RNS Number : 5790E
  Gippsland Limited
  30 September 2008

    Gippsland Limited (the "Company")

    Annual Financial Report

    The Company is pleased to announce its full year results for the year ended 30 June 2008. The annual report is available from the
Company's website www.gippslandltd.com.


    Jack Telford
 Gippsland Limited
 T: +61 8 9340 6000
 E: jtelford@gippslandltd.com 

 Richard Hail                                               John Gilbert
 Fox-Davies Capital Ltd                              Fox-Davies Capital Ltd
 T: +44 20 7936 5200                                 T: +44 20 7936 5200
 E: richard.hail@fdcap.com                       E: john.gilbert@fdcap.com

 Nandita Sahgal                                          Matthew Thomas
 Seymour Pierce Limited                           Seymour Pierce Limited
 T: +44 20 7107 8000                                 T: +44 20 7107 8000
 E: nanditasahgal@seymourpierce.com    E: matthewthomas@seymourpierce.com

 Jane Stacey                                              Fiona Hyland
 Investor Relations                                     Investor Relations
 M: +44 792 292 3306                                M: +44 777 600 5847
 E: jane@conduitpr.com                            E: fiona@conduitpr.com


    Your directors submit their report on the company and its controlled entities for the financial year ended 30 June 2008.


    The names of the directors in office at any time during or since the end of the year are as below. Directors were in office for this
entire period unless otherwise stated.

    Mr Robert John Telford
    Dr John Morrison Chisholm
    Mr John Stuart Ferguson Dunlop
    Mr John Damian Kenny
    Mr Jon Starink


    The following person held the position of company secretary at the end of the financial year:

    Mr Rowan Caren - Bachelor of Commerce, Chartered Accountant. Mr Caren was employed by the chartered accountancy firm Price Waterhouse
Coopers in Australia and overseas for six years and has been directly involved in the minerals exploration industry for a further ten years.
Mr Caren also provides company secretarial and corporate advisory services to several exploration companies and is a member of the Institute
of Chartered Accountants in Australia.


    The principal activities of the economic entity during the financial year were:

    *     exploration and development of commercially and economically viable mineral resources.

    There were no significant changes in the nature of the consolidated group's principal activity during the financial year.


    The loss of the consolidated group after providing for income tax and eliminating minority equity interests amounted to $3,425,133
(2007: $4,191,218).


    No dividend was paid or declared during the financial year and the directors do not recommend the payment of a dividend for the
financial year ended 30 June 2008.

    Review of Operations

    During the year the company continued to focus on the development of the Abu Dabbab tin/tantalum project in Egypt and the exploration
for gold and base metals in the Wadi Allaqi region of Egypt. A detailed review of the company and the consolidated group's activities is set
out in the company's Annual Report.

    Financial Position

    The net assets of the consolidated group have increased by $1,722,113 to $4,134,098 at 30 June 2008. The increase has largely resulted
from the following factors:

    *     proceeds from the share issue and option conversion raising $4,140,715
    *     following a review of the expenditure on the Abu Dabbab project, some costs were reclassified as operating expenses and the
impairment of the project development expenditure was removed resulting in a net increase in value of $2,184,129 offset by:
    *     *     exploration expenditure of $1,064,693
    *     administration expenditure of $2,051,916 and
    *     employee benefits of $1,247,101

    The directors believe that the company is in a sound financial position to be able to continue with the development of the Abu Dabbab
project, undertake further exploration at the Wadi Allaqi leases and to take advantage of further opportunities to grow the company, should
they arise. 


    The following significant changes in the state of affairs of the parent entity occurred during the financial year:

    *     Completed the issue and allotment of 33,674,180 shares pursuant to the conversion of listed options having an exercise price of A$
0.09 which expired on 31 December 2007.
    *     Completed the issue and allotment of 12,655,553 shares at a placement price of �0.045 (A$ 0.093) on 26 June 2008.


    On 25 July 2008, Gippsland Limited ("Gippsland") and Stellar Resources Limited ("Columbus") announced that they will merge their
respective interests in the Tasmanian Heemksirk Tin project (formerly known as the Zeehan Tin project) into Stellar's subsidiary Columbus
Metals Limited ("Columbus"). The agreement is conditional upon Columbus raising a minimum of A$10 million and being admitted to the official
list of the ASX on or before 31 December 2008. 

    Gippsland will be issued with 15 million A$0.25 fully paid ordinary shares or the same number of shares that Stellar will hold in
Columbus at the time of its admission to the official list of the ASX, if that number is greater than 15 million shares. Upon listing,
Columbus will also invite a nominee from Gippsland to join the board of Columbus as a non-executive director.

    No other matters or circumstances have arisen since the end of the financial year which significantly affected or may significantly
affect the operations of the consolidated entity, the results of those operations, or the state of affairs of the consolidated entity in
future financial years.


    Information as to likely developments in the operations of the Company and the consolidated group and the expected results of those
operations in future financial years has not been included in this report because, in the opinion of the Directors, it would prejudice the
interests of the Company and the consolidated group.


    The consolidated group's operations are not currently subject to any significant environmental regulations under either Australian or
Egyptian legislation. However, the board is committed to achieving a high standard of environmental performance, and regular monitoring of
potential environmental exposures is undertaken by management. The board considers that the consolidated group has adequate systems in place
for the management of its environmental requirements and is not aware of any breach of those environmental requirements as they apply to the
consolidated group.

    An environmental and social impact assessment was updated during the financial year for the Abu Dabbab project in Egypt.

    The consolidated group is required to carry out its activities in accordance with the Mining Laws and regulations in the areas in which
it undertakes its exploration activities.  


    Robert John Telford - Chairman (Executive)
    AWAIT (Chem), MRACI

    Mr Telford holds an Associate degree in Pure Chemistry (Organic and Inorganic) having graduated from the Institute of Technology of
Western Australia (now Curtin University) in 1967.

    Mr Telford has been a major shareholder in technology-based industries for some 30 years in the capacity of Chief Executive Officer
("CEO"). He has been involved in the pharmaceutical industry having been a past chairman and major shareholder of the company Inovax
Limited. Mr Telford has held the position of CEO in companies involved in inorganic and organic chemical manufacture for over 15 years. He
has been involved in the international resource industry for some 20 years via private and public companies and in the main is responsible
for securing the Company's interest in its Egyptian resource projects.

    Mr Telford is a Member of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute.
    He is not currently a director of any other listed company nor has he been within the last three years.
    Interest in Shares and Options - 20,126,446 ordinary shares in Gippsland Limited.

    John Morrison Chisholm - Director (Executive)
    BSc (Hons), PhD, FAusIMM, FAIG

    Dr Chisholm is a geologist with wide experience in exploration geology and exploration management. His previous posts include lecturer
at the University of Western Australia and Associate Professor at Curtin University. He has held senior positions with various mineral
resource entities.

    In 1984 Dr Chisholm joined Western United Mining Services Pty Ltd and as Managing Director he led a large group of geoscientists. He was
involved in the discovery of the Transvaal and Bounty mines.

    He is a Fellow of both the Australian Institute of Geoscientists and the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy with Chartered
Practising status in Geology. Practising Chartered Status is the highest level of recognition that can be attained by professional
geologists in Australia and Dr Chisholm was one of the first geologists in Australia to have been awarded this honour.
    He is not currently a director of any other listed company nor has he been within the last three years.
    Interest in Shares and Options - 2,420,000 ordinary shares in Gippsland Limited.

    Jon Starink - Director (Executive)
    BSC (Hons), BChemE(Hons), MApplSc, FAusIMM, FIEAust, FIChemE, MRACI, MTMS, CPEng, CChem, CSci
    Mr Starink's qualifications include Bachelor of Science with First Class Honours (University of Sydney), a Bachelor of Chemical
Engineering with First Class Honours (University of Sydney) and a Master of Applied Science (University of Sydney). His academic
achievements include the Union Carbide Prize in Inorganic Chemistry, Western Mining Prize in Chemical Engineering and the Beckman Coulter
Postgraduate Prize for Best Overall Performance in Molecular Biotechnology. He held the position of Deputy Head Department of Chemical
Engineering at Curtin University of Technology during 1984-85 & 1987. 
    Based in London, Jon Starink is a Chartered Professional Engineer, a Chartered Scientist and a Chartered Industrial Chemist, a Fellow of
the Institution of Engineers Australia, a Fellow of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, a Fellow of the Institution of
Chemical Engineers, a Member of The Metallurgical Society and a Member of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute. 
    He has 30 years experience in the mining industry in the role of both Executive and Non-Executive director. His extensive practical and
operational experience includes engineering design and project management; mining exploration management; science and engineering research &
development and process innovation & development. 
    Mr Starink served in senior technical and engineering roles with the Sons of Gwalia Ltd Greenbushes tantalum-tin project for 10 years
where he was directly responsible for process development, project design and construction management for the tin smelter and tantalum
extraction projects.
    Other than as noted below he is not currently a director of any other listed company nor has he been within the last three years:
    * Director of Manaccom Corporation Limited until 22 November 2007
    Interest in Shares and Options - 300,000 ordinary shares in Gippsland Limited.

    John Stuart Ferguson Dunlop - Director (Non-executive)
    BE, M Eng Sc, P Cert Arb, CP, FAusIMM, FIMMM, MSME, MCIMM, MMICA

    Mr Dunlop holds a Bachelor and Masters Degree in Mining Engineering from the University of Melbourne. He is a certified Mine Manager
having approximately 40 years of international surface and underground mining experience in a variety of base metals, industrial and
precious metals production.  

    He is a former Director of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM) and remains Chairman of its affiliate, the
Mineral Industry Consultants Association (MICA). He is also Chairman of Alliance Resources Ltd, Drummond Gold Ltd and Alkane Resources Ltd.

    Mr Dunlop is a highly experienced mining professional having been involved in the design, construction and on-going operation of a
number of major resource projects throughout the world. He has a detailed knowledge of the Company's 40Mt Abu Dabbab tantalum project in
Egypt with his ongoing involvement in the preparation of the project's original Bankable Feasibility Study, and subsequent updates to the

    He has operated his own mining consulting firm based in Perth since 1992 and was previously a senior executive with BHP's (now BHP
Billiton) Minerals Division, before becoming General Manager Operations for Aztec Mining Co Ltd until this company's takeover by Normandy
Mining Ltd.

    Interest in Shares and Options - Nil.

    John Damian Kenny - Director (Non-executive)
    B Com (Hons), LLB

    Mr Kenny  is a corporate and resources lawyer has a specialised interest in venture capital, initial public offerings and mergers and
acquisitions. He has extensive experience in public equity fundraisings and the pricing of equity, debt and derivative securities. He is a
Director of The Ark Fund Limited.

    Interest in Shares and Options - 2,250,000 ordinary shares in Gippsland Limited.


    This report details the nature and amount of remuneration for each director of Gippsland Limited, and for the executives receiving the
highest remuneration.

    Remuneration Policy

    The remuneration policy of Gippsland Limited has been designed to align director and executive objectives with shareholder and business
objectives by providing a fixed remuneration component and offering specific long-term incentives. The board of Gippsland Limited believes
the remuneration policy to be appropriate and effective in its ability to attract and retain the best executives and directors to run and
manage the consolidated group, as well as create goal congruence between directors, executives and shareholders.

    The board's policy for determining the nature and amount of remuneration for board members and senior executives of the consolidated
group is as follows:

    *     The remuneration policy, setting the terms and conditions for the executive directors and other senior executives, was developed
and approved by the board after seeking professional advice from independent external consultants.
    *     All executives receive a base salary (which is based on factors such as length of service and experience).
    *     The board reviews executive packages annually by reference to the consolidated group's performance, executive performance and
comparable information from industry sectors.

    All remuneration paid to directors and executives is valued at the cost to the company and expensed. 

