RNS Number : 6758Z

Mobeus Income & Growth 4 VCT PLC

15 September 2022

The following amendment has been made to the Half-Year Report announcement released on 14 September 2022 at 07.00am under RNS No: 3449Z.

In the Dividend section the third sentence read: An additional interim dividend of 6.00 pence per share is declared for payment on 7 November 2022 for those shareholders on the Register of Members at 16 September 2022.

And should now read: An additional interim dividend of 6.00 pence per share is declared for payment on 7 November 2022 for those shareholders on the Register of Members at 23 September 2022.

All other details remain unchanged. The amended text is shown below .

                                                           MOBEUS INCOME & GROWTH 4 VCT PLC 
                                                               LEI: 213800IFNJ65R8AQW943 
                                            UNAUDITED HALF-YEAR RESULTS FOR THE SIX MONTHS TO 30 JUNE 2022 
 Mobeus Income & Growth 4 VCT plc ("the Company") announces its Half-Year 
  results for the six months to 30 June 2022. These results were approved 
  by the Board of Directors on 13 September 2022. 
  You may, in due course, view the Half-Year Report, comprising the Unaudited 
  Condensed Financial Statements of the Company by visiting www.mig4vct.co.uk. 
 Financial Highlights 
                                                                                                                                   As at 30 June 2022: 
                                                                                                                          Net assets: GBP86.13 million 
                                                                                                        Net asset value ("NAV") per share: 94.66 pence 
 Results for the six months to 30 June 2022: 
        There was a negative Net Asset Value ("NAV") total return(1) per share 
         of (11.3)%. 
         Share price total return (1) per share was 2.8%. 
         The Board declared an interim dividend in respect of the current year 
         of 4.00 pence per share, which was paid to Shareholders on 8 July 2022. 
         Payment of this dividend increased cumulative dividends paid (1) since 
         inception in 1998 to 147.20 pence per share. 
         A further interim dividend for the year of 6.00 pence per share has 
         been declared for payment on 7 November 2022. 
         The Company made two new investments totalling GBP1.09 million and 
         four follow-on investments totalling GBP0.80 million. 
         GBP11.05 million of unrealised losses were incurred in the period. 
         The Company realised investments totalling GBP4.34 million of cash 
         proceeds and a net realised gain of GBP0.78 million for the six months 
         to 30 June 2022. 
 (1) Definitions of key terms and alternative performance measures 
  ("APMs") / Key performance indicators ("KPIs") shown above and throughout 
  this Report are shown in the Glossary of terms within the Half-Year 
 The longer-term trend of performance based upon cumulative total return 
  per share (NAV basis) is shown in the chart below:- 
 Reporting date      NAV per       Cumulative       Cumulative total return 
                        Share   dividends paid     per share to shareholders 
                                     per share                   (NAV Basis) 
  As at                   (p)              (p)                           (p) 
  30 June 2022       94.66(1)        143.20(1)                        237.86 
  31 December 2021     111.27           139.20                        250.47 
  31 December 2020      81.50           134.20                        215.70 
  31 December 2019      74.90           124.20                        199.10 
  31 December 2018      84.79           105.20                        189.99 
  31 December 2017      86.57           101.20                        187.77 
   (1) These figures exclude the impact of a dividend in respect of the 
   year ending 31 December 2022 of 4.00 pence per share paid after the 
   period-end on 8 July 2022. Payment of this dividend will reduce the 
   Company's NAV per share and increase cumulative dividends paid to date 
   by 4.00 pence per share. 
   The chart above shows the recent past performance of the original funds 
   raised in 1999. The original subscription price was 200p per share 
   before the benefit of income tax relief. Subscription prices from subsequent 
   fundraisings and historic performance data from 2008 are shown in the 
   Investor Performance Appendix at 30 June 2022 on the Company's website 
   at: www.mig4vct.co.uk where they can be accessed by clicking on the 
   word "table" under "Reviewing the performance of your investment" heading 
   on the home page. 
   On 1 August 2006, Mobeus became sole Investment Adviser to the Company. 
   The cumulative NAV total return at this date was 122.51 pence. 
 Chairman's Statement 
 I am pleased to present the Company's Half-Year Report for the six 
  months to 30 June 2022. 
  The first six months of the Company's financial year have been notable 
  for significant economic disruption both domestically and internationally. 
  December 2021 was a high watermark in many technology and growth markets, 
  and since then we have experienced a number of significant global events 
  such as the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the return of inflation to 
  40-year highs and heightened political uncertainty in the UK and across 
  Europe. All of this has led to marked volatility across markets and 
  a general de-rating of growth stocks. 
  As a consequence of the factors described above, the Company has experienced 
  a negative NAV total return of (11.3)% over the six months to 30 June 
  2022 (2021: positive 28.5%). Share price total return was in positive 
  territory at 2.8% (2021: 34.1%) but markets remain very volatile and 
  the results for the six months to 30 June 2022 necessarily provide 
  only a snapshot as at the reporting period end. 
  This value decline has been largely driven by market multiples rather 
  than underlying trading performance at this stage, as markets have 
  factored in the likely impact of inflation and higher interest rates 
  on consumer spending and business investment. 
  The negative NAV total return for the period was principally comprised 
  of unrealised falls in the value of investments still held, tempered 
  somewhat by the successful exit from Media Business Insight ("MBI"), 
  loan repayments and deferred proceeds received from the realisation 
  of Red Paddle in December 2021. 
  Investment portfolio 
  In the face of the current testing environment the portfolio has, thus 
  far, remained relatively resilient. Nevertheless, the Investment Adviser 
  has started to see indicators of customer retrenchment as consumer 
  confidence declines. There was a fall of GBP10.27 million, or 15.7%, 
  in the overall value of the portfolio across the six months to 30 June 
  2022 (2021: increase of GBP19.95 million, or 47.9%) on a like for like 
  basis compared to the opening value of the portfolio at 1 January 2022. 
  A significant proportion of this asset movement reflected a value decline 
  in the AIM-listed Virgin Wines investment which, in spite of positive 
  news flows and the relative outperformance of its peers, has suffered 
  from the de-rating of its sector. 
  The Company completed one successful exit during the period, generating 
  proceeds of GBP3.84 million from the sale of Media Business Insight. 
  Returns received over the life of this investment amounted to 2.2x 
  multiple of cost and an IRR of 13.7%. Further proceeds from loan repayments 
  and deferred consideration amounted to GBP0.49 million. 
  Global supply shortages remain a significant factor and are expected 
  to continue to cause disruption going forward. The economic backdrop 
  falls largely outside of the experience of this generation of management 
  teams and advisers. As such, the experience of seasoned investment 
  managers will be increasingly important in the coming months. 
  Investment activity during the period has been strong, with two new 
  and four follow-on investments completed during the period, totalling 
  GBP1.89 million. History suggests that, although the economic backdrop 
  is challenging, investing throughout the cycle is a fruitful strategy, 
  with investments made in previous downturns in many cases subsequently 
  yielding very strong returns. 
  During the six months under review, the Company invested a total of 
  GBP1.09 million into two new investments: a retail software provider 
  (Proximity Insight) and a marketing technology business (Bidnamic). 
  In addition, four follow-on investments totalling GBP0.80 million were 
  made into a provider of UK leisure and experience breaks (Caledonian 
  Leisure), a dairy and allergen-free ice cream brand (Northern Bloc), 
  a provider of premium electric vehicle chargers (Andersen EV) and a 
  workforce management software business (RotaGeek). Access to additional 
  resources following the move to Gresham House is very welcome in this 
  Since the period-end, the Company has also made two follow-on investments 
  and two new investments. GBP0.62 million into an AI and Urban Traffic 
  Control business (Vivacity) and GBP0.33 million into a hair colourants 
  brand (Bleach London), both existing businesses. GBP0.50 million was 
  newly invested into FocalPoint, a navigation and positioning technology 
  company and GBP0.44 million into Orri Limited, a specialist private 
  clinic, for those aged 16+, for expert treatment of Anorexia, Bulimia 
  and Binge Eating 
  During such turbulent times, doing everything in our power to support 
  the portfolio is an imperative. The Investment Adviser is making full 
  use of its Talent Management teams in helping to support management 
  teams across the portfolio. Such specialist skills are a key benefit 
  of the move to Gresham House. 
  Details of this investment activity and the performance of the portfolio 
  are contained in the Investment Review and the Investment Portfolio 
  Summary below. 
  Revenue account 
  The results for the period are set out in the Unaudited Condensed Income 
  Statement on pages 12 to 13 of the Half-Year Report and show a revenue 
  return (after tax) of 0.19 pence per share (2021: 0.11 pence per share). 
  The revenue return for the period of GBP0.17 million has increased 
  from last year's figure of GBP0.09 million. This is mainly due to a 
  significant loan interest receipt upon the sale of MBI. 
  The Board continues to be committed to providing an attractive dividend 
  stream to Shareholders and was pleased to declare an Interim dividend 
  of 4.00 pence per share for the year ending 31 December 2022. 
  This dividend was paid on 8 July 2022, to Shareholders on the Register 
  on 27 May 2022, and brought cumulative dividends paid per share since 
  inception to 147.20 pence. 
  An additional interim dividend of 6.00 pence per share is declared 
  for payment on 7 November 2022 for those shareholders on the Register 
  of Members at 23 September 2022. 
