RNS Number : 7208C
Firering Strategic Minerals PLC
13 October 2022
Firering Strategic Minerals plc / EPIC: FRG / Market: AIM /
Sector: Mining
13 October 2022
Firering Strategic Minerals plc
("Firering" or "the Company")
First Phase D iamond Drilling Complete - Awaiting Lithium
- Pegmatite Intersected in Every Hole with Visual Mineralisation Identified in
18 out of the 19 holes Drilled -
Firering Strategic Minerals plc, an exploration company focusing
on critical minerals, is pleased to announce the results and
completion of its Phase 1 diamond drill ("DD") programme on its
flagship Atex Lithium-Tantalum Project ("Atex"), in Côte
-- Drilled the final eight holes of the Phase 1 DD programme,
resulting in a total of 19 holes drilled and 3,039m of
-- Pegmatite intersected in all 19 drill holes.
-- Visual identification of lithium mineralisation in 18 of the
19 drill holes. Intercepts include:
o Hole 4: 9.3m (apparent thickness) showing spodumene and
o Hole 4: 19.8m (apparent thickness) showing spodumene.
o Hole 5: 11.6m (apparent thickness) showing spodumene.
o Hole 6: 20.3m (apparent thickness) showing spodumene.
o Hole 8: 11.2m (apparent thickness) showing spodumene.
o Hole 11: 21.5m (apparent thickness) showing spodumene.
o Hole 18: 16.7m (apparent thickness) showing spodumene and
-- Prepared half-core samples for assaying with the first results expected during Q4 2022.
-- Twenty samples were collected from the drill core for future
petrographic (thin sections) and X-ray diffraction ("XRD")
-- Samples of colluvium and weathered pegmatite were sent to
Cormet in South Africa for metallurgical test work.
Nineteen diamond drill holes were completed around and along
strike from Spodumene Hill
-- Have now successfully completed a total of nineteen diamond
drill ("DD") holes targeting the potential Li-bearing pegmatites
for a total of 3,039m.
-- All drill holes have been drilled at a dip of 50 degrees to
either the northwest or southeast to intersect the steeply dipping,
north-northeast striking pegmatites (see map overleaf).
Yuval Cohen, Chief Executive of Firering, said:
"I am pleased to provide our next update regarding our Phase 1
core drilling programme, which has been completed successfully.
Nineteen holes were drilled, and pegmatites were intersected in
every hole. Lithium mineralisation was visually observed in
eighteen out of the nineteen holes, and we are now eagerly awaiting
the assay results, the first of which should arrive during Q4 2022.
We look forward to providing the market with these assay results in
due course".
Map showing all nineteen drill holes and eight trenches
completed across and along strike from Spodumene Hill.
Initial visual observations of the drill core
-- All nineteen holes drilled intersected pegmatites and have been logged in detail.
-- Visible lithium mineralisation is present in eighteen out of the nineteen holes.
-- The first batch of prepared half-core samples arrived at
Intertek Laboratories in Perth on 21 September 2022 for
-- First assay results are expected in Q4 2022.
-- XRD and petrographic (thin section) analysis on the 20
samples selected from the drill core will commence once assay
results have come in.
-- Additional XRD analysis will also be conducted on the basis of the assay results.
Results of all nineteen holes drilled during Phase 1 are shown
in the table below.