    The board policy is to remunerate non-executive directors at market rates for time, commitment and responsibilities. The board
determines payments to the non-executive directors and reviews their remuneration annually, based on market practice, duties and
accountability. Independent external advice is sought when required. The maximum aggregate amount of fees that can be paid to non-executive
directors is subject to approval by shareholders at the Annual General Meeting. Fees for non-executive directors are not linked to the
performance of the consolidated group. However, to align directors' interests with shareholder interests, the directors are encouraged to
hold shares in the company and are able to participate in the option plan.



 Key Management Person        Position        Short-term Benefits   Share-based Payment    Post-employment       Total
                                                                          Options              Benefits            $
                                                                             $              Superannuation
                                                Cash, salary and
 Mr RJ Telford          Executive Chairman                 260,211                    -                     -    260,211
 Dr JM Chisholm         Executive Director                 237,500                    -                     -    237,500
 Mr JSF Dunlop          Non-executive                       60,412                    -                     -     60,412
 Mr JD Kenny            Non-executive                       38,750                    -                     -     38,750
 Mr J Starink           Executive Director                 120,000                    -                     -    120,000
 Mr PR Sims             Chief Financial                    230,303                    -                23,030    253,333
 Mr RS Caren            Company Secretary                   60,000                    -                     -     60,000
                                                         1,007,176                    -                23,030  1,030,206


 Key Management Person        Position        Short-term Benefits   Share-based Payment    Post-employment      Total
                                                                          Options              Benefits           $
                                                                             $              Superannuation
                                                Cash, salary and
 Mr RJ Telford          Executive Chairman                 207,069                    -                     -  207,069
 Dr JM Chisholm         Executive Director                 177,917                    -                     -  177,917
 Mr JSF Dunlop          Non-executive                       44,648                    -                     -   44,648
 Mr JD Kenny            Non-executive                       38,333                    -                     -   38,333
 Mr J Starink           Executive Director                  17,742                    -                     -   17,742
 Mr PR Sims             Chief Financial                    188,294               60,975                18,827  268,096
 Mr RS Caren            Company Secretary                   52,500                    -                     -   52,500
 Mr RS Middlemas        Company Secretary                    4,580                    -                     -    4,580
                                                           731,083               60,975                18,827  810,885

    Options issued as part of remuneration for the year ended 30 June 2007

    Options were issued to an executive as part of his remuneration. The options were not issued based on performance criteria, but are
issued to the majority of directors and executives of Gippsland Limited and its subsidiaries to increase goal congruence between executives,
directors and shareholders.

    Options Granted As Remuneration


                                                                      Terms & Conditions for Each Grant
 Key Management Personnel  Granted No.  Grant Date   Value per Option at  Exercise Price  Exercise Date
                                                        Grant Date      
                                                                       $               $               
 Nil                                 -           -                     -               -              -


                                                                      Terms & Conditions for Each Grant
 Key Management Personnel  Granted No.  Grant Date   Value per Option at  Exercise Price  Exercise Date
                                                        Grant Date      
                                                                       $               $               
 PR Sims                     2,250,000  15.09.2006                  0.03            0.15     31.12.2007

    Meetings of Directors

    During the financial year, 12 meetings of directors were held. Attendances by each director during the year were as follows:

                       Directors' Meetings                     Remuneration Committee
               Number eligible to   Number attended  Number eligible to attend  Number attended
 RJ Telford            12                 12                     1                     1
 JM Chisholm           12                 10                     -                     -
 JSF Dunlop            12                 11                     1                     1
 JD Kenny              12                  6                     1                     -
 J Starink             12                  6                     -                     -

    Indemnifying Officers or Auditor

    During or since the end of the financial year the company has given an indemnity or entered into an agreement to indemnify, or paid or
agreed to pay an insurance premium as follows:

    The company has paid premiums to ensure any director or officer of Gippsland Limited against liabilities for costs and expenses incurred
by them in defending any legal proceedings arising out of their conduct while acting in the capacity of director or officer of the company,
other than conduct involving a wilful breach of duty in relation to the company. The amount of the premium is $14,616.


    At the date of this report, the unissued ordinary shares of Gippsland Limited under option are as follows:

 Grant Date  Date of Expiry  Exercise Price  Number under Option
 16.05.2006      16.05.2012          $0.135           25,000,000
 05.02.2008      15.12.2011           �0.07            4,000,000

    During the year ended 30 June 2008, the following ordinary shares of Gippsland Limited were issued on the exercise of options granted.
No amounts are unpaid on any of the shares.

 Grant Date  Exercise Price  Number of Shares Issued
 31.12.2007      $0.09             33,674,180

    No person entitled to exercise the option had or has any right by virtue of the option to participate in any share issue of any other
body corporate.

    Proceedings on Behalf of Company

    No person has applied for leave of Court to bring proceedings on behalf of the company or intervene in any proceedings to which the
company is a party for the purpose of taking responsibility on behalf of the company for all or any part of those proceedings.

    The company was not a party to such proceedings during the year.

    Non-audit Services

    The board of directors is satisfied that the provision of non-audit services during the year is compatible with the general standard of
independence for auditors imposed by the Corporations Act 2001. The directors are satisfied that the services disclosed in Note 20 did not
compromise the external auditor's independence for the following reasons:

    *     The nature of the services provided do not compromise the general principles relating to auditor independence in accordance with
APES 110: Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants set by the Accounting Professional and Ethical Standards Board.

    The following fees for non-audit services were paid / payable to the external auditors during the year ended 30 June 2008:

 Taxation Services        2,992
 Corporate Advisory Fees  22,697

    Auditors Independence Declaration

    The lead auditor's independence declaration for the year ended 30 June 2008 has been received and can be found on page 15 of the
directors' report.

    Signed in accordance with a resolution of the Board of Directors.

    R J TELFORD, Director

    Dated this 30th day of September 2008.

    Income Statement

                                 Notes        CONSOLIDATED                 PARENT
                                           2008         2007         2008         2007
                                             $            $            $            $

 Continuing Operations
 Finance income                  5(b)        77,542      125,262       74,152      125,226
                                             77,542      125,262       74,152      125,226

 Other Income                    5(a)         3,338       10,168        1,835        1,935
 Foreign exchange losses                  (935,947)     (53,429)      (5,189)     (38,262)
 Exploration expense                       (59,515)    (287,516)     (59,515)     (34,061)
 Project development expense              (211,937)     (35,526)            -            -
 Impairment reversal of            3      2,184,129            -            -            -
 exploration expenditure
 Depreciation and amortisation             (70,353)     (41,119)     (22,216)     (23,536)
 Impairment of intercompany       10              -            -  (3,219,534)  (2,768,260)
 Impairment of exploration and    12    (1,109,807)  (2,236,564)            -            -
 evaluation expenditure
 Employee benefits expense       5(d)   (1,247,101)    (671,932)    (806,986)    (579,374)
 Administration expense          5(c)   (2,051,916)  (1,000,497)  (1,292,517)    (955,541)
 Finance costs                   5(b)       (3,566)         (65)         (56)         (65)
 Loss from continuing                   (3,425,133)  (4,191,218)  (5,330,026)  (4,271,808)
 operations before tax

 Income tax expense                6              -            -            -            -
 Loss after tax from continuing         (3,425,133)  (4,191,218)  (5,330,026)  (4,271,808)

 Loss attributable to minority                    -            -            -            -

 Loss attributable to members      7    (3,425,133)  (4,191,218)  (5,330,026)  (4,271,808)
 of the parent

 Earnings per share (cents per     7
 - basic for loss for the year               (1.24)       (1.77)
 - basic for loss from                       (1.24)       (1.77)
 continuing operations
 - diluted for loss for the                  (1.24)       (1.77)
 - diluted for loss from                     (1.24)       (1.77)
 continuing operations
 - dividends paid per share                       -            -

    Balance Sheet
    AS AT 30 JUNE 2008

                                      Notes             CONSOLIDATED                  PARENT
                                                     2008         2007          2008          2007
                                                       $           $             $             $
 Current Assets
 Cash and cash equivalents              8          1,592,840     2,611,219     1,328,816     2,315,359
 Trade and other receivables            9             47,941       122,806        47,941       121,255
 Prepayments                                          46,095        19,530        35,051        19,530
 Total Current Assets                              1,686,876     2,753,555     1,411,808     2,456,144

 Non-Current Assets
 Other financial assets                 10                 -             -        27,688           305
 Property, plant and equipment          11           199,747       154,908        68,253        88,136
 Exploration and evaluation             12         3,105,666             -             -             -
 Total Non-Current assets                          3,305,413       154,908        95,941        88,441
 TOTAL ASSETS                                      4,992,289     2,908,463     1,507,749     2,544,585

 Current Liabilities
 Trade and other payables               14           799,863       458,177       150,622       201,514
 Provisions                             15            58,328        38,301        21,243        11,476
 Total Current Liabilities                           858,191       496,478       171,865       212,990

 TOTAL LIABILITIES                                   858,191       496,478       171,865       212,990
 NET ASSETS                                        4,134,098     2,411,985     1,335,884     2,331,595

 Equity attributable to equity holders of the
 Issued capital                                       16        29,550,495    25,409,780    29,550,495    25,409,780
 Retained earnings / (Accumulated losses)                     (26,561,730)  (23,136,597)  (28,547,013)  (23,216,987)
 Other reserves                                       16         1,145,333       138,802       332,402       138,802
 Parent interests                                                4,134,098     2,411,985     1,335,884     2,331,595
 Minority interests                                                      -             -             -             -
 TOTAL EQUITY                                                    4,134,098     2,411,985     1,335,884     2,331,595

      Cash Flow Statement 

                                 Notes        CONSOLIDATED                 PARENT
                                           2008         2007         2008         2007
                                           $'000        $'000        $'000        $'000

 Cash flows from operating
   Payments to suppliers and            (2,918,308)  (1,559,832)  (1,951,685)  (1,615,754)
 Other                                        3,338            -        1,835            -
 Net cash flows used in            8    (2,914,970)  (1,559,832)  (1,949,850)  (1,615,754)
 operating activities

 Cash flows from investing
 Interest received                           80,423      132,549       77,032      124,280
 Purchase of property, plant               (46,130)    (160,342)      (2,333)     (67,459)
 and equipment
 Increase in investment in                        -            -     (27,383)            -
 Purchase of exploration and            (2,155,401)  (2,437,175)            -            -
 evaluation expenditure
 Other                                            -            -  (3,219,535)  (2,773,570)
 Net cash flows used in                 (2,121,108)  (2,464,968)  (3,172,219)  (2,716,749)
 investing activities

 Cash flows from financing
 Proceeds from issue of shares    16      4,140,715    2,751,505    4,140,715    2,751,505
 (net of issue costs) 
 Net cash flows from financing            4,140,715    2,751,505    4,140,715    2,751,505

 Net decrease in cash and cash            (895,363)  (1,273,295)    (981,354)  (1,580,998)
 Net foreign exchange                     (123,016)     (53,429)      (5,189)     (38,263)
 Cash and cash equivalents at             2,611,219    3,937,943    2,315,359    3,934,620
 beginning of period
 Cash and cash equivalents at      8      1,592,840    2,611,219    1,328,816    2,315,359
 end of period

    Statement Of Changes In Equity

                                                                                            Minority    Total 
                                              Attributable to equity holders of the parent  interest    equity

                                   Issued       Retained         Other          Total
                                  capital       earnings       Reserves 

                                     $              $              $              $            $           $
 At 1 July 2006                  22,658,274     (18,945,379)        77,827       3,790,722              3,790,722
 Loss for the year                        -      (4,191,218)             -     (4,191,218)         -  (4,191,218)
 Total income / expense for the           -      (4,191,218)             -     (4,191,218)         -  (4,191,218)
 Issue of Share Capital           2,896,294                -             -       2,896,294         -    2,896,294
 Transaction Costs                (144,788)                -             -       (144,788)         -    (144,788)
 Cost of share-based payments             -                -        60,975          60,975         -       60,975
 At 30 June 2007                 25,409,780     (23,136,597)       138,802       2,411,985         -    2,411,985
 Currency translation                     -                -       812,931         812,931         -      812,931
 Loss for the year                        -      (3,425,133)             -     (3,425,133)         -  (3,425,133)
 Total income / expense for the           -      (3,425,133)             -     (3,425,133)         -  (3,425,133)
 Issue of share capital           1,181,290                -             -       1,181,290         -    1,181,290
 Transaction Costs                 (71,251)                -             -        (71,251)         -     (71,251)
 Exercise of options              3,030,676                -             -       3,030,676         -    3,030,676
 Cost of share-based payments             -                -       193,600         193,600         -      193,600
 At 30 June 2008                 29,550,495     (26,561,730)     1,145,333       4,134,098         -    4,134,098