  The Company's ongoing target of paying a dividend of at least 4.00 
  pence per share in respect of each financial year has been achieved 
  and often exceeded in all 12 years since it was established. Whilst 
  the Board still believes this dividend target is attainable, it should 
  be noted that the continued movement of the portfolio to a larger share 
  of younger growth capital investments could lead to increased volatility, 
  which may affect the return in any given year. 
  The Company's Dividend Investment Scheme ("DIS") provides Shareholders 
  with the opportunity to reinvest their cash dividends into new shares 
  in the Company at the latest published NAV per share (adjusted for 
  dividends paid). New VCT shares attract the same tax reliefs as shares 
  purchased through an Offer for Subscription. 
  There were 508,732 shares allotted through the DIS during the period 
  at an average price of 99.57 pence. 
  Shareholders can opt-in to the DIS by completing a mandate form available 
  on the Company's website at www.mig4vct.co.uk or can opt-out by contacting 
  Link Group, using the details provided under Shareholder Information 
  on pages 24-25 of the Half-Year Report. Please note that instructions 
  received take 15 days to become effective. 
  To the extent that dividends are paid other than out of income or from 
  gains on investments, for instance out of special distributable reserves, 
  Shareholders should note this may result in a reduction in NAV over 
  the period. 
  Offer for Subscription 
  As announced recently, the Board intends to launch joint offers for 
  subscription for new ordinary shares in the 2022/23 tax year alongside 
  the other Mobeus VCTs. The Board expects to convene a general meeting 
  of shareholders to seek the necessary authority to allot shares and 
  disapply pre-emption rights in connection with the fundraising. Shareholders 
  will have received a Circular in September confirming the amount to 
  be raised and the purposes for which the funds will be used in advance 
  of the General meeting for consideration. We urge all Shareholders 
  to submit their proxy votes online in respect of the resolutions proposed 
  via the Link Group shareholder portal: www.signalshares.com . 
  If Shareholder approval is obtained, the Board expects to be in a position 
  to launch the offer for subscription later this month, full details 
  of which will be contained in the prospectus on the Company's website: 
  www.mig4vct.co.uk . 
  The Board continues to monitor credit risk in respect of its cash and 
  near cash resources and to prioritise the security and protection of 
  the Company's capital. Cash and liquidity fund balances as at 30 June 
  2022 amounted to GBP33.36 million representing 38.7% of net assets. 
  After the period-end, following the payment of a 4.00 pence per share 
  dividend, the pro-forma level of liquidity will be GBP30.29 million 
  (36.5% of net assets). 
  Share buy-backs 
  During the six months to 30 June 2022, the Company bought back and 
  cancelled 269,283 of its own shares, representing 0.3% (2021: 0.8%) 
  of the shares in issue at the beginning of the period, at a total cost 
  of GBP0.26 million (2021: GBP0.60 million), inclusive of expenses. 
  It is the Company's policy to cancel all shares bought back in this 
  way. The Board regularly reviews its buyback policy, where its priority 
  is to act prudently and in the interest of remaining Shareholders, 
  whilst considering other factors, such as levels of liquidity and reserves, 
  market conditions and applicable law and regulations. Under this policy, 
  the Company seeks to maintain the discount at which the Company's shares 
  trade at approximately 5% below the latest published NAV. 
  Shareholder communications 
  May I remind you that the Company has its own website which is available 
  at: www.mig4vct.co.uk . 
  The Investment Adviser held its most recent Shareholder Event on behalf 
  of all four Mobeus VCTs in early 2022. The event was well received 
  and the Investment Adviser plans to hold another event in 2023.Further 
  details will be circulated to Shareholders and shown on the Company's 
  website in due course. 
  Fraud Warning 
  We are aware of a number of cases where Shareholders are being fraudulently 
  contacted or are being subjected to attempts of identity fraud. Shareholders 
  should remain vigilant of all potential financial scams or requests 
  for them to disclose personal data. The Board strongly recommends Shareholders 
  take time to read the Company's Fraud warning section, including details 
  of who to contact, contained within the Information for Shareholders 
  section on pages 24 and 25 of the Half-Year Report. 
  Succession Planning 
  I have stated my intention to retire as Chairman and a Director of 
  the Company following the conclusion of the Company's Annual General 
  Meeting in May 2023. The Board intends to appoint Graham Paterson as 
  Chairman of the Company to succeed me. It has therefore begun its recruitment 
  process for a Non-Executive Director to succeed Graham, who will step 
  down from his role as Chairman of the Audit Committee. In its recruitment 
  process, the Nomination & Remuneration Committee will give careful 
  consideration to the diversity of skills, experience, gender and background 
  of the wider Board, whilst also ensuring that the candidate selected 
  has the requisite skills and experience to discharge their duties effectively 
  as a Director and Chairman of the Audit Committee. 
  The economic impacts for the next twelve months and perhaps beyond 
  can be expected to be challenging. However, such conditions can provide 
  a good opportunity to make high quality investments and build strategic 
  stakes in businesses with great potential for the future. The exit 
  environment is likely to dampen somewhat, although this is not foreseen 
  to be a significant issue given that the VCT fund is not time-limited. 
  On the whole, your Board is confident that, with continued and targeted 
  support, the portfolio remains on track to overcome its challenges 
  and achieve its growth ambitions. 
  Jonathan Cartwright 
  13 September 2022 
 Investment Policy 
 The investment policy is designed to meet the Company's objective. 
  The Company invests primarily in a diverse portfolio of UK unquoted 
  companies. Investments are made selectively across a number of sectors, 
  principally in established companies. Investments are usually structured 
  as part loan stock and part equity in order to produce a regular income 
  stream and to generate capital gains from realisations. 
  There are a number of conditions within the VCT legislation which need 
  to be met by the Company and which may change from time to time. The 
  Company will seek to make investments in accordance with the requirements 
  of prevailing VCT legislation. 
  Asset allocation and risk diversification policies, including the size 
  and type of investments the Company makes, are determined in part by 
  the requirements of prevailing VCT legislation. No single investment 
  may represent more than 15% (by VCT tax value) of the Company's total 
  investments at the date of investment. 
  The Company's cash and liquid funds are held in a portfolio of readily 
  realisable interest-bearing investments, deposit and current accounts, 
  of varying maturities, subject to the overriding criterion that the 
  risk of loss of capital be minimised. 
  The Company's Articles of Association permit borrowing of up to 10% 
  of the adjusted capital and reserves (as defined therein). However, 
  the Company has never borrowed and the Board would only consider doing 
  so in exceptional circumstances. 
 Investment Review 
 Portfolio review 
  Demand for growth capital investment remains strong and there continues 
  to be a healthy pipeline of investment opportunities. The current economic 
  climate, whilst challenging for businesses across the portfolio, also 
  presents great opportunities to develop potential through investment. 
  The portfolio movements in the period are summarised as follows: 
                                         2022     2021 
                                         GBPm     GBPm 
  ---------------------------------  --------  ------- 
   Opening portfolio value              65.58    41.68 
   New and follow-on investments         1.89     3.83 
   Disposal proceeds                   (4.33)   (5.42) 
   Net realised gains                    0.78     1.14 
   Unrealised v aluation movements    (11.05)    18.81 
  ---------------------------------  --------  ------- 
   Portfolio value at 30 June           52.87    60.04 
  ---------------------------------  --------  ------- 
  The six months to 30 June 2022 has seen volatility translate into a 
  decline in market ratings. The portfolio value has reduced as a result 
  of this, in spite of largely resilient underlying trading performances. 
  The Company made two new growth capital investments during the period: 
  GBP0.61 million into Proximity Insight and GBP0.48 million into Bidnamic. 
  Both these companies are retail technology businesses. 
  The Company also achieved a satisfying exit from Media Business Insight 
  ("MBI") during the period, receiving a total of GBP3.84 million in 
  proceeds, contributing to total receipts of GBP4.23 million during 
  the period. 
  The investment and divestment activity during the period has further 
  increased the proportion of the portfolio comprised of growth substantially 
  made up of investments made since the 2015 VCT rule change. These investments 
  amount to 89.2% by value at the period-end (31 December 2021: 77.1%). 
  After the period-end, the Company invested a further GBP0.62 million 
  into Vivacity, an existing portfolio company. Vivacity is a developer 
  of artificial intelligence and Urban Traffic Control systems. Following 
  its initial series A funding in 2021, the business has doubled the 
  size of its team and partnered with leading firms in the automotive 
  and environmental measurement industries. Also, after the period end, 
  GBP0.33 million was further invested into Bleach (London). It also 
  made a new investment of GBP0.50 into FocalPoint, a next-generation 
  navigation and positioning technology company and GBP0.44 million was 
  invested into Orri Limited, a specialist private clinic, for those 
  aged 16+, for expert treatment of Anorexia, Bulimia and Binge Eating 
  The portfolio's valuation changes in the six-month period to 30 June 
  are summarised as follows: 
   Investment Portfolio Capital Movement                 2022     2021 
                                                         GBPm     GBPm 
  -------------------------------------------------  --------  ------- 
   Increase in the value of unrealised investments       0.81    19.12 
   Decrease in the value of unrealised investments    (11.86)   (0.31) 
  -------------------------------------------------  --------  ------- 
   Net (decrease)/increase in the value of 
    unrealised investments                            (11.05)    18.81 
  -------------------------------------------------  --------  ------- 
   Realised gains                                        0.78     1.20 
   Realised losses                                          -   (0.06) 
  -------------------------------------------------  --------  ------- 
   Net realised gains in the period                      0.78     1.14 
  -------------------------------------------------  --------  ------- 
   Net investment portfolio movement in the 
    period                                            (10.27)    19.95 
  -------------------------------------------------  --------  ------- 
  Valuation changes of portfolio investments still held 
  From the total value increases of GBP0.81 million within the portfolio, 
  the principal movements were in Bella and Duke: GBP0.40 million and 
  Tharstern: GBP0.36 million. 
