RNS Number : 3265H


03 August 2021

NWF Group plc

For Release 3rd August 2021

NWF Group plc ('NWF', 'the Group' or 'the Company')

Award of Options under Company Performance Share Plan

NWF Group plc, the specialist distributor of fuel, food and feed across the UK, announces the following awards have been approved under the terms of the established NWF Company Performance Share Plan (the "Plan").

Richard Whiting, Chief Executive of NWF, will receive an award of a conditional right over a maximum of 142,512 ordinary shares of 25 pence each of the Company ("Shares") at a price of 217 pence per Share, being the mid-market price at the close of business on 2 August 2021. This award is subject to the following performance targets:

1. if the reported headline basic earnings per share for the three financial years ending 31 May 2024

increases by RPI plus 2% per annum then 42,754   Shares will be issued under the Plan; and 

2. the maximum of 142,512 Shares will be issued if the reported headline basic earnings per share increases by RPI plus 8% per annum for the three financial years ending 31 May 2024

Following the award, Richard Whiting will be interested in 616,340 conditional awards over Shares.

Chris Belsham, Group Finance Director of NWF, will receive an award of a conditional right over a maximum of 85,714 ordinary shares of 25 pence each of the Company ("Shares") at a price of 217 pence per Share, being the mid-market price at the close of business on 2 August 2021. This award is subject to the following performance targets:

1. if the reported headline basic earnings per share for the three financial years ending 31 May 2024

increases by RPI plus 2% per annum then 25,714   Shares will be issued under the Plan; and 

2. the maximum of 85,714 Shares will be issued if the reported headline basic earnings per share increases by RPI plus 8% per annum for the three financial years ending 31 May 2024.

Following the award, Chris Belsham will be interested in 370,434 conditional awards over Shares.

Rob Andrew, Group Company Secretary of NWF, will receive an award of a conditional right over a maximum of 64,286 Shares at a price of 217 pence per Share, being the mid-market price at the close of business on 2 August 2021. This award is subject to the following performance targets:

1. if the reported headline basic earnings per share for the three financial years ending 31 May 2024 increases by RPI plus 2% per annum then 19,286 Shares will be issued under the Plan; and

2. the maximum of 64,286 Shares will be issued if the reported headline basic earnings per share increases by RPI plus 8% per annum for the three financial years ending 31 May 2024.

Following the award, Rob Andrew will be interested in 277,919 conditional awards over Shares.

Andrew Downie, Managing Director of NWF Agriculture , will receive an award of a conditional right over a maximum of 61,175 ordinary shares of 25 pence each of the Company ("Shares") at a price of 217 pence per Share, being the mid-market price at the close of business on 2 August 2021. This award is subject to the following performance targets:

1. if the reported headline basic earnings per share for the three financial years ending 31 May 2024

increases by RPI plus 2% per annum then 18,353   Shares will be issued under the Plan; and 

2. the maximum of 61,175 Shares will be issued if the reported headline basic earnings per share increases by RPI plus 8% per annum for the three financial years ending 31 May 2024.

Following the award, Andrew Downie will be interested in 268,831 conditional awards over Shares.

Richard Huxley, Managing Director of NWF Fuels , will receive an award of a conditional right over a maximum of 66,359 ordinary shares of 25 pence each of the Company ("Shares") at a price of 217 pence per Share, being the mid-market price at the close of business on 2 August 2021. This award is subject to the following performance targets:

1. if the reported headline basic earnings per share for the three financial years ending 31 May 2024

increases by RPI plus 2% per annum then 19,908   Shares will be issued under the Plan; and 

2. the maximum of 66,359 Shares will be issued if the reported headline basic earnings per share increases by RPI plus 8% per annum for the three financial years ending 31 May 2024.

Following the award, Richard Huxley will be interested in 286,943 conditional awards over Shares.

The Plan was established for the purpose of incentivising and retaining the Company's eligible executive management. Shares awarded under the Plan are subject to a performance criteria that requires NWF to meet a minimum reported basic earnings per share target over a three year period. The Remuneration Committee has responsibility for determining the award of Shares and the performance targets under the Plan.