                                                                                            Minority    Total 
                                              Attributable to equity holders of the parent  interest    Equity

                                   Issued      Retained     Other Reserves       Total
                                  capital      earnings

                                     $             $               $               $           $           $
 At 1 July 2006                  22,658,274   (18,945,179)           77,827      3,790,922              3,790,922
 Loss for the year                        -    (4,271,808)                -    (4,271,808)         -  (4,271,808)
 Total income / expense for the           -    (4,271,808)                -    (4,271,808)         -  (4,271,808)
 Issue of share capital           2,896,294              -                -      2,896,294         -    2,896,294
 Transaction costs                (144,788)              -                -      (144,788)         -    (144,788)
 Cost of share-based payments             -              -           60,975         60,975         -       60,975
 At 30 June 2007                 25,409,780   (23,216,987)          138,802      2,331,595         -    2,331,595
 Loss for the year                        -    (5,330,026)                -    (5,330,026)         -  (5,330,026)
 Total income / expense for the           -    (5,330,026)                -    (5,330,026)         -  (5,330,026)
 Issue of share capital           1,181,290              -                -      1,181,290         -    1,181,290
 Transaction costs                 (71,251)              -                -       (71,251)         -     (71,251)
 Exercise of options              3,030,676              -                -      3,030,676         -    3,030,676
 Cost of share-based payments             -              -          193,600        193,600         -      193,600
 At 30 June 2008                 29,550,495   (28,547,013)          332,402      1,335,884         -    1,335,884

    Notes to the Financial Statements
             FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2008

    The financial report of Gippsland Limited for the year ended 30 June 2008 was authorised for issue in accordance with a resolution of
the directors on 23 September 2008.

    Gippsland Limited is a company limited by shares incorporated in Australia whose shares are publicly traded on the Australian Securities

    The nature of the operations and principal activities of the Group are described in note 3.


          (a)     Basis of Preparation
    The financial report is a general-purpose financial report, which has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the
Corporations Act 2001 and applicable Australian Accounting Standards. The financial report has also been prepared on a historical cost
basis, except for investment properties, land and buildings, derivative financial instruments and available-for-sale financial assets that
have been measured at fair value.  

    The financial report is presented in Australian dollars.

    Australian Accounting Standards include Australian Equivalents to International Financial Reporting Standards (AIFRS). Compliance with
AIFRS ensures that the financial report complies with International Financial Report Standards ('IFRS').

          (b) Going Concern
    The consolidated entity and the parent entity incurred a net loss of $3,425,133 and $5,330,026, respectively for the year then ended 30
June 2008. As at that date, the cash resources of the group totalled $1,592,840. The directors have prepared a cash flow forecast for the
year ending 30 June 2009 which indicates that the current cash resources may not meet expected cash outgoings.

    The directors are currently seeking to raise additional equity funds to provide sufficient working capital for the company to continue
through to finalising a loan agreement and further capital raising for the construction of the Abu Dabbab project in Egypt. The outcome of
this pre project equity raising is not yet concluded.

    These conditions indicate a material uncertainty that may cast significant doubt about the consolidated entity's and parent entity's
ability to continue as going concerns.

    The directors are well advanced in negotiations for project financing with Kfw Bankengruppe which is owned 80% by the German Federal
Government and 20% by the German federal states (Bundeslander). 

    The directors have prepared cash flow forecasts that indicate that the amount and type of funding the consolidated entity and the parent
entity will require to construct the Abu Dabbab project. This forecast assumes that a loan agreement is finalised with a major bank and an
equity component of the funding is raised from investors. The outcome of this debt and further equity raising is not yet confirmed or

    The ability of the consolidated entity and the parent entity to continue as going concerns is principally dependent upon raising
additional capital and / or debt finance to fund exploration and project development, funding the Abu Dabbab project, other commitments,
other principal activities and working capital.

          Should the consolidated entity and the parent entity be unable to continue as going concerns, they may be required 
      to realise their assets and extinguish their liabilities other than in the ordinary course of business, and at amounts 
      that differ from those stated in the financial statements.

    These financial statements do not include any adjustments relating to the recoverability and classification of recorded asset amounts or
the amounts or classification of liabilities and appropriate disclosures that may be necessary should the consolidated entity and parent
entity be unable to continue as going concerns.

          (c)  Adoption of New Accounting Standards
    The company has adopted AASB 7 'Financial Instruments; Disclosures' and all consequential amendments which became applicable on 1
January 2007. The adoption of this standard has only affected the disclosure in these financial statements. There has been no affect on
profit and loss or the financial position of the entity.
    (d)  New Standards and Interpretations Not Yet Adopted
    Certain new accounting standards and interpretations have been published that are not mandatory for 30 June 2008 reporting periods. The
Group's and the parent entity's assessment of the impact of these new standards and interpretations is set out below.

 New or revised requirement      Effective for annual  More information      Impact on Group
                                 reporting periods
                                 beginning/ending on
                                 or after
 New or revised requirement      Effective for annual  More information      Impact on Group
                                 reporting periods
                                 beginning/ending on
                                 or after
 New and revised Standards
 AASB 101 Presentation of        Beginning 1 January   This will be adopted  This is a disclosure
 Financial Statements (Revised   2009                  for the year ended    standard and
 September 2007), AASB 2007-8                          30 June 2010          therefore does not
 Amendments to Australian                                                    affect amounts
 Accounting Standards &                                                      recognised in the
 Interpretations and AASB                                                    financial
 2007-10 Further Amendments to                                               statements.
 AASBs arising from AASB 101

 The revised standard affects
 the presentation of changes in
 equity and comprehensive
 income. It does not change the
 recognition, measurement or
 disclosure of specific
 transactions and other events
 required by other AASB
 standards. Australian issuers
 will need to make use in
 financial reports of the
 descriptions- Statement of
 Financial Performance and
 Position rather than Balance
 Sheet and Income Statement and
 use the term "financial
 report" and not "financial
 statement." The Amending
 Standard updates references in
 various other pronouncements.

 New or revised requirement      Effective for annual  More information      Impact on Group
                                 reporting periods
                                 beginning/ending on
                                 or after
 New and revised Standards
 AASB 123 Borrowing Costs        Beginning 1 January   This will be adopted  To date the company
 (Revised), AASB 2007-6          2009                  for the year ended    has not been
 Amendments to Australian                              30 June 2010          involved in such
 Accounting Standards 1, 101,                                                transactions,
 107, 111, 116, 138 and                                                      therefore the impact
 Interpretations 1 & 12                                                      is not expected to
                                                                             be material.

 This revision eliminates the
 option to expense borrowing
 costs on qualifying assets and
 requires that they be
 capitalised. The transitional
 provision provided allows for
 prospective application of
 this revision from either
 application date or adoption
 date if prior to 1 January
 2009. The Amending Standard
 eliminates reference to the
 expensing option in various
 other pronouncements.
 AASB 3 Business Combinations    Beginning 1 July      This will be adopted  If the group
 (Revised), AASB 127             2009                  for the year ended    undertakes such
 Consolidated and Separate                             30 June 2010          transactions, this
 Financial Statements                                                        needs to be
 (Amended), AASB 2008-3                                                      considered.
 Amendments to AASBs arising
 from AASB 3 and AASB 127 

 This revision changes the
 application of acquisition
 accounting for business
 combinations and accounting
 for non-controlling interests.
 The revised and amended
 standards incorporate many
 changes which will have a
 significant impact on the
 profit and loss for entities
 entering into business
   AASB 8 Operating Segments,    Beginning 1 January   This will be adopted  This is a disclosure
   AASB 2007-3 Amendments to     2009                  for the year ended    standard and
     Australian Accounting                             30 June 2010          therefore does not
 Standards 5, 6, 102, 107, 119,                                              affect amounts
   127, 134, 136, 1023 & 1038                                                recognised in the
      arising from AASB 8                                                    financial

 This standard supersedes AASB
     114 Segment Reporting
 introducing a US GAAP approach
   of management reporting as
    part of the convergence
      project with FASB. 

 New or revised requirement      Effective for annual  More information      Impact on Group
                                 reporting periods
                                 beginning/ending on
                                 or after
 New and revised Standards
 AASB 2008- 1 - Amendments to    Beginning 1 January   This will be adopted  The impact of this
 AASB 2 "Share Based Payments    2009                  for the year ended    standard will affect
                                                       30 June 2010          the valuation of
                                                                             options issued by
 The amendment clarifies that                                                the company but is
 vesting conditions are                                                      not considered to be
 restricted to:                                                              material.
 * service conditions; and 
 * Performance conditions only.

 Other features of a
 share-based payment are not
 vesting conditions. This means
 that all other terms and
 conditions are accounted for
 in the value of the share or
 option at grant date.

    (e)    Basis of consolidation
    The consolidated financial statements comprise the financial statements of Gippsland Limited and its subsidiaries as at 30 June each
year ('the Group').

    The financial statements of subsidiaries are prepared for the same reporting period as the parent company, using consistent accounting

    Adjustments are made to bring into line any dissimilar accounting policies that may exist.

    All intercompany balances and transactions, including unrealised profits arising from intra-group transactions, have been eliminated in
full. Unrealised losses are eliminated unless costs cannot be recovered.

    Subsidiaries are consolidated from the date on which control is transferred to the group and cease to be consolidated from the date on
which control is transferred out of the Group.

    Where there is loss of control of a subsidiary, the consolidated financial statements include the results for the part of the reporting
period during which Gippsland Limited has control.

    (f)    Interest in joint venture operation
    The Group's interest in its joint venture operation is accounted for by recognising the Group's assets and liabilities from the joint
venture, as well as expenses incurred by the Group and the Group's share of income earned from the joint venture, in the consolidated
financial statements.

    (g)    Foreign currency translation
    Both the functional and presentation currency of Gippsland Limited and its Australian subsidiaries is Australian dollars ($AUD).

    Transactions in foreign currencies are initially recorded in the functional currency at the exchange rates ruling at the date of the
transaction. Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are retranslated at the rate of exchange ruling at the
balance sheet date.

    (g)    Foreign currency translation (continued)

    All differences in the consolidated financial report are taken to the income statement with the exception of differences on foreign
currency borrowings that provide a hedge against a net investment in a foreign entity. These are taken directly to equity until the disposal
of the net investment, at which time they are recognised in the income statement.

    Tax charges and credits attributable to exchange differences on those borrowings are also recognised in equity.

    Non-monetary items that are measured in terms of historical cost in a foreign currency are translated using the exchange rates as at the
date of the initial transaction.

    Non-monetary items measured at fair value in a foreign currency are translated using the exchange rates at the date when the fair value
was determined.

    The functional currency of the overseas subsidiaries Tantalum Egypt JSC, Nubian Resources JSC and Nubian Resources PLC is Egyptian
pounds (EGP).

    As at the reporting date the assets and liabilities of these overseas subsidiaries are translated into the presentation urrency of
Gippsland Limited at the rate of exchange ruling at the balance sheet date and the income statements are translated at the weighted average
exchange rates for the year.

    The exchange differences arising on the retranslation are taken directly to a separate component of equity.

    On disposal of a foreign entity, the deferred cumulative amount recognised in equity relating to that particular foreign operation is
recognised in the income statement.

    (h)    Property, plant and equipment
    Plant and equipment is stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and any impairment in value.