  Bella and Duke has relatively maintained its existing customer base 
  despite the slowdown in securing new customers due to the current economic 
  environment. Improved trading for Tharstern through new business wins 
  and cost controls have enhanced its valuation. 
  The main reductions within total valuation decreases of (GBP11.86) 
  million, were in Virgin Wines GBP(6.02) million; MyTutor GBP(1.51) 
  million and MPB Group GBP(1.24) million. The portfolio's largest asset 
  by value at the start of the year, Virgin Wines, has consistently delivered 
  robust trading performance relative to its peers and continued to release 
  positive news flow. Nevertheless, the value of the AIM-listed stock 
  has been impacted by the general de-rating of its sector. MyTutor has 
  generated strong revenues in the year to date. However, a significant 
  reduction in comparator multiples has reduced the value of this investment. 
  Finally, MPB has seen a reduction in benchmark multiples and accelerated 
  its cash spend for growth but is yet to see this translate into revenues 
  for valuation purposes. 
  Realised gains and deferred consideration receipts 
  The Company realised its investment in MBI during the period under 
  review, generating gains in the period of GBP0.38 million. These contributed 
  to a multiple of cost of 2.2x over the life of the investment. The 
  Company also received deferred proceeds of GBP0.40 million from the 
  realisation of Red Paddle in a previous period. 
  Investment portfolio yield and capital repayments 
  In the period under review, the Company received the following amounts 
  in loan interest and dividend income: 
   Portfolio income and yield                             2022      2021 
                                                          GBPm      GBPm 
  --------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
   Interest received in the period                        0.55      0.42 
   Dividends received in the period                       0.07      0.07 
   Total portfolio income in the period(1)                0.62      0.49 
   Portfolio Value at 30 June                            52.87     60.04 
   Portfolio Income Yield (Income as a % of 
    Portfolio Value at 30 June)                           1.2%      0.8% 
  --------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
   (1) Total portfolio income in the period is generated solely 
    from investee companies within the portfolio. See Note 4 of the 
    Financial Statements for all income receivable by the Company. 
    In addition to realisation proceeds and deferred consideration 
    receipts outlined earlier, the Company also received loan stock 
    repayments of GBP0.09 million from MBI earlier in the period. 
 New investments during the period 
  The Company made two new investments totalling GBP1.09 million during 
  the period, as detailed below: 
  Company   Business   Date of Investment     Amount of new 
                                              investment (GBPm) 
     Proximity Insight            Retail Software            February 2022     0.61 
   Proximity Insight (proximityinsight.com) is a retail technology 
    business that offers a "Super-App" that is used by the customer-facing 
    teams of brands and retailers to engage, inspire and transact 
    with customers. Headquartered in London with offices in New York 
    and Sydney, Proximity Insight has a global client base that includes 
    over 20 brands, boutiques and department stores in fashion, beauty, 
    jewellery, electronics and homewares. These clients use Proximity 
    Insight's platform to blur the lines between physical and digital 
    retail, enhancing the customer experience and improving the lifetime 
    value of their customers by upwards of 35%. The business grew 
    annual recurring revenue by 117% to GBP2.2 million in 2021, and 
    the investment will support Proximity Insight's continued product 
    development and international growth. The investment was made 
    across all six VCTs advised and managed by Gresham House, including 
    the two Baronsmead VCTs. 
                                Marketing technology 
          Bidnamic                    business                 May 2022        0.48 
                           ----------------------------  -------------------  ------ 
   Lads Store Limited, trading as "Bidnamic" ( www.bidnamic.com ) 
    is a marketing technology business that offers a SaaS platform 
    for online retailers to optimise their search engine marketing 
    spend. The technology was all developed internally and uses bespoke 
    machine learning algorithms to automate the management and optimisation 
    of online retailers' Google shopping spend. The ARR of the business 
    has grown substantially over the last two years and this is projected 
    to continue. The investment round will be used to further enhance 
    the product's capabilities and drive continued ARR growth through 
    expanding the sales & marketing team and building a presence in 
    North America. The investment was made across all six VCTs advised 
    and managed by Gresham House, including the two Baronsmead VCTs. 
  Follow-on investments during the period 
  The Company made four further investments into existing portfolio companies, 
  totalling GBP0.80 million, 
  as detailed below:       Company                Business          Date of Investment    Amount of further 
                                                                         investment (GBPm) 
                             UK Leisure and        January/February 
    Caledonian Leisure      experience breaks            2022                  0.22 
                         ---------------------  ---------------------  ------------------- 
   Caledonian Leisure works with accommodation providers, coach businesses 
    and other experienced providers (such as entertainment destinations 
    and theme parks) to deliver UK-based leisure and experience breaks 
    to its customers. It comprises two brands, Caledonian Travel (caledoniantravel.com) 
    and UK Breakaways (ukbreakaways.com). The domestic leisure and 
    experience travel market had been devastated by the COVID-19 pandemic, 
    but the company was well-placed to expand as lockdown and travel 
    restrictions eased. A series of planned investment tranches has 
    helped the company prepare for and capitalise on the strong demand 
    for UK staycation holidays. 
                                Dairy and 
       Northern Bloc       ice cream producer         April 2022               0.12 
                         ---------------------  ---------------------  ------------------- 
   Northern Bloc Ice Cream (northern-bloc.com) is an an established 
    food brand in the emerging and rapidly growing vegan market. By 
    focusing on chef quality and natural ingredients, Northern Bloc 
    has carved out an early mover position in the dairy and allergen-free 
    ice cream sector. The company's focus on plant-based alternatives 
    has strong environmental credentials as well as it being the first 
    ice cream brand to move wholly into sustainable packaging. Following 
    the initial investment in December 2020, Northern Bloc has grown 
    rapidly and strengthened its prospects. This further investment 
    provides additional working capital and funds a new production 
    facility to increase its resilience, flexibility and margins in 
    the future. 
                           Provider of premium 
                            electric vehicle 
       Andersen EV            (EV) chargers            May 2022                0.24 
                         ---------------------  ---------------------  ------------------- 
   Muller EV Limited (trading as Andersen EV) (andersen-ev.com) is 
    a design-led manufacturer of premium electric vehicle (EV) chargers. 
    Incorporated in 2016, this business has secured high profile partnerships 
    with household brands, establishing an attractive niche position 
    in charging points for the high-end EV market. This follow-on 
    funding is to further support its premium brand and product positioning 
    whilst ensuring all new and existing products meet the most recent 
    and highest safety and compliance standards. Andersen EV has continued 
    its strong trading performance with revenue up over 300% year 
    on year. 
         RotaGeek               software              June 2022                0.22 
                         ---------------------  ---------------------  ------------------- 
   RotaGeek (rotageek.com) is a provider of cloud-based enterprise 
    software to help larger retail, leisure and healthcare organisations 
    to schedule staff effectively. This investment, alongside funds 
    from a new investor and existing shareholders, will be used to 
    capitalise on opportunities that will emerge as the retail sector 
    recovers from lockdown restrictions. RotaGeek will also be expanding 
    its presence in healthcare to help address the workforce management 
    issues of a sector that is chronically overburdened at present. 
 Realisations during the period 
  The Company realised its investment in MBI, as detailed below:     Company           Business        Date of Investment     Amount of further 
                                                                investment (GBPm) 
   Media Business                          January 2015 to       GBP6.07 million 
       Insight         Publishing and         June 2022             2.2x cost 
                      events business 
                    ------------------  --------------------  -------------------- 
   The Company realised its investment in MBI for GBP3.84 million 
    (realised gain in the period: GBP0.38 million). Total proceeds 
    received over the life of the investment were GBP6.07 million 
    compared to an original investment cost of GBP2.72 million, representing 
    a multiple on cost of 2.2x and an IRR of 13.7%. 
 New investments made after the period-end 
  The Company made two further investments totalling GBP0.94 million, 
  as detailed below:    Company             Business            Date of Investment       Amount of further 
                                                                       investment (GBPm) 
                       and positioning 
     FocalPoint       technology company        September 2022               0.50 
                   ----------------------  -----------------------  ---------------------- 
   FocalPoint Positioning Limited (trading as FocalPoint) (www.focalpointpositioning.com) 
    is a DeepTech business with a growing IP and software portfolio. 
    FocalPoint's proprietary technology applies advanced physics and 
    machine learning to reduce costs and dramatically improve the 
    satellite-based location sensitivity, accuracy, and security of 
    devices such as smartphones, wearables, and vehicles. Across both 
    the Mobeus VCTs and the Baronsmead VCTs, this GBP4m investment 
    is part of a larger investment round alongside existing investor 
    Molten Ventures. The investment will be used to grow and develop 
    its business, hire additional staff and continue the development 
    and roll out of its offerings. 
    Company            Business            Date of Investment     Amount of further 
                                                                   investment (GBPm) 
                  A specialist private 
      Orri               clinic               September 2022             0.44 
               -------------------------  ---------------------  -------------------- 
    Orri Limited (www.orri-uk.com/) is a specialist service provider 
     for patients over 16 suffering from eating disorders. Orri's intensive 
     day care model addresses a gap in service provision between residential 
     in-patient services and infrequent outpatient sessions. Across 
     both the Mobeus VCTs and the Baronsmead VCTs, the GBP4.5m investment 
     will be used to open a second Orri site as well as to accelerate 
     growth in online services, provide a step-down outpatient service, 
     and build out the business' head office team. 
