RNS Number : 7016W

Volution Group plc

11 November 2014

11 November 2014

Volution Group plc

Annual Report and Accounts 2014 and Notice of Annual General Meeting

Volution Group plc ("Volution" or the "Company", LSE: FAN), a leading supplier of ventilation products to the residential construction market, announces that following the release by Volution on 23 October 2014 of the Company's Preliminary Results Announcement for the year ended 31 July 2014, it has today posted and made available to shareholders on its website (http://www.volutiongroupplc.com/) the documents listed below:

   --     Annual Report and Accounts 2014 
   --     Notice of Annual General Meeting 2014 
   --     Form of Proxy for the Annual General Meeting 2014 

Copies of these documents are also being submitted to the National Storage Mechanism and will shortly be available for inspection at: http://www.hemscott.com/nsm.do

The Company's first Annual General Meeting will be held at 11.00am on 17 December 2014 at The Lincoln Centre, 18 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London WC2A 3ED.

A condensed set of financial statements and information on important events that have occurred during the year ended 31 July 2014 and their impact on the financial statements, were included in the Company's Preliminary Results Announcement made on 23 October 2014, which is available on the Company's website referred to above. That information together with the information set out below in the appendices to this announcement (which is extracted from the Annual Report and Accounts 2014), constitute the material required by Disclosure & Transparency Rule 6.3.5(2)(b) which is required to be communicated to the media in full unedited text through a Regulatory Information Service. This announcement is not a substitute for reading the full Annual Report and Accounts 2014.

- ends -


Volution Group plc

   Michael Anscombe, Company Secretary                               +44 (0) 1293 441662 

Notes to Editors:

Volution Group plc (LSE: FAN) is a leading supplier of ventilation products to the residential construction market in the UK, Sweden and Germany.

The Group sold approximately 20 million ventilation products and accessories in the financial year ended 31 July 2014. It consists of five key brands, focused primarily on the UK, Swedish and German ventilation markets - Vent-Axia, Manrose, Fresh, PAX and inVENTer - and operates through two divisions: the Ventilation Group, which principally supplies ventilation products for residential construction applications in the UK, Sweden and Germany and ventilation products for commercial construction applications in the UK; and Torin-Sifan, which supplies motors, fans and blowers to OEMs of heating and ventilation products for both residential and commercial construction applications in Europe.

For more information, please go to: http://www.volutiongroupplc.com/


Appendix A: Directors' Responsibility Statement

The following Directors' Responsibility Statement is extracted from page 66 of the Annual Report and Accounts 2014 and is repeated in this announcement solely for the purpose of complying with DTR 6.3.5 (2) (b). The statement relates to the full Annual Report and Accounts 2014 and not the extracted information contained in this announcement:

The Directors are responsible for preparing the Annual Report and the Group and parent company financial statements in accordance with applicable law and regulations.

Company law requires the Directors to prepare Group and parent company financial statements for each financial year. Under that law they are required to prepare the Group financial statements in accordance with IFRSs as adopted by the EU and applicable law and have elected to prepare the parent company financial statements in accordance with IFRSs as adopted by the EU.

Under company law the Directors must not approve the financial statements unless they are satisfied that they give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Group and parent company and of their profit or loss for that period. In preparing each of the Group and parent company financial statements, the Directors are required to:

 --   select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; 
 --   make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; 
 --   state whether the Group and parent company financial statements 
       have been prepared in accordance with IFRSs as adopted by 
       the EU; and 
 --   prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis 
       unless it is inappropriate to presume that the Group and the 
       parent company will continue in business. 

The Directors are responsible for keeping adequate accounting records that are sufficient to show and explain the parent company's transactions and disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the parent company and enable them to ensure that its financial statements comply with the Companies Act 2006. They have general responsibility for taking such steps as are reasonably open to them to safeguard the assets of the Group and to prevent and detect fraud and other irregularities.

Under applicable law and regulations, the Directors are also responsible for preparing a strategic report, directors' report, directors' remuneration report and corporate governance statement that complies with that law and those regulations.

The Directors are responsible for the maintenance and integrity of the corporate and financial information included on the Company's website. Legislation in the UK governing the preparation and dissemination of financial statements may differ from legislation in other jurisdictions.

We confirm that to the best of our knowledge:

--the financial statements, prepared in accordance with the applicable set of accounting standards, give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and loss of the Group and the undertakings included in the consolidation taken as a whole; and

--the Strategic Report and the Directors' Report include a fair review of the development and performance of the business and the position of the issuer and the undertakings included in the consolidation taken as a whole, together with a description of the principal risks and uncertainties that they face; and

--the Annual Report, taken as a whole, is fair, balanced and understandable and provides the information necessary for shareholders to assess the Company's performance, business model and strategy.

