RNS Number : 0771B
Kefi Gold and Copper PLC
30 May 2023
30 May 2023
KEFI Gold and Copper plc
("KEFI" or the "Company")
Institutional Placing to Raise GBP5.5 million
Conditional Subscription to raise GBP0.7 million
Primary Bid Offering to raise up to GBP1 million
Notice of Annual General Meeting
KEFI Gold and Copper (AIM: KEFI), the gold and copper
exploration and development company with projects in the Federal
Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, is
pleased to announce a fundraising to raise gross cash proceeds of
up to GBP7.2 million through:
1) a firm placing of 785,714,285 new ordinary shares of 0.1
pence each in the capital of the Company ("Ordinary Shares") at a
price of 0.7 pence per Ordinary Share (the "Placing Price") to
raise GBP5.5 million (the "Firm Placing"), arranged by Tavira
Financial Limited ("Tavira" or the "Broker");
2) a conditional subscription for 98,325,128 Ordinary Shares at
the Placing Price (the "Conditional Subscription Shares"), subject
to approval by shareholders at the Company's Annual General Meeting
("AGM"), arranged by KEFI to raise approximately GBP0.7 million
(the "Conditional Subscription"); and
3) an offer via the PrimaryBid platform of up to 142,857,142 new
Ordinary Shares at the Placing Price (the "Retail Shares") to be
issued subject to approval by shareholders at the AGM to raise up
to GBP1.0 million (the "Retail Offer")
(together, the "Capital Raise").
Firm Placing
The Company will raise GBP5.5 million through the issue of
785,714,285 new Ordinary Shares (the "Firm Placing Shares") at a
placing price of 0.7 pence per Ordinary Share.
Application has been made to the London Stock Exchange for
admission of the new Ordinary Shares to trade on AIM ("Admission")
and it is expected that Admission will become effective and that
dealings in the Firm Placing Shares will commence at 8.00 a.m. on
or around 5 June 2023 ("First Admission").
Conditional Subscription
The Conditional Subscription requires shareholder approval at
the Annual General Meeting of the Company, to be held on 30 June
2023. The Conditional Subscription consists of 98,325,128
Conditional Subscription Shares to be subscribed. A circular
containing the notice of AGM will be posted to shareholders in the
next week. The Conditional Subscription is conditional, inter alia,
on First Admission becoming effective, the passing of the
resolutions to be proposed at the Annual General Meeting and the
admission of the Conditional Subscription Shares to trading on AIM
becoming effective at 8.00 a.m. on or around 3 July 2023 ("Second
Shareholders are reminded that because the Conditional
Subscription is conditional, among other things, on the passing of
the share allotment and disapplication of pre-exemption rights
resolutions to be proposed at the AGM, should the resolutions not
be passed, the Conditional Subscription will not proceed.
Retail Offer
The Directors recognise the importance of giving retail
shareholders and investors an opportunity to participate in the
Company's ongoing funding, should they be unable to participate in
the Firm Placing or Conditional Subscription. Consequently, the
Company intends to make an offer on the PrimaryBid platform of new
Ordinary Shares at the Placing Price (the "Retail Offer"). In
total, the Company expects to issue up to 142,857,142 Retail Shares
subject to approval of shareholders at the AGM. To the extent it is
able, the Company will prioritise existing KEFI shareholders in the
Retail Offer. Further details of the Retail Offer will be announced
shortly. The Retail Offer is conditional upon the approval of
shareholders at the AGM.
The Retail Offer will be made on terms outlined in a separate
announcement by the Company to be made shortly regarding the Retail
Offer and its terms.
Participation by Management
Once KEFI has released its Annual Report for the year ending 31
December 2022 and is no longer in a closed period, the Company
intends to offer the opportunity for certain Directors and PDMRs of
the Company to accept ordinary shares at the Placing Price in lieu
of cash remuneration fees.