 Rob Andrew                Reg Hoare/James Bavister   Mike Bell/Ed Allsopp 
 Group Company Secretary   MHP Communications         Peel Hunt LLP 
 NWF Group plc             Tel: 020 3128 8100         (Nominated Adviser) 
 Tel: 01829 260 260                                   Tel: 020 7418 8900 

The information below (set out in accordance with the requirements of EU Market Abuse Regulation) provides further detail

  1.    De t a il s of t he p e r son di s cha rgi ng mana g e r i 
         al r esp o ns i b iliti es / pe r son c lo se ly as s oc i 
         a t ed 
 a.     Na m e                                      Richard Whiting 
 2.     Reaso n f or t he no tifi ca tion 
 a.     Po siti on /st                              Chief Executive 
         a t us 
 b.     I n i t ia l no                             I n i t ia l 
         tific a ti on 
         / A m end m en 
       ------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 3.     De t a il s of t he i ss u e r, emi ss i on a ll o w ance 
         m a r ket p a rti c i pan t, auc ti on p l a tf o rm, auc tion 
         eer or a u c tion mo n it or 
  a.    Na m e                                      N W F G r oup p lc 
  b.    LE I                                        21 3 8 0 0AR R ZN N 1 W VZ9M70 
       ------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 4.     De t a il s of t he tr an s ac ti on ( s ): sec ti on to be 
         r ep e a t ed f or (i) each t y pe of i ns trume n t; (ii) 
         each t y pe of tr an s ac ti on; (ii i) each da t e; and (iv) 
         each p lace w h e re tr an sa c tio ns h a ve b een c on d 
         uc t ed 
 a.     De scri p ti o 
         n of t he F i 
         nan c ial i n                                O r d i na r y s ha r es of 25p in the C o m 
         s t r u m en t,                              pa ny 
         t y pe of i n 
         str u m ent 
         I den t ific a 
         ti o n c ode                                 GB00 065 23 608 
 b.     Na t u r e of 
         t he tr an s a 
         ction                                        Award of options under the Company's Share Option 
       ------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 c.     P ric e ( s )                                P ric e ( s                   Vo l u m e 
         and v ol u m e                               )                             ( s ) 
                                                     0 p                           142,512 
  ------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------  ------------------------ 
 d.           Agg re ga t ed 
               i n f o r m a 
               t i on 
                *    Agg re ga t ed v o lu m e 
               -- P ric e 
       -------------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------------------- 
 e.     Da t e of t he                              3 August 2021 
         tr an s a ction 
       ------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 f.     P l a c e of t 
         he tr an s a ction                           Outside a trading venue 
       ------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------- 
  1.    De t a il s of t he p e r son di s cha rgi ng mana g e r i 
         al r esp o ns i b iliti es / pe r son c lo se ly as s oc i 
         a t ed 
 a.     Na m e                                      Christopher Belsham 
 2.     Reaso n f or t he no tifi ca tion 
 a.     Po siti on /st                              Group Finance Director 
         a t us 
 b.     I n i t ia l no                             I n i t ia l 
         tific a ti on 
         / A m end m en 
       ------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 3.     De t a il s of t he i ss u e r, emi ss i on a ll o w ance 
         m a r ket p a rti c i pan t, auc ti on p l a tf o rm, auc tion 
         eer or a u c tion mo n it or 
  a.    Na m e                                      N W F G r oup p lc 
  b.    LE I                                        21 3 8 0 0AR R ZN N 1 W VZ9M70 
       ------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 4.     De t a il s of t he tr an s ac ti on ( s ): sec ti on to be 
         r ep e a t ed f or (i) each t y pe of i ns trume n t; (ii) 
         each t y pe of tr an s ac ti on; (ii i) each da t e; and (iv) 
         each p lace w h e re tr an sa c tio ns h a ve b een c on d 
         uc t ed 
 a.     De scri p ti o 
         n of t he F i 
         nan c ial i n                                O r d i na r y s ha r es of 25p in the C o m 
         s t r u m en t,                              pa ny 
         t y pe of i n 
         str u m ent 
         I den t ific a 
         ti o n c ode                                 GB00 065 23 608 
 b.     Na t u r e of 
         t he tr an s a 
         ction                                        Award of options under the Company's Share Option 
       ------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 c.     P ric e ( s )                                P ric e ( s                   Vo l u m e 
         and v ol u m e                               )                             ( s ) 
                                                     0 p                           85,714 
  ------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------  ------------------------ 
 d.           Agg re ga t ed 
               i n f o r m a 
               t i on 
                *    Agg re ga t ed v o lu m e 
               -- P ric e 
       -------------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------------------- 
 e.     Da t e of t he                              3 August 2021 
         tr an s a ction 
       ------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 f.     P l a c e of t 
         he tr an s a ction                           Outside a trading venue 
       ------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------- 