By order of the Board

Ronnie George

Chief Executive Officer

23 October 2014

Ian Dew

Chief Financial Officer

23 October 2014

Appendix B: Principal Risks and Uncertainties

The following is extracted from pages 24 to 27 of the Annual Report and Accounts 2014 and is repeated in this announcement solely for the purpose of complying with DTR 6.3.5 (2) (b). The information relates to the full Annual Report and Accounts 2014 and not the extracted information contained in this announcement:

The Group believes that the table below outlines the principal risks and uncertainties that our business faces. Occurrence of any of these risks may significantly impact the business or impair the achievement of our strategic goals.

 Risk                     Impact                       Strategic consequence       Mitigation 
-----------------------  ---------------------------  --------------------------  ---------------------------- 
 Economic risk 
 A decline in             Demand for our               Our ability to              Geographic spread 
  general economic         products serving             achieve our ambition        from our international 
  activity and/or          the residential              for continuing              acquisition strategy 
  a specific decline       and commercial               organic growth              helps to mitigate 
  in activity in           RMI and new build            would be adversely          the impact of 
  the construction         markets would                affected.                   local fluctuations 
  industry.                decline. This                                            in economic activity. 
                           would result                                             New product development, 
                           in a reduction                                           the breadth of 
                           in revenue and                                           our product portfolio 
                           profitability.                                           and the strength 
                                                                                    and specialisation 
                                                                                    of our sales forces 
                                                                                    should allow us 
                                                                                    to outperform 
                                                                                    the market against 
                                                                                    a general decline. 
                                                                                    We are heavily 
                                                                                    exposed to the 
                                                                                    RMI market which 
                                                                                    is more resilient 
                                                                                    to the effects 
                                                                                    of general economic 
                                                                                    Our business is 
                                                                                    not capital intensive 
                                                                                    and our operational 
                                                                                    flexibility allows 
                                                                                    us to react quickly 
                                                                                    to the impact 
                                                                                    of a decline in 
-----------------------  ---------------------------  --------------------------  ---------------------------- 
 Foreign exchange risk 
 The exchange             The commerciality            Our ambition                Significant transactional 
  rates between            of transactions              to grow internationally     risks are hedged 
  currencies that          denominated in               through acquisition         by using forward 
  we use may move          currencies other             exposes us to               currency contracts 
  adversely.               than the functional          increasing levels           to fix exchange 
                           currency of our              of translational            rates for the 
                           businesses and/or            foreign exchange            ensuing financial 
                           the perceived                risk.                       year. 
                           performance of                                           Revaluation of 
                           foreign subsidiaries                                     foreign currency 
                           in our Sterling                                          denominated assets 
                           denominated Group                                        and liabilities 
                           accounts may                                             are partially 
                           be adversely                                             hedged by corresponding 
                           affected by changes                                      foreign currency 
                           in exchange rates.                                       bank debt. 
-----------------------  ---------------------------  --------------------------  ---------------------------- 
 We may fail to           Revenue and profitability    Our strategic               The ventilation 
  identify suitable        would not grow               ambition to grow            industry in Europe 
  acquisition targets      in line with                 by acquisition              is fragmented 
  at an acceptable         management's                 may be compromised.         with many opportunities 
  price or we may          ambitions and                                            to court acquisition 
  fail to consummate       investor expectations.                                   targets. 
  or properly integrate    Failure to properly                                      Senior management 
  the acquisition.         integrate a business                                     has a clear understanding 
                           may distract                                             of potential targets 
                           senior management                                        in the industry 
                           from other priorities                                    and a track record 
                           and adversely                                            of three acquisitions 
                           affect revenue                                           over the past 
                           and profitability.                                       two years. 
                           Financial performance                                    Management is 
                           could be impacted                                        experienced in 
                           by failure to                                            integrating new 
                           integrate acquisitions.                                  businesses into 
                                                                                    the Group. 
-----------------------  ---------------------------  --------------------------  ---------------------------- 
 We may fail to           Scarce development           Our organic growth          Our product innovation 
  innovate commercially    resource may                 ambitions depend            is driven by a 
  or technically           be misdirected               in part upon                deep understanding 
  viable products          and costs incurred           our ability to              of the ventilation 
  to maintain and          unnecessarily.               innovate new                market and its 
  develop our product      Failure to innovate          and improved                economic and regulatory 
  leadership position.     may result in                products to meet            drivers. The Group 
                           an ageing product            and create market           starts with a 
                           portfolio which              needs. In the               clear marketing 
                           falls behind                 medium term,                brief before embarking 
                           that of our competition.     failure to innovate         on product development. 
                                                        may result in 
                                                        a decline in 
                                                        sales and profitability. 
-----------------------  ---------------------------  --------------------------  ---------------------------- 
 Raw materials            Sales and profitability      Organic growth              We establish long-term 
  or components            may be reduced               may be reduced.             relationships 
  may become difficult     during the period            Our product development     with key suppliers 
  to source because        of constraint.               efforts may be              to promote continuity 
  of material scarcity     Prices for the               redirected to               of supply and 
