension of works at EVRAZ Palini e Bertoli in Italy from 21 August 2013 onwards (-187 thousand tonnes of rolled products) as a result of subdued market demand in Europe, and interrupted production at EVRAZ Vitkovice Steel (-67 thousand tonnes of rolled products) driven by the level of slab stocks, pig iron prices and market demand.

In Q4 2013, crude steel production increased by 119% compared to Q3 2013 as a result of the EVRAZ Vitkovice Steel steel shop being in operation for two months in Q4 compared to less than a month in the previous quarter.

The volume of steel products in Q4 2013 declined by 34% compared to Q3 2013, as the Italian mill remained idle and maintenance works were carried out at EVRAZ Vitkovice's rolling facilities.

In Q1 2014, volumes are expected to return to Q3 2013 levels. However, currently the market information does not indicate sufficiently positive conditions to re-start Palini e Bertoli's operations in Q1 2014.

The prices for steel products, both flat-rolled and construction, rose in Q4 2013 compared to Q3 2013 on the back of improved macroeconomic outlook for the European economy for 2014.

Average selling prices

 USD/tonne (ex works)       2013   2012   Q4 2013   Q3 2013 
-------------------------  -----  -----  --------  -------- 
   Construction products     873    876       892       842 
   Flat-rolled products      675    744       707       661 
-------------------------  -----  -----  --------  -------- 


 Product, '000 tonnes           2013   2012   2013/ 2012, change   Q4 2013   Q3 2013   Q4 2013/ Q3 2013, change 
-----------------------------  -----  -----  -------------------  --------  --------  ------------------------- 
 Pig iron                        639    620                 3.0%       161       145                      11.1% 
 Crude steel                     642    572                12.3%       164       144                      13.6% 
 Steel products                  502    461                 8.8%       116       127                      -8.1% 
   Semi-finished products          0     15                  n/a         0         0                        n/a 
   Finished products             502    446                12.4%       116       127                      -8.1% 
       Construction products     166    169                -2.3%        37        50                     -25.4% 
       Flat-rolled products      305    243                25.4%        72        72                       0.3% 
       Other steel products       31     34                -7.4%         8         6                      38.2% 
-----------------------------  -----  -----  -------------------  --------  --------  ------------------------- 

In 2013, the output of crude steel and steel products increased by 12% and 9% respectively compared to 2012, due to the effect of a low base in 2012, as a result of the operations of EVRAZ Highveld Steel and Vanadium being affected by labour action.

In Q4 2013, the output of pig iron and crude steel at EVRAZ Highveld Steel and Vanadium increased by 11% and 14% respectively, as a results of the operations being temporarily scaled back in Q3 2013 to avoid the negative effect of peak electricity tariffs.

Q4 2013 hot metal production increased compared to Q3 2013 due to the absence of measures to reduce electricity consumption during expensive winter peak demand periods. Finished goods production reduced in Q4 2013 compared to Q3 2013 as a result of a two-week structural mill maintenance in December and customers' closures during the festive season.

Prices of finished goods decreased in 2013 as a result of a market mix change related to weaker local demand and higher export sales. Prices in the domestic market increased in Q4 2013 vs Q3 2013, but due to the weakening of the Rand, the US dollar price decreased.

Average selling prices

 USD/tonne (ex works)        2013   2012   Q4 2013   Q3 2013 
--------------------------  -----  -----  --------  -------- 
 Steel products 
   Semi-finished products     436    489      156*       595 
   Construction products      717    737       632       689 
   Flat-rolled products       689    765       609       674 
   Other steel products       660    604       497       698 
--------------------------  -----  -----  --------  -------- 

*The calculation includes a year-end adjustment to the selling expenses. The price excluding the adjustment would be $357/t