The information below (set out in accordance with the requirements of EU Market Abuse Regulation) provides further detail:

  1.    De t a il s of t he p e r son di s cha rgi ng mana g e r i 
         al r esp o ns i b iliti es / pe r son c lo se ly as s oc i 
         a t ed 
 a.     Na m e                                      Rob Andrew 
 2.     Reaso n f or t he no tifi ca tion 
 a.     Po siti on /st                              Company Secretary 
         a t us 
 b.     I n i t ia l no                             I n i t ia l 
         tific a ti on 
         / A m end m en 
       ------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 3.     De t a il s of t he i ss u e r, emi ss i on a ll o w ance 
         m a r ket p a rti c i pan t, auc ti on p l a tf o rm, auc tion 
         eer or a u c tion mo n it or 
  a.    Na m e                                      N W F G r oup p lc 
  b.    LE I                                        21 3 8 0 0AR R ZN N 1 W VZ9M70 
       ------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 4.     De t a il s of t he tr an s ac ti on ( s ): sec ti on to be 
         r ep e a t ed f or (i) each t y pe of i ns trume n t; (ii) 
         each t y pe of tr an s ac ti on; (ii i) each da t e; and (iv) 
         each p lace w h e re tr an sa c tio ns h a ve b een c on d 
         uc t ed 
 a.     De scri p ti o 
         n of t he F i 
         nan c ial i n                                O r d i na r y s ha r es of 25p in the C o m 
         s t r u m en t,                              pa ny 
         t y pe of i n 
         str u m ent 
         I den t ific a 
         ti o n c ode                                 GB00 065 23 608 
 b.     Na t u r e of 
         t he tr an s a 
         ction                                        Award of options under the Company's Share Option 
       ------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 c.     P ric e ( s )                                P ric e ( s                   Vo l u m e 
         and v ol u m e                               )                             ( s ) 
                                                     0 p                           64,286 
  ------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------  ------------------------ 
 d.           Agg re ga t ed 
               i n f o r m a 
               t i on 
                *    Agg re ga t ed v o lu m e 
               -- P ric e 
       -------------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------------------- 
 e.     Da t e of t he                              3 August 2021 
         tr an s a ction 
       ------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 f.     P l a c e of t 
         he tr an s a ction                           Outside a trading venue 
       ------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------- 
  1.    De t a il s of t he p e r son di s cha rgi ng mana g e r i 
         al r esp o ns i b iliti es / pe r son c lo se ly as s oc i 
         a t ed 
 a.     Na m e                                      Andrew Downie 
 2.     Reaso n f or t he no tifi ca tion 
 a.     Po siti on /st                              Managing Director Feeds 
         a t us 
 b.     I n i t ia l no                             I n i t ia l 
         tific a ti on 
         / A m end m en 
       ------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 3.     De t a il s of t he i ss u e r, emi ss i on a ll o w ance 
         m a r ket p a rti c i pan t, auc ti on p l a tf o rm, auc tion 
         eer or a u c tion mo n it or 
  a.    Na m e                                      N W F G r oup p lc 
  b.    LE I                                        21 3 8 0 0AR R ZN N 1 W VZ9M70 
       ------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 4.     De t a il s of t he tr an s ac ti on ( s ): sec ti on to be 
         r ep e a t ed f or (i) each t y pe of i ns trume n t; (ii) 
         each t y pe of tr an s ac ti on; (ii i) each da t e; and (iv) 
         each p lace w h e re tr an sa c tio ns h a ve b een c on d 
         uc t ed 
 a.     De scri p ti o 
         n of t he F i 
         nan c ial i n                                O r d i na r y s ha r es of 25p in the C o m 
         s t r u m en t,                              pa ny 
         t y pe of i n 
         str u m ent 
         I den t ific a 
         ti o n c ode                                 GB00 065 23 608 
 b.     Na t u r e of 
         t he tr an s a 
         ction                                        Award of options under the Company's Share Option 
       ------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 c.     P ric e ( s )                                P ric e ( s                   Vo l u m e 
         and v ol u m e                               )                             ( s ) 
                                                     0 p                           61,175 
  ------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------  ------------------------ 
 d.           Agg re ga t ed 
               i n f o r m a 
               t i on 
                *    Agg re ga t ed v o lu m e 
               -- P ric e 
       -------------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------------------- 
 e.     Da t e of t he                              3 August 2021 
         tr an s a ction 
       ------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 f.     P l a c e of t 
         he tr an s a ction                           Outside a trading venue 
       ------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------- 