  or disruption            input material               find alternative            where possible 
  of supply.               may increase                 materials and               we have alternative 
                           and our costs                components.                 sources identified. 
                           may increase. 
-----------------------  ---------------------------  --------------------------  ---------------------------- 
 Our continuing           Skilled and experienced      Our competitiveness         Regular employee 
  success depends          employees may                and growth potential,       appraisals allow 
  on retaining             decide to leave              both organic                two-way feedback 
  key personnel            the Group, potentially       and inorganic,              on performance 
  and attracting           moving to a competitor.      could be adversely          and ambition. 
  skilled individuals.     Any aspect of                effected.                   A senior management 
                           the business                                             development programme 
                           could be impacted                                        was initiated 
                           with resultant                                           in 2013 to provide 
                           reduction in                                             key employees 
                           prospects, sales                                         with the skills 
                           and profitability.                                       needed to grow 
                                                                                    within the business 
                                                                                    and to enhance 
                                                                                    their contribution 
                                                                                    to the business. 
                                                                                    The Group aims 
                                                                                    to reward and 
                                                                                    incentivise employees 
-----------------------  ---------------------------  --------------------------  ---------------------------- 
 IT systems 
 We may be adversely      Failure of our               We could temporarily        Disaster recovery 
  affected by a            IT and communication         lose sales and              and data backup 
  breakdown in             systems could                market share                processes are 
  our IT systems           affect any or                and could potentially       in place, operated 
  or a failure             all of our business          damage our reputation       diligently and 
  to properly implement    processes and                for customer                tested regularly. 
  any new systems.         have significant             service.                    A significant 
                           impact on our                                            Enterprise Resource 
                           ability to trade,                                        Planning system 
                           collect cash                                             upgrade is underway 
                           and make payments.                                       managed by a dedicated 
                                                                                    team of experienced 
                                                                                    senior employees 
                                                                                    from the business. 
                                                                                    A disaster failover 
                                                                                    site is being 
                                                                                    implemented to 
                                                                                    cover this upgrade. 
-----------------------  ---------------------------  --------------------------  ---------------------------- 
 A significant            Any deterioration            Our organic growth          We have strong 
  amount of our            in our relationship          ambitions would             brands, recognised 
  revenue is derived       with a significant           be adversely                and valued by 
  from a small             customer could               affected.                   our end users 
  number of customers      have an adverse                                          and this gives 
  and from our             significant effect                                       us continued traction 
  relationships            on our revenue                                           through our distribution 
  with heating             to that customer.                                        channels and with 
  and ventilation                                                                   consultants and 
  consultants.                                                                      specifiers. 
                                                                                    We have a very 
                                                                                    wide range of 
                                                                                    ventilation and 
                                                                                    ancillary products 
                                                                                    that enhance our 
                                                                                    brand proposition 
                                                                                    and make us a 
                                                                                    convenient "one-stop-shop" 
                                                                                    We continue to 
                                                                                    develop new and 
                                                                                    existing products 
                                                                                    to support our 
                                                                                    product portfolio 
                                                                                    and brand reputation. 
                                                                                    We provide an 
                                                                                    excellent level 
                                                                                    of customer service. 
-----------------------  ---------------------------  --------------------------  ---------------------------- 
 Legal and regulatory environment 
 Changes in laws          The shift towards            Our organic growth          We participate 
  or regulation            higher value-added           ambitions may               in trade bodies 
  relating to the          and more energy-efficient    be adversely                that help to influence 
  carbon efficiency        products may                 affected.                   the regulatory 
  of buildings             not develop as               We may need to              environment in 
  or the efficiency        anticipated resulting        review our acquisition      which we operate 
  of electrical            in lower sales               criteria to                 and as a consequence 
  products may             and profit growth.           reflect the dynamics        we are also well 
  change.                  If our products              of a new regulatory         placed to understand 
                           are not compliant            environment.                future trends 
                           and we fail to               We may have to              in our industry. 
                           develop new products         redirect our                We are active 
                           in a timely manner           new product development     in new product 
                           we may lose revenue          activity.                   development and 
                           and market share                                         have the resource 
                           to our competitors.                                      to react to and 
                                                                                    anticipate necessary 
                                                                                    changes in the 
                                                                                    of our products. 
-----------------------  ---------------------------  --------------------------  ---------------------------- 

Appendix C: Related Party Transactions

The following description of related party transactions involving the Company and its subsidiaries during the financial year ended 31 July 2014 is extracted from pages 109 to 110 of the Annual Report and Accounts 2014 and is repeated in this announcement solely for the purpose of complying with DTR 6.3.5 (2)(b):

Transactions between Volution Group plc and its subsidiaries, and transactions between subsidiaries, are eliminated on consolidation and are not disclosed in this note. A breakdown of transactions between the Group and its related parties are disclosed below.