Hole ID Hole depth (m) Azimuth Dip Comments
UTM29N/WGS84 (magnetic)
---------- --------------- ----------------- ------- ----------------
Easting (m) Northing (m) Elevation (m)
---------- ------------ ------------- -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------- ----------------
TVDD0001 775076 1097616 405 199 124deg -50deg spodumene
------------ ------------- -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------- ----------------
TVDD0002 774969 1097497 403 201.1 124deg -50deg No visible
------------ ------------- -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------- ----------------
spodumene and
TVDD0003 775278 1097417 407 200.95 304deg -50deg lepidolite
------------ ------------- -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------- ----------------
spodumene and
TVDD0004 775176 1097723 390 161.6 124deg -50deg lepidolite
------------ ------------- -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------- ----------------
TVDD0005 775218 1097384 409 131.8 304deg -50deg spodumene
------------ ------------- -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------- ----------------
TVDD0006 775195 1097311 407 122.7 304deg -50deg spodumene
------------ ------------- -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------- ----------------
TVDD0007 775393 1097775 397 209.7 304deg -50deg spodumene
------------ ------------- -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------- ----------------
TVDD0008 775059 1097204 403 161.7 304deg -50deg spodumene
------------ ------------- -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------- ----------------
TVDD0009 774881 1097280 403 149.8 124deg -50deg spodumene
------------ ------------- -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------- ----------------
TVDD0010 775142 1097741 397 200.75 124deg -50deg spodumene
------------ ------------- -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------- ----------------
TVDD0011 775312 1097453 402 157.9 304deg -50deg spodumene
------------ ------------- -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------- ----------------
TVDD0012 775252 1097364 401 131.8 304deg -50deg spodumene
------------ ------------- -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------- ----------------
TVDD0013 775234 1097293 408 164.6 304deg -50deg spodumene
------------ ------------- -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------- ----------------
spodumene and
TVDD0014 774817 1097154 399 111 124 -50deg lepidolite
------------ ------------- -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------- ----------------
spodumene and
TVDD0015 774780 1096969 406 136 124 -50deg lepidolite
------------ ------------- -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------- ----------------
spodumene and
TVDD0016 774958 1096651 409 212.6 124 -50deg lepidolite
------------ ------------- -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------- ----------------
spodumene and
TVDD0017 774882 1096936 405 131.7 124 -50deg lepidolite
------------ ------------- -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------- ----------------
spodumene and
TVDD0018 775280 1097668 405 119.6 304 -50deg lepidolite
------------ ------------- -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------- ----------------
spodumene and
TVDD0019 775299 1097551 408 134.8 304 -50deg lepidolite
------------ ------------- -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------- ----------------
Some photographs of recent core with visible spodumene (left)
and spodumene and lepidolite (right).
Pegmatite intercepts of 1m or more are shown in the following
Hole From Intersection Lithium mineralisation
ID (m) To (m) length (m) observed
TVDD0001 53.5 57.5 4 Spodumene
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0002 4.85 6.75 1.9
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0002 68.3 69.68 1.38
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0002 72.02 73.05 1.03
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0002 78.6 81.61 3.01
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0002 98.72 100.1 1.38
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0003 37.25 44.7 7.45
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0003 44.7 48.65 3.95 Spodumene
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0003 48.65 52.6 3.95
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0003 60.7 89.6 28.9
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0003 111.1 112.65 1.55
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0004 67.7 69.05 1.35 Spodumene + Lepidolite
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0004 69.53 71.47 1.94
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0004 71.64 75.37 3.73 Spodumene
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0004 75.94 81.84 5.9 Spodumene + Lepidolite
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0004 81.84 85.5 3.66 Spodumene + Lepidolite
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0004 85.5 91.2 5.7 Spodumene + Lepidolite
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0004 91.2 100.45 9.25 Spodumene + Lepidolite
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0004 100.75 104.9 4.15 Spodumene + Lepidolite
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0004 104.9 107 2.1
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0004 107 126.8 19.8 Spodumene
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0004 126.8 129.11 2.31 Spodumene
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0004 129.91 133.7 3.79
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0004 133.7 138.61 4.91
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0004 138.61 139.95 1.34
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0005 38.85 44.42 5.57
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0005 60.9 72.53 11.63 Spodumene
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0005 72.53 78.92 6.39 Lepidolite
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0005 78.92 80.2 1.28 Lepidolite
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0005 80.2 81.93 1.73
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0006 16.05 20 3.95