    Depreciation is calculated on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful life of the asset as follows:

    Leasehold Improvements - over 2 to 5 years
    Plant and equipment - over 3 to 10 years

    The carrying values of plant and equipment are reviewed for impairment when events or changes in circumstances indicate the carrying
value may not be recoverable.

    For an asset that does not generate largely independent cash inflows, the recoverable amount is determined for the cash-generating unit
to which the asset belongs.

    If any such indication exists and where the carrying values exceed the estimated recoverable amount, the assets or cash-generating units
are written down to their recoverable amount.

    The recoverable amount of plant and equipment is the greater of fair value less costs to sell and value in use. In assessing value in
use, the estimated future cash flows are discounted to their present value using a pre-tax discount rate that reflects current market
assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the asset.

           Impairment losses are recognised in the income statement.

    (h)    Property, plant and equipment (continued)

    An item of property, plant and equipment is derecognised upon disposal or when no future economic benefits are expected to arise from
the continued used of the asset.

    Any gain or loss arising on derecognition of the asset (calculated as the difference between the net disposal proceeds and the carrying
amount of the item) is included in the income statement in the period the item is derecognised.

          (i)    Exploration and evaluation expenditure
    Exploration, evaluation and development expenditure incurred is accumulated in respect of each identifiable area of interest. These
costs are only carried forward to the extent that they are expected to be recouped through the successful development of the area or where
activities in the area have not yet reached a stage that permits reasonable assessment of the existence of economically recoverable

    Accumulated costs in relation to an abandoned area are written off in full against profit in the year in which the decision to abandon
the area is made.

    A regular review is undertaken of each area of interest to determine the appropriateness of continuing to carry forward costs in
relation to that area of interest. 

    (j)    Recoverable amount of assets
    At each reporting date, the Group assesses whether there is any indication that an asset may be impaired. Where an indicator of
impairment exists, the Group makes a formal estimate of recoverable amount. Where the carrying amount of an asset exceeds its recoverable
amount the asset is considered impaired and is written down to its recoverable amount.

    Recoverable amount is the greater of fair value less costs to sell and value in use. It is determined for an individual asset, unless
the asset's value in use cannot be estimated to be close to its fair value less costs to sell and it does not generate cash inflows that are
largely independent of those from other assets or groups of assets, in which case, the recoverable amount is determined for the
cash-generating unit to which the asset belongs.

    In assessing value in use, the estimated future cash flows are discounted to their present value using a pre tax discount rate that
reflects current market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the asset.

    (k)    Investments
    All investments are initially recognised at cost, being the fair value of the consideration given and including acquisition charges
associated with the investment.

    After initial recognition, investments are measured as fair value. Gains or losses on investments are recognised in the income

    Non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments and fixed maturity are classified as held-to-maturity when the Group
has the positive intention and ability to hold to maturity. Investments intended to be held for an undefined period are not included in this
    For investments where there is no quoted market price, fair value is determined by reference to the current market value of another
instrument which is substantially the same or is calculated based on the expected cash flows of the underlying net asset base of the

(k)    Investments (continued)

    Purchases and sales of financial assets that require delivery of assets within the time frame generally established by regulation or
convention in the market place are recognised on the trade date i.e. the date that the Group commits to purchase the asset.

    (l)    Trade and other receivables
    Trade receivables, which generally have 30-90 day terms, are recognised and carried at original invoice amount less an allowance for any
uncollectible amounts.

    An estimate for impairment loss is made when collection of the full amount is no longer probable. Bad debts are written off when

    (m)    Cash and cash equivalents
    Cash and short-term deposits in the balance sheet comprise cash at bank and in hand and short-term deposits with an original maturity of
three months or less.
       For the purposes of the Cash Flow Statement, cash and cash equivalents consist of cash and cash equivalents 
      as  defined above, net of outstanding bank overdrafts.

    (n)    Trade and other payables
    Trade and other payables are carried at amortised cost due to their short term nature they are not discounted. They represent
liabilities for goods and services provided to the Group prior to the end of the financial year that are unpaid and arise when the Group
becomes obliged to make future payments in respect of the purchase of these goods and services. The amounts are unsecured and are usually
paid within 30 days of recognition.

    (o)    Provisions
     Provisions are recognised when the Group has a present obligation (legal or constructive) as a result of a past event, it is probable
that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation and a reliable estimate can be made of
the amount of the obligation.

     Where the Group expects some or all of a provision to be reimbursed, for example under an insurance contract, the reimbursement is
recognised as a separate asset but only when the reimbursement is virtually certain. The expense relating to any provision is presented in
the income statement net of any reimbursement.

    If the effect of the time value of money is material, provisions are determined by discounting the expected future cash flows at a
pre-tax rate that reflects current market assessments of the time value of money and, where appropriate, the risks specific to the

     Where discounting is used, the increase in the provision due to the passage of time is recognised as a finance cost.

     (p)    Share-based payment transactions
     The Group provides remuneration to employees (including directors) of the Group in the form of share-based payment transactions,
whereby employees render services in exchange for shares or rights over shares ('equity-settled transactions').

     The cost of these equity-settled transactions with employees is measured by reference to the fair value at the date at which they are

    In valuing equity-settled transactions, no account is taken of any performance conditions, other than conditions linked to the price if
the shares of Gippsland Limited ('market conditions').

    (p)    Share-based payment transactions (continued)

    The cost of equity-settled transactions is recognised, together with a corresponding increase in equity, over the period in which the
performance conditions are fulfilled, ending on the date on which the relevant employees become fully entitled to the award ('vesting

    The cumulative expense recognised for equity-settled transactions at each reporting date until vesting date reflects (i) the extent to
which the vesting period has expired and (ii) the number of awards that, in the opinion of the directors of the Group, will ultimately vest.
This opinion is formed based on the best available information at balance date. No adjustment is made for the likelihood of market
performance conditions being met as the effect of these conditions is included in the determination of fair value at grant date.

    No expense is recognised for awards that do not ultimately vest, except for awards where vesting is conditional upon a market

    Where the terms of an equity-settled award are modified, as a minimum an expense is recognised as if the terms had not been modified. In
addition, an expense is recognised for any increase in the value of the transaction as a result of the modification, as measured at the date
of modification.

    Where an equity-settled award is cancelled, it is treated as if it had vested on the date of cancellation, and any expense not yet
recognised for the award is recognised immediately. However, if a new award is substituted for the cancelled award, and designated as a
replacement award on the date that it is granted, the cancelled and new award are treated as if they were a modification of the original
award, as described in the previous paragraph.

    The dilutive effect, if any, of outstanding options is reflected as additional share dilution in the computation of earnings per share
(see note 7).
    (q)     Leases
    Leases where the lessor retains substantially all the risks and benefits of ownership of the asset are classified as operating leases.
Initial direct costs incurred in negotiating an operating lease are added to the carrying amount of the leased asset and recognised over the
lease term on the same bases as the lease income.

    Operating lease payments are recognised as an expense in the income statement on a straight-line basis over the lease term.

    Revenue is recognised to the extent that it is probable that the economic benefits will flow to the Group and the revenue can be
reliably measured. The following specific recognition criteria must also be met before revenue is recognised:
    Revenue is recognised as the interest accrues (using the effective interest method, which is the rate that exactly discounts estimated
future cash receipts through the expected life of the financial instrument) to the net carrying amount of the financial asset. 

     (r)    Income tax
     Deferred income tax is provided on all temporary differences at the balance sheet date between the tax bases of assets and liabilities
and their carrying amounts for the financial reporting purposes.

     Deferred income tax liabilities are recognised for all taxable temporary differences:

�         except where the deferred income tax liability arises from the initial recognition of an asset or liability in a transaction that
is not a business combination and, at the time of the transaction, affects neither the accounting profit nor taxable profit or loss; and
�         in respect of taxable temporary differences associated with investments in subsidiaries, associates and interests in joint
ventures, except where the timing of the reversal of the temporary differences can be controlled and it is probable that the temporary
differences will not reverse in the foreseeable future.
      Deferred income tax assets are recognised for all deductible temporary differences, carry-forward of unused tax assets and unused tax
losses, to the extent that it is probable that taxable profit will be available against which the deductible temporary differences, and the
carry-forward of unused tax assets and unused tax losses can be utilised:
�         except where the deferred income tax asset relating to the deductible temporary differences arises from the initial recognition of
an asset or liability in a transaction that is not a business combination and, at the time of the transaction, affects neither the
accounting profit nor taxable profit or loss; and
    �         in respect of deductible temporary differences associated with investments in subsidiaries, associates and interests in joint
ventures, deferred tax assets are only recognised to the extent that it is probable that the temporary differences will reverse in the
foreseeable future and taxable profit will be available against which the temporary differences can be utilised.

    The carrying amount of deferred income tax assets is reviewed at each balance sheet date and reduced to the extent that it is no longer
probable that sufficient taxable profit will be available to allow all or part of the deferred income tax asset to be utilised.

    Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are measured at the tax rates that are expected to apply to the year when the asset is
realised or the liability is settled, based on tax rates (and tax laws) that have been enacted or substantively enacted at the balance sheet

    Income taxes relating to items recognised directly in equity are recognised in equity and not in the income statement.

    (s)     Other taxes
    Revenues, expenses and assets are recognised net of the amount of GST except:

    * where the GST incurred on a purchase of goods and services is not recoverable from the taxation authority, in which case the GST is
recognised as part of the cost of acquisition of the asset or as part of the expense item as applicable; and
    * receivables and payables are stated with the amount of GST included.

    The net amount of GST recoverable from, or payable to, the taxation authority is included as part of receivables or payables in the
balance sheet.

    Cash flows are included in the Cash Flow statement on a gross basis and the GST component of cash flows arising from investing and
financing activities, which is recoverable from, or payable to, the taxation authority are classified as operating cash flows.

          Commitments and contingencies are disclosed net of the amount of GST recoverable from, or payable to, the 
      taxation authority.

    (t) Derecognition of financial instruments
    The derecognition of a financial instrument takes place when the Group no longer controls the contractual rights that comprise the
financial instrument, which is normally the case when the instrument is sold, or all the cash flows attributable to the instrument are
passed through to an independent third party.

    (u) Critical Accounting Judgements and Key Sources of Estimation Uncertainty
    In the application of AIFRS management is required to make judgments, estimates and assumptions about carrying values of assets and
liabilities that are not readily apparent from other sources. The estimates and associated assumptions are based on historical experience
    various other factors that are believed to be reasonable under the circumstance, the results of 
    which form the basis of making the judgments. Actual results may differ from these estimates. The estimates and underlying assumptions
are reviewed on an ongoing basis. Revisions to accounting estimates are recognised in the year in which the estimate is revised if the
revision affects only that year, or in the year of the revision and future years if the revision affects both current and future years.  

    Judgments made by management that have significant effects on the financial statements and estimates with a significant risk of material
adjustments in the next year are disclosed, these relate to impairment of inter-company loans and exploration and evaluation expenditure.
Accounting policies are selected and applied in a manner which ensures that the resulting financial information satisfies the concepts of
relevance and reliability, thereby ensuring that the substance of the underlying transactions or other events is reported.

     (v)    Financial risk management objectives and policies
    The Group's principal financial instruments comprise receivables, payables, cash and short-term deposits.

    The Group manages its exposure to key financial risks, including interest rate and currency risk in accordance with the Group's
financial risk management policy. The objective of the policy is to support the delivery of the Group's financial targets whilst protecting
future financial security.

    The main risks arising from the Group's financial instruments are interest rate risk, foreign currency risk, credit risk and liquidity
risk. The Group uses different methods to measure and manage different types of risks to which it is exposed. These include monitoring
levels of exposure to interest rate and foreign exchange risk and assessments of market forecasts for interest rate, foreign exchange and
commodity prices. Ageing analyses and monitoring of specific credit allowances are undertaken to manage credit risk, liquidity risk is
monitored through the development of future rolling cash flow forecasts.

    The Board reviews and agrees policies for managing each of these risks as summarised below.