Use of Proceeds
The expected gross Capital Raise proceeds of up to GBP7.2
million (the "Gross Proceeds") will mainly be used to fund:
-- Completion of project financing and launch of the Company's
Tulu Kapi Gold Project. As previously reported, a US$390 million
project finance package has been assembled. The Final Umbrella
Agreement was signed in April 2023 (see RNS 27 April 2023 for
further information). The Company expects binding terms to be
entered into within the next month or so subject to ongoing
successful satisfaction of outstanding conditions precedent which
are normal for a transaction of this nature;
-- Funding for the Company's share of costs for a GBP10 million
exploration and study programme in Saudi Arabia. This programme
include the completion of a Definitive Feasibility Study ("DFS") at
Jibal Qutman ("Jibal Qutman") and a Pre-Feasibility Study ("PFS")
at Hawiah Gold and Copper ("Hawiah"), as well as additional
exploration drilling and studies across the project portfolio,
which includes 15 exploration licences. The potential combined
identified gold-equivalent resources at Jibal Qutman and Hawiah
already exceed those at Tulu Kapi;
-- The extinguishing of certain current liabilities and advances
to strengthen the Company's balance sheet ahead of proposed project
development; and
-- General working capital.
Placing Agreement
Tavira acted as broker to the Firm Placing. The Company has
appointed the Broker as its agent pursuant to the terms of a
placing agreement executed on or about today's date (the "Placing
The Company has agreed to pay the Broker certain commissions and
fees, some of which will be satisfied through the grant of
39,285,714 warrants over KEFI ordinary shares (the "Broker
Warrants") subject to shareholder approval at the Annual General
Meeting. Each Broker Warrant will entitle the Broker to subscribe
for one new KEFI ordinary share at a price of 0.7 pence per share,
exercisable for a period of three years from the date of Second
Notice of Annual General Meeting
A circular convening the Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held
30 June 2023 will be circulated shortly. The Annual General Meeting
is to be held at 11:00 a.m. (EEST) (9:00 a.m. (BST)) on 30 June
2023 at 1 Achaion Street, Engomi, Nicosia, 2413, Cyprus to consider
and, if thought appropriate, pass the resolutions that are required
to issue and allot the Conditional Subscription Shares, the Retail
Shares and the Broker Warrants, and also to deal with other usual
business at the AGM .
Once published, the circular will be available to download from
the Company's website at www.kefi-goldandcopper.com. It is
important that shareholders lodge their votes in advance of the
General Meeting through submission of their proxy votes.
If the resolutions required to approve the Conditional
Subscription are not approved at the Annual General Meeting, the
Company will need to seek an increased amount of additional funding
from alternative sources to support its operations. However, there
is no guarantee that such increased amount of additional funding
could be obtained in the requisite time frame or at all. If the
Resolutions are not approved at the Annual General Meeting, and no
alternative funding can be raised, the Company's ability to operate
as a going concern may be put at risk .
Investor Webinar
The Company will host an investor webinar at 12:00 p.m. (EEST)
(10:00 a.m. (BST)) on Friday 30 June 2022 which will be accessed
via: https://www.kefi-goldandcopper.com/
Shareholders are encouraged to submit questions by emailing:
questions@brrmedia.co.uk . The webinar will subsequently be
available on the Company's website at:
Admission to AIM
Application has been made for admission of 785,714,285 new
ordinary shares of the Company and it is expected that First
Admission will take place and that trading will commence on AIM at
8.00 a.m. on or around 5 June2023.
Conditional on shareholder approval, application will be made
for admission of the Conditional Subscription Shares and the Retail
Shares to trading on AIM after the Annual General Meeting and it is
expected that Second Admission will become effective and dealings
will commence in the Conditional Subscription Shares and Retail
Shares at 8:00 a.m. on or around 3 July 2023.
The Firm Placing Shares, the Conditional Subscription Shares and
the Retail Shares will rank pari passu in all respects with the
existing ordinary shares of the Company.
Harry Anagnostaras Adams, Chairman of KEFI Gold and Copper
"We are pleased that, despite weak and turbulent financial
markets, KEFI is able to reduce its balance sheet risk in
preparation for the Tulu Kapi project financing at the same time as
elevating its rate of progress in Saudi Arabia.