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0006 20 22.85 2.85
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0006 22.85 26.3 3.45
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0006 26.3 32.3 6
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0006 32.3 44.4 12.1 Spodumene
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0006 44.4 56.8 12.4
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0006 56.8 60 3.2
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0006 60 64.55 4.55 Lepidolite
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0006 64.55 67.1 2.55 Spodumene
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0006 67.1 87.4 20.3 Spodumene
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0006 87.4 89.9 2.5
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0007 73.14 74.41 1.27
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0007 82.1 83.71 1.61
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0007 185.6 191.04 5.44 Spodumene + Lepidolite
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0007 196.57 199.24 2.67
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0008 31 42.24 11.24 Spodumene
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0008 52.58 58 5.42 Spodumene
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0008 103.68 104.83 1.15
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0009 23.61 38.19 14.58
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0009 44.3 45.63 1.33 Spodumene
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0009 50.34 58.01 7.67 Spodumene
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0009 69.03 70.79 1.76
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0010 58.15 62.78 4.63 Spodumene
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0010 66.56 68.69 2.13 Lepidolite
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0010 95.54 108.04 12.5 Spodumene
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0010 153.35 157.07 3.72 Spodumene
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0010 158.7 162.35 3.65 Spodumene
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0010 185.52 186.56 1.04 Lepidolite
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0011 6.4 7.75 1.35
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0011 40.82 44.28 3.46 Spodumene
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0011 49.21 50.64 1.43 Spodumene
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0011 53.2 54.55 1.35 Spodumene
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0011 54.55 76 21.45 Spodumene
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0011 76 78.64 2.64
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0011 78.64 84.75 6.11
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0012 27 32.27 5.27 Spodumene
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0012 33.95 38.8 4.85 Spodumene
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0012 38.8 46.3 7.5 Spodumene
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0012 46.3 59.05 12.75
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0013 61.42 70.37 8.95
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0013 85.15 96.18 11.03 Spodumene
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0014 31.09 39.4 8.31 Spodumene + Lepidolite
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0014 39.4 44.44 5.04
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0015 30.1 41.57 11.47 Lepidolite
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0015 87.72 91.43 3.71
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0016 10.7 18.71 8.01
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0016 34.04 50.02 15.98
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0016 50.64 55.74 5.1
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0016 65.2 69.02 3.82
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0016 72.74 84.37 11.63
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0016 91.31 104.88 13.57 Spodumene
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0016 104.88 107.7 2.82
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0016 122.25 123.28 1.03
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0016 138.36 139.4 1.04
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0016 141.1 152.3 11.2
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0016 152.3 171.62 19.32 Spodumene + Lepidolite
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0016 171.62 184.43 12.81
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0016 184.43 186.18 1.75
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0016 186.18 195.39 9.21 Spodumene + Lepidolite
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0017 17.7 24.4 6.7 Spodumene
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0017 26.6 28.4 1.8
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0017 29.4 37.45 8.05 Lepidolite
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0018 67.51 70.99 3.48 Lepidolite
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0018 77.39 79.48 2.09 Spodumene + Lepidolite
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0018 79.48 82.77 3.29 Spodumene
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0018 82.77 99.5 16.73 Spodumene + Lepidolite
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0018 99.5 102.33 2.83 Spodumene + Lepidolite
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0019 60.42 67.12 6.7 Spodumene + Lepidolite
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0019 71.53 81.34 9.81 Spodumene
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
TVDD0019 81.34 92.46 11.12 Spodumene
------- ------- ------------- -----------------------
Note: Intersections show apparent thickness, not true thickness.
The relationship between true and apparent thickness has not yet
been established.
Metallurgical test work
-- All planned pits, including three additional pits, on and
around Spodumene Hill were completed.
-- All pits were sampled and analysed for tantalum using Firering's new Vanta pXRF.
-- Composite samples containing tantalum were prepared and sent
to Coremet in Johannesburg, South Africa, in September 2022 for
metallurgical test work.
-- A separate sample of 30kg of lepidolite was also sent to Coremet for test work.