   Further investments made after the period-end 
   The Company made two further investments into existing portfolio companies, 
   totalling GBP0.95 million, as detailed below:  Company               Business              Date of Investment     Amount of further 
                                                                        investment (GBPm) 
                    Artificial Intelligence 
                       and Urban Traffic 
                         Control (UTC) 
     Vivacity               system                   June 2022                0.62 
                -----------------------------  ---------------------  -------------------- 
    Vivacity (vivacitylabs.com) develops camera sensors with on-board 
     video analytics software that enables real-time anonymised data 
     gathering of road transport system usage. It offers city transport 
     authorities the ability to manage their road infrastructure more 
     effectively, enabling more efficient monitoring of congestion 
     and pollution levels as well as planning for other issues, such 
     as the changing nature of road usage (e.g. the increasing number 
     of cyclists). The technology and software represent a significant 
     leap forward for local planning authorities which have traditionally 
     relied upon manual data collection methods. The growth capital 
     funding will allow the management team to achieve deeper penetration 
     of the UK transport management sector, explore opportunities internationally 
     and commercialise its new Smart Junction offering. Revenues have 
     grown 350% over the last three years and it has exceeded its most 
     recent year's budget despite the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. 
     In April 2021, Vivacity won the Queen's Award for Enterprise: 
     Innovation 2021. 
                       Hair Colourants 
      Bleach                 Brand                  August 2022               0.33 
                -----------------------------  ---------------------  -------------------- 
    Bleach London Holdings ("Bleach") is an established branded, fast-growing 
     business which manufactures a range of haircare and colouring 
     products. Bleach is regarded as a leading authority in the hair 
     colourant market having opened one of the world's first salons 
     focused on colouring and subsequently launched its first range 
     of products in 2013. This further investment was part of a wider 
     GBP5.5 million investment round alongside existing shareholders 
     and a strategic partner. The funds will be used to consolidate 
     the brands position in the UK market as well as drive further 
     expansion and strategic penetration of the North American market. 
   Environmental, Social, Governance considerations 
   Following the novation of the investment advisory agreement to Gresham 
   House, who have a dedicated team which is focused on sustainability, 
   this provides an opportunity to enhance the Company's existing protocols 
   and procedures through the adoption of the highest industry standards. 
   Under the new enlarged investment team, each investment executive is 
   responsible for their own individual ESG objectives in support of the 
   wider overarching ESG goals of the Investment Adviser. For further 
   details, Gresham House published its second Sustainable Investment 
   Report in April 2022, which can be found on its website at: www.greshamhouse.com 
   Gresham House Asset Management Limited 
   Investment Adviser 
   13 September 2022 
                                                                              %           % 
                                       Total        Total        Total       of          of 
                                        cost    valuation    valuation   equity   portfolio 
                                                    at 31        at 30 
                                  at 30 June     December         June                   by 
                                        2022         2021         2022     held       value 
    Gresham House Asset 
    Portfolio                            GBP          GBP          GBP 
    Preservica Limited             3,397,745   11,056,628   10,693,622    13.3%       20.2% 
    Seller of proprietary 
    digital archiving 
    MPB Group Limited              1,095,252    5,764,694    4,526,932     3.2%        8.6% 
    Online marketplace for 
    and video equipment 
    EOTH Limited (trading as 
     Outdoor Technologies)           951,471    4,847,187    4,043,046     1.7%        7.6% 
    Branded outdoor equipment 
    and clothing 
    (including the RAB and Lowe 
    My TutorWeb Limited 
     (trading as 
     MyTutor)                      2,464,757    5,015,751    3,511,020     5.3%        6.6% 
    Digital marketplace 
    school pupils seeking one 
    to one 
    online tutoring 
    Virgin Wines UK plc               45,915    9,486,219    3,470,568     8.3%        6.6% 
    Online wine retailer 
    Master Removers Group 2019 
     (trading as Anthony Ward 
     Bishopsgate and Aussie Man 
     & Van)                          348,641    3,001,004    3,006,136     6.6%        5.7% 
    A specialist logistics, 
    and removals business 
    End Ordinary Group Limited 
     as Buster and Punch)          1,496,785    3,305,392    2,987,455     7.8%        5.7% 
    Industrial inspired 
    lighting and 
    interiors retailer 
    Data Discovery Solutions 
     (trading as Active 
     Navigation)                   1,408,640    2,624,447    2,503,729     7.1%        4.7% 
    Provider of global market 
    file analysis software for 
    governance, security and 
    Bella & Duke Limited             877,381    2,050,122    2,452,629     4.4%        4.6% 
    A premium frozen raw dog 
    food provider 
    Manufacturing Services 
     Limited (trading as 
     Wetsuit Outlet)               2,333,102    2,331,133    1,967,122     6.4%        3.7% 
    Online retailer in the 
    water sports 
    Arkk Consulting Limited 
     as Arkk Solutions)            1,599,445    1,680,942    1,712,786     6.7%        3.2% 
    Provider of services and 
    to enable organisations to 
    compliant with regulatory 
    Tharstern Group Limited        1,091,886    1,204,783    1,560,890    12.7%        3.0% 
    Software based management 
    systems to the print sector 
    Rota Geek Limited              1,092,500      765,890      992,446     4.1%        1.9% 
    Workforce management 
    Connect Childcare Group 
     Limited                         846,007      994,110      937,439     3.0%        1.8% 
    Nursery management software 
    Vivacity Labs Limited            914,754      914,754      914,754     4.4%        1.7% 
    Provider of artificial 
    & urban traffic control 
    Spanish Restaurant Group 
     (trading as Tapas 
     Revolution)                   1,219,096      739,557      734,928     6.7%        1.4% 
    Spanish restaurant chain 
    Caledonian Leisure Limited       547,502      695,000      663,343     6.6%        1.3% 
    Provider of UK leisure and 
    Legatics Limited                 663,011      663,011      663,011     6.0%        1.2% 
    SaaS LegalTech software 
    Pets' Kitchen Limited 
     as Vet's Klinic)                631,120      631,120      631,120     4.5%        1.2% 
    Veterinary clinics 
    IPV Limited                      619,487      619,487      619,487     5.5%        1.2% 
    Provider of media asset 
    Bleach London Holdings 
     Limited                         629,772      791,477      613,118     3.1%        1.2% 
    Hair colourants brand 
    Proximity Insight Holdings 
     Limited                         608,000            -      608,000     2.5%        1.2% 
    Super-App used by 
    teams of brands and 
    retailers to 
    engage, inspire and 
    transact with 
    Northern Bloc Ice Cream 
     Limited                         425,670      498,768      555,832     6.3%        1.0% 
    Supplier of premium vegan 
    ice cream 
    Lads Store Limited (trading 
     Bidnamic)                       480,538            -      480,538     1.1%        0.9% 
    SaaS platform for 
    of search engine marketing 
    CGI Creative Graphics 
     Limited                       1,449,746      397,434      378,906     6.3%        0.7% 
    Vinyl graphics to global 
    recreation vehicle and 
    Muller EV Limited (trading 
     Andersen EV)                    585,598      195,200      329,398     8.8%        0.6% 
    Provider of premium 
    vehicle (EV) changers 
    Parsley Box Group plc            631,003      417,536      221,816     1.8%        0.4% 
    Home delivered ambient 
    ready meals 
    targeting the over 60s 
    RDL Corporation Limited        1,000,000      317,413      199,932     8.9%        0.4% 
    Recruitment consultants 
    the pharmaceutical, 
    business intelligence 
    and IT industries 
    Kudos Innovations Limited        328,950       81,979       72,883     3.0%        0.1% 
    Online platform that 
    provides and 
    promotes academic research 
    Jablite Holdings Limited 
     (in members' 
     voluntary liquidation)          376,083       49,597       49,597     9.1%        0.1% 
    Manufacturer of expanded 
    Veritek Global Holdings 
     Limited                       1,620,086            -            -    15.4%        0.0% 
    Maintenance of imaging 
    BookingTek Limited               582,300            -            -     3.5%        0.0% 
    Direct booking software for 
    Racoon International Group 
     Limited                         484,347            -            -     0.0%        0.0% 
    Supplier of hair 
    extensions, hair 
    care products and training 
    Importer and distributor of 
    flowers, floral sundries 
    and home 
    decor products 
    Disposals in period 
    Media Business Insight 
     Limited                                    3,560,047                 15.7%        0.0% 
    A publishing and events 
    focused on the creative 
    Total                         32,846,590   64,700,682   52,102,483                98.5% 
    Former Elderstreet Private 
    Limited Portfolio 
    Cashfac Limited                  260,101      851,035      725,731     2.9%        1.4% 
    Provider of virtual banking 
    software solutions to 
    Sift Group Limited               135,391       32,750       39,722     1.3%        0.1% 
    Developer of 
    internet communities 
    Total                            395,492      883,785      765,453                 1.5% 
    Total Investment Portfolio    33,242,082   65,584,467   52,867,936               100.0% 
   ============================  ===========  ===========  ===========  =======  ========== 
    Total Investment Portfolio 
    Growth focused portfolio(1)   27,174,019   50,568,974   47,208,043                89.2% 
    MBO focused portfolio(1)       6,068,063   15,015,493    5,659,893                10.8% 
    Investment Adviser's Total    33,242,082   65,584,467   52,867,936               100.0% 
   (1) - The growth focused portfolio contains all investments made after 
   the change in the VCT regulations in 2015 plus some investments that 
   are growth in nature made before this date. The MBO focused portfolio 
   contains investments made prior to 2015 as part of the previous MBO 
              Statement of the Directors' Responsibilities 
              Responsibility statements 
              In accordance with Disclosure and Transparency Rule (DTR) 4.2.10, Jonathan 
              Cartwright (Chairman), Graham Paterson (Chairman of the Audit Committee 
              and Nomination and Remuneration Committee) and Chris Burke (Chairman 
              of the Investment Committee), being the Directors of the Company confirm 
              that to the best of their knowledge: 
              a) the condensed set of financial statements, which has been prepared 
              in accordance with Financial Reporting Standard 104 "Interim Financial 
              Reporting" gives a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial 
              position and profit of the Company, as required by DTR 4.2.10; 
              b) the Half-Year Management Report which comprises the Chairman's Statement, 
              Investment Policy, Investment Review and the Investment Portfolio Summary 
              includes a fair review of the information required by DTR 4.2.7, being 
              an indication of the important events that have occurred during the 
              first six months of the financial year and their impact on the condensed 
              set of financial statements; 
              c) a description of the principal risks and uncertainties facing the 
              Company for the remaining six months is set out below, in accordance 
              with DTR 4.2.7; and 
              d) there were no related party transactions in the first six months 
              of the current financial year that are required to be disclosed, in 
              accordance with DTR 4.2.8. 