 Product, '000 tonnes              2013    2012    2013/ 2012, change   Q4 2013   Q3 2013   Q4 2013/ Q3 2013, change 
--------------------------------  ------  ------  -------------------  --------  --------  ------------------------- 
 Concentrate, saleable (Russia)    4,692   5,615               -16.4%       982     1,264                     -22.3% 
 Sinter (Russia)                   4,396   4,698                -6.4%       904     1,124                     -19.6% 
 Pellets (Russia)                  6,301   6,051                 4.1%     1,575     1,606                      -1.9% 
 Lumpy ore (Ukraine)               2,973   2,608                14.0%       796       717                      11.0% 
 Lumpy ore (South Africa)          1,431   1,174                21.9%       298       377                     -20.9% 
 Fines ore (South Africa)            651     607                 7.2%       145       154                      -5.7% 
--------------------------------  ------  ------  -------------------  --------  --------  ------------------------- 

In 2013, the overall production of saleable iron ore products by the Company decreased by 1% and amounted to 20.4 million tonnes compared with 20.8 million tonnes in 2012. The primary driver of the decreased production was the performance of the Russian operations where the output of saleable iron ore products declined by 6% from 16.4 million tonnes to 15.4 million tonnes largely driven by the disposal of the high cost operation EVRAZ VGOK in October 2013 (EVRAZ VGOK produced 1.7 million tonnes of saleable iron ore products in 2013) and the shutdown of the uneconomic Irba mine from July 2013 (approx. 0.2 million tonnes of iron ore concentrate was produced out of the Irba mine's iron ore in 2013). At the same time the performance of the low cost large scale open pit mine EVRAZ KGOK was stronger in 2013 vs. 2012 by 2%, or 195 thousand tonnes, and amounted to 9.8 million tonnes.

In the reporting year the Ukrainian and South African iron ore mines also increased their output by 0.7 million tonnes as a result of the successful implementation of programmes designed to debottleneck and improve productivity.

In Q4 2013, the Company produced in Russia 3.5 million tonnes of iron ore products compared to 4 million tonnes in Q3 2013, largely due to the abovementioned disposal of EVRAZ VGOK. In addition, on 27 December 2013 the Company announced the sale of the Abakan and Teya mines of Evrazruda which accounted for mined volumes of iron ore for production of 1.7 million tonnes of iron ore concentrate in 2013. EVRAZ concluded short-term agreements with the purchaser for primary iron ore concentrate produced by the Abakan and Teya mines. The loss of volumes will be partially off-set in 2014 by the ramp-up of production at other lower cost mines of Evrazruda, including the Sheregesh mine, which are expected to add 0.5-0.6 million tonnes of iron ore concentrate in 2014.

Production of lumpy ore by EVRAZ Sukha Balka increased by 11% in Q4 2013 compared to Q3 2013 due to improved productivity at the Yubileynaya mine after the launch of a new loading complex.

The prices for the key iron ore product groups slightly increased in Q4 2013 compared to the previous quarter in line with the global price trends.

Average selling prices

 USD/tonne (ex works)              2013   2012   Q4 2013   Q3 2013 
--------------------------------  -----  -----  --------  -------- 
 Concentrate, saleable (Russia)      87     84        84        82 
 Sinter (Russia)                     76     91        76        71 
 Pellets (Russia)                    86     91        88        82 
 Lumpy ore (Ukraine)                 66     61        68        66 
 Fines ore (South Africa)            23     12        14        14 
--------------------------------  -----  -----  --------  -------- 


 Product, '000 tonnes               2013     2012    2013/ 2012, change   Q4 2013   Q3 2013   Q4 2013/ Q3 2013, change 
--------------------------------  -------  -------  -------------------  --------  --------  ------------------------- 
 Raw coking coal (mined)           18,933   15,509                22.1%     5,048     4,802                       5.1% 
 Yuzhkuzbassugol                   11,110    8,506                30.6%     3,193     2,794                      14.3% 
 Raspadskaya                        7,824    7,002                11.7%     1,855     2,008                      -7.6% 
 Coking coal concentrate 
  (production)                     13,664   10,983                24.4%     3,348     3,464                      -3.3% 
       Produced at 
        Yuzhkuzbassugol coal 
        washing plants              5,821    4,102                41.9%     1,579     1,502                       5.2% 
       Produced at EVRAZ ZSMK 
        coal washing plant          2,591    2,375                 9.1%       657       632                       4.0% 
       Produced at Raspadskaya 
        coal washing plant          5,252    4,506                16.6%     1,112     1,330                     -16.4% 
 Raw steam coal (mined)             1,432    2,283               -37.3%       456       482                      -5.4% 
 Steam coal concentrate 
  (production)                         99      421               -76.5%        16        21                     -25.5% 
--------------------------------  -------  -------  -------------------  --------  --------  ------------------------- 