"Tulu Kapi Gold in Ethiopia is planned to start production in
2025 and at gold price of c. US$2,000/oz, KEFI's beneficial
interest in the estimated Net Operating Cash Flow from Tulu Kapi
alone is estimated to be c. GBP100 million average per annum and in
the NPV is estimated at GBP178 million, or respectively 2.6 pence
and 4.55 pence per current KEFI share in issue.
"The targeted next cab off the rank for development and then
cash flow generation is Jibal Qutman Gold in Saudi Arabia which is
being driven to start production in 2025 alongside Tulu Kapi. We
wish to then develop and start-up Hawiah Copper and Gold, also in
Saudi Arabia. A gross GBP10 million budget is being applied to the
Saudi operations via operating JV company Gold & Minerals.
Drilling is underway and the Company expects to release its PFS on
Hawiah and other progress reports as from the coming month.
"The combination of these three advanced projects is expected to
have a transformative effect on KEFI as will the pipeline of less
advanced projects being tackled in both countries."
Total Voting Rights
Application has been made to the London Stock Exchange for
Admission of the Firm Placing Shares to trade on AIM and it is
expected that First Admission will become effective and that
dealings in the Firm Placing Shares will commence at 8.00 a.m. on
or around 5 June 2023. Following First Admission of the Firm
Placing Shares, the total issued share capital of the Company will
consist of 4,724,833,335 Ordinary Shares each with voting rights.
The Company does not hold any Ordinary Shares in treasury.
Therefore, the total number of voting rights in the Company will be
4,724,833,335 and this figure may be used by shareholders as the
denominator for the calculations by which they will determine if
they are required to notify their interest in, or a change in their
interest in, the share capital of the Company under the FCA's
Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules.
Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) Disclosure
This announcement contains inside information for the purposes
of Article 7 of the Market Abuse Regulation (EU) 596/2014 as it
forms part of UK domestic law by virtue of the European Union
(Withdrawal) Act 2018 ("MAR"), and is disclosed in accordance with
the Company's obligations under Article 17 of MAR.
KEFI Gold and Copper plc
Harry Anagnostaras-Adams (Executive Chairman) +357 994 57843
John Leach (Finance Director) +357 992 08130
SP Angel Corporate Finance LLP (Nominated Adviser +44 (0) 20 3470
and Joint Broker) 0470
Jeff Keating, Adam Cowl
+44 (0) 20 7100
Tavira Financial Limited (Joint Broker) 5100
Oliver Stansfield, Jonathan Evans
+44 (0) 20 3934
IFC Advisory Ltd (Financial PR and IR) 6630
Tim Metcalfe, Florence Chandler
Further information can be viewed at www.kefi-minerals.com
No public offering of the securities referred to herein is being
made in any such jurisdiction or elsewhere.
The Firm Placing Shares and the Conditional Subscription Shares
(together, the "Firm Placing and Subscription Shares") have not
been, and will not be, registered under the US Securities Act of
1933, as amended (the "US Securities Act"), or with any securities
regulatory authority or under any securities laws of any state or
other jurisdiction of the United States and may not be offered,
sold, resold, pledged, transferred or delivered, directly or
indirectly, in or into the United States except pursuant to an
applicable exemption from, or in a transaction not subject to, the
registration requirements of the US Securities Act and in
compliance with the securities laws of any state or other
jurisdiction of the United States. No public offering of securities
is being made in the United States. The Firm Placing and
Subscription Shares have not been approved, disapproved or
recommended by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, any
state securities commission in the United States or any other U.S.
regulatory authority, nor have any of the foregoing authorities
passed upon or endorsed the merits of the offering of the Firm
Placing and Subscription Shares. Subject to certain exceptions, the
securities referred to herein may not be offered or sold in the
United States, Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, the Republic
of South Africa or to, or for the account or benefit of, any
national, resident or citizen of the United States, Australia,
Canada, Japan, New Zealand, the Republic of South Africa.
No public offering of the Firm Placing and Subscription Shares
is being made in the United States, United Kingdom or elsewhere.