    Primary responsibility for identification and control of financial risks rests with the Board. The Board reviews and agrees policies for
managing each of the risks identified below, including the setting of limits for credit allowances and future cash flow forecast

    Risk Exposures and Responses

    Interest rate risk
    The Group's has no long-term debt obligations. The Group's exposure to market interest rates primarily relate to cash and cash

    At balance date, the Group had the following mix of financial assets and liabilities exposed to Australian Variable interest rate risk
that are not designated in cash flow hedges: 

                                Consolidated             Parent
                              2008       2007       2008       2007
 Financial Assets
 Cash and cash equivalents  1,592,840  2,611,219  1,328,816  2,315,359
                            1,592,840  2,611,219  1,328,816  2,315,359

    Cash flow sensitivity analysis for variable rate instruments

    A change of 100 basis points in interest rates at the reporting date would have increased (decreased) equity and profit or loss by the
amounts shown below. The analysis is performed on the same basis for 2007.

            2008                                      Profit or Loss                      Equity
                              Carrying Value  100bp increase  100bp decrease  100bp increase  100bp decrease
                                    $               $               $               $               $
 Cash and cash equivalents         1,592,840          13,813        (13,813)          13,813        (13,813)
 Trade receivables                    47,941               -               -               -               -
 Cash flow sensitivity (net)                          13,813        (13,813)          13,813        (13,813)

            2007                                      Profit or Loss                      Equity
                              Carrying Value  100bp increase  100bp decrease  100bp increase  100bp decrease
                                    $               $               $               $               $
 Cash and cash equivalents         2,611,219          23,034        (23,034)          23,034        (23,034)
 Trade receivables                   122,806               -               -               -               -
 Cash flow sensitivity (net)                          23,034        (23,034)          23,034        (23,034)

    Foreign currency risk
    As a result of operations in Egypt, the Group's balance sheet can be affected significantly by movements in the EGP/A$ exchange rates.
The Group also has transactional currency exposures. Such exposure arises from sales or purchases by an operating entity in currencies other
than the functional currency. Approximately 58% of costs are denominated in the unit's functional currency. 

    At 30 June 2008, the Group had the following exposure to foreign currency that is not designated in cash flow hedges:

                                  Consolidated         Parent
                                 2008      2007      2008     2007
 Financial Assets
 Cash and cash equivalents       229,733  284,511          -     -
 Cash and cash equivalents        34,291   11,347          -     -
 Trade and other receivables           -    1,551          -     -
 Cash and cash equivalents     1,120,056        -  1,120,056     -
                               1,384,080  297,409  1,120,056     -

 Financial Liabilities
 Trade and other payables         55,645   52,966          -     -
 Trade and other payables          6,375   28,340          -     -
 Trade and other payables         57,528    8,430          -     -
 Trade and other payables        118,860        -     41,145
                                 238,408   89,736     41,145     -
 Net exposure                  1,145,672  207,673  1,078,911     -

    The following sensitivity is based on the foreign currency risk exposures in existence at the balance sheet date:

    At 30 June 2008, had the Australian Dollar moved, as illustrated in the table below, with all other variables held constant, post tax
profit and equity would have been affected as follows:

    Judgements of reasonably possible movements:

               Post Tax Loss (Higher)/Lower  Equity Higher/(Lower)

                   2008           2007          2008        2007
                     $              $             $           $
 AUD/EGP +10%        561,219        637,183  (1,650,637)  (630,467)
 AUD/EGP -10%      (685,934)      (778,779)    2,017,445    770,571
 AUD/EGP +10%              -              -            -          -
 AUD/EGP -10%              -              -            -          -

    The movements in equity in 2008 are more sensitive than in 2007 due to the higher level of EGP payables at balance date.  

    Management believe the balance date risk exposures are representative of the risk exposure inherent in the financial instruments.

    Credit risk
    Credit risk arises from the financial assets of the Group, which comprise cash and cash equivalents, and trade and other receivables.
The Group's exposure to credit risk arises from potential default of the counter party, with a maximum exposure equal to the carrying amount
of these instruments. Exposure at balance date is addressed in each applicable note. 

    The Group does not hold any credit derivatives to offset its credit exposure. 

    In addition, receivable balances are monitored on an ongoing basis with the result that the Group's exposure to bad debts is not

    There are no significant concentrations of credit risk within the Group.

    Liquidity risk
    The Group's objective is to maintain a continuity of funding to ensure sufficient working capital is available to meet the companies
exploration and development commitments.

    The table below reflects all contractually fixed pay-offs and receivables for settlement, repayments and interest resulting from
recognised financial assets and liabilities as of 30 June 2008. The values presented are the respective undiscounted cash flows for the
respective upcoming fiscal years. Cash flows for financial assets and liabilities without fixed amount or timing are based on the conditions
existing at 30 June 2008.

    The remaining contractual maturities of the Group's and parent entity's financial liabilities are:

                     Consolidated         Parent
                    2008     2007     2008     2007

 6 months or less  836,948  458,177  150,622  201,514
 6-12 months             -        -        -        -
 1-5 years               -        -        -        -
 over 5 years            -        -        -        -
                   836,948  458,177  150,622  201,514

    Maturity analysis of financial assets and liability based on management's expectation.

    The risk implied from the values shown in the table below, reflects a balanced view of cash inflows and outflows. These assets are
considered in the Group's overall liquidity risk. To monitor existing financial assets and liabilities as well as to enable an effective
controlling of future risks.


                                 *6 months  6-12 months  1-5 years  >5 years    Total

 Year ended 30 June 2008             $           $           $         $          $

 Consolidated Financial Assets
 Cash and cash equivalents       1,592,840            -          -         -  1,592,840
 Trade and other receivables        47,941            -          -         -     47,941
                                 1,640,781            -          -         -  1,640,781

 Consolidated Financial
 Trade and other payables          799,863            -          -         -    799,863
                                   799,863            -          -         -    799,863
 Net maturity                      840,918            -          -         -    840,918

                               *6 months  6-12 months  1-5 years  >5 years    Total

 Year ended 30 June 2008           $           $           $         $          $

 Parent Financial Assets
 Cash and cash equivalents     1,328,816            -          -         -  1,328,816
 Trade and other receivables      47,941            -          -         -     47,941
                               1,376,757            -          -         -  1,376,757

 Parent Financial Liabilities
 Trade and other payables        150,622            -          -         -    150,622
                                 150,622            -          -         -    150,622
 Net maturity                  1,226,135            -          -         -  1,226,135

                                 *6 months  6-12 months  1-5 years  >5 years    Total

 Year ended 30 June 2007             $           $           $         $          $

 Consolidated Financial Assets
 Cash and cash equivalents       2,611,219            -          -         -  2,611,219
 Trade and other receivables       122,806            -          -         -    122,806
                                 2,734,025            -          -         -  2,734,025

 Consolidated Financial
 Trade and other payables          458,177            -          -         -    458,177
                                   458,177            -          -         -    458,177
 Net maturity                    2,275,848            -          -         -  2,275,848

                               *6 months  6-12 months  1-5 years  >5 years    Total

 Year ended 30 June 2007           $           $           $         $          $

 Parent Financial Assets
 Cash and cash equivalents     2,315,359            -          -         -  2,315,359
 Trade and other receivables     121,255            -          -         -    121,255
                               2,436,614            -          -         -  2,436,614

 Parent Financial Liabilities
 Trade and other payables        201,514            -          -         -    201,514
                                 201,514            -          -         -    201,514
 Net maturity                  2,235,100            -          -         -  2,235,100

        In the current period, the company has reversed the exploration and evaluation impairment losses previously recognised amounting to
$2,184,129 in relation to the Abu Dabbab tantalite, tin and feldspar project.

        The main events and circumstances that led to the reversal of these impairment losses are as follows:
    *     A 10 year off take agreement was signed with the German company HC Starck GmbH for the supply of 600,000 pounds of tantalum per
    *     Bankable Feasibility Study on the Abu Dabbab project has been completed.
    *     Detailed negotiations with the Kfw German Bank to secure the debt portion of the project finance have commenced. The bank is
continuing with its due diligence process.
    *     An in fill drilling program at Abu Dabbab has been completed resulting in an increase in the project reserves.
    *     A major equity raising is planned following the completion of the bank due diligence.


        The Group's primary reporting format is business segments and its secondary format is geographical segments.

        The operating businesses are organised and managed separately according to the nature of the products and services provided, with
each segment representing a strategic business unit that offers different products and serves different markets.

        Transfer prices between business segments are set at an arms length basis in a manner similar to transactions with third parties.

    Business segments
        The following tables present revenue and profit information and certain asset and liability information regarding business segments
for the years ended 30 June 2008 and 2007. 

                                           Continuing Operations  Total Operations
                                  Tantalum       Gold  Corporate                  
                                         $          $          $                 $
 Year ended 30 June 2008                                                          
 Other revenues from external        1,966      1,425     77,489            80,880
 Inter-segment sales                     -     23,934          -            23,934
 Total segment revenue               1,966     25,359     77,489           104,814
 Inter-segment elimination                                                (23,934)
 Total consolidated revenue                                                 80,880
 Segment result                  (679,232)  1,995,375  2,108,990         3,425,133
 Loss before income tax and                                              3,425,133
 minority interest
 Income tax expense                                                              -
 Net loss for the year                                                   3,425,133
 Assets and liabilities                                                           
 Segment assets                  3,215,400    296,828  1,480,061         4,992,289
 Total assets                                                            4,992,289
 Segment liabilities               465,755    220,571    171,865           858,191
 Total liabilities                                                         858,191
 Other segment information                                                        
 Capital expenditure                 7,967          -      2,333            10,300
 Depreciation                       13,868     34,268     22,217            70,353
 Impairment losses                       -  1,109,807          -         1,109,807
 Reversal of impairment          2,184,129          -          -         2,184,129

                                          Continuing Operations  Total Operations
                                 Tantalum       Gold  Corporate                  
 Year ended 30 June 2007                                                         
 Other revenues from external           -      8,269    127,161           135,430
 Total segment revenue                  -      8,269    127,161           135,430
 Inter-segment elimination                                                      -
 Total consolidated revenue                                               135,430
 Segment result                   825,198  1,862,473  1,503,548         4,191,219
 Loss before income tax and                                             4,191,219
 minority interest
 Income tax expense                                                             -
 Net profit for the year                                                4,191,219
 Assets and liabilities                                                          
 Segment assets                   235,388    128,793  2,544,282         2,908,463
 Total assets                                                           2,908,463
 Segment liabilities               58,578    224,910    212,990           496,478
 Total liabilities                                                        496,478
 Other segment information                                                       
 Capital expenditure                    -     66,635     93,707           160,342
 Depreciation                           -     17,583     23,536            41,119
 Impairment losses                742,670  1,493,894          -         2,235,564

    Geographical segments
        The Group's geographical segments are determined by the location of the Group's assets and operations.