* 2012 data for Raspadskaya is on a pro-forma basis, as Raspadskaya is consolidated in the results of EVRAZ from 16 January 2013

Coking coal

Both key assets of the Group in the coking coal business - Yuzhkuzbassugol and the Raspadskaya coal company increased their output of raw coking coal in 2013 with the consolidated output reaching 18.9 million tonnes compared to 15.5 million tonnes in 2012 (on a pro-forma basis).

The primary drivers of the growth in output of raw coking coal at Yuzhkuzbassugol by 31% to 11.1 million tonnes were the launch of the new Yerunakovskaya VIII coking coal mine in February 2013 (2013: 1.4 million tonnes), the operation of the Alardinskaya mine with two longwalls (2013: 3.3 million tonnes) and less downtime associated with repositionings at other mines. At the same time the Company decided to proceed with the closure of the Abashevskaya mine due to high operating costs and risks.

The Raspadskaya coal company increased production in 2013 by 12% to 7.8 million tonnes of raw coking coal due to increased mining volumes at the Razrez Raspadsky open pit (+1.7 million tonnes), the Raspadskaya Koksovaya (+0.2 million tonnes) and the MUK-96 (+0.2 million tonnes) underground mines which more than offset loss of production volumes (-1.3 million tonnes) at the Raspadskaya underground mine after the suspension of mining works in May-June 2013 due to excessive concentration of carbon monoxide in certain areas of the mine.

The growth of mined volumes of coking coal by Yuzhkuzbassugol and the Raspadskaya coal company led to increased loading rates across all coal washing plants of the Group with the preparation yield growing from 70.8% in 2012 to 72.2% in 2013.

In Q4 2013, raw coking coal production increased by 5% compared to Q3 2013. The output of raw coking coal at Yuzhkuzbassugol increased by 14% as the Yerunakovskaya VIII mine gradually ramped up to its nameplate capacity and repositioning of a longwall at the Alardinskaya mine in Q3 2013 was completed.

In the reporting quarter the Company stopped tunneling works at the Abashevskaya mine and is currently in the process of the permanent shut down of this mine. Going forward the reduction in volumes of coking coal from Abashevskaya mine will largely be replaced by other mines of the Group.

In Q4 2013, raw coal production by the Raspadskaya coal company decreased by 8% compared to Q3 2013 due to repositioning of longwalls at the MUK-96 and Raspadskaya mines.

The blended average selling price for coking coal concentrate slightly increased from $78/t in Q3 2013 to $82/t in Q4 2013: while the average price of coking coal concentrate produced by Yuzhkuzbassugol remained at $89/t in Q3 and Q4 2013, the average coking coal concentrate produced by Raspadskaya increased from $66/t in Q3 2013 to $72/t in Q4 2013 due to higher export sales prices.

Steam coal

In 2013, steam coal was mined by the Kusheyakovskaya mine only, as the Gramoteinskaya steam coal mine remained suspended and was subsequently sold in October 2013. The company also decreased the output of steam coal concentrate due to the shift in favour of producing more coking coal concentrate.

Average selling prices

 USD/tonne (ex works)         2013   2012   Q4 2013   Q3 2013 
                             -----  -----  --------  -------- 
 unless otherwise stated 
---------------------------  -----  -----  --------  -------- 
   Raw coking coal              58     69        55        53 
   Raw steam coal               30     27        31        32 
   Coking coal concentrate      87    136        82        78 
   Steam coal concentrate       50     56         -        59 
---------------------------  -----  -----  --------  -------- 