All offers of the Firm Placing and Subscription Shares will be made
pursuant to an exemption from the requirement to produce a
prospectus under the Prospectus Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 (as
supplemented by Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/980 and
Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/979) as it forms part of
UK domestic law by virtue of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act
2018 (the "UK Prospectus Regulation").
No action has been taken by the Company, the Broker or any of
their respective affiliates, or any of its or their respective
directors, officers, partners, employees, advisers or agents
(collectively, "Representatives") that would, or is intended to,
permit an offer of the Firm Placing and Subscription Shares or
possession or distribution of this Announcement or any other
publicity material relating to such Firm Placing and Subscription
Shares in any jurisdiction where action for that purpose is
required. Persons receiving this Announcement are required to
inform themselves about and to observe any restrictions contained
in this Announcement. The distribution of this Announcement, and
the Placing and/or the offer or sale of the Firm Placing and
Subscription Shares, may be restricted by law in certain
jurisdictions. Persons (including, without limitation, nominees and
trustees) who have a contractual or other legal obligation to
forward a copy of this Announcement should seek appropriate advice
before taking any action. Persons distributing any part of this
Announcement must satisfy themselves that it is lawful to do
Members of the public are not eligible to take part in the Firm
Placing and the Conditional Subscription. This Announcement is for
information purposes only and is directed only at: (a) persons in
Member States of the European Economic Area ("EEA") who are
qualified investors within the meaning of article 2(e) of the
Prospectus Regulation (EU) 2017/1129; (b) in the United Kingdom,
qualified investors within the meaning of Article 2(e) of the UK
Prospectus Regulation who are persons who (i) have professional
experience in matters relating to investments falling within the
definition of "investment professionals" in article 19(5) of the
Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial Promotion) Order
2005, as amended (the "Order"); or (ii) are persons falling within
article 49(2)(a) to (d) ("high net worth companies, unincorporated
associations, etc") of the Order; and (c) otherwise, persons to
whom it may otherwise lawfully be communicated, (all such persons
in (a), (b) and (c) together being referred to as "Relevant
Persons"). This Announcement must not be acted on or relied on by
persons who are not Relevant Persons. Persons distributing this
Announcement must satisfy themselves that it is lawful to do
This Announcement may contain, and the Company may make, verbal
statements containing "forward-looking statements" with respect to
certain of the Company's plans and its current goals and
expectations relating to its future financial condition,
performance, strategic initiatives, objectives and results.
Forward-looking statements sometimes use words such as "aim",
"anticipate", "target", "expect", "estimate", "intend", "plan",
"goal", "believe", "seek", "may", "could", "outlook" or other words
of similar meaning. By their nature, all forward-looking statements
involve risk and uncertainty because they relate to future events
and circumstances which are beyond the control of the Company. As a
result, the actual future financial condition, performance and
results of the Company may differ materially from the plans, goals
and expectations set forth in any forward-looking statements. Any
forward-looking statements made in this Announcement by or on
behalf of the Company speak only as of the date they are made.
These forward-looking statements reflect the Company's judgment at
the date of this Announcement and are not intended to give any
assurance as to future results and cautions that its actual results
of operations and financial condition, and the development of the
industry in which it operates, may differ materially from those
made in or suggested by the forward looking statements contained in
this Announcement and/or information incorporated by reference into
this Announcement. The information contained in this Announcement
is subject to change without notice and except as required by
applicable law or regulation, the Company expressly disclaims any
obligation or undertaking to publish any updates, supplements or
revisions to any forward-looking statements contained in this
Announcement to reflect any changes in the Company's expectations
with regard thereto, or any changes in events, conditions or
circumstances on which any such statements are based, except where
required to do so under applicable law.
The Firm Placing and Subscription Shares and the Retail Shares
to be issued or sold pursuant to the Placing will not be admitted
to trading on any stock exchange other than AIM.
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(END) Dow Jones Newswires
May 30, 2023 12:32 ET (16:32 GMT)
Kefi Gold And Copper (LSE:KEFI)
Historical Stock Chart
From Feb 2025 to Mar 2025
Kefi Gold And Copper (LSE:KEFI)
Historical Stock Chart
From Mar 2024 to Mar 2025