Environmental and Social Governance
-- Officially opened an additional water borehole in the nearby
village of Touvré on 21 September 2022 in the presence of local,
regional and national authorities (see photographs below).
Pictures taken during the official opening of the water borehole
in Tounvré, 21 September 2022.
Competent Person
In accordance with the AIM Note for Mining and Oil and Gas
Companies, Firering discloses that Michael Cronwright of CSA Global
is the Competent Person that has reviewed the technical information
contained in this document. Michael Cronwright has a Pr.Sci.Nat
with the South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions
("SACNASP") and is a member in good standing with SACNASP. Mr
Cronwright has the appropriate relevant qualifications, experience,
competence and independence to act as a Competent Person as defined
in the 2012 Edition of the "Australian Code for Reporting of
Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves". Michael
Cronwright consents to the inclusion of the information in this
announcement in the form and context in which it appears.
***S ***
For further information and updates on Firering's exploration
programme, visit www.fireringplc.com or contact the following:
Firering Strategic Minerals Tel: +44 20 7236 1177
Yuval Cohen
Tim Daniel
SPARK Advisory Partners Limited Tel: +44 20 3368 3550
Nominated Adviser
Neil Baldwin / James Keeshan / Adam
Optiva Securities Limited Tel: +44 20 3137 1903
Christian Dennis / Daniel Ingram
St Brides Partners Limited T: +44 20 7236 1177
Financial PR E: firering @stbridespartners.co.uk
Ana Ribeiro / Susie Geliher / Isabelle
Notes to Editors:
Firering Strategic Minerals
Firering Strategic Minerals plc is an AIM-quoted mining company
focused on exploring and developing a portfolio of mines producing
critical minerals in the Côte d'Ivoire including lithium and
Tantalum to support the global transition to net zero emissions. It
operates the Atex Lithium-Tantalum Project in northern Côte
d'Ivoire, which is prospective for both lithium and tantalum.
Firering intends to advance development at Atex with a view to
establishing a maiden lithium resource and a pilot scale production
of ethically sourced tantalum and niobium within 18 months to
generate early revenues and support further exploration work.
Provided pilot production is successful, a large-scale Tantalum
production facility will be developed, which will be supported by a
debt facility of FCFA 5,057,000,000 (approximately EUR7,500,000)
currently under negotiation to fund the entire scale-up plan to
develop a portfolio of ethically sourced mineral projects in the
Côte d'Ivoire, supplying EV batteries, high tech electronics and
other fast-growing end markets.
Glossary of Technical Terms
Pegmatite An igneous rock typically of granitic composition, which is distinguished from other igneous
rocks by the extremely coarse size of its crystals, or by an abundance of crystals with skeletal,
graphic, or other strongly directional growth habits, or by a prominent spatial zonation of
mineral assemblages
Lepidolite Lepidolite is a purple to lilac-grey or rose-coloured member of the mica group of minerals.
It has chemical formula K(Li,Al)(3) (Al, Si)(4) O(10) (F,OH)(2) . It is part of the polylithionite,
lepidolite, and trilithionite group of minerals which share similar properties and but have
varying ratios of lithium and aluminium in their chemical formulas and a potential secondary
source of lithium.
Spodumene Spodumene is a pyroxene group mineral with a chemical formula of LiAlSi(2) O(6) . Spodumene
is mined from pegmatites and concentrates produced which are the one of the primary sources
of lithium.
XRD x-Ray diffraction (XRD), or x-ray powder diffraction, utilizes x-ray radiation on crystalline
organic and inorganic samples. The rays are diffracted in a pattern determined by the position,
arrangement, and size of the constituents of the crystal.
pXRF portable X-ray Fluorescence handheld device that uses X-rays to excite matter at the atomic
level for determining approximate chemical compositions. A built in CPU and display on the
back of the unit provide live geochemical results within seconds.
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London Stock Exchange. RNS is approved by the Financial Conduct
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(END) Dow Jones Newswires
October 13, 2022 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)
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