The information below (set out in accordance with the requirements of EU Market Abuse Regulation) provides further detail:

  1.    De t a il s of t he p e r son di s cha rgi ng mana g e r i 
         al r esp o ns i b iliti es / pe r son c lo se ly as s oc i 
         a t ed 
 a.     Na m e                                      Richard Huxley 
 2.     Reaso n f or t he no tifi ca tion 
 a.     Po siti on /st                              Managing Director Fuels 
         a t us 
 b.     I n i t ia l no                             I n i t ia l 
         tific a ti on 
         / A m end m en 
       ------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 3.     De t a il s of t he i ss u e r, emi ss i on a ll o w ance 
         m a r ket p a rti c i pan t, auc ti on p l a tf o rm, auc tion 
         eer or a u c tion mo n it or 
  a.    Na m e                                      N W F G r oup p lc 
  b.    LE I                                        21 3 8 0 0AR R ZN N 1 W VZ9M70 
       ------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 4.     De t a il s of t he tr an s ac ti on ( s ): sec ti on to be 
         r ep e a t ed f or (i) each t y pe of i ns trume n t; (ii) 
         each t y pe of tr an s ac ti on; (ii i) each da t e; and (iv) 
         each p lace w h e re tr an sa c tio ns h a ve b een c on d 
         uc t ed 
 a.     De scri p ti o 
         n of t he F i 
         nan c ial i n                                O r d i na r y s ha r es of 25p in the C o m 
         s t r u m en t,                              pa ny 
         t y pe of i n 
         str u m ent 
         I den t ific a 
         ti o n c ode                                 GB00 065 23 608 
 b.     Na t u r e of 
         t he tr an s a 
         ction                                        Award of options under the Company's Share Option 
       ------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 c.     P ric e ( s )                                P ric e ( s                   Vo l u m e 
         and v ol u m e                               )                             ( s ) 
                                                     0 p                           66,359 
  ------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------  ------------------------ 
 d.           Agg re ga t ed 
               i n f o r m a 
               t i on 
                *    Agg re ga t ed v o lu m e 
               -- P ric e 
       -------------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------------------- 
 e.     Da t e of t he                              3 August 2021 
         tr an s a ction 
       ------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 f.     P l a c e of t 
         he tr an s a ction                           Outside a trading venue 
       ------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------- 

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

August 03, 2021 02:01 ET (06:01 GMT)

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Historical Stock Chart
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