        The following tables present revenue, expenditure and certain asset information regarding geographical segments for the years ended
30 June 2008 and 2007

                                                 Australia      Egypt      Total
 Year ended 30 June 2008                                                        
 Other revenues from external customers             77,490      3,390     80,880
 Less revenue attributable to discontinued               -          -          -
 Revenue from continuing operations                 77,490      3,390     80,880
 Inter-segment sales                                     -          -          -
 Segment revenue                                    77,490      3,390     80,880
 Other segment information                                                      
 Segment assets                                  1,480,061  3,512,228  4,992,289
 Total assets                                                          4,992,289
 Capital expenditure                                 2,333      7,967     10,300
 Year ended 30 June 2007                                                        
 Other revenues from external customers            127,161      8,269    135,430
 Less revenue attributable to discontinued               -          -          -
 Revenue from continuing operations                127,161      8,269    135,430
 Inter-segment sales                                     -          -          -
 Segment revenue                                   127,161      8,269    135,430
 Other segment information                                                      
 Segment assets                                  2,544,282    364,181  2,908,463
 Total assets                                                          2,908,463
 Capital expenditure                                93,707     66,635    160,342


   2008   2007   2008  2007
     $      $     $     $
    (a)     Other income

 Other income  3,338  10,168  1,835  1,935
               3,338  10,168  1,835  1,935
    (b)    Finance (costs) / income

 Bank loans and overdrafts  (3,566)     (65)    (56)     (65)
 Total finance costs        (3,566)     (65)    (56)     (65)

 Bank interest receivable    77,542  125,262  74,152  125,226
 Total finance income        77,542  125,262  74,152  125,226

    (c)    Lease payments and other expenses included in 
        income statement

 Included in administrative expenses:
     Minimum lease payments - operating       123,328   63,449  106,654   55,425
    Option expense                            193,600   60,975  193,600   60,975
    Consultancy expense                       140,953  117,169   57,405  105,202

    (d)    Employee benefits expense

 Wages and Salaries               1,217,380  589,554  778,916  496,996
 Superannuation costs                29,721   21,403   28,069   21,403
 Expense of share-based payments          -   60,975        -   60,975
                                  1,247,101  671,932  806,985  579,374

    6    INCOME TAX
        Major components of income tax expense for the years ended 30 June 2008 and 2007 are:

        Income Statement

 Current income
   Current income tax charge                                          -  -  -  -
   Adjustments in respect of current income tax of previous years     -  -  -  -
 Deferred income tax
   Relating to origination and reversal of temporary differences      -  -  -  -
 Benefit from previously unrecognised tax loss used to reduce         -  -  -  -
 deferred tax expense
 Income tax expense reported in income statement                      -  -  -  -

   2008   2007   2008   2007
   $'000  $'000  $'000  $'000

    Statement of changes in equity

 Deferred income tax
    Capital raising costs                -  -  -  -
 Income tax expense reported in equity   -  -  -  -

    A reconciliation of income tax expense (benefit) applicable to accounting profit before income tax at the statutory income tax rate to
income tax expense at the Group's effective income tax rate for the years ended 30 June 2008 and 2007 is as follows:

 Accounting profit (loss)        (3,425,133)  (4,191,218)  (5,330,027)  (4,271,808)
 before tax from continuing
 Loss before tax from                      -            -            -            -
 discontinued operations
 Accounting profit (loss)        (3,425,133)  (4,191,218)  (5,330,027)  (4,271,808)
 before income tax

 At the statutory income tax     (1,027,540)  (1,257,366)  (1,599,008)  (1,281,542)
 rate of 30% (2007: 30%)
 Provision for non-recovery of             -      832,071            -      832,071
 Exploration expenditure              17,855       10,218       17,855       10,218
 incurred in relation to a
 foreign permanent
 Non-deductible expenses              62,389       73,918       62,389       73,918
 Temporary differences not           947,296      341,159    1,518,764      365,335

 Income tax expense                        -            -            -            -

 Income tax expense reported in            -            -            -            -
 income statement
 Income tax attributable to                -            -            -            -
 discontinued operation
                                           -            -            -            -

 Effective income tax rate                0%           0%           0%           0%

   2008   2007   2008   2007
   $'000  $'000  $'000  $'000

        Unrecognised deferred tax assets and liabilities
        Deferred tax assets and liabilities have not been recognised in respect of the following items:
 Interest receivable                          -      (864)          -      (864)
 Business related costs                 105,744    125,382    105,744    125,382
 Accrued superannuation                       -        523          -        523
 Accrued audit fees                       8,724      6,000      4,989      6,000
 Accrued directors fees                       -      5,000          -      5,000
 Employee entitlements                    6,373      4,665      6,373      3,443
 Borrowing costs                          1,454      2,181      1,454      2,181
 Foreign exchange                       110,695     12,078      1,557     11,118
 Tax losses (domestic)                3,321,947  2,699,047  2,704,603  2,097,658
 Trade and other receivables                  -          -  4,062,664  3,096,804
 Potential unrecognised tax benefit   3,554,937  2,854,012  6,887,384  5,347,245
 @ 30%

        The deductible temporary differences and tax losses do not expire under current legislation. Deferred tax assets have not been
recognised in respect of these items because it is not probable that future taxable profit will be available against which the company can
utilise benefits.


        Basic earnings per share amounts are calculated by dividing net profit for the year attributable to ordinary equity holders of the
parent by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the year.

        Diluted earnings per share amounts are calculated by dividing the net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders (after deducting
interest on the convertible redeemable preference shares) by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the year
(adjusted for the effects of dilutive options and dilutive convertible non-cumulative redeemable preference shares).

        The following reflects the income and share data used in the total operations basic and diluted earnings per share computations:

                                                           2008         2007
                                                             $            $
 Net loss attributable to ordinary shareholders for     (3,425,133)  (4,191,218)
 diluted earnings per share
                                                          Shares       Shares
 Weighted average number of ordinary shares for basic   276,638,760  237,310,914
 earnings per share
 Adjusted weighted average number of ordinary shares    276,638,760  237,310,914
 for diluted
 earnings per share
    The consolidated entity's options over ordinary shares could potentially dilute basic earnings per share in the future, however they
have been excluded from the calculations of diluted earnings per share because they are anti-dilutive for the years presented.
    There have been no other transactions involving ordinary shares or potential ordinary shares since the reporting date and before the
completion of these financial statements.

        To calculate earnings per share, the weighted average number of ordinary shares for both basic and diluted is as per the table
above. The following table provides the profit figure used as the numerator:

                                                                   2008    2007
                                                                  cents   cents
 Net loss attributable to ordinary shareholders from
 discontinued operations:
  - for basic earnings per share                                  (1.24)  (1.77)
  - for diluted earnings per share                                (1.24)  (1.77)

                                          CONSOLIDATED             PARENT
                                        2008       2007       2008       2007
                                          $          $          $          $
 Cash at bank and in hand             1,551,516    338,362  1,328,816     42,502
 Short term deposits                     41,324  2,272,857          -  2,272,857
                                      1,592,840  2,611,219  1,328,816  2,315,359
 Cash at bank and in hand earns
 interest at floating rates based on
 daily bank rates.

 Short-term deposits are made for
 varying periods of between one day
 and one month depending on the
 immediate cash requirements of the
 Group, and earn interest at the
 respective short-term deposit

 The fair value of cash and
 cash equivalents is $1,592,840
 (2007: $2,611,219).

 Reconciliation of cash
 For the purposes of the Cash
 Flow Statement, cash and cash
 equivalents comprise the
 following at 30 June:

 Cash at bank and in hand          1,551,516      338,362    1,328,816       42,502
 Short-term deposits                  41,324    2,272,857            -    2,272,857
                                   1,592,840    2,611,219    1,328,816    2,325,359

 Reconciliation from the net
 profit after tax to the net
 cash flows from operations
 Net Loss                        (3,425,133)  (4,191,218)  (5,330,026)  (4,271,808)

 Adjustments for:
 Depreciation and amortisation        70,353       41,119       22,216       23,536
 Impairment losses                 (802,869)    2,236,564    3,219,535    2,768,260
 Expenses capitalised              (104,892)            -            -            -
 Foreign exchange loss (gain)        935,947       53,429        5,189       38,262
 Interest received                  (80,423)    (132,549)     (77,032)    (124,280)
 Share options expensed              193,600       60,975      193,600       60,975

 Changes in assets and
 (increase)/decrease in trade         74,864     (73,594)       73,314     (72,042)
 and other receivables
 (increase)/decrease in             (26,565)     (18,614)     (15,521)     (18,615)
 (decrease)/increase in               20,027       13,378        9,767     (13,447)
 (decrease)/increase in trade        230,121      450,678     (50,892)      (6,595)
 and other payables
 Net cash from operating         (2,914,970)  (1,559,832)  (1,949,850)  (1,615,754)


                                                 CONSOLIDATED        PARENT
                                                 2008    2007     2008    2007
                                                  $        $       $        $
 Trade receivables                              47,941  122,806  47,941  121,255

 Trade receivables are non-interest bearing
 and are generally on 60-day terms.

    At 30 June, the ageing analysis of trade receivables is as follows:

                               0-30    31-60  61-90  61-90   +91   +91
                      Total    Days    Days   Days   Days   Days   Days
                                              PDNI*   CI*   PDNI*  CI*
 2008  Consolidated   47,941   47,941      -      -      -      -     -
       Parent         47,941   47,941      -      -      -      -     -
 2007  Consolidated  122,806  122,806      -      -      -      -     -
       Parent        121,255  121,255      -      -      -      -     -

    *    Past due not impaired ('PDNI')
        Considered impaired ('CI')

    The balances within trade and other receivables do not contain impaired assets and are not past due. It is expected that these other
balances will be received when due. 

    (a) Fair value and credit risk 

    Due to the short term nature of these receivables, their carrying value is assumed to approximate their fair value.

    The maximum exposure to credit risk is the fair value of receivables. Collateral is not held as security, nor is it the Group's policy
to transfer (on-sell) receivables to special purpose entities. 

    (b) Foreign exchange and interest rate risk

    Detail regarding foreign exchange and interest rate risk exposure is disclosed in note 2 (v).


                                        CONSOLIDATED            PARENT
                                        2008   2007       2008          2007
                                          $      $         $             $
 Loans receivable from controlled           -      -    13,542,214    10,322,679
 entities (a)
 Provision for impairment of                -      -  (13,542,214)  (10,322,679)
 Investments in controlled entities         -      -        27,688           305
 (note 18)
                                                            27,688           305

    The impairment of loans to subsidiaries was $3,219,534 (2007: $ 2,768,260).

    All amounts are receivable in Australian Dollars.

    (a) Loans receivable from controlled entities

    The loans to controlled entities are advanced interest free, are unsecured and will be repaid when the respective subsidiary is
generating sufficient funds and has the financial capacity to meet the loan commitment.

    (b) Fair values

    The fair values and carrying values of non-current receivables of the Group are as follows:

                   Consolidated    Parent
                   2008   2007   2008  2007
                   $000   $000   $000  $000

 Loan receivables      -      -     -     -

    (c) Interest rate risk
    Details regarding interest rate risk exposure are disclosed in note 2 (v).

    (d) Credit risk
    The maximum exposure to credit risk at the reporting date is the higher of the carrying value and fair value of each class of
receivables. No collateral is held as security.