              Principal risks and uncertainties 
              In accordance with DTR 4.2.7, the Board confirms that the principal 
              risks and uncertainties facing the Company have not materially changed 
              from those identified in the Annual Report and Financial Statements 
              for the year ended 31 December 2021 ("the Annual Report") and are not 
              expected to change ahead of the year-end. 
              The principal risks faced by the Company are: 
               *    Loss of approval as a Venture Capital Trust; 
               *    economic and political risk; 
               *    investment risk; 
               *    regulatory risk; 
               *    financial and operating risk; 
               *    market risk; 
               *    asset liquidity risk; and 
               *    environmental, social and governance emerging risk. 
              A detailed explanation of the principal risks can be found in the Annual 
              Report on pages 34 and 35 and in Note 15 on pages 72 to 79 of the Annual 
              Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2021, 
              copies of which are available on the Investment Adviser's website, 
              www.greshamhouse.com or by going directly to the VCT's website, www.mig4vct.co.uk 
              Going concern 
              The Board has assessed the Company's operation as a going concern. 
              The Company's business activities, together with the factors likely 
              to affect its future development, performance and position are set 
              out in the Half-Year Management Report. The Directors have satisfied 
              themselves that Company's cash position, bolstered by the fundraising 
              completed at the beginning of 2022 is adequate for the Company to continue 
              as a going concern under any plausible stress scenario. The majority 
              of companies in the portfolio continue to trade well and the portfolio 
              taken as a whole remains resilient and well-diversified, although supply 
              chain constraints and inflationary pressures are beginning to impact. 
              The major cash outflows of the Company (namely investments, buybacks 
              and dividends) are within the Company's control. 
              The Board's assessment of liquidity risk and details of the Company's 
              policies for managing its financial risks and capital are shown in 
              Note 15 on pages 72 to 79 of the Annual Report and Financial Statements 
              for the year ended 31 December 2021. Accordingly, the Directors continue 
              to adopt the going concern basis of accounting in preparing the Half-Year 
              report and annual financial statements. 
              Cautionary statement 
              This report may contain forward looking statements with regards to 
              the financial condition and results of the Company, which are made 
              in the light of current economic and business circumstances. Nothing 
              in this report should be construed as a profit forecast. 
              For and on behalf of the Board: 
              Jonathan Cartwright 
              13 September 2022 
 Unaudited Condensed Income Statement for the six months to 30 June 
                                                     Six months ended                      Six months ended                           Year ended 31 
                                                         30 June 2022                          30 June 2021                           December 2021 
                                                          (unaudited)                           (unaudited)                               (audited) 
                      Notes     Revenue        Capital          Total     Revenue      Capital        Total     Revenue       Capital         Total 
                                    GBP            GBP            GBP         GBP          GBP          GBP         GBP           GBP           GBP 
   ----------------  ------  ----------  -------------  -------------  ----------  -----------  -----------  ----------  ------------  ------------ 
    Net investment 
     (losses)/gains    10             -   (10,266,686)   (10,266,686)           -   19,952,419   19,952,419           -    29,904,336    29,904,336 
    Income              4       699,999              -        699,999     496,873            -      496,873   1,354,209             -     1,354,209 
     fees               5     (247,680)      (743,037)      (990,717)   (194,595)    (583,787)    (778,382)   (428,601)   (1,285,804)   (1,714,405) 
    Other expenses            (261,117)              -      (261,117)   (208,965)            -    (208,965)   (460,888)             -     (460,888) 
     on ordinary 
     taxation                   191,202   (11,009,723)   (10,818,521)      93,313   19,368,632   19,461,945     464,720    28,618,532    29,083,252 
    Tax on 
     on ordinary 
     activities         6      (22,224)         22,224              -     (4,371)        4,371            -    (22,097)        22,097             - 
     and total 
     income                     168,978   (10,987,499)   (10,818,521)      88,942   19,373,003   19,461,945     442,623    28,640,629    29,083,252 
   ================  ======  ==========  =============  =============  ==========  ===========  ===========  ==========  ============  ============ 
    Basic and 
     earnings per 
     share              7         0.19p       (12.43)p       (12.24)p       0.11p       23.08p       23.19p       0.53p        34.16p        34.69p 
    The revenue column of the Income Statement includes all income and 
     expenses. The capital column accounts for the net investment portfolio 
     (losses)/gains (unrealised (losses)/gains and realised gains on investments) 
     and the proportion of the Investment Adviser's fee charged to capital. 
    The total column is the Statement of Total Comprehensive Income of 
     the Company prepared in accordance with Financial Reporting Standards 
     ("FRS"). In order to better reflect the activities of a VCT and in 
     accordance with the 2014 Statement of Recommended Practice ("SORP") 
     (updated in April 2021) issued by the Association of Investment Companies 
     ("AIC"), supplementary information which analyses the Income Statement 
     between items of a revenue and capital nature has been presented alongside 
     the Income Statement. The revenue column of profit attributable to 
     equity shareholders is the measure the Directors believe appropriate 
     in assessing the Company's compliance with certain requirements set 
     out in Section 274 Income Tax Act 2007. 
    All the items in the above statement derive from continuing 
     operations of the Company. No operations were acquired or 
     discontinued in the period/year. 
    The notes to the unaudited financial statements below form 
     part of these Half-Year Financial Statements. 
  Unaudited Condensed Balance Sheet as at 30 June 2022 
                                                30 June       30 June   31 December 
                                                   2022          2021          2021 
                                            (unaudited)   (unaudited)     (audited) 
                                    Notes           GBP           GBP           GBP 
  -------------------------------  ------  ------------  ------------  ------------ 
   Fixed assets 
   Investments at fair value         10      52,867,936    60,040,228    65,584,467 
   Current assets 
   Debtors and prepayments                      146,585       148,101     2,895,532 
   Current asset investments          9      30,938,168    24,529,923    20,475,179 
   Cash at bank                       9       2,422,753     3,001,675     4,059,487 
  -------------------------------  ------ 
                                             33,507,506    27,679,699    27,430,198 
   Creditors: amounts falling 
    due within one year                       (241,463)     (400,219)     (227,411) 
   Net current assets                        33,266,043    27,279,480    27,202,787 
   Net assets                                86,133,979    87,319,708    92,787,254 
  -------------------------------  ------  ------------  ------------  ------------ 
   Capital and reserves 
   Called up share capital                      909,903       833,540       833,897 
   Share premium reserve                     20,869,200    12,495,262    13,129,427 
   Capital redemption reserve                    36,299        27,012        33,606 
   Revaluation reserve                       20,436,687    27,540,590    32,819,832 
   Special distributable reserve             15,945,431    25,380,699    20,109,912 
   Realised capital reserve                  26,145,111    19,355,977    24,028,652 
   Revenue reserve                            1,791,348     1,686,628     1,831,928 
   Equity shareholders' funds                86,133,979    87,319,708    92,787,254 
  ===============================  ======  ============  ============  ============ 
   Basic and diluted net 
    asset value: 
   Basic and diluted net asset 
    value per share                  11          94.66p       104.76p       111.27p 
   The financial information for the six months ended 30 June 2022 and 
    the six months ended 30 June 2021 has not been audited. 
   The notes to the unaudited financial statements below form 
    part of these Half-Year Financial Statements. 