 Product, tonnes of V*              2013     2012    2013/ 2012, change   Q4 2013   Q3 2013   Q4 2013/ Q3 2013, change 
--------------------------------  -------  -------  -------------------  --------  --------  ------------------------- 
 Vanadium in slag (gross 
  production)                      21,077   21,060                 0.1%     5,433     4,808                      13.0% 
      Russia                       14,403   14,856                -3.0%     3,770     3,335                      13.0% 
      South Africa                  6,675    6,205                 7.6%     1,663     1,473                      12.9% 
 Vanadium in final products 
 Ferrovanadium                     14,059   14,381                -2.2%     3,650     3,466                       5.3% 
      Produced at own facilities    7,549    7,259                 4.0%     1,899     1,875                       1.3% 
      Processed at 3rd parties' 
       facilities                   6,510    7,122                -8.6%     1,751     1,591                      10.1% 
 Nitrovan(R)                        2,294    2,723               -15.7%       435       436                      -0.1% 
 Oxides, vanadium aluminium and 
  chemicals                         1,648    1,330                23.9%       365       358                       2.0% 
--------------------------------  -------  -------  -------------------  --------  --------  ------------------------- 

(*) Calculated in pure vanadium equivalent.

Slag production in Russia decreased by 3% in 2013 despite the growth of pig iron production by EVRAZ NTMK due to a decrease of pig iron volumes produced by the duplex melting process.

In 2013, the Company focused on utilising own production capacities as much as possible and did not require additional third party conversion capacities to the same extent as in 2012, due to reduced V2O5 availability. Production of ferrovanadium produced at EVRAZ's own facilities increased by 4%.

In 2013, Nitrovan output was impacted (-16% vs. 2012) by a labour strike at Vametco in South Africa lasting from September until mid-October 2013 and a temporary suspension of operations in the plant initiated by the South African Department of Mineral Resourses, which lasted for two weeks in November-December 2013.

Production of oxides, vanadium aluminum and chemicals increased by 24% in 2013 compared to 2012 due to a resolution of feedstock supply issues faced during 2012.

In Q4 2013, EVRAZ's total production of vanadium in slag increased by 13% compared to Q3 2013, as a result of a higher pig iron production at EVRAZ NTMK in Russia and EVRAZ Highveld Steel and Vanadium in South Africa.

Production of oxides, vanadium aluminum and chemicals remained broadly unchanged in Q4 2013 vs Q3 2013.

Average prices for vanadium products increased in 2013 compared to 2012, largely due to sustained high prices in the first quarter driven by improved sentiment.

Average selling prices

 USD/tonne of V (ex works)                    2013     2012    Q4 2013   Q3 2013 
------------------------------------------  -------  -------  --------  -------- 
 Ferrovanadium                               26,581   24,062    24,525    25,185 
 Nitrovan(R)                                 28,945   27,900    26,507    27,856 
 Oxides, vanadium aluminium and chemicals    34,295   32,579    35,444    32,854 
------------------------------------------  -------  -------  --------  -------- 


Semi-finished products include slabs, billets, pipe blanks and other semi-finished products.

Construction products include beams, channels, angles, rebars, wire rods, wire, and other construction products.

Railway products include rails, wheels, tyres and other railway products.

Flat-rolled products include commodity plate, specialty plate and other flat products.

Tubular products include large diameter line pipes, ERW pipes and casings, seamless pipes and other tubular products.

Other steel products include rounds, grinding balls, mine uprights, strips etc. For Ukraine they also include railway products, for Europe - slabs and cut shapes; for South Africa - rails.


For further information:

Media Relations:

Vsevolod Sementsov

VP, Corporate Communications

   London: +44 207 832 8998          Moscow: +7 495 937 6871 


Investor Relations:

Sergey Belyakov

Director, Investor Relations

   London: +44 207 832 8990          Moscow: +7 495 232 1370 


EVRAZ is a vertically integrated steel, mining and vanadium business with operations in the Russian Federation, Ukraine, USA, Canada, Czech Republic, Italy and South Africa. EVRAZ is among the top steel producers in the world based on crude steel production of 15.9 million tonnes in 2012. In 2012 EVRAZ sold 15.3 million tonnes of steel products. A significant portion of the company's internal consumption of iron ore and coking coal is covered by its mining operations. The company's consolidated revenues for the year ended 31 December 2012 were US$14,726 million, and consolidated EBITDA amounted to US$2,012 million. The H1 2013 consolidated revenue was US$7,362 million and the H1 2013 EBITDA was US$939 million.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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