                                                     CONSOLIDATED                                            PARENT
                                      Leasehold        Plant and equipment    Total         Leasehold        Plant and equipment   Total
                                     Improvements                                          Improvements
                                          $                     $               $               $                     $              $
 Year ended 30 June 2008
 At 1 July 2007,
 Net of accumulated                            31,055              123,853    154,908                16,552               71,584    88,136
 Additions                                          -               10,300     10,300                     -                2,333     2,333
 Disposals                                          -                    -          -                     -                    -         -
 Transfers                                   (14,503)              119,395    104,892                     -                    -         -
 Depreciation charge for the                  (3,650)             (66,703)   (70,353)               (3,650)             (18,566)  (22,216)
 At 30 June 2008,
 Net of accumulated                            12,902              186,845    199,747                12,902               55,351    68,253

 At 1 July 2007
 Cost or fair value                            33,385              225,697    259,082                18,251              143,379   161,630
 Accumulated depreciation and                 (2,330)            (101,844)  (104,174)               (1,699)             (71,795)  (73,494)
 Net carrying amount                           31,055              123,853    154,908                16,552               71,584    88,136

 At 30 June 2008
 Cost or fair value                            18,251              316,165    334,416                18,251              110,104   128,355
 Accumulated depreciation and                 (5,349)            (129,320)  (134,669)               (5,349)             (54,753)  (60,102)
 Net carrying amount                           12,902              186,845    199,747                12,902               55,351    68,253

                                                     CONSOLIDATED                                             PARENT
                                      Leasehold        Plant and equipment    Total         Leasehold        Plant and equipment    Total
                                     Improvements                                          Improvements
                                          $                     $               $               $                     $               $
 Year ended 30 June 2007
 At 1 July 2006,
 Net of accumulated                                 -               35,685     35,685                     -               35,685     35,685
 Additions                                     33,385              126,957    160,342                18,251               75,456     93,707
 Transfers                                          -                    -          -                     -             (17,720)   (17,720)
 Depreciation charge for the                  (2,330)             (38,789)   (41,119)               (1,699)             (21,837)   (23,536)
 At 30 June 2007,
 Net of accumulated                            31,055              123,853    154,908                16,552               71,584     88,136

 At 1 July 2006
 Cost or fair value                                 -              195,502    195,502                     -              195,502    195,502
 Accumulated depreciation and                       -            (159,817)  (159,817)                     -            (159,817)  (159,817)
 Net carrying amount                                -               35,685     35,685                     -               35,685     35,685

 At 30 June 2007
 Cost or fair value                            33,385              225,697    259,082                18,251              143,379    161,630
 Accumulated depreciation and                 (2,330)            (101,844)  (104,174)               (1,699)             (71,795)   (73,494)
 Net carrying amount                           31,055              123,853    154,908                16,552               71,584     88,136


                                                     CONSOLIDATED                                          PARENT
                                      Evaluation       Exploration costs     Total          Evaluation       Exploration costs  Total
                                     expenditure                                           expenditure
                                          $                    $                                $                    $            $
 Year ended 30 June 2008
 At 1 July 2007,
 net of accumulated                                 -                  -            -                     -                  -      -
 Additions                                  1,204,358          1,064,693    2,269,051                     -                  -      -
 Impairment                                 2,184,129        (1,109,807)    1,074,322                     -                  -      -
 Exchange adjustment                        (282,821)             45,114    (237,707)                     -                  -      -
 At 30 June 2008,
 net of accumulated                         3,105,666                  -    3,105,666                     -                  -      -

 At 1 July 2007
 Cost (gross carrying amount)               3,784,660          2,809,451    6,594,111                     -                  -      -
 Accumulated amortisation and             (3,784,660)        (2,809,451)  (6,594,111)                     -                  -      -
 Net carrying amount                                -                  -            -                     -                  -      -

 At 30 June 2008
 Cost (gross carrying amount)               3,105,666          3,664,199    6,769,865                     -                  -      -
 Accumulated amortisation and                       -        (3,664,199)  (3,664,199)                     -                  -      -
 Net carrying amount                        3,105,666                  -    3,105,666                     -                  -      -

        For the year ended 30 June 2008, evaluation expenditure is capitalised at cost. This project cost will be amortised over the life of
the Abu Dabbab operation once production has commenced.

        This asset is tested for impairment where an indicator of impairment arises.

        The exploration costs represent the expenditure on the Wadi Allaqi leases in Egypt.

        The exploration asset has been impaired because, at this stage of the project, there is insufficient resource to justify a project
and hence the recovery of the asset.

        The impairment loss of $1,109,807 was charged in the 2008 financial year. A previous impairment on the Abu Dabbab project was
reversed as per note 3.


    Key management personnel 

    Names and positions held of economic and parent entity key management personnel in office at any time during the financial year are:

    Key Management Person        Position

    Mr RJ Telford            Chairman - Executive
    Dr JM Chisholm            Director - Executive
    Mr JSF Dunlop            Director - Non-executive
    Mr JD Kenny            Director - Non-executive
    Mr J Starink                Director - Executive
    Mr PR Sims                Chief Financial Officer
    Mr RS Caren            Company Secretary

    Key management personnel remuneration has been included in the Remuneration Report section of the Directors Report.
    Options and Rights Holdings
        The Group had an option plan for the granting of non-transferable options to certain directors and senior executives.

        The relevant terms and conditions applicable to options granted under the option plan include:
    *     The exercise price of the options was set at a agreed price at the date of granting the options;
    *     Any options that are unvested on the 31 December 2007 lapsed.

        On 30 June 2008, Nil (2007: 15,568,322) options were held by key management personnel.

        Number of Options held by Key Management Personnel

                 Balance 1.7.2007  Granted as            Options Exercised  Options Lapsed  Balance 30.6.2008
 Mr RJ Telford          6,558,322                     -          6,558,322               -                  -
 Dr JM Chisholm         2,260,000                     -          2,260,000               -                  -
 Mr JSF Dunlop          2,250,000                     -                  -       2,250,000                  -
 Mr JD Kenny            2,250,000                     -          2,250,000               -                  -
 Mr J Starink                   -                     -                  -               -                  -
 Mr PR Sims             2,250,000                     -                  -       2,250,000                  -
 Mr RS Caren                    -                     -                  -               -                  -
                       15,568,322                     -         11,068,322       4,500,000                  -

                 Balance 1.7.2006  Granted as            Options Exercised  Options Lapsed  Balance 30.6.2007
 Mr RJ Telford          6,558,322                     -                  -               -          6,558,322
 Dr JM Chisholm         2,260,000                     -                  -               -          2,260,000
 Mr JSF Dunlop          2,250,000                     -                  -               -          2,250,000
 Mr JD Kenny            2,250,000                     -                  -               -          2,250,000
 Mr J Starink                   -                     -                  -               -                  -
 Mr PR Sims                     -             2,250,000                  -               -          2,250,000
 Mr RS Caren                    -                     -                  -               -                  -
                       13,318,322             2,250,000                  -               -         15,568,322


    Number of Shares held by Key Management Personnel

                 Balance 1.7.2007  Received as           Options Exercised  Net Change Other*  Balance 30.6.2008
 Mr RJ Telford         13,568,124                     -          6,558,322                  -         20,126,446
 Dr JM Chisholm           160,000                     -          2,260,000                  -          2,420,000
 Mr JSF Dunlop                  -                     -                  -                  -                  -
 Mr JD Kenny                    -                     -          2,250,000                  -          2,250,000
 Mr J Starink                   -                     -                  -            300,000            300,000
 Mr PR Sims                     -                     -                  -                  -                  -
 Mr RS Caren                    -                     -                  -                  -                  -
                       13,728,124                     -         11,068,322            300,000         25,096,446

                 Balance 1.7.2006  Received as           Options Exercised  Net Change Other*  Balance 30.6.2007
 Mr RJ Telford         13,568,124                     -                  -                  -         13,568,124
 Dr JM Chisholm            60,000                     -                  -            100,000            160,000
 Mr JSF Dunlop                  -                     -                  -                  -                  -
 Mr JD Kenny                    -                     -                  -                  -                  -
 Mr J Starink                   -                     -                  -                  -                  -
 Mr PR Sims                     -                     -                  -                  -                  -
 Mr RS Caren                    -                     -                  -                  -                  -
                       13,628,124                     -                  -            100,000         13,728,124
    *    Net change refers to shares purchased or sold during the financial year.

                                  CONSOLIDATED         PARENT
                                 2008     2007     2008     2007
                                   $        $        $        $
 Other payables                 799,863  396,193  150,622  139,530
 Related party payables ( b) :
 Other related parties                -   61,984        -   61,984
                                799,863  458,177  150,622  201,514

    (a) Fair value

    Due to the short term nature of these payables, their carrying value is assumed to approximate their fair value.

    (b) Related party payables

    For terms and conditions relating to related party payables refer to note 18.

    (c) Interest rate, foreign exchange and liquidity risk

    Information regarding interest rate, foreign exchange and liquidity risk exposure is set out in note 2(v).

    15    PROVISIONS

                          Annual leave   Total
                               $           $
 At 1 July 2007                 38,301    38,301
 Arising during the year        35,823    35,823
 Utilised                     (15,796)  (15,796)
 At 30 June 2008                58,328    58,328

 Current 2008                   58,328    58,328
 Non-current 2008                    -         -
                                58,328    58,328

 Current 2007                   38,301    38,301
 Non-current 2007                    -         -
                                38,301    38,301

 At 1 July 2007                 11,476    11,476
 Arising during the year        25,324    25,324
 Utilised                     (15,557)  (15,557)
 At 30 June 2008                21,243    21,243

 Current 2008                   21,243    21,243
 Non-current 2008                    -         -
                                21,243    21,243

 Current 2007                   11,476    11,476
 Non-current 2007                    -         -
                                11,476    11,476


                                      CONSOLIDATED                PARENT
                                    2008         2007        2008         2007
                                      $           $            $           $
 Ordinary Shares    
 Issued and fully paid            29,550,495  25,409,780   29,550,495  25,409,780

                                      CONSOLIDATED                PARENT
                                   Shares         $         Shares         $
 Movement in ordinary shares on
 the issue
 At 1 July 2006                  232,851,926  22,658,274  232,851,926  22,658,274
 Issued on 7 February 2007 for         6,000         540        6,000         540
 cash on exercise of share
 options at 9 cents each
 Issued on 1 May 2007 for cash    26,666,666   2,895,754   26,666,666   2,895,754
 at 10.9 cents each
 Issue costs associated with               -   (144,788)            -   (144,788)
 capital raising
 At 1 July 2007                  259,524,592  25,409,780  259,524,592  25,409,780
 Issued on 31 December 2007 for   33,674,180   3,030,676   33,674,180   3,030,676
 cash on exercise of share
 options at 9 cents each 
 Issued on 26 February 2008 in       500,000           -      500,000           -
 accordance with an employment
 contract for nil consideration
 Issued on 27 June 2008 for       12,655,553   1,181,290   12,655,553   1,181,290
 cash at 9.3 cents each
 Issue costs associated with               -    (71,251)            -    (71,251)
 capital raising
 At 30 June 2008                 306,354,325  29,550,495  306,354,325  29,550,495

                                 2008 Number   2008 WAEP  2007 Number  2007 WAEP
 Outstanding at the beginning      83,232,393       0.11   80,988,393       0.11
 of the year
 Granted during the year            4,000,000       0.16    2,250,000       0.15
 Exercised during the year       (33,674,180)     (0.09)      (6,000)     (0.09)
 Expired during the year         (24,558,213)     (0.10)            -          -
 Outstanding at the end of the     29,000,000       0.14   83,232,393       0.11

        *    WAEP refers to weighted average exercise price

    (a)   Capital management

    The Board's policy is to maintain a strong capital base so as to maintain investor, creditor and market confidence and to sustain future
development of the business.

    There were no changes in the Group's approach to capital management during the year.

    Neither the company nor any of its subsidiaries are subject to externally imposed capital requirements.

    (b)  Share-based payments

    On 5 February 2008, the company stockbrokers Fox Davies Holdings Limited and Seymour Pierce Limited were granted 2,000,000 options each
with an exercise price of �0.07 on or before 15 December 2011.

    Using the Binomial Tree option valuation, the fair value of the options was calculated. The model takes into account share price
volatilities and the risk that the company is not listed. The following inputs were used:

 Strike price        A$ 0.15
 Stock price         A$ 0.10
 Valuation date     05/02/2008
 Expiry date        15/12/2011
 Volatility            70%
 Risk free rate       6.75%
 Value per option   A$ 0.0484
 Number of options  4,000,000
 Value of options   A$ 193,600

    The value of options issued was fully expensed at 30 June 2008.

    Other Reserves              
                                                  CONSOLIDATED                                       PARENT
                                 Option reserve    Foreign currency      Total    Option reserve    Foreign currency     Total
                                                     translation                                      translation 
                                                          $                $            $                  $               $
 At 1 July 2006                          77,827                     -     77,827          77,827                     -   77,827
 Share based payment                     60,975                     -     60,975          60,975                     -   60,975
 At 30 June 2007                        138,802                     -    138,802         138,802                     -  138,802
 Currency translation                         -               812,931    812,931               -                     -        -
 Share based payment                    193,600                     -    193,600         193,600                     -  193,600
 As at 30 June 2008                     332,402               812,931  1,145,333         332,402                     -  332,402

        Nature and purpose of reserves
        Option reserve
        The option reserve is used to record items recognised as expenses on valuation of share options.
    Foreign currency translation reserve
    The foreign currency translation reserve is used to record exchange differences arising from the translation of the financial statements
of foreign subsidiaries.    It is also used to record the net investment hedged in these subsidiaries.