  Unaudited Condensed Statement of Changes in Equity 
    for the six months ended 30 June 2022 
                                                reserves                               Distributable reserves 
                                 up        Share      Capital                        Special     Realised 
                              share      premium   redemption    Revaluation   distributable      capital     Revenue 
                            capital      reserve      reserve        reserve         reserve      reserve     reserve          Total 
                                                                                       (Note        (Note       (Note 
                                                                                          a)           b)          b) 
   For the six 
   ended 30 June 
   2022             Notes       GBP          GBP          GBP            GBP             GBP          GBP         GBP            GBP 
  ---------------  ------  --------  -----------  -----------  -------------  --------------  -----------  ----------  ------------- 
   At 1 January 
    2022                    833,897   13,129,427       33,606     32,819,832      20,109,912   24,028,652   1,831,928     92,787,254 
   for the period 
    the period                    -            -            -   (11,048,140)               -       60,641     168,978   (10,818,521) 
  ---------------  ------  --------  -----------  -----------  -------------  --------------  -----------  ----------  ------------- 
    income for 
    the period                    -            -            -   (11,048,140)               -       60,641     168,978   (10,818,521) 
  ---------------  ------  --------  -----------  -----------  -------------  --------------  -----------  ----------  ------------- 
   to owners 
   Shares issued 
    Offer for 
    (Note c)                 73,612    7,426,388            -              -               -            -           -      7,500,000 
   Issue costs 
    fees on Offer 
    c)                            -    (188,072)            -              -        (40,749)            -           -      (228,821) 
   Issue of 
    shares under 
    Scheme                    5,087      501,457            -              -               -            -           -        506,544 
   Shares bought 
    (Note d)                (2,693)            -        2,693              -       (259,553)            -           -      (259,553) 
   Dividends paid     8           -            -            -              -     (3,143,366)            -   (209,558)    (3,352,924) 
    by and 
    to owners                76,006    7,739,773        2,693              -     (3,443,668)            -   (209,558)      4,165,246 
  ---------------  ------            -----------  -----------                 --------------  ----------- 
    to special 
    (Note a)                      -            -            -              -       (720,813)      720,813           -              - 
   Realisation of 
    gains                         -            -            -    (1,335,005)               -    1,335,005           -              - 
   Total other 
    movements                     -            -            -    (1,335,005)       (720,813)    2,055,818           -              - 
  ---------------  ------            -----------  -----------                 --------------  ----------- 
   At 30 June 
    2022                    909,903   20,869,200       36,299     20,436,687      15,945,431   26,145,111   1,791,348     86,133,979 
  ===============  ======  ========  ===========  ===========  =============  ==============  ===========  ==========  ============= 
   a): The Special distributable reserve also provides the Company with 
    a reserve to absorb any existing and future realised losses and, when 
    considered by the Board to be in the interests of Shareholders, to 
    fund share buybacks and for other corporate purposes. The transfer 
    of GBP720,813 to the special reserve from the realised capital reserve 
    above is the total of realised losses incurred by the Company in the 
    period. As at 30 June 2022, the Company has a special reserve of GBP15,945,431, 
    all of which arises from shares issued more than three years after 
    the end of the financial year in which they were issued. Reserves 
    originating from share issues are not distributable under VCT rules 
    if they are within three years of the end of an accounting period 
    in which the shares were issued. 
   b): The Realised capital reserve and the Revenue reserve together 
    comprise the Profit and Loss Account of the Company. 
   c): Under the Company's Offer for subscription launched on 20 
    January 2022, 7,361,191 Ordinary Shares were allotted on 9 March 
    2022, raising net funds of GBP7,271,179 for the Company. This 
    figure is net of issue costs of GBP188,072 and facilitation 
    fees of GBP40,749. 
   d): During the period, the Company repurchased 269,283 of its own 
    shares at the prevailing market price for a total cost (including 
    stamp duty) of GBP259,553, which were subsequently cancelled. 
   The notes to the unaudited financial statements below form part of 
    these Half-Year Financial Statements. 
   Unaudited Condensed Statement of Changes in Equity 
    for the six months ended 30 June 2021 
                                                reserves                               Distributable reserves 
                                 up        Share      Capital                        Special     Realised 
                              share      premium   redemption    Revaluation   distributable      capital     Revenue 
                            capital      reserve      reserve        reserve         reserve      reserve     reserve          Total 
   For the six 
   ended 30 June 
   2021             Notes       GBP          GBP          GBP            GBP             GBP          GBP         GBP            GBP 
  ---------------  ------  --------  -----------  -----------  -------------  --------------  -----------  ----------  ------------- 
   At 1 January 
    2021                    840,040   12,495,262       20,512     10,205,933      26,563,547   16,738,215   1,597,686     68,461,195 
   for the period 
   Profit for the 
    period                        -            -            -     18,812,482               -      560,521      88,942     19,461,945 
                           --------  -----------  -----------  -------------  --------------  -----------  ----------  ------------- 
    income for 
    the period                    -            -            -     18,812,482               -      560,521      88,942     19,461,945 
  ---------------  ------  --------  -----------  -----------  -------------  --------------  -----------  ----------  ------------- 
   to owners 
   Shares bought 
    back                    (6,500)            -        6,500              -       (603,432)            -           -      (603,432) 
   Dividends paid                 -            -            -              -               -            -           -              - 
    by and 
    to owners               (6,500)            -        6,500              -       (603,432)            -           -      (603,432) 
  ---------------  ------            -----------  -----------                 --------------  -----------              ------------- 
    to special 
    reserve                       -            -            -              -       (579,416)      579,416           -              - 
   Realisation of 
    gains                         -            -            -    (1,477,825)               -    1,477,825           -              - 
   Total other 
    movements                     -            -            -    (1,477,825)       (579,416)    2,057,241           -              - 
  ---------------  ------            -----------  -----------                 --------------  ----------- 
   At 30 June 
    2021                    833,540   12,495,262       27,012     27,540,590      25,380,699   19,355,977   1,686,628     87,319,708 
  ===============  ======  ========  ===========  ===========  =============  ==============  ===========  ==========  ============= 
   The composition of each of these reserves is explained below: 
   Called up share capital - The nominal value of shares originally 
    issued, increased for subsequent share issues either via an 
    Offer for Subscription or Dividend Investment Scheme or reduced 
    due to shares bought back by the Company. 
   Capital redemption reserve - The nominal value of shares bought 
    back and cancelled is held in this reserve, so that the Company's 
    capital is maintained. 
   Share premium reserve - This reserve contains the excess of 
    gross proceeds less issue costs over the nominal value of shares 
    allotted under recent Offers for Subscription and the Company's 
    Dividend Investment Scheme. 
   Revaluation reserve - Increases and decreases in the valuation 
    of investments held at the period-end are accounted for in this 
    reserve, except to the extent that the diminution is deemed 
   In accordance with stating all investments at fair value through 
    profit and loss, all such movements through both revaluation 
    and realised capital reserves are shown within the Income Statement 
    for the period. 
   Special distributable reserve - This reserve is created from 
    cancellations of the balances upon the Share premium reserve, 
    which are transferred to this reserve from time to time. The 
    cost of share buybacks and any realised losses on the sale or 
    impairment of investments (excluding transaction costs) are 
    charged to this reserve. 75% of the Investment Adviser fee expense, 
    and the related tax effect, that are charged to the realised 
    capital reserve are transferred to this reserve. This reserve 
    will also be charged any facilitation payments to financial 
    advisers, which arose as part of an Offer for Subscription. 
   Realised capital reserve - The following are accounted for 
    in this reserve: 
   -- Gains and losses on realisation of investments; 
   -- Permanent diminution in value of investments; 
   -- Transaction costs incurred in the acquisition and disposal 
    of investments; 
   -- 75% of the Investment Adviser fee expense and 100% of any 
    performance incentive fee payable, together with the related 
    tax effect to this reserve in accordance with the policies; 
   -- Capital dividends paid. 
   Revenue reserve - Income and expenses that are revenue in nature 
    are accounted for in this reserve together with the related 
    tax effect, as well as income dividends paid that are classified 
    as revenue in nature. 
   The notes to the unaudited financial statements below form part of 
    these Half-Year Financial Statements. 
  Unaudited Condensed Statement of Cash Flows for the six months ended 
    30 June 2022 
                                              Six months     Six months     Year ended 
                                                ended 30       ended 30    31 December 
                                               June 2022      June 2021           2021 
                                    Notes    (unaudited)    (unaudited)      (audited) 
                                                     GBP            GBP            GBP 
   Cash flows from operating 
   (Loss)/Profit for the 
    period                                  (10,818,521)     19,461,945     29,083,252 
   Adjustments for: 
   Net investment portfolio 
    losses/(gains)                            10,266,686   (19,952,419)   (29,904,336) 
   Decrease in debtors                           169,170        255,467         87,812 
   Increase in creditors and 
    accruals                                      14,052         45,409         23,302 
   Net cash outflow from 
    operations                                 (368,613)      (189,598)      (709,970) 
   Corporation tax paid                                -              -      (103,452) 
   Net cash outflow from 
    activities                                 (368,613)      (189,598)      (813,422) 
   Cash flows from investing 
   Sale of investments               10        4,341,501      5,424,072     12,231,857 
   Purchase of investments           10      (1,891,656)    (3,835,185)    (6,235,292) 
   Net cash inflow from investing 
    activities                                 2,449,845      1,588,887      5,996,565 
   Cash flows from financing 
   Share issued as part of Offer 
    for Subscription                           7,500,000              -              - 
   Issue costs and facilitation 
   fees as part of Offer for 
   Subscription                                (228,821)              -              - 
   Equity dividends paid            8          (266,603)              -    (6,106,267) 
  -------------------------------  ------  -------------  -------------  ------------- 
   Purchase of own shares                      (259,553)      (556,183)    (1,230,702) 
  -------------------------------  ------  -------------  -------------  ------------- 
   Net cash inflow/(outflow) from 
    financing activities                       6,745,023      (556,183)    (7,336,969) 
   Net increase/(decrease) in 
    and cash equivalents                       8,826,255        843,106    (2,153,826) 
   Cash and cash equivalents at 
    start of period                           22,534,666     24,688,492     24,688,492 
  -------------------------------  ------  -------------  -------------  ------------- 
   Cash and cash equivalents at 
    end of period                             31,360,921     25,531,598     22,534,666 
   Cash and cash equivalents 
   Cash at bank and in hand           9        2,422,753      3,001,675      4,059,487 
   Cash equivalents                   9       28,938,168     22,529,923     18,475,179 
   The notes to the unaudited financial statements below form 
    part of these Half-Year Financial Statements. 