No related party loan note balances exist at 31 July 2014. In December 2013, the Group repaid GBP40,006,000 of the loan notes back to the principal shareholders GBP34,628,000 and interest of GBP5,378,000. Immediately prior to admission to the London Stock Exchange in June 2014 the remaining loan notes issued by Windmill Midco were novated to Windmill Topco and then subsequently converted into shares in Windmill Topco. The deposits held by Windmill Holdings BV and Windmill Holdings Cooperatief UA were repaid in July 2014.

                                                             owed by           Amounts 
At 31 July 2013                                              related           owed to 
                                   Loan  Deposit  Interest   parties   related parties 
 Related parties                 GBP000   GBP000    GBP000    GBP000            GBP000 
------------------------------  -------  -------  --------  --------  ---------------- 
Windmill Holdings BV            103,354        -    12,673         -           116,027 
Adrian Barden                        73        -        10         -                83 
Marcel Klepfisch                     49        -         6         -                55 
Chris Lebeer                        492        -        60         -               552 
Ronnie George                       295        -        36         -               331 
Windmill Holdings BV                  -       10         -        10                 - 
Windmill Holdings Cooperatief 
 U A                                  -       10         -        10                 - 
------------------------------  -------  -------  --------  --------  ---------------- 
Total                           104,263       20    12,785        20           117,048 
------------------------------  -------  -------  --------  --------  ---------------- 

The amounts disclosed above represent the historic carrying value of loan amounts owed to related parties. The terms and conditions of the loans notes are disclosed in note 26. The deposits are held by Windmill Holdings BV and Windmill Holdings Cooperatief UA and do not carry any repayment terms.

                                                             owed by           Amounts 
At 1 August 2012                                             related           owed to 
                                   Loan  Deposit  Interest   parties   related parties 
 Related parties                 GBP000   GBP000    GBP000    GBP000            GBP000 
------------------------------  -------  -------  --------  --------  ---------------- 
Windmill Holdings BV            103,846        -     4,074         -           107,920 
Windmill Holdings BV                  -       10         -        10                 - 
Windmill Holdings Cooperatief 
 U A                                  -       10         -        10                 - 
Adrian Barden                        73        -         4         -                77 
Marcel Klepfisch                     49        -         2         -                51 
Ronnie George                       295        -        11         -               306 
------------------------------  -------  -------  --------  --------  ---------------- 
Total                           104,263       20     4,091        20           108,354 
------------------------------  -------  -------  --------  --------  ---------------- 

There were no material transactions or balances between the Company and its key management personnel or members of their close family. At the end of the period, key management personnel did not owe the Company any amounts.

Other disclosures on Directors' remuneration required by the Companies Act 2006 and those specified for the audit by the Directors' Remuneration Report Regulation 2013 are included in the Directors' Remuneration Report.

Other transactions with related parties include the following:

 --   the Group incurred costs of GBP168,000 (2013: GBP114,000) from Windmill 
       Holdings BV (the direct controlling party) and Windmill Cooperatief 
       U A (an intermediate parent undertaking) for management services; and 
 --   the Group incurred costs of GBP246,000 from 1 August 2013 to 22 June 
       2014 (2013: GBP294,000) from Marcel Klepfisch, Adrian Barden and Chris 
       Lebeer for their services as Non-Executive Directors. Following the 
       re-organisation and the listing on the London Stock Exchange, the Group 
       Board of Directors changed and the Group incurred a further cost from 
       23 June 2014 to 31 July 2014 of GBP36,000 from Peter Hill, Tony Reading, 
       Paul Hollingworth and Adrian Barden for their services as Non-Executive 

Non-Executive Director Paul Hollingworth is also a non-executive director of Electrocomponents plc. During the year, the Group sold goods to Electrocomponents plc amounting to GBP194,000 (2013: GBP170,000). At the year end, amounts owing by Electrocomponents plc were GBP35,000 (2013: GBP2,000). During the year the Group purchased goods from Electrocomponents plc amounting to GBP99,000 (2013: GBP87,000). At the year end, amounts owed to Electrocomponents plc were GBP13,000 (2013: GBP12,000).

Compensation of key management personnel

                                  2014     2013 
                                GBP000   GBP000 
-----------------------------  -------  ------- 
Short-term employee benefits     2,697      709 
Termination benefits               203        - 
-----------------------------  -------  ------- 
                                 2,900      709 
-----------------------------  -------  ------- 

Key management personnel is defined as the CEO, CFO and the individuals that report directly to the CEO

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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Volution (LSE:FAN)
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