        Operating lease commitments - Group as lessee
        The Group has entered into commercial leases for office accommodation in Perth, Australia and Cairo Egypt.

    Perth Office Lease

    The property lease is a non-cancellable lease with a five year term, with rent payable monthly in advance. Contingent rental provisions
within the lease agreement require the minimum lease payments shall be increased by the lower of CPI or 5% per annum. An option exists to
renew the lease at the end of the five year term for an additional five years.

    Cairo Office Lease

    The property lease is a non-cancellable lease with a two year term, with rent payable monthly in advance.

        Operating Lease Commitments
                                              CONSOLIDATED         PARENT
                                             2008     2007     2008     2007
                                               $        $        $        $
 Within one year                            140,925  114,612  123,704   96,000
 After one year but not more than five      281,327  328,282  281,327  314,323
 More than five years                             -        -        -        -
                                            422,252  442,894  405,031  410,323

    Capital commitments
    There were no capital commitments at reporting date.


        The consolidated financial statements include the financial statements of Gippsland Limited and the subsidiaries listed in the
following table:

                                      Country of       Equity interest (%)  Investment ($)
                                                         2008      2007      2008    2007
 Abutan Pty Ltd                       Australia             100        100      100    100
 Tantalum International Pty Ltd       Australia             100        100      100    100
 Here2win.com Pty Ltd                 Australia             100        100      100    100
 Nubian Resources plc               United Kingdom          100        100   27,388      5
 Tantalum Egypt JSC                     Egypt                50         50        -      -
 Nubian Resources JSC                   Egypt               100          -        -      -
                                                                             27,688    305

        Gippsland Limited is the ultimate Australian parent entity and ultimate parent of the Group.

    The following table provides the total amount of transactions which have been entered into with related parties for the relevant
financial year:

                                          CONSOLIDATED           PARENT
                                         2008     2007      2008       2007
                                           $        $         $          $
 Eco International Pty Ltd - a company  260,211  207,069    260,211    207,069
 controlled by Mr RJ Telford received
 management fees.
 Mandu Pty Ltd - a company controlled   237,500  211,054    237,500    211,054
 by Dr JM Chisholm received geological
 consulting fees.
 John S Dunlop and Associates Pty Ltd    60,412   45,640     60,412     45,640
 - a company controlled by Mr JSF
 Dunlop received directors and mining
 consulting fees.
 Ventureworks Pty Ltd - a company        38,750   38,333     38,750     38,333
 controlled by Mr JD Kenny received
 director's fees.
 The parent entity, Gippsland Limited,        -        -  3,219,535  7,054,347
 has made loans to its controlled
 entities. These loans are interest
 free, unsecured and at call.


        On 25 July 2008, Gippsland Limited ("Gippsland") and Stellar Resources Limited ("Columbus") announced that they will merge their
respective interests in the Tasmanian Heemksirk Tin project (formerly known as the Zeehan Tin project) into Stellar's subsidiary Columbus
Metals Limited 

    ("Columbus"). The agreement is conditional upon Columbus raising a minimum of A$10 million and being admitted to the official list of
the ASX on or before 31 December 2008. 

    Gippsland will be issued with 15 million A$0.25 fully paid ordinary shares or the same number of shares that Stellar will hold in
Columbus at the time of its admission to the official list of the ASX, if that number is greater than 15 million shares. Upon listing,
Columbus will also invite a nominee from Gippsland to join the board of Columbus as a non-executive director.

    No other matters or circumstances have arisen since the end of the financial year which significantly affected or may significantly
affect the operations of the consolidated entity, the results of those operations, or the state of affairs of the consolidated entity in
future financial years.

                                                CONSOLIDATED        PARENT
                                                2008     2007    2008    2007
                                                  $       $       $       $
 Amounts received or due and receivable by
 PKF Australia for:

 * an audit or review of the financial report   42,834       -  42,834       -
 of the entity and any other entity in the
 consolidated entity
 * other services in relation to the entity
 and any other entity in the consolidated
 (a)  tax compliance                             2,992       -     500       -
    (b) corporate advisory fees                 22,697       -  10,902       -
                                                68,523       -  54,236       -

 Amounts received or due and receivable by
 auditors other than PKF Australia for:

 * an audit or review of the financial report   89,037  29,670  12,422  29,670
 of subsidiary entities
                                               157,560  29,670  66,658  29,670


    At 30 June 2008, the company has interests in the following joint ventures whose principal activities are the exploration for gold,
precious metals and base metals.

        Name of Project          Interests                 Other Parties
                                 2008  2007
 Heemskirk Tin Deposit -         40%   40%   Stellar Resources Limited - 60%
 Tasmania, Australia
 Seiga - Wadi Allaqi, Egypt      50%   50%   Egyptian Mineral Resources Authority - 50%
 Um Shashoba - Wadi Allaqi,      50%   50%   Egyptian Mineral Resources Authority - 50%
 Haimur - Wadi Allaqi, Egypt     50%   50%   Egyptian Mineral Resources Authority - 50%
 Nile Valley Block E - Wadi      50%   50%   Egyptian Mineral Resources Authority - 50%
 Allaqi, Egypt
 Nile Valley Block A - Wadi      50%   50%   Egyptian Mineral Resources Authority - 50%
 Allaqi, Egypt
 Um Garayat - Wadi Allaqi,       50%   50%   Egyptian Mineral Resources Authority - 50%
 Koleit - Wadi Allaqi, Egypt     50%   50%   Egyptian Mineral Resources Authority - 50%
 Um Tiur - Wadi Allaqi, Egypt    50%   50%   Egyptian Mineral Resources Authority - 50%
 Abu Swayel - Wadi Allaqi,       50%   50%   Egyptian Mineral Resources Authority - 50%

    The joint ventures are of the type where initially one party contributes tenements with the other party earning a specified percentage
by funding exploration activities. The Joint Venture does not hold any assets and accordingly the Company's share of exploration expenditure
is accounted for in accordance with the policy set out in Note 2 (f).  Directors' Declaration

The directors of Gippsland Limited declare that:
(a)     in the directors* opinion the financial statements and notes on pages 16 to 56, and the remuneration disclosures that are contained
in the Directors* report, set out on pages 7 to 14, are in accordance with the Corporations Act 2001, including:
                         (i)      giving a true and fair view of the company's and the consolidated entity's financial position as at 30
June 2008 and of their performance, for the year ended on that date; and
                       (ii)      complying with Australian Accounting Standards (including the Australian Accounting Interpretations) and
Corporations Regulations 2001.
(b) the financial report also complies with International Financial Reporting Standards as disclosed in note 1; and
(c) the remuneration disclosures that are contained in the Remuneration report in the Directors* report comply with Australian Accounting
Standard AASB 124 Related Party Disclosures, the Corporations Act 2001 and the Corporations Regulations 2001; and
(d) there are reasonable grounds to believe that the company will be able to pay its debts as and when they become due and payable.
At the date of this declaration there are reasonable grounds to believe that the company and the group entities identified in note 18 will
be able to meet any obligations or liabilities to which they are or may have become subject to by virtue of the Deed of Cross Guarantee
between the company and those group entities pursuant to ASIC Class Order 98/1418.
The directors have been given the declarations by the chief executive officer and chief financial officer for the financial year ended 30
June 2008, required by Section 295A of the Corporations Act 2001.
      Signed in accordance with a resolution of the directors.

    Dated 30th day of September 2008.

        R J Telford


    Shareholder Information set out as at 17 September 2008

 A   TOTAL EQUITY            Shares     Options ex 26/5/2012  Options ex
     SECURITIES                            at 13.5 cents      15/12/2011 at 7
     Totals on Issue       306,354,325  25,000,000            4,000,000

     1 - 1,000             68
     1,001 - 5,000         164
     5,001 - 10,000        246
     10,001 - 100,000      626
     100,001 and over      260          1                     2
                           1,364        1                     2

     No of shareholders    240
     holding an
     unmarketable parcel

 C   TOP 20 SHAREHOLDERS   Number       %
 1   International          25,000,000                  8.16
     Finance Corporation
 2   ANZ Nominees Limited   17,735,143                  5.79
 3   Taveroam Pty Ltd       16,600,000                  5.42
 4   Situate Pty Ltd        14,750,000                  4.81
 5   Eco International      13,256,985                  4.33
     Pty Ltd
 6   King Town Holdings     12,000,000                  3.92
     Pty Ltd
 7   Barclayshare            7,668,971                  2.50
     Nominees Limited 
 8   L R Nominees Limited    7,667,682                  2.50
 9   Smith & Williamson      7,200,000                  2.35
     Nominees Limited
 10  Mr Robert John          6,869,461                  2.24
     Telford & Robin K
 11  TD Waterhouse           6,390,188                  2.09
     Nominees (Europe)
 12  Alsanto Nominees Pty    6,390,000                  2.09
 13  Pershing Nominees       5,834,444                  1.90
 14  Starvest PLC            4,500,000                  1.47
 15  HSBC Custody            4,329,600                  1.41
 16  Sunvest Corporation     4,266,665                  1.39
 17  The Bank of New York    3,522,222                  1.15
     (Nominees) Limited
 18  HSBC Marking Name       2,611,111                  0.85
     Nominee (UK) Limited
 19  HSBC Global Custody     2,331,166                  0.76
     Nominee (UK) Limited
 20  Mandu Superannuation    2,320,000                  0.76
                           171,243,638                 55.90

 D  UNLISTED OPTION HOLDERS                                           Number                Exercise Price                      Expiry
    International Finance Corporation                                           25,000,000                          13.5 cents  26/05/2012
    FD Holdings Ltd                                                              2,000,000                             7 pence  15/12/2011
    Seymour Pierce Limited                                                       2,000,000                             7 pence  15/12/2011

 E  SUBSTANTIAL SHAREHOLDERS                                          Number                                %
    Situate Pty Ltd, Taveroam Pty Ltd and RW Beale                              31,500,000                               10.28
    International Finance Corporation                                           25,000,000                                8.16
    Eco International Pty Ltd and Mr Robert John Telford & Robin K              20,126,446                                6.57
    ANZ Nominees Pty Ltd                                                        17,735,143                                5.79

    Under the Company's constitution, all ordinary shares carry one vote per share without restriction. Options over ordinary shares do not
carry any voting

    As at 25 September, the company has an interest in the following tenements:
    Country               Project               Tenement                                                      Status                       
    Egypt                 Abu Dabbab            Exploitation Licence 1658                                     Granted                      
    Egypt                 Abu Dabbab            Exploitation Licence 1659                                     Granted                      
    Egypt                 Nuweibi               Exploitation Licence 1785                                     Granted                      
    Egypt                 Wadi Allaqi - Seiga   Exploration Licence 1                                         Granted                      
    Egypt                 Wadi Allaqi -         Exploration Licence 1                                         Granted                      
    Egypt                 Wadi Allaqi - Haimur  Exploration Licence 1                                         Granted                      
    Egypt                 Wadi Allaqi -         Exploration Licence 1                                         Granted                      
    Egypt                 Wadi Allaqi - Koleit  Exploration Licence 1                                         Granted                      
    Egypt                 Wadi Allaqi - Nile    Exploration Licence 1                                         Granted                      
                          Valley A
    Egypt                 Wadi Allaqi - Nile    Exploration Licence 1                                         Granted                      
                          Valley E
    Egypt                 Wadi Allaqi - Abu     Exploration Licence 1                                         Granted                      
    Egypt                 Wadi Allaqi - Um      Exploration Licence 1                                         Granted                      
    Eritrea               Adobha                Application 2                                                 Pending                      
    Eritrea               Adobha                Application 2                                                 Pending                      
    Eritrea               Adobha                Application 2                                                 Pending                      
    Australia             Heemskirk (Tasmania)  Retention Licence No.5/1997                                   Granted                      

    1                     Tenements granted subject to an agreement with the Egyptian Government (EMRA) dated 21 June 2004.
    2                     Applications submitted 20 February 2008.

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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