  Notes to the Unaudited Condensed Financial Statements 
    Notes to the Unaudited Condensed Financial Statements 
     for the six months ended 30 June 2022 
     1.     Company information 
            Mobeus Income and Growth 4 VCT plc is a public limited company 
             incorporated in England, registration number 3707697. The registered 
             office is 5 New Street Square, London EC4A 3TW. 
     2.     Basis of preparation of the 
             financial statements 
            These Financial Statements have been prepared in accordance with 
             accounting policies consistent with Financial Reporting Standard 
             102 ("FRS102"), Financial Reporting Standard 104 ("FRS104") - Interim 
             Financial Reporting, with the Companies Act 2006 and the 2014 Statement 
             of Recommended Practice, 'Financial Statements of Investment Trust 
             Companies and Venture Capital Trusts' ('the SORP') (updated in 
             April 2021) issued by the Association of Investment Companies. 
            The Half-Year Report has not been audited, nor has it been reviewed 
             by the auditor pursuant to the Financial Reporting Council's (FRC) 
             guidance on Review of Interim Financial Information. 
     3.     Principal accounting policies 
            The accounting policies have been applied consistently throughout 
             the period. Full details of principal accounting policies will 
             be disclosed in the Annual Report, while the policy in respect 
             of investments is included within an outlined box at the top of 
             note 10 on investments. 
     4.    Income 
                                                 Six months         Six months              Year 
                                                      ended              ended             ended 
                                                    30 June            30 June          December 
                                                       2022               2021              2021 
                                                (unaudited)        (unaudited)         (audited) 
           Income from investments                      GBP                GBP               GBP 
          ---------------------------  ----  --------------  ---  ------------  ----  ---------- 
      Dividends                                      74,231             70,309           348,420 
      Loan stock interest                           548,258            415,674           984,972 
      Money-market funds                             59,788                758             2,258 
      Bank deposit interest                          17,722             10,132            18,559 
      Total Income                                  699,999            496,873         1,354,209 
     ---------------------------  ---------  --------------  ---  ------------  ----  ---------- 
     5.    Investment Adviser's fees and performance fees 
           25% of the Investment Adviser's fees are charged to the revenue column 
           of the Income Statement, while 75% is charged against the capital column 
           of the Income Statement. This is in line with the Board's expected 
           split of returns from the investment portfolio of the Company. 100% of 
           any performance incentive fee payable for the year would be charged against 
           the capital column of the Income Statement, as it is based upon the 
           of capital growth. 
                                           Six months 
                                                ended   Six months ended    Year ended 
                                                                           31 December 
                                         30 June 2022       30 June 2021          2021 
                                          (unaudited)        (unaudited)     (audited) 
                                                Total              Total         Total 
                                                  GBP                GBP           GBP 
      Allocated to revenue 
       return: Investment 
       Adviser's fees                         247,680            194,595       428,601 
      Allocated to capital 
       return: Investment 
       Adviser's fees                         743,037            583,787     1,285,804 
      Total                                   990,717            778,382     1,714,405 
     ----------------------------  ---  -------------  -----------------  ------------ 
     6.    Taxation 
                                                              Six months                             Six months 
                                                                   ended                                  ended                             Year ended 
                                                                                                        30 June                            31 December 
                                                            30 June 2022                                   2021                                   2021 
                                                             (unaudited)                            (unaudited)                              (audited) 
                                   Revenue        Capital          Total    Revenue       Capital         Total    Revenue       Capital         Total 
                                       GBP            GBP            GBP        GBP           GBP           GBP        GBP           GBP           GBP 
           a) Analysis of tax 
      UK Corporation tax on 
       profits/(losses) for the 
       period                       22,224       (22,224)              -      4,371       (4,371)             -     22,097      (22,097)             - 
     --------------------------  ---------  -------------  -------------  ---------  ------------  ------------  ---------  ------------ 
      Total current tax 
       charge/(credit)              22,224       (22,224)              -      4,371       (4,371)             -     22,097      (22,097)             - 
     --------------------------  ---------  -------------  -------------  ---------  ------------  ------------  ---------  ------------  ------------ 
           Corporation tax is 
           based on a rate of 
           19.0% (2021: 19.0%) 
      b) Profit/(loss) on 
       ordinary activities 
       before tax                  191,202   (11,009,723)   (10,818,521)     93,313    19,368,632    19,461,945    464,720    28,618,532    29,083,252 
      Profit/(loss) on ordinary 
       activities multiplied by 
       rate of corporation 
       tax in the UK of 19.0% 
       (2021: 19.0%)                36,328    (2,091,848)    (2,055,520)     17,729     3,680,041     3,697,770     88,297     5,437,521     5,525,818 
           Effect of: 
      UK dividends                (14,104)              -       (14,104)   (13,358)             -      (13,358)   (66,200)             -      (66,200) 
      Net investment portfolio 
       losses/(gains) not 
       allowable/(taxable)               -      1,950,670      1,950,670          -   (3,790,961)   (3,790,961)          -   (5,681,824)   (5,681,824) 
      Losses not utilised                -        118,954        118,954          -       106,549       106,549          -       222,206       222,206 
      Actual current tax charge     22,224       (22,224)              -      4,371       (4,371)             -     22,097      (22,097)             - 
     --------------------------  ---------  -------------  -------------  ---------  ------------  ------------  ---------  ------------  ------------ 
     7.    Basic and diluted earnings per share 
           The basic earnings, revenue return and capital return per share shown 
            below for each period are respectively based on numerators i)-iii), each 
            divided by the weighted average number of shares in issue in the period 
            - see iv) below 
                                                    months    Six months          Year 
                                                     ended         ended         ended 
                                                   30 June       30 June   31 December 
                                                      2022          2021          2021 
                                               (unaudited)   (unaudited)     (audited) 
                                                       GBP           GBP           GBP 
                                             -------------  ------------  ------------ 
      i) Total earnings after taxation        (10,818,521)    19,461,945    29,083,252 
      Basic and diluted earnings per 
       share (Note a)                             (12.24)p        23.19p        34.69p 
      ii) Revenue earnings from 
       ordinary activities after 
       taxation                                    168,978        88,942       442,623 
      Basic and diluted revenue return 
       per share (Note b)                            0.19p         0.11p         0.53p 
      Net investment portfolio 
       (losses)/gains                         (10,266,686)    19,952,419    29,904,336 
      Capital Investment Adviser's 
       fees less taxation                        (720,813)     (579,416)   (1,263,707) 
     ---------------------------------  ---  -------------  ------------  ------------ 
      iii) Total capital return               (10,987,499)    19,373,003    28,640,629 
      Basic and diluted capital return 
       per share (Note c)                         (12.43)p        23.08p        34.16p 
      iv) Weighted average number of 
       shares in issue in the period            88,388,162    83,932,807    83,840,235 
     a)     Basic earnings per share is total earnings 
            after taxation divided by the 
            weighted average number of shares in 
     b)     Basic revenue return per share is the revenue return after 
            taxation divided 
            by the weighted average number of shares in issue. 
     c)     Basic capital return per share is the capital return after 
            taxation divided 
            by the weighted average number of shares in issue. 
            Dividends                                                   months    Six months        Year 
     8 .    paid                                                         ended         ended       ended 
                                                                            30                        31 
                                                                          June       30 June    December 
                                                                          2022          2021        2021 
                                                                   (unaudited)   (unaudited)   (audited) 
                                         ended   Pence 
                                            31     per      Date 
            Dividend     Type         December   share      paid           GBP           GBP         GBP 
      Interim      Income                 2021   0.25p      2021             -             -     208,381 
      Interim      Capital*               2021   4.75p      2021             -             -   3,959,226 
      Interim      Income                 2021   0.25p      2022       209,558             -           - 
      Interim      Capital*               2021   3.75p      2022     3,143,366             -           - 
      Total Dividends Paid                                           3,352,924             -   4,167,607 
                                                                  ------------  ------------  ---------- 
      * - These dividends were paid out of the Company's special distributable 
      For the period ended 30 June 2022, GBP3,352,924 disclosed above differs 
       to that shown in the Condensed Statement of Cash Flows of GBP266,603 due 
       to GBP506,545 of new shares allotted subject to listing under the Company's 
       Dividend Investment scheme and GBP2,579,776 in dividends paid to the registrar 
       before the previous year end. 
      The Board declared an interim dividend in respect of the year ending 31 
       December 2022 of 4.00 pence per share which was paid to Shareholders on 
       8 July 2022. 
     9.    Current asset investments and cash at bank 
                                                     as at         as at         as at 
                                                   30 June       30 June   31 December 
                                                      2022          2021          2021 
                                               (unaudited)   (unaudited)     (audited) 
                                                       GBP           GBP           GBP 
      OEIC Money market funds                   28,938,168    22,529,923    18,475,179 
      Cash equivalents per Statement of 
       Cash Flows                               28,938,168    22,529,923    18,475,179 
      Bank deposits that mature after 
       three months                              2,000,000     2,000,000     2,000,000 
     ----------------------------------  ---  ------------  ------------  ------------ 
      Current asset investments                 30,938,168    24,529,923    20,475,179 
     ----------------------------------  ---  ------------  ------------  ------------ 
      Cash at Bank                               2,422,753     3,001,675     4,059,487 
     ----------------------------------  ---  ------------  ------------  ------------ 
     10.   Summary of movement on investments during the period 
           The most critical estimates, assumptions and judgements relate to the 
            determination of the carrying value of investments at "fair value through 
            profit and loss" (FVTPL). All investments held by the Company are classified 
            as FVTPL and measured in accordance with the International Private Equity 
            and Venture Capital Valuation ("IPEV") guidelines, as updated in December 
            2018. This classification is followed as the Company's business is to 
            invest in financial assets with a view to profiting from their total return 
            in the form of capital growth and income. 
           Purchases and sales of unlisted investments are recognised when the contract 
            for acquisition or sale becomes unconditional. For investments actively 
            traded on organised financial markets, fair value is generally determined 
            by reference to Stock Exchange market quoted bid prices at the close of 
            business on the balance sheet date. Purchases and sales of quoted investments 
            are recognised on the trade date where a contract of sale exists whose 
            terms require delivery within a time frame determined by the relevant 
            market. Where the terms of a disposal state that consideration may be 
            received at some future date and, subject to the conditionality and materiality 
            of the amount of deferred consideration, an estimate of the fair value 
            discounted for the time value of money may be recognised through the Income 
            Statement. In other cases, the proceeds will only be recognised once the 
            right to receive payment is established and there is no reasonable doubt 
            that payment will be received. 
           Unquoted investments are stated at fair value by the Directors at each 
            measurement date in accordance with appropriate valuation techniques, 
            which are consistent with the IPEV guidelines:- 
           (i) Each investment is considered as a whole on a 'unit of account' basis, 
            i.e. that the value of each portfolio company is considered as a whole, 
            alongside consideration of:- 
           The price of new or follow on investments made, if deemed to be made as 
            part of an orderly transaction, are considered to be at fair value at 
            the date of the transaction. The inputs that derived the investment price 
            are calibrated within individual valuation models and at subsequent quarterly 
            measurement dates are reconsidered for any changes in light of more recent 
            events or changes in the market performance of the investee company. The 
            valuation bases used are the following: 
           - a multiple basis. The enterprise value of the investment may be determined 
            by applying a suitable price-earnings ratio, revenue or gross profit multiple 
            to that company's historic, current or forecast post-tax earnings before 
            interest and amortisation, or revenue, or gross profit (the ratio used 
            being based on a comparable sector but the resulting value being adjusted 
            to reflect points of difference identified by the Investment Adviser compared 
            to the sector including, inter alia, scale and liquidity). 
           - where a company's underperformance against plan indicates a diminution 
            in the value of the investment, provision against the price of a new investment 
            is made, as appropriate. 
           (ii) Premiums, to the extent that they are considered capital in nature, 
            and that they will be received upon repayment of loan stock investments 
            are accrued at fair value when the Company receives the right to the premium 
            and when considered recoverable. 
           (iii) Where a multiple or the price of recent investment less impairment 
            basis is not appropriate and overriding factors apply, a discounted cash 
            flow, net asset valuation, realisation proceeds or a weighted average 
            of these bases may be applied. 
           Capital gains and losses on investments, whether realised or unrealised, 
            are dealt with in the profit and loss and revaluation reserves and movements 
            in the period are shown in the Income Statement. 
           All investments are initially recognised and subsequently measured at 
           fair value. Changes in fair value are recognised in the Income Statement. 
           A key judgement made in applying the above accounting policy relates to 
            investments that are permanently impaired. Where the value of an investment 
            has fallen permanently below the price of recent investment, the loss 
            is treated as a permanent impairment and as a realised loss, even though 
            the investment is still held. The Board assesses the portfolio for such 
            investments and, after agreement with the Investment Adviser, will agree 
            the values that represent the extent to which an investment loss has become 
            realised. This is based upon an assessment of objective evidence of that 
            investment's future prospects, to determine whether there is potential 
            for the investment to recover in value. 
           The methods of fair value measurement are classified into hierarchy based 
            on the reliability of the information used to determine the valuation. 
            - Level 1 - Fair value is measured based on quoted prices in an active 
            - Level 2 - Fair value is measured based on directly observable current 
            market prices or indirectly being derived from market prices. 
            - Level 3 - Fair value is measured using valuation techniques using inputs 
            that are not based on observable market data. 
                             Traded      Unquoted     Unquoted      Unquoted          Total 
                             on AIM        equity   preference         Stock 
                                           shares       shares 
                              Level         Level                      Level 
                                  1             3      Level 3             3 
                                GBP           GBP          GBP           GBP            GBP 
    ----------------   ------------  ------------  -----------  ------------  ------------- 
     Valuation at 31 
      December 2021       9,903,755    45,972,682    1,608,338     8,099,692     65,584,467 
     Purchases at 
      cost                        -       370,903    1,083,253       437,500      1,891,656 
     Sales - proceeds             -   (3,205,562)            -   (1,135,939)    (4,341,501) 
     - realised gains 
      (Note a)                    -       781,454            -             -        781,454 
      on investments 
      in the period 
      (Note a)          (6,211,371)   (4,770,421)       56,645     (122,993)   (11,048,140) 
     Valuation at 30 
      June 2022           3,692,384    39,149,056    2,748,236     7,278,260     52,867,936 
     Book cost at 30 
      June 2022             676,918    20,209,052    2,554,667     9,801,445     33,242,082 
      at 30 June 2022     3,015,466    19,686,222      193,796   (2,458,797)     20,436,687 
      impairment of 
      investments                 -     (746,218)        (227)      (64,388)      (810,833) 
     Valuation at 30 
      June 2022           3,692,384    39,149,056    2,748,236     7,278,260     52,867,936 
     Gains on 
      investments                 -     2,116,459            -             -      2,116,459 
     Less amounts 
      recognised as 
      gains in 
      previous years              -   (1,335,005)            -             -    (1,335,005) 
                       ------------  ------------  -----------  ------------  ------------- 
     Realised gains 
      based on 
      carrying value 
      at 31 December 
      2021                        -       781,454            -             -        781,454 
     Net movement in 
      in the period     (6,211,371)   (4,770,421)       56,645     (122,993)   (11,048,140) 
      on investments 
      for the six 
      months ended 30 
      June 2022         (6,211,371)   (3,988,967)       56,645     (122,993)   (10,266,686) 
    =================  ============  ============  ===========  ============  ============= 
     Note a) Net realised gains on investments of GBP781,454 together with 
      net unrealised losses of GBP11,048,140 equal net investment portfolio 
      losses of GBP10,266,686 as disclosed in the Income Statement. 
     Level 3 unquoted equity and loan investments are valued in accordance 
      with IPEV guidelines as follows: 
                                                          as at                 as at                 as at 
                                                        30 June               30 June           31 December 
                                                           2022                  2021                  2021 
                                                    (unaudited)           (unaudited)             (audited) 
                                                            GBP                   GBP 
                                                 --------------          ------------        -------------- 
     Valuation methodology 
     Multiple of earnings, revenues or 
      gross margin, as appropriate                   47,708,019            45,057,207            55,435,915 
     Recent investment price                          1,088,538             1,622,633               195,200 
     Recent investment price (reviewed 
      for impairment)                                   329,398                48,800                     - 
     Estimated and discounted realisation 
      proceeds                                           49,597                49,597                49,597 
     Net asset value                                          -               309,420                     - 
                                                     49,175,552            47,087,657            55,680,712 
     11. Net asset value per share 
                                    As at                     As at                         As at 
                                  30 June                   30 June                   31 December 
                                     2022                      2021                          2021 
                              (unaudited)               (unaudited)                     (audited) 
         Net assets         GBP86,133,979             GBP87,319,708                 GBP92,787,254 
      Number of shares 
       in issue                90,990,361                83,354,074                    83,389,721 
      Net asset value 
       per share 
       (pence)                     94.66p                   104.76p                       111.27p 
      12. Post balance sheet events 
      On 5 July 2022, the Company made a further investment of GBP0.62 million 
       into Vivacity Labs Limited, an Artificial Intelligence and Urban Traffic 
       Control ("UTC") system . 
       On 23 August 2022, the Company made a further investment of GBP0.33 million 
       into Bleach London Holdings Limited, a hair colourants brand. 
       On 9 September 2022, the Company made a new investment of GBP0.50 million 
       into Focal Point Positioning Limited, a navigation and positioning technology 
       On 12 September 2022, the Company made a new investment of GBP0.44 million 
       into Orri Limited, a specialist private clinic, for those aged 16+, for 
       expert treatment of Anorexia, Bulimia and Binge Eating Disorder. 
      13. The financial information for the six months ended 30 June 2022 does 
       not comprise statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 434 of the 
       Companies Act 2006. The financial statements for the year ended 31 December 
       2021 have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The auditor has 
       reported on the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2021 
       and that report was unqualified and did not contain a statement under 
       section 498(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006. 
      14. This Half-Year Report will shortly be made available on our website: 
       www.mig4vct.co.uk and will be circulated by post to those shareholders 
       who have requested copies of the Report. Further copies are available 
       free of charge from the Company's registered office, 5 New Street Square, 
       London, EC4A 3TW or can be downloaded via the website. 

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

September 15, 2022 13:46 ET (17:46 